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Anyone on Atkins?


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It was weigh in day for me also, and I'm glad to report a 2 lb. loss. Yahoo!


Made final payment on our Carnival Freedom cruise for November 24th. Now all I have to do is keep losing weight so I can fit in the very snug gown that I bought last week. "Onward and downward!"


I have a turkey breast in the oven for dinner. I will be having pumpkin soup and cauliflower with it. Sounds yummy! If the soup turns out good I'll post the recipe.


Stay focused and remember "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels."

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Yay for you too Kreeb!! If when I get off induction I can lose 2lbs aweek till cruise time, that would be soooo awesome!


I need to keep more things made in my fridge...egg salad, tuna salad, hot wings sound awesome...I come home from work on my second shift job and I'm always hungry (10:30 pm). I use to eat a big bowl of cereal in my "other" days.


You are so right, nothing taste better than thin!

Everyone keep up the good work!


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Had to let ya'll in on my good news. I went to TJ max yesterday and scored the deal of the century. I got two dresses for a total of $12. They are gorgeous, one would even work for formal night. They were hidden on the clearance rack. Now here is the kicker.......... they are............SIZE 12!!!! I was so afraid to try them on. I just knew they would not zip, but they did. I woke up dreaming about potato chips this morning, no kidding. BUT those dresses give me the encouragement to keep plugging along at this. I put a chicken in the crock pot all day. I deboned it, covered my portion with about a tbsp of salsa and then shredded cheese. it was great, and it is my new quick fix. I'm really running out of side dishes though. I don't like brocolli, and am getting tired of salads. we are having taco salads without the shell tomorrow. I wish there was some sort of chip or shell I could use though. Any ideas? Thanks guys for your support! Does anyone know if sour cream is allowed?

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Mountaingurl -

Wow... your dresses sound great! And...What a Deal - but even more - how exciting that they fit already!:D I bet you were smiling all the way home! Yay!

Kreeb shared this link a few days ago http://www.lowcarb.ca/

It might be just what you need for a few more tips, and info on sour cream.


Donna, Having low carb food items already to eat is such a good weapon for hunger after coming home from work! I can't even remember the last time I had a bowl of cereal! :confused: LOL!


Annie.... Where are you girl? How ya doing? Are you still low carbing?

How's your DD doing?


Catch ya later!

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Here's the recipe for Spiced Pumpkin Soup:


1 15-ounce can pumpkin

1 14-ounce can chicken broth

1 cup half-and-half, light cream, or milk

1 tablespoon Splenda

1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice


In a medium saucepan stir together all ingredients and heat through.


I modified it by adding onion powder, garlic powder, salt, and pepper. I used 1/2 cup heavy cream and 1/2 cup of water instead of the 1/2 & 1/2 etc. I didn't have pumpkin pie spice, so I used cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger. It was really tasty and a great side dish to have with turkey.

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Thanks for the link. I will have to check it out. I started exercising too. The whole time I was walking I kept chanting(in my head) "nothing tastes better than thin". We had taco salads for supper which were very satisfying. I am trying to really be creative. Hubby got on the scale tonight and he has lost 7 pounds. That makes him feel a whole lot better. He actually kissed me after dinner before going to work (pretty impressive cuz since we started this he has not really liked me very much LOL). We didn't even miss the taco shell, and the little bit of salsa we used kind of took care of my sweets craving if that makes sense. Hang in there everyone. We can all do this together. :D Thanks for all of the support you guys have given me.

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Thank you for sharing the pumpkin soup recipe!


I wanted to let everyone know that I have been faithful to working out 1 hour day and doing some new abdominal work and faithful to my eating despite work challenges (they're force feeding me, well trying to forcefeed me carbs at my conference this week) and I have stayed strong and already lost 2.5 lbs since Sunday!


That's a big jump for me considering I've been losing an average of 1-1.5 lbs/week for the last few weeks since induction finished.


I'm soooo excited! Stay strong everyone. Have a great rest of the week.

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Hi everyone, I have been reading all your posts for 2 weeks now, and i have to say you sound like amazing people, with amazing goals... I have yo yo'd with my weight for 13 years now and have tried absolutely everything, i have recently lost 40 pounds with herbal magic, with another 40 to go, so i decided to use the atkins approach, went out bought a few books, read them over and over and have since lost 12 pounds, im terrified ill fall off the wagon, DH seems to eat everything i cant, as well as my childen, which makes it hard (very). I still have a few questions that i hope someone can help me with, Im on the induction phase and all im eating is protein is this dangerous??? and if not how long can i stay on this stage for??? friends and family keep telling me its very dangerous and have me worried, however it is working and i feel better than i have in a long time...also some hints for meal time menus would be so greatly appreciated, im at a loss, all i eat is meat, eggs and cheese... i apologize if i have 2 many questions, but its hard to get support at home, if everyone is against what your doing...PLEASE HELP>>>THANK YOU

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Welcome lorven!


Here is a link to an Atkins Diet Bulletin board:


There is a ton of information on this board. Make sure you check out the forum titled "Atkins Low Carb Dieting - FAQ's" There are stickies that explain the rules of induction and the foods allowed on induction.


Please take the time to read the book and check out the website, because during induction you should be getting the majority of your carbs from the allowable list of vegetables.


Good luck and post often.

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Hello Annie, Jean, Donnerpumpin, Kreeb...Hello lorven: I really hope you are eating at least your 3 cups of salad/veggies a day.... Atkins is controlled Carb not NO CARB..... Also you should be eating &;Healthy Fats&; like mayonaise and olive oil, also the occasional 1/2 avacado and olives..... But I am sure you know this if you have read the books... All I know is that once I cut out all of the bread, pizza, pasta, cerial and such, I eat way more salad and veggies than used to.. Also since I am on pre maintainace I have added in a small amount of fruit.... It is hard to "buck" what everyone elese is eating. But this way of eating really works for me and I feel so much better. I am surrounded by rice, beans and tortillas at home and bread and desert at work... my shopping cart has a split personality.... It all really comes to do you think you are worth the effort to feel and look better. As for what people are telling you, it is really about them being threatened by your making positive changes in your life. They are afraid that if you are successful that would mean that they should put down the potato chips and junk food. White flour or sugar is not a vitamin or mineral that your body needs to survive. Also my blood presure is right where it should be... (and i have lost 32 lbs) Way to go and I hope you keep loosing

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Hey There Jean, Pink, Kreeb, SirWinston (Tom, right?) and everyone else!


Oh to wear a size 12...someday! :)


Ok Pink, I understand how you feel, there's been chocolate (really nice) chocolate here at work everyday! B-day party with choclate cake also! Yikes! You make me want to get up and move! Exercise continues to evade me (or is that I'm evading exercise?:rolleyes: ). Just finding the time.


Taco Salad, mmmmm...I forgot about that for dinner instead! Yum! Thanks Mountiangurl!

Pumpkin Soup, and Chicken in the crock pot! Yay, for great ideas, you guys rock!


Lorven, listen to the group here. Go to the website/boards, get the info you need. If you have the book, read it! Eat those salad veggies, and the other allowable ones. We will help you where we can. I know, I'm new too! And just tell people your'e trying to change the way you eat, more protien and veggies, trying to get rid of white sugar and flour in your diet. People really do threatend when we loose alot of wieght. And you've done a great job already!


My confession is, I wieghed myself today instead of Sunday...and I've been GOOD! And I went up a 1lb. Freaked me out. Can we have the Atkins Bars on induction? May of been what did me in perhaps? Or do I need to chill again?:o


Thanks for being here for us all!


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Hubby was doing the atkins bars and lossing nothing (of course he had 3!!!! in one day:p). He was also eating things that were really not for the induction though I thought he was sticking to the 20 or so carbs. We had a talk about how this whole thing was his idea, and I got him back on track, and he has lost about 7 pounds. He was so happy he went out and bought 3 new shirts for our cruise. Before, he refused to buy anything. I know he/we have a long way to go, but seeing even a little progress helps. He was much happier today. Oh, and I have a good news. (Ya'll are going to get tired of me). It's just so nice chatting with people who do understand. We went out to eat for the first time tonight. I was really scared to do that since starting atkins. We went to our fav. Italian rest. (My dad is Italian, so Pasta is a main food grop to me). We ordered a shrimp scampi for an appetizer. We asked the waiter not to bring the bread. We both had steaks and double veggies instead of the pasta side. It was very filling, and we were glad we were able to eat out normally.

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Mountaingurl - Hey! Great news that your 'team' is eating the right stuff together and you guys are doing really well! Eating out - yup - if you've seen any of our past pages, Annie and I have had our challenges on eating out! And new clothes...yay!!

Atkins bars - a no no if your on induction. Only whole foods. The protein, yes -

low carb veggies, water, yes. I put a bar in my purse when I know that my day is not going to allow me to eat within 4 hours and when I do have them, I do not expect a loss in weight, because in the past I did and boy was I disappointed!!:mad:

This is just my take on it.

lorven - Welcome to the Board! Read the book, read this thread, post often - it really helps! You have new low carb cyber buddies that are interested in your WOE & WOEX!

Tom! Hey there! Good Advice to lorven! And you've been up and down all of the hills and valleys on your thin man journey! :D


Kreeb - Thanks so much for the Pumpkin Soup recipe!! Yum!! I've printed it and will for sure use it as things cool down! It sounds like such a comfort food...are you sure it's low carb?!?!? LOL ;)


Pinkbikini - YOU GO WITH THAT WOEX!! Good Job - and it'll show!!


Annie!!!!!!! I'm worried....Are you ok? Where are you? Did Captain Jack Sparrow come and sweep you away to a secret Caribbean island with no internet? Seriously...what's going on girl? Come on you can tell us!


Donna, Don't panic! Are you exercising? Maybe your inches are shrinking this week instead of the scale moving? Go back to just real foods and see if in a day or two things are better!


Have a great evening!

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Now that you've read the books you really need to dig into the induction chapter and reread some of it over and over occasionally. I've reread several chapters of my book at least 3 times in the the last month. It's helpful to use www.fitday.com or a similar program to help ensure that you're not getting too much of any particular energy source (I believe the aim is for 70-75% fat, 30% protein and a very minimal percent, I'm usually below 5% or so of carbs even on Owl Rung 1 at this time). But too much protein is not a good thing and your family is right about that. The plan is not to eat as much meat and cheese as you can consume. And not enough carbs is not good either (we need some to help process those fats among other things).


I am still refining my diet trying to ensure that we have plenty of the good stuff (vit a, c, e, calcium, potassium, etc) to make sure I don't end up with a heart attack or something. IT's definitely been a crash course in healthy nutrition and I'm a nurse with a lot of training from school! But the good news is you can screw up for a weeks and not be eating "perfectly" and still lose weight. As I get better at this I learn more and more and my menus get better and better.


The things I have founds most helpful include:

-Planning menus, and daily carb counts, a week in advance to make sure I get my recommended veggies, my dairy allowance, etc in each day


-Eating basically the same things/day so you get good at carb counts- like making a big batch of taco salad and subdividing it into 5 lunch portions for the week to take to work (you add carbs up 1 time and then simply plug in the numbers later on)


Welcome. Good luck.

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As for me I survived my conference feeding me...


Of course I wasn't allowed any of the breakfast treats except for the coffee :) A beautiful fresh fruit platter that I'll eventually be able to enjoy and some chocolate and fruit danishes and baked goods which I've never enjoyed fortunately so there was no temptation there. Thank goodness there were no bagels- that's a definite weakness for me.


Then I had lunch to contend with-- soda's no good, ravioli pasta salad isn't alright, chips aren't allowed, cookies and cake are off limits... uh oh... Ok, where's the green salad? Finally I dumped out the insides of 4 wraps, smothered some mayo on top, and ate contently all while drinking my water liberally!


It is sooooooo hard to refuse work food sometimes, esp when everyone around you is watching and eating and encouraging you to "try some." My next big challenge is our first weekend getaway this weekend... we're visiting family and will go out to many meals. I'm hoping to do well and stay on plan!


Have a great day tomorrow everyone!

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Man I love saying that!!! It's great to be a loser when you need to be isn't it?:D

My take on the Atkins bars....I didn't use them my first 2 weeks of Induction, but I am not a breakfast eater and I despise eggs :p so now I have one of the Atkins morning bars almost every morning and I can't tell that it has hurt me. I know others have problems with them, but I still lose while using them...I'd say at least 5 mornings per week. I would think that each person have to see what the effect will be for them. I have one with a miniumum of 16 oz of water and that holds me till lunch. Just sharing my experience...others will disagree I am sure...

I have been faithful to my exercise plan so far!!! I have to have bloodwork done soon, too and will let y'all know how that turns out.

I am re-reading the Atkins book now myself. I am trying to read "cover-to-cover" to pick up on the things I missed before and re-enforce the principles that I am currently following...

Happy Low-Carbs days everyone....

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Pinkbikini - wow...such pressure at your conference! But you stood strong!!! Good Job! And such an example to have when we have those types of temptations that we have to go through! The wraps and mayo - solid thinking! Let us know how this helped in your next weigh in!

Swansonia - Yep, I agree - they aren't the best things for induction - but once you've got the next step to include other things, they are pretty good! Hadn't thought of them as a breakfast bar either but if you don't eat eggs - ya gotta have something! Please share your numbers after your blood work up - I need to have mine done sometime this fall and I always get a bit nervous!

Tom - When will you replace your old picture with the new and improved thin guy that we now know you are? That old pic has got to go - it just doesn't look like you! And how do you put a picture in there anyway? A bit computer challenged here.

Lisa - Can't wait to hear about your Cruise! You'll be getting back soon!

Have a good evening!

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Hey Ya'll, It has been such a busy week!

Thanks Jean for checking in on me, I didn't realize it had been that long;)

I am OK, just "back-sliding" a little. I was all jazzed and ready for a full "detox" this week and wouldn't you know, Mr. Monthly visitor came with a vengance! I have slipped a little this week:( I lost 2lbs, but found them. I am still the same as the last two weeks. I hope to be back in the saddle by Monday.

Welcome to all the new Atkins buddies:D I love hearing all about your experiences. Thanks to who posted the pumpkin soup recipe! I plan on using that one soon.

Tom, your pic looks wonderful! Glad you had a good time on your cruise.

Lisa, you back yet? How was your cruise? Please let us know!


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My husband and I booked a cruise last night on the Carnival Glory leaving on September 22, 2007. That's right, one week from today we will be cruising!!! I'll be a busy girl this week getting us packed and ready to go on such short notice. Thankfully we have a cruise closet full of clothes, so I won't need to shop. I just need to try a few things on to see what fits since I have lost almost 40 lbs. since January. I have a variety of sizes to pick from, so I know I'll have something to wear.


I've been doing ok as far as eating this week, but still need to include more vegetables in my diet. I bought cabbage, eggplant, and asparagus this week and need to find some recipes and get cooking. I've also exercised daily this week, so we'll have to see what the scale says Monday morning.


I'm going to a CPR certification class today, so there goes 4 hours of my day, but it's definitely worth it.


I already hard-boiled six eggs this morning. I'm determined to stay on course.

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Oh Kreeb! I am soooo jealous! A cruise, like right now! And you're down 40 lbs since January...oh I hope you have a fabulous time!! I love cabbage soup, it's one of those things you can put anything in. Onions, garlic, peppers, celery, squash, tomatoes, yummy! and I just made an awesome meatloaf! Put lots of red peppers, onions, celery in it. And it's all mine!:D

Also, I love fried cabbage... Yup, fry a little bacon, then in the grease fry your shredded cabbage and you can add some onion too. It reduces way down, till tender and tasty and there you go.


Weigh in tomorrow...been good. Only slip was that Atkins bar while I've been on induction. Drinking alot more water and cut my caffine wwaayyy back. Doing OK with it. Still no exercise:( . Gotta shake this booty off one way or the other!


Take care everyone!


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Just wanted o let everyone know that the parmesean chicken nuggets were alwesome! They were so close to the real thing that the kiddos even loved them. Praise be, I'm past my two weeks! I went and bought low carb bread today. It is so wonderful. I'm really struggling rigtt now. It's that time of the month and the sweet thing is killing me. Hubby bought me some sugar free toffee and chocolate mints. I ate 3. I wanted more but remembered what sugar alcohol can do to you:p. That totally satisfied me though. By the way, after the two week induction, how mant carbs can you have per day. I did not loose any the last 3 days, but I did not gain any either. (Oh, and by the way, beware of the turkey salad from Heavenly Ham, it has chipotle something or other that has sugar in it, maybe that is why I did not loose).

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