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Self Tanning Lotion questions


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My daughter is getting married in April and I think my dress would look better with a tan but I don't want to do the tanning booths either. Okay, let's all keep thinking and trying to find a good tanning lotion. I can't stand "smells" either. Also, how far in advance should I start the lotions?



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I had a really bad experiance with a spray on tan. I thought I would try this out a few days before my cruise. I arrived at the spa and stripped to my skivvies, and the attendant spray painted me entirely, then came into the booth and sprayed a little more on my brows (imagine oompa-loompa). She gave me my instructions for care at that time...."blah,blah,blah, then after you awaken in the morning, you may shower, but be sure not to get it wet until then..." WHAAAT!!:eek: :eek: I was working that night as the night shift nursing supervisor at my hospital!!! She assumed that I worked 9-5 and it would not be a problem. To this day I get ribbed about this at work, and had to toss out my lab coat that had orange hued sleeves. When I boarded ship a few days later, the only tan left was on my knees, elbows and brows (looked like cro-magnan mama).

The next cruise, I used Jergan's sparingly and was quite pleased with the results.

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i went to tan and tone to do the spray tan (never did it before) watched a video and went to the spraying booth. first of all you really can't breathe. only one side sprayed so i only got half a tan! spent the 2 days before my cruise rubbing that s*&t off. got it pretty even with a self tanner, worked out ok. got a nice red glow from all of the rubbing:confused:


note: some of the self tanners will slide off in salt water.

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Oh, I'm so confused now :confused: I leave next friday for our cruise, and my legs are as white as skim milk! I have tried the Yves Rocher tanning products, and they do have a more pleasant smell than others (in that they lace the product with the scent of 'tiare flower'). No matter what I do though, I always get some blotchy spots-if I'm careful enough, I can get an even tan though.


My main problem is the 'tan' coming off. Would salt water make this worse? I've never used a self-tanner then gone into salt water. Any advice or suggestions?

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Hi all! I've just recently discovered cc and am gathering information for our first upcoming cruise - love all your advice!!! Here's my choice for sunless tanners. After trying MANY sunless tanners, I recently found one that has absolutely no odor and no orange color! It's called Famous Daves Tanner and can only be purchased on line (either ebay or www.famousdavestanner.com) I just got it yesterday and the only thing I found was that I needed to apply 3 times to get the color I liked. It may be better for someone with very fair skin. Haven't tried it on my face yet but after seeing how gradual it is I don't think it will be a problem. It also dries extremely fast and is not sticky like most tanners. Also not too expensive and received in mail in 2 days! I should have gotten the 2 bottle deal though now that I see you need to put it on several times!

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I've been using the Vaseline gradual self-tanner, and it has worked great. I know that previous poster said that it gave her a rash, but my skin was much softer and smoother since I've been using it, and the color is very good.


I apply it after I've showered and used loofah scrub gloves all over my body. I use a regular lotion on my hands, feet, elbows, and knees, then I get my fiance to apply the Vaseline self-tanner to my back and upper arms. I apply everywhere else. I stand around naked for about 10 minutes while it soaks in, then put on some yoga pants and a t-shirt.


The smell is really nice when you put the lotion on (it reminds me of that perfume by Benefit), but then as it starts reacting with your skin, it makes that wierd smell that all self-tanners make. The great thing about it is that since it works gradually, you really don't get lots of creases or streaks. Also, I'm very fair, burn very easily, and the medium color looks very natural on me. I can't imagine who would use the light color.


I highly recommend it, along with the Mystic Tan. I've had nothing but good results with both.

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I've been using the Vaseline gradual self-tanner, and it has worked great. I know that previous poster said that it gave her a rash, but my skin was much softer and smoother since I've been using it, and the color is very good.


I apply it after I've showered and used loofah scrub gloves all over my body. I use a regular lotion on my hands, feet, elbows, and knees, then I get my fiance to apply the Vaseline self-tanner to my back and upper arms. I apply everywhere else. I stand around naked for about 10 minutes while it soaks in, then put on some yoga pants and a t-shirt.


The smell is really nice when you put the lotion on (it reminds me of that perfume by Benefit), but then as it starts reacting with your skin, it makes that wierd smell that all self-tanners make. The great thing about it is that since it works gradually, you really don't get lots of creases or streaks. Also, I'm very fair, burn very easily, and the medium color looks very natural on me. I can't imagine who would use the light color.


I highly recommend it, along with the Mystic Tan. I've had nothing but good results with both.

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I just thought I would put my 2 cents in here as well. I am also fair skined, blued, blonde and freckled. A high risk for skin cancer. So 3 years ago I started using Avon's self tanner. I always use light/medium. I apply it twice a week after a shower or bath and at night. Here are a few tricks I have learned: always applied lotion to your hands and feet (the dryest part) before you start. This way the self-tanner won't absorb as easily on you palms and dry parts of your feet. I spend about 15 minutes apply as evenly as I can and rubbing in the tanneras best I. I try to use just the residue on my palms for areas such knees, elbow, feet and back of my hands. I will just throw on a robe, loosely, and dry off for about 30 min. It does have an odor but it's a small price to pay to save my skin and look tan. It takes practice but it's worth the effort. I have had so many compliments on my tan and most people are shocked that its "FAKE"!! I jsut ordered more from Avon and found out that it's on sale for only $1.99 a bottle! Regular price is $9.99. I ordered 5! I only use it during spring and summer but I'm leaving on my cruise on Feb. 4. I always use at least a 30 spf or higher sunscreen.



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Hi there girls,


I am in Australia, and we have the worst skin cancer numbers down here, so I avoid laying out in the sun..as you will appreciate!


I have used both self tanners and the spray tan in the salon..being fair skinned and blonde, I don't want to go dark, just medium...I found the self tanners left me a little streaky..probably the way I put it on...:( .


Anyway I got an instant spray tan before our last 3 cruises, it worked great.


Not too dark..no streaks and it lasted about 8 days..BUT..with plenty of moisturiser each night and after showering.


A couple of areas wore off before the others, so I used a self tanner over these spots...seemed to work well, and the whole thing looked quite good for that whole week.


On our 3 week cruises, I had another spray tan done at one of the ports, after a week - which topped me up again.


They work for me, and I truly look awful without one...very lilly white all over...so I find the tans give good color, and help to disguise my many "wrinkly bits", flabby bits, cellulite etc,..hey..:) ..this grandma needs all the help she can get .... he he....:D


Happy new year to you all, and very best wishes...

Love these boards...




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  • 3 weeks later...

Redhead here with pretty fair skin. I can tan a little but have had years of experience using various sunless tanners. A bit of advice...


1) Exfoliate your skin very well in the shower or bath. This helps the tanner go on more evenly.


2) I buy a box of purple nitrial exam gloves like the doctors use. They sell them at our Walmart. Do not use regular latex they don't smoothe the tanner on as well. So much easier than washing your hands and you can use them several times before pitching them. It also helps to take one off and smooth lotion on the backs of your hand and then swap and do the other hand--so you don't have that white hand/tanned arm look.


3) I usually apply it after I shower and then go about getting ready (hair, makeup etc.) then get dressed. Give it plenty of time to dry. I really like using Arbonne tanner (spray tanner not lotion) and I have also used Bath and Body's True Blue Solar Power Airbrush tanner. I seem to get the spray tans on better esp. using the gloves. They are lighter more watery so if you want to later apply lotion, it isn't like applying 2 layers of lotion.


I have used the gradual tanners such as Jergens etc. My favorite lotion used to be Neutrogena lotion. I agree the smell of some of then is horrible and it lingers. I plan on trying a Mystic Tan this month to see how it works. As for why tanners seem to rub off, remember self tanners aren't as deep as a real tan and you loose tons of skin cells a day. I believe that is what most people are seeing rubbing off unless you have a bronzer in your sunless tanner. Enjoyed reading the posts!



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I have to agree with many of the previous posters - the self tanners have a bad odor. If it doesn't bother you, then go for it! Many of the self tanners on the market have come a LONG way from their "orange" ancestors.


As for the spray on tan that a previous poster asked about... I hated it. The "tan" looked good for several days (except my feet looked dirty, but I was able to rub some of it off), but I couldn't breath in the tanning booth (I was very claustrophobic) and the smell remained for DAYS. The smell drove me crazy (same smell as the self tanning lotions). I felt everyone could smell my offensive odor. Also, it does wash off gradually in the shower or pool (cannot tell you about salt water).


Good luck and happy sailing!

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I am a fan of the Jergen's Natural Glow (medium) for year round use when I want to lose the "winter white" look and have some color without the real dark color of a summer tan. We are going to Disney World in a few days and I have been using it every morning so that my legs and arms won't look awful in shorts and t-shirts. I have had no problem with it rubbing off and I can tolerate the smell which is certainly not as bad a some other brands.


In the summer, I am a fan of BE's Faux Tan which has a nice cherry/almond fragrance when it is being applied and which goes away in a couple of hours. It does however rub off if you get overheated and sweat. Sometimes my white workout socks have brown rings on the insides where the Faux tan rubbed off my ankles. The color is very believable on me, so I stick with it as other products turn me orange when I use the dark shades.


Both of these brands give me a nice believable color. I had a friend who tried the Faux Tan and she came out an awful bronze-orange shade after one application. It is just the way the chemicals react with your skin. What works for one may turn someone else a totally different shade.


As for the spray on tans, my neighbor had several sessions of Mystic Tan before a vacation one year. I thought she looked orange, but she loved it.

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Ok, I'll be using Jergens, but not sure what to do. I leave in 5 days for our cruise. I'm going to start it today. Do I put it on every night before the cruise, then every night while on the cruise? Or every other night? Not sure what to do with it.

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Another Redhead poster here. I'm very light (super white) actually and I don't tan at all, rather develope more freckles. Anyways I've tried and used more sunless tanners than I care to count. For the last 3 summers I've used the Loreal Sublime Bronze. Loreal makes a few others but I love the Sublime Bronze. It comes in a bronze color (not white like lotion) with a slight sparkle/ irridescense so not only can you see where u are putting it, but u have this nice shine that is sooo pretty. Also because it is bronze colored you get a slight tan look while it develops so you can where shorts immediately. I've become somewhat of a pro with it and don't usually get any streaking or splotchyness. The best tip I can think of is...to really exfoliate in the shower before hand...and SHAVE WELL. I also found that if I stay the slightest bit damp, the tanner spreads more evenly without causing any delay in developing or streaking. I have not used it on my face. I use Bath and Body's Sunless Face tanner. I just suggest following all directions to the letter and experimenting well in advance of the cruise.

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This is a great thread! Thanks everyone who's contributed to it. I've been worrying about what to try to tan my pasty NW legs with before our cruise in March. I think I'm going to check out that one at Bath and Body Works, based on the posts here. I like their stuff anyway.


I want to add another one to the mix: Shiseido's face tanner. I used that all last summer and LOVED it. I've also seen it get particularly good reviews in the fashion mags. I think it ran about 20 or 25 for the bottle, and it lasted all summer and I still have some. Not sure if they have a body tanner too :confused:

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Just read the above post. I want to add that I recieved Bath and Body Tan-Do-Attitude self tanner for Christmas. As I stated above I love the Loreal Sublime Bronze, but I know I can apply it at the last minute (the day before I cruise and get the desired affect) so I decided to try the Bath and Body since I still have 9 days before we leave. Today is the third day.....it is definitely a SLOW process with this stuff. I can barely see any tan at all. Granted I only apply once a day, at night after I shower and exfoliate. Now I don't see any streaking or blotchyness but I also don't see much of a "tan" look either. Being that I am paler than pale....it is slightly warmer but not much. I have used others that gave me much more color by 3 days. However, the smell is great. I love the smell but DH said it was super strong last night and didn't wanna snuggle:( cuz it was giving him a headache. I will put it on again tonight and see what the results are in the morning. Maybe this one takes that 'build-up' to the color route. We'll see.

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I have the answer for you guys! It is Tan Towels from HSN. I have used them for 3 years now and LOVE them!! They look like a baby wipe and you just open the packet and wipe it all over your body. You can even do your face! It will not make you dark like the sun does (or should I say cooked) but it gives you a bronzed glow. I always wash my hands with soap and water after I use the wipes and have never had a problem with streaks or orange hands!! They are wonderful!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am fair too. I like Mystic tans best, then self spray tans with Sublime Bronze being the best for me. I got a bottle of the St Tropez (self tanning lotion with bronzer) at BBWs Really Big Sale in January for 75% off. I loved it, scent, color, length it stayed on. Wish I had bought more.


I wanted to chime in that if the OP is unsatisfied with her Bath and Body Works tanner, they have a very liberal exchange policy. You will get a merchandise credit for the lowest amount that the product has been selling for in your area. It doesnt matter if you dont have a receipt or have used the product. They really stand behind their products. And if you havent tried any of their coconut scents, you really should. They are great (tho the best, IMO, is the Creamy Coconut and only offered at their Really Big Sales in January and June).

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My wife and I have always gone to the tanning bed before a cruise. We don't do it so we look better, we just do it to build up a base so that we don't burn on the cruise, we are both white, but we have fairly dark skin. She does, however, cover her face with a towel when she is in the tanning bed to avoid sun spots.


My wife uses Jergens Natural Glow and it works well. She never looks orange, except the one time she used it on her face :p . It was funny, her face looked tan, but you could see a well defined line along the chin. She never tried that again.


I just read recently about spray on tans peeling off in the sand, not all at once :rolleyes: . Don't think I'll try that ;) .

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Just wanted to report that I picked up the slow stuff from Bath adn Body Works, and have been using it since Saturday. I do have to agree that it is SLOW, but I am liking it. The smell is not strong or offensive, and I am getting a bit of a "glow" ... not so much as a tan, but a healthier glow. I'm actually liking that it is so gradual, because I can slather it all over, and not worry about hitting the same "tan line marks" each time. I don't see how you could end up with a harsh line with this stuff, which makes me feel it looks a lot more natural.


That said, I may be hitting up with the heavy duty stuff a few days before the cruise. I think even with a Faux Glow, my legs will glow like a nuclear reactor in the San Diego sundshine.

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