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NCL Freestyle and too many KIDS!

wharf rat

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I just took a 10 day cruise on the Norwegian Wind (to Fanning and back). While I love freestyle cruising this was not a good cruise due to the large number of unsupervised children running amok! There were over 700 (??) kids on board. One child had a B.M. (that's a bowel movement folks) in the pool and they had to drain it and sanitize it and it was shut down for most of the day! And the very next day the same child did it again! Where were the parents? Playing bingo? Drinking? And one father took his infant in the jacuzzi and put it under water. Just how did this infant like the 105 degree water? I no longer went in the jacuzzi or the pool! Where was the NCL supervision? There should be an enforced age limit on the pools. It seems that parents just dumped their kids at the pool area and walked away. And one night in the buffet a child about 8 years old put the food serving spoon in her mouth. I told the person working in the area and they had to throw away the tray of food. The parents were standing there saying absolutely nothing. And kids would run around the deck day and night yelling 'hi granny' at 'elderly women'... Talk about bad parenting. Sad state of affairs.

No one got the Norovirus as we (I hope most of us) used the hand sanitizers often. I always used a paper towel to open doors, etc. Some people a couple of cruises before this one did get sick.


I will still freestyle cruise but never during a holiday with all those unsupervised kids and uncaring parents!

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Holiday breaks is a tough time to cruise if you don't want to be around the kids. This is when families go.


I have cruised every Easter since I started cruising. I go with no kids but it's the time I can get off from work. I've never had a big problem but there were many kids.


Better luck next time.

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Wharf Rat: I quite agree with you that parenting has reached a new low in this country. It is extremely bad on cruises because parents think that they can just leave their kids alone while they have their fun because the kid can't get off the ship!


A word to parents: Being a parent means being RESPONSIBLE for your child until they turn 18. That includes vacations!!! To allow your child to misbehave or to not know what they are doing is ridiculous. Having your fun on a cruise is SECONDARY to your main job of making sure your kid is not being a problem for someone else.


Its not bad that a young child licked off a serving spoon, that happens. What was terribly wrong was the clueless, loser parent allowing her to put it back!! (earth to parent: take the spoon from your child and tell her that is wrong and then call the attendent over and say: "I'm sorry, my child mistakeningly licked off this spoon, you need to put a fresh one in the ______." That would have been the responsible parenting thing to do.)


We won't talk about the yahoo who put a baby in the jacuzzi. That borders on a crime.


How old was the kid with the BM? Old enough to know better or a younger child who should not have been in the pool per the rules.


As far as NCL is concerned, they won't do anything about children out of control. They didn't on my Star cruise and they won't for fear of getting negative reviews from the "adult" (I use that term losely refering to unresponsible parents) passengers. On my cruise on the Star in 2005, I coplained to the main desk about the kids running around and almost knocking my 75 year old mother over and the response I got was: "Kids will be kids."


My advice to people who run into these urchins who call them names (or similar) is just tell them to grow up or to get a life or even yell back at them. Maybe they will complain to their parents about you and you can actually meet the parents and give a proper explanation.


I recently was dealing with some Junior league basketball players at a high school game and they were standing on the tables for people to eat concession food at. Being one of the game site managers, I told the kids to get off the tables and go in and watch the game. They then cussed me out and I told them that if I caught them in the gym lobby again before the end of the game, I would have the police officer remove them from the game. One yelled at me that he was going to go get their coach to "straighten me out." I said: "good, I would like to speak to him about supervision." The coach NEVER came to find me...lol. When adults supposedly responsible for children get caught not doing their jobs, they won't risk the confrontation and instead will deal with the problem.

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Our first (and last) experience with kids on a cruise was Carnival (Mex Riv) in July. Never again!


I make sure all my bookings are when school is in session. Fortunately, I can do that, but there must be many who can only travel when school's out.


I have no recommedations of help, but Keystone pretty much said it all.

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All cruise lines, not just NCL, are full of children during school holidays.

Just about all the cruise lines cater to families, and families means kids.;)


If you would like to cruise without kids, try a different type of cruise line, they do exist, or sail when schools are in session. Even when schools are in session, you will run into kids cruising with their parents.:eek:

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Thanks Keystone. You got my point. I blame the parents, not the kids. Kids will do what they can get away with. And yes, NCL does not want to antagonize the parents. The child in the pool was certainly old enough to know better. Perhaps it was all the buffet food? There is no age limit on any of the pools or jacuzzi.


The food was good, and the enterainment was good. I will still go "freestyle". I have gone at holiday times because that is when I have free time also, but I have never seen such an unrully bunch of (parents). Perhaps NCL should have an 'adults only' pool. It's a thought!

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Good advice Keystonecruiser. I've raised two sons and I know there is no excuse for this type of parental neglect. Maybe if more of us spoke up to those kids and their parents, they might be shamed into behaving properly. Of course, considering the parents' and children's complete lack of social awareness and basic good manners, anything we say would either be ignorned or would lead to confrontation. :eek:

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i have 2 children 6 and 11. i must say it's parents like this that give good parents a bad name and turn people against children. first off maybe it's just me but why would you let your children run free even if you feel "they can't leave the ship"?? sadly there are too many crazy people in the world to let me allow my children to run free among a huge amount of strangers. when you plan vacations your first step should be is this a trip we will enjoy together as a family? if you need some "adult time" than thats what kids crew is for your children are well supervised while your not there. my second question is why would a child who is young enough to think licking a serving spoon is ok be allowed to serve themselves? i am by far one of those "my children are perfect" mothers but i can say the golden rule neither of them want to break is embarassing us they know how to act in public and how to respect people. i'm sorry your trip involved such ignorance hopefully next time you will be with more respective adults and children. trust me there are still some of us out there..

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i have 2 children 6 and 11. i must say it's parents like this that give good parents a bad name and turn people against children. first off maybe it's just me but why would you let your children run free even if you feel "they can't leave the ship"?? sadly there are too many crazy people in the world to let me allow my children to run free among a huge amount of strangers. ... i'm sorry your trip involved such ignorance hopefully next time you will be with more respective adults and children. trust me there are still some of us out there..


Exactly, I feel bad for the OP and all those kids who were neglected. Parents who don't do their parenting job drive me bonkers. We have 4 teens and we have decided one will not be joining us on our Alaska cruise this summer. His behavior is too unpredictable and we know there will be times the kids want to go to the teen center and there is no way we could allow him to go because at that age they can leave when they want unsupervised. So, we recently let him know that he wouldn't be joining the family on the trip because we can't trust him to use good judgment if he went with his siblings to the teen center and if hubby & I want to have a special dinner just the two of us, we don't want to have to bring him along, kinda like our kids stay home when we go on a date. If we did take him, he would be at either mine or my hubby's side at all times so he couldn't get himself in trouble and not cause problems for other people. It amazes me how many people don't recognize when they have a child that needs more supervision than others.

AND, we've already talked with the other 3 that if they go to the teen center, they MUST stay together. There is no option to leave one behind or one to take off because there is no telling what whacko's could be on the boat and try to harm them. Being on the ship doesn't mean it's safe from weirdo's. These 3 we trust to follow the rules, behave themselves, and to stay together.

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i have 2 children 6 and 11. i must say it's parents like this that give good parents a bad name and turn people against children. first off maybe it's just me but why would you let your children run free even if you feel "they can't leave the ship"?? sadly there are too many crazy people in the world to let me allow my children to run free among a huge amount of strangers. ... i'm sorry your trip involved such ignorance hopefully next time you will be with more respective adults and children. trust me there are still some of us out there..


Exactly, I feel bad for the OP and all those kids who were neglected. Parents who don't do their parenting job drive me bonkers. We have 4 teens and we have decided one will not be joining us on our Alaska cruise this summer. His behavior is too unpredictable and we know there will be times the kids want to go to the teen center and there is no way we could allow him to go because at that age they can leave when they want unsupervised. So, we recently let him know that he wouldn't be joining the family on the trip because we can't trust him to use good judgment if he went with his siblings to the teen center and if hubby & I want to have a special dinner just the two of us, we don't want to have to bring him along, kinda like our kids stay home when we go on a date. If we did take him, he would be at either mine or my hubby's side at all times so he couldn't get himself in trouble and not cause problems for other people. It amazes me how many people don't recognize when they have a child that needs more supervision than others.

AND, we've already talked with the other 3 that if they go to the teen center, they MUST stay together. There is no option to leave one behind or one to take off because there is no telling what whacko's could be on the boat and try to harm them. Being on the ship doesn't mean it's safe from weirdo's. These 3 we trust to follow the rules, behave themselves, and to stay together.

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Even when schools are in session, you will run into kids cruising with their parents.:eek:


and Ron, you just hit my second big peeve, people who take their kids out of school for a cruise or any vacation!!


I have heard all of those whiny excuses too: "it is the only time we can take vacation," "there are less people then," "the rates are cheaper." (of course, fool, kids are supposed to be in school so they cater to people without kids!)


American parents love to whine about their child not getting a good education, but parents have to shoulder some of the blame. If you are taking your kid out of school for a vacation then you have ZERO room to complain about your child's bad grades or learning deficiency.


I had a student who, for two years, was pulled out of school for 10 school days in a row so that his family could go on a cruise each year. ("it is so much cheaper during October" was the excuse from the parent.) Then the child failed 4 out of six classes for the grading period and the parent was all over the school (special ed student) for not providing an adequate education. When it was pointed out to her that her son had missed ten days of school and had done none of the make-up work which was provided and the tests over the material while gone was the only tests he failed, she shut up.


Now, I am not talking about kids who miss one day before or after a break here and there, I'm talking about week long absences.


But it all comes back to the same problem that we were discussing earlier, parents who don't want their parental responsibilities to interfere with their "fun." So instead of going when it is in the best interests of their child, they go when it is in the best interests of themselves.


Parents who pull their kids out of school for cruises or vacations are just as irresponsible as the ones we are talking about above. I call them selfish.

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There is no age limit on any of the pools or jacuzzi.


Perhaps NCL should have an 'adults only' pool. It's a thought!


I have to disagree with you here. I think children should be allowed to use the main pool since the kids pools on some of the ships are not very good. But the key is supervision. Perhaps a rule that says all children under the age of 14, must be supervised by a parent within visual range while using the pool. (still keep the potty trained rule as well).


Then make sure NCL enforces it! (that won't happen....)


As far as the jacuzzi's, those should be age 16 and older. I would hope that any moron would realize not to put a young child in one!!


The solution is making NCL enforce the rules.


My suggestion: when you are on an NCL ship and you see misbehavior by children, report it immediately. Go to the main desk or call security and tell them. Then if they refuse to do anything about it, ask the person who won't do anything about it, what their name is and tell them that you will mention their non responsiveness on your comment card at the end of the cruise. Supposedly, these comment cards are the best way for the ship to take notice. If it is a positive comment, it helps a crew member and vice versa if it is negative.


So if NCL crew members are afraid to handle the unruly children because they fear being written up by the parents who might be offended, then they can be written up by those of us who are offended by them not doing anything about the kids. A little Catch-22.....

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I'm not certain when you consider schools to be "in session". My DD's school has a autumn break in October and they have the whole week off of Thanksgiving this year. They have an "alternative" schedule to accommodate the taxpayers who will not invest in the kids education - no money, no additional facilities to accommodate the influx of kids, so the school is year-round so that more kids can attend and better use the limited facilities. Thus when my DD is on a cruise with us, it does not mean that she is 'skipping' school. Don't be so quick to be judging others! (and as far as the school district 'saving money' by not building new facilities - that's a joke the staff costs for year-round staffing and the issues of trying to maintain the facilities with the year-round schedule more than offsets any 'savings' due to no new facilties being built)


We were on a cruise this Thanksgiving 320 pax under 18 on board. Apart from two 20+YO (one was 25 the other 27) who stole an elderly woman's wheelchair for a joy ride (and ended up breaking a glass window and the wheelchair) - and a 60+ YO couple who used their fingers :eek: to serve themselves on the buffet line - there were no problems. Perhaps the adults need better supervision!


There are good kids and bad kids - good parents and bad parents - good adults and bad adults.

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My suggestion: when you are on an NCL ship and you see misbehavior by children, report it immediately. Go to the main desk or call security and tell them. Then if they refuse to do anything about it, ask the person who won't do anything about it, what their name is and tell them that you will mention their non responsiveness on your comment card at the end of the cruise. Supposedly, these comment cards are the best way for the ship to take notice. If it is a positive comment, it helps a crew member and vice versa if it is negative.


So if NCL crew members are afraid to handle the unruly children because they fear being written up by the parents who might be offended, then they can be written up by those of us who are offended by them not doing anything about the kids. A little Catch-22.....


Wow, what a great idea! FINALLY, a way for us to express ourselves in a meaningful way that just might get some responsiveness from NCL. If enough of us did this, I bet NCL crew members would actually enforce the rules because they would not want all those negative comments. I'm definitely doing this, should the need arise, on my upcoming March cruises.

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Parents who pull their kids out of school for cruises or vacations are just as irresponsible as the ones we are talking about above. I call them selfish.


And I would call you ignorant. Making a general statement like that is appalling, and similar to making sweeping statements about an ethnic or religious group. Don't lump all parents into your attacks - you know nothing of the circumstances surrounding a family. And yes, I have taken my four A-Honor Roll students out of school six times for cruises, with nary a blemish on their records. I have found a way of doing so that involves school administrators/teachers/families/students so that the experience is a positive one - in four different school districts in four different states (over the past four years, I might add - we have moved that much for my husband's job).


I, too, amd disgusted with the way many children are raised in this day and age, and make a concerted effort to raise mine differently (i.e. respectful, courteous, responsible, etc.). I am not included in your group, nor are many others on this board. Sounds a bit "Archie Bunker".

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A word to parents: Being a parent means being RESPONSIBLE for your child until they turn 18. That includes vacations!!! To allow your child to misbehave or to not know what they are doing is ridiculous. Having your fun on a cruise is SECONDARY to your main job of making sure your kid is not being a problem for someone else.


Yeah...thanks...how do I put this nicely as possible...? OK, here I go...The point of the cruisecritic family forum is not to post condescending messages to parents telling us how to parent. None of us need to hear this. Besides, you are preaching to the choir. The reason for this forum is to share ideas and such, not to get scolded by you. I'm sure the other parents that you scold have to put up with it, but we don't.

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I just took a 10 day cruise on the Norwegian Wind (to Fanning and back). While I love freestyle cruising this was not a good cruise due to the large number of unsupervised children running amok! There were over 700 (??) kids on board. One child had a B.M. (that's a bowel movement folks) in the pool and they had to drain it and sanitize it and it was shut down for most of the day! And the very next day the same child did it again! Where were the parents? Playing bingo? Drinking? And one father took his infant in the jacuzzi and put it under water. Just how did this infant like the 105 degree water? I no longer went in the jacuzzi or the pool! Where was the NCL supervision? There should be an enforced age limit on the pools. It seems that parents just dumped their kids at the pool area and walked away. And one night in the buffet a child about 8 years old put the food serving spoon in her mouth. I told the person working in the area and they had to throw away the tray of food. The parents were standing there saying absolutely nothing. And kids would run around the deck day and night yelling 'hi granny' at 'elderly women'... Talk about bad parenting. Sad state of affairs.

No one got the Norovirus as we (I hope most of us) used the hand sanitizers often. I always used a paper towel to open doors, etc. Some people a couple of cruises before this one did get sick.


I will still freestyle cruise but never during a holiday with all those unsupervised kids and uncaring parents!


So, wharf rat, do you travel with kids or did you just come visit us on the family forum to make us feel bad for your crappy experience??? From your NCL posting I got the impression that you traveled alone.


This is pretty funny. You're mad at parents for traveling when school is out and keystone cruiser is mad at parents when they travel when school is in. Guess we can't win. :rolleyes:

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Parents who pull their kids out of school for cruises or vacations are just as irresponsible as the ones we are talking about above. I call them selfish.



Perhaps you should rephrase that statement? To suggest that this is the way for everyone is too broad of a statement.


I travel for 2 -3 weeks vacation every year. This will be my first cruise, but I have 2 girls, my oldest 11 yrs old, and have taken them every year on vacation, since they were babies. They miss 3 weeks of school each January, and missing school has NEVER been an issue. My kids are "A" students, and most of the time the teachers don't even want to give them homework to take, but I always insist that they give them some. I want to keep them as "A" students so they do what they can during our 8 hr car ride to the city to catch the plane, and then during the plane ride etc. I dont make them do any homework while on vacation so they can enjoy themselves too.



Also...to say that parents shouldnt or deserve to take their kids on vacation is wrong. I take our family on vacation, and we remain as a family. My kids dont wander off, we rarely take advantage of the kids clubs, because we simply enjoy our time together as a family. I believe that would be the point of "family" vacation. I am a stay at home mom, I love spending time with my kids, and wouldnt dream of taking a vacation without them...becuase they enjoy it too. In real life, I dont have a babysitter, i dont believe in letting other people take care of my kids. I raised them to be good kids, respectful of others & have good manners etc. Every vacation we have taken since we have had kids, we have not spent any time alone . When the kids would need naps, one of us would sit up on the balcony at the resort while they napped in the room. We would take turns. When they went to bed early at night, we would get a few drinks & munchies, play cards & sit out on the balcony. We did not hire a babysitter or go partying. I'm thinking on this cruise, for the first time since we have had them, we are planning a dinner just the two of us, and the kids can go to the club for 1 -2 hrs while we do so. That will be our first break alone in 12 years on a vacation.


So, I totally feel it's about the parents. Like someone mentioned, kids will be kids, and kids will do what kids can get away with. BUT the kids reflect their parents, and kids who behave well, are taught to do so, and kids who dont obviously aren't learning anything from the examples their parents set. If I witnessed any of the behaviours that were mentioned on the cruise, I would have been very mad & upset...and confrontational ! I cannot stand bad parenting, and will not hestitate to say something if the parents or kids dont seem to know any better ( or do but dont care ). The problem today is that most kids are neglected, parents are too busy to spend time with their kids, and even when they say they take a family vacation, they really want to do the usual things they do, and once again let the kids run around neglected. Some kids are rude, have no sense of respect & no manners...and that also stems from the parents & their parenting!! This doesnt just apply to cruises, this is real life wherever you go!! I have witnessed this while on vacation, and I have my kids with me, but I am thinking in my head why on earth did this people bring their kids with them!!".


So I just merely wanted to say, that it's not fair to bulk everyone in the same category. Theere are good parents, kids & families out there. unfortunetly too, there are some bads ones too. I think there should be rules in place, and I believe people should supervise their children, and be responsible parents....otherwise, leave them at home. Just becuase I have a family & kids on vacation, doesnt mean I enjoy watching screaming kids run around & being rude either.

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Sorry I seemed to knock open a hornets nest. I did not intend it to be a parents bashing contest. Just wanted to report what I experienced on an NCL cruise. Yes I did put it on the comment card. A sign by the jacuzzi said "children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult".... No signs around the pool areas.


I have been on dozens of cruises on various cruise lines, but this was the most ... I have ever seen!


Also, kids would hide under the stairs and dart out between the steps and yell at people to scare them. I know at least 6 passengers were removed from the ship at 2 different ports due to illness or injury. Hope it was not due to any of these kids nonsense!

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and Ron, you just hit my second big peeve, people who take their kids out of school for a cruise or any vacation!!


I have heard all of those whiny excuses too: "it is the only time we can take vacation," "there are less people then," "the rates are cheaper." (of course, fool, kids are supposed to be in school so they cater to people without kids!)


Parents who pull their kids out of school for cruises or vacations are just as irresponsible as the ones we are talking about above. I call them selfish.


Wow. This irresponsible, selfish single mother will be taking her kids out of school for travel, just as my parents did for me when I was growing up. I not only excelled in school, but the trips I took with my family gave me a better perspective on the world and my place in it. I know that travel will do the same for my children - help them understand there are all kinds of people out there with all kinds of different struggles and we shouldn't sit in judgment or call them names.


You have all my best wishes,


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Enjoy this site for venting, problem solving, etc. even if it at times, it borders on obsession. Perhaps the cruiselines pay attention to this site and I believe they do, and then will improve conditions for cruisers in general as best they can. Other than that all one can do is their cruise 'homework' and cruise at the best times to avoid children if that is their desire...


Please avoid critical remarks on postings...just make suggestions...its all most of us want - ideas!!!

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