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World Cruise Blog from Therapst and Therapst's Lady


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Hi Mary & Randy.


So pleased everything is going well and we were honoured to be members of the same trivia team and have a wonderful photograph of you both holding up your FIRST Yellow prize ticket (the first of many) we will keep in touch as promised and miss both of you and the ship so much, still working on the possibility of joining you before the cruise is over.

Lorraine sends her love and asks if you intend getting more lions?

Have a great time and thanks for breakfasting with us on Saturday, it made our departure that much easier (parting is such sorrow)

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Thanks for keeping us up to date on your travels. Did someone bring the Cruise Critic log to your meeting so everyone could sign?

Amanda is just the nicest person, Cunard is very lucky to have her on their staff. :D


I understand Jason will now be working in the Casino for a while. They seem to move him all over the ship, but you can ask any bartender and they have a list that will tell you where he is working. They get so lonely being away from home, it's nice to have a friendly face.


By the end of your 99 days you will have earned some very nice gifts with the vouchers. I love my tote bag. Did you earn most playing trivia?

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Just in case anyone now on board QM2 is checking this thread, Amanda Reid has scheduled a Cruise Critic get-together on Friday, January 12, at 11:00 AM in the Commodore Club. This will also appear in the Daily Programme.


She is planning a similar meet-up for each segment of the voyage, and we appreciate her help and support very much!

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Bravo Amadna reid!


She is the "hostest with the mostest!

She was so kind to Marc and I on our Panama cruise last year.

And how marvelous of her to make sure the Cruise Critics get their due. Cunard must recognize at some point just how far we go in selling their cruises for them. We may not "sell" cruises or book them directly, but how many cruises hve been taken because of these forums, and how many have joined after jumping into a thread of friendly cruisers, and decided they'd like to share a ship with them!


We turned in a White Star Service card on Amanda last cruise, based on our Panama cruise, and so noted!



who thinks the woman is simply darling!

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Thank you Randy and Mary for asking Amanda Reid to organise the CC gettogethers for each segment. Mary, the thread that we tried so hard to keep alive has lots of new people joining now so hopefully we will get good turnouts!


Can't wait to meet all of you and have my own opportunity to post "live from the QM2"!





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January 10—World Cruise Begins

Turnaround Day – Wednesday was, of course, another turnaround day in Fort Lauderdale. However, this one was very different from those prior while we’ve been onboard, and for a number of significant reasons. First of all, since the January 6 4-day cruise sailed only to St. Thomas, there was no requirement for passengers to clear U.S. Immigrations either in St. Thomas or back in Fort Lauderdale. Secondly, Port Everglades had many ships in port during our previous embarkation and turnaround days. This time there were just two ships, the QE2 and ourselves, docked bow to bow. QE2’s bridge webcam showed this quite nicely.

A different atmosphere settled over the ship during the day as she was prepared and provisioned for the first segment of her world cruise. A special logo appeared for the Maiden World Cruise on the Daily Programme as well as on selected items of clothing in the onboard shops. The Britannia dining room was not open for lunch since there were only four in-transit passengers from the prior voyage. There was a huge turnover in crew and staff. We “lost” our headwaiter and waiter to their well-deserved leaves, and our junior waiter was reassigned elsewhere in the dining room. One member of the cruise staff left the ship for her vacation, and there were changes in some senior officers as well, including the hotel manager and executive chef. One of the two World Club / future cruise sales representatives also left on vacation and was replaced for the new voyage.

And yes, as one might expect, the passengers boarding the ship were somewhat older on average than those departing from the 4-day cruise. In round numbers, about 2400 passengers came on board, and about 500 of those are booked for the full world cruise.

The dress code definitions changed, and perhaps this has contributed to the confusion surrounding dress expectations aboard the ship. Whereas “Elegant Casual” previously required no jacket for men, it now does specify a jacket being required. Furthermore, there are considerable more formal days in a given week now that the world cruise has begun. So the ship has become significantly more formal.

The cruise staff has provided an 11” x 17” monthly calendar to passengers, which reflects sea days, port days, special events and royal balls, and the dress code for each day. It is very helpful to have this.

Passports are now collected by the Purser’s Office and will be held for much of the voyage. The reason for this is that those countries requiring visas send Immigrations officials along with the pilot boat, and they want to inspect visas (which are typically in the passports themselves) in the very early hours of the morning. They don’t normally require a face-to-face meeting, so this saves passengers from having to arise before the crack of dawn just to bring a passport/visa for inspection and annotation.

A cocktail party hosted by the cruise staff for passengers booked on the full world cruise provided an opportunity for meeting and mingling in the Queens Room during the early to mid-afternoon.

Enrichment Lecturers– The Cunard Enrichment program has also been kicked into high gear for the start of the world cruise. Even though apparently now divorced from Oxford University, there is a wide array of knowledgeable scholars onboard to lecture on many subjects. They include:

Courtroom Artist Marilyn Bell Church

Celebrity Speaker Janice Pottker

NY Cartoonist Matthew Lewis Diffee

Holocaust Survivor Samuel Fried

Destination Lecturer Captain Richard Hayman

Forensic Lecturer Jerry Labriola, M.D.

Cunard Historian John Langley

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Tandem Sailaway – By the time this entry is being written, readers of the Cunard forum already know that the sailaway of both ships was delayed for about three hours. What we know about the reason for this is based on announcements made by the Captain as the evening progressed. And indeed, it did involve a large number of passengers arriving for boarding without the required Brazilian visa in their passports. Cunard apparently decided to pull out all the stops and try to help the passengers obtain the required visas from the Brazilian Consulate in Miami rather than to depart without them, which is obviously highly commendable.

As for the rumors: We understand through the onboard grapevine that the number of passengers involved was in the hundreds, and that those who were successful in acquiring the necessary visa at the last minute were “fined” a significant amount by the Brazilian Consulate for the rush processing. Additionally, there was some question left unresolved as to whether those passengers would actually be permitted to disembark in Rio even with the visa issued. We also don’t know whether there may have been passengers who were either unable or unwilling to acquire the visa at the last minute and were therefore not permitted to board the ship.

Why did this happen? We can only speak from our own personal experience, of course. We received our pre-cruise documents for the world cruise very late, not until mid-December, and even then only after making several calls to both Cunard and our TA. In fact, we received our final documents before the pre-cruise packet, which contained the all-important information about required documentation for the voyage. We don’t know whether the hold-up in our receipt of this packet was the fault of Cunard’s shoreside operations, our TA, or both. But what we do know is that if we hadn’t aggressively researched these requirements months earlier from both Cunard and the helpful folks at Zierer Visa Service (ZVS), which was handling the processing for Cunard passengers, it would have been all too easy to have had insufficient time to start the process in order to have the passports and visas returned in time for the voyage. Here again, we hope to learn more details later.

Despite the late departure, it is important to note that the magic of the two Queens departing Port Everglades together, each on their own very own special world voyage, was exceptionally real. The two ships playfully sounded their horns at each other a few times, and then gave the ritual blasts prior to leaving their respective docks, passing through the inlet where Fort Lauderdale condo residents were waiting and holding their own sailaway parties for this historic occasion, and then out into the dark of night and the open seas, destined not to meet each other again until their scheduled future meeting in Sydney Harbor.

(More to follow)

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Thanks Randy and Mary, interesting to see some of the comparisons on the world cruise vs a regular cruise. Keep up the splendid work.


Here is a truely wonderful shot on the Cunard website of the 2 ships in Ft.Lauderdale. "The Mary" looks like a true steamlined liner from this angle:







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Hello Randy & Mary,

Hope you're having a great time!

We're joining the ship in San Francisco on Feb 5 for 3 weeks. Having cruised on the wonderful QM2 last year we just can't stay away! We were pampered to bits by our head waiter Dragos - I wonder if you know if he's back on board? Anyway, happy cruising and maybe we'll bump into you soon!

Richard, Jasmine & Amanda (2 years old and about to become the youngest veteran of world cruises!)

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Hi there Richard, Jasmine and Amanda


I had to reply to your post as I see you will be on the World Cruise soon with your 2 year old (daughter I assume?). My DH, Callum and myself and our 2 year old daughter are also joining the world cruise for the Sydney- Dubai sector. You say you are on for 3 weeks so I'm assuming that means you are going further than Sydney? Where are you disembarking?


I was thinking that it would be fun for the 2 year olds to get together! Are you planning on using the nursery facilities? (we are).


Feel free to email me directly at timmihatregion4dotcomdotau.


Cheers from Timmi, Callum and Imogen.

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Hello there Timmi, Callum & Imogen!

It's nice to know that we're not the only couple brave enough to take our two year old on a leg of the much vaunted QM2 World Cruise!

Actually, we were on the 12 day cruise to Hawaii last year and enjoyed it so much that we just couldn't resist the chance to come back before we get committed with schooling restrictions on our time etc.

We board in San Francisco and leave in Hong Kong, so hopefully, Amanda and your Imogen will have a chance to get together and have lots of fun.

The nursery is very good indeed and it's one of the reasons we booked with confidence. The ship is really good and for us it will be like going back to visit an old friend! Is this your first cruise?

Best wishes,

Richard, Jasmine & Amanda

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Hi again Richard, Jasmine and Amanda - sorry for the redundant post before, I knew you had posted but I couldnt see it as it had not created the new page yet, it does that sometimes, I dunno why.


Anyway, no its not our first cruise but it is out first with our daughter. This will be my 4th cruise and my husbands 2nd but we have never sailed with Cunard before.


Did you take Amanda with you on your cruise to Hawaii last year? If so, how did you find it? I've done quite a lot of research on the nursery facilities but any tips you can throw my way would be appreciated. I take if from your posts that you are actually from London (I'm assuming London, England) but are actually joining the ship in SF?


From what I can gather there will probably be a cruise critic get together for each segment. We will try and attend the one after we get on in Sydney so that might be a good place to meet up - although we may have already run into you at the nursery by then!


I'm really happy to hear that Imogen will have someone her own age for at least some of the time. When does Amanda turn 3? Imogen will be 3 in June so she is just over 2 1/2 now.


Randy and Mary - just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying your very informative posts. Its very interesting to hear about the turnarounds and the change in things for the start of the World Cruise. I made Callum buy a nice sports coat so it sounds like its not going to go to waste given the new definition of "elegant casual". :)


Can't wait to read more!


Cheers for now


Timmi, Callum and Imogen.

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The next chapter in the World Cruise Blog from Randy and Mary


January 17—Nearing Rio de Janeiro


7 Days at Sea – The longest distance by sea between any two ports on the maiden world cruise of QM2 exists between our departure port, Fort Lauderdale, and our first stop at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, approximately 4670 nautical miles. Today is our seventh day at sea, and we expect to arrive in Rio by 0600 hours tomorrow. The at-sea days have been very relaxing, and while many activities have been provided by the cruise staff, enrichment lecturers, movies, planetarium shows, etc., we gather that most passengers have fallen into a pattern of choosing their favorite activities and then filling in the time with dining, reading, napping, enjoying time with themselves and others, and of course, dining again!


Entertainment – We previously reported on the enrichment lecturers sailing with us on this segment of the voyage, and we understand that some of these will depart and that other lecturers will board in Rio. It is also worth noting that the nightly entertainment in the Royal Court Theater have been outstanding, with “guest” performers providing musical, comedy, acrobatic, and other unique entertainment, in addition to the ship’s company of dancers, vocalists, and the marvelous orchestras found onboard. Dinner is accompanied by either a string quartet or a harpist. Various styles of music performed by smaller groups can be found in the lounges around the ship, as well as the ballroom dancing music in the Queens Room and the faster-paced music in the G32 Disco each night.


We are advised that a new company of dancers will be joining the ship in Sydney, complete with all-new shows as well. And, while there have traditionally been three different shows available in the Illuminations Planetarium during a given voyage, new shows have been added as well for the world cruise. If you happen to be a techno-geek like Randy (or just appreciate great signage) you would really marvel at the new plasma displays located outside each entrance to Illuminations. Essentially large flat-screen plasma TVs mounted vertically and fed by high-definition quality programming, they show the schedule of events for each day in Illuminations, as well as the current date and time and even preview animated graphics for upcoming planetarium shows and movie presentations. Nice job QM2!


Fort Lauderdale Sailaway – One additional note on the Brazilian visa issue which delayed our departure from Fort Lauderdale. Apparently a large number of passengers were under the erroneous belief that if they weren’t planning to leave the ship in Rio, then they wouldn’t need a Brazilian visa. However, it doesn’t work that way. In order to leave international waters and enter the territorial waters of a given nation, a visa is required for certain applicable foreign visitors. In Brazil’s case, that includes U.S. citizens.


World cruise guests – On board the ship, we have passengers booked for the full world cruise, passengers booked on one or more of the original five segments of the voyage, and a smaller number of passengers who are booked on some “mini-segments” that were added late in the booking process by Cunard. For example, some passengers will be departing the ship in Rio, having completed an 8-day voyage from Fort Lauderdale. Full world cruise passengers do receive some special perks, including commemorative gifts. Also, part of the Commodore Club has been set aside on mornings of sea days for full world cruise passengers only as an opportunity for them to meet each other and enjoy some light refreshments. Additionally, there are cocktail parties hosted by the Captain and his senior officers exclusively for passengers on the full voyage.


As to nationalities represented, on this segment (Fort Lauderdale to San Francisco), the U.S. holds a slight plurality, followed by (not necessarily in order) Canada, the U.K., Germany, France, Brazil, Australia, and a large number of other nations. It makes for a great mix of passengers with the potential for sharing cultures and languages with each other whilst onboard.



(More to follow)




For Randy and Mary aboard the QM2

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I wholeheartedly agree with Sylvia...what an adventure! I hope you have a fantastic day in Rio guys...it's quite the city. I lived there for a bit when I was a young girl and remember its contrasts, and its beauty well.


Randy and Mary...hope you have a chance to read my Affair To Remember review....and to have the same feelings and pleasures that I did on QM2...


Cheers, Penny

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Hello again Timmi,

Yes, we're from London, England, currently being buffeted by storms!

Can't wait for the peace and quiet & warmth of the South Pacific!

We join in San Francisco (my favourite city in America) ; last year we boarded in Los Angeles for the Hawaii cruise and yes, Amanda was with us and had a ball, especially running around in her little grass skirt!

We found the nursery facilities very good, although we didn't use them too much because I think Amanda was too young to enjoy them fully. One of the best things is the pager they give you, so that you get buzzed anywhere on the ship if your little one urgently needs you. Amanda is a little younger than Imogen - she was born in October.

It'll be very nice to meet up with you in Sydney and at a cruise critic party or two!

All for now

Best wishes,

Richard, Jasmine & Amanda

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Hopefully the servers will stay stable long enough for y'all to enjoy the next chapter of Randy and Mary's World Cruise Blog, Live (if slightly time-delayed) from the QM2!

Some of you may be reading it before me!

As I post it first (it's only fair) then read it along with many of therest of y'all!


Here it is!


January 22—Nearing Cape Horn


Ports – QM2 has now completed its first two port visits on the first segment of the World Cruise: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and Montevideo, Uruguay. In Rio, there were many shore excursions and activities from which passengers could choose. One nice benefit for jewelry lovers was the free shuttle service provided from the ship to H. Stern’s world headquarters, where guests could see how jewelry is manufactured and stones are set. This is an interesting connection, too, since there is an H. Stern jewelry shop on board the ship. The view of Rio from the ship was magnificent, including the iconic Christ the Redeemer statue high atop the Corcovado. A similar shuttle service was provided in Montevideo but to the Casa Mario leather shop, where leather afficianados could delight in all manner of leather goods, garments, and accessories.


Cape Horn - Tomorrow at about 1000 we are scheduled to begin the passage around Cape Horn and through the Chilean Fjiords. Daytime high temperatures have already dropped to the low 50’s (F.) and will become much colder as we round the Horn and will not be too distant from Antarctica. We are advised that late tomorrow afternoon, we can expect to see majestic glaciers and mountains. Destination lecturer, Merchant Marine Captain Richard Hayman, will be providing commentary during the passage.


Entertainment/Enrichment – New enrichment lecturers on board include Air Vice Marshall Ronald Dick, RAF (retired), former head of the British Defence staff in the US; John G. Langley, Q.C., speaking on the use of the QE2 as a troop carrier in the 1982 Falklands’ War; and Sandra Hart, who was on the U.S. children’s show Romper Room back in the 50’s and 60’s, along with several others that we will mention in our next installment.


The evening entertainment continues with superb guest performers such as instrumentalist Viviana Guzman and others, as well as local folkloric shows from both ports visited thus far. As an alternative, recently released motion pictures are also being presented in Illuminations, such as Derailed, The Queen, and Superman Returns.


Twice-daily Trivia sessions continue to increase in popularity to the point where, at times, it is hard to find a seat in the Golden Lion Pub. Some of the topics of the Trivia sessions have been: Herbs & Spices, Space, Screen Detectives & Gangsters, Greek Mythology, Famous Lovers, Space World, Insect & Reptiles, Movie World—Actors & Actresses, and general knowledge trivia. Usually, the Trivia session at 1145 is entitled Quizzical Corner and is on a specific topic such as those mentioned above. However, the session at 1630 usually tests general knowledge. Cruise Director Ray Rouse also conducts a musical Trivia session at 1030 hours on days at sea.


Dining with Captain and Mrs. Rynd – We were very honored to receive an invitation to dine with Captain Rynd and his lovely wife Julie, along with six other passengers on one of our formal nights at sea. The captain’s table is located directly beneath the large ship’s mural in the Britannia Dining Room. Guests chose from the regular dinner menu and then at the conclusion of the meal were presented with a specially-made dessert, which included a spun-sugar globe. The captain is not only an impressive mariner, but is also an excellent conversationalist and host. His depth of knowledge about world affairs and history is extraordinary. This made for a most memorable evening for us on board this beautiful ship.


World Cruise Dinner – Full World Cruise passengers have been invited to a special black-tie dinner on land, which will be hosted by Carol Marlow, President and Managing Director of Cunard, along with newly-appointed Commodore Bernard Warner and his senior officers. Cunard will be making all of the arrangements for this dinner, including transportation to and from the ship. We are very much looking forward to this unique occasion.


Friendly Faces – In this section, we just want to mention a few of the very special people who have been treating us like friends and family since we boarded the ship. First, the gentleman who is perhaps the exemplar for a professional Cruise Director, Ray Rouse, always has a smile on his face and remembers us by name. Also, of course, his most able assistant, Amanda Reid, who is a very warm and caring individual, and with whom we always enjoy chatting. Likewise, Cruise Hostess Anja Eyvindsson, who has made us feel at home from the very first time we met. World Cruise Society representatives Stefanie Octavio and Wendi Hardy have also been very helpful and kind. There are several others whom we will mention in future installments.



(More to follow)



Karie, posting for Randy and Mary, live on board the QM2

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Hi there Randy and Mary


I eagerly await each instalment of your blog as each post brings me a step closer to joining you! Thank you both so much for including such a wealth of information about what is "going down" onboard. It really helps me to get a sense of what to expect once we get on. I'm sure these posts take quite some time for you to put together so I just wanted to let you know they are much appreciated :)


Looking forward to meeting you after we board in Sydney!





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Randy, Mary, Karie:


Can't wait to join you in Dubai. My husband and I can only join the cruise for the last 15 days but I am really enjoying your posts. I check the bridgecam every day and will check it later today for the passage through the Horn!


I am so glad to hear that everything is going well! We will be on Deck 12.

What is the cost for access to the Internet and do you try to access it in your stateroom or in public areas? Don't know whether to bring my laptop or not? This will be our second cruise on this Queen and we thoroughly enjoyed the first in 2004.


It is good that folks are not coming down with the Norwalk Virus and as long as folks remember to wash their hands any outbreaks should be minor. I never knew it was the most common disease after the common cold!


Karen (and Jim) Wilson

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Hi again Mary, Hi Randy! I also am enjoying reading your world cruise travel journal and follow your course on the QM2 web-cam almost daily.


May I ask what the outcome of the Brazil visa fiasco was when the ship arrived in Rio?


keep enjoying!



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Internet access is available using WiFi in most of the public areas of the ship........... otherwise you can connect at the computer centre. (On deck 12 you may even be able to log on to the WiFi from your cabin if you are somewhere near the Pavillion pool area.)


Don't forget it is all done via satellite and can become quite expensive.


Packages of time are available in bulk or you can choose to be billed for each session.



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