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Conquest Jan 14 review-long


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Hello, we are back from our long awaited trip, hard to believe how long it takes to get here and how fast it is over!:rolleyes: I wanted to do my review before I forget some of the smaller details. (please excuse my spelling and multiple grammer mistakes) So here goes.....



DH and I are from the midwest and had to fly out of Denver, CO (5 hr drive for us) and we were meeting another couple at Hobby (coming from PHX) We drove down Friday Jan 12th and stayed at a hotel in Denver. I sat at the window biting my nails as I watched the snow fall! Worry for nothing, we had no problems and we landed in Hobby and made our way to Enterprise. Our friends made it also with no delays so the four of us set out for Galveston. just FYI~when I made reservation at Enterprise I told them we needed a car for 4 with A LOT of luggage at least 4 large suitcases plus carry ons. They said a full size car would work, has the largest trunk space, I am ignorant when it comes to rental cars (have never done it before) I believed them. We had a Pontiac Grand Prix!!!Lets just say that it was sprinkling and we were afraid to use bungee cords DH brought..we managed to get everything in but myself and my friend sat in back with 2 med suitcases between us and carry ons on our laps..it was a LONG drive to Galveston!


side note: DH and I are 33 and 35 and our friends are 26 (found out prior to sailing that she is Pregnant and was 4 months along at time of cruise). This was their 1st cruise and our 5th, but it was our 1st Carnival cruise.

I had followed the weather for all the stops along with the gulf weather the week prior and was VERY concerned about our weather. It was basically suppose to rain (thunderstorms actually not showers) at EVERY port of call and not very warm (low 70's) I was trying to psych myself up for this weather and just kept saying..we will have a great time no matter what the weather is like!


It was an overcast day with some sprinkles and very chilly, but with jeans and a sweatshirt I was comfy. Humidity was obviously high and the first thing we did was buy a cowboy hat to wear! We stayed at the Ramada Ltd on the Seawall. It is an old hotel, musty smells but it was clean and a decent place to stay for one night if you do not want to spend a lot of time in your room. It was across the street from the Ocean and some pier gift shops/bars, so it was great for us. walked around the Seawall area (we were told the stores onthe Strand closed at 6pm and it was about 5 when we got there) We met a nice college girl who told us to eat at Fisherman's Wharf on horborside..so we headed to the grand prix to check it out! We parked and walked by the spot where the Conquest would be the next day:D and over to eat...closed for a private party...so we ate at Joe's Crab Shack..it was good but nothinf great. Then we decided to walk around the strand. Well the shops were OPEN till 9pm and it was 8:30 so we got to go in a few. This is the place to hang out! We wished we ahd just gone straight there. oh well next time!


we woke up to FOG not a little but A LOT OF FOG. But the ship was there and we headed out to the pier at 10:45am. The boys dropped us off at the pier and took the car back. We got in line and it started moving in about 10 min! We actually had to step out of line until the boys got back (they said it was a pain and we would rethink it next time) anyway we were onboard a little after 12:30. it went smoothly and we were all happy.DH and I always get to the ship and the first thing we do is get in the hot tub, this was the plan but they were all closed (not sure if this is normal or because of weather) Bon Voyage was really not very exciting. The fog was so thick we could not see beyond the railing and we were cold so we went inside. We walked around and looked at the ship, very pretty, I liked the impressionist theme. We were put at a booth for dinner in Monet (just the 4 of us) due to a medical problem I am unable to sit at a booth comfortably so we stood in line to try to switch our table..successfully :)

I ate a ruben at Pauls (very good) the rest did hotdogs which was a big hit among my group for the week.Had to try a Kiss on the lips but due to TX laws they could not use Peach Schnapps used something else no clue but it was GREAT! GF had a virgin Kiss and she loved it also! Dinner that night was amazing our table was by the window and it was a table for 8 with just the 4 of us. I Mead and Svetlana were our waiter and assistant. He was the best waiter we had ever had, Svetlana was somewhat new and she did a great job also.The warm Melting Chocolate cake was the best (DH had it every night) Don't remember what we had but I do know everyone was happy with the food. The show that night was good.. Mark Price was the CD and we did enjoy him...very funny. The Comedian was good (Will Marfori)

Cabin was better then expected. We had an inside on the 8th deck (Veranda forward) There was alot of storage space and we liked the way it was set up. We went to Henri's (disco) and it was definatly not our crowd (never thought I would be the old one) the music was very current and not easy to dance to unless you are used to dancing to this music..it was fun to watch for a while (did not leave much to the imagination)The piano bar was too smoky so we did not stay in there, we found our favorite spot to be the promanade deck 5 across from the sushi bar. Called it a night and went to bed

First Day at sea~

Weather was beautiful (much to my suprise) it was in the high 70's and the sun was out and shining. We had breakfast delieved to room and got up on lido deck about 10:30, found a spot for the 4 of us and hung out in the sun. We did do the water slide, it was great and we all enjoyed it. Had some bloody Mary's very good and buckets of beer (always good) I tried Sur Mar for lunch (had the ahi and watermelon and the fish and chips) it was wonderful I really liked the Ahi. Hot dogs and Pizza was chosen by the rest, I must say I did enjoy the pizza! It was formal night on Monday so GF and I headed back to our cabins to get ready and left the boys in the Casino. We checked out the gift shops, she had to get a shawl and I happened to find a BEAUTIFUL white gold band with alternating white and blue diamonds channel set in it. DH won at 3 card poker so I got my ring!! We did all the picture spots, some where very good others ...well...not so good. But I do have to say I did not like the way the photo place did things. Very hard to find pictures and if you are not quick enough your pix ended up in a huge bin with no organization you had to sort through. We had several pictures we just never found. They also developed almost everything in 8 x 10 which you had to buy in order to get a different size photo. I bought 2 and would ahve bought more if I could have bought them in 5 x 7 (how many 8 x 10 photos does one person need) Anyway, we will now make copies of the 2 best. (we never did pictures again after the 1st formal night) Formal dinner was okay. The lobster was really bad, I do not expect much when it comes to lobster on a cruise, but this was really bad. The prime rib was good. The stuffed mushrooms were also good but way too rich for me. I had a carmel apple thing for dessert and it was wonderful. Due to Tech problems, the production show was cxl and filled in with something else, we did not go.

We went to Degas Lounge and listened to Blood Power, wonderful! Had a great time with them. Unfortunatly, I think I ate way too much rich food...ended up back at the cabin sick.Not a great end to my night, missed the R rated comedy act, was told it was good.

Day 2 at Sea~

Slept in due to the unfortunate night. Everyone else went up to Lido Deck. Weather was great again a little warmer then the prior day otherwise the same. Went to Tea with GF, it was a lot of fun. Really enjoyed the classical music and the tea. Relaxing and a nice break in the sun for us. Not to much to say. Dinner was good again, don't remember what we had. We always enjoyed our dinner (it was a highlight taking to I made, enjoying the waiters entertaining us, not to mention the food) so I will not mention dinner again. The show was cxl again and replaced with an imprompt singing act with Randy and Rudy (it was ok) This was the night of the Mardi Gras party which was a lot of fun. We really enjoyed how they split up into 3 groups. The disco was the best venue of the 3. It was entertaining and different then any other druise line we have been on. I give Carnival a lot of credit for changing the typical "deck party" and getting people involved.

I think I am going to take a break here, when I come back I will go into our ports of call!


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Xrayvin, thanks so much for your review so far! I noticed that you mentioned the production shows were cancelled due to tech difficulties. This has been going on since (I think) early December! I wonder why they always seem to be caught by surprise, when they've been cancelling them for 5 or 6 weeks now? (I'm referring to your mention of 'impromptu' performances) Seems like they could make definite alternate arrangements for the entertainment. I always enjoy the shows, and I guess that I'm worried that they won't get whatever it is fixed by our cruise.....selfish, I know!


I'd love to hear more about the Mardi Gras party, if you would expand on that a little bit. Is there a parade of some sort? Do people wear beads?


Looking forward to your next post!

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workroombee~ The Mardi Gras party~When you go into the dinning room the first night you will be given a color team (we were blue) then throughout the cruise any games that are played you get points for your team. At the Mardi Gras party they begin with being divided amongst your team. (Blue meets in Degas, White meets in Henri, Red meets at Casino bar) The first venue will tell you everything~the 3 venues have a "thing" you have to do (Kareoke, dancing,and a combo) as a group. You move to each of the different spots as a group, chanting a team "war cry". After all this (maybe about an hour) you end up at the Lido deck where the band is playing, drinks in coconuts, mexican buffett. Then it is the basic "deck party" conga lines ect. There were several people with beads on (I think they brought them) No parade. It was kind of silly:rolleyes: ....but people got into it and were having fun. Just let go and pretend you are a kid again yell GO TEAM GO!

As for the tech difficulties...I was unaware that they had the problem recently before. I was disappointed to not see the production shows (more so for our friends who were 1st time cruisers, but except for one night they did a great job with the entertainment so I did not feel slighted.

I hope I answered your questions! Have a great time on your cruise, and I hope you get to see the shows.

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Montego Bay, Jamaica

Another beautiful day:D The air was a little cool and we were a little worried about being in the water all day and being cold, but the sun was out! We watched the ship dock from the lido deck. This was a new spot for DH and I so we were excited to see Jamaica despite all the bad talk it received! I researched MB forever prior to the cruise and decided to go with a local tour guide (A-Z planners) This was the best thing we did!! I have to say that I want another cruise that includes Jamaica so I can use them again! If you have any doubts..push them aside, you are in great hands. We thought that we would wait for the "all clear" overhead, give us 10 min and then begin heading off the ship. Well we never heard the all clear so we headed down when we thought we had been at the pier long enough to let the initial mob off, we were wrong! Now we were part of that initial mob, standing in the stairwell on deck 3 (you get off on deck 0) Actually once it began to move it did go very fast. We took our picture on the gangway, and had to stand firm on no more pictures as we passed the 2nd place for pictures. Anyway we went into the terminal and instantly saw a man holding an A-Z Planners sign, we went over to him and we were told that it was only going to be the 4 of us! How cool was that! He took us to our driver~Mark and an older little van perfect for just us. He was full of information as we drove out of the city. He is quite the "funny guy" telling jokes that were not that funny but the way he told them we were laughing non stop!

:eek: I have not told you what tour we chose...Mayfield Falls...it is the BEST thing we have ever done!

We headed off the main road up into the mountains. The area was so green adn beautiful. This drive took a while but we really enjoyed the ride and the conversation. The road here was dirt and pretty narrow, and then Maek informed us that we would be getting to a road that was half the size and that there would still be 2 lane traffic. It was a little scary when we got on that road and then met a big truck...but this is what they do and I never felt unsafe...one just stopped and let the other go. About 50-60 min later we were at Mayfield falls. This area is so pretty. Mark walked us down an inclined area(there was a hand rail) he took us over to our next guide-Carter. Then he went back up to the van. There was a changing area here and locker for your stuff. They ask you not to wear sunscreen because it can get slippery but we already had put it on. We then headed over a cool bridge (Carter took our picture) The river was mineral water and it was cool, crisp and very rejuvinating! Remember I said that the air was cool, well when we were in the river, there was no breeze (that I remember at least) and the sun was blocked mostly by the trees...but for whatever reason it was warm and the cool water did not even make us cold. He told us we were going to get wet anyway so he had is get into the deeper water right away~it was a shock but oh what a good feeling!

We then proceded down the river stopping at areas to sit against the rocks with the water running over your back..it was pretty forceful.. and felt like a jacuzzi. Several picture ops along the way. The water level ranged from just over your shoes to having to swim across (very short area and there were other ways around these spots as Carter never got wet above his knees) There were places that were deep and if you wanted to (which we did) you could jump off a rock into the water (not deep enough to dive), one place we stood on a rock at the water level, below us was a hole through the rock (beneath water level) you could go under the water and swim through the tunnel end up on the other side. It was really cool. At the end of the walk there is the "washing machine" all these waterfalls over the rocks in one area, it is loud and a lot of falling water in one area. Behind the biggest waterfall is an indentation where you can kiss your loved one! It was amazing walking behind the waterfall and having a private moment with DH.

At this point we leave the river and head back up and walk back on land. This was also very pretty and Carter would stop and show us different plants. Before you are done you have one more time in the deeper water in the river and then the tour is over:( This is the spot where they basically ask you for a tip. We bought him a beer at the bar and tipped him $20 I am not sure where this falls in the tipping range. (I did not research that and I wish I had we had no idea how much to tip him)

The facilities were decent here, they had bathrooms, changing area, bar, and gift shops. Carter walked us back up to Mark.

After that we headed back down the mountain, we even snoozed a little. Then he took us to the Jerk Hut (I think that was the name) We had jerked pork and chicken. It was wonderful!

Mark then took us to a no haggle shopping area...this I would skip not much in the stores and we are not big shoppers as it is. We bought a couple postcards and headed out.

The last thing we did was go to Margaritaville. This was also fun. GF and I got in the water and layed on the floating cement thing (like a big mat) I tried to go on the water tramp but I could not get on the silly thing!:o DH and GFDH went down the waterslide...they said it shot them out like a gun it was so fast, GF and I opted not to try it. The margarita on the rocks was awful and pricey so I would not recommend that, but the frozen margaritas looked good. Mark had asked how long we wanted to stay at Margaritaville so after an hour we headed back out to the street to meet Mark and he took us back to the ship. We got on about 10 min before the required time.

It was a great day and I would recommend this to anyone.

back on ship~

We sat in the hot tub (not very warm but was still nice) till sail away and then got out to watch us leaving Jamaica. Had a piece of pizza and just relaxed for a while. We had an early show (before dinner) Deja the diva of deception was the show. It was not the best magic show I have ever seen but she was very entertaining and we really enjoyed her. After dinner we sat up on Lido Deck and played some cards, at 11pm they had another R rated show (new comedian that flew into Jamaica in place of the production shows) He was FANTASTIC!!!!!! We were almost glad to have the tech difficulties because we were able to see Percy Krews 2. I would recommend going to a show of his if he comes to your town!

That brings us to the end of Day 3


Grand Caymen is next.....

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Xyravin, I am enjoying your review so much! And I appreciate the answers to my questions, especially! Several in our group got Mardi Gras beads as prizes at a recent pre-cruise meeting, and they were hoping to have a chance to wear them while onboard--looks like that's going to work out great.


Eagery (and impatiently) awaiting the next installment of your review!

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Grand Caymen

Today we made it to Grand Cayman, and we are able to tender!!! This was our first experience on Carnival to tender, you go to the theater and get a ticket for what order you get off. We had nothing planned here so we waited till 8am (arrived at 7) to go get a ticket, but they were done already and we just stood in line like Jamaica. The tenders were big and held a lot of people so the line moved fast.


We took a taxi to Sea Grape ($5 each)and we were among the first to arrive so we had our pick of location. We did rent chairs ($10 each or $18 for 2) and one umbrella ($5). The water was chilly and never got much warmer, but the sun was bright and we had a great time in the water. No waves, very calm but it was beautiful. We watched people on the bananna boats, Thriller boat, water bikes ect. It was very relaxing. We were right in front of the bar and assumed there would be bar service to the beach. There was not and we had to go up to the bar (which became very crowded) The drinks were expensive (we expected this being in Grand Cayman) and their menu was lacking. We decided to leave about 1pm and go somewhere else for lunch.


We asked one of the taxi drivers where he would recommend for lunch (can't remember name) We told the taxi driver and she dropped us of at a place called Banannas (she said this was the same place and they must have changed their name)

BTW the taxi's in Grand Cayman have to go in order. Unfortunatly when we left the beach the next in line was a big bus like taxi and we had to wait for every seat to be filled before we could leave! ($5 each again)

We walked into this place (off the beaten path) and no one was in there. The menu was writen on a blackboard and had basically 6 things. We really had no idea what anything was ie: I ordered shrimp (that is all it said) it came with rice and beans, plantenes, and the shrimp was like a stir fry with green and red peppers and onions. It was wonderful, I lucked out! DH ordered shrimp and chips (he said he basically knew what he would get with this) That is what it was fried shrimp and fries. He said it was great. GF got a hamburger she like it also and GFDH ordered their special:rolleyes: Codfish and Akee~it was not what he thought it was going to be and choked it down not to be rude to the cook. It was an experience! Our bill came to $50 (we paid with US and they gave change in Cayman) We had to take another taxi $8 total to the shopping area.


Our friends decided to head back to the ship while DH and I walked around again. After a few gift for DS were bought we headed over to Margaritaville and found a great table overlooking the tender lines. We had a drink and waited for the line to get smaller. I had the Peach on the Beach it was very good! After 3 drinks later the line was finally shorter and we left. Watching Grand Cayman get smaller as we headed back to the Conquest.

Back on the ship

Tonight was the 2nd formal night. We relaxed in the hot tub for a while and then went back to get ready for dinner. I do not remember what we had for dinner this night but I do remember being disappointed with the choices.

We had some pretty serious rolling this night. I was told it was because we were following the Mariner of the Seas (not sure if this was true) It was not a sickining kind of motion, just leaning one way and then slowly leaning to the other.

The Gala Buffet was tonight and we waited in line to see it, I was not impressed. It was nice but not worth standing in line for me. We then headed out to the show. Percy Crews and Marc Rubben. Once again Percy was hysterical. Marc had the Ventriloquist angle with his comedy act. He was ok. he had one really funny thing where he had a new bride come up and put a fake mouth on her and used her as his "dummy" it was really good. He was also the midnight show (adult) which I slept through:o



This day we woke up and the clouds were scarry! Very dark and definatly looked like thunderclouds. You could see the downpour of rain off the horizon. We were disappointed but we had had such amazing weather (and were not suppose to) we could not complain. As we watched the ship arrive at the pier we noticed the clouds moving away from us!!! Once again we had wonderful weather (some clouds)

We got of the ship and got a taxi to Uvas. ($10 total) When we got to Uvas there was one other couple there. We were greeted by Carmen and found front row chairs with a beach bed in front (which we also claimed). GF and GFDH did the beach pass 1 and so they got ready to kayak right away. (You can not have the inclusive drinks till after you kayak) They were the only ones to kayak (with guide of course) They loved it and loved the personal attention they received. GF said you did not see alot of fish due to moving but you could see the coral. They did stop and drop fish into the ocean and the fish came in a swarm around the kayak.


When they got back we decided to snorkel before it got busy. Once again it was just the 4 of us. Mario took up the beach a ways and then we got into the water. DH's goggles broke and Mario ran all the way back to the club to get him a new pair. This was GF and GFDH first time snorkeling and DH and I had snorkeled several times. When we started I thought I was going to be diasppoionted, not too many fish. As well went along we came upon some coral and the fish were everywhere. We followed Mario and I know we definatly took over 45 min (the tour time) but we just kept seeing fish. There was a cave on the bottom at one point with all kinds of fish in it. I also saw 2 squid swimming along (the only picture that turned out very well). When we got back to Uvas GF and I decided to stay in the water and snorkel some more without the guide. It was actually better here! There were several schools of fish, some crabs, and very cool looking shells.


We took a break, had some great drinks (all inclusive) took a nap on the beach bed, ate a great lunch. GF and GFDH had the package so their lunch was Fajitas while DH and I did not include lunch. We ordered nachos-these are the best! I had the fish and DH had tacos all was wonderful.


Back in the water! more sun! bought some cool necklaces. She paints on glass, puts two pieces together and then puts them in a kiln. They are so cool I should have bought more (price range $10-$20)


We headed back to the ship with a little time to walk around the shopping area. GFDH took advantage of the free shots of Tequila and when we went back to the ship he turned in for the night:rolleyes:


We really enjoyed Uvas and I would definatly do this again when we go back to Cozumel. It was never busy, even with the ship tours coming and going. They took excellent care of us and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this beach to anyone!


Dinner was just the 3 of us that night. We did not make it to the Juggler that night as it had been a long day of fun, sun, water, and a few too many drinks!

Last Day at sea!

This day was definatly cooler. The wind was pretty good, we were moving a fair amount, and GF and GFDH did their own thing because of it. DH and I played on the waterslide more (the sun was really warm when it was not behind a cloud) I was determined to enjoy the last day of our cruise. Then we found a quiet place in the sun and read for a while. We walked around the ship and took some final pictures. Went to the battle of the sexes (if your bored check it out but it was not that great) I did attend the Debarkation talk since I had never done this with Carnival or in Galveston before. Mark Price kept it entertaining along with giving us all the information we needed. Then I did go to the internet Cafe to print my boarding pass. I did not do anything on the computer while on board so I did not have a min plan, I just paid per min. GF and I split it. It was $3.95 to just log on then it was $.75/min.and $.50 per page to print It cost us just under $10 to go on, go to 2 different emails to get our confirmation numbers and then go to SWA site and do 2 reservations (make sure you have your number and you can cut that part out)


Dinner was bittersweet. Said good bye to I Made (he was going home for 6 weeks so it was his last night also) and Svetlana. They danced, we took pictures, had one last warm chocolate melting cake (wanted to do more but just could not do it) They gave us a watercolor picture of the ship which they signed, and we headed on our way.


The Legends show tthat night was good and it was funny to see people you had seen at the pool singing and dancing on stage. After the show, DH and I had a romantic stroll on the outside decks and then turned in for the night:D



We woke up and it was pouring rain!! We finally got the rain that we thought we would have all week long! We opted to do the self assist off the ship. We did have early enough flights to do the early debarkation self assist but we decided we did not want to be that rushed. We went and had an omlete (very good) and some coffee and sat in the Restaurant Cezanne until they started calling decks for self assist (around 7:45) We went back to our rooms and had all our luggage ready to go when we were called. When we were called the elevators were a little tough but we got one of the first ones. We were off the ship by 8:30 and had to wait till 9 when enterprise opened!


At enterprise we decided to upgrade in order to get all our suitcases and larger selves into the car (and save us from loading in the rain) We got a trail Blazer and it was so much better!


We got to Hobby around 10:30am. Once again we were worried about weather in Denver but all went well and at 2:30 we were on our way home (our friends who were going to Phx were delayed 2 hours due to thunderstorms:D )


It was a wonderful vacation and our next cruise will be very different since we decided we will take our son (2 right now) Looking forward to a new experience even though it will not be anytime soon (Disneyland will be the next vacation we do)


If there are any questions I would gladly answer them.

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Tex~I did not hear anything about Dr Cave beach but we drove past it and it looked very pretty! I think that would be the only thing I would have changed. I would have done Mayfield falls and Dr Cave beach not the shopping and Margaritaville.


Texdeb~I thought the rafting looked very cool. I think if we go back I would do YS falls! with A-Z of course


Workroombee~Enjoy the party and wear those beads!! When are you going? In Feb Galveston has its own Mardi Gras, with parades, beads the whole thing. It sounded like a lot of fun, maybe you will be able to wear your beads there also if you go in the night before!

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Awesome review! Thanks for taking the time to write it & share it with us. I'm counting down for my cruise on the Conquest - finally made it to under 200 days!! :D


Cruisin' Scrapper,


We will be on the Conquest the same week as you! It's a great ship. We are a party of 10 and we are celebrating my parents 50 wedding anniversary.




Great review. Reading was like being on the cruise.....well sorta :D !

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Hey XRAYVIN ! What a great review. We don't have long b4 we set sail! This will be our first Carnival cruise so I'm really hoping that the technical troubles get solved! Everyone has always told me not to miss the production shows!!!!!! I don't want to either!!!!!!!!!!


I can't help but asked if you are in the xray field? My DH has been an xray tech for 27 years! He wishes he could retire and stay home but that job doesn't keep us cruising so he keeps going to work! LOL!

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I am so jealous! We saw Percy Crews on the Sensation in 2001. We absolutely LOVED him! He was hilarious - would love to see him again! Did he have any CDs for sale after his show?

Glad your bad weather waited until the last day. We are planning on snorkeling at all 3 stops. Will be going first week in April. Thanks for the GREAT review!

Bluefin's Mom


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Bluefin~ Yes he was selling CD and we did not get one, he wanted cash and not card and we just never got back there. He was wonderful! Have fun snorkeling, where are you snorkeling in Jamaica?


nomoreknothead~Yes I am an Xray tech (10 years now) I would also love to stay home with our 2 year old~but off to work I go.


One thing I forgot to mention was the fact the ship was always full of smoke. I am not sure if it is the layout of the ship or just the luck of the draw. On most ships I have been on it is one side ie:port side that is smoking. This way it was easy to avoid the smoke, but on the Conquest in one area it was on one side then the next area it was on the other! We could not avoid it, and we always seemed to get the chain smokers right next to us. It was the only negative thing I have to say and it may not even be the ship. It did not ruin our cruise, we just moved around alot. Does anyone know if this is common for the Conquest?

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One thing I forgot to mention was the fact the ship was always full of smoke. I am not sure if it is the layout of the ship or just the luck of the draw. On most ships I have been on it is one side ie:port side that is smoking. This way it was easy to avoid the smoke, but on the Conquest in one area it was on one side then the next area it was on the other! We could not avoid it, and we always seemed to get the chain smokers right next to us. It was the only negative thing I have to say and it may not even be the ship. It did not ruin our cruise, we just moved around alot. Does anyone know if this is common for the Conquest?


I think it varies week to week. When we were on her last year, it wasn't too bad, except for the casino in certain spots.

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Bluefin~ Yes he was selling CD and we did not get one, he wanted cash and not card and we just never got back there. He was wonderful! Have fun snorkeling, where are you snorkeling in Jamaica?


nomoreknothead~Yes I am an Xray tech (10 years now) I would also love to stay home with our 2 year old~but off to work I go.


One thing I forgot to mention was the fact the ship was always full of smoke. I am not sure if it is the layout of the ship or just the luck of the draw. On most ships I have been on it is one side ie:port side that is smoking. This way it was easy to avoid the smoke, but on the Conquest in one area it was on one side then the next area it was on the other! We could not avoid it, and we always seemed to get the chain smokers right next to us. It was the only negative thing I have to say and it may not even be the ship. It did not ruin our cruise, we just moved around alot. Does anyone know if this is common for the Conquest?



Thanks for your review!! I have one question for you, did you go into the piano bar? Who was the entertainer? Were they any good? I'm leaving on the Conquest for the 3rd time in 99days!! Whoo Hoo!!!

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We are thinking of Doctor's Cave Beach in Jamaica. I was looking at Unity Hall also, but just am not getting enough info on them to feel comfortable with it.

If Percy isn't on our cruise (I know you said he was a fill-in), I will do a google search for his CD. Thanks


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Conquestcruiser~we opened door and walked out again WAY TOO SMOKEY!!! I did not even hear a song out of the piano bar. I have heard he is not very good so I was not too disappointed in not being able to stay.


I am going to try to post a link fo rmy pictures


did not work! Sorry

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