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L. A. Weightloss - anyone successfull?


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Hi everyone ...

Just wondering if someone has tried LA Weightloss and if so, how did it work....or better sitll....DID It work??? :rolleyes:

I did a search on this thread and basically came up empty handed....

I would appreciate any comments....

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I did it 5 years ago when I needed to lose 15 lbs. I hate to say this, but to me it was nothing more than what I already knew..that I had to weigh/measure my food, make healthy choices, etc. What I don't like is that they can't "guarantee" your weight loss unless you use THEIR products...which to me is just another way for the company to make money. It's all based on behavior modification, which is the crux of all diets. No special foods, etc.The old fashioned way of being mindful of portion sizes,fat, calories, etc.


I wouldn't recommend it although some swear by it. You can do the same thing at home cheaper, and spend your money buying high quality, healthy food. In the end you still have to make portion size changes, etc. For what you are going to spend there, you could spend the same money buying better food, reading the labels, and maybe joining a support group TOPS, or weight watchers, etc.


I think you are better off saving your money, buying high quality food, reading labels, weighing/measuring. The money you save in the end you could use to buy new clothes, a cruise, good pots/pans, etc. In the end, YOU are the only one that can control what you put in your mouth, not a program.






Hi everyone ...

Just wondering if someone has tried LA Weightloss and if so, how did it work....or better sitll....DID It work??? :rolleyes:

I did a search on this thread and basically came up empty handed....

I would appreciate any comments....

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Thanks Menina - I am just looking into it at this point.


I know what I have to do - make healthy choices and smaller portions, but I like the idea of going to the clinic 3 times a week...I think it would keep me on the straight and narrow (pardon the pun!)


What sorts of food do they sell? Do you have to take vitamins?

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You pretty much eat your own foods, doing the weighing and measuring thing, but they will INSIST that you eat their "bars"..which are quite expensive, then there is this juice drink you have on occassion. The first couple days you do just the juice to sorta rev up your body. No matter how much you try to tell them you are not interested, they will use all kinds of psychological manipulation tricks to get you to buy them.Then they will lay the guilt trip on you about how they can't guarantee your weight loss.


The program in itself is not bad, but my only problem with it is that their "counselors" really earn commissions based on what they sell, etc. (unless that is changed) and I have a hard time trying to buy into somebody helping me when in the end, they are going to benefit. To me it's taking advantage of the consumer.


You could probably do the same thing at weight watchers, not get sucked into buying their products, and save a whole lot of money while having support. Did you try a websearch to see if there were any forums for people who used the program??


Thanks Menina - I am just looking into it at this point.


I know what I have to do - make healthy choices and smaller portions, but I like the idea of going to the clinic 3 times a week...I think it would keep me on the straight and narrow (pardon the pun!)


What sorts of food do they sell? Do you have to take vitamins?

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I've done the weight watcher thing before, and with once a week meetings I found too much time lapsed and so did my motivation.


I know that if you don't buy LA's products they don't guarantee the weight loss - but if you are following their plan dilligently, won't you lose the weight anyways??

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Logically, yes you would because like I said, it's stuff you should be doing on any diet..weighing, measuring, making good food choices. You can do that on your own without a program and lose weight.


The program would tell you that you won't lose weight then do their sales pitch about the meal replacement bar for snacks..they will "claim" they have some super fat burning power...but you could also use balance or cliff bars and get the same effect...with or without the program..but LA would argue that.


The concept of the program is decent..weighing and measuring foods, etc..but you can save yourself alot of money and do that on your own without going there. The counselor only goes over your food diary, and makes recommendations, sees if you cheated, etc. You could do that with a friend, if you could find a friend to go on a diet with. You also have to ask yourself if you have that kind of time to go in there three or four times a week to get weighed. That part didn't work for me, because many times I'd be on the road by 4:30 am and then by time I got home at night the place was closed.


You have to decide what is right for you and your lifestyle. I just think the program and it's sales pitch is a waste of money. The diet concept is decent, it's everything else that I don't like about it.


I've done the weight watcher thing before, and with once a week meetings I found too much time lapsed and so did my motivation.


I know that if you don't buy LA's products they don't guarantee the weight loss - but if you are following their plan dilligently, won't you lose the weight anyways??

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I know it seems silly - but I need to be "policed" when I am trying to lose weight - that's why the 3 times a week visits are good for me. A brand new LA opened less than 5 minutes from my home, so that is very convenient too.


I think I may poke my nose in there for a "consultation"......when you say they pressure you to buy their products, do you have to buy ALL of them - or can you just buy some of them??


Kalamari - you have been so helpfulll!

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The consultation is a good idea, but be forewarned they will try to guilt you into signing up before you go, or give you a certain time period to do it and keep bugging you on the phone. UNLESS it's changed from when I went.


I understand the policed thing, but you don't have a good friend who can hold you accountable? Maybe she could do it with you And even after you did the program, who is going to police you when you are not paying to go there?


Products: The big thing is the bars/mixes and the juice drink. If you have to suck it up and buy anything, those are helpful, although expensive. They don't taste too bad but I found the bars too sweet. The vitamins, etc. are extra.


I saw a good review of the program, I think it was on diets.com or ediets.com or something, but again, do your reserach. It may be for you, I just think you can do the same thing on your own with help from a buddy. Like I say all the time, in the end you are the only one who can control what you put in your mouth, and no amount of policing is going to keep you from that in the end. People cheat on the LA diet all the time. The program's answer would be, "well, you need to buy these EFA supplements to control your cravings" etc.


All diets are based on self discipline, good/bad fats, weighing/measuring food. In the end, there is no way to get around that. It's the diet industry that's enabling people to become fatter, not common sense. There was a gal who posted somehting on LA months ago, she vehmently defended the program but for all I know maybe she worked there :)


Hope this helps..Menina



I know it seems silly - but I need to be "policed" when I am trying to lose weight - that's why the 3 times a week visits are good for me. A brand new LA opened less than 5 minutes from my home, so that is very convenient too.


I think I may poke my nose in there for a "consultation"......when you say they pressure you to buy their products, do you have to buy ALL of them - or can you just buy some of them??


Kalamari - you have been so helpfulll!

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Thanks Menina - What you are saying is so true and I know it. I'm the only one that can control what I eat....problem is, I am over eating! My willpower has been at 0 for the past few months and I am getting more and more disgusted with myself. I guess I need a good jump start...which is why I was looking into the program.


I will definitely let you know what comes of all this - and thank you so much for taking the time to answer all of my questions!


Happy Holidays!

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The issue isn't your willpower..it's impuslvity. Most people don't stop and think about why they are eating. Did you ever notice people just eating aimlessly, like at the mall, when they are walking, driving, or just standing in a line? You have to stop and ask yourself "why" you are eating. bored? stressed? or are you truly hungry? you have to ask yourself questions like "why do I need to eat 8 cookies if the serving size is 4 cookies". Ya, your stomach is going to complain that it's not getting 8 cookies, but that's not real hunger. That's your stomach used to being overfed so of course it's going to complain until it's "trained" to eat the correct portions.


This is what I ultimately had to do to lose my 15 lbs. That, and eating and cooking at home. If you do your own cooking you can by far remain in control. Example: I really wanted a good piece of cake today..not some store bought crap...I made a three layer red velvet cake with peppermint frosting..it's like 10 inches high..YUM...but after all that work, I only wanted a small slice and gave the rest to my neighbor. If I had bought the store bought one, I probalby would have impuslively ate half of it. ..because it was "easy" access. See my point?? I had a great piece of cake, satisifed my craving, and have no guilt. I stopped and thought about what I was doing.


Thanks Menina - What you are saying is so true and I know it. I'm the only one that can control what I eat....problem is, I am over eating! My willpower has been at 0 for the past few months and I am getting more and more disgusted with myself. I guess I need a good jump start...which is why I was looking into the program.


I will definitely let you know what comes of all this - and thank you so much for taking the time to answer all of my questions!


Happy Holidays!

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I'd ditto M's suggestions to you, ckrobyn. I've never done LA, but I can tell you all the support you want is available from Weight Watchers -- in their meeting rooms and online at www. weightwatchers. com.


With WW, you get a choice of food plans and good information from the staff as well as other members. You do not have to buy any of their products. You pay a weekly fee which allows you to attend as meetings as you'd like during the week, at any and all of the WW sites. I find this especially helpful when traveling.


Their website is free to use; anyone can just sign up by creating a user id, kind of like CC. ;) There's LOTS of support there. Lots of different boards and threads. And, like here, you don't have to create as user id just to browse around. So surf on over and explore.

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I don't need to lose weight but I like this tip. Isn't the key "self awareness"? I gain a lot from reading these posts, even if I don't have to lose weight. Kind of like a prevention tool.


It's funny how the diet industry is making huge bucks, but people continue to get fatter. That makes no logical sense to me. Losing weight shouldn't have to be painful nor cost money, I think. All the money people spend on buying garbage could be better spent on my buying finer food with purer ingredients.


I'd ditto M's suggestions to you, ckrobyn. I've never done LA, but I can tell you all the support you want is available from Weight Watchers -- in their meeting rooms and online at www. weightwatchers. com.


With WW, you get a choice of food plans and good information from the staff as well as other members. You do not have to buy any of their products. You pay a weekly fee which allows you to attend as meetings as you'd like during the week, at any and all of the WW sites. I find this especially helpful when traveling.


Their website is free to use; anyone can just sign up by creating a user id, kind of like CC. ;) There's LOTS of support there. Lots of different boards and threads. And, like here, you don't have to create as user id just to browse around. So surf on over and explore.

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I lost alot of money on L.A. It is true- that if you follow their program- you will lose weight....

However, you pay UPFRONT. They are counting on you not coming in- then they make money and move on to the next person. I found the counselors to be very unexperienced.....plus it is hard to get the same one. You do have to use their products- they really hassle you if you don't.

Anything works if you want it to-----so pick something that doesn't cost so much upfront. I thought the same thing about it "being good" that you go 3 times a week...............but, well, if you don't connect with those people and you get the impression they aren't interested in your progress- don't notice if you miss, you quickly lose motivation.

Sorry about being so negative, but I really don't recomend this program.

Good Luck!!!!

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It is FREE! It helps you track your food and calorie intake (like weight watchers), it helps you track your activity and your weight as well as any other goals you set for yourself. It is an online program that you do by yourself BUT they also have "groups" you can join and it is similar to this board. You can get the support you need from the folks on the board.



Another option is to go and see a registered dietician to get you started off right. You can plan sessions with them and it will probably end up cheaper than going to LA. That might give you the accountability you need while getting very valuable info. One thing to check though..you workplace benefits (if you have them) may pay for some of this cost. My work gives us 3 hours per year with a registered dietician to address any food/health concerns. Worth looking into.


Good luck! :D

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It is FREE! It helps you track your food and calorie intake (like weight watchers), it helps you track your activity and your weight as well as any other goals you set for yourself. It is an online program that you do by yourself BUT they also have "groups" you can join and it is similar to this board. You can get the support you need from the folks on the board.



Another option is to go and see a registered dietician to get you started off right. You can plan sessions with them and it will probably end up cheaper than going to LA. That might give you the accountability you need while getting very valuable info. One thing to check though..you workplace benefits (if you have them) may pay for some of this cost. My work gives us 3 hours per year with a registered dietician to address any food/health concerns. Worth looking into.


Good luck! :D


Thanks Belle - I appreciate your comments.


I have done WW - many times actually....and I know the program is excellent and does work.....it's just not "involved" enough for me...if that makes any sense?


I absolutely have to go to a clinic or something a minimum of 3 x per week for at least the first few months to keep my motivation up. I'm one of those folks that thinks if I have 4 days until weigh in...I can eat just a little more :rolleyes: It sounds ridiculous, but I was serious when I said I needed "policing".....but I really do.


I have a consult booked at L.A for next Tuesday and will see what it is all about and if I think it may be the right program for me...I'll let you know how I make out!


Thanks again for all the helpful advice!!

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I did LA a few years ago. I lost 30 pounds in about 4 months. I spent A LOT of money by buying their bars (almost $2,000). After about 6-8 months I had gained it all back. I had a real problem with their "counselors." I saw many different ones, NONE of them had ever had a weight problem - they all told me that. Two of them weren't even 100 pounds, so, for me, it was very intimidating. Knowing they hadn't experienced any of the weight issues I had made it difficult for me to confide in them and have them understand my situation. If you do it, I wish you luck.

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I have lost 35 lbs. on LA Weight Loss. I love the plan. I like the fact that you meet with the counselors one on one. Going in to weigh 2-3 times a week keeps me accountable. I know what it is that I am suppose to eat and I know about portion control but is really hard to do it on your own. I do buy the bars but that is it, and I'm not pressured to buy any other products. I still have 10 lbs. to go and those last pounds have been very stubborn! I am going to be very focused the next 3 months so that I can get to my goal weight before I cruise.


p.s My husband has also lost 35 lbs. and he is not even on the plan. He has changed his eating habits a long with me. We kinda got a 2 for 1 deal!

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How much money has it cost you to lose these 35 lbs? I think that what all of us are interested in knowing. So what do you do when you're done with the program and don't report to the counselor? I am curious...Menina



I have lost 35 lbs. on LA Weight Loss. I love the plan. I like the fact that you meet with the counselors one on one. Going in to weigh 2-3 times a week keeps me accountable. I know what it is that I am suppose to eat and I know about portion control but is really hard to do it on your own. I do buy the bars but that is it, and I'm not pressured to buy any other products. I still have 10 lbs. to go and those last pounds have been very stubborn! I am going to be very focused the next 3 months so that I can get to my goal weight before I cruise.


p.s My husband has also lost 35 lbs. and he is not even on the plan. He has changed his eating habits a long with me. We kinda got a 2 for 1 deal!

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I have lost 60 pounds on the LA weight loss program and it is the best program I have ever done. I have done WW so many times and have put the weight back on. I have been on maintenence for 7 months now and have kept it off.


I also needed to be accountable and go 3 times a week while in the weight loss piece and now I only go once a week which keeps me honest. I have had no pressure to buy any of their products and all of the counselors have been very helpful. Not all centers are the same and I believe it depends on the center as to how the counselors are.


My suggestion would be go into a consultation, it does not cost anything. Yes you do have to pay the money up front, but for me that kept me even more accountable because I did not want to lose what I had put into it. The cost ranges from $3-4 a week, which is cheaper than WW.

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Hello all


3 years ago I lost 60 pounds. I have since kept it off. When I finally made my mind up after many unsuccessful attempts at the diet world, I was finally successful. I started by reading everything on the contents. I wrote everything down that I ate each day. I did calories and fat, Allowing myself 2000 calories and 30 grams of fat per day. I bought alot of fruit and made sure that I ate 3 meals per day everyday. The first 2 months I did not exercise, but as I started seeing the weight falling off me I started walking each day for 30 minutes. I did it in 4 months. I also did it during the winter so when spring arrived, new smaller clothes I went out side in my new clothes during the weight loss time I wore my old baggy clothes until they no longer stayed on my body without falling off. All my neighbours were not sure if it was me or not. I did look alot different. I was very determined this time which was different as I have mentioned many times I would try and after 1 week would go back to my normal way of eating (junk). If you have your mind set you can do it. It does take alot of hard work, its a life change that you have to take on. New ways of cooking, looking and feeling. In the end when you slip into those new small size clothes it is all worth it.


Good luck all

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You did exactly what I did. I am here in England on holiday...I have eaten by far more carbs and CHEESE (the cheese here is glorious) then I ever do at home and I have not gained a pound..I have watched my portions but the difference is the food here has no preservatives, is "whole" (no crap added), and I am walking everywhere.


It's a sad shame that the diet industry is making huge bucks, but people are still getting fatter and/or not maintaining weight loss.


Like I always say, no amount of policing can help you. To a degree, yes. Eventually you have to do it on your own and you are the only one that can push yourself away from the table or put the fork down. You have to measure and weigh portions. People don't understand that then your stomach complains of "too little" food (i.e, if you cut your portions) it's not that your not having enough food, it's your stretched out stomach complaining that it's not getting what it "thinks" it has to. Eventually, YOU have to learn to not be impuslive, have self discipline, and police yourself.


Hello all


3 years ago I lost 60 pounds. I have since kept it off. When I finally made my mind up after many unsuccessful attempts at the diet world, I was finally successful. I started by reading everything on the contents. I wrote everything down that I ate each day. I did calories and fat, Allowing myself 2000 calories and 30 grams of fat per day. I bought alot of fruit and made sure that I ate 3 meals per day everyday. The first 2 months I did not exercise, but as I started seeing the weight falling off me I started walking each day for 30 minutes. I did it in 4 months. I also did it during the winter so when spring arrived, new smaller clothes I went out side in my new clothes during the weight loss time I wore my old baggy clothes until they no longer stayed on my body without falling off. All my neighbours were not sure if it was me or not. I did look alot different. I was very determined this time which was different as I have mentioned many times I would try and after 1 week would go back to my normal way of eating (junk). If you have your mind set you can do it. It does take alot of hard work, its a life change that you have to take on. New ways of cooking, looking and feeling. In the end when you slip into those new small size clothes it is all worth it.


Good luck all

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You did exactly what I did. I am here in England on holiday...I have eaten by far more carbs and CHEESE (the cheese here is glorious) then I ever do at home and I have not gained a pound..I have watched my portions but the difference is the food here has no preservatives, is "whole" (no crap added), and I am walking everywhere.


It's a sad shame that the diet industry is making huge bucks, but people are still getting fatter and/or not maintaining weight loss.


Like I always say, no amount of policing can help you. To a degree, yes. Eventually you have to do it on your own and you are the only one that can push yourself away from the table or put the fork down. You have to measure and weigh portions. People don't understand that then your stomach complains of "too little" food (i.e, if you cut your portions) it's not that your not having enough food, it's your stretched out stomach complaining that it's not getting what it "thinks" it has to. Eventually, YOU have to learn to not be impuslive, have self discipline, and police yourself.


Eventually I will get there - in mind and body! ;)

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