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Motorcycle Cruise - Navigator of the Seas - March 10, 2007


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We had NO police escorts in San Juan, that is where the trouble started. The group got split up in heavy traffic where we had to cut across 4 lanes of traffic, this is where a few people came unglued with Steve.


As far as riding into the rain forest, we went into what I would call 'the country', not really what I would refer to as a rainforest, for about 10 minutes before we turned around and went back to the bar on the beach.


The people who dropped their bikes were mainly from lack of experience. From what I can remember, all the bikes that went down were on turns. I think the same lady went down twice. She had a lowered harley and in a tight turn on hills, she caught the pipes and the bike slid out from under her.


I'm not saying we didn't have an absolute blast, just there were serveral people in our group that were upset, one was theatening to make an official complaint to Royal Caribbean and was soliciting others in the group and passing out RCI's email, fax number and mailing address. We would definately go again, as would the other 4 couples we were with. We made some great friendships and the boat itself was fantastic.


We have already begun planning for the next cruise. It sounds like we are going on the Ft Lauderdale/Bermuda/Nassau cruise next year.


Thanks for writing back. I am glad most of the people had a great time in spite of the problems. I hope that Steve knows what went wrong in PR and he will make sure that future cruises will run more smoothly. This will be my husbands 1st cruise, so I am sure if he likes crusing we will be going on more trips where we can take the bike.


Anyway we are very excited about the cruise, we are leaving for Florida this week, going to Daytona for bike week first.:)

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From what I understand from talking to people other than Steve, is that there was a change in government in Puerto Rico and in the more rigid party was voted in and they do not allow the police to do escorts anymore.


Puerto Rico was definately 3rd on my list, 1st being St. Thomas and 2nd (despite the problems at the dock) was St. Maarten. The t-shirts at the Harley shop in St. Maarten were $35.00 (no cruise discount, we did receive discounts at the other 2 shops). In Puerto Rico, just be very careful, our group had the tendency to speed up only to abruptly slow down and we did struggle through a section of extreme rush hour traffic. We were at the tail end of the group as I wanted to be able to see what was going on and the only people I want behind me were people that I am comfortable with their riding ability.


On a side note. Make sure you get tickets to the Ice show, See the Mardi Gras parade on deck 5, If you are into artwork, there is an art auction that goes on for several days (we bought a nice piece), There is a Johnny Rockets on the boat for a small up-charge, $45 for the all you can drink Coke cups, close your blinds when leaving the the ports (I got GREAT pictures of a stateroom in a boat we were passing as we departed St. Maarten WOW!!).


Have a great trip and enjoy Daytona. We will be there Sunday the 4th and Friday & Saturday the 9th & 10th.


P.S. - Don't forget to bring your tie-downs!

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Well I may as well jump in and stir things up. Dieslddod (aka Larry) you will not be getting any Cubans from this trip, ( actually we won't since your lovely smuggler wife bought them) you will not enjoy the fantastic company at the "sky Bar, but you probably will be drunk dialed from the sky bar. I think I can say you will be called. You are going to miss some surprises that have been planned and have to be remain unstated. (Call me and I'll fill you in (Jody and Gregg and I vs Kathy,Dottie & Paul.

Interesting comments about the 2/10 cruise but we'll see. Can't wait to go. I think we would all agree San Juan was the least favorite but we did get to see the dead body out at the beach. Hope we go back to the Sunset beach bar again, will be looking for the motorcycle topless model to take some pics on my new bike. I really have to say that we made some great lifelong friends on that cruise. Good time for all. Hitting the road on Tues.

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Leaving for Florida within the hour, with motorcycle in tow. I am so excited to finally be going on vacation. :)


Thanks everyone for replying to my concerns about the Feb 10th trip. I will report back after I am back from the cruise.

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MSG6567........Hi Ed....I'm logged on under Larry's name. I just want to set the record straight about something. In an earlier post, you mention seeing a dead body on the beach while we were in Puerto Rico. That was not a dead body, that was me laying out trying to get some color!!!!! You know how white us Irish gals are!!!!! I'm insulted!!!! ;) :p


HARLEYGROUPIE......So fun to see you on this thread Jody! Long time no see, speak, etc...........but always in our thoughts. Hello to Gregg!!!


CRUISEMASTERETA......Steve........I'm glad you posted and set some "things" straight. Larry and I can't wait to see you on the May 11 sailing out of Bayonne on the Explorer. We are so, so, so bummed that we won't be with our Sky Bar Gang of Ed, Kathy, Paul, Dottie, Jody and Gregg on the 3/10 Navigator sailing, but, we'll be there in spirit!! One day.......THE SKY BAR GANG WILL RIDE AGAIN!!!!!


We (Larry and I) were a bit concerned about the Puerto Rico stories...bikes going down, wet roads in the rainforest and more importantly, lack of police escort. Although, I'm still uncomfortable about the lack of police escort, I feel better that you will be able to stop traffic where necessary for our safe passage. It is definitely congested in the initial stages of our ride and it's so important have that safely covered. It's the equivalent of trying to have a group ride through parts of New York City!!! Very difficult!!! But, I know you wouldn't continue that passage if it weren't safe.


You also answered questions as to what happens on the rides in each of the ports we visit, which sounds cool!! We were wondering if the rides would be the same on our upcoming cruise as they were last time we were with you. Some things are the same, but, parts of the St. Maarten/St. Martin ride will be a new. Our last cruise with you, while on St. Maarten/Martin, we visitied the Sunset Beach Bar, which was HANDS DOWN THE BEST TIME EVER!!!!! Awesome bar!!! However, we've been to the Waikiki Beach Club on Orient Beach before (on our own in) and it's an amazingly beautiful place and a lot of fun!!


I have another question for you....on our Motorcycle Cruise of 5/11, in addition to the previously mentioned ports, we'll be riding on Bermuda, as well. Can you fill us in on what we may expect on that ride????


Sea you soon!


Cruisinkat (Kathy)

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Take it for what it's worth, as it is my opinion. The ride in Puerto Rico was definately not for the inexperienced. Part of the problem was the inexperienced riders allowing too much space between them and the next rider. This contributed to the traffic issues. We did have the fuel truck at the back blocking what traffic he could, but when riders allow large gaps in the pack and outright stop, cars cut in and disrupt the flow and cause problems. Being one of the riders at the rear of the pack, as I didn't know any of the other riders on the trip, I didn't want to be surrounded by newbies and end up in a pile, I chose to ride in the rear so I could better see the group and react to what is going on ahead of me and not worry about who was going to rear end me.


I, personnally, do not have a problem with the rides, the boat, the staff, anything. These were just my observations and I offer them up to riders going on future trips to consider and possibly learn from mistakes of the past.

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Hi CruisinKat!

Looking forward to welcoming you when we leave Jersey! It's amazing how people can make comments when they have no idea of ALL the information so I do thank you for reading my post and seeing how important it is for everyone to think and pay attention when riding.... anywhere. Safety is our #1 concern and we strive to make sure all are safe. That's why we have never had a major accident in 5 years. Yes, there have been some that have fallen over when they were marking a turn going up hill and neglected to ride in first, but never have we had any major problems over that.


Even though the PR Govt has changed their operations when it comes to escorts, we always make sure that our riders are safe and feel comfortable when making the change over from the initial ride to the highway. As you know, once we're on the highway, it's smooth riding throughout the remaining day. There is no concern for riding in the rain forest on the 9-night cruises. Yes, it is a rain forest and there might be a drizzle, but the roads are very well paved and the turns are so slim. Becuase it is a rain forest, the speed throughout is a slow pace and you not have anything to worry about.


If you thought Sunset in St. Maarten was great... wait until you see Waikiki (Orient Beach - French side)!!! This will blow your mind! We actually ride the bikes through the resort and onto specially made platforms for us right on the beach! It's incredible!


You will be missed at the Sky Bar!!! We'll have a few for ya! Take care and see you in May!

Regards and Safe Rides!

Steve / ETA

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Hey Steve,

I'm glad you checked in on this thread. It sucks that you undergo criticism at times, so, I was happy to put my .02 cents in!! It's hard to undertake the responsibilities of a cruise such as this, all the details, etc. As my Grandfather so wisely used to say to me......"NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED".

Anyway............If you happen to check in on this thread before you leave on Saturday, can you please jot down some of what we can expect during the ride in Bermuda? We are TOTALLY PSYCHED to go on this ride! WE CANNOT WAIT!!! We love this island and it's going to be an awesome experience riding through Bermuda on our own motorcycles!!! We're just curious about some of the sights and "hot spots" we'll be visiting (Horseshoe Bay??.....The Swizzle Inn??). We look forward to it.

Thanks Steve! Take care of Ed & Kathy, Paul & Dottie, and Gregg & Jody for us!!

SEA you soon,

Kathy & Larry

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:cool: I Would Like To Go Out Of Nj In 2009 Does Anyone Know If There Is A Schedule Yet? I Am From Rhode Island And Would Like To Meet Up With Others If Possible. We Cruise Every Year, But This Would Be My First Bike Cruise. I WONDER IF OUR HARLEY DEALERSHIPS KNOW ABOUT THIS.:cool:

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We just returned from our trip and it was FABULOUS! The only problem I saw on St. Maarten was the quick rain storm - but that was ok. We were inside the Harley dealership with free drinks and a very large store (they had a great deal - 3 shirts for $35!!).

The rides were all great, but definitely not for inexperienced riders. The locals who were with us on each of the islands were wonderful!

The entire trip was very well organized and we had a blast....can't wait for the next motorcycle cruise!!

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Whoever said the second time is never as good as the first. We just got back from the 3/10 cruise (our second motorcycle cruise-now planning the third and the fourth) This cruise went off really without a hitch. The rides were great,stops great, ship and ships staff were fantastic. This really way outdid our first motorcycle cruise. Ok so there was one problem, I ordered only sunshine and it did rain for 20 minutes in St. Marteen.

Steve and Tami did such a fantastic job, the logisitcs must be a nightmare but eveything just flowed no glitches. Debarkation was fantastic, off the ship first, special line for our group. Any questions or concerns were handled right away. We even had our tee shirts before we left for the cruise.Steve met us in the parking lot at the pier,we were escorted to Homeland Security as a group, then escorted onto the docks as a group. No one was left behind at any phase of this cruise.

San Juan is certainly not my favorite place to ride but it went smoothly without the police escorts, We did not get split up at any point (but someone did lose a doo-rag and we had to turn back for that) This time the weather was good and we got to ride through Old San Juan ( first time there is was raining and Steve wisely cancelled that part due to the cobblestone streets which was a very wise decision) We had a nice stop for an hour or so at a beach bar. The ride on St. Thomas was once again very thrilling. They have some great roads with super twisties and some hairy turns. Got to meet up with several people that were escorts on our first and it was nice they all remembered who we were. Had a great luch stop at Iggy's. St. Maarten was another great ride and the stop at Waikiki was super.

To anyone thinking of this cruise just remember there will always be someone who wasn't satisfied (3 apples- inside joke) but on our cruise the people were very nice, no problem cases, everyone played by the rules.

Steve and Tami spelled out what is and isn't acceptable regarding the bikes. They have a great relationship with the staff of the cruise line and in turn that makes things a lot easier on his group.

There is one thing no one else will have on their cruise that we had

and that is "tackleberry"

Thanks Steve and Tami.

Ed & Kathy M.

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Hello!!! Well we are glad to here you guys had a great time! Ed, it was good to talk to all you guys from the sky-bar. Kathy and I are really looking forward to getting away!! We can't wait to see the pictures. Gotta go and get back to work, new drug being launched this week. P.S. Orange county choppers built us a bike for our new drug. Can't wait to see it! See ya:)

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A couple of years ago we were eating breakfast on the top deck of the Carnival Glory while docked in St. Martin. I heard the unmistakable roar of a Harley and looked over the side to see the Harleys coming outof the garage door of the Navigator parked behind us. What a cool site it was to see them all parade out of the dock.

I am trying to talk the DW into doing that next year!

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This is the first time we are hearing of a problem with the DVD made for your specific cruise. Please understand all footage, from each cruise, is submitted for editing. When we receive the copies, we quickly glance through to ensure it is properly edited and then mail them off. Of course there may be the unfortunate chance of an error and if this is the case, ETA will gladly correct and replace it. We simply request an email be sent to us so we have the opportunity to take action.


In response to your other comments:


"#1 - The paper work you send everyone in the mail says as long as you have a few hundred miles under your belt you should be ok on these rides. You need a few thousand miles under your belt and you need to be experienced with hills and turns. St. Thomas is the most beautiful ride I have ever done, but it was not an easy ride, anyone with only a few hindred miles of experience (as we all saw) can not ahndle this type of terrain. This needs to be better explained before people book this, or even beofre they take their bikes off of the ship in St. Thomas."


We have had many riders on our cruises who have had a few hundred miles under their belt and they did wonderfully on the rides. I am sure there are also those who have had less but did not inform us of that. We can only trust that those individuals who come on the cruise to ride have had what they tell us. Throughout the rides, we constantly reposition people (from back to front and vice versa). Once we have concluded our first ride, we determine who are more experienced riders and we request they stay in the front of the group. We also do our best to accommodate everyone as to where they feel most comfortable riding. We can only do so though if people communicate their requests to us.


#2 - It's great that the guy who did the burn out was banned, but I still would like my $40 back.


We were advised, by the individual who did the burnout, that he reimbursed those who requested their money back. I believe this was done during the cocktail party on the last night.


We understand people have various island preferences. We have had many guests who thoroughly enjoyed San Juan. All islands are different - that is what makes this trip so great. Everyone has the opportunity to experience what each island offers.


If there are any further questions or concerns, please direct them to ETA by email (address may be found on the website). Unfortunately, ETA isn't able to visit this board frequently so emailing us directly would be much appreciated.


Thank You.

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LM81........I'm not sure if you're still checking into this thread, but I had a question for you.


You mention in an earlier post that you want your $40.00 back and in a reply, it's mentioned that the person who did a burnout reimbursed people who asked to be reimbursed. May I ask what you had to pay the $40.00 for and why would another passenger have to pay you back? Just curious. We're heading out on a motorcycle cruise soon and I'm confused by what this $40.00 was for.


Thank you!

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  • 2 years later...
Hi Larry and Kathy,

We were planning on taking the cruise out of NJ in May, but when my husband called worked to schedule his vacation, they told him that he could not have that date...so we asked for the next date out of NJ and they again told him that he could not go that date. I was so disappointed as we were both really looking forward to this cruise. :eek: So my husband said, let just go to Daytona again for bike week. After he scheduled that week at work, they asked him, "what do you want to do for your second week of vacation?" He did not know that in 2007 he would get 2 weeks. So i got on the computer real quick and saw there we could get the cruise out of Miami the following weekend...he asked for the 2 weeks and it was approved. I called the next day and made our reservations for the ship and to have our Harley transported to Florida. I work in the Boston area, and live in CT. Are your friends in the Boston area still going on March 10th?

I have a question about the dining room. My husband is not a suit guy, but he will bring one for the 2 formal nights. The only reason he even has a suit is that we were married a year ago. :) Can he wear jeans on all the other nights? He does not own a regular pair of slacks. :cool: Oh, one more thing, do you have photos anyway on the net of your vacation? Thanks, Arlene



Can u give me the website of NJ, I had one but lost it..



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