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Anyone on Atkins?


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Not enough exercise and not enough water...and boy if I don't count those carbs I pack on a pound/day!


Thanks for the pasta and tortilla suggestions. Once I get myself back under control again I will branch out and get some treats. Unfortunately my little daily treats have been too high carb as of late and with the lack of exercise I pay for it. Even without exercise I lose/maintain when I stay on plan (30-40 carbs/day) but if I go over, I'm done for!


We have so long until our next real vacation. Hoping to get in a weekend or two away between now and then. But the added pressure of classes again this semester is a lot to deal with!!!!!!!!


Just trying to be better about checkin in again... not havin the net at home anymore is a downer on my nights off! Used to love to catch up and post at 3 a.m.


Jean, how did your surgery go??? Are you feeling well??


Take care all,




PS To those who have cruised princess (we're sailing island princess in november which seems like forever away from now), any suggestions? NCL was our first cruise this past December... and we liked it a lot!

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Hello all,

Today I have decided to try Atkins again. I cruise

May 4th and then again on Nov. 17th. I need to lose alot. But, I know I have to go one day at a time.

Before when I had tried Atkins, I know my arthritis and other problems were much better. Probably the sugar flushing out of the body !

I do have problems exercising though. I have a herniated disc and an ankle that has deteriation in it. So, I am going to try swimming. It should relieve the pressure on the joints.

I know I need to do this now!!!!

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Hello all,

Today I have decided to try Atkins again. I cruise

May 4th and then again on Nov. 17th. I need to lose alot. But, I know I have to go one day at a time.

Before when I had tried Atkins, I know my arthritis and other problems were much better. Probably the sugar flushing out of the body !

I do have problems exercising though. I have a herniated disc and an ankle that has deteriation in it. So, I am going to try swimming. It should relieve the pressure on the joints.

I know I need to do this now!!!!

cruising grammy

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Hello all,


Today I have decided to try Atkins again. I cruise

May 4th and then again on Nov. 17th. I need to lose alot. But, I know I have to go one day at a time.

Before when I had tried Atkins, I know my arthritis and other problems were much better. Probably the sugar flushing out of the body !

I do have problems exercising though. I have a herniated disc and an ankle that has deteriation in it. So, I am going to try swimming. It should relieve the pressure on the joints.

I know I need to do this now!!!!


cruising grammy

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We had company for a week and I ended up going off plan a bit, and have been on the downward spiral ever since. They left on January 23rd, and our 16 year wedding anniversary was January 24th, so we went out to dinner and I had a huge cosmopolitan while we were waiting to be seated. Then my husband ordered augratin potatoes and creamed spinach to share along with our filet mignons. Of course we had to have dessert, so we shared carrot cake and ice cream. Why do I do this to myself? I am truly addicted to carbs and sugars and once I start eating them, I can't stop for days.


I just started a part-time job working at Curves. Now I have no excuse not to exercise. Now if I can just getting my eating back on track, I will be feeling and looking much better. Sometimes it just helps to come here and confess and find encouragement from the rest of you.

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Kreeb- Don't forget to come back and post how successful your workouts at Curves have been :)


It's been so hard to exercise in the cold winter (Even with workout equip in our living room) but the holidays bring stress and temptation with them. I have a looooooong time til my next cruise but know that I can focus on getting into shape to be at goal before our 1st year anniv. We may take a mini-vaca somewhere. And if I can pickup some overtime we may do some 1 nighters before November just for fun!


I found a 48 oz tub of ricotta at costco last week. Disappointed that mixed with blueberries it did not sub for cottage cheese which I do enjoy. Plan to try pancakes and lasagna (low carb of course) this week to use it up. Will report back here with recipes if they're successful!



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Hi Kiddos,

Well, I've been gone awhile and I've missed you guys! But it's really good to see that this is the place for low carbers (is that a word? ) to come and vent, ask questions, share in victories or just yak it up!:p Since my last post I've had a bit of a down time....as on my back. Last Tuesday I went to my dentist with a problem that had been coming since- gulp - October! And on Thursday I was in another Dentist office having a re-treatment of a root canal on my upper right molar. Already had a crown from about 16 years ago - crown was good - just had become abcessed. So she numbs me enough that I swear the back of my eyes were asleep! no I didn't feel much pain, and my face woke up about 10pm. Friday I'm sore - but took my pain killers as prescribed - went to work. About 10pm that night it started throbbing - Saturday not much better - Sunday night...man I am hurting and I think I've had enough pain killers to drop a small horse..I call her and she says to be in her office 7:30 the next morning. Boy, Sunday night seemed like about a week! - if you've had those kind of nights - you know what I mean. I got up showered headed down the street - couldn't make it-got home and slept for about an hour - ate some crackers to settle my tummy - got to the Dr - yep, my mouth is a mess -secondary infection-time for anit-biotics. (Now why I didn't start on those to begin with...ugh ) got to work - where I shouldn't be so I left - got home and slept. A little hungry so tried about 4 bites of a baked potatoe (I know! but it was soft!) and I couldn't keep that down either. Fever is taking it's toll by now. About 8:00 - finally needed something and I had 4 bites of toast. 10:00 1/2 cup of Chicken Noodle broth and yes a few noodles. What a story, Eh?!?! But all of this to say..... So what does a Low Carber eat when your stomach is so upset???? :confused: There is no way I could havd downed eggs, chicken, steak, ribs, veggies or and I can't believe it - cream cheese!!!! WHAT DO YOU GUYS DO? I haven't been sick like this in 15 years! And it wasn't even the FLU or Virus!! I have to go to the Dr and get my neck and back put back in place because of this ordeal!! :eek: Holy Smokes! So I got on the scales this morning - EXACTLY the SAME as last Thursday! :mad: I'm ticked because you'd think after 5 days of this - I'd have lost at least a pound or two....but no this old fat just hangs on for dear life! ugh!

Pink - You asked about my surgery...well that was the last of November (Parathyroid -Hyper Calcium surgery) and it was a walk in the park compared to this root canal ordeal! (Thanks for asking - 1/2 step back, but 2 full strides ahead from it - soo soo much better in so many ways!)

Getting Old isn't for Sissys.....!! As long as I don't have to go to the Dentist! And I have to say that these dentist's have been really good...I just haven't done so well with it all. Poor me, poor poor me....waaaaaa.

Ok, there, I'm better. All done!

On to a better note, my girlfriend that I've known since 2nd grade and I are celebrating our 50th birthdays (hers was Monday, mine in Feb) and we are taking off on Friday night for an overnighter in Santa Fe! I got a heck of a deal on Priceline for a nice hotel right on the Plaza - and we are going to a spa that is also up by the Santa Fe Ski area......a little pampering can go a long way...maybe a massage will make my face feel better - well it CAN'T HURT!!! LOL!!!


Kreeb - Good to see you on again - I know what you mean about the spiral...me too...but your back on and that's great! And working at Curves! Super! My sister loves Curves -- going and working out helped her to see her 1st year as a Non Smoker in 35 years! She really liked working out there!

Pink - I'm so excited for our 1 nighter on Friday - Your right! Just looking forward to going somewhere gives you something to look forward to! Do you ever try for hotels on Priceline? I got a room that's normally goes for 135.00 per night for $41.00! It makes it a little easier on the budget to go!:D I'm so glad I have a tredmill - - we haven't seen 50 degrees in I don't know how long - and for here in the Southwest...that's cold!

C Grammy - Welcome! I have some arthritis in my hands and knees.....staying away from the white flour seems to help mine too!

Donna - Your getting sooo close to your trip! I know you'll have a great time! Olive Garden is a tough place to go low carb....my DH's favorite place for celebrations!

gooselace - Was that article in the Jan of Ladies Home Journal?

qosmo8- Good for you that your trying new dishes....how'd it turn out? I've never cooked with eggplant - but I've ordered it at Olive Garden (shhhhhh!) ;)

Lisa - How's the training girl?

Ok, I've rambled on long enough - I really need to get some work done today!

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Hi Gang,

Here is a treadmill update: I dug it out from it's spot in the bedroom, but I haven't got on it yet!!!! I thought by giving myself a goal of 5 lbs by the end of the month would do it, but alas no....I am right there with all of you who find it hard to drink water and excercise in the winter.


But I think I have a plan, DH & I have a deposit on a cruise for Sept but we might move it up to June:) So my plan is to think I am going in June so I have to step up the weight loss!:D I know, it is silly, but the only thing that seems to motivate me is to have a cruise planned. Guess I will have to keep cruisin':D I am still playing around with that lb...it was down the one then down another 1 then back up 1. Uggh.


Ed just called me with his test results, his cholesterol is down 104 points!!! And his blood sugar is down to normal levels. Yeah!!! I knew this WOE way great!!! He was soooo worried b/c of all the fatty foods he was eating.


Jean, so sorry to hear you are feeling lousy! Feel better soon!


Kreeb, you can do it!!!!


Welcome cruisin granny


Gooselace, thanks for all the wonderful food suggestions, something to look forward to for sure.


Hey Pink, good to hear from you.


Hey Lisa great going, you are always an inspiration.


Hey Tom how is everything?


Hi to anyone I missed.

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8 Days and counting!! I'm getting soooo excited. Still trying to stick to my WOE, but I still pick up a tid-bit here and there. Ate really well today and then there was a box of Cheez-its on the counter. A good size handful made it in to my mouth!! Can't keep doing that to myself! And I feel so dry you'd think I'd drink my water! No.


Oh Jean, how awful, when your mouth hurts there is no relief! Pain is exhausting!! Just soup seems to be what we low carbers can eat. How about butternut squash soup? Some chicken in a crockpot with veggies and then puree it? I know when you feel awful, cooking is the LAST thing you want to do. Don't worry yourself! Just take good care of yourself. Your 50th bday bash in Santa Fe sound magnificant! Hoping to book a spa day on the ship also!!


Pink- Your back!!! Yay!!

Jocelyn- You too!! Yay!!


Welcome Crusin Grammy. Good place to post!


Take care all, Donna

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7 Days!!! How exciting! Where does your cruise go to?


Pink, you posted about Princess earlier, I have never been on the Island Princess but I hear she is beautiful! Which NCL ship did you sail on? I have the NCL Dawn booked for Sept (June wink wink) just wanted to know if you can give any pointers.

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7 Days!!! How exciting! Where does your cruise go to?


Pink, you posted about Princess earlier, I have never been on the Island Princess but I hear she is beautiful! Which NCL ship did you sail on? I have the NCL Dawn booked for Sept (June wink wink) just wanted to know if you can give any pointers.


Hope this post works b/c the boards seem to be acting up again:rolleyes:

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We sailed NCL Sun in December. The service was outstanding, the meals were above average in the dining room and AWFUL at buffets (except for the wok and indian station), and the choc buffet while great to look at was not tasty at all. The shows were wonderful and we also went to a few of the games which were fun. We did a cooking class and I worked out daily in the gym which was GREAT! Their ellipticals had pulse monitors which really kept me going and they had great music so I belted out to Gloria Estefan when I was alone in the gym (many morning at 0500 because they're open 24 hours).


If Dawn is anythign like Sun you should have a great time once you get your bearings! Have a great week all...

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We sailed NCL Sun in December. The service was outstanding, the meals were above average in the dining room and AWFUL at buffets (except for the wok and indian station), and the choc buffet while great to look at was not tasty at all. The shows were wonderful and we also went to a few of the games which were fun. We did a cooking class and I worked out daily in the gym which was GREAT! Their ellipticals had pulse monitors which really kept me going and they had great music so I belted out to Gloria Estefan when I was alone in the gym (many morning at 0500 because they're open 24 hours).


If Dawn is anythign like Sun you should have a great time once you get your bearings! Have a great week all...

Thanks Pink, glad to hear you had a good time.

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I'll be at dinner on the Constellation this time next Friday!!


We are doing the Caribbean, ST Thomas, ST Kitts, Barbados, ST Lucia, and ST Maarten!


So can not wait till then!! Trying to pack, but I am working the next 6 days in a row, right up to the day before I fly out. So I've been "starting" my packing. My little apartment looks like the back stage dressing room of a theater! LOL! My 1 year old grandson tried to help me even, he found my open suitcase on the floor and crawled on over and emptied it for me! He was so proud of himself!:)


Trying to stay low carb, doing OK, little things keep creeping up on me and pouncing on me though! It's a bite here and a bite there. But mostly I'm staying with our WOE! I am actually now 1 pound under my driver's license weight!! For a total of 28 lbs lost since beginning this in September! Want to keep at it, and not get that..."oh you're going on vacation, start now!" attitude!! Want to be good on the cruise as well as have fun!


Then you all have to help me when I get back lose what I find on the cruise :eek: and then work on rest...14 more lbs till I'm at the "high" end of my goal weight.


Weather is awful here in Maine. It is snowing and then will change over to sleet and freezing rain tonight. Not looking forward to my drive home from work! But so glad to be going some where warm!


Will post again before I go! Thanks everyone for your good wishes!

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How neat that next Friday you'll be in a totally different environment. Don't we live in a wonderful time? The "Connie" is supposed to be a lovely ship and I'm sure you'll have a great time. You are doing so well on this WOE, I'm adding a vote of encouragement for staying with it on the cruise.


Obviously you want to enjoy the meals, but having been on three recent cruises (2 HAL, 1 Princess) and knowing that Celebrity is in the same class, I'll bet that you will find a wide selection of delicious, low carb foods. Plenty of different meat, chicken, fish entrees at both lunch and dinner, interesting salads that barely need any dressing and probably some sugarfree or "no sugar added" desserts.


Sure, you'll want to try some different foods, especially on some of the islands. I had a fabulous bowl of conch chowder on the beach and "never mind" what it was thickened with. Just be sure that the "exceptions" are exceptional - not just the bun on the buffet burger. ;)


Can't wait to hear all about it.

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Hello everyone I need help I really don't like eggs I can do some but i'm not losing do you have to eat the bacon also and what are some other things everyone is eating i have been doing Hip hop ab now for 2 week but i'm not losing weight PLEASE HELP I cruise MARCH 30

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Hello everyone I need help I really don't like eggs I can do some but i'm not losing do you have to eat the bacon also and what are some other things everyone is eating i have been doing Hip hop ab now for 2 week but i'm not losing weight PLEASE HELP I cruise MARCH 30


Hi Sweetjem,

Welcome. You should go to the Atkin's website and make sure you are doing the Induction Phase right. Also, if you go back through the pages you will find some yummy recipes. Remember, you don't have to eat eggs for breakfast, last nights leftovers will do nicely;) . Lastly, Sugar Free Sheila has a wonderful website with loads of info, she is great! Good Luck and let us know how you are doing.

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Hi Gang,

I am losing control and have to reign myself in....last night I had (OK brace yourselves) a slice of pizza that I have been wanting for about a week now. Then this afternoon I was so stressed at work (really I have been stressed out at work for about 2 months now) that a cookie just found its way into my mouth!!!:eek: I own my own business and we are thinking of expanding and it just seems that the expansion gods have other plans:D


Anyway, I am going to go back through my first couple of posts and see if I can get any insipration from them....Ohhh, I just thought a good walk on the treadmill might be a stress reliever, Jean I will be channelling you as I sing as loud as I can (hope the cats don't mind:D ) lets see if I stick with that plan:)

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Hey, all y'all!


I'm going to jump in here with you all. I haven't read all the pages yet, but I'm going to.


I started Atkins at 181 January 5th, I'm down to 166 & tickled to death over it. I feel like I am always eating & eating so well.


I did South Beach a few years ago & lost or should I say kept 20 lbs off. So this time I am shooting for 30. My dd is also living the WOE. She is down 12 & I am so proud of her!


I love recipes & can't wait to hear what everyone is serving up tomorrow for the big game.


We are having:

buffalo breast strips (cause that's what I have in the feezer)

deviled eggs

cocktail smokies with cheese

Ro-tel served with pork rinds

celery & cukes with blue cheese & I'll throw some ranch dip out too.


We are on the dairy rung now & I couldn't wait to try some of the carb smart popcicles, OHMYGOSH, they are great at only 3 net carbs per serving!

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My DH has asked for pizza. And he'll get it: (thin crust and sauce from LowCarbolicious Pizza kit) topping of ground beef, mixed peppers, and lots of shredded cheese. I can put one together and have it on the table faster than the local Domino's can deliver. Fewer carbs in the whole LC homemade one than in one slice of regular pizza.


I'm not a real pizza fan and your game plan sounds delicious - what time are you serving? ;)

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Hey All ya All!

How was your weekend? I think everyone had some pretty tasty Superbowl snacks from what I've seen! Friday I picked up my BFF (since 2nd grade) and we had our Birthday Bash overnighter and boy did we have fun!! The spa was awesome and Santa Fe was a really good time! I didn't stay totally Low Carb - gulp - but tried to make good choices and since I haven't been able to really work out the way I had been since my tooth ordeal - I'm going to be strict, strict, strict all week and see how Thursday's weigh in goes. I'm finally feeling a bit better and it's supposed to be in the upper 40's later this week so I'm going to be hitting the bike path or treadmill - whichever I can make myself do that day!

Welcome Jill! - Your doing really well!

Jocelyn - I heard your singing all the way down here! ;) Walking is such a good way to release stress from work - and you sleep better too! You go Girl!

Sweetjem - Hope you've had a chance to check out some of those web sites - post here when you can - I agree with Jocelyn, some of my favorite breakfast foods are from warmed up left overs from the night before! Most low carb folks can get a little tired of just the same eggs everyday - you might check out SFS induction shake with eggbeaters - it's really good and you can flavor it up with sugar free syrups - I really like the raspberry for a light and refreshing taste.

gooselace - always a source of great information - when you figure in postage for the LowCarb pizza and other things you order - what does that do for your grocery budget?

Donaa - So so so Excited for you and your Cruise!:D Can't wait to hear about it when you get back!!

Supposed to get some snow today.....Catch ya's later!

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I am back on this WOE as of today. I strayed long enough to gain 6 lbs. We are going on the Carnival Glory on March 1st, so I am committed once again to get this weight off. I have leftover chicken wings and deviled eggs from our Super Bowl party yesterday, so it's making starting again easy. I'll be doing induction again for two weeks to get my cravings under control and get a few pounds off quickly.


I just found cinnamon DaVinci's sugar-free syrup at Sam's Club. I thought it would taste good in the Mock Danish recipe for breakfast. I'll let you know how it is after I try it. I also picked up the raspberry flavor at Super Walmart so I'll definitely be trying that in SFS shake recipe.


Our new puppy, Molly, is keeping me busy. I'm going to start walking her this week so that should help in the exercise department along with working at Curves.

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MNCruzzin, you asked about the impact on my grocery bills of the special products I order online. Not bad - checked checked my last order for 6 boxes of pizza mix - $45.16, including the shipping. That's about $7.50 per, and adding generous amounts of hamburger, cheese and chopped peppers (I use the frozen chopped ones) and onion, I figure that's about $12 for a 12 inch lowcarb pizza -about what a carry-out pizza costs here.


Some of the products I order online do cost more than the grocery brands, but we don't buy expensive, sugary treats and desserts like we used to. In any case the results are well worth it. :) We are retired and so far have managed to live nicely on our pensions and SS, without touching savings and 401K. And I go on at least one nice cruise each year, while my DH gets his fly-in fishing trip.

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