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Why, why, why, why...why??


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You crack me up.Clearly though, you place a high value on courtesy and demand it from others which I find admirable. I say lead by example. Maybe the "huns" you speak of will pack some nicer attire next cruise and be more mindful of other folks' experience next time around. Having said that, don't let the inconsiderate folks get you down. Others only upset you if you let them.

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Ok...back to my original point...when there are so many options in the more casual cruise style, why are those of us who prefer a more traditional style begrudged that option.


Those of you who prefer a less structured holiday only see cruising two ways...those lines who are now casual AND those lines which you hope will become more casual.


What it gets down to is simply selfishness...the casual faction wants it's choice of EVERY cruise line at the expense of those who would want to keep cruising a little special.

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Danno - when you say "Those of you who prefer a less structured holiday" I am assuming that you mean people who don't want to wear a gown/tux, would use their cell phones on a cruise (not everyday or obnoxiously but in their cabin), would even possibly take their children, etc.. If my assumption is right the reason these people would go on an X cruise is because they enjoy the champaign welcome, sorbet parades, cool towels, service etc. Danno you seem like a loyal X follower and that is great because one thing that most can agree on is we love X but you have to learn not to let other people stress you out so much - life is too short! If you want a formal line try Radisson or Silversea. It sounds like you want the Silversea experience at the X rate and it just isn't going to happen.

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Those other lines that are more casual 1) don't offer me the same laid back experience as X, and 2) don't offer the food quality that X does.


Having said that, I give up most of my evening casualness when on X -- but I wish I didn't have to.

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as in nature, adapt or perish.

"Resistance is Futile"

when the fares on your precious "X" are as low or lower than some other unnamed lines, there will be some who you feel "don't belong". it was exactly this attitude on my march Galaxy cruise that has turned me off the X forever. oh, and the food was MEDIOCRE!

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If my assumption is right the reason these people would go on an X cruise is because they enjoy the champaign welcome, sorbet parades, cool towels, service etc.


And, also, the price is right. I think that has a lot to do with it. And, Danno has addressed this previously.


'X' is pricing itself into whatever category that falls into.


Radisson, Silversea, along with Crystal, Seabourn, last time I checked, were a tad higher than the price of 'X'

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I agree Tbelian I have said that before - I personally wouldn't mind seeing the prices raised a bit but then again it really doesn't bother me whom I happen to share the boat with. I know Radisson and Silversea are more expensive then X that was my point. Danno would like to see X be more like Silversea then what they are - a mass market line that has prices lower then Carnival at times. Danno beats a topic to death some times. You can go through the boards and see him have post after post after post after post about how he feels people should behave, act, dress etc. I know this is a forum and the place to do so but it gets to the point where he should stop and say "maybe I need to pay the extra money and begin to cruise a line where I will be happy".

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Jerk faces are from all economic backgrounds. I am probably on the low end of the payscale of the average Celebrity customer, but I chose the line for better food and service marks over NCL and RCCL. I also prefer less of the pool games, organized activities, and sing along type stuff. Yes, I'll even admit to booking during the first few weeks of the school year to avoid a large number of children on board. (Yeah. I said it!) I like to think I'm well behaved and respectful of dress codes on board, too.


As a wise bartender friend of mine once said "Problem is, freaks don't know they're freaks."


My guess is, the people who are not abiding dress codes and general cruise rules of conduct have no idea they're doing it. I'm quite sure its not malicious.

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Sorry, the "huns" thing was meant as an analogy...


Typical, when anyone speaks out againest those who want a more casual style of cruising we are called "child haters" (my son would differ), rich (wish it were true), snobs, etc...I guess it's easier to make it personal than to acknowledge there is any merit in the fact, that some would prefer to keep cruise traditions alive.


I simply stated it would be great if one cruise line bucked the trend and tried to be different...but of course that means that it would be different, not better or not worse, but different. Why is that a sin...except for the fact that it might mean it doesn't fit your expectations, for one line to have a different style.


There seem to be no people as unable to "get over it" than those who preach "get over it".

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I simply stated it would be great if one cruise line bucked the trend and tried to be different....


There is - Silversea, Radisson, Crystal and Seabourn. You might enjoy them!!!

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Ok...back to my original point...when there are so many options in the more casual cruise style, why are those of us who prefer a more traditional style begrudged that option.


Those of you who prefer a less structured holiday only see cruising two ways...those lines who are now casual AND those lines which you hope will become more casual.


What it gets down to is simply selfishness...the casual faction wants it's choice of EVERY cruise line at the expense of those who would want to keep cruising a little special.

You're right on the mark, Danno. Especially when it comes to children. There's no reason why one cannot have at least one option for a traditional experience in the mass-market. And if the lines only hear from the entitlement crowd, the traditional experience will soon be a thing of the past.


But I blame the cruise lines. They need to decide what they want to be when they grow up...then enforce that decision. Like most of the travel industry, to a large degree they're trying to be everything to everyone. That doesn't work. Never has. Never will. You don't need a Harvard MBA to figure that one out. They refuse to decide on a clear product and experience and the aggressively go after that portion of the market that is attracted to that experience. They may have a product emphasis, but they then make the error of also going after people who want a completely different atmosphere and experience. The inevitable result is that they make many people, mostly their loyal customers, disappointed and unhappy.


A Mardi Gras experience is simply not consistent with a more sedate country club experience. There's nothing wrong with casual evenings. But it's not consistent with the atmosphere created by a formal (or what passes for formal these days) evening. And although it's my idea of hell on Earth, there's nothing wrong with a ship crawling with children; but it is not consistent with an adult atmosphere. Sometimes you're in the mood for McDonald's, sometimes you're in the mood for an elegant 2-hour 5-star dining experience. You cannot do both at the same time in the same dining room.


There is enough competition in this industry that there should be clear choices and enough product for every taste. The lines need to abandon their "everything to everyone" mindset.

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I may very well enjoy the premium lines...and while I like the formal air of Celebrity the fact is I can't afford the much higher prices on these lines. While it might be easier to dismiss all of us who want to keep cruising "special" as rich, it certainly isn't the case with me...my wife and I work 45 hours + each week, 50 weeks of the year to be able to do this, and we know we are privilaged to be able to cruise.

So whatever problem you have with my opinions, you'll have to come to grips with the fact that I'm probably not as financially comfortable as most here...

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All people are very different so they quite rightly will want different ways to holiday, with or without their children, there is no right or wrong - just different.

The cruise lines try to cater for those who it is marketed to attract and they should all be happy to be different.

Therefore we should all try to choose our cruise line which cater as near as possible to our personal needs. It may not prove to be 10 out of 10 but a good 8 or 9 is a lovely holiday.

Rules and levels of etiquette are different things however. If the general rule is tux and evening wear to dinner on formal nights then the least all can do is conform. If you want to dress casual on that night, then eat elsewhere, there is no cruise line I have ever been on which you can be hungry.

If I didn't like to dress for dinner then I would have chosen a different cruise line.

If someone wants to read quietly then choose a less public spot and not in the middle of where it may be OK to laugh, joke and sing or at least don't complain when they do, you never know you might enjoy yourself.


We like to relax, meet interesting people, enjoy the sunshine, spend time alone, eat nice well served food, enjoy excellent standards of service, be entertained, enjoy fine wines, dance, party, smile, laugh and have fun - sounds just like a Celebrity cruise to me. What say you?


It's all about what is reasonable. Be reasonable, be tolerant of others, relax and you will enjoy.


Thats what I think anyway

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Danno I certainly did not mean to imply that you were rich - if offended I do apologize, it is not my style to insult even if I disagree with you. My point was based on your numerous posts that you want a premium product from a mass market line. Do you disagree?

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Actually I want a traditional style in a mass market line...no reason it should be more expensive, just adhere to a different style....and I wasn't offended AND if I were indeed rich, I would have been offended even less :D .

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if i may put my 2 cents in without ruffleing too many feathers.


i have been on crystal (and i assume those other lines that have been mentioned are similar) and it was very "stuffy". i have been on these boards for a while and have cooresponded with danno both on these boards and via e-mail. he is not a stuffy person and i do not think he would enjoy the crystal experience as i did not. danno i being portrayed on this thread as some sort of snob which i have learned he is not. hell, i am as blue collar as they come and if i get along with the guy he's ok.


now dont get me wrong i am not writing this as some sort of character reference....lord knows danno is quite capable of defending himself. i just thought i may try to clear up what i believe he is tring to convey. danno has been with x for a while.....prior to their fare drop off. danno has said several times on different threads that he would rather pay the old rate and maintain the level of quality than to save money at the expense of losing the tradional cruise experience he has found with x. now the notion of paying more may seem odd to some of us (ok all of us) but i understand what he is saying. x has always been in between the crystal lines and the other lower end lines. danno sees x loosing that middle ground and moving toward the lower end lines. and its true it is....there is no debating this. simple economics tells you in order to lower your rate something has to give. and that something is quality. as you read these boards there is several mention of x food being mediocre. 10 yrs ago you would have never read that.


i hope i have expressed myself well enough. i just saw this thread getting ugly and felt compeled to answer

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as in nature, adapt or perish.

"Resistance is Futile"

when the fares on your precious "X" are as low or lower than some other unnamed lines, there will be some who you feel "don't belong". it was exactly this attitude on my march Galaxy cruise that has turned me off the X forever. oh, and the food was MEDIOCRE!


Obviously, with this remark, you chose to not "belong" due to dress, etiquette, etc. There is a cruise line out there where you will feel you belong. It's not about money, it's about atmosphere and ambiance. And it's not about the food, although X is above average. It really is about atmosphere, ambiance, and being on a ship where everyone is of the same mind with regard to "the rules". Sorry you did not like X, but a lot of us are fighting to maintain at least one mass market line which maintains the traditional feel of cruising. The rest of you have at least 4 other lines at your disposal, which most of us would not cruise on, due to the atmosphere.


I am probably one of the harshest critics of the way some people act on cruise ships. If you don't want to dress for dinner and still want the upscale experience, how about Oceania? My DH WILL NOT cruise anymore if the manners and dress do not conform to the cruise ship requirements and proper deportment. I am in the same quandry as Olderpilot. Less cruises, so I can have the atmosphere, put up with the sloth, or just forget cruising altogether.


I am in complete agreement with Danno and USHA. Don the asbestos suits and flame on!!!

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Duck...thanks for the endorsement...you can NEVER have too many friends!!


As to your "blue collar" referance, my Dad is a welder and my Mom a part time sales clerk...I started as a parts clerk at a GM dealership, now I own a small repair shop of my own...if anyone had a right to be called a blue blood, it's not me.


What I do enjoy is taking a week or 10 days away from my everyday life, (which I love), to experience a vacation where each day is special, where each dinner is an event, where people treat the evenings activities as a "night out".


When cruises are done right it is like ten days in another life. Ten days where you have a maid or a butler. Ten days when you can sleep in, have breakfast in bed, meet new and interesting people from around the world...we can live the lifestyle we could never afford to any other way. For a few short days we are special...then we go back to our normal, hard working, lives, and dream of next years cruise.


Why would we ever want to lose the SPECIALNESS of cruising??

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I just want to say to the person who said they were wondering now if Celebrity guests on board will be rude or snobby. They aren't. At least not that I encountered. I have encountered very few rude people on cruises. yes there are people who don't follow the dress code. I think they look out of place but so what that's their problem not mine. AND it's the cruise line's fault for not enforcing their 'rules'.


I agree with the live and let live statement. The VAST majority of what someone else does on my vacation isn't going to make or break my vacation.


However, I can also understand Danno's point. Don't try to change Celebrity to make it what you want. It's one of the few 'mass market' lines out there that has a slightly different standard at a still reasonable price. If you want something different...go to Princess for their free style dining or go to RCCL for their more up-beat atmosphere. When you want a bit more laid back, elegant cruise go on Celebrity.


Seems simple to me?!

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I can't stay quiet any longer. I just don't understand the attitudes of "I don't have to follow the dress code, chair saving rule, etc because I paid for my vacation and I'll do what I please."


It's really easy to choose a situation that is closer to what you like than to force others to "go along with you" while you are obviously not willing to return the favor. Any vacation is a special thing to most people and they research to find what they are looking for. While my example focuses on dress code, it's the attitude of "my vacation, my way, like it or leave" that drives me to distraction.


Many people like the idea of an elegant evening in a dining room filled with people that are dressed up. Someone who isn't dressed shouldn't ruin the evening but it can't help but detract from the expectation. So they should just "chill" because you didn't want to follow the suggestions/requirements. Why, then should you be offended if they react to your inconsideration?


It makes no more sense to me to go on a cruise and be proud of the fact that you won't follow the dress code than it would to go to a church and criticze the people there for their beliefs. Why go? Instead of trying to force a group of people with a common desire to accept your different desires, why not find a group that thinks like you? Wouldn't everyone be better off?


Nikole said it very well.

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