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Hi Gang,

Well my busy season at work has officially slowed down, now to get back to more important things like posting here:D


So I discovered a place that makes SF Cheesecakes by my home, good you say right? Well not exactly....Ed and I got a small Oreo (really made with Murray's SF cookies) cheesecake for Valentine's Day dessert, and I shared the rest with my mom, ok fine special occassion yada yada....now comes the not so good part, a few days later Ed said that the cheesecake guy told him he was baking new SF CC and Ed thought we should just go take a "look":rolleyes: Well 3 SF Ruggahlah(sp) and one small Choc Rasp Cheesecake later we were on our way home:eek: I ate about a quarter of it over 2 nights and told Ed I wasn't having any more. He finished the last of it last night.


So I thought I would be brave and I took a peek at the scale yesterday and that's right, you guessed it up 2 lbs!!!! So much for being down 1. I knew I had to get back on track so I was very good yesterday, I even got on the treadmill for 30 mins and the scale rewarded me this morning by removing one of those lbs...I am hoping to remove the other one by my official weigh in tomorrow. Lesson Learned:)

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Hey There!

Happy Wednesday! 1/2 way through my work week! yay!!

Jocelyn - Oh no! Not the attack of the Choc Rasp Cheesecake! :eek: Man !! I hate when that happens! Keep working that treadmill - with you on it! ;)

So I have to say that the muscles that I use for working the horses, riding, working with my pup and my walking, treadmill, house work & yard work - No....they are not the same muscles that I used for my 70's party!! eeeek! Was I sore on Mon & Tues!! It's better now - I must have been in better shape 30 years ago! :rolleyes: LOL!!! yeah that's what I keep telling myself! :p

gooselace, - the Tastykakes must not be a thing carried out here - I've looked in about 4 stores...nothing.

Lisa - Tom - Donna - Karen - Pink - Annie - Cruisefan - And a Whole Lot More!! How are ya all doing? If you hit your goal - are you staying there? Have you made yourself a new goal? You must be just peeking on the boards! hehe :p

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Hello Everyone!!!


Got home late Monday...no make that very early Tuesday from my cruise! I was delayed taking off because of zero visibility in JFK and then grounded there for a few more hours. Got in at 12:10 am when originally I was scheduled for a 9 pm landing!:eek: Flew through thunderstorms, quite the bumpy ride also.


My cruise was GREAT!!!!! I had so much fun! Will post a review on the boards. On the Celebrity Constellation to the Caribbean. Well, I worked at being "good" on this trip. Tried to keep Gooselace's advice, enjoy but don't waste carbs by eating the roll on the buffet table, eat something great! Did good for a few days, then, well, I just enjoyed myself and did'nt eat bad, but as a recovering carbaholic, I swan dived into the carbs I truly loved! Waffles!! and Ice Cream!! They have the best!! But I walked and I went to dance classes and snorkeled and all in all, I got on the scale today and I only gained 4lbs. So I'm back on induction today and getting my WOE under control once again.


But after having 75 - 80 degree weather everyday, coming home to snow and an ice storm, and wearing bathing suits and flip flops to coats and snow boots, I'm suffering some post cruise depression here. Thank goodness there's no midnight buffet to go home to!:D


Hope you all have been well, I'll have to go back a few pages and catch up with all of you. Take care,


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Donna! Welcome back girl! Sorry that the weather isn't the best for your return!:eek: 4 lbs is very do able - hang in there and they'll be gone before you know it!

So a friend who watches her carbs told me about the Dannon Light & Fit yogurt -

I picked some up at Target - and it's vanilla - it has 14 carbs for a one cup serving! So I put one cup in a small container, chopped up 2 strawberries and that's my morning snack. Now, I know it's not induction safe - but for me - I used to really enjoy dairy - and this may work out for me for that 'sure would like a small sweet treat'! It actually tastes pretty good!

Have a great day!

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Jean, I am trying to be good, I think my little weight gain scare is keeping me motivated...I am still up 1 lb but I got on the treadmill this morning and I feel really good:) Now I just need to Ed to dig my eliptical machine out of the shed to change it up alittle. I just don't really have room for it but I guess my livingroom is going to have to double as a gym:D


Donna, WELCOME BACK!!! Glad you had such a great time and like Jean said, those 4lbs will be gone in no time.


Gooselace, do you have any good recipes for a pork loin? I use to like to eat pork with something sweet like BBQ sauce on it or apricots but that is a no no for me right now. I made a kind of spanish pork stew last week, just wanted to change it up a little.


Hi everyone out there!

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Jocelyn - sounds like you are doing good. We usually prefer something spicy on pork but have you tried Smucker's Sugarfree Apricot Preserves (sweetened with Spenda) to glaze your pork loin?


For ribs, after they are nearly cooked, I top them with a mixture of one-carb ketchup (Heinz)and sugarfree grape jelly or jam. I've also used this mixture for meatballs and little sausages that I've taken to potluck parties and people loved them - never guessed what the sauce was, and some didn't believe it when I told them.

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MNCruzzin - sorry TastyKakes apparently aren't in stores in your area, but they are available to order online at TastyKakes.com. Unfortunately, they are mostly sold by the case - not a good idea to have in the house, although the finger cakes freeze well. They do offer two assortments, one large one at $45 and a smaller at $25 (16 packages), probably plus shipping. If your husband is also watching carbs, it might be worth ordering.

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Jocelyn - sounds like you are doing good. We usually prefer something spicy on pork but have you tried Smucker's Sugarfree Apricot Preserves (sweetened with Spenda) to glaze your pork loin?


For ribs, after they are nearly cooked, I top them with a mixture of one-carb ketchup (Heinz)and sugarfree grape jelly or jam. I've also used this mixture for meatballs and little sausages that I've taken to potluck parties and people loved them - never guessed what the sauce was, and some didn't believe it when I told them.


Gooselace, you are a the low carb recipe queen!! I knew you would know just what to do. Those recipes sound great and I found the low carb ketchup in the store the other day, I will just pick up the jam & preserves after work. I am so excited esp about the ribs, I didn't think I would be able to make BBQ Ribs anymore. Thank you so much!:)

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How is everyone today?


Does anyone else have trouble staying on track when your sick? Yesterday I had a bowl of whole old fashioned oats. It was so comforting:o


I have been playing with the same pound & a half for ever it feels like. I BROKE THOUGH IT! Yeah, to tell the truth I didn't believe the scale at first & moved it before I re weighed. lol


Oh & I soak pork loin in soy sauce, garlic, s & p before I grill it. OMGosh, so juicy & then I serve it with the faux mashed potatoes.


Are you all still keeping pretty close track of your daily carbs? I'm still under 35.


Think I'm going pant shopping today. I don't have to unbutton to go potty anymore :D

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Hi Gang,

Gooselace, I tried the loin of pork with the SF Apricot preserves and all I can say is OMG Yummy!!! I basted it then put it on the panni press and it got all carmelized wow, so good. Thanks again.


Jill, I will have to try that with the soy, Ed loves Asian flavors. Sorry you haven't been feeling well, it is hard to find something low carb to eat when your not feeling so hot....


Jean, I know I went from maybe 1 to 2 in a few days. I gave Ed the task of telling my mom/business partner. It's not that I can't go, it's just that if I do I have to close for the week b/c she doesn't like to run the place herself. My other option is to hire someone for the week to run the front desk, we'll see if she goes for that.


It's cold and grey here today, we got about 6 inches of snow yesterday, but it rained after so it pretty much melted by now. Can't wait for the warm weather:)

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mmmm...I've used SF apricot jam on chicken also, so good! But the ketchup and grape jelly seems interesting, I've got liquid smoke in my spice cabinet, see if I can make my own BBQ sauce!


Yes, it's hard to be low carb when you are sick, I have come down with the worst cold I have ever had! I had to call out of work yesterday and dragged myself in today under the influence of drugs!:( But my scrambled eggs and cheese were good for breakfast. Sat well with me too. Just don't feel much like anything for supper tonight in the cafeteria.


It snowed another 6 inches yesterday while I hid under blankets and shivered. I'm ready for spring!!! And yes, I've been booked on another cruise also!:D Same ship, the Constellation in a repositioning cruise. Going to Bermuda, and Aruba, two places I have'nt visited. Lots more sea days, which I love. Crossing our fingers, we leave October 30th, the very tail end of hurrican season.:eek: Let's see if I can get the time off from work!!


take care, Donna

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Hey Jean!!!! It's me, Annie!


Here I come with my tail between my legs:rolleyes:


I just thought I would lurk around here for a couple of days and I saw that you remembered me in your post! Thanks!

I am skidrow now:( I have been a bad girl. I am going back on Atkins next week, thought I would get some inspiration from the threads and her you are!

I guess you have reached your goal by now? How is your pup? Do you still walk every day?

Not only have I NOT reached my 10% goal, I am up 20lbs!

I spent the afternoon going thru old pics (good & bad) and hoping to get inspired. I have GOT to get back in the game.


Lisa, Tom, Donna, how are ya'll?



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Happy Monday! LOL :p yeah right! lol Do those 2 words go together!? lol

ANNNNNIE!!! I missed you girl!! YAY!! Your back! Still Walking the pup - she's up to 46 lbs and knows some really great tricks - If I could learn to post a picture on here of her - I will - if I know you'll be watching! My10% goal - are you kidding? you silly girl! Really though my story is that I keep losing the same pounds just depending on what's going on! I got within 7 lbs of the 10% - then had surgery in November, followed by Christmas and the Colorado gang coming back for another week, Jan was going really well...then I had a 2 week root canal ordeal that knocked me out of the game for a while, then Feb - which has been one big birthday party month! The first weekend was spent with my BFF since 2nd grade in Santa Fe, then next weekend was with my DD, followed by another birthday weekend in Denver with 4 sisters, last weekend was the real birthday weekend and I did low carb meals - except one - eeek!! The partying has got to stop somewhere!! I've got to get really serious about all of this - but you know what!?!?! I turned 50 on Friday - and I am in better health and shape then when I turned 40!! Really...I looked at the pictures and I DO!! :eek: I was pitiful at 40! Annie - Girl - You have been missed - I'm glad to see you back - just pick up where you ARE and work from there! There are some great new faces:D and some of us oldies are still posting - I sure don't keep my self very busy LOL!!

Just read some of the past pages back - you'll see that Atkins has really transformed a LOT of people!

Haven't seen much of Lisa or Tom....:mad:

Oh Donna - I'm there with you girl....I'm fighting this really bad cold - today I almost sound like myself - such congestion, and missed an afternoon of work last week. I hope your better today!! I'm glad to see that you have October to look forward too! :D

Jocelyn - I've got to get some SFS Apricot preserves! I love it - but avoid that aisle because of the sugar in most of the items! I want to try it on some chicken! And I'm really wanting to try the jelly & ribs!! DH asked me if I thought we should start looking into the England/Canada fall colors cruises for this fall....I told him 'OH YEAH!' :D


Ok, I've really got some work on my desk calling my name - see ya later!

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Annie....So glad you are back posting!:D I am no where near my goal and after this weekend I am up 1 lb...Lets just say I tangled with a brickoven pizza and the pizza won:eek: :o But it was a cheat well worth it, I have to admit it was good but I am paying for it today...YUCK.


Ok, I am really trying not to beat myself up about this weekend, and I know I have vacations booked so I better be good. But I find now that Ed is doing low carb it is easier to cheat. I know that might sound weird but I guess I don't feel as guilty if someone is cheating with me. I have to get my WOT back on track.


Jean, Canada/NewEngland awesome! I will make sure to give a full report when I get back from Newport:) I am looking forward to trying the ribs also, just don't know how much jelly to ketchup but I guess I will do it to taste.


Donna, feel better. That cruise sounds wonderful I love both Bermuda and Aruba.


How is everyone else doing?

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Well the winds yesterday put a lid on my walking after work. It would have blown me down the road - but I don't know if I could have got back home! :eek: Today - it's supposed to be really nice - so I'll be walking for sure!:)

Jocelyn - It's good that you and hubby are both eating low carb! My DH does too....until he sees a carb he cannot say no too! I know what his former carb intake used to be :eek: - so I guess it's better that he at least tries! Are you close to your goal weight? I'll be anxious to hear how your mini vacation to Rockport goes!

Time to get busy! Have a great day!

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Hi, everybody! I wanted to drop in and see how everyone is doing, and ask you all about fluid consumption. Are you all drinking enough fluids?


Gosh, it just hit me that this is the perfect forum to discuss this since this is, after all, a cruise board! ...


When I sailed the Royal Caribbean, my main beverage was tea, since I avoid sodas and detest plain water. (I'm not a water purist, but my hat's off to those who are!) This ship's iced tea was probably among the best I've ever had. Well, afterward, I was informed that this was Lipton Instant Tea - instant! So, since then, I've been making a gallon of decaf Lipton instant tea at a time, sweetening it with half a Splenda QuickPack so I can easily pour-and-go later - and of course drinking it with a straw to save my teeth. :)


I thought I'd pass this along! Hope you are all doing well and are having a nice week.


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Hey Joycelyn- glad to see you are hanging in there! I think if my hubby were to do low carb I would consider it a challange to me to not cheat! He has such will power; I would probably compete to see who gives first:p

Sounds like you are not doing too bad there.


Jean- I know what you mean about Feb/Birthdays! As you may remember I make cakes for my friends and family, I have made 5 so far this month!

There is some leftover cake in my kitchen as I type:rolleyes: I am not tempted yet; I hope hubby and dd (birthday girl) finish it off tonight. We walked 2 miles after work Sunday and yesterday, but it is 30 degrees today:eek: I have given myself permission to goof off on line tonight. At least my fingers are getting their exersise:p


I have to get thru a bowl-a-thon tomorrow and mexican lunch with an old friend Thursday; wish me luck! My plan is to slack off this week and go cold turkey (pun intended) on Monday. I know I have got to simply make a lifestyle change (so to speak) I don't know why I ever let myself back-slide:rolleyes:


Tom, Lisa, Donna are ya'll still out there?


Stay in touch!



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Jocelyn and anyone else who wants to try the ribs with ketchup/sf grape jelly - I wish I could help with exact amounts, but I don't really measure. My advice is to start with equal amounts of jelly and ketchup. As it heats up, if it doesn't turn to a uniformly "barbecue sauce" color add more jam to make it darker, more ketchup to make lighter. Also taste it for your sweetness preference. When I could get low carb barbecue sauce I often added some for added flavor. Haven't been able to find that lately so I add a bit of Worchestershire sauce and garlic. Tweak it to your taste. You may not be able to replicate your favorite rib house sauce, but it will beat naked ribs - or no ribs at all. :) We also like it on beef short ribs.


Haven't tried the liquid smoke, but have some, so may try that next time.

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I've learned to eat foods other than breakfast foods for breakfast.

I had celery with peanut butter, rolled up turkey and cheese with a little bit of ranch dressing, leftovers from the night before heated in the microwave..

the way I figure it is if the kids want pancakes or omlets for dinner, why not??


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DH and I are crusing with two friends on the Carnival Glory this Saturday. It can't get here soon enough.


I've been off plan since the last week in January. It started with our anniversary dinner, then company staying with us for a week, then visiting with my aunts for a long weekend, etc. I just resigned myself to starting over again after the cruise.


It's comforting to see that I am not the only one here struggling with staying on plan. I know I feel so much better when eating low carb, and I have a lot more energy, so I know I need to "Just Do It", but it's easier said then done.


I've got to start packing this morning, so it's time to get off the computer and get things done.

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Hi Gang,


Just checking in after a pretty good few days of low carbing it. I have been staying under 20 net carbs and trying to eat 2 cups of salad greens, my only semi-cheat was two glasses of red wine last night but I equated it into my carb count so we'll see tomorrow (it was date night;) )...I don't know if it's the cold weather or what but I find it very difficult to eat salad and drink water in the winter. I will have to try to jazz up my water with a chamomile tea bag or as SF Sheila said some decaf Lipton tea- Thanks for the tip Sheila;) .


Annie, talk about will power 5 CAKES! Man, I know I would have cracked. Good for you for resisting and making a date to Low Carb it again. It's funny you say about making it a competition w/ your DH; with Ed we are competitive when it comes to sports like swimming etc but nothing else. I'll have to keep that in mind for next time the dreaded talk of pizza comes up:D


Jean, you are always so great about getting in your workouts, I have to really step it up if I am going to wear a bathing suit w/o a cover up this summer (that is a new goal of mine).


Gooselace, thanks for the update on the BBQ sauce, can't wait to try it.


Kim, welcome and great tip.


Kreeb, have a great trip! Ahhh, warm weather.

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