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Lesbian Couples who love cruising


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I haven't seen any really negative attitudes on this thread, though perhaps the moderators wiped them away before I got the chance to see them.


Whether or not to go on Olivia is entirely a personal choice. You cannot tell someone "Olivia charges too much therefore you shouldn't go on them" - it's their own money and they can spend it how they see fit. Even though I think they are overcharging based on the value of the benefits they give, I wouldn't presume to tell someone how they should feel about it.


I have said many times that I would love to go on Olivia, but the fact of the matter is that we can't afford it. If we had the money, yes we would go! But we don't and that's life. Some people would rather take two cruises for the price of one Olivia...some people would rather be surrounded by women like themselves once every two years...it all depends on what you want to get out of your vacation experience. Nobody has any business bashing people who choose to take Olivia cruises.


I wonder if people who do so are just jealous that they can't afford to go themselves? What other reason would there be for putting down someone based on their personal choice for how to spend their time and money?

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I must have missed something Etoile. I don't recall reading any posts telling others not to book Olivia or bashing them due to their loyalty. I just re-read all the postings. The only thing I can possibly assume is that you are referring to RKW's bold statement directed to "olivia-ites" that visit this thread. I took that as her outright asking others if they truly feel the high prices are justified.


I hope you are not referring to my posts because clearly from my post one can tell I have gone on two trips, and have not officially crossed them off as a possibility for the future. I said I would factor in pricing into that decision, but my own personal opinion is that the prices are too high and the payment terms don't thrill me.


Like I said, I must have missed something.


PS the negativity on the forum mentioned is not this forum. It is the former community forum on the o site where discussions take place. And from a personal standpoint, my comments were not directed at anyone posting here. I recognize Pussycat from that forum and was not referring to her either when I told of that "story".

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Oliver33, here is the quote that I was referring to:

Today I am feeling quite chastisized because I express my opinions about vacations with Olivia & because I personally feel it's worth the money TO ME. Not for all though.

I don't knock anyone that enjoys other trips or that doesn't want to go with Olivia. I thought that this thread was about sharing views & experiences. A place to get helpful info & enjoy friendly interaction with everyone.

I made my post because it seemed that Pussycat felt this board was hostile, and I wanted to say that I didn't see it, that is all. daisy.gif

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Oh dear, "connecting" in cyberspace does have it's problems!!!


When one cannot hear tone of voice, inflections, emphasis! When one cannot see the expression on the other's face & has no eye contact!!

We often misread, misunderstand & tend to make so many things a "tempest in a teapot".


We all seem to get different impressions on various postings so many times.

When you think about it it's not worth getting excited about (I 'm talking at myself too!) There are soooooo many other problems in this world to spend our energy on. (Especially planning the next cruise!!)


Have a great day everyone..............

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Oh dear, "connecting" in cyberspace does have it's problems!!!


When one cannot hear tone of voice, inflections, emphasis! When one cannot see the expression on the other's face & has no eye contact!!

We often misread, misunderstand & tend to make so many things a "tempest in a teapot".


We all seem to get different impressions on various postings so many times.

When you think about it it's not worth getting excited about (I 'm talking at myself too!) There are soooooo many other problems in this world to spend our energy on. (Especially planning the next cruise!!)


Have a great day everyone..............


Same to you Pussycat

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Wow, I feel like this has, indeed turned into the Olivia message board. I honestly feel that in order for someone to make an INFORMED decision, they need to be able to look at all sides of an issue. I have already agreed that the two cruises I went on with Olivia were wonderful and have already agreed that I understand full charters need somewhat of a markup. What I do not agree with is the amount of the markup. I think it is, as I said before, unjustified. When otherwise savvy lesbians succumb to the idea that "what they are doing must be fair because they are lesbians too and will always look out for my best interest" it drives me crazy. Yes, I do believe people have a choice which is why I "chose" to go on two Olivia cruises. I am now "choosing" not to go because of overinflated, unjustified costs. I would be the last one to tell anyone what to do. Just want people to know all sides. I may be completely wrong and Olivia could have justifiable reasons for charging almost twice as much than any travel company out there, for the same product. And for the record, Olivia-ites, IMHO, aren't people who simply travel on Olivia (hence that would make me one too), I was referring to those who fervently defend Olivia and once again, as on the Olivia Message Boards, have tried to make this into a faux issue of one poster (me) supposedly trying to squash other poster's freedom of "choice". Just trying to make sure others stay informed. And thanks for the posting Oliver33...and just when I was starting to feel all alone. ;)

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I know that wasnt meant to make anyone laugh but I did chuckle. You are definitely not alone and that is exactly how I felt reading the O message boards the last few years. We are in NJ and before we took the leap we asked around to everyone we knew (this was three years ago) if they had gone on one, knew anyone who did. We didnt want to take Olivia as our main vacation for the year and have a bad experience. We wanted to try it at least once. We couldnt find one person in this area who had used them, and those that we did ask told us "No way would I book one of those trips, the prices are out of hand".


We obviously took the leap and dont necessarily regret it. But we arent hooked by any means and for that type of money we rather go to Europe or take two less expensive vacations per year. For instance this year we are renting a gorgeous million dollar home in the hills of St John USVI and getting chef service and all kinds of goodies for a fraction of the cost (sharing the expenses with one other couple). We are calling it "our Kmart vacation" because it pales in comparison to what we paid for the two O vacations.


Anyhow, enough said. I hope this board will stay a place people can share their own personal opinions for anyone who happens to be reading them. There are many sides to each story. Just by sharing an opinion that is different than others doesnt mean others are getting "prejudiced" again. I think statements like that are unsubstantiated.


I personally feel what they have to offer doesnt match up with the pricing and we arent feeling the compulsion to run back and book another trip. I found a very good article posted by someone and I cannot recall where otherwise I would share it. A person related to the cruise industry talking about how you would not be thrilled to hear at what a big discount your charter co buys your room for. It is less than the advertised rate on their line's website, so if O charges double, that means they are getting more than the 100% increase over the regular rate. And this article also spoke about how the entertainment doesnt cost as much as one might think.


Like I said, enough said. I could beat this horse for even more time I guess. In the end many are still going to love that company, many others will never try it due to prices and many others will try them once or twice then stop.

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Julie - Thanks! See you in January. (I'll be an old married woman by then.......instead of just, old! :rolleyes: )


Carol (and Linda)


Carol & Linda,


I doubt very much that you'll be checking this thread today (maybe not for a week or so), but by now you two should be officially married! CONGRATULATIONS!!:D

See you Monday around lunch time on the Mercury!

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Hi All,


Just returned from our 4 night cruise on the Mercury! Got to meet Carol & Linda (Wannabcruisin), but didn't get to spend time with them as our schedules didn't match up very well.

The food was fabulous in the dining room and so was the service! The buffet choices were more limited than I've experienced on other cruiselines and they had shorter hours of availability. The food in the buffet was ok, but not outstanding like in the dining room.

I thought the cabins were a bit small (we were in a CC class with balcony). The ships decor was very low key. Everything was clean, but there was no "wow" factor anywhere.

The production number we saw with the singers and dancers was wonderful...very energetic with beautiful costumes.

I'd consider sailing Celebrity again, especially if what I wanted was great food, or a short trip out of Seattle, but dollar for dollar I'd rank it below all of the other lines I've sailed so far (Princess, RCCL and HAL).

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Great comments Mithryl! I personally feel Celebrity is my favorite, but the only other lines I've sailed are HAL and NCL. I would love to try Princess sometime. My wife was not impressed with RCCL (she went with her mom) so I don't know that we'll try them.


Any idea what the vegetarian options are like on Princess? That's one reason I love Celebrity...they have a different vegetarian menu every night! It's about half the size of the regular menu, only two entrees, two soups, etc. But the food is really good!


I'm glad you enjoyed Mercury! I will be going on Summit in February, can't wait!

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Great comments Mithryl! I personally feel Celebrity is my favorite, but the only other lines I've sailed are HAL and NCL. I would love to try Princess sometime. My wife was not impressed with RCCL (she went with her mom) so I don't know that we'll try them.


Any idea what the vegetarian options are like on Princess? That's one reason I love Celebrity...they have a different vegetarian menu every night! It's about half the size of the regular menu, only two entrees, two soups, etc. But the food is really good!


I'm glad you enjoyed Mercury! I will be going on Summit in February, can't wait!


I remember Princess always having vegetarian choices. It is more limited than the regular menu, but there are always pasta and other vegie choices available.

What RCCL ship was your wife on with her Mom? We loved Enchantment, but thought that Vision was just average (or below). As for Princess, we loved the Island, but thought that the Dawn was less desirable.

I know the mercury is an older ship. I'm sure you'll enjoy the Summit.:)

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Hello Everybody -

We're back from our wedding and honeymoon cruise and we had an absolute blast!:D The weather was gorgeous for the wedding, thanks to everyone's good thoughts I'm sure, and the horse-drawn carriages were a perfect way to get from the Marriott to the wedding venue. We were married on the rooftop terrace in the last of the sunshine and everything went off without a hitch. The champagne was iced perfectly for the celebration afterwards, the canapes were tasty, and dinner was fabulous. And so now we're old married folks.


The cruise was great. Actually, what cruise isn't great, eh? (as the Canadians say). We were sorry we didn't get to spend any time with Mithryl but as Vicki said, our schedules were just offset. Then Thursday we got hit by a major storm and most of the passengers were laid low, Linda among them even with a scopalomine patch behind her ear. She slept the day away while I marveled at the huge seas outside the windows. They closed off the promenade deck, and the upper decks were an adventure to navigate during the height of the action. Still, it was magnificent to see.....I've never been at sea in a real storm before and it was incredible.


So, now all the laundry is done, the suitcases stashed away and the house back to normal. All the wedding guests have long since gone home and we are back to the grind. 94 days until we leave for Fort Lauderdale and our first Olivia cruise. Not that we're counting. Any chance we might see any of you aboard Olivia in January??


Fair winds and smooth seas to all of you with upcoming cruises. See ya later,


Carol and Linda.

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Hello Everybody -

We're back from our wedding and honeymoon cruise and we had an absolute blast!:D

Carol and Linda.



Hi Carol and Linda,

Welcome back! You sure missed some bad wind storms here while you were gone but sounds like it followed you up there. Gald to hear that all went well and your wedding was lovely. We still need to get together some time and meet since we live so close to each other. Last year you went to the Nutcracker, are you going again this year? Understand the back tot he grindstone. We are busy with work and each of us are taking two classes this term DL. We have a couple of buisness trips, a trip to see my daughter week after next, the Feist concert downtown and then we leave for Florida over the Christmas break. Our cruise is not until April but we are really anxious to hear about your Olivia adventure when you get back as we have been toying with going for awhile.


Let us know if you are up to meet for lunch or dinner someplace.


Toni (Gina too)

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Hi Toni

I've forgotten where you and Gina live....somewhere near Puyallup or ? I know it's not too far. We would be up for lunch or dinner but scheduling might be a little tough. I'll email you offline. Oops, I can't find your email.

Email me at cahoffman145@comcast.net.


We heard about the wind storm....I think it was the same one we were in out at sea. We heard a rumor on the ship that we went out into the ocean after leaving Victoria so the ship could dump its holding tanks. They went offshore about 50 miles I think and we got smacked around pretty good out there. I think the captain said it was blowing about 45 knots and gusting to over 60. I know the ocean went nuts. It was really spectacular. The Mercury seems like a good sea boat, though, and I was surprised we weren't knocked around worse than we were.


Talk later,


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i know this topic has been discussed before but i wanted to bring it up again. my partner and i will be sailing on carnival next spring. i am unsure what would be a good formal outfit for her. i am a very fem girl and will wear a typical formal gown. she is not as fem as me and would prefer to wear some type of pant outfit. any suggestions for a sexy and formal type suit?? Thanks so much.

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I just wanted to stop in and say hello to everyone! My partner and I will be sailing out on 12/17 to celebrate three years. We are very excited!


Welcome Doublegator!


Congrats on your three year mark!:) I'm excited for you. Where are you sailing too? Which cruiseline? We'd love to hear about your plans and your experiences. Is this your first cruise?

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i know this topic has been discussed before but i wanted to bring it up again. my partner and i will be sailing on carnival next spring. i am unsure what would be a good formal outfit for her. i am a very fem girl and will wear a typical formal gown. she is not as fem as me and would prefer to wear some type of pant outfit. any suggestions for a sexy and formal type suit?? Thanks so much.


Hi Kacie,

I'm not prone to dresses either. I usually wear dress slacks, short heeled shoes and either a glitzy top with jewelry or a tux-type jacket.

Others on this thread have posted some great pictures. You can go back through and find some. Carol & Linda's pics are great, as well as others.

Don't worry. Just dress however you both think you look great and enjoy yourselves. Formal nights are really fun.

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Vicki - I don't recall posting any pics, but it's a good idea! I'll try to attached something.


Here's a pic of us on formal night at the dinner table. Yes, I'm wearing a tux. But with a ladies silk blouse, earrings, a crystal broach instead of a tie, no cummerbund, and low-heeled black patent shoes. I had the tux made by a tailor in Thailand. I love it! And though everyone looked, several people stopped us to say how nice we looked! :D


Carol (and Linda)


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