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Anyone on Atkins?


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Hi Guys! Just checking in this afternoon. I have been doing pretty good, except for Friday. We had a big winter storm and got to leave work early so I went home and made a pot of chili:D The chili is not so bad, but the nacho chips were an no-no. I didn't have much and I still lost a few pounds this week. I have a ton of chicken in the freezer for grilling as soon as this snow melts. Of course there is no law against grilling in the snow;) I want to try that bbq recipe soon, it sounds good.

How's everone this week-end?



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I'm down 0.5 lbs this week!


I'm being really strict at approx 20 total carbs/day... spinach, celery, steak and red wine vinegar with a little goat cheese for one meal, chicken and broccoli with a little soy sauce for another meal, and celery sticks with goat cheese and sour cream and sf syrup for my 3rd meal. I have eggs or almonds if I'm really hungry an hour after lunch. But I'm trying my hardest to stay strict because I realize as I start adding in other foods I get cravings and I haven't isolated the culprits yet. If I can just get down to my goal weight (4.5 more lbs!!!!) I know that I can slowly add the foods I love back in and then decide from there what I should and shouldn't allow and what I can and can't handle.


It's just stressful when induction is so easy and owl/pre-maintenance is such a challenge!

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I just wanted to mention that I avoided girl scout cookies and "mini chocolate bars" (the worst kind, because everyone around you says, oh but look how small they are, and you know if you eat one you might as well eat 200 cause you're already out of ketosis) all night long at work!


I am about to head home and if the scale doesnt move today I am going to be very disappointed. It took a great deal of restraint not to chow down on those cookies!!!!


Happy Monday all...

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Hello Everyone!:)


I've been lurking around this thread for a little over a week. I want to thank everyone for posting some great recipes and tips, Thank you!


I would like to introduce myself....


Hi, my name is Tammy, I am 44-years old (well I will be officially on 3/20:p ), I have been married to my husband Jim for 20 years (been together for 26 years altogether). We do not have kids, but consider our 13-year old German Shepherd mix our child. I enjoy cruising and have been on two cruises with my best friend. This October we have another trip planned only this time our husbands are coming along and two other couples are also joining us. I am looking forward to this cruise but I'm the "big girl" in the group and really want to drop some weight before we go.


Some background info....


I am an ex-Atkins loser, in 2004 I lost 60 lbs. in 5 1/2 months before my first cruise. Unfortunately I did not follow the Atkins maintenance plan and gained back the 60 lbs. and then some!:eek: So as of yesterday (3/9) I am back at it again. I'm not sure how long I will stay on Induction (the first time I was on it for 5 1/2 months and got burned out), but I will definitely pay attention to the warning signs of burn out and move to OWL when necessary. I do not want this weight coming back!


I am truly looking forward to chatting with everyone about losing, sharing recipes, and most importantly supporting each other!


I would like to share a mid-day (or anytime) snack that I make to bring to work.


Ham Roll-Ups


Ham slices (sandwich size/thickness)

Cream Cheese

Green Onion (green part only)


Spread a thin layer of cream cheese on the entire slice of ham. Then cut the green onion to the size of the ham slice, lay along one edge of the ham and then roll up. Cut into bite size pieces and enjoy!

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Hey There!

Ok, well we got through Monday - yay!:D

Pink! - I've wondered sometimes about our Sam's membership - then DH makes a purchase that " the savings paid for the membership - isn't that great!" :rolleyes: LOL! I tend to do about 15 min of splitting up the meats into freezer bags - just to make protions for 4's (so I have leftovers) or 8 when all of the kids are over!

Congrats on the .5 weight loss too! Have a great time in RI!! Darned if DH didn't bring his GS cookies home - I've been taking them to the kids and my friend that I ride horses with! true confession - I had 2. :mad: That's why I'm giving them away!

Jocelyn - How was your weeeknd?!?! I hope you had a wonderful time!

HI Tammy! Welcome!! Wow... you took off 60!?! Then you know about the ups & downs - and if we can be of any help - Be sure to ask!!:D With lots of work and will power - you won't be the big girl on your cruise! What are you doing to exercise? I'm watching the weather to see if this would be a good time to take my bike to work - I have to go over to the main plant at least once a day - and of course where I have to do some work it is on the complete oppisite side of where my office is - about 1.5 mi away - so I'm thinking of riding my bike down there in the mid - morning - - mostly to get my rear end out of my chair and get my heart rate up in the morning.... it's all on a bike path... I need to do something during the day!

Annie! - Hey Girl! Fire up that Grill - it'll melt the snow! :D Congrats on your loss Girl!! woooo hooo! It works, we just have to stay at it!! I went riding on Saturday - that horse has put on 100 lbs this winter! Cleaning up anything that the other horses left behind, that and his polar bear winter coat - it took 2 of us to saddle him up - and! it was like riding a BARREL!! LOL...my knees were really aching on Sunday!

ok... time to relax a bit tonight...see ya's in morning!

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HI Tammy! Welcome!! Wow... you took off 60!?! Then you know about the ups & downs - and if we can be of any help - Be sure to ask!!:D With lots of work and will power - you won't be the big girl on your cruise! What are you doing to exercise?


Hi Jean!


Thanks so much for the warm welcome!:D


For exercise right now I am riding a stationary bike for 30 minutes in the a.m. and everyother day in the p.m. and weight training on the opposite days of biking in the p.m. I was hoping to walk on my treadmill but I have a problem with my left ankle (totally caused by weight gain!:( ), so I need to use the bike until I can get off some weight and hopefully the ankle will stop bothering me.


How nice for you to be able to bike to work, I would love to do that, unfortunately I would probably get hit by a car! We live in the "town" outside of our city and biking to work would mean using the highways, definitely not safe. However when the ankle is feeling better that should be around the same time the weather is nice enough here to walk during my lunch break. Which will give me some great added exercise.


Thanks again for welcoming me here on the thread!

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Hi Jean!


How nice for you to be able to bike to work, !


Hi Tammy! Well, I tried biking to work last summer (4mi ea way) and I totally felt like I had a big red target on my back and some of those drivers were aiming for me!:eek: :mad: :( Then....do to the road condition...it messed up my back & shoulders :( - so...I had to give that up & once the summer was getting just to hot here in the southwest! But, once I'm at work, just past a block from here and I'm on a really nice & smooth bike path, and SAFETY!! whew! Of course now were getting into our windy months so if I don't want to have grit in my eyes & mouth - I have to go early - but it's an idea I've been wanting to try anyway!;)

Good for you on the biking and weights!! That sounds great! One of the threads on here is a 10% loss. And what the challenge was - take your weight and use 10% as your first goal, when that's gone, do another 10%. It was a great challenge and I was like 6 lbs from my first goal and whammo - the holidays and I've yet to get back there - but I just keep the numbers in my mind and when I get back there - The Whole Atkins Cyber Buddies will know!! :D

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Hi Tammy, Welcome to our little loosers club:D Wow 60lbs! Yea, I am one of those yo-yo Atkins people too. I think we know what to do and just haven't made a complete lifestyle change, like SFS. But we have each other:p I keep lurking around too, it helps encourage me.


Jean- good job sticking to two cookies! I had 1/2 a box of Samoas, pre-rediet of course:p Wow 100lbs gain for your horse? Maybe he could join our club? Just kidding, my daughter has horses and they are all thick these days. Every time I ride I get soar, so does that mean I'm burning calories? I could just ride a couple of hours a week instead of exersizing?

I like your bike idea too. I live almost 30 miles from work, so that won't work for me. I do go walking on my lunch break before it gets too hot in the summer.


Pink- you hang in there girl! The last few pounds are always subborn. Who am I talking about? I haven't gotten that close in years:rolleyes: You will make it and stay there.


Joycelyn- how you doin girl? Did you have that wine? That is my BIG weekness, I just have to have a glass when I wind/wine down in the evening.....ahhh.


Karen, gooselace how are ya'll?



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The chocolate brownies have left my kitchen... I'm 2 lbs heavier. :mad: So ashamed. I really do pack on the pounds quickly once I return to white flour, sugar, etc...


STRENGTH BE WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tip: Next time you're having a craving and decide to break the diet, don't let your husband convince you to buy multiple packs (to take advantage of some silly sale) to handle future cravings. I've had such "regular cravings" since that first one because I knew the box was up in the cupboard. Just buy 1 small portion to satisfy the craving and break the diet that day. Lesson learned...:(

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Good Morning!

It's Wednesday - Thank the Lord!! What a crazy time in my office...grr! Oh, well, that's 'work' - right! :rolleyes:

Annie - Go riding with your daughter!! My friend whose pretty slim anyway - always looses 5 lbs when it starts to warm up and she's working with the horses - I asked her why and she said that the only thing that's changed is climbing up and down those beasts....and getting their saddles on and ready to ride! It's all exercise and because I don't do it daily like her - that's why I get sore! I just love being out and riding though! Yeah...Shadow's 100 lbs look better on him then on me!:eek: LOL!!!:D After riding - I feel like I've had a work out! I like it much better then the gym......kinda smell the same though...hehe!! ;) I'd rather be sore from a day riding - then from pulling, pushing, lifting a bunch of stuff in a gym....but that's just me! That's also why I get pretty brown in the summer too!

Pink- Hang in there Girl - you'll get those evil brownie pounds off!! You can do it!

gooselace - What do you do with London Broil? I'm thinking Fajitas - no wrap - just the filling...what do you think?

I'll check on ya's later!

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Hi Tammy, Welcome to our little loosers club:D Wow 60lbs! Yea, I am one of those yo-yo Atkins people too. I think we know what to do and just haven't made a complete lifestyle change, like SFS. But we have each other:p I keep lurking around too, it helps encourage me.Annie:)


Hi Annie,


Thanks for the welcome! Yep, I'm a total yo yoer, UGH!! I'm hoping this time to make it work. I always say, "I will never give up!" I'm hoping to hit that 60 lbs. again, and continue on after that. Only this time I really want to make it to Ongoing Weight Loss and then Maintenance. Definitely a big goal, but I want to think positive about it and succeed.


Thanks so much for your support!:)

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Hi Everyone!


Well I could not resist my scale this morning. My body is feeling pretty good and granted I've only been doing Induction for four full days I just had to get on the scale. I'm glad I did because it definitely gave me that boost to continue on. I lost 2.8 lbs. during my first four days! I'm so excited! Yippee!:D


Just had to share and hope to inspire someone else as other's have inspired me here. Have a great day!:)

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Good job Tammy! A 2.5 loss in just 4 days is great.

I haven't weighed this week; I will wait until Monday....maybe. I am trying not to focus on the scale so much this time. I just want to not feel so big, I don't' realy care how much I weigh. Well, of course I care, just trying not to make that my only goal. I will never be "Barbie"again and I am ok with that. I think we have to be comfortable with who we are.

Keep up the good work girl;)


Gettin' friendly with the grill this week ya'll:)



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You are off to a GREAT start with your journey!! Keep it going Girl!


Thank you sooo much! It's my mini-celebration!


Good job Tammy! A 2.5 loss in just 4 days is great.

I haven't weighed this week; I will wait until Monday....maybe. I am trying not to focus on the scale so much this time. I just want to not feel so big, I don't' realy care how much I weigh. Well, of course I care, just trying not to make that my only goal. I will never be "Barbie"again and I am ok with that. I think we have to be comfortable with who we are.

Keep up the good work girl;)


Gettin' friendly with the grill this week ya'll:)




Thank you for your encouraging words! I typically don't focus on the scale either, but I could feel that "not feel so big" feeling and it was irresistable. And speaking of grills, we fired ours up last night and made hamburgers. For all of you from warmer climates this may sound weird but it was in the low 50's yesterday for the first time this year and we couldn't wait to grill. It's amazing how warm 50 feels when it has been in the 20's & 30's for weeks or would that be months? Either way it felt great to stoke up the grill.


Have a great day everyone!

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Hey Gang!

I am back and I feel like, well Yuck comes to mind.:D Yep, you guessed it, I went totally off plan which included pasta:eek: fries:eek: and bread:eek: :eek: And of course wine (Love it too Annie) I don't know why I do that to myself on vacation.


I wasn't going to get on the scale, but my I couldn't resist (seems to be a pattern with me LOL) and I am up 3. And I decided, again, that this is ridiculous and I have to get a grip and decide what is more important, food that makes me feel gross or me. I don't want to be a yo-yo anymore (that makes me giggle a little since I am a little silly humor wise) Time to really step it up!


Welcome Tammy, great job on the loss.


Pink, don't give up, you are almost there.


Hey Jean, riding to work sounds like fun...and 4 miles to work and 1.5 at work seems like a good amount. I was thinking of how I could get excercise in at work but I don't have a lot of room here and I shiver everytime I think of going outside for a walk. (read: lazy) How's Sadie?


Hey Annie, great going on the loss. Too bad they don't have a SF wine, but I guess it wouldn't be the same.


Hey Gooselace.

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Hey Gang!

I am back and I feel like, well Yuck comes to mind.:D Yep, you guessed it, I went totally off plan which included pasta:eek: fries:eek: and bread:eek: :eek: And of course wine (Love it too Annie) I don't know why I do that to myself on vacation.


I wasn't going to get on the scale, but my I couldn't resist (seems to be a pattern with me LOL) and I am up 3. And I decided, again, that this is ridiculous and I have to get a grip and decide what is more important, food that makes me feel gross or me. I don't want to be a yo-yo anymore (that makes me giggle a little since I am a little silly humor wise) Time to really step it up!


Welcome Tammy, great job on the loss.


Hi Jocelyn,


Thanks so much for the welcome! Count me in as a fellow wine lover. I have a confession, I drank some red wine last night with dinner. I'm hoping it doesn't affect my official weigh-in tomorrow morning. If it does, obviously I deserve it, especially during INDUCTION!!!:rolleyes:


It's a bummer about your gain, but hey, you were on vacation. To me it's almost impossible not to enjoy food during that time. Now that you've returned and you have another vacation in a few months (noticed your ticker), hopefully it will help with motivation. I know that is what has got me going now (even though I don't have a ticker yet) because I'm hoping that by October I will lose enough to fit into my cruise clothes from my first cruise in '04. I just keep trying to remember how good and healthy I felt during that time. Good luck to you!

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Hey There - Happy Friday!! Woo Hoo!

Yuck - it's spring and we don't get rain - we get horrible wind! :mad:

Jocylen: Hey Girl! Wow, sounds like you had a good trip :D - just by the way you feel now! LOL! JK!!! Awww You'll get back on track and see the gain disappear soon! It's warming up outside and I bet you start getting busier and more active! I would but I'd blow over to Texas! :p I just can't bike to work anymore - for the month that I did - it really did a job on my shoulders and back. It sure toned up my legs - but I have arthritis in my hands and back so it really took a toll on my joints, and I gave it up! But I'm thinking the 1.5 mi on the bike path may be more do-able and no so painful! I think I'll see about DH and I taking the bikes in the morning over and doing it together and see what he thinks. I discoverd that Sadie likes tulips - she dug them all up! :mad: didn't eat them..but sure spoiled the color I look for in my garden!

Annie - Tammy - Easy on the grapes.....hehe :p

Well, I hope everyone's WOT is on track of having a good low carb weekend!

See ya on Monday!

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Hey Everyone!!

Happy St Patty's Day!

So the Atkins folks order "just the corned beef please!" LOL? That's what my DH said last night!:D

Anywhooo.... How was everyone's weekend? You all must have been sooo busy! This thread just kind of collects dust on the weekend! Ha!

We had the worst wind this weekend - Saturday evening I decided to do the chore of taking everything out of my closet and sorting it for the Spring to Summer stuff. After 2 hours of saying "But I love that shirt, those are my favorite pants" and "but this is my favorite T-shirt"..... I just had the hardest time getting rid of anything - and I KNOW I have to many shirts! :eek: I used to work for a clothing mfg - stores on every corner, in every Mall - and I got such great deals and employee discounts - and these shirts just wear so great and aren't even faded! So, yesterday afternoon, still 50 mph winds - I continued my closet sorting and my DH would come in every few hours and asked my why I just rotated piles and nothing had changed!! LOL!!! :eek: He was Right! Ha!

Well, I finally got my act together and said - Enough! And started my pile of give aways.... and I made progress! But, I really have more to do! It just tires me out to try on things to see if the still fit. On one hand - if they are to big - out they go! If they are a big to snug - they go in the 'One Day I'll wear these pile" . If they still fit - that says I'm not making progress, but not getting bigger either! :o

So that was my therapy session for a Monday morning! LOL!

What did you guys do?

I'll check back later!

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Hey Jean,

You're so funny, I always look forward to your posts. I try to stay out of my closet at all costs, I limit my time to as long as it takes me to fidure out what I am going to wear in the morning and that's it...Can you tell I really need to get rid of some stuff LOL:D


Today for lunch I had corned beef and cabbage, no potatoes, carrots or soda bread please (my fav) but I told the deli not to even put it in the bag. Then for a snack I had some celery sticks with cream cheese Yum! After re-reading the rules of Induction, I discovered (must of subconciously missed it the first time:D ) that 12 to 15 of my daily carbs are suppose to be coming from veggies:p So I am back on track and planning to join a gym that just opened near my house. I figure maybe that & Ed joining too :D will motivate me to get moving as I am tired of staring at the unused treadmill in my living room. At least the cats have a place to lounge on. I will let you know how it goes.


Have a great St Patrick's Day All!

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Good Morning!


Hi Jocelyn - I guess it's just you n me?:p So we had pork chops for dinner...I don't think that's very Irish...but it was Yummy! LOL! Today will be our first day of a 5 day warming trend outside! YAY! I was outside with Sadie last night and my hands just about froze! Her nose and ears were pretty cool when we came in - but she has ' Go Fetch' down and loves it - - well, that is until I run out of treats or a stick distracts her!:D

I do hope that you and DH enjoy the gym and the time together to do it! DH and I were going, he pushed himself a bit and hurt his arm, we kept going until the memberships expired, and that ended that. I really like being outside doing stuff - more so then the gym - but that's just me. We are talking about some major yard work for the next month, yeah - it makes me ache just thinking about it! LOL!


Where are you....???? Tammy, Pink, Lisa (Aren't you in Tennesse? I'm headed that direction in June! ) (training hard?), Annie, gooselace (is she on a trip?), Donna, Tom (must've fell off the face of the earth), quzmo, SFS ....

And ______ , And ______, And ______ Your supposed to fill your name in the blank if I forgot it! :)

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Hey Jean,

Can you send a bit of that warming trend up North? It is really sunny outside but really cold brrrr:D .


All day yesterday I was looking forward to the new gym that opened near my house, to tell you the truth I'd rather do stuff outside also b/c I get bored easy LOL, but it is so cold out.


Anyway, I was looking forward to the gym and I told DH that since the gym is open late (like til midnight or something) that we could eat dinner 1st then go, he was all for it. So we ate and after he did a few last things for work we left for the gym at 9pm, we pulled into the parking lot and their was not even ONE SPOT LEFT!:eek: Now, their is a dollar tree in the parking lot so I said to myself "please let all these people be in the dollar tree" but they weren't:( I have to tell you that it is a very large gym and you can see inside from the parking lot and just about every machine was being used and their was a line to use most of the weight machines, at 9PM!!! Plus, it looked like a very young crowd, I mean I'm in my 30's and this crowd looked to be in there teen to early 20's. It kinda reminded me of a hangout or something.


So we just kept driving and I went home and got on my treadmill:D I told Ed that for what we would have spent on the gym, we should just get some equiptment at home like a weight bench and some heavier weights for him and an IPOD for me to use on the treadmill. Plus, I have an elipical machine that is in the shed that I can setup. I really didn't want to turn my livingroom into a gym but if that's what it takes to get in shape then I'm ok with it. ;)


Hey everyone, how you all doing?

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Hey Ladies!


Sorry I've been missing in action, my brain has been consumed with the need to purchase 2 vehicles for DH & I. We have been test driving used vehicles for the last 2 weeks and it's getting really old and stressful! We are finding out the hard way that apparently the dealerships in our area no longer "haggle" over the price. What's on the sticker is what you pay, UGH! So our search continues on.....


I had meant to get online Saturday morning to give my official first week on Induction weigh-in and completely forgot about it. The bank called when I was talking to my best friend on the phone from Birmingham, AL and said we could come and sign the paperwork for our home equity loan so I got off the phone, jumped in the shower, and then out the door we went. The car search continues, that was both Saturday and Sunday. So anyway, my first official week on Induction I lost 5.2 lbs. I am soooo excited about that! I'm even more gung ho for this second week now that I've seen such good success. At least I think that was good for the first week, I cannot remember how much I lost the last time around on Induction.


Jean: So sorry to hear that Sadie dug up your tulips, I have that problem with the squirrels. All of sudden I will see a tulip pop up in the yard where there definitely should not be one. I loved the rationalization of your closet re-organizing, very funny! It sounds just like me. I've started a oblong box with different size clothes in them. I even have some that have price tags on them, just waiting for me to lose enough weight to wear them! It is truly good therapy though to go through everything and to get incentive to continue on to hopefully wear them someday.


Jocelyn: You had a perfect Atkins day yesterday! I too had the corned beef and cabbage for dinner. I added potatos for my DH, he's not doing Atkins, he follows the Body for Life program where you eat 6 small meals a day with equal amounts of protein & carbs with 1 tablespoon of fat. It also includes weight training with aerobic activity which really helps me out. He's my workout coach for weight training, I love it! And sorry to hear about your new gym, we have the same problem with those type of gym's in our area. They attract a younger crowd who are there to mostly hangout. I've never gone to a gym because our basement is like a gym. We have a television to watch while on the treadmill, stair stepper or biking. And DH has tons of different weights and two weight benches. He picks them up at rummage sales, I think it's becomming an addiction.


I'm with you guys though, can't wait til the weather warms up so I can do more work outside. Don't remind me of the gardening pain, I've got a lot of work ahead of me in that department this spring! But to me I love gardening and it's very therapeutic.


Tonight I am having dinner with my father & sister, we always get together to celebrate our birthdays (mines on Thursday, I will be 44!), so I just looked at the menu for the restaurant we're going to, it's Italian. I found an unbreaded Chicken Parmigiana with a side salad or a large Italian salad with pepperoni on it. Not sure which I will pick but I do know I will be missing that pizza! Maybe I will scrape of the top just to get that flavor, mmm, mmm, mmm!


Have a great day everyone and I will try to get online more often!

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Tammy - glad to "meet" you - congratulations on your great start and determination. And to those who are are stalled or have put back a few lbs. a week or two back on the induction plan can kick-start your system. Especially if you keep up the exercise you're getting - at least when the weather cooperates.


Rumors to the contrary, I'm not on a cruise, but have been spending lots of time trying to settle on one for this fall. My cruisin' buddy and I had decided on the Mediterranean and usually cruise on HAL or Princess, but the dollar-to-euro ratio and high airfares are making us look at other lines. Spending so much money to get to the ship, it doesn't make sense to take a 7 day cruise, the good 10 days are mostly sold out of balcony cabins, and anything longer, considering the cost of shore excursions, etc., is over my friend's budget, not to mention my DH's solo time limit. Our sink isn't big enough to hold two week's worth of dishes.


Anyone who's been - how's the food on Carnival or RCI? HAL has been so good about accommodating my diet. "No sugar added" desserts and sf ice cream available at every meal. Plenty of delicous meat entrees. Costa has some good prices in the Med - cruised with them once in my pre weight gain days and well remember all the great pasta dishes and fabulous sweet desserts. Talk about irresistable! Can't risk that again.

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