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Tell Us About Your Negative Experiences With Table Mates


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I'm an auditor at a cpa firm, which for some reason, people always associate with tax. I get asked tax questions all the time, or they think I work for the IRS and am out to get them. I do finanical statement audits, and do not do anything tax related at all.


I need to come up with a "fake" occupation, but I don't think I could come up with all the details if I get pushed past what I do for a living. Maybe I should just say, "It's classified".


I am a CPA and write tax software for the numero uno company that supplies tax software to the big CPA firms....I am a specialist in a very small area of 1120 tax....but people think I am a tax 'expert,' and ask all sorts of questions that I have no clue about.


Sometimes I just tell them I'm a secretary. Makes life easier.


The other thing I have noticed is that being female, people really don't ask me where I work all that much. It seems to be more of a 'guy' thing, even though we have lots of females working here in very high positions.

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the most annoying thing i've ever had happen at my table is having service interrupted by the singing and dancing by the staff :mad:


But that's the funnest part!!! On our last cruise in Feb. our waiter and his assistant were HILARIOUS!!!! I couldn't stop laughing!!!:D


And the one in Jan. 09 we went on, the waiter got my brother up to dance with him. That was a sight also!!!:D

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The truly bad part of this whole experience was that the two lovely ladies that were dining with us the first night were so shocked from the initial meeting that they changed their dining times. Luckily, I had the chance to speak with them during the cruise and had some lovely conversations and even went with them on a shore excursion. Can't wait until July.....:) ;)


Sounds like you'll be joining them or one of them in July? If so, have fun!

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We've always had great luck I have to say. Never a problem. I guess the only issue we really ever had was in '06 on the NOS. We had a table for 10 and only us and one other couple showed up. Very awkward the first night but by the end of the cruise we were great friends and stay in touch to this day.

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They didn't notice your accent before you told them where you were from? Dang, y'all in NC and SC have the most beautiful accents, you'd have to drag me away from the dinner table because I just want to hear you talk forever!! :) :o


I guess because my mothers side of the family is from NC, I have a southern twang talk and I live in Florida. I say "y'all, yer" and a bunch more I can't think of at the moment. Even just my basic vocabulary is a twang to it. I don't care though, I like it.

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Just keep an open mind when you are seated with people that may not "look" like your type. On our last cruise, we ( 2 couples in late 20's/early 30's) were seated with an elderly couple. We arrived first and when the elderly couple were seated we all just looked at each other with great concern. Turns out, this elderly couple were awesome. We talked about everything under the sun. We had actually cruised more than them so they were asking us for advice and we would share stories of our shore excursions with each other. During the day we would even say to each other "I wonder what Mr & Mrs ?? did today. It was great!! We hated to leave them the last night!


This is very similar to what my DW and I had on our recent Glory cruise. I am 40 and DW is 30, we were seated with two older couples (retired mid to late 60's ish) and at first I was worried but all 4 of them were very fun people and we had a great time each night, we would see them during the day and stop and talk and really found them great to talk to. There was a 4th couple but they only came to dinner on 3 nights but they were also very nice but not very talkative. We have been very lucky as our first cruise was also a very good expierince.

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On our last cruise, my DW, her mom, and myself were seated at a table for 8 with a family of "real Americans" that was, shall we say, very "conservative". The first evening, when we ordered our wine or something stronger than tap water, we'd get "the look"...but we didn't let it bother us one bit! The subsequent evenings, I guess they figured we weren't the spawn of Satan, and started to warm up to us a bit. And on the final night of the cruise, they didn't even show up, so our most excellent waitstaff got stiffed. Go figure.

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And on the final night of the cruise, they didn't even show up, so our most excellent waitstaff got stiffed. Go figure.
Well, what did you expect? It was, after all, RCCL. :rolleyes:
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On Legend last year there was a couple in their mid 50's sitting at the next table. She looked like Hyacinth off of Keeping Up Appearances for those who watch that show - she was in her best diamonds and looked like she should be on the QEII Captain's Table. Anyhow the waiters started their dancing with wigs and costumes - she looked mortified that people were acting so common. The best part of it all is that her husband jumped up and joined the conga line - she was shooting daggers at him with her looks - she was clearly embarassed and too good for such displays.



That's AWESOME! I hope the husband had a wonderful time. I cannot stand snobby people that don't know how to have a good time on vacation. All they do is *itch and whine about everything. I can't wait for our cruise. Hopefully we don't have horrible table mates, but if so, we'll just ask to be moved.

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One of our first cruises we were at a four top and The first night at dinner another couple sat down and we had a decent conversation. Second night at the next table (also a 4 top) 2 gentlemen sat down dressed to the nines.

Since they sat next to each other and were holding hands discretly under the table (we could see this from our side of the table as they sat next to us) we assumed they were a gay couple. we have no problem w/ their lifestyle.

During dinner they stood up as my wife got up to go to the rest room and were still holding hands. The guy in the other couple saw this and went ballistic. started yelling at the waiter and maitre d to find them another table. That they would not sit by two %$#@ .

They were escorted away from the area and we asked the guys to join us and apologised for the

rucuss. they said not to worry that they knew we weren't involved.

They had been on many trips and cruises and we had great conversation w/ them the rest of the cruise. They owned a jewelry store in the nw and about a month after our cruise they sent my wife a nice pendant and a letter to us thanking us for makeing their dinner times so plesant.

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On our last cruise, my DW, her mom, and myself were seated at a table for 8 with a family of "real Americans" that was, shall we say, very "conservative". The first evening, when we ordered our wine or something stronger than tap water, we'd get "the look"...but we didn't let it bother us one bit! The subsequent evenings, I guess they figured we weren't the spawn of Satan, and started to warm up to us a bit. And on the final night of the cruise, they didn't even show up, so our most excellent waitstaff got stiffed. Go figure.


I'm ultra conservative and judgemental too. But I also do drink and gamble!:D

Just a FYI and to give your tablemates the benefit of the doubt. On RCL, anytime, one can go to the Purser and have the tips done auto-tip just like Carnival. The "vouchers" are meaningless. If its on your Sea Pass, the workers get the tip. So the waiters did not NECESSARILY get stiffed. Probably, but not for sure.:rolleyes:


Liberal or Conservative is like the difference between major and minor surgery.

Minor surgery is surgery on somebody else!:rolleyes:


Liberal is what I should be allowed to do. Conservative is what other people should be allowed to do!:D

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I never used to mind telling people what I did for living but after a few of the same types of comments and people thinking I'm a criminal i am rethinking it. Seems like working for a big bank, in the mortgage department no less, isn't very popular these days. :p


Yeah, I've gotten that too, especially because I work for a Swiss Bank that Congress isn't too fond of right now ... but hey, we all have to work. I've gotten some pretty nasty responses in the past but I just shrug it off. I've often said "I work in financial services", which is so broad it could mean anything these days.

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On a cruise w/ family ,brother ,SIL, Dw ,myself we got assigned to a table for 10 and had 6 at the table. The wife of the other couple didn't try to talk to us and just ignored us when we tried to talk to her the husband would speak to everyone. The wife did try to get in on the conversation on the 3rd or 4th night after finding that being snobbish just got her ignored.

To Late, She made the mistake of zeroing in on my lil brother and pressing him to find out what he did for a living. (Let me set the scene first).

My brother has tats and long hair. He is very mean looking but is one of the nicest folks you'll ever meet.

he was very polite in refusing about talking about his or anyone elses work, but she kept pressing him. He looks at me and mouths play along.

UH OH!!!

He sits straight up in his chair looks around the room over everyones head , scrunchs down in his chair bends over the table the woman bends in to hear what he has to say ,

I couldn't believe the words that came out that boys mouth.

He said ,Maam , I usually don't talk about my private life but if you must know ,I am a


The poor woman liked to have passed out .

She didn't know what to say . She looked at my wife and i and we just looked at her and said you asked. My lil Brother couldn't let it go. He looked directly at her and said ,times are slow right now ,You need me to take someone out???

She got up and left the table the hubby just sat there stunned for a moment . then he asked my brother was he and my SIL really contract killers ??? My Bro .stood up reached in his wallet and handed him a buisiness card that said. XXX & XXX pest controll service.

The husband died laughing and said that was one of the best ones he'd heard . they did come back the next night and the wife wasn't so pushy and we did all get along the rest of the cruise.

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One of our first cruises we were at a four top and The first night at dinner another couple sat down and we had a decent conversation. Second night at the next table (also a 4 top) 2 gentlemen sat down dressed to the nines.

Since they sat next to each other and were holding hands discretly under the table (we could see this from our side of the table as they sat next to us) we assumed they were a gay couple. we have no problem w/ their lifestyle.


I don't care who holds hands with whom. I don't care who sleeps with whom. That's their business and I don't even care if they do it at my table (well, I do hope they do their "sleeping" elsewhere, but you know what I mean)! I just hope that - because I'll be almost 60 at my next sailing - people don't think I am an old stick-in-the-mud! I keep seeing these references to mid-fifties and "retired" (I WISH) or "near retirement" (not even) and they almost always refer to someone who was no fun at all - or if they WERE fun, everyone was surprised :-)

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I can relate to stereo typing an area. I get tired of dealing with people who:

1. Don't realize that New Mexico is a state (since 1912) and you don't need a passport to travel here.

2. Think there is nothing but primitive small towns, dirt roads, and hot dry dessert.

3. Assume I know Spanish.

4. Compliments me on how good my English is.


When I was in high school I made a trip to Missouri. My aunt invited a friend of hers for dinner one night. The woman asked me if I go to a country 1 room school house?:rolleyes:


i moved to chicago 3 years ago from texas and got so many stereo typed remarks...

someone actually asked me if i rode a horse to work, if everyone carried holsters with guns and if i lived on a farm etc. etc.

the one that got me the most was being asked if i moved here to chicago because i wanted to see what a big city was like. (i'm from HOUSTON, it's the 4th largest city in the country.)

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I don't care who holds hands with whom. I don't care who sleeps with whom. That's their business and I don't even care if they do it at my table (well, I do hope they do their "sleeping" elsewhere, but you know what I mean)! I just hope that - because I'll be almost 60 at my next sailing - people don't think I am an old stick-in-the-mud! I keep seeing these references to mid-fifties and "retired" (I WISH) or "near retirement" (not even) and they almost always refer to someone who was no fun at all - or if they WERE fun, everyone was surprised :-)


I agree!!! I am in my mid-50s and may initially LOOK like a stereotypical "stick-in-the-mud." Please remember that we came from the flower-power generation....I couldn't be more socially liberal minded! So give us older folks a chance and don't assume we are all the same just by virtue of our age.

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These are great stories. Like most, I have over all had wonderful people sitting at the table with me for the majority of the times we have cruised. There was one cruise, however, where my husband and I were assigned to a table for 4. The other couple were in some type of pyramid type business and were pressuring us big time to join them. At the end of the meal, my husband and I talked about asking for a table change, but we didn't want to be rude. Turns out the other couple asked for the change instead; we saw them elsewhere in the dining room. Oh well, we enjoyed our own company at dinner for the rest of the cruise.

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What an entertaining thread!!!


Can't say we had any real problems.


First night, first cruise the Maitre'D sat my mum and I at the wrong table, and then tried to ask us to move after we had ordered - she was embarrassed, and we stayed put.


THe next night we were put at our correct table, and noticed other people around had moved to. At this table was a woman and her mother (maybe 40 and 60) a grandmother and her granddaughter (60 ish and 12) a single man and an older gentlemen who we don't think could hear and never returned. We all ended up wondering if he was okay for the rest of the week.


my second cruise, my mum and I were at a table with 3 other Canadian couples, and 2 empty seats.


my last cruise with my mum we got a table for 2 and enjoyed people watching, a table behind us actually had the waitstaff bring out a smaller table just to hold their extra food choices....



My worst story came from a buffet line, a southern US couple was behind me and an African-AMerican man cut infront of me, and they started making all kinds of comments about how rude he was and ignorant and how they all were like that. He got into an arguement with them and then he left. There were 2 African-AMerican ladies infront of me who then got into an arguement with the couple behind me since they said "oh he's your brother" and other racist-like comments.


I was mortified.... I wanted to crawl under a rock and die.... no one was rude to me, nor was I involved but this was happening over my head, and beside me and I had no escape!


I mean, line cutters can be annoying but this went right to race issues apparently. :eek:

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i moved to chicago 3 years ago from texas and got so many stereo typed remarks...

someone actually asked me if i rode a horse to work, if everyone carried holsters with guns and if i lived on a farm etc. etc.

the one that got me the most was being asked if i moved here to chicago because i wanted to see what a big city was like. (i'm from HOUSTON, it's the 4th largest city in the country.)


The scary thing is that these same people vote and reproduce.:rolleyes:


I think Texas also has more major cities than Illinois does. I have been to Houston many times and it is huge.

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I loved the contract killer... that was great :D


I feel very sorry for the people who had bad experiences and gave up sitting with strangers. We have very many life-long friends that we met at the dinner table.


In twenty + cruises we've never had a bad table companion. We've had a few that were just OK, but most have been absolutely wonderful and added a great deal to our cruises.

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I was reading these and really getting a kick out of some of them. I have one to add. It wasn't on a cruise per sae, but on a dinner cruise in hawaii. I made the mistake of telling the older woman next to me that I did taxes for a living. (I actually do but won't tell anyone anymore!:eek:) She started in on tax questions and just went on and on. All of a sudden my dh leans over and loudly whispers "I can't believe you told her that, what if the wrong person overheard you and reports back to THEM. I had no idea what my dh was working up to, but knowing him I knew it would be strange. Well, the woman asked who was them, my dh starts in on how he couldn't say it outloud as he didn't want to get me in trouble, but he just kind of hinted that it may have something to do with something called the mob. That poor old lady turned so pale she scared me. It was all I could do not to laugh. About that time another couple sat down at our table and did the intro, what do you do, routine. When it got to me, before I could say anything, the old woman told the new couple, you don't want to ask what she does, it may not be safe!:eek: I could have shot my dh by now. But that was the last time I tell strangers I do taxes. :rolleyes:

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