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I love Better N Eggs "garden variety" egg mixture. You can use 1/2 cup and make an omelet (no cheese) which has only 60 calories and lots of protein but no fat, and it takes less than a minute to cook. It's lots to eat and very filling, and so much faster and better for you than regular eggs. Try it out!

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cruisecrittor1 -Welcome! What is the carb count for Better n Eggs? I don't think I've ever seen them.

Kreeb - Your probably already gone....but have a most wonderful trip! And we'll be right here when you get back!;)

Jocelyn - Great job on your 20 and under carbs! whoo hoo! :D I have to make myself drink the water that I need - and for greens...I have to say we eat a lot of green beans & broccolli on colder days. Made a Cesar Salad with Ken's dressing and no croutons - it actually tasted really good. Walking is a pretty do-able exercise, and I get home by 4:00 - so I better get out there - I don't belong to a gym! LOL!

gooselace - I'm getting the fixins for ribs this weekend...one of my very favorites!

hockey13 - Welcome! Isn't it great what we can call our 'breakfast' foods!? LOL! :)

Annie - I remembered you did cakes - but 5 :eek: in one month! Holy Smokes! It's always good to have a plan - it's sticking to it that's the challenge - right? hehe:o But when you put your mind to it - you've seen major results ! So come on girl - Next week is a whole new chapter for you! And we're here for ya!

Leftovers tonight - some pork loin, green beans & salad. Cleaning out the fridge!:p

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Hey Gang,

Well it worked, I am down those 2 stubborn lbs and I am determined to keep them off this time!:D It actually wasn't so bad staying at 20 and under, I was just being lazing and not counting my carbs b4 but last week I went back onto fitday and kept track. It took about a total of 5 minutes a day, easy.:)


Jean, I have been making myself eat the green, but I don't like em':D It is like I developed a severe adversion to anything remotely resembling a veg:D

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Hey Jocelyn! Congrats on getting rid of those 2 pounds! :D What an encouragement going into the weekend! Stay Strong! Variety Girl! - What kinds of veggies do you like? I can get tired of some of the same veggies if I have them for more then 2 meals in a day - so I try and keep rotating them. lol!:p

gooselace might have some ideas for you!?

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Hey Jocelyn! Congrats on getting rid of those 2 pounds! :D What an encouragement going into the weekend! Stay Strong! Variety Girl! - What kinds of veggies do you like? I can get tired of some of the same veggies if I have them for more then 2 meals in a day - so I try and keep rotating them. lol!:p

gooselace might have some ideas for you!?

Hey Jean,

I like all of the ones that aren't that good for me, and anything deep fried:D I like tomatoes, eggplant, sometimes cauliflower, brussel sprouts. I have been roasting eggplant w/ olive oil and salt, it is yummy but I can only have about a 1/4 cup. Also, I love anything tomato, sauce, sun dried, roasted, raw you name it, but I have to try and limit them as they have a lot of carbs. I tried eating some broccoli today with my chix for lunch, I ate about 3 small pieces and that was it :p Maybe I should try a sauce on them:confused:

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Hey Jean,

I like all of the ones that aren't that good for me, and anything deep fried:D


Holy Smokes! :eek: Well! if were talking battered and deep fried ....oh man --- I could become a vegetarian - if they were low carb! LOL!:p funny! :D


I'm just kidding you Girl! If everything that I liked was all low carb - well, I wouldn't be working on shedding these extra pounds now would I? LOL

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So Glad It is FRIDAY! It is beautiful out this morning and I would really rather be home and working in the yard with that funny pup running all around - but I guess that will have to wait until tomorrow!:o I'm putting my grocery list together and have decided to start off with the SFS jelly and low carb ketchup!

Going over what I've had this week - I think the condiments are sneaking in there and adding hidden carbs. Any of you guys have that happen to you? I stick with the mustard & mayo - but the dressings, dips and sauces are what I'm going to try and watch for the next week and see if that helps. I'm pretty much stuck on the scales, no loss - but no gain. I think I'll dust off the ol'bike this weekend and see how Sadie does with two wheels along side her and see if she could cope with

a nice little trot around the front of the house.....this could spell disaster for me!:eek:

SFS - I grew up on instant tea and it must be a mental thing - but I cannot drink it, if it's the only thing to drink...I can, but I'll have water first. We do use the Lipton cold brew - it's fast and a pitcher of tea can be ready in a few minutes.

Donna - how's the cold?

Jocelyn - My DH said last night - "Ummm, Honey...I think I'm done with salads for a while." ... I thought of you! :) He's done with salads...oh great.

Lisa - how's the training going? Haven't heard from you in awhile!

Annie - how'd the bowl-a-thon go? Bowling is good for you...I'm always sore after we go, so I guess it's muscles you don't normally use?

gooselace - what's for dinner on your table tonight?;)

See Ya's

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Holy Smokes! :eek: Well! if were talking battered and deep fried ....oh man --- I could become a vegetarian - if they were low carb! LOL!:p funny! :D



LOL, that's the way I like em':D I was going to try to coat some veg in pork rinds and fry them but we'll see

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Hey gang,

Glad it's Friday also, boy am I beat, don't know why I am so tired but I can't wait for Sat:)


Jean, good luck with Sadie and the bike:eek: Kidding, she sounds like a good pup and will probably love it. I've been trying to find someone to "lend" me their dog so I can take it for walks, but most people I know have cats and the ones that do have dogs don't live close to me. I would love to get a puppy but I don't think my cats will be to happy with that.:D

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Hi everyone!!! I haven't posted in a long time, but have lurked a little...Been really busy which is ironic because I went from working full-time to only part-time, but I still stay busy...

I have stayed pretty much on track with only an occasional snag. I have now lost 81 pounds (since June) so I am making progress and that's a great thing.

I recently found a BBQ sauce that is pretty darn good and only has 2 grams of carbs per 2 tablespoon serving....it is KC Masterpiece Low Calorie Classic Blend...found it at Walmart a few weeks ago. Since then we have had ribs twice and today grilled burgers and added the sauce at the end. I try to only use enough to flavor the meat and it has been a great thing...We love BBQ here in the south....:D

Cruising tomorrow....:D I'll check back when we return on Saturday.


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Atta Girl Karen! Have a Terrific Trip! Let us know when you get back!

Jocelyn, Hope you get your walk in tonight - we did a lot of walking and outside stuff on Saturday - today...brrrr it's so cold! Woke up to a bit of snow even!

Glad Monday is over .... it was well ... .MONDAY!:( C'mon Tuesday! LOL!

Ok, out to dinner with a friend...."good choices, good choices, make good choices..";)

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Hi Guys! I have been working on getting a new internet provider; we now have DSL!!!! Waaahooo!

It has taken almost a week to get it to work (little problem with the home alarm) anyway, it's here!


Today was supposed to be the day to get serious :rolleyes: Unfortunatly I had chinese with a friend for lunch:p I did have some seafood :D But that was the only thing that was legal......tomorrow is another day.


I will check in tomorrow.


Happy low carbing ya'll!



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I'm 5 lbs from the finish line and trying hard. I've been bombarded by my period (chocolate neediness) and the stress of cold New England winters. We're doing a couple of much needed romantic weekend getaways in coming months and I'm changing my schedule and cutting back hours at work (approx 4 less/week) switching from 5 days to 3 days. All of these things should help me feel better.


I'm back on induction right now trying to rid the last few pounds... I get too many cravings as I climb the ladder. It's been a very frustrating winter after such a successful fall...


Hope all is well with all of you. In 8 months we'll be flying to Fort Lauderdale for our Panama Canal cruise!!! All booked- tickets, hotel and cruise. I can't wait!


Love from above,



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Hey Pink!! You've done soo good! and only 5 lbs from goal - You can do it! Hopefully the temps are going to start climbing and that will help us all to get up get on the go! Your weekend get aways sound great! And a few less hours at work - woo hoo!

Annie - today is another day - how ya doing? DSL - yiippee! :D I know we'll see you more often! ;)

My friend took us to The Melting Pot ( A cool fondue place) - I did have a few dippers in the cheese - but a ceaser salad - and stayed with the lower carb veggies and the meats for the main course. Kept it easy on the sauces - just ice tea & water. It's one of those places that it's expected to be a 2 hr dinner - so we just yakked a lot and ate - and I didn't look this morning on the scale - but the pants are still feeling pretty good!:p Had a crazy breakfast - a few deviled eggs and some brisket from the weekend! ... still feeling full and I leave for lunch in about 30 min. So here's a report from my evening! LOL! How'd you all do?

gooselace - I got the ribs, jelly & low carb ketchup.....doing the ribs tomorrow!

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Oooh, NMCruzzin, I've been wanting to go to the Melting Pot here, but am afraid, given the prices, that I would be tempted to eat too much of the wrong things (bread to dip in the cheese, fruit and cake to dip in the probably too-sweet chocolate). Sounds like you handled it well.


Good luck with the ribs. I hope you enjoy them as much as we do. Of course you may have to tweak the recipe to your taste.


Dinner tonight is meat loaf (the one made with pork rinds, cajun seasoning, and salsa). I do use the 1 carb ketchup on the top (the original recipe called for melted cheese), because my DH insists. I just scrape most of it off of mine.


Pink - so jealous of your Panama Canal cruise. I'm still trying to settle on something for this fall, having given up on the Med. cruise because of the airfares. May try a river cruise of the Rhine or Danube. A little worried that from what I read, food is plentiful on the river boats but not the extensive choices of an ocean liner. But probably there will always be some kind of meat, chicken or fish at dinner. Have plenty of experience deconstructing sandwiches, if that is what's served for lunch.

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Karen 81 pounds! You go girl! Ahhh to be so disciplined.....You are awesome! I feel like such a slob for waisting the last 6 months, I could have been at goal by now....:( But you are such an inspiration:D


Pink! 5 pounds from goal!!!!! YEA!!!!!! You will be sooooo ready for that Panama cruise:cool: I am jealous too.


Jean- good job on the Melting Pot. I haven't been because of the price (daughter went and told me) I wouldn't have been so disciplined.


Today-well tomorrow is another day:o


Thanks for listening ya'll.



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Good Morning!

Last night I took some Macadamia Nuts (room temp) and 1 cup Parmasian cheese, some garlic powder & pepper - food processed them into crumbs. Chicken breast dipped in egg beaters, rolled in the nut combo and browned in a small amount of canola oil - Hubby had seconds and said he really liked chicken this way! yay! :D

Ribs tonight!

gooselace & Annie - The Melting Pot is for us a 'celebration' place! Where spending just a bit more for the special occasion is worth the experience and good food! The first time DH and I went there was after our 3 month remodel on our home was 95% complete - we were celebrating the fact that we were almost done, it looked great and we were still alive & married to each other! LOL!!!!:D

Monday night we had the spinich & artichoke cheese to start with - I did have a couple of bread pieces - but a veggie bowl & apples came with it - no carrots for me, but I did like the califlower & celery with the cheese! Then we had salads - I had Cesar salad, no croutons. Then the Meat & Vegtable main course - the meat was very lean and there was fish & the veggies were fresh & beautiful - best big mushrooms I've seen in months! So my BFF and I really enjoyed dinner and our time together and since the fun part of the dinner is that your cooking right there at your table...you eat very slowly and we did not feel super stuff - like at some places they've had to roll me out of! hehe

So I've only been twice in 2 years - but I liked it and as I said, it was a special occasion. No chocolate this time - but it too is really amazing! This morning - no gain, no loss .... oh well.

Donna - I know your from Maine - and am wondering - of the fall months...when is the fall colors at their peak? September or farther into October?

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Hi Gang,

Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. As for me I have been sticking to it and, except for 2 SF Murray cookies that DH brought home from work, I am doing ok.


Oh, BTW did I ever tell you all what hubby does for work? He works for Keebler:eek: Thast right Keebler COOKIES! So when he has a meeting they sometimes let him bring samples home. So this time he brought SF Murray Cookies, I tried them, they were good, then I told him to hide them somewhere where I will never see them again :D LOL


Hi Annie, glad your back...don't beat yourself up, we have all had our ups and downs, and like Jean said today is a new day.:)


Hey Jean, Sounds like you had fun and stayed on track, I have never heard of the Melting Pot, but that is probably a good thing LOL. Also, that chicken sounds good, will have to try that also let me know how the ribs come out.


Hi Gooselace.


Way to go Pink! 5 lbs to goal and the Panama Canal in the fall, you are going to have an awesome time. It is one of the best cruises that Ed and I ever took...

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Thanks Jocelyn, it feels good to be back. Today is a better day! I behaved myself today:p And some "wicked" person brought a big box of cookies to us today:eek: I just grabbed a bottle of water and got the heck outa there! I even sqweezed in a two mile walk this afternoon.....ahhh I do feel better ya'll.


Here's to a low carb Thursday!



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Good Morning All Ya All!!

Yay! It's Thursday! Snow all around us - and the sun is shining through my window here at work and my door to the outside is open! There are 2 trucks outside that have about 6 in of snow stacked on them - and we don't even have a flurry around - they look very out of place! LOL!! They must have come in from the mountains - but they look very funny out there!:D

gooselace - ribs were pretty good! I'll do them just a bit different next time - I just put 1/2 bottle of jelly & ketchup - 1/4 c. worchester sauce and put it all in my big crock pot for 4 hours. Then when I got home - I put the ribs on a cookie sheet @ 350 for about 30 min - the meat just falls off the bone! Green beans and some salad for me and that was such an easy dinner! I think next time I'll just let them cook in 1/2 of the sauce, then I'll baste them a bit with the other 1/2 when I put them on the cookie sheet for finishing. We like ours with just a little more kick...Emeril has a low carb wing sauce that maybe I'll toss in 1/4 cup of that in too next time. hmmm.... I think I know what I'm having for lunch...lol!! Thanks for the tip!:D


Annie - Good Job on the Walk!! I know that I sleep so much better after a walk in the afternoons! And ATTA GIRL on grabbing the water and running!! :D :D My DH said that the Girl Scout cookies came in that he ordered at work - and I told him that's a great place for them to be - AT HIS WORK - and he Better NOT bring them Home! :mad:


Ok - I'll see ya's a bit later...

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Hi Gang,

well it is Thurs again and I am up 1 lb, but I knew I was up so not so upset. I have to go to the acct in a little bit and my stomach is turning, whew I sure do hate tax season:(


Annie, great job on sticking to it.;)


Hi Jean, Gooselace, Pink, Karen and anyone else I forgot.:)


Hey Lisa where are you?:confused:

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Ok Guys N Gals....

What's your WOT right now for the weekend? "Staying Strict"?, " Staying Strict until I get a yummy offer"? Doing so great that you don't even have to think about it anymore? (ummm that'd be gooselace & SFS :D )

It's supposed to be beautiful out this weekend - so I plan on taking in some fresh air with the pup, a little yard repair work from that pup - and she needs a bath! ;)

Ummm....maybe I'll take some stuff out to cook on the grill...yumm!


Happy Friday!

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Ok Guys N Gals....

What's your WOT right now for the weekend? "Staying Strict"?, " Staying Strict until I get a yummy offer"? Doing so great that you don't even have to think about it anymore? (ummm that'd be gooselace & SFS :D )

It's supposed to be beautiful out this weekend - so I plan on taking in some fresh air with the pup, a little yard repair work from that pup - and she needs a bath! ;)

Ummm....maybe I'll take some stuff out to cook on the grill...yumm!


Happy Friday!

Hey Jean,

I am going with choice 2:D Since we will be in Newport this week, I plan to stick to plan but allow some wine;)

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Hey all,


Hubby and I cancelled the costco membership. It just wasn't working for us... I found we were buying (and then consuming) much more food than we need d/t prices and letting a lot of food go to waste. Plus we were spending more than we used to in the grocery store (not a lot more-- just had to spend it to get the quantity) and I wasn't enjoying as much variety.


Back at the local grocery store I picked up a choc treat for myself. 10 carbs (with 9 of them sugar) in the 100 cal dark choc bars from hershey. They're packed as low-cal alt. but I'm going to see if I can use them on an as-needed basis this week as I get past these choc cravings.


We're visiting R.I. next weekend and looking forward to Italian food in Providence... I'm going to have a hard time resisting pizza there... ideas on good choices for me while we're there so I can still enjoy local cuisine? If I can't find something appealing I may let that 1 piece of pizza slide but stay strict about plan the rest of the time.


Also, wanted to add my new treat in on the boards. Dr. Atkins suggested it but I didn't really notice it til I reread the book. My sour cream has 1 carb/2 tbl. I mix 2 tbl sour cream with approx 1 tsp sugar free syrup. It's very tasty-- a bit tart but helps with sweets cravings and at 1 carb if you can tolerate it then it will be a great snack. Enjoy if you haven't tried it already!



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