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Easiest (and most effective) diet EVER - no joke.


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I am off to England for Christmas and New Years..what killed me last year was the to die for breads, cheeses, tea, "clotted cream". I know about the no bread/wheat/gluten thing, but what about the cheese and clotted cream? Clotted cream is sort of a whipped fluffy cream..not like cream cheese..used on the glorious scones, breads, etc. Last year I overdosed on the cheese and the Air Force even shipped some of it home for me (I was on a base). What about Pomengranites? They make a lovely pomegranite juice there I love.


Happy Holidays to all..I've been scarce on the boards because of working and doing some spinal cord research. Menina

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I am off to England for Christmas and New Years..what killed me last year was the to die for breads, cheeses, tea, "clotted cream". I know about the no bread/wheat/gluten thing, but what about the cheese and clotted cream? Clotted cream is sort of a whipped fluffy cream..not like cream cheese..used on the glorious scones, breads, etc. Last year I overdosed on the cheese and the Air Force even shipped some of it home for me (I was on a base). What about Pomengranites? They make a lovely pomegranite juice there I love.


Happy Holidays to all..I've been scarce on the boards because of working and doing some spinal cord research. Menina

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So sorry babe!!!!! Kalamari I'm HERE!


Of course, you're there now. It's not so much the clotted cream that will be your downfall, but the scones you smother.


I love the food in the UK! It's the water. Everything tastes better there! (they also don't pump all their livestock with antibiotics and hormones.)


As for pomegranates, they're fine. I love them mixed with red pepper humus and tostitos. mmmmmmmmm.


bigwuhead - as for sugar and it's other names:

Corn syrup



High-fructose corn syrup (übersugar)

Brown sugar

Corn sweetener


Fruit juice concentrates



Invert sugar



Malt syrup


Raw sugar




Good Luck! And Happy New Year everyone!!!!


:D :D :D

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Oh Bardgal, I'm trying to behave. Only 1 scone in the three days I've been here, only 1 piece of bread, and 5 "chips". I am trying to compensate by drinking a ton of water, had some lovely 100% pomengranite juice today.


The WALKING. We tubed it into London yesterday, was basically walking from 10:30 am until 11pm...Shopping on Oxford Street, Boots 50% off sale, and the day after sale at Harrod's..I think we must have walked 5 miles between the tube stairs, all the shopping, catching buses, etc. Stayed over night in the flat of a friend, her flat was built in 1739 and King Edward used to stay there. She served us lovely dates wrapped in bacon as an appetizer, pates, hommos, oh my..and the fresh raspberries are the size of hand grenades!


I'll be in touch..so many lovely fresh fruits, veggies, but why does the BREAD have to be the best in the world!


So sorry babe!!!!! Kalamari I'm HERE!


Of course, you're there now. It's not so much the clotted cream that will be your downfall, but the scones you smother.


I love the food in the UK! It's the water. Everything tastes better there! (they also don't pump all their livestock with antibiotics and hormones.)


As for pomegranates, they're fine. I love them mixed with red pepper humus and tostitos. mmmmmmmmm.


bigwuhead - as for sugar and it's other names:

Corn syrup



High-fructose corn syrup (übersugar)

Brown sugar

Corn sweetener


Fruit juice concentrates



Invert sugar



Malt syrup


Raw sugar




Good Luck! And Happy New Year everyone!!!!


:D :D :D

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Haven't read all of this - only first few interesting pages and last couple. Curious: Just what do you put on that special pasta? Wouldln't any kind of sauce usually have sugar in it?


I always use whole wheat pasta. Yours is apparently different from that?




Happy New Year!

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  • 3 weeks later...


Haven't read all of this - only first few interesting pages and last couple. Curious: Just what do you put on that special pasta? Wouldln't any kind of sauce usually have sugar in it?


I always use whole wheat pasta. Yours is apparently different from that?




Happy New Year!


I thought I explained on the first few pages that I use brown rice pasta which has no wheat/egg and no gluten. (Traders Joe's has this.)


Classico has several pasta sauces which do not include sugar, you just have to read the labels and find them.


I also sauté zucchini and yellow squash, then toss that into the pasta with olive oil and Pappy's seasoning (like Lawry's season salt except without the sugar) and parmesan. mmmmmm


You can also make your own sauce.... and not add sugar. Use your imagination. The sky's the limit, just don't add sugar!

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Well, it was easy for me to survive the food in London afterall. I caught the flu 4 days into the trip and was sick the rest of the time so I lost a lot of weight instead! I've been home for over a week and still not up to par nor eating as well as I do!


I did notice in England that al ot of menu items in the pubs, etc. said "gluten free or wheat free". One has to be careful!


About the pasta sauce..make your own from scratch. I have found to really be succesful on this you need to make your own food from scratch and forget convenience. We are all busy, but the key to any "diet" is planning anyway so the reality is you may have to suck it up and cook from scratch at times..if it means staying healthy and thin.




I thought I explained on the first few pages that I use brown rice pasta which has no wheat/egg and no gluten. (Traders Joe's has this.)


Classico has several pasta sauces which do not include sugar, you just have to read the labels and find them.


I also sauté zucchini and yellow squash, then toss that into the pasta with olive oil and Pappy's seasoning (like Lawry's season salt except without the sugar) and parmesan. mmmmmm


You can also make your own sauce.... and not add sugar. Use your imagination. The sky's the limit, just don't add sugar!

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Well, it was easy for me to survive the food in London afterall. I caught the flu 4 days into the trip and was sick the rest of the time so I lost a lot of weight instead! I've been home for over a week and still not up to par nor eating as well as I do!


I'm so sorry you got sick! How horrid!


The reason everything tastes better in the UK is largely because everything isn't loaded with chemicals & they don't shoot their livestock up with antibiotics like we do. Their water also tastes better which has an effect on everything from bread to chocolate.

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Last night we came up with a new pasta dish:


Brown rice pasta with: chopped baby sweet peppers (yellow and red ones) sauteed in olive oil with fresh garlic, and chopped mushrooms also sauteed in olive oil & garlic. All tossed with grilled chopped chicken breast.



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Yes, it was horrid..at least I got all my shopping done BEFORE I got sick.


I was so sick I even passed on clotted cream laced with grand marnier on scones..all my favorite cheeses and breads..so I guess that was good. I had a steady diet of tea and pediolite!



I'm so sorry you got sick! How horrid!


The reason everything tastes better in the UK is largely because everything isn't loaded with chemicals & they don't shoot their livestock up with antibiotics like we do. Their water also tastes better which has an effect on everything from bread to chocolate.

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Hell, I'm motivated just READING this really long thread! Sign me up!


About a week ago I had some blood tested as part of an allergy study I was doing. I asked the nurse to explain the numbers to me and she made it a point to show me my glucose level and told me it was close to the pre-diabetes level.


My dad was recently diagnosed with Type II diabetes and his mom had it, so I'm thinking I might just be in line for it. NOT GOING TO LET THAT HAPPEN!


I was already making moves toward losing some lbs as part of my fight... we bought an exercise bike and my hubby built a little gym in the garage. But now I think I've found a nutrition aspect of my fight -- cutting out sugar and wheat! I think my biggest concern now is how to make meals that please my DH and still fit within my life choices.


The other night I grilled us a NY Strip and made a big salad. We split the steak and filled up on veggies. No bread, no potato and we were still quite pleased with our meal!


Bardgirl - I would love to get your recipe for homemade dressing. I've been using the fat free vinegarette kind and didn't realize how much sugar there was in it!!! Thanks for opening my eyes to that little nasty tidbit!


I'm actually excited about giving this a try. I'm not making any promises about what will happen when my cruise rolls around at the end of February, but I'm thinking by then it will all be second nature and I won't even think about it.


Thanks for the motivation!!!

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Hi all. I want to thank Bardgal for starting this thread way back. I have spent the past two days on and off reading every post. Subscribing!!!


Congrats to all who are taking the time for making healthy lifestyle changes. You are all a motivation! :D


I am looking forward to reading more.

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Well, I'm posting even though no one has been on in a while. Tomorrow is my official weigh in after starting this plan and I know I will be happy in the morning. I cheated this a.m. and weighed and am down 4 lbs. So I know it is working for me.


Had a tempting night last night due to not eating on schedule, so now know my body needs to eat on schedule so as to not be tempted. Am happy I overcame the temptation of those homemade oatmeal cookies.


I admit I feel better going off sugar and wheat. I don't feel dragged down in the afternoons anymore. I also am having fun experimenting with new foods like brown rice pasta and more flavorful foods. I pulled out my vegetarian cookbooks and found a few new recipes to try.


Another tool that has been a life saver is sparkpeople . com. The nutrition tracker is fabulous and shows me that I am staying on track.


Here is hoping others are doing well too!

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Welcome TexasAnn & 4peaches!


You've come to the right place!


ok - Recipe for homemade dijon vinaigrette dressing:

(I don't measure so these amounts are a guess - season to taste all along the way.)


1/4 cup dijon (I use the brown semi-seedy stone-ground stuff, but any dijon will work - even REAL FRENCH dijon you get at Trader Joe's - you know, the HOT kind...)

1/8 cup balsamic vinegar

1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

1 tablespoon water

1 heaping tsp chopped garlic

1 tsp Italian seasonings

1/4 tsp Pappy's seasoning (the stuff from Costco that's like Lawry's Season Salt minus the SUGAR!)

1/4 tsp onion powder


that's it. If you want it thicker, use more dijon & seasonings.... but TASTE it - then add stuff until you like it. Remember: it will lose some of it's OOMPH when it's on the salad, so perhaps taste it by dipping some lettuce into it.





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Went off the wagon last night - ate out at Carrabas and had 1/2 slice of wheat bread and some of my husband's tiramisu. I know, bad, bad, bad. And I regret it after what happened. Learned my lesson. About 2 a.m. - I slept on the bathroom floor the rest of the night. Man, bad upset stomach. My husband thinks it was the fish I ate, but I think it was adding wheat and sugar back into my gut after going cold turkey for a week. Any ideas?

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Does it REALLY matter if it was the wheat, sugar or the fish? NO. Because you went off the wagon. You best get back on! I bet you'll never do that again and in retropsect I bet the meal wasn't as great as you'd thought it was going to be!


Ok..today I made homemade hummus..2 cans drained chickpeas, cumin, sea salt, 2/3 cup lemon juice, an entire head of peeled garlic, 1/2 cup tahini paste in the foodprocesser until smooth. YUM. Eat it with raw veggies.


I also made a salad for a party tonite. Sliced tomatoes, sliced cucumbers, sliced red onions, 3 finely minced garlc cloves. Toss that with 1 cup red wine vinegar (check for the sugar content, if any) and 2 cups fresh torn basil leaves.


Went off the wagon last night - ate out at Carrabas and had 1/2 slice of wheat bread and some of my husband's tiramisu. I know, bad, bad, bad. And I regret it after what happened. Learned my lesson. About 2 a.m. - I slept on the bathroom floor the rest of the night. Man, bad upset stomach. My husband thinks it was the fish I ate, but I think it was adding wheat and sugar back into my gut after going cold turkey for a week. Any ideas?
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Hi! This topic is really getting me motivated! We're leaving for a Mexican Riviera cruise at the end of March and I would love to lose, at least, 5 pounds by then.....more if possible. But I have a question. I know that the diet says no juice because of the sugar, but fruit is fine since it has natural sugar. How about Tropicana orange juice or grapefruit juice? Tropicana has these juices that are 100% juice, not concentrate, and no other ingredients. Are these juices ok?


Also, how about items containing rice flour? Are these ok?



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well, I am now down 23 pounds since November 1st... I have cut most obvious carbs, like bread, pasta etc.. but I started on Herbal Life.. I drink the best shakes twice a day, I have two snacks, and one regular meal (without the carbs).. I feel SO good..I have so much energy now.. and I am never hungry.. sure I get the "emotional munchies" now and then, but a high protein (healthy) diet is the answer for me.. I struggled for the last couple of years to just get 5 pounds off.. and this was SO easy.. Finally!!! :)

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Hi! This topic is really getting me motivated! We're leaving for a Mexican Riviera cruise at the end of March and I would love to lose, at least, 5 pounds by then.....more if possible. But I have a question. I know that the diet says no juice because of the sugar, but fruit is fine since it has natural sugar. How about Tropicana orange juice or grapefruit juice? Tropicana has these juices that are 100% juice, not concentrate, and no other ingredients. Are these juices ok?


Also, how about items containing rice flour? Are these ok?




Rice flour is AWESOME. Go for it, as long as it's the only kind of flour. It's why I eat brown rice pasta - it's made from rice flour.


As for fruit sugar: Try to steer clear while you're trying to lose. It will only slow you down. Even though these are natural sugars, it's still sugar. Think like a diabetic: The body doesn't care really if it's natural or non, it's still processed in your body like a sugar. Perhaps not as fast or as strong, but it's still something a diabetic can't eat unless their blood sugar is low. Think about it: sugar cane is a "natural" sugar. Juice is liquid sugar, especially citrus, and pineapple. As a treat, it's fine, but rarely, and not until you reach your target weight. Also watch fruits with high sugar. Google "fruit sugar content" and you'll see charts of which fruits have the most, and which ones are low. As a rule, tropical fruits are high: banana, pineapple, papaya, etc... while berries are lower.


Learn to love veggies. They have the lowest sugar content.

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;) thanks so much for the insight about the gluten. for years my friends and i have suspected that as a culprit, but after all this info i can see that our suspicions were right: that gluten bloats the heck outta ya and blimps us once hot,unsuspecting victims out of our tiny clothes! the fact that i overeat doesn't help matters either!! so thanks for opening my eyes,,i can't wait to go to trader joe's and pick up some goodies for a slimmer me!!

I have a couple questions..

Q: are brown rice/ regular rice cakes o.k. to eat?

Q:what is wrong w/ eating egg yolks? they are packed w/nutrients!!

I have about 8-10 lbs. to lose, wish me luck!!!:)

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