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Anyone heard of "Passion Island"?


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My family and I will be taken our first cruise on Carnival May 8, 2005. You gave such a vivid description of Passion Island that I really think this will be our excursion while we are in Cozumel.


I have a few questions I was hoping you can answer:


Since we will be going in May what is the weather and water temp during this time?


Is there anyplace that I can view pictures of this beach?



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karen...Passion Island caters to both couples and family groups. But it really isn't the party harty scene that college aged might be looking for...it is more peaceful and laid back. We don't have water toys for kids though. Just lots of beautiful water and beach. And the water is very calm.


LadyT...the water temp and weather in May are nice. Not too hot and not chilly. Mid to upper 80's for air and low 80's for water. I will try to get some photos for everyone to drool over!!

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We're just back from our trip, which included the Passion Island excursion. The short summary is - WOW!


For the longer version, read on ;)


We disembarked on a very hot August day in Cozumel at near 10:30 am, slightly after our ETA, due to traffic. Seriously! In the port ;)


Waiting among the various guides we saw our the sign for our tour and headed that way. Not realizing that the only woman was in fact the same "Solita" I'd talked to here on these boards, we smiled and nodded as I moved to check in with a man with a clip board called Alex. I asked him if there was a "Solita" here, and he crinkled his nose a little as he thought, and then looked at his clipboard, then me and exclaimed with a great rolling of his "r's" Lorrrrri! He beamed a smile at me and called out excitedly to the woman holding the sign "Carolina! Carolina! Lorrrrri's here!"


I was at once startled and relieved because it looked like I had been recognized! My kids, daughter 16 and son 11, were stunned.


Carolyn is a lovely, sparkling woman, and we chatted for as long as we could before Alex trotted us off to the air-conditioned (thank goodness!) bus. A scenic trip on the bus took us past all the good shopping (mental notes for later) and into the thick shoreline bush. Meanwhile, Alex had memorized every name on the bus, and called out to us from the front with questions about where we were from, bringing the bus-riders into an instant comaraderie.


Time flew, and we emerged from the brush looking out over the aqua water at a small, vegetated and flat island. I don't know what I expected, but for some reason, I expected more height. *shrug* (Thank goodness again I wasn't in charge of topography, because that flat-ness means a good breeze!)


We boarded a .. hmm.. tender?.. there were about 50 of us and we didn't fill it. The ride over to the island was supposed to be 15 minutes, but it was five. It was like skating on ice, so smooth, and really a rather exciting fanfare as we rolled up to this very quaint, very pretty beach where her people waited expectantly, like we were the first new people they'd seen in a long time. I was SHOCKED to find out that there were two other excursions already on the island, and due to leave in an hour, because I had to work hard to see more than five people that didn't work there.. until I got to the bar :D And the bar still had more bartenders than guests. I never EVER waited to get my cup of "Passion Island Drink" which was a pleasant mai-tai-ish color with a faint smell of tequila. It wasn't harsh, and it didn't kick me later.. both of which I appreciated. Most folks toted frosty Coronas and my kids enjoyed the selection of several soft drinks.


As we walked further on to the island, I started to feel the breeze and noticed then how it swept over the island. If you didn't want to feel it, there were escapes, but who wouldn't on this kind of day.


Unless you stood right in the middle of the beach at the water's edge and looked back, you really never felt like there were more than a few people. No loud music.. no roar of jetskis, no loud hawking of merchandise or tours. There ARE sellers, mind, and they do approach, cautiously, if you are looking awake. They also take no for an answer and blend back in quickly, which I also appreciated. I was approached probably three times total. When you walk by the little stands of their wares, they may call out, but they rarely even stand, much less come get you as I've experienced in other Caribbean locales. I felt like they'd been asked to be polite, and that's how I found them.


Lunch was served during the entire stay, as you please. Grilled Mahi Mahi (so fresh!), chicken, rice, guacamole (the best I've had in the Caribbean, different than that to which I'm accustomed) pico de gallo, freshly made tortilla chips.. and I'm missing a few items, I tend to remember what I ate myself :)


The best part for me, and echoed by my kids more than once since, was laying in a hammock, under an arbor of sorts which filtered but didn't shade the sun, looking over my slowly rocking feet at the most amazing blues, sands, fluffy clouds and feeling like I found utopia. The only thing I added was sunscreen and Jimmy Buffet in my ears.. and even then I also enjoyed the SILENCE for a while.


I saw very few children, and from this review you may understand that either that meant they were also enjoying the peace like mine were, or simply didn't come on this type of excursion or want to be peaceful :) I'm sure different crowds make different environments, but even the fun-loving rowdies in our group that enjoyed their bar-time had so much space that if you weren't into that, it wasn't a factor.


So, as miracles go, I spent a few hours on a beach where I felt quite isolated, my kids actually stopped IM'ing, talking on the phone and watching TV and agreed that sitting quietly in a hammock is darn near heaven, and I made a few friends in Carolyn and Alex. Not bad for a day at the beach!


As a side note, about 15 of the passengers returning with us stood defiantly at the tender's ramp and refused to embark, calling for a mutiny and threatening to take over the island! I only wish I'd thought of it myself!



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Thanks very much for the review. We'll be on Passion Island two weeks from tomorrow and can hardly wait. Your review validated our decision. Just a quick question Lori, we're you there on a Wednesday? I have been casually monitoring the cozumelinsider.com site for the ship schedules and on our day, Wednesday, there are typically six ships in port. I don't know if this is considered to be a lot or not.




p.s. We look forward to meeting you Solita. See you soon!

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Lori, great review. I've read so many nice things about Passion Island. I did read one negative that the poster felt that everything was "hurry, hurry, hurry". Did you find that attitude at all? We just can't make up our minds on which beach to visit. Either go on our own to one of the beach clubs or an excursion to Passion Island.

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JRudy33- the only resemblance to a "hurry" feeling I got was to get out of the heat of the port and into a bus, and out of the bus on to the tender to make sure we had all the beach time we could.. and it wasn't so much "hurry" as "lets go! YAY!" .. I'll have to find that review and see if I can discern what they meant (scratching my head on that one!)


pezeli- We were there on a Saturday. (three days ago.. wah!) The excursions were 'staggered' so I'm imagining even with six, there will be coming and going. The beach space is HUGE.. immense. We walked only one direction down the beach and found more space (doubling that which I saw, might be more) that wasn't even being used, but obviously is being used on certain days at some point. Might be more like that going the other direction, too, I'm sure Solita can answer that. My earnest speculation that even six cruises sending an excursion each can't make a dent. I do recall that Alex mentioned that there were about 13 ship's excursions booked there for the next week.. averaging less than two a day, and it would sound extreme but possible that half of those would all come on the same day. I hope that helps...?



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I am having a difficult time selecting a beach for our December 2, 2004 trip. Passion Island may be the one but it sounds as only the ship excursions can go to Passion Beach.


We will be on the Grand Princess and they don't have their excursions posted yet. Do you know if your Managers have planned for the Princess excursions beginning in November?


Also would you remind me of the drinks that you mentioned in an earlier post that are included. Are they included or an extra cost?



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Now you all know why I love my job so much! It's wonderful people like Lori and her family that really make it so great. It was an absolute pleasure to meet her at the International Pier. My only regret is that I did not do a tour that day and missed chatting with them on the beach. Hey Lori...you guys better come back and stay longer this time. I will get you out to the island as my guests! Will try to send you an email...I have some updates to fill you in on.


Okay, now let's see if I can answer some questions...


Flyer - I'm actually the manager too...well, operations supervisor. And yes, I've completed the schedule all the way through the end of 2005. I don't have the schedule with me at home but I am almost 100% sure that we have the Grand down in November. I will check tomorrow and post answer for you.


Pezeli - Wednesday is the busiest day in port but like Lori said we stagger the tours so there never really is a crowd. Like tomorrow, the Glory will be here for their tour at 7:00 am but I have the last tour out and it doesn't leave the pier until 11 (RC boats). So the first tour will be heading off as the we are arriving on Passion Island. And remember, look for the only girl...that will be me! I'm usually grinning from ear to ear...tough job I have.


Ladyt - hope I my weather forecast turns out accurate for you when you are here!

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Does anyone have a web link for info on Passion Island or where excursions can be booked for Passion Island? (We are cruising NCL 3/2005) Lots of time to compare trips before we go.


Any other suggestions for shore excursions in Cozumel... bring 'em on! I'd love to hear from people who've been there!




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Jem - I have the absolute pleasure of working on Passion Island. So hopefully I can answer some parts of your question.


The tour is 5 hours long. It starts off with an air conditioned bus ride to Bahia Ciaga (15 miles north of your pier). The bus ride is approx. 35 minutes. Your guide will give you a tour of Cozumel, history of the island and info about your day on PI. The boat ride across the bay is approx. 15 minutes. You have the option to take a canoe but no one ever does since it is usually into a head wind and about a mile out to the island. Once you get to the island, you have a full 3 hours of beach time.


Included in the tour is a full Mexican buffet with: grilled mahi mahi fish, mayan barbque chicken, rice, salad, fresh veggies and tropical fruit, GREAT guacamole, real tortilla chips, pico de gallo salsa, habanero salsa and bread. Soft drinks include: Pepsi, Pepsi light, 7 up, Squirt and Orange. The water is purified, bottled and regulated by law. The ice is also. BOTH ARE 100% SAFE!!!!!! Open bar is also included: margaritas, Corona beer, tequilla, tequilla sunrise, passion island punch, rum, rum punch, and sex on the beach.


Activities on the beach include: vollyball, soccer, and a variety of fun ones including our infamous water balloon toss contest. There is no reef system and we don't rest snorkle gear but there are a variety of marine life there. Saw barracuda and spotted eagle ray a couple of weeks ago. NO portagese man of war or cabbage heads here! The island is gorgous to say the least. The beach has a gentle slope with no sharp rocks or pieces of coral to hurt your feet. We have nice restrooms, 4 different hammock areas, beach chairs and a seemingly endless supply of jaw dropping beautiful white sand beach. We do have showers but they are 50% salt water so you don't get super clean but do get the sand off. We have a variety of birds: rosette spoonbills, wood ducks, vultures, frigits or hangers, pelicans, swallows, flamingos during certain times of year, just to name a few.


There is no blaring music only music in the palapa restaraunt. We do have a small shopping area that offers t-shirts, silver, jewelry and other tourist type items. Also have a hair braiding and wrap area, temporary henna tattoos and massage area.


The kayaking is a seperate package. You get to Bahia Ciaga by bus and take a small boat to the kayaks. You kayak through the mangrove area for approx. 45 minutes and stay on the beach for about 2 - 2 1/2 hours. All other facilities are offered except that it is a cash bar. Same goes for the jeep tour. They do some driving through the jungle along the way and have about 3 hours of beach time also. The island itself is privately owned and is a small cresent moon shaped piece of heaven! The tours leave at different times from the piers and the tours overlap. It never seems crowded on the beach or in the palapas. Locals can go but do pay the same price and it is on an availability basis depending on the crowd already on the island.

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Passion Island is just available for cruisers (Carnival, Celebrity, Princess and Royal Carib right now...others in high season). You can't get there any other way.

What about NCL??? in March 2005??? After reading how beautiful it is there, I was hoping to be able to go. :(


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Yes, checked the schedule and Grand is down for the middle of November to start tours. And it is open bar with tequilla, tequilla sunrise, rum, rum punch, margs, passion island punch, corona, etc. No charge for drinks if you do the bus tour. If you do the kayak or Jeep tour, it is a cash bar. Hope that helps.

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You can book a variety of ways. Thru your shore ex person on board ahead of time, the day of while you are still on board or even on the dock with me right before the trip! Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.


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We do not have a reef system out on the island. It is just sand bottom and we do not rent snorkling gear. But there are a variety of fish and other marine life to see...barracuda, rays, puffers, crabs, fish, etc. I have talked to the owner of the island many times about creating an artifical reef but it is very difficult to get any "marine" things done here.

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