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Easiest (and most effective) diet EVER - no joke.


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I have been on this diet for 2-1/2 weeks.


I was on the Atkins last January for 3 months and had lost 12 pounds. I had gained 5 of those pounds back. Since starting this new diet 2-1/2 weeks ago, I lost the 5 pounds in the first week....and nothing since.


I have stuck to the diet...no cheating. I don't think I can get below 130. It is really DISCOURAGING. That was the problem with the Atkins. Lost the 12 pounds....got down to 130....then NOTHING for 2 months. And that was with being below 20 carbs a day. I am 46....so I am not sure if I will forever be 130 lbs. My metabolism must have shut down. I really need to loose my gut. LOL. I also walk on the treadmill for 30-60 minutes a day.....do 200 crunches ( different ways) 5 times a week. So I am not sure what is wrong with me.

Do you know how many calories you are taking in? You might not be consuming enough and your metabolism has gone into starvation mode. In order to determine how many calories you should eat you should google basal metabolic rate. There are calculators which will tell you the bare minimum calories you need to survive. You should not go below this rate. It sounds counter intuitive but if you consume too few calories your body will slow down your metabolism and it will be very difficult to lose weight. I have been on this plan since last Friday and have been struggling to consume enough calories.

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i will tell you what I ate today...


strawberries,cherry, blueberries for breakfast


2 corn taco's with lunch meat and cheese for lunch


pork chop, broccoli and brown rice for dinner



doesn't seem like to much to eat for a day...............wish I could snap my fingers and loose this BELLY

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i will tell you what I ate today...


strawberries,cherry, blueberries for breakfast


2 corn taco's with lunch meat and cheese for lunch


pork chop, broccoli and brown rice for dinner



doesn't seem like to much to eat for a day...............wish I could snap my fingers and loose this BELLY

1200 is not the total you can eat. It is the minimum you should eat. In order to calculate what your daily calorie requirements you have to factor in your activity level. There are calculators you can google that will give you the factors from sedentary to very active. Once you apply the correct factor you will know how many calories you can eat to maintain your current weight. From there you need to subtract calories or add activities in order to lose weight. For example if your daily calorie requirement to maintain weight was 1300 calories and you wanted to lose 1 lb/week you would need to cut 500 calories per day or add an additional 500 calories worth of activity per day. Looking at what you ate today, my first suggestion would be to increase your intake at breakfast. If you include protein at breakfast you will be less hungry throughout the day. If you aren't already doing it, drink lots of water -- at least 8 glasses/day. It might also be helpful for you to use one of the on-line calorie counters and keep a food diary. That way you can make choices to help you keep within your calorie goals. Good Luck! It's very easy to gain weight but very hard to lose it if you are not really diligent about tracking.

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Thanks so much for helping me with this.


the 1200 is with moderate exercise. Doesn't seem like a whole lot to eat. I really don't think I eat that much. No real snacking....maybe a little fruit.


If you have a hard time getting your calories...what is a typical day for you?


As far as breakfast goes.....I can't eat eggs. I did try the rice chex gluton free....with skim milk......milk doesn't agree with me very well either.....so went to just fruit in the morning. Once in a while I will eat some nuts for a mid morning snack.


I am thinking that my problem has a lot to do with my age. My metabolism just doesn't work anymore.


Thanks again

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This is what I had yesterday. For breakfast one egg fried with Pam, one slice of Canadian Bacon and a sliced tomato(117 calories). Mid-morning I had a glass of V-8 juice (50 calories). For lunch I had a Poppyseed Strawberry Salad with Chicken from Panera Bread (290 calories). For dinner I had a Salmon burger, 1 cup of steamed broccoli and 1 cup of garlic mashed potatoes (510 calories). After dinner, I had 20 cherries (100 calories) for a total of 1092. This is plenty of food for me but is still shy of my 1200 minimum. I'm going to have to start adding bread back into my diet.


As far as breakfast alternatives go, I also like to combine a wedge of cantaloupe cut up with 1/2 cup of cottage cheese, 1/2 cup of blueberries and 1 tablespoon of sliced almonds. That adds up to about 200 calories. I also like to fix black beans and rice using 1/2 cup of black beans and 1/2 cup rice topped with a couple of tablespoons of hot salsa (200 calories). This is very filling and satisfying to me because I like spicy food. Dinner is usually fish, chicken or turkey along with two vegetables or a starch and a vegetable. Snacks these days are fruit or almonds.

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Well I made it through my first week and lost 2.6 lbs. :D That is a lot for me in one week. I have been dieting since the first of April and up unil last week I had lost 9 lbs total. Even though I am not a sweets eater, I think eliminating all added sugar from my diet was good. I used to have 3 dark hershey's kisses after dinner each night along with a glass of wine. I don't miss either one now.


Last week, I averaged 1150 calories/day which is too low. Next week I am going to add some whole grains back into my diet. I am not gluten intolerant and I feel I really need to increase my calories to at least 1200. I am within one pound of my goal and should lose that next week. That will leave me 3 more weeks to drop a couple of insurance pounds for my cruise.

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Went to do a little shopping today to pick up a few things like tortilla chips and was absolutely floored by how many things had sugar in them! Especially in things I didn't think would have sugar (i.e. pepperoni).


Floored...absolutely FLOORED!

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Went to do a little shopping today to pick up a few things like tortilla chips and was absolutely floored by how many things had sugar in them! Especially in things I didn't think would have sugar (i.e. pepperoni).


Floored...absolutely FLOORED!

I agree. I read a book this week that talked about limiting your sugar intake and it recommended no more than 36 grams of sugar a day -- including fruit and vegetables. One banana has 20 so if you ate a banana you have eaten over half your quota already! I'm not going that extreme. I'm going to continue to restrict my added sugar consumption and not worry about the sugar that occurs naturally in fruits and vegetables.


I spent the weekend with friends down at the lake this weekend and ate all the things I shouldn't have -- chips, wine, sweets. Truthfully, I was glad to get back home today to start fresh. The booze, especially did not agree with me!

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Have done well for the past two days and have lost 2.5 pounds. Haven't had sugar cravings and that has been nice. However, I forgot that I have a cooking class tonight where everything contains either flour or sugar...ugh. I'll have to be very careful.

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I am so glad I found this thread. I am recovering from surgery due to a perforated colon during a colonoscopy. It has been a hard road but have been released from my surgeon and ready to loose weight. While I was recouperating, 2 months, I spent a lot of time cooking and eating. I can't believe how my weight has gotten out of control and am very unhappy with the way I look and feel.


I have read most of this thread, this morning I had three boiled egg whites and a slice of cheddar cheese. That was at 6am, I was not hungry until 12:30. This is with no cravings. I had no sugar today and am very surprised since I had my face in the fridge all weekend because I was craving anything I could get my hands on. I need to loose 30 pounds, since diabetes runs in my family along with heart disease. I have a great fear of diabetes and have no choice but to loose weight.


I have not been able to walk, the heat is just too excessive. I am going to start playing the Wii with my grand children tomorrow. I am going to work hard at sticking to this diet, I hope I can persevere.

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I am so glad I found this thread. I am recovering from surgery due to a perforated colon during a colonoscopy. It has been a hard road but have been released from my surgeon and ready to loose weight. While I was recouperating, 2 months, I spent a lot of time cooking and eating. I can't believe how my weight has gotten out of control and am very unhappy with the way I look and feel.


I have read most of this thread, this morning I had three boiled egg whites and a slice of cheddar cheese. That was at 6am, I was not hungry until 12:30. This is with no cravings. I had no sugar today and am very surprised since I had my face in the fridge all weekend because I was craving anything I could get my hands on. I need to loose 30 pounds, since diabetes runs in my family along with heart disease. I have a great fear of diabetes and have no choice but to loose weight.


I have not been able to walk, the heat is just too excessive. I am going to start playing the Wii with my grand children tomorrow. I am going to work hard at sticking to this diet, I hope I can persevere.


Good luck Tatianablue!! You can do it. It is very easy. Brown rice and corn tortillas are yummy. Don't over do it on the brown rice, though. I have found that by eating less of that I lost more weight. Stick with the OP plan and you will be fine. This is the right time of year to start when all the produce is good. Happy eating. :)

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Thanks FT2. How long have you been on this diet and how much have you lost?


I am having difficulty between meals. Maybe I am not having enough protein.


I did this full force about 2 years ago for 6 months and then we went on a vacation and that was the end! I am 5' and lost about 7 lbs. This time, since January I was my heaviest 132 and started this again. The pounds come off pretty easily. Now I am at 119. I would still like to lose a few more lbs., but I'm happy like this. Between meals I have a small "light n lively" yogurt with splenda. It is a little high in sugar, but seems to satisfy me. But if you are just starting this diet, I recommend sticking to what the OP recommends. Vegetarian refried beans on a tostada are so yummy with a little salsa and cheese. That would fill you up as well. There are lots of suggestions on this board. Again, good luck and keep with it.

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Thanks FT2. How long have you been on this diet and how much have you lost?


I am having difficulty between meals. Maybe I am not having enough protein.


Try some more protein. Drink water if you think you are hungry, sometimes you are just thirsty. Otherwise try some sugar fee/fatfree pudding or cottage cheese and a low sugar fruit or one that I really like is salsa w/ no sugar and blue corn chips. A big salad is good also.

The beauty of this is there are so many things you can eat that are free of all the banned foods!

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I know you are not supposed to weigh every day, but I just had to step on the scales tonight, I lost 1 lb in one day. WOOHOO, I know it is probably just water, but hey, I will take what I can get. I was not perfect today, but I did not eat cookies/bread/candy/ or drink rootbeer. So, to me that is quite a feat.


I cooked up some ground turkey to keep on hand, I can put that in salads, or eat it with vegetables.


Also, I have to eat yogurt with live cultures every day, I have no choice, it just works for me. I usually have a smoothie in the mornings with blueberries and strawberries, since the OP says that berries are good, I am going to stick with that and have my yogurt with it. Sometimes you have to do what your body calls for. If anyone has a better idea I would love to hear it. I also have 5tsp benefiber in my smoothie, since my recent surgery I have no choice, it also helps get the plumbing to move if you get my drift.

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Ok y'all, I need some help. I have plenty of healthy foods in my fridge, maybe more than I can eat. I also have too many temptations around me. I have family in my home almost every day, for sure on weekends. I have always indulged them with great southern cooking, big meals, and baked treats. I want them to continue to have these things, but at the same time, it is too much of a temptation for me. I have to stop this, I am only sabotaging myself. I need to loose at least 30 pounds, my blood pressure is great, but haven't had my cholesteral checked in over a year.


I have lost 2 pounds this week, I have to drink more water. I just need some friendly motivation.


Any takers? Thank you in advance:)

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Ok y'all, I need some help. I have plenty of healthy foods in my fridge, maybe more than I can eat. I also have too many temptations around me. I have family in my home almost every day, for sure on weekends. I have always indulged them with great southern cooking, big meals, and baked treats. I want them to continue to have these things, but at the same time, it is too much of a temptation for me. I have to stop this, I am only sabotaging myself. I need to loose at least 30 pounds, my blood pressure is great, but haven't had my cholesteral checked in over a year.


I have lost 2 pounds this week, I have to drink more water. I just need some friendly motivation.


Any takers? Thank you in advance:)


I started this diet a few weeks ago but have not been posting. I will start posting now because I also need the support. I have lost about 10lbs but need to loose a whole lot more. The wake-up call for me was when I got my new passport in the mail and really looked at the photo. :eek:


I have celiac disease so this is the diet I should be doing anyway. I had started using so many Gluten Free pre-packaged foods (cookies, breads, etc) that I gained a lot of weight in the past two years. GF packaged foods tend to have a lot more carbs than the foods that they substitute.


The biggest motivation for me this month has been to bring some of my "skinny" clothes out of storage and hang them in the bedroom. (outside of the closet door) I look at them every day and remember that I used to be wearing them a few short years ago. The clothes that have become too big since July 1st are now in storage in a box with a copy of that terrible passport photo attached. Sounds like a silly mind-game, but it is working to keep me motivated.


We are going to a family party tonight, a Southern fish fry, where everyone is bringing something. I am bringing a garden salad for everyone instead of my usual dessert, etc.


Lets keep each other motivated...:)

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VonChap, have you been struggling with sugar cravings? I had them hit me hard today, I buckled. I used to be able to fight the cravings, but as I have gotten older, I am not as strong. But, tomorrow is another day.


Hope your did good at your cookout!


I will be happy to support you, I appreciate your post!:)

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Tatianablue, some days there is nothing to stop the sugar cravings, but I found the longer I stayed on this diet the easier it got.

Of course, I went on my cruise and blue it all. Gained 5 lbs back. Now I am ready to get back to basics!

Good luck. We'll all have to keep each other motivated.



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