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Warning about Princess Cruises


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Sailor Dan - For the sake of getting much better answers to your questions, I would (respectfully) suggest that you start a new thread. Oops, just realized your a first-timer. In that case, I'll start a new thread asking for Southern Caribbean info. This thread has become way too contentious for you to get what you want.
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Thank you DoniaG. It all is a bit puzzling here, this place seems to have its own set of rules that are outside the norm, and is confusing for newcomers. maybe those that have been here a while don't realize it. Anyway, I appreciate your help, and I will try to quickly understand the customs here too.
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[quote name='SailorDan']This is a new experience for me on this site, we are thinking about booking a cruise on Princess.
I have just read through this whole conversation...whew, amazing and interesting.
I agree with the poster named hamptod, and can't understand why others seem to take such quick offense here. "voice of reason" is just an expression to explain that a person thinks what was said makes sense, at least to them.
Anyway, I hope I can find advice here about which ship and which cruise my wife and I should book on Princess. We are interested in the southern carribean.
Anyone ever sail out of San Juan?[/QUOTE]
[b][color=black]Thanks for registering for the first time to post that. [/color][/b]
[b][color=black]The actual phrase was "[color=red]Finallly, a voice of reason[/color]". Which isn't just an expression to voice agreement. It expresses a not too subtle disapproval of all the comments that preceeded it. [/color][/b]
[b][color=black]Being new perhaps you aren't aware that there have been substantial disagreements here over insults and counter insults so much so that the administration has posted policies about offensive or abusive or harrassing language. [/color][/b]
[b][color=black]Comments directed at other posters about reason and/or the lack of it are seen as derogatory especially by those the comments are directed at.[/color][/b]
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[b]quote post 149..."The implication being everyone else was UN-reasonable? That is patently offensive phrase. [/b]

[b][color=black]If you wish to support this long gone OP or someone in support of the OP consider doing it without casting aspersions on those who also posted but refrained from questioning the "reason" of those who disagreed.[/color][/b]

[b][color=black]Digging this post back up to stir the pot... has questionable value to begin [/color][/b][b][color=black]with."..........[/color][/b]

[b]Jeeeesh, srphnx......there is no way i can hope to match you in a war of words, nor do i wish too do so. you are much to eleoquent for me. You have so much to add to the boards and so many good things to say, do you ever stop to read your own posts?[/b]

quote: post 154
[b][b][color=black]"Thanks for registering for the first time to post that. [/color][/b]

[b][color=black]The actual phrase was "[color=red]Finallly, a voice of reason[/color]". Which isn't just an expression to voice agreement. It expresses a not too subtle disapproval of all the comments that preceeded it. [/color][/b]

[b][color=black]Being new perhaps you aren't aware that there have been substantial disagreements here over insults and counter insults so much so that the administration has posted policies about offensive or abusive or harrassing language. [/color][/b]

[b][color=black]Comments directed at other posters about reason and/or the lack of it are seen as derogatory especially by those the comments are directed at"[/color][/b][/b]
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[b][color=black]Not sure why you would worry about a war of words Catmand, I have no disagreement with you. [/color][/b]

[b][color=black]I am being careful not to give offense these days but also being careful not to be treated badly and some of the people who post here just seem to want to be able to toss a bomb and then call time out. I found the use of the phrase "finally a voice of reason" to be judgmental and tending to start anew a long settled issue.[/color][/b]
[b][color=black]Yes, I do read my own posts, a little know fact is that I am having substantial vision issues and have to read them several times to keep the typos down to a dull roar.[/color][/b]
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Hi everyone. I have been on the CC board for a couple of years. I've been sort of busy lately, so I haven't been on the Princess forum much. Tonight I decided to check in and of course saw the "warning, disappointed..." title of this thread - which sucked me right in. At the beginning I thought the story was sad and felt sorry for for the poster and agreed with all of the advise about getting insurance...

However, as I read on to these most recent pages - I have to tell you I am getting sort of embarrased. I read a lot of posts from people like Catmand, Srphnx, etc. and you guys are generally informative and great. But, hey - cut this stuff out. Do you even realize how negative it is to read what you have going on here? This is why I haven't been participating as much lately. You guys need to remember what Cruise critics is all about and take this stuff elsewhere. Please be nice so people don't get turned off by what we have here.

My point is that you seem to be disecting this post and keeping it up when you really need to let it die. So, please don't respond to me - just let this go!

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[b][color=black]It was long dead until revived with what I consider to be a phrase designed to belittle people. The poster wasn't commenting on the subject but the posters, a bad policy by nearly all standards. There have been many instances of such inappropriate commentary and it has been more or less stopped recently. [/color][/b]

[b][color=black]I see no reason to be besmerched and not call it for what it is, I did not reply in kind but simply ask that it be stopped. If it is negative for this to go on, why is the request that it be stopped a problem?[/color][/b]
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I know that this is a truely sad time, and he underwent a major surgery. This is, however why they have cruise insurance, and why they state the policy clearly. I think this would happen on ANY cruise line, not just princess. (As i have seen it on every board)

This should make it obvious to everyone why you should spend the 99.00pp(Or so) for insurance or end up out the total cost of your cruise!

I hope in the long term that he is getting better!
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[quote name='srphnx'][b][color=black]It was long dead until revived with what I consider to be a phrase designed to belittle people. The poster wasn't commenting on the subject but the posters, a bad policy by nearly all standards. There have been many instances of such inappropriate commentary and it has been more or less stopped recently. [/color][/b]

[b][color=black]I see no reason to be besmerched and not call it for what it is, I did not reply in kind but simply ask that it be stopped. If it is negative for this to go on, why is the request that it be stopped a problem?[/color][/b][/QUOTE]I am a new poster to this CC board and I came here because I am very interested in a cruise on the CP. I have been reading the Carnival board because I took my first cruise in June. I am hooked on cruising and have been looking at other lines for another cruise. I decided to look at the Princess board because I came across a review done by one of the hosts of this board, Chris. I liked his review so much I decided to peruse the other threads to find out as much as I could about Princess and particularly the CP. So when I saw the thread with a title that included "Warning", I very much wanted to read it since I am trying to make a decision about the line and the particular ship I'm interested in. My first thought " find out from the experts!".

As I read the OP and then proceeded to read through the rest of the thread, I said to myself, "excellent advice about getting insurance". Make sure you do that when you book.

It was obvious to me, IMHO, that the OP was probably frustrated and emotional, to say the least about the situation. What bothered me was the tone of some of the responses. Especially, being a relative newcomer to this particular board.

So when I saw one post that I agreed with, I made my comment. It was not my intention to insult all the previous posters, I thought I was stating my opinion. In doing that I chose the wrong wording. For that I really and truly apologize. That was not my intent. If I insulted anyone, I truly and sincerely apologize. "It stands to reason" is a common phrase that I use and in the future, I will try to be more careful in how I say things.

Because I am still learning about how this board works, again, it was not my intention to "resurrect something negative" that had occured in the past. My understanding of how the board works is that when a new post is added to the thread, it shows up as a recent posting. That is how I came across the thread to begin with.

I am not here to start trouble and I will continue to express my opinion when I think it is necessary and will try to remember to watch the "tone" of my postings so as not to offend anyone. I am here to learn about cruising and exchange information about cruising. I'm also here to commune with folks who love cruising and to hopefully get to the level of most of you here in my knowledge of cruising. Finally, I'm here to vicariously share in the joy of cruising, no more, no less.

I am now done with this topic and will move on. I hope things work out for the OP and that the father will be okay.


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[b][color=black]I am delighted you are here, appreciate your TONE OF REASON and don't believe you meant to be insulting. There are some people here who take cheap shots usually at one group they don't like and routinely couch it in the guise of defending someone they feel is down trodden. [/color][/b]
[b][color=black]In the course of the defense they take liberties with the don't attack people personaly guidelines and then after being very offensive demand no one reply even to point out the hypocracy or attack. This is all by way of explanation of why I took offense at the phrase but NOT the poster. [/color][/b]

[quote name='hamptod']I am a new poster to this CC board and I came here because I am very interested in a cruise on the CP. I have been reading the Carnival board because I took my first cruise in June. I am hooked on cruising and have been looking at other lines for another cruise. I decided to look at the Princess board because I came across a review done by one of the hosts of this board, Chris. I liked his review so much I decided to peruse the other threads to find out as much as I could about Princess and particularly the CP. So when I saw the thread with a title that included "Warning", I very much wanted to read it since I am trying to make a decision about the line and the particular ship I'm interested in. My first thought " find out from the experts!".

As I read the OP and then proceeded to read through the rest of the thread, I said to myself, "excellent advice about getting insurance". Make sure you do that when you book.

It was obvious to me, IMHO, that the OP was probably frustrated and emotional, to say the least about the situation. What bothered me was the tone of some of the responses. Especially, being a relative newcomer to this particular board.

So when I saw one post that I agreed with, I made my comment. It was not my intention to insult all the previous posters, I thought I was stating my opinion. In doing that I chose the wrong wording. For that I really and truly apologize. That was not my intent. If I insulted anyone, I truly and sincerely apologize. "It stands to reason" is a common phrase that I use and in the future, I will try to be more careful in how I say things.

Because I am still learning about how this board works, again, it was not my intention to "resurrect something negative" that had occured in the past. My understanding of how the board works is that when a new post is added to the thread, it shows up as a recent posting. That is how I came across the thread to begin with.

I am not here to start trouble and I will continue to express my opinion when I think it is necessary and will try to remember to watch the "tone" of my postings so as not to offend anyone. I am here to learn about cruising and exchange information about cruising. I'm also here to commune with folks who love cruising and to hopefully get to the level of most of you here in my knowledge of cruising. Finally, I'm here to vicariously share in the joy of cruising, no more, no less.

I am now done with this topic and will move on. I hope things work out for the OP and that the father will be okay.


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[quote name='SailorDan']This is a new experience for me on this site, we are thinking about booking a cruise on Princess.
I have just read through....[/QUOTE]

Stop right there buddy! If you can, ignore all the gobbledegook mixed in with the good info and harvest what's of interest to you.

You ARE in the right place to find the very best informaition available on Princess cruises. Ask away on the questions and we'll be here to answer
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I agree that this thread has gone on too long on the majority point and has digressed (to blame the victime)... they often do when an emotionally compelling thread is begun, but...

There is not a TA or major cruiseline out there that doesn't try to sell travel insurance with every booking. It's a stand alone profit center for them.

The original poster's story - with it's strong sympathy element - doesn't deny that travel insurance was offered. With a four cabin group, some elderly, it is probable that the point was even "pushed" - for line/TA profit reasons if nothing else.

On my first cruise (that I organized), under similar circumstances, insurance was purchased - even as my immediate family has "taken it's chances" since then under other circumstances.

If we were discussing a single couple cancellation or maybe a different route, the result (the lines's decision) may have been completely different.

But in this instance, three weeks before sailing (and I stongly suspect that Alaska is an itinerary that people do NOT book with the spontanaety of say the Carib - w/airfare, etc.) the poster's group asked the line to live it and lump a four cabin cancellation. That is easily a $12-20K financial hit for the line, all because the group chose to decline the previous insurance offer.

I'm sympathetic to the original poster - for family reasons; but I'm not too sympathetic from a business standpoint. If Raddisson and some other lines would handle it differently - look at Raddission's fares and margins. I doubt that you would get a different result from any of the "majors" on an Alaska cruise.
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[quote name='Host Chris']Stop right there buddy! If you can, ignore all the gobbledegook mixed in with the good info and harvest what's of interest to you.

You ARE in the right place to find the very best informaition available on Princess cruises. Ask away on the questions and we'll be here to answer[/QUOTE]Catch up, Chris! Started him a new thread last night at [url="http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?p=1929650#post1929650"]http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?p=1929650#post1929650[/url]:D :D
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[quote name='joyride']Hi everyone. I have been on the CC board for a couple of years. I've been sort of busy lately, so I haven't been on the Princess forum much. Tonight I decided to check in and of course saw the "warning, disappointed..." title of this thread - which sucked me right in. At the beginning I thought the story was sad and felt sorry for for the poster and agreed with all of the advise about getting insurance...

However, as I read on to these most recent pages - I have to tell you I am getting sort of embarrased. I read a lot of posts from people like Catmand, Srphnx, etc. and you guys are generally informative and great. But, hey - cut this stuff out. Do you even realize how negative it is to read what you have going on here? This is why I haven't been participating as much lately. You guys need to remember what Cruise critics is all about and take this stuff elsewhere. Please be nice so people don't get turned off by what we have here.

My point is that you seem to be disecting this post and keeping it up when you really need to let it die. So, please don't respond to me - just let this go!


Amen, joyride!! Sometimes the outspoken outspeak themselves. Rare - but it happens.
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Yes, I admit it--for the past 8 cruises I have not purchased cruise insurance. My hubby and I are relatively young. I do admit that this and another "sob" story on another board made me rethink my initial assumption that the insurance wasn't necessary. For a bit over $250. I have brought peace of mind for my first Princess cruise--I didn't buy Princess insurance but an outside agency that was 30% cheaper. I DO see how it is easy to believe how insurance is not necessary. I DO understand why folks would not want to pay extra for insurance, when they cannot foresee any possible way they won't be on the cruise--or could afford to forfeit the monies. But listening to you folks has made it easier for me to see how life is not so predictable, and how cruise insurance could pay off for me--even if I never use it. Yes, willfull ignorance is a lot cheaper, but security in knowing that I won't lose everything for a vacation, is a lot more rewarding. So, please don't think of this issue as a dead horse. It converts alot of us, who never say so.
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Hi All,

This thread has gone south really fast. I am closing it and not removing it only because the information on the Trip Insurance is very important. Please let's try and not get into a he said..she said cat fight. Please, just state your opinion, if you have one and if not, just ignore any post that doesn't interest or pertain to you.

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