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Anyone on Atkins?


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I have been looking for an alternative to eggs for breakfast so this morning I made the breakfast shake from SugarFreeSheila's website. I added a few fresh strawberries and it was delicious and filling. I have some frozen blueberries so I may try them the next time. I have to buy more flavors of the DaVinci Sugar Free Syrups for some variety. The Walmart here only carries a few flavors, so I will have to order them from Netrition.com.


My husband and I went to dinner the other night at Longhorn Steakhouse. I read the menu thoroughly to make sure I was ordering legal Atkins food. I order the steak and shrimp scampi entree with broccoli and a salad with blue cheese dressing. Well, the shrimp scampi had a sprinkling of bread crumbs on top...the menu didn't state that...so I scraped off all the bread crumbs while grumbling to my husband that I hate when restaurants don't disclose everything when they describe an entree.


Anyone having a Labor Day Picinic? I'm invited to my cousin's house and need to bring a dish to share. Any ideas besides deviled eggs?

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Hey There!


Yeah.... sometimes the menu doesn't tell you everything! :(

Glad you liked the shakes - also try her eggs that have cream cheese & nutmeg - it is a good change and you can just micro/warm them up in the morning if your in a rush. They are really good!


If you want to make your own - or buy a big bag (no breading!) but chicken wings are a very friendly snack - heat them up before you take them - - But I find that if I bring a big platter of them, EVERYONE has them and I bring home a clean plate! :D

Another good snack that we have here in the Southwest a lot is : Take a pkg of softened cream cheese, about 1/2 cup of chopped green chilis - drained from the can, 1 tsp of garlic salt. Blend these together real good. Spread over low carb flour tortillas and roll them up. Wrap in wax paper and chill for about 2 hours, take them out and cut 1 in slices - they look like pin wheels. If you like it with an extra kick - sprinkle red pepper - like what you'd sprinkle on pizza- on top, makes them really pretty! I usually make enough filling for 6-9 rolls - these are my sons favorite!

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I like jalapeno poppers: take jalapenos and cut length wise and scrape all seeds & stuff out - I do with wearing gloves and under running water - then fill with cream cheese and wrap bacon around then just bake on cookie sheet at 350 until the bacon is done.


LOVE THEM - also some fill with cheddar cheese instead of cream cheese but I've never tried that.

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Thank you everyone for the links! I am going through them now! Looks like a ton of great things to choose from.


Wow, Atkins has really come a long way since the first time I tried it.


I am taking my DH out for his birthday dinner tonight, I'm going to try to be strong!


We're going to Outback, so I should be able to stick pretty close to the diet tonight.


Ok, mind if I ask a question? I'm actually kind of embarrassed to ask, but here goes nothing....As I am approaching my "monthly friend", my weight has been creeping back up, even though I am staying very strict to the diet. Is it possible to have that much water weight? I can't see the weight coming back, but the scales say it is. (Generally my face is the first place to gain weight, but my 3rd chin is gone right now....now, if only I could send the 2nd one packing!)


Thank you all for your encouragement! This is fabulous!!!


Oh, for those of you who really want a drink from time to time, remember, rum has no carbs! My husband and I like a rum and diet sprite from time to time!

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Wow, not much to post...but I like all the recipes!!! I'm just so busy I can't see straight. We have guests coming from out of town tomorrow, so I can't get into cruise packing mode til Monday. If I don't make it back on til then, have a great weekend, everyone!

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Thank you everyone for the links! I am going through them now! Looks like a ton of great things to choose from.


Wow, Atkins has really come a long way since the first time I tried it.


I am taking my DH out for his birthday dinner tonight, I'm going to try to be strong!


We're going to Outback, so I should be able to stick pretty close to the diet tonight.


Ok, mind if I ask a question? I'm actually kind of embarrassed to ask, but here goes nothing....As I am approaching my "monthly friend", my weight has been creeping back up, even though I am staying very strict to the diet. Is it possible to have that much water weight? I can't see the weight coming back, but the scales say it is. (Generally my face is the first place to gain weight, but my 3rd chin is gone right now....now, if only I could send the 2nd one packing!)


Thank you all for your encouragement! This is fabulous!!!


Oh, for those of you who really want a drink from time to time, remember, rum has no carbs! My husband and I like a rum and diet sprite from time to time!



I know I can gain 4lbs or more during that time so I avoid the scale like the plague that week. Good luck tonight!!

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I know I can gain 4lbs or more during that time so I avoid the scale like the plague that week. Good luck tonight!!


Good to know I'm not alone!:) Thanks for the luck wishes too!!!:D


If I can just stay away from the "Thunder From Down Under" desert. (You know, if I had a twisted sense of humor, that name alone would be funny:cool: )



Alright, I've got to get ready to take him out! I'll check back in tomorrow!


Good night all!

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Kiraryker- I've wondered how to make the hot poppers....thanks for the tips!

Lisa - Oh Boy, Oh Boy:D - Once your company leaves - the clothes start flying into the suitcases for your trip!

Lover of H2O - One of my hubby's favorites is "Girdle Buster Pie" .... so glad none of those ingredients are in the house! LOL!

Ok, I'm not looking at the scale the next few days - we head to Colorado. Lots of family, food and emotions ~ and for me, I'm an emotional eater ~ I know when my emotions are up and down.... ugh... just don't want to think about it. My Grandmother(94) passed away on Wed and so her Service is on Saturday. We hadn't planned n going out of town but now here is one of those unexpected events in life that we just have to do.

I'll be staying with my sister - one of the best Mexican food cooks I know...:D :( :) :eek: See what I mean about emotional eating!!!! I will be seeing cousins I haven't seen in years...thats good! There will be food pouring in from all directions ... that's not so good. But I'll coach my DD and DH on the way up and we'll see if I can come back at least the same!

Hope Everyone has a good long weekend... BE SAFE!

Catch ya next week!

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Well I am back from my fabulous QE2 cruise. The food was really wonderful. The only dissapointment is that the Lobster for the trip was really a seafood pasta that I skipped. I will just have to make sure to get two tails on my next Carnival cruise. LOL..

Sorry Jean about your Grandma I hope yo are doing O.K.


No weight loss or gain to report. But I did have lots of wine and even some beer :D and nightly Cognac. Also I did have mostly sugar free deserts. I did cheat by having after noon tea ( which was wonderful) and a couple "real" deserts on formal nights. But I did not have bread on the ship or waffles, pancakes or sandwiches.. or pasta. I did pretty much stick to the diet for most of the cruise and land portions.

The sugar free "after eight parfait" was wonderful. The rest of the sugar free looked/felt diety.

Anyway I had a great time and did not go backwards. I took the stairs alot and did lots of walking on shore....despite good ententions I only made it to the gym once..

But best of all I think I look real good in my photos :D. So thanks again all here who with their support helped to make this a better cruise for me. Now off for a morning walk and then to unpack:mad:

All for now, Tom

I will try to post a photo later (realistically early next week)

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Our Farmer's market has lotsa fresh veggies in season right now. Since Kreeb asked, I thought I'd post a recipe from Atkins that incorporates fresh zucchini and my favorite, goat cheese, that makes a great party food or appetizer!


Preheat broiler or fire up the grill

Brush zucchini logs (cut lengthwise into half inch slices) with oil and broil or grill 2-3 min/side

Allow to cool

Spread each slice with 1.5 tsp goat cheese, 1 tsp chopped tomato and 1 tsp chopped parsley

Roll zucchini up like a jelly roll and secure with toothpick

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Hi guys....Just back today from the Holiday. Had a great time and I am happy to report that I didn't stray too far off course. I had veal one night and it was breaded and sauced....But over all I feel I did a pretty good job of WOE. Also I took everyone's advice and took the stairs a lot. I have some arthritis in my hip so I can't always go several flights at the time so I would get DH to go up a couple of flights then walk forward or aft to the next set of stairs then go up some more and that worked well. We had intended to use the gym, but never quite made it. :o

Our waiter insisted on bringing desserts everynight, but only twice did I even taste it and only ONE bite each time. DH and I both had no bread for the entire cruise. I am anxious to weigh and see how I did, but I dare not this late in the day.

I read all your posts and everyone is doing great. Jean, I am sorry about your Grandma. Hang in there...I am the world's worst emotional eater...happy or sad...I am really trying to work on that aspect...

Missed you guys this week....Happy to be home...Can't wait to cruise again....LOL...


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And while that isn't setting any records...it was the first time I didn't GAIN on a cruise so I am a happy cruiser...I mean LOSER.....:D Thanks for all your encouragement....So now back to induction for a few days, just to kick-start and renew my efforts. This week is the beginning of a Diabetes Management Program as well and I have contracted for a minimum of 3 days of exercise for at least 30 minutes, so I have a real challenge ahead of me.

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It's been great reading through the majority of this thread, I've been on Atkins for a little over a month now and I have lost 15 pounds, I've also been exercising an hour a day except on Sundays.


My question is this: This last week my father in-law died in a horrible car accident and my brother got married, let's just say that there was a lot of eating and I kind of "fell" off the wagon. In order to continue down the Atkins path do I need to go back to the induction phase? The last 3 days I've been eating way too many sweets and drinkin' too many Cokes!


Thanks for the help!

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Hi Gang,


Well, I made it through the weekend...it's great to have good friends spend time doing nothing! WOE went pretty well all weekend.


Today I go shopping...I won't get all that much, but I will be looking for a "formal" dress...so wish me luck!


The rest of the week will be spent doing all the pre-cruise fun & getting my kids situated. I can't believe we leave on Friday.


Tom & Karen ~ welcome back! Sounds like you both had a great time & did great too! Very inspiring for my turn!


Jean ~ I'm sorry about your grandma. I hope your tough weekend had a few bright spots.


Off I go...I check in later!

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Schill38 ~ hi and welcome!


I'm so sorry about your FIL. It's been my experience that the best way to detox after bringing all that sugar into your body is to go back to induction, at least for a few days. It's the most effective way to use up the glycogen that has now restored itself to your system. It's not fun, I know, but set yourself a goal of how many days you'll do it, and then ease yourself back into OWL. You'll be back on track in no time! Good luck!!

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Sorry about your FIL...we all fall off the Atkins way from time to time...I, too, find the best way to get back on track is back to induction for about 3 days....by that time I am usually back in ketosis and feeling better. Congratulations on your sucess so far and welcome to our thread.


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Hello Everyone,

I am new to the boards, so I was soooo happy to find this one!! Ok you guys, all your sucess stories has swayed me to do Atkins! I've been coming off sugar and flour the past 3 days so I'm partly there anyway! I found the Atkins website and downloaded induction instructions. But I have a question...DO I REALLY HAVE TO GO OF CAFFIENNE????? Does it make a "real" difference? I work second shift, 1:30 p to 10 p. I love my coffee with cream in the AM to start my engines!! And I'm sorry but it's true, diet sodas without caffienne taste different. But I really, really, REALLY want to lose wieght before my cruise February of 08!! So if it's true, I'll do it, but if I really don't have to......


P.S. Here's my commitment statement...I'm 6'1" and am at 223 lbs. I'm going to post my wieght loss or gain every Sunday from now until sail away! I need your encouragement! Thanks again!


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Welcome Donna, In answer to your caffine question; I wouldn't dream of NOT having my coffee:eek: I do switch to real cream instead of the powder stuff though. I don't know if it makes a diff, but you should be able to lose 10% by Feb. Have you been over to the 10% thread? It is just commiting to lose 10% in 3 months, seems doable.


Schill38, I agree. The best way to detox is to go right back to induction, I should know, I go there at least twice a month:p Really though, you will feel sooo much better. Congrats on your progress so far.


Tom- welcome back! You did so good not eating the lobster pasta! I know I wouldn't have been so disciplined. You make sure to get two tails the next cruise:p I can't wait to see your pics.


Karen- you did soooo good too. How were the ports? I think you did the same ports that are on my next cruise. Congrats on the pound lost!


Lisa- just 3 more days!!!!! I hope you found some good deals today.


Jean- how are you doing?


All for now.



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Thanks Annie...glad to hear caffine didn't bother your dieting! Love my coffee! I found the 10% in 4 month thread and posted there also. With all this help around, hopefully I'll be looking and feeling good by cruise time!:) Nice to know there's others out there who know how I feel!


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Hello Donnerpumkin:

I feel like I do better w/o caffine, especially in the weight loss phases. I also feel like "the book" (new diet revolution) is a little unclear if the good doctor suggest giving up caffine forever or just on induction and owl. Part of Atkins is breaking addictions. Also I work nights. 5:00 to 11:00 or later..

I did give up caffine completely for a few months. I think it was right for me. I do drink a little green tea now. Also coffee, usually decafe after a really nice dinner. I have lost about 32 lbs since May.

I enjoy the feeling of not having to have coffee in the A.M. and also at the start of my shift.

On the flip side my across the street neighbors have both lost 15 - 20 lbs each and did not give up coffee.

Just my 2cents

Tom in Long Beach

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Wow Lisa YOU must be getting excited!!!!


Thanks eveyone for the congrads on doing good on my cruise. It was really freeing not feeling like I had to "pig out" to get my money's worth. I think I actually enjoyed my food more this time than ever. I had a good breakfast in the dining room and a very nice dining room dinner every night.

I ate most lunches in port which is always great fun. I just kept thinking of all the hours spent exercising. I did not want to undo all of my hard work.

Recently I was accused of being a "spoiled brat" by someone very close to me because I wanted to order a whopper w/ chese at Burger King with no Ketchup and a side salad instead of the combo with fries and soda.... I was really hurt that this someone did not want to take 1-1/2 minutes more to order my drive thru in a hurry meal. Of coarse I did discard the bun which got me a hateful stare. I just silently reminded myself that I must keep telling myself that I am important enough to stay on this diet.

I did assert and say that if it were the other way arround I would have no problem ordering food this way for them. I was not asking the Burger king staff to make my "Burger Salad". Something that makes me not feel deprived when others are scarfing down burgers... They want us to be skinny w/o having to do any work.

I think it takes self esteem to keep with a diet especially in maintainace phases.... Other people seem to think your skinny now go ahead and eat "normal".....

And I still want to loose another 5-7 lbs....


All for now Tom

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I just started the Atkins program a couple of weeks ago and all is going well. It is the diet that works best for me because I don't have any cravings. My current doctor says whatever diet works best for me is the best diet there is. He doesn't recommend one over another because it can be difficult, so make it easy on yourself.


When I did it before, I would fall off from time to time. I didn't start the beginning phase all over again, just went back on the regular diet. It worked for me, although by starting the induction phase again, I probably would have been a few pounds ahead.


I went off once because we had visitors and a bottle or two of wine. One thing I found for myself is that when I had two glasses of wine, I felt totally looped after those two glasses. It felt as thought I had drunk a whole bottle by myself.


By the way, when I did Atkins three years ago, I had just had my annual check up. After six months, I saw the doctor again and he reported that my cholesterol went way down despite the meat, cheese and butter.

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After being so excited last week to finally get under 200 lbs., yesterday morning on got on the scale and it said.....200 lbs. OH NO!!! I stuck to the diet and did not cheat, but I was not as active last week. The good news is that I was measured at Curves yesterday and I lost .75 inches in the bust, 1.25 inches in the waist, and .50 inches in the thighs. So I guess I'm losing inches and not pounds. It's strange how this happens.


Tom: I had the same thing happen to me when I went to Burger King with my husband. I asked him to order me a grilled chicken sandwich without the bun, and he looked at me like I was crazy. Huh, what do I ask for? Are you sure you can order it like this? I told him that I have ordered this way before and they will just put the chicken breast and the lettuce and tomato in a bowl and give you a knife and fork. It's no problem!


I bought zucchini at the grocery store today. Any good recipes you would like to share? I'm really trying to widen my vegetable taste buds.


Anybody going to watch The Biggest Loser?

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Thanks for all the great advice, I've been doing induction for 2 days now and it is going pretty well, I gained 2 pounds the last few days but overall I'm down 14 in a month! I really want to lose 10 more before the cruise but I don't know if I'll get there, we'll see, thanks again for the advice!

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