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Would you speak up????


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Honestly, it would depend somewhat on my mood. In my day-to-day life, where I am normally incredibly stressed due to work related items, I would happily have confronted these idiots. Racist comments pretty much drive me out of my mind and I have no tolerance for public drunkeness in adults either. On vacation, particularly in a situation like you describe, I would have been more likely to go find an officer and explain what was happening.


I haven't cruised Carnival for several years. We cruised Paradise several years ago and had a wonderful time. Our last three have been on Regent and Windstar. Maybe the higher prices weed out some of the morons, I honestly don't know. We're booked for Legend in April for a family trip and I have to say I really hope we have more "evolved" passengers than the ones you encountered. I'm sure this was a really upsetting experience. And hopefully a rare one.

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In that situation, I would not have said anything at the time. I would not have wanted to take a chance on escalating the situation. However, I would have gotten the officer's name and written a short detailed report for the Purser's office just to back up the officer's account of the situation...just in case the drunk perks decided to file a complaint.


Btw, I always take the opportunity to stop and chat with security and thank them for the job that they do. (because you know all they hear is complaints)

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If it were other passengers bothering other passengers, I would say something and call security. But, since the problem was WITH the security guy and passengers, then I would not. The security guy should have called for help and handled it himself. IMO, security enforcement is one area that Carnival sorely lacks.

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If it were other passengers bothering other passengers, I would say something and call security. But, since the problem was WITH the security guy and passengers, then I would not. The security guy should have called for help and handled it himself. IMO, security enforcement is one area that Carnival lacks sorely.


I agree! Doesn't make me feel very safe to know that the SECURITY OFFICER couldn't keep this situation under control, yet I am supposed to trust them to keep me safe on the ship??? :eek: This guy needs another job... if you can't handle 2 drunks, and can't handle calling someone else... perhaps some tables need bussing.

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I cant help it GoinCruisin if YOU can't see the analogy. Sit there and be passive and hope it will go away or do something about it. As far as a beating goes many have tried and it always cost them. I guess that's the price one has to pay sometimes. You do what you have to do and I will do the same.




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I cant help it GoinCruisin if YOU can't see the analogy. Sit there and be passive and hope it will go away or do something about it. As far as a beating goes many have tried and it always cost them. I guess that's the price one has to pay sometimes. You do what you have to do and I will do the same.





Well good, you are a tough guy... I'm a girl. So if I don't confront these guys, it means that I condone it... that's what you said. So as a girl, or a child, or a small guy, if we don't confront the guys, it means we condone it right? :rolleyes:


And no, I don't see the analogy... I lost several friends and my life, as well as most people in this country, changed forever that day. Please tell me how not confronting two drunken guys on a cruise ship compares to that? Please... I'm waiting to see, I really want to understand your analogy of how this tragic life altering event can compare...

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We were on the Sun Princess and a guy on our black jack table became very obnoxious with the dealer. The guy was removed from the casino several times. Now he was drunk and he kept on coming back. Well the third time they called security and as soon as the guy saw the security guy he started to fight the security man. My husband was about to get up and several other people but then two other security guys showed up and took the guy to the brig for the remaining 5 days (it was a 17-day cruise) and turned him over to the Fort Lauderdale authorities.


I had no idea they a brig ~ glad to know they can lock you up :o) ~

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On Legend recently a group was taking liquor into whirlpool. The Carnival Security guy asked them to remove it. They gave him a very hard time, taunted him and ignored him. They called him names. I sat there and did nothing, but felt bad for this security officer. What would you guys do?


Security people are trained for this. Unfortunately there are jerks everywhere. However, most likely if you get involved, you are just going to make things worse. Let the trained staff take care of you. You are not responsible for the security people on the ship.

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The analogy is: You can choose to hope it will go away or do something about it! You obviously want it to go away. The folks on the flight that choose to confront their hijackers lost their lives but at least they took those guys out. Be a pacifist it's ok Lucy. I choose not to. Nor is/was my intent to lessen the sacrifice that anyone gave on 9/11 or those events.


I studies Karate with a lot of "girls". They could handle themselves quite nicely, gender isn't an issue it's attitude. Also what works for me might not work for you. And yes by not making known your displeasure of racist remarks means you DO condone it.



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The analogy is: You can choose to hope it will go away or do something about it! You obviously want it to go away. The folks on the flight that choose to confront their hijackers lost their lives but at least they took those guys out. Be a pacifist it's ok Lucy. I choose not to. Nor is/was my intent to lessen the sacrifice that anyone gave on 9/11 or those events.


I studies Karate with a lot of "girls". They could handle themselves quite nicely, gender isn't an issue it's attitude. Also what works for me might not work for you. And yes by not making known your displeasure of racist remarks means you DO condone it.




Oh come on... he said he thought they MAY have been using racial TONES :rolleyes: Just because I personally choose not to overreact and mind my own business and allow others to do their JOBS, doesn't mean I condone racism... wow, do you blow everything out of proportion like this? So now you need to "studies" karate as a girl... practicing karate on a group of drunk people being obnoxious? Did they not give you a pretty strict code of conduct when you started taking karate?? Seriously... I can't believe we are comparing these guys to hijackers... it's almost so ridiculous it's funny. The fact you continue to make these comparisons indeed lessons the sacrifice.

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Ok...here is my 2 cents. :p I doubt I would say anything because it was between the security guard and those passengers but if it was between 2 passengers, then I would go over and get a security guard.


Freddie, I don't agree with your comparison about that incident and 9/11. These people were not using knives, guns, threatening to kill anyone, hijacking planes. The two incidents are like comparing day and night. JMO

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And no, I don't see the analogy... I lost several friends and my life, as well as most people in this country, changed forever that day. Please tell me how not confronting two drunken guys on a cruise ship compares to that? Please... I'm waiting to see, I really want to understand your analogy of how this tragic life altering event can compare...


What I gained from 9/11.......it is because of 9/11 that we are no longer to stand idly by and expect others to react. Yes, this situation pales in comparison but I learned we all have a responsibility to act when something is not right. No I can't run down speeders on the highway but I should at least make sure my assistance is not needed.


If FF wants to belly-up to the bar and and get a piece of that action, that's up to FF but there are other approaches. Notify other staff of the problem, start asking others around if they are willing to help, fake a heart attack......just don't act like it isn't happening and that someone else will do something about it.


It does sound like the security officer should have gotten backup but sometimes you wonder if they are drilled with customer service so much in this industry they are afraid to open that can of whoop-azz if it is called for.


Peace out,


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... sometimes you wonder if they are drilled with customer service so much in this industry they are afraid to open that can of whoop-azz if it is called for.


Peace out,



agreed. that's why i think if anyone shld ever witness such an account, they shldn't necessarily jump in (i don't think that situation wld be good for anyone concerned, least of all the well meaning innocent person intervening on his behalf), but they shld at least report it to the purser's desk or to another crew member so that if things get out of hand, the security officer at least has one or more witnesses on record protecting him from any false allegation which might be made.

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What I gained from 9/11.......it is because of 9/11 that we are no longer to stand idly by and expect others to react. Yes, this situation pales in comparison but I learned we all have a responsibility to act when something is not right. No I can't run down speeders on the highway but I should at least make sure my assistance is not needed.


If FF wants to belly-up to the bar and and get a piece of that action, that's up to FF but there are other approaches. Notify other staff of the problem, start asking others around if they are willing to help, fake a heart attack......just don't act like it isn't happening and that someone else will do something about it.


It does sound like the security officer should have gotten backup but sometimes you wonder if they are drilled with customer service so much in this industry they are afraid to open that can of whoop-azz if it is called for.


Peace out,



Which is EXACTLY what I said... there were OTHER ways to get involved... that if this security officer couldn't handle doing his job, escalate it. Sure, call another security officer, but I'm not going to go over and confront the guys... chances are, I'd end up in the brig myself for being involved in the altercation... not a chance I'm taking with 2 drunk guys. These aren't terrorist... yes, there are things we can do in our everyday lives to take action, but in this case, please tell me... if these guys are doing this to SECURITY, the people who can ACTUALLY throw you off the ship... how is what I say going to make a difference unless I am threatening to use force, which in turn, I risk being thrown off the ship or in jail for that behavior. Saying something to these guys obviously wasn't going to stop them. Getting more security up there, so the men could be dealt with properly, would be the best course of action. Bullying the bullies isn't going to solve the problem. Just because I personally would choose not to confront the drunks, it's been said that I condone it, which is far from the truth... but then to compare this to 9/11, as if I didn't do something, I would be putting the entire ship and country at risk :rolleyes: This is vacation, on a cruise ship... the guys were drinking... they MAY HAVE made some remarks with a racial tone... I don't agree with it, I wouldn't have been happy about it... but there are ways to go about it so that I wouldn't ruin my vacation due to a couple of drunks... sure, call me selfish. Had it been other passengers, yes, that would have been different. But bullying someone whose JOB it is to provide security, and for me to risk my own to take up for him? No... sorry, not my job to be security for security.


I've seen security open a can of whoop azz, I've seen them throw people off the ship. That's their JOB... not customer service, security. If they can't do their jobs, Carnival needs to find someone who can... maybe a tough guy like Freddie will do the job for them :D

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The analogy is: You can choose to hope it will go away or do something about it! You obviously want it to go away. The folks on the flight that choose to confront their hijackers lost their lives but at least they took those guys out. Be a pacifist it's ok Lucy.


Your analogy still does not play well, hijackings always ended peacefully up until 9/11 and there was no reason to take action, the plane that went down in PA was because those people on board knew they were going to die - huge difference between; Life Threatened/Verbal Abuse of a Security Guy.


That is a grand canyon leap, I know that any of us, including Chris (the one you keep calling Lucy) would take action if she knew her life was threatened.


But we are not talking about a life threatening situation...

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That is a grand canyon leap, I know that any of us, including Chris (the one you keep calling Lucy) would take action if she knew her life was threatened


Exactly!!! Actually, I would take action if I knew ANYONE'S life was threatened, not only my own...


Thank you Dood :D

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What would you guys do?
"Breathe in, breathe out, move on..." (Jimmy Buffett)

I always stear clear of negative vibes whenever I'm on a ship trying to relax and get away from 'real' life. I just move to another part of the ship. Why give up valuable and limited vacation time?



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If it were other passengers bothering other passengers, I would say something and call security. But, since the problem was WITH the security guy and passengers, then I would not. The security guy should have called for help and handled it himself.


This is exactly what I would say. Security was there, supposed to be handling it. No need for other passengers to get involved in the fray.

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As others have said, if it was between passengers, I'd intervene and or get help.


Also, if it was a passenger being abusive to a member of staff, such as a bartender, waiter, steward, I'd intervene and get security. That is the point, security should be able to handle the situation and if not get reinforcements. "Civilians" may escalate the situation rather than calming it down. But if directed by security to help or do something, I would of course do it.

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Security is supposed to provide for the safety of you and your fellow paying travelers. That's all.


This a perfect example of what happens when rules are enforced. Somebody is hassled These paying customers were enjoying themselves, something that Carnival is supposedly famous for. Perhaps the children in the hot tub were complaining that these adults were urinating. Perhaps the beer bunny they were flirting with was the security guy's GF. The implication that there were racial overtones seems to be an indicator that the OP was starved for entertainment during this event and reading into it. Who really knows?


Any libation + youth/family/groups + authority = trouble


I don't want any (hassles, but I will have a drink), nor do I cause any. Mind your own buisness and leave if you are offended. It's a big ship. Or enjoy the show. Just my 2 cents.

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Security is supposed to provide for the safety of you and your fellow paying travelers. That's all.


This a perfect example of what happens when rules are enforced. Somebody is hassled These paying customers were enjoying themselves, something that Carnival is supposedly famous for. Perhaps the children in the hot tub were complaining that these adults were urinating. Perhaps the beer bunny they were flirting with was the security guy's GF. The implication that there were racial overtones seems to be an indicator that the OP was starved for entertainment during this event and reading into it. Who really knows?


Any libation + youth/family/groups + authority = trouble


I don't want any (hassles, but I will have a drink), nor do I cause any. Mind your own buisness and leave if you are offended. It's a big ship. Or enjoy the show. Just my 2 cents.

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It does sound like the security officer should have gotten backup but sometimes you wonder if they are drilled with customer service so much in this industry they are afraid to open that can of whoop-azz if it is called for.


This is exactly what I was thinking. The drunks would have probably filing complaints about how there were disrespected by the security officer, and they would settle for nothing less than his execution.


The cruise lines have a very fine line to walk in situations like this.


There have been times when I have been in a store where a customer was reading an employee the riot act and I chimed in and said "hold on there, they are just trying to do their job, cut them a little slack" I usually get a look from the employee says "thanks, that what I WANTED to say"


If it had esclated any further I would have at least filed a report backing up the security officer.

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