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Easiest (and most effective) diet EVER - no joke.


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I am off the wagon..had a broken elbow and leg injury following a freak accident and normally work out 2 hours per day...I am finally slowly working out again (though not up to capacity!) and I've gained 8 lbs. in 2 months. I've been doing a juice type fast to jump start and plan on starting this again at the end of the week. Not healthy to jump start but needed the mental motivation.


By the way, am looking for a yogurt maker..can't find one anywhere..NOT a frozen yogurt maker..Someone gave me a bread machine and I made a wheat free, gluten free bread in it..didn't taste like cardboard at all! Was very nutty in the taste, thick moist consistency. I was very happy with it!


I just found this thread today and have read every post in all the pages...Great Information!!! I really have to give kudos to Bardgal for being so committed to this thread by standing by and "being there" for everyone!!! Gee I hope your sticking around for awhile......Im starting tomorrow!!!


I know sugar is evil and I do work out but...(there is always a but??) lately Ive fallen off the wagon and I cant get up. Ive not worked out in way over a month, ballroom dance classes have stopped for the summer and my daugher got married last weekend to boot and Ive been in wedding planning mode for what seems like forever!!!!....So yesterday I decided that Monday was the day that I got back on track and today I glutened and sugared myself to death...thats right for some strange reason I felt I needed a last hurrah and shoved it all in my mouth...french toast for breakfast ( ive not had it in years...why today?) I did have a homemade salad with grilled chicken breast for lunch but followed that by a Simply delish chocolate bar (chocolate, almonds, caramel) and polish food for dinner, as I sat reading the threads I ate half a large bag of Salsa Sun Chips...AHHHHHHHHHHH! shoot me now!!!


No worried, I know how to binge and I also know how to buckle down so tomorrow, its get up and start, and I will check in daily, I want to be accountable to someone, Bardgal you up for it?

Kalamari? (which by the way is my ultimate favorite) waddya think???


By the way, Bardgal, what is goddessmonth, sounds like a great thing to me....Im in!!!!!


Heres to egg whites...Cheers!!!

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Im sorry that you hurt yourself so badly...I know what its like to be successfull with weight loss and then have it pack right back on through no fault of your own...Sounds like your back on track and moving forward to healthy eating again.


Today was a good eating day....four egg whites for breakie..hunk of cheese for snack....chicken salad with no dressing for lunch, crab meat for afternoon snack and for dinner Yuuummmmoooo!!! herbed salmon steak on the bbq with sauted spinach, zucchini, squash and herbs and some brown rice...and that will be it for today!


One day at a time right!!!!


To get what you have never had....you have to do what you have never done.


Get up and move Kalamari ( again, my ultimate favorite food)....even if its just a little, think good thoughts and stay positive, its just a set back.


Most of all smile:)

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Thank you so much for this site....its wonderful... I was reading over the topics, and found "Loose before you Cruise"... i clicked onto it last night, sun night, 7-17-08.... and today i started your diet!!! i did really good today.. i just hope to continue.. im good for a couple of weeks,, then the FOOD WANT comes back.... i was reading about OA too that someone posted... im gonna do my BEST here.. and hope ya'll will be here for me to talk to....


these posts have gotten me soooooooooo motivated.. i need to loose about 60 lbs before Jan 11, 08. we will be sailing the southern caribbean, 9 days, on NCL Pearl...


I love reading everyones posts, if i need you, im gonna post!! is that ok??


Thank you sooo much, i will check in tomorrow.. tell me if i get to be a pest, OK??


Diane from FL

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I stopped the cleanse and am and back on the horse 2 days now eating this way which we know works. Last night I made Jamaican rice n' peas, came out real good so that's dinner/lunch for the next 3 days. I found another recipe for "cou cou" which is kind of like a cornmeal "mashed potato" but no potatos, cornmeal, garlic, and some other yummies so will post that after I make it this weekend. I am finding the best recipes in my Carribean and Indian cookbooks...Menina


Im sorry that you hurt yourself so badly...I know what its like to be successfull with weight loss and then have it pack right back on through no fault of your own...Sounds like your back on track and moving forward to healthy eating again.


Today was a good eating day....four egg whites for breakie..hunk of cheese for snack....chicken salad with no dressing for lunch, crab meat for afternoon snack and for dinner Yuuummmmoooo!!! herbed salmon steak on the bbq with sauted spinach, zucchini, squash and herbs and some brown rice...and that will be it for today!


One day at a time right!!!!


To get what you have never had....you have to do what you have never done.


Get up and move Kalamari ( again, my ultimate favorite food)....even if its just a little, think good thoughts and stay positive, its just a set back.


Most of all smile:)

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Im doing Ok....(thanks for asking hahahaha!) there are fleeting moments when I get the urge to reach for somthing sugary, Im a big pastery/cake fan so it dosnt help that most of the left over yummies from my daughers wedding are here. Ive put them in the freezer but I know that wont stop me any...Im known to eat frozen anything if im that desparate!!! but when those moments hit I just remind myself of what Im doing and that not only will it help me get the pounds off its also good for me, I have some bowl problems so I know this will help and already Ive seen an improvement. Ive lost a pound already. today I went for a good 30 mn power walk with one of my dogs...I have four and I feel great!


Last night I tried catfish, It was ok, I prefer salmon though and other seafood, I have found the key to the brown rice...Uncle Bens has an already made brown rice that you just Microwave in a bag...no fuss no muss and you can use what you need and save the rest for lunch or something!!! I also found a salsa with no sugar and I had it along with my egg whites for breakie today....so off tomake a salad for lunch!!!




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I am so inspired by this thread! I am cruising in 54 days and would love to lose the 15 pounds I have gained in the last year (menopause is NOT fun!!). I will keep reading here to see how we are all doing. Can't wait to try the NO sugar, NO flour way of life. Thanks to all!!




Future cruises:

Inspiration, Dec 2007

Legend, Sept 2007


Inspiration, 9/05, 2/06, 2/07

Sensation 4/06

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Welome to all the new people! Glad you found us.


I must apologize, but I was called away to the UK on a family emergency and have just returned.


First of all: I wish people would actually READ this thread and stop saying it's Atkins. :rolleyes: IT'S NOTHING REMOTELY LIKE ATKINS! I know. I DID Atkins. I got stupid on Atkins, literally. My brain was shutting down and my cholesterol shot sky-high. With this simple way of eating, my brain works because I AM eating carbs, I have a ton of energy, and my cholesterol is DOWN. I chow on TONS of carbs. Corn tortillas, TOSTITOS ARE MY FRIEND! Rice, white rice, brown rice, pilau rice, biryani rice, BROWN RICE PASTA, lots of veggies, and just a little protien. My diet is MOSTLY CARBS. Please stop with the "its Atkins"!


So, how is everyone doing? How much have all you newbies lost so far?



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I was sooooo inspired last night, I went to Trader Joe's today and got some brown rice pasta (yummy, had some for dinner), brown rice bread, veggie chips, corn tortillas, sugar free salad dressing and some fresh veggies. I have not had any sugar or flour all day!!! And, I didn't miss it and had plenty to eat. Looking forward to my steel cut oatmeal with blueberries for breakfast tomorrow, salad with sliced chicken for lunch and salmon and fresh veggies for dinner. I will keep you posted on my progress and please, keep all recipe suggestions coming. Tonight for dinner, I made brown rice "spaghetti" noodles mixed with a little pesto, fresh chopped tomato and fresh grated parm/romano cheese, yummy!! Had this as a side dish with my baked chicken and sauteed summer squash. Also drinking plenty of water and green tea. Love this way of eating, you feel good about what you are eating. Thanks again to all. Keep me posted on your progress and recipes ideas!



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Hey Bardgal!!!


You are the reason Im here.. I love this thread!!!


Im doing the no bread, no sugar thing. Im sooo afraid to add any starchy carbs to my WOE....my first week i lost 3 lbs... this is my second week, and so far im down another full lb...I have never ever had energy. since MENO started, my energy has been null and void!!! my dr put me on synthroid, to boost metabolizm, it has done nothing at all... i really dont want to take it. Im finding i dont want the breads and sugars at all, which im very proud of, since im a carbo-holic!!!! im not a rice eater, or pasta eater. but it sounds as though i need to add the whole wheat pasta and brown rice to my diet.


i certainly dont want to fall flat of my face while working....


remember that cabbage soup diet??? now THAT made me fall flat of my face!! my body went bonkers... i shook, my brain couldnt think, i was in some kind of shock..my boss called DH to come get me and get me home.... as i laid in the rear seat, i was crashing, i remember saying.. 'i want a hamburger...i need food'.... well he got me one, and from that day on, i have been fine....Its amazing what foods we need for our bodies to keep a clear mind and physical being.


I see you eat corn products, not flour. is that correct?? i was eating the soft corn tortillas in a sandwich for lunch. but when i read the label, all i thought was OH NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! i cant have this!!!


talk to me.. what do i do?? Im so afraid to add the pasta and rice!


thank you soooooo much!!!


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I thought we had lost our leader????


Ive been eating this way for a week now and Im only down 2lbs....but I know all our bodies are different and It may take mine a bit of time, One thing I know is that my bowels have been pretty much normal since eating this way and even if I dont loose another single pound, the bowel thing alone is worth it!!!


So I trudge on...Ive found soft corn wheat torillas although they are tiny and I really dont like the texture but Ill Indure and get used to it.....Ive disovered refriend beans, high in protene and yummmooolishous spread on a rice cracker with salsa (no sugar added of course)!! Thats been lunch the last few days. I have had luck finding products with no sugar but the odd thing may have 1gram and that will have to do until I find one without any.



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Hi everyone!!!


just a quick note here for everyone..... stay GOOD this wknd, dont loose focus!!! Keep up the good work!!!


my weigh in is monday, so IM gonna be good!!! :D


have a great wknd in what-ever you may do. :D



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I'm down 3 lbs already and I feel great! Even went out to dinner tonight and did fine. Small steak, small potato and salad with diet Coke, yummy. Came home and had a banana for dessert. Chicken salad with lowfat mayo for lunch, steel cut oatmeal with blueberries for breakfast (my favorite). Snacks are soy crackers or a heated corn tortilla with salsa. Lots of fruit and veggies over the last few days. I haven't been hungry and I really haven't missed anything. Can we have peanut butter? I found one that is all natural and doesn't have any sugar. I was so surprised when I read the labels how much sugar there is in peanut butter. Keep up the good work and keep posting your successes!

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Be careful everyone - I see people posting things about whole wheat pasta - and corn wheat tortillas..... did you mean corn FLOUR tortillas? Those are fine, or brown rice pasta, also fine. But NO WHEAT/NO GLUTEN. Even be careful with oatmeal - Oats/rye/barley, wheat.... all have gluten.


Peanut butter is fine - IN MODERATION. Just because sour cream doesn't have sugar and gluten in it doesn't mean you aren't going to become a fat cow if you sit on your ass in front of the TV and consume a pint of sour cream and a bag of tortilla chips every night.


You must do some form of excersize and BE SMART!!! Don't eat stupid.

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YOU are TOOOO funny Bardgal... you DO get the message across.. LOVE IT!!!


Hubby and i went to Chilis last night.. i had the chicken something, where all the chicken and onions and peppers are served on this sizzling platter?? well.. i ordered it with no tortillas, and an extra side of veggies.. it was GREAT. and know what else? i brought half of it home with me... thats lunch today!!!


i do have to confess tho.. i wasnt really THAT bad i dont think. but i did have some tortillas with hubby with salsa... i thikn those are corn tortillas tho.. arent they?? if not.. i blew it!! :(


Bardgal.. keep us in line girl !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):) you're great!

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I lost mine before meno...Now trying to get in shape; increase stamina, flexibility and muscle tone, therefore, I was worried about running out of "gas". I tried something** and my weight loss has been slow, about 1/2 pound per week, but noticed my energy is better. Further, I am more focused and seem to get more things accomplished at home and work. I probably should not mention the product as it can be interpreted as an endorsement, but if you email me at marnejameson at yahoo, I will let you know what the product is. I only do this because I thought there was something wrong with me and needed to see a doc.


Good luck to everyone. I still get cravings like mad! I use three methods to deal with the diet and my cravings:

1. I hung my favorite 'formal night' dress in the kitchen. Whenever I feel the need to eat I see the dress and realize that overeating is what kept me from wearing that dress lately.

2. Tell myself I will get to eat lotsa good food when I am on my next cruise.

3. I repeat to myself, nothing taste as good as a thinner me will feel on the Promenade deck at sundown.


Marne The Cruisin' Fool

Hey Bardgal!!!


You are the reason Im here.. I love this thread!!!


Im doing the no bread, no sugar thing. Im sooo afraid to add any starchy carbs to my WOE....my first week i lost 3 lbs... this is my second week, and so far im down another full lb...I have never ever had energy. since MENO started, my energy has been null and void!!! my dr put me on synthroid, to boost metabolizm, it has done nothing at all... i really dont want to take it. Im finding i dont want the breads and sugars at all, which im very proud of, since im a carbo-holic!!!! im not a rice eater, or pasta eater. but it sounds as though i need to add the whole wheat pasta and brown rice to my diet.


i certainly dont want to fall flat of my face while working....


remember that cabbage soup diet??? now THAT made me fall flat of my face!! my body went bonkers... i shook, my brain couldnt think, i was in some kind of shock..my boss called DH to come get me and get me home.... as i laid in the rear seat, i was crashing, i remember saying.. 'i want a hamburger...i need food'.... well he got me one, and from that day on, i have been fine....Its amazing what foods we need for our bodies to keep a clear mind and physical being.


I see you eat corn products, not flour. is that correct?? i was eating the soft corn tortillas in a sandwich for lunch. but when i read the label, all i thought was OH NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! i cant have this!!!


talk to me.. what do i do?? Im so afraid to add the pasta and rice!


thank you soooooo much!!!


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Bardgal -


Noticed this thread quite some time ago and thought it had such good ideas. Stumbled across it again today and have been glancing through.


2 Questions (for Bardgal or anyone), and I apologize as they have most likely been asked before, ...


I see people are using corn tortillas and pizza crusts. What about things like cornmeal / blueberry pancakes with no sugar, maybe a little splenda?


What about sushi? Anybody enjoying that as part of this approach? Seems like it might be a good fit but curious what anyone else thinks.



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I'm thinking I read somewhere that sushi grade rice has gluten in it and the rice vinegar has sugar alcohol in it.


My cooking adventures: I rediscovered cornmeal. I made a west indian dish called "cou cou" which is actually cornmeal whipped with some chunks of steamed okra..EXCELLENT but soo filling! You can find it online for the recipe.


A Jamaican friend came by and bb'd authentic jerk chicken for us on Saturday..he made the jerk spices from scratch and it was so potent he had to wear a surgical mask when he made it and we had to leave the room until he was done! I think my stomach finally calmed down on Sunday night from all the spices.


I still swear by the international cookbooks and recipes as they tend to have a lot of wheat free, gluten free, and sugarfree recipes...and use lots of beans, brown rice, etc. We're having friends from Australia visit who have never been to Florida so we're having an "international party" for them and are inviting friends who are cuban, west indian, haitian, and caucasian who will each bring an ethnic dish.so we'll see how much wheat/gluten free we can eat...Menina

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Oatmeal: See - Info on Oatmeat for more information on this. I say use discretion, and try to find gluten-free oatmeal - it's out there.


Diet Coke: NO NO NO. It's not the artifical sweetener that will kill you, it's all the other chemicals in diet sodas that make it taste good that will not only make you FAT, but strip the enamel right off your teeth. Get Club Soda if you want some inexpensive sparkle. Add a wedge of lime or twist of lemon. The only ingredient is carbonated water.


Rice: Rice has a ton of starch, but no gluten.


Sushi: I stick with sashimi. I can eat more fish that way, and not get full on the rice. (Rice wine vinegar is sweet from the rice wine - but they actually add sugar to make it more syrupy and so the rice is stickier and will hold the shape better for sushi. Soy sauce is another sugar source, so don't drown your sushi in it.


As for Artificial sweeteners: fine. Like I said, the other stuff is much worse.


Today's lunch: 1 avocado diced, 1 tomato diced, juice of 1 lemon, salt & pepper. Toss ingredients in bowl, eat. yum.

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Another 2 pounds! That's a total of 5 in a week and it really is easy! Getting easier every day. You fall into a routine pretty quickly once the kitchen is stocked with the right foods. I urge those that have not tried this to just give it one week. I have finally lost those 5 stubborn pounds that just would not go away! I am looking forward to continuing this way of eating as a new healthier lifestyle. I know the last 10 I want to lose should also be as easy as the first 5 were. Thanks to all the encouragement here on this board. Keep posting!


A quick recipe for legal "pizza":


3 corn tortillas, spread with plain old tomato sauce, a little sprinkle of Italian seasoning. Sprinkle with part skim mozzarella cheese, top with chicken, onion, mushrooms (or whatever you like), bake at 350 for about 10 minutes and voila-mini pizzas! Great for a quick dinner!




Inspiration 9/05, 2/06, 2/07

Sensation 4/06

Future cruises: Legend 9/06, Inspiration 12/06

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I love crystal light..even the Target brand is excellent, which you can buy at the Supertarget stores. I was drinking at least a liter a day.


Horror of horrors! I happened to read the label and even though it is calorie free and sugar free, it STILL had dextrose in it..a form of sugar! I threw it all out and guess what..no more bloating!


Here's another idea I picked up from a show on foodnetwork for Italian lemonade. Very simple, except you could substitute real sugar with equal. Basic idea is it's fresh squeezed lemon juice (real lemons, not that crap in the green bottle ) mixed with sparkling water, and some lemon slices thrown in. The recipe suggested throwing a a couple fresh basil leaves in it, but I think I'd try fresh mint leaves. Lemon is a natural diuretic but it's best to use fresh lemons, or at whole foods buy a jar of unreconstituted lemon juice. 4.00 a bottle but worth it, or squeeze your own.



Also, homemade hummus is great..buy a can of tahini, about 1/4 cup in the food processor with can of drained garbanzos. I squeeze a LOT of lemon juice into it so it is processed to a smooth mix. I also throw in an ENTIRE head of peeled garlic and cumin and process it all until smooth. The tahini paste is 3.99 or so a can, but you can make about 6 batches of hummus with it and can of chickpeas is .59.



Be careful everyone - I see people posting things about whole wheat pasta - and corn wheat tortillas..... did you mean corn FLOUR tortillas? Those are fine, or brown rice pasta, also fine. But NO WHEAT/NO GLUTEN. Even be careful with oatmeal - Oats/rye/barley, wheat.... all have gluten.


Peanut butter is fine - IN MODERATION. Just because sour cream doesn't have sugar and gluten in it doesn't mean you aren't going to become a fat cow if you sit on your ass in front of the TV and consume a pint of sour cream and a bag of tortilla chips every night.


You must do some form of excersize and BE SMART!!! Don't eat stupid.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Some people earlier in this thread were saying "if I ever see another egg..."


Egg whites are your friend! Plain, they are yucky... but I found a few ways to keep them from being boring... if you are rushed in the morning like I am, you can prepare the ingredients the night before. Here are a few options:


Egg whites with broccoli and cheese: Buy fresh broccoli and chop it... put 1 cup of broccoli in a microwave container (with the top on but open) with around a tablespoon of water and cook for 1 minute to "steam" it. Add broccoli and a small amount of lowfat shredded cheddar cheese to the egg as it cooks in the pan.


Chicken fajita omelet: Buy Perdue Short cuts precooked chicken, cut into cubes. Start cooking the eggs, then add chicken, chopped onions and peppers, and a small amount of lowfat shredded mexican cheese (cheddar/monterey jack) in the pan. You can cook the onions/peppers/chicken in a skillet beforehand if you like the veggies cooked, I just throw them right into the eggs fresh (since the chicken is precooked).


Greek omelet: Spinach, olives, feta cheese


Italian omelet: Tomato, part skim mozzarella cheese, basil


That's just off the top of my head, but I'm sure there are a ton of different recipies online. Really any veggies you like can be in an omelet. Just go easy on the cheese since it is full of fat. Use lowfat cheese, but NOT fat free cheese... fat free cheese tends not to melt! You are getting complex carbs from the veggies, so you don't need bread... load up on veggies!

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