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After all the research...here are my Vancouver ???

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Special thanks to grouchy and ell52, whose names keep popping up as I go through pages of new & old posts. Plus Fodors, Frommers, etc., trying to put together an interesting pre-cruise stay this Sept. Arriving Vancouver on Thurs. 9/16, leaving on NCL Sun on 9/19. Anyone know which pier the Sun utilizes?


Staying at the Hyatt. With the Entertainment book comes twofers for the trolley so planning one full day Fri. hopping on and off to see the sights: Stanley Park, Gastown, the Library, Dr. Sun Yat Sen's Chinese Garden (DH very interested), etc. Walking tour of downtown Thurs. with new Great Barrier Reef IMAX movie down at Canada Place.


Sat. (or the reverse on Fri. depending on weather) we plan to do Grouse Mtn & Capilano Bridge. No car. Here's where I need some advice. I've seen someone mention a "bus outside the Hyatt". Is that a private company bus? Greyline tour? If that goes to Grouse, how does one get to Capilano from Grouse?


Have also seen "sea ferry" mentioned. Where does that leave from? Is there a bus that you then catch to Grouse at the ferry terminal on the other side? And, again, how do you get to Capilano? And then back to the hyatt?


Is it easier to just take a Greyline tour? The Entertainment Book also offers 2 for 1 admission at Capilano, so a nice savings there.


I've read a couple of Vancouverites over on the Fodors board say Gastown is nothing more than a puffed up tourist site. Any thoughts here? In NYC we have the South Street seaport. It's become full of the Gap and other such stores and very few of us locals really would go there.


Anyone ever heard of "da Pasta Bar at 1232 Robson"? Anything special? Reasonably priced for a lunch or casual dinner?


Thanks everyone!:)

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Grouchy and Ell52 can add to this.


The Sun will berth at Canada Place - usually on the west side - better views from that side.


The bus outside the Hyatt will be the local bus that will take you across the Lions gate bridge and eventually connect with the bus to Grouse Mt.


The Sea ferry is the Seabus which leaves from Waterfront station which is next door to Canada Place - There is a major transit interchange and the Lonsdale Quay public market on the other side - you will pick up the bus to Grouse Mt bus there - the Capilano Suspension Bridge is on the way to Grouse. This is the better option as the bridge can get gridlocked.


Figure out your costs - the bus will be either $2.00 or $3.00 each time - prime time and a transfer is only good for 90 minutes any direction - the sea bus is part of the bus system vs what Gray line is charging plus and perhaps the others can verify this but i beleive there is a discount if you do both the bridge and Grouse Mt.


As for Gastown it is the birthplace of Vancouver and contains many tourist orientated stores - no gap or McDonalds etc - it is undergoing a revival but it is worth a visit - perhaps on sailing day - drop your luggage off at Canada Place and then walk the three or so blocks to Gastown and walk around for an hour or so - it is compact only three or four blocks square .


Just a note - on your departure date there will be 6 ships in port - 4 at Canada Place and two at Ballantyne so the place will be hopping.


Hope this helps and that you have a great cruise and enjoy Vancouver - it looks like you have planned an active agenda.





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Hi Urban Trekker,


Thanks so much for jumping in!:D Anything to avoid traffic, so that sea ferry suggestion sounds excellent, combined with the bus. If I'm understanding you correctly, we can stop at Capilano and climb around, then head on to Grouse. Too bad it's already fall, as it appears we will miss the opportunity to stay on into the evening and partake of the First Nations dinner & show.


Thanks also, Grouchy, for the heads up on the # of ships in port on 9/19. Wowie! Fortunately, when I checked our itin for Alaska, we rarely bump into anyone...an occasional HAL or X ship here or there! It's the last sailing for just about everyone. We'll all be swathed in polartec!:eek:


You've all just given me a great idea for Gastown, so that we won't waste precious minutes on our trolley day. Since we're continuing on with the 5 day repo, we'll have an entire port day in Vancouver again on 9/26. And from what you describe, it'll be a leisurely walk from the ship and something to do for an hour or two in the downtown area. I didn't realize it was that close. The maps online are great but hard to gauge distance.


Grouchy, I posted an entirely new thread on restaurant suggestions!:) Specifically, we're trying to save a little money by taking advantage of some of the 2 for 1's offered in the Entertainment book. They have the 2 revolving restaurants with the 360 deg. views for dinner included, but from the reviews in Fodor's, he says they are overpriced ($30+entrees). Are they worth doing with the twofers? If you don't know which ones I mean, I'll look them up (sorry, still early this morning!;))

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It was Urban who tracked the # of ships in port for me.


You're all so helpful!:D


Hyatt asked if we preferred "city", "park", or "mountain" view. I trust I did the right thing with "mountain".


Also, can anyone clarify tipping policies? Can't remember if it was on this board or Fodor's, but quite a heated debate about tipping cabbies. Some Vancouverites swore there was no tipping. Others said the usual 15%. What is the protocol, both for cabbies as well as waiters?


We were thinking of making a picnic lunch for the Grouse/Capilano day because we'll be having a big dinner.....unless anyone has a "must eat at" during our day???

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Of course-more is better.

I think the revolving restaurants are a rip of and the food is horrid toursit fare-save your money.

The mountain view will be great-you will see Grouse and maybe some ships.

da pasta bar is "okey"-don't try and save too much money or you will have a bad food experience. Remember your dollar goes further up here-so eat well!

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I know the rooms very well at this property - I worked here for many years - unless your are on the Gold Passport, Business Plan, or Regency Club floors 25 or higher - your water views and park views are restricted some are great, most are partial. You did fine - but, I am certain your park and water views will be more like city views. It is a hotel in the heart of the city. Did you request a room with two dbl beds? Your best rooms end in 06 or 19 - there is a connector door, but it does have a double vanity and a bit of extra room for your cruise luggage.


If you have a king - 01,07, 14 or 20 are balcony rooms - these are very nice, as the rooms do not have windows that open - this allows you that nice little luxury.


Good Luck!

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Hi Michelle!


Thanks for jumping in. BTW, what's the meaning of the ! in your screen name?:D Guess you have an ebullient personality!


Yes, we'll be in a Regency Club room for the 4 nights. That will mean continental breakfast & the cocktail hour at night (do you know anything about whether this is wine & cheese or more extensive fare? - We've had some really wonderful hors d'oeuvres in Asia served). Also, lounge open during the day with coffee, water, cookies avail. is what I've been told.


Will the views be better there? Would the room #'s you mention still be applicable to the R. Club or would there be other attractrive rooms? I only requested king bed, no smoking, mtn view.


How far is Yaletown from the Hyatt? Thanks for the suggestion of Capones. What type of food do they serve?


I think we'll leave "da Pasta bar" coupon for the folks on the cruise we'll be passing along the Ent. book to. Not interested in saving money on a mediocre meal! Thanks for the heads up, grouchy!:)

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Hello snorklin' barb,

Just got back from my summer vacation and saw your post. Your plans sound good!


The trolley is worth it, in that you get to see a lot for your $$. Make sure you get to Grouse Mountain, Stanley Park (Aquarium), and one of the suspension bridges (either Capilano or Lynn Valley). I'd also recommend the Vancouver Aquabus http://www.aquabus.bc.ca/home.html to Granville Island.


I agree with others re: Gastown. You can do a quick "walk-through". Not a lot there unless you're interested in the night-life or restaurant/pubs.


I'm also a fan of the Boathouse at English Bay http://www.boathouserestaurants.ca/ for decent seafood at moderate prices with a terrific view. (Hint: pick the local seafood, simply grilled).


Hope you have a great time here!


Ell :)

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Thanks Barb for starting this thread... so much info & so many decisions :)

Thanks everyone for the great suggestions, on this thread and many others.

Ell... still disappointed on my beef jerky, oh well, I need to move on.

Does anyone know anything about immigrants coming here in the 40's or 50's? In SF there's Angel Island, NYC, Ellis Island. Does Vancouver have any such site? Does Storyem portray this?

As long as I'm here... I'm arriving by Amtrak & going to the Renaissance on Hastings. Is that walking distance or a cab ride?


Again, thanks everyone you all have been great!!!!

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Storyeum makes an attempt at explaining it, my feeling about Storyeum is that it still needs stum brushing up. It is a 'different' sort of attraction, and I don't think I would waste my time. The one monument, not really focused on immigrants, is the statue of Gassy Jack in Gastown. Might be worth the stroll an the photo oportunity. Original mayor and saloon owner!


BTW Snorklin' Barb - Yaletown is about a $7 - 8 dollar CAD cab ride from the Hyatt - I have an entertainment book - I may thumb through it later and give you the heads up on what might be a good deal! I think Aqua Riva is in there as well and that is directly beside Canada Place - yummy food!

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Thanks Grouchy. The first time my Dad came to the Chicago was via VAN/SF in 1941. I thought it would be interesting to try to see it thru his eyes 53 years later. Yes... still looking for Jimmy's Beef Jerky; Ell52 told me they will be out of production at month end... boo hoo. I grew up on the stuff, my kids love it & I haven't been able to find it here or in SF. I thought I would get some fresh from VAN. I'll have to try Soo's.


Michelle!...thanks. Maybe we'll just stick around downtown (?) & do all by walking/cabbing/busing....


So many things to do....so little time.....


btw... are all you guys related?

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btw... are all you guys related?
hehehe! I guess we just all want you to enjoy your visit here!


If you get to Victoria, the Provincial Museum has a good display regarding the history of British Columbia and the immigrants who settled here. Other than that, there is nothing really comparable to Ellis Island.


Ell :)

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I feel like I'm part of the family here. You guys really make me feel comfortable asking questions. Thanks A bunch!!!!!



Wouldn't be funny if I was related to one of you guys?


Ell532... we have the same count down... Snorklin Barb & I are the Sun Repo.

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Thanks for the Aqua Riva recommendation! On the other thread I started on restaurants, mnm gave me quite a few from the Ent. book as well. If I can work in one or two from the book, along with something like the Boathouse, it will be a nice savings!:)


sodell and I "met" here on CC and are looking forward to our Sun cruise together. Somehow, I think "food" is going to be a big topic! Or maybe just eating together!:p


You all have been just great!!:D Now let's just keep our fingers crossed that your fall weather is as nice as ours!:)

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hi barb,


on the topic of coupons and good dining in vancouver, i think this has been suggested before, but the ET book has one for the Cannery. it's a bit outside of downtown vancouver, but worth the cab ride if you like seafood. if you call ahead for reservations, ask for a table with a view.


glad to help - vancouver is a great city (and so is NY!)



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Hi again mnm,


Boy, all these great suggestions! Just wondering if we'll run into the Cannery on any of the trolley stops. As you know, that guy gets around! :) What I like (since the jury is clearly out on such places as Gastown), is we can just jump off for a quick look-see and not invest a lot of time. And we'll be able to take a lot in. On the stops that warrant more time, we'll be able to do that easily. What's not to love!:D


If the Cannery is "unto itself", about how much should one expect to pay by cab?


Wish we had even more time - to take in that anthropology museum over at UBC!;)

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Yummy - we were just at the Fish House in Stanley Park tonight - it was fantastic - my friend had the salmon and I had flaming ouzo prawns! It was fantastico! Used our entertainment coupon and the bill was $56.00 for 2 martinis, glass of wine and two entrees!


Ohh the choices!

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hey barb,


the cannery is not, i believe, on any trolley route! it's outside of downtown and would probably cost you $10-$15CDN to get there. they do have a website, so do a google (i don't know the website!) and check it out to see if it's your thing.


the salmon house is in stanley park, so while it may not be a direct drop off point on the trolley line, it will take you close to there! if you simply want good seafood and want to abandon the ET book, go for C (recommended somewhere else on this site). it's at the foot of hornby or howe street downtown, has a great water view, and very unique seafood.


you have a lot of dinner/dining options - if the cannery is too out of the way, save it for next time. you will be back to vancouver - it's not hard to like this city!


happy dining!



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Probably meant the Fish House in Stanley Park - right by the tennis courts in English Bay (entertainment coupon available) or the Teahouse, now the Sequoia Grill (much better views) in Stanley Park.


Too many options!

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