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How I Spent Thanksgiving Week on the Jewel!


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I got up at 6:30am and headed up to the buffet breakfast in my high-water black yoga pants (they were too short), white flip-flops, an old skanky white t-shirt and black head-band. I made sure to put some mascara to not scare anyone in case others were awake at that time. It was cloudy and I noticed some of the pool chairs already claimed. Tempted to throw the towels/books/single shoes in one of the four hot-tubs I just laughed knowing my option was the awesome forward balcony attached to my suite if the weather got nicer. Besides, I had cruisecritic party at 11am and a latitudes party at 1pm.


At the Garden Cafe I had a beautiful selection of freshly prepared food. How wonderful to be an early bird. As I ate at a table in the outdoor garden cafe aft I was very happy to not have taken the aft penthouse. For me, the wake would probably have gotten on my nerves. I was happy for those who love that sound...it was nice during the day but it would drive me crazy at night.


I asked an older gentleman (the only other passenger up at that time too) at the table nearby what his tag was for around his neck. He replied that over 300 Norwegian dancers were on board. A large group from Norway booked the cruise and they were all learning to dance. He invited me to watch as they were going to practice in Spinnaker's at 8am and on the basketball court at 10am. So this is what goes on early morning! Who knew?


After breakfast I could have gone to early morning exercises, the casino, trivia, handwriting analysis seminar, golf seminar or arts and crafts all before 11am if I wanted to. I opted to head back to bed or watch the waves break the bow of ship. As I exited, I turned a corner and ran into five guys in white.


I bid them all a good morning and started to walk again yet I was asked what I was doing up so early on vacation. I replied I wanted to be the first in line for the omelette man and the first in line for the waffle man. I tried to get away because I realized that these guys were the big-wigs and here I was in my clothes that I slept in with no make-up on. But I was asked another question. Was I enjoying the cruise so far? I thought to myself thank god I have a bra and mascara on and replied, "yes, it is great." Now here was my opportunity to run but I asked them who they were. They were the Food and Beverage Director, the Hotel Director, the head Chef, a really head honco from Miami office overseeing the new menus and an assistant to one of the first four. The rest of the conversation was a blur. I remember talking something about the new menus, thanking the HD for the dinner last night, them laughing, me explaining what I meant by that, me getting away saying I had to go do the Norwegian dance group, them laughing again, me explaining what I meant by that, and then concluding by wishing them a good day as I crawled away...


I ended up checking out the spa to see what all the cruisecritics were talking about regarding the private quiet room with therapy pool that one pays a fee to use. I began first with with the free area that women can use. You can use a hot-tub, a steam room, a sauna room, or sit on a few chairs overlooking the bow of ship. The spa is directly above the bridge and it has a fabulous view. I assume the guys on the other side had the same thing. They had regular bathrooms and regular showers along with two special showers that give an ice blast (which you are supposed to cold rinse after getting out of hottub or sauna/steam room to close your pores). I ventured down a hallway past the acupuncture room, the teeth whitening room, the massage rooms and the body tanning room into the therapy room which was unisex.


A juice/coffee/tea bar/water was set up as mellow music played lightly in the background. If I had my bathing suit on I would have checked out the therapy pool that seemed built for two with little rollers that one floats on. Instead, I sat on one of ten stone beds ergonomically designed for the body. The stones were heated. I sat there alone for about 20 minutes and de-stressed from my guy-in-white rendezvous. I almost fell back to sleep while looking out at the vast ocean ahead. I concluded that had I not had a penthouse suite to relax in, or if I was traveling with family members and wanted to get away, then this room is definitely worth the extra fee. Uh-oh, the extra fee. I did not pay. I rested a bit more and then returned to cabin once I heard someone coming down the hall...



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I was so relaxed after my therapy room experience I returned to cabin to wake up the Nyer and get ready for parties. I donned a black skirt, black sketcher sandals and a black/white/pink dress tank top (resort casual?) outfit. I was not sure of the decor in the Star Bar and I did not want to clash.


I had called Gary Aldridge, the group services coordinator who sets up onboard parties the day before to confirm our little gathering. He said it was okay to bring my champagne and he would have orange juice and glasses ready to go. Not sure how many would arrive, I was ready with more champagne to purchase and they had a barstaff for us. I think a total of 13 attended and in my opinion, those who did, arrived to special treats including free mimosas and maple sugar candy from my home state. NCL set up coffee, juice and cookies as well on a table.


The best treat of all was getting to meet Captain Tommy Stensrud, Food and Beverage Director Denis Prguda, Hotel Director Armando DaSilva, Cruise Director Paul Baya and Gary Aldridge. I had to laugh...they all sort of arrived together and when they walked in the HD exclaimed, "Where is Coka?!" I answered it was me. He said it was very nice to meet me finally. I reminded him I met him earlier that morning! Then he got to squirm! I thought, ha, I bet he will need that relaxation chair himself after that one!


Altogether, the officers were very nice and very personable. I noticed they took time with each of the cruisecritics in a casual atmosphere. Their conversations were not boring and they were not stuffy at all. As a matter of fact, I began to think they were real people just like us! Overall, this was a great opportunity to ask questions of them if you wanted to. Lastly, It was great to put faces to people I communicated with online. I tipped the bar server well (in case she had to "work" during the non-Star-bar-hours)! Theonlyjoie, the NYer and I remained at the end and finished off the mimosas.


Our next party was the latitudes party at one o'clock. It was fun to go through the line and to not be afraid to talk to the guys in white. We met up with Theonlyjoie's travel companians and found out they were in the suite next to us. We met them on the balcony at embarkation and Joie was in the forward suite on the end. Small world!


The latitudes party had free champagne, wine, mimosas, rum drinks along with nice hor's d'ouevres. We stayed with mimosas. I dislike champagne but I had a nice mimosa buzz and my ultimate goal is to win the champagne bottle in the raffle. The party was well attended...it filled up the Spinnaker's Lounge and the Captain talks to everyone and introduced the officers.


It seemed like everyone on Deck 9 won the prizes...gifts from the gift shop, the pedicure, the facial, t-shirts, hats, etc. I noticed there were not any prizes from the art department or alternative restaurant certificates. I think it depends on the ship, the week, and whoever is in charge of putting together latitudes parties...Joie's friend won a hat. I did not win the bottle of champagne again. I know if I ever win I am going to pull a Price Is Right move and run down and make a fool of myself. At this point, I am not too disappointed...


Joie and her friends were a riot to hang out with and I am sure we will stay in contact with each other. After the latitudes we were more buzzed and decided we better eat because more champagne was coming at the VIP party early evening. We selected the Blue Lagoon that serves chicken wings, potato skins, hamburgers, hotdogs (I think), noodle soup, shepard's pie, and some other stuff. We lucked out there because I understand a crowd had been before us and some waited longer than they thought necessary.


During lunch we could not figure out why there were coffee beans on display in the "Blue Lagoon" as well as coffee bean pictures on the "Blue Lagoon" carpet. Some of the "Blue Lagoon" chairs had cowhide on the back of them. We laughed at the no rhyme or reason to the decor. I pointed out the Java Cafe on the deck below (you could see down to the next level) and concluded that someone read the blueprint wrong! The NYer said, "yeah, I can hear it now...'hey Joe..the coffee carpet and beans were supposed to go down there!'...and Joe replies, "whatever!"


Afterwards, The NYer went up to the pool deck and it was time for my nap and solitude on the balcony. Upon arrival, another surprise bottle was in the cabin and I have no idea where it came from. As my head hit the pillow in bewilderment, I thought 'Whatever!'


As I slept, I had no idea what the evening would bring...VIP party, another alternative restaurant, a dress malfunction, suite treats, and New Years Eve Bash...



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Coka, a question if that's ok.


I know that the crew and customers are international but did any of the dining rooms have anything on Thanksgiving that might be considered a traditional US Thanksgiving dinner? I can understand why they wouldn't, but I also understand why they might.





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Yes Monte...on Thanksgiving they served turkey dinner in the dining rooms. I will write exactly what was served when I get home tonight. Thanks Swoosh!



Thanks Coka-we've considered Thanksgiving cruises in the past but haven't done one. Now I have one less reason to shy away from that week.



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(Monte, I have been on three Thanksgiving sailings and turkey was served all three times...two times the ship was decorated for Xmas, but this one the ship was not...which I liked).


During my nap I missed the afternoon activities that included champagne art auction, sexy legs competition by the pool, casino blackjack tournament, mega jackpot bingo, Texas Hold’Em tournament, spinning, martini clinic and margarita clinic. I wished I stayed up for the beauty seminars because I really could have used the seminar titled “Drop a Dress Size” or the one titled, “Fab Abs” with the fitness instructors.


Monday evening and the V.I.P. party was billed optional formal night and we opted to dress up. While in South Beach I purchased a great strapless silk (ish) black and white cocktail dress. Each vertical black stripe and each vertical white stripe overlapped the other from top to bottom. I decided the dress was more important than going on shore excursions and getting my hair cut in the ship’s salon. Since black and white was my fashion theme for the week and it fit perfectly, I bought it.


When the time came to put the dress on, I wondered what happened. How could the dress have shrunk? How come I could not zip up the back? I forgot Caribbean humidity makes me swell. I forgot champagne makes me bloat. I forgot something else that I should have remembered. Since trying on the dress originally, I think I was ten pounds heavier. How was I going to chow down on lobster in a few hours?


We were almost late for the VIP party as the NYer (who is the size of a peanut soaking wet), had to help shove me into the dress. We laughed and laughed at the little flaps flipping up in certain spots whenever I walked or stood up after sitting down. Strange how it did not do that when I was dancing in the South Beach dressing room! Horrifically, only a see-through mesh was beneath the flaps so their flipping up was not a very good move. Even so, I told the NYer I was going to wear the dress and just not move all night long. We could walk slowly; she would let me know if anything was showing, she could sit at the bar and I could stand up against it. When I had to sit down, I would remove my black sheer shawl (a burka head covering from Saudi Arabia I use as a shawl) and wrap it around my waist in a giant bow. Perfect. We were ready to go.


Before leaving, our suite treats arrived...TWO platters of chocolate covered strawberries. One platter was because of the suite and the other was because of latitudes member benefits. We stuck them in the refrigerator in order to save room in our bellies for lobster. Lobster was being served in every restaurant that evening. We headed off very carefully to the Fyzz Lounge...



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Reading Coka's reviews is one of the best things about cruise critic. I can't wait for the next installment!


Sometimes I think we should all chip in to pay for a cruise for Coka... just for the mere pleasure of reading her reviews.


And then, sometimes I think of the people I've met here on Cruise Critic and on our cruises and well, they just feel like really good friends. There are so many of you that I think it would be a blast to cruise with. Coka you are definitely one of them.


So glad you got to meet Alex!!!!

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(CruisinfromMn, I totally agree..cruisecritic is the best! I would love to set up a cruise with all our internet friends sometime! This website is the best stress-reliever, other than cruising itself!)!


The VIP party was very well attended and it was held in the Fyzz Lounge. Wowsa, what a colorful lounge! I did not clash with it of course in my black and white cocktail dress. The fyzz lounge is used for karaoke and for other venues such as country line dance lessons. At the party, I did not move from the bar. From previous VIP parties, I was content to just "stand there" and see who came up and talked to us. If you read my other cruise reviews, I am not very fond of the VIP parties as I always make a fool of myself! I am either drunk or not dressed appropriately...


This time I was sober and dressed appropriately. We met a very nice woman who offered to show us her Garden Villa. The HD came over and introduced himself. I reminded him I met him at the cruisecritic party and way earlier that morning! He mentioned I looked different every time he saw me but noticed I was always in black and white. I told him I had a lot more makeup on and that I gained a little weight since I saw him last...


The F and B Director was very nice and talked to us for a while. He asked where we were dining and we replied that we had not thought about it yet. He takes out his phone and calls Mama's Italian Restaurant and set us up for a seating. It was great. We found out the officers enjoy having phones instead of pagers. A nice improvement to efficiency on NCL's part. On this cruise I noticed the officers made sure they spoke to everyone who attended. I concluded this was a great group of officers. I secretly hoped they had fun at these events because they have to do it every week...


We arrived at Mama's and below is what we found on the menu:


Mama’s Italian Kitchen Menu:


Traditional and contempory appetizers will be offered tableside from

the trolley at the beginning*


Salads and Soups: Insalata Tricolore (radicchio, arugula, frisee,

cherry tomatoes and balsamic dressing), Insalata Ceasar (romaine

lettuce, parmesan cheese, herb croutons and creamy garlic-anchovy

dressing), Pasta e Fagioli (Cannellini Beans, Vegetables and pasta

soup), Minestrone alla Contadina (beans, vegetables, pancetta and pasta



Pasta Selection: spaghetti, linguini, fettuccini, penne, farfalle,

cheese tortellini, meat ravioli


Sauce Selection: marinara, pomodoro con panna (marinara with

cream/butter) , adriatico (seafood tomato sauce), alfredo, carbonara

(bacon, onion, parmesan and cream sauce), gorgonzola (Italian blue

cheese sauce), or bolognese (beef, veal, red wine, parmesan cheese and



Pizzas: Sierra Nevada (mozzarella cheese, olives, artichoke,

mushrooms, pesto sauce, air dried beef and arugula salad), California

(Italian sausage, artichoke, goat cheese, roasted capsicums, pine nuts),

Frutti de Mare alla Diavola (shrimp, scallops, crab meat, mozzarella

cheese, roasted red pepper, wilted spinach, spicy tomato sauce), Create

Your Own (pepperoni, sausage, ham, pineapple, anchovy, onion, olives,

peppers, artichokes, mushrooms, shrimp)


Main Courses: 1. Spigola Fillet Francesca (egg battered snapper

filet, mushrooms, capers, white wine lemon sauce), 2. Sausages and

Peppers Cacciatora, 3. Cotoletta di Pollo alla Milanese (Breaded chicken

breast, garden greens, oven dried tomatoes), 4. Land and Sea (Veal

Medallion, shrimp scampi, grilled polenta, spinach, artichoke, mushroom

sauce), 5. Vegetarian Manicotti


Side Dishes: Spinach with garlic, zucchini oreganetta, sautéed

mushrooms, gnocchi brown butter with sage, or vegetable risotto


Desserts: Tiramasu, Sinful Chocolate Velvet Cake, Strawberry Cheese

Cake, Coppa Aida (macadamia nut ice cream with white chocolate rice

crisps), and Formaggi Misti (cheeses and fruits)


We arrived at Mama's to a nice surprise. The F and B Director sent a bottle of wine to our table. I had the penne pasta and ordered the lobster. My two tails were succulent! I read on cruisecritic that someone complained about NCL not serving butter. I was served melted butter and enjoyed every bite! I do not eat desserts but the NYer had tiramasu and loved it.


I love Mama's!



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Upon leaving Mama's, I realized my dress was stretched appropriately. We were missing the main show by Jean Ann Ryan Company which other people reported as being fabulous. We checked out the ship store instead of arriving late to the show. I found the store pleasant. Cigarettes and liquor were definitely a bargain compared to where I come from. You could buy a carton of cigs for 23 dollars or 2 cartons for 40 dollars. The NYer is having a holiday party this weekend and she stocked up on supplies. If you purchase liquor from the store, you pick it up the night before the cruise ends. Just remind yourself you can not "carry on" the plane. You will have to pack it in your luggage. The regulations might change by the time you cruise, but keep this in mind.


We caught the tail end of the big show and realized we missed a good show. Passengers gave a standing ovation. I noticed the excellent set, the vocal quality, and the great dancing.


After the show we returned to the suite and found towel animals and chocolate on our pillows. I had been awake a long time and NCL contributed to an appropriate "good feeling." I do not think I had a bar bill yet but was feeling great. At about 10pm I thought about using my free 15 minute internet time to log on here and report, "Jive from the Lewel!..." We decided to keep drinking instead and headed up to the New Year's Eve bash in Spinnaker's Lounge.


We arrived to a packed house and everyone was having a good time! The crowd ranged from 18 to 80 years old. I immediately got my glow sticks, my streamers and began to work out on the dance floor. I noticed the older Norwegian dancer from early morning standing by himself. I grabbed him and took him out on the floor. This guy could boogie! I found out later that he was in the same profession as me. If I compare it to ship terms, I was the Staff Captain (second in command) and he was the VP of Miami office.


This was the only night I kept track of how long I stayed out at night. The NYer and I returned to suite at 3:30am. I had been awake partying for almost 24 hours. It was a perfect rainy day at sea.



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(Schoolbus, I sailed an NCL Sky New Year's cruise years ago and I am sure you will have a great time. I envy you)!


I awoke a few hours later and headed up to the breakfast buffet. It was a new experience for me to see just who was out and about early morning! I sat with a lovely Hawaiian couple from San Francisco. Their plan for the day was to find a long lost friend from year's ago. I told them I would say a prayer to St. Anthony that they would find her. I never saw them again that week but I hope they made someone's day!


We did not arrive in San Juan until noon so I caught some early mornig sun on the penthouse balcony. The ship was moving slowly and I think I had the best view...even better than the Garden Villa passengers. The Nyer awoke and I asked her to take the one picture of me all week. This photo will win the contest NCL puts out yearly...I am in my lounger but all you can see are my bare legs with 3 inch black and white dress shoes resting on the balcony railing with San Juan skyline in the horizon...the title of photo..."Wear Something..." I remembered I better develop my April Spirit pictures because I have a winner on that one too. Check out ncl.com for details but do not expect first place...that spot is mine!


We had special early debarkation tickets but we were not in any hurry to go anywhere. We were on vacation. We had no plans. We let everyone else get off the ship first and then we met up with cruisecritic TheOnlyJoie who did not go on San Juan tour with her friends. The three of us walked around the port and shopped a bit. I concluded that you must wear comfy shoes in Old San Juan's cobblestone streets. We walked along the pier boardwalk and throughout the streets. I was so tired that I asked in one store if I would get back American dollars. The shopkeeper announced that I was in the United States and I would get back American dollars because that is all he had. I replied that a certain percentage of Puerto Ricans did not want to belong to the United States...he happily responded, "What do I care? I am Mexican!" We laughed and I thought, only in America!


We shopped some more until we found a Senor Frogs bar. This was the first Senor Frogs not hopping during the daytime but it picked up later on. It was in the non-crowded San Juan Senor Frog's with TheOnlyJoie that I finally broke down and shared just why I needed this cruise. Fortunately for me, but unfortunately for her, she got to hear the horrible details. I had not cried in three months because I had to be the strong one for everyone else in the situation. Thank God for the TheOnlyJoie. If you are reading this review, then you must know how much of a relief it was to be with you at that moment...Thank you very much...


We returned to the ship with plenty of time before she left port. My general rule is to be back at least one hour before the recommended time. If you do not go with a ship tour, then there are no guarantees on the ship waiting if a traffic accident ties up the main road back, or if a privately scheduledl tour is running late...


We went to the afternoon buffet and I remember eating yummy pizza, chicken, pork ribs and potato salad. The Nyer had salads. We returned to our suite for a nap but it was interrupted by a shrimp platter delivery. We concluded no sleeping today and that we must begin to crack open all the wine we had sitting on our counter-top.


We sat out on our balcony eating shrimp and drinking our complimentary Cabernet Souvignon from Colin Veitch while watching everyone return to ship. We watched the sun set. We opened the second complimentary bottle of Cabernet S. from NCL's marketing department (remember my commercial I wrote???) and heard a report from our suite neighbors out on balcony about the San Juan tour. We finally met the honeymooning couple out on the balcony of the Diamond Suite (saw their suite at debarkation and it was beautiful...great decor...will book that one next time) and they were having a great cruise.


We realized that we had not had dinner since nobody told us where we were going to eat that evening! Would we ever make it to the regular restaurants? The Nyer then remembered the double platters of chocolate-covered strawberries in our refrigerator and brought them out on balcony. We commented on the fabulous lights of El Morro shining in front of us and how great a tour that was the last time in San Juan, we laughed also at the shiny lights of the brand new parking garage directly below it.


As we left port, the gentle wind and night-lights were mesmerizing. I was bundled up in an extra blanket and the NYer could not believe that I was chilly. I said I was just comfortable. She showed me the constellations as she had lived on a sailboat for two years with her husband when they sailed the Caribbean together years ago...


Once we were full speed ahead towards Antigua, we went back inside and got ready for '80's night in Spinnaker's Lounge. We missed dinner, the main show the Action Comedy Showtime Edge, the Big Band Tribute to Glen Miller, Who Wants to Be a Millionnaire Audience Participation gathering and the adult karaoke. Even so, I would not have traded the NYer, the wine, the shrimp, the chocolate covered strawberries, the balcony view leaving San Juan at night for a billion dollars...



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Here is the menu for Thursday's Dining Room (the Thanksgiving Day)


Appetizers: Marinated artichoke hearts, florida citrus, or sauteed scallops


Soups and Salads: Cauliflower soup, double beef broth, chilled spanish gazpacho, chinese duck salad, caesar salad


Entree's: Carved Roast Turkey with stuffing/sweet potato/gravy, Beef Stroganoff, Grilled Pork Chop, Cooking Light Baked Flounder, Garfalle Pasta, or Vegetarian baked cutlets


Desserts: Mocha Mousse, hazelnut souffle, chocolate decadence, sherberts/yogurt/icecream/cheese platter


I hope this helps.



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The turkey served on Thanksgiving Night was only one option for the Entree's. They had turkey, bread and herb stuffing,k sweet potatoes and pan gravy. Since it is printed on the new menus, then that is offered every Thursday. I hope this information helps.



Who will tell how I found Jesus in Antigua tomorrow night...

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We finally met the honeymooning couple out on the balcony of the Diamond Suite (saw their suite at debarkation and it was beautiful...great decor...will book that one next time) and they were having a great cruise.

Loving every word of your review...just wondering...what is the Diamond Suite? I can't seem to find it on NCL's site. Thanks:)

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Kcat, The diamond suite (as named outside the cabin) was on the starboard side, two cabins down from ours (10000). They had a balcony in front of ship as well as balconies on the side. The decor was deep blue with touches of gold. I will try to find the exact cabin number.


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KCat, I could not pull up the deck plans on NCL site. I did pull up the pictures and I am almost sure it was the AB Penthouse Category. I was in the AC Penthouse Category. The diamond suite had a jacuzzi bath with windows overlooking the ocean! If you have an NCL brochure, you might have better luck getting the exact cabin number.


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Hi Coka, I just have to ask... please say "hi" to Alex for us, Tami and Greg. In case he forgot, I am the one on crutches traveling with family of 10 on the Jewel last summer. Tell him too we're looking at several cruises in the next few months. Back to the Star or maybe the Sun. Then too, the Jewel or Pearl. But, this time no big family will be coming along!

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