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Hey ... achoo! All....achoo!! sniff sniff - Ok get it? Allergies are sooo bad right now! Hold on a second, need to get a tissue and rub my eyes so I can see the computer screen!:(


Tammy - Did you guys finally decide on a car? We've been shopping around for a few months now and finally found the travel trailer that we've wanted! And for 1/2 price! :D But when you add everything else all together - holy cow- it's a good thing we started off so low! But now we'll be pulling the trailer and taking off to the lake with the kids - in comfort! ;)

Busy day - but had to stop in and catch up with my low carb buddies!

Have a great day!


So sorry to hear about the allergies, keep those Kleenex near, your computer screen will need them, ha, ha, ha:p


Yes we did decide on a car! We were supposed to test drive it on Friday afternoon when I had a vacation day, unfortunately 15 inches of snow kept us home and off the roads. I heard it was terrible out on the roads that day, many co-workers complaining it took them over an hour to get home with a drive that should take 20 minutes!:eek:


We went Saturday morning and test drove a black '07 Escape with 30,000 miles and a red '06 Escape with 23,000 miles. I chose the red one more so because of the color, she's beautiful, but also the interior is a tan color so it will not be so hot to get into during the summer months (my old one has black interior)! I'm so glad to have it and my DH decided to keep the old '01 Escape for himself. Which worked out perfectly because we can use the extra money from the home equity loan to do home improvements that are greatly needed.


We have lived in our current home for 10 years now and have only done minor improvements. This past Sunday we went to Home Depot and bought a new kitchen sink & faucet, a ceiling fan for the dining room (I didn't want one there but DH insisted because that room gets no circulation during the summer months. And a new fan for our bedroom, which I wanted because there are those balmy summer nights where it is cool outside but there is no wind, so we don't get circulation in the room. I hate to put the air on if I don't have to.


Next we will buy some new flooring for the kitchen, carpet for the living room and towards the end of spring/beginning of summer my dad is going to pour a concrete patio for us. He's in the business and can get us a discount on the concrete.


Have a great day!

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I love Butter Pecan Ice Cream, I guess I never realized that Breyer's had a no sugar added version. That will be something I can check out after my induction or maybe I should wait until my ongoing maintenance at the rate I'm going!:rolleyes:


Probably best to wait for maintenance, a special occasion, or a family gathering, unless you can find it in a smaller size. Only sold in half gallons here - way too temping, so I don't keep it in the fridge freezer, but in the basement one. BTW, It called Breyer's Double Churn No Sugar Added, and there is also a double chocolate one for the chocoholics. Don't have the carton in front of me - fortunately;) - but think they are both about 6 carbs per half-cup serving. I've served it at parties and no one knew it was sugar free.

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Good evening Atkins buddies!


Tammy-good news about the vehicle....I would rather open a vein than shop for a car. My jeep is a 1999 with 230K miles:eek: I plan to make it to 300K before I even think of shopping.

The home improvements sound like my "cup of tea" I am allways doing something around my house. The patio sounds like a nice place to enjoy a glass of wine in the evening:p


Gooselace & Jean- I hope ya'll get better real soon. At least you didn't splurge Easter like the rest of us.


Jean- No I haven't heard from Lisa since we last posted-last fall? I know it has been a long time. I hope she is doing ok. She sure looked good in her formal.

I wonder how Tom is doing.

Pink-Joycelyn and anybody I missed....hello!


I hope everyone has a good week.



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Hi everyone!


I'm still around...I read the posts...but I haven't been faithful, so I've had nothing to post.:o


Very busy times around here, but I have managed to finally get back on track with my eating this week. Training not so good, but I still could make the triathlon.


Jean & Jocelyn, thanks for asking about me!


Annie ~ if I do the tri, it will be in your neck of the woods...maybe you can come watch for a bit!


Hi to everyone, good to see you Pink! Gooselace, you are the royal of the board!


Have a great day everyone!

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Hey there Lisa! glad you are still around!

I haven't been so faithful myself (but what else is new) A triathalon you say? Tell me more! I am not exactly a fitness goddess, so I wouldn't know about such an event. Will it be on the military base?

I did ok today until the two glasses of wine at Chilis tonight, hey it's two for one, what is a girl to do?


I will be back tomorrow.



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So jeans were fitting a lot better this morning - decided to see what the scale said so took everything off, again :p , down 4 from Sunday!! yiiippee! Must have been all of that shoveling rock this week while preparing the side of our house for the trailer we pick up tomorrow! A bath for Sadie and even a short walk....I sure didn't have any problem sleeping last night! LOL !!

Last weekend I picked up some "Aoulette" spread for some celery sticks on Sunday. 1 carb = 2 Tbl I got the garlic & herb spread. I think this was a little bit expensive (6.00) for a tub - but holy moley...it's pretty good and with the celery I get the CRUNCH that I need in the afternoons! Get a nice crisp celery stick, measure 2 Tbls for a spread and I think you'll see...It's enough to actually go on 2 celery sticks! :) If you don't like celery...well, pick something else that you like and put a lil'spread on it! My DH tried it, and said he liked the fact that it is low carb - but tastes like your cheating! There are other flavors too!

Lisa girl - I thought you might still be peeking in on here...but I sure like seeing your black Lab pop up and hear that your doing ok! You go with the Triathlon!

Annie - Chili's is one place that is eaaassy to get off track at ! I'm speaking from experience here, now! :o But take it a day at a time and shovel rock...it seems to help! lol!

Tammy, gooselace, pink, jocelyn......happy friday and have a great weekend!

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Monday! It's already Monday!

Whewww! Where'd that weekend go?

I was a pretty good girl over the weekend - surprised me! But I'm really wanting to work on these extra pounds before we leave on our trip - so I'm trying - really I am! :o Picked up the camper - been working on that this weekend. I'm not sure the 3 big steps up into it count as a stair stepper - :p - but I sure was up and down a lot going in and out of it! LOL!!

Ok, How's everyone doing this week!?!

Donna- You came to mind over the weekend! - How are you doing girl? Long time no post - hopefully some of that snow is starting to disappear?

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Good evening Atkins buddies!


Tammy-good news about the vehicle....I would rather open a vein than shop for a car. My jeep is a 1999 with 230K miles:eek: I plan to make it to 300K before I even think of shopping.

The home improvements sound like my "cup of tea" I am allways doing something around my house. The patio sounds like a nice place to enjoy a glass of wine in the evening.


Wow, that's a lot of miles on that Jeep. Not sure what the life expectency is on the Escape, but I'm hoping it lasts as long as your Jeep! I love doing home improvements also. Yesterday I was watching the HGTV and had a great idea about repainting my kitchen, DH was not too jazzed about it but I'm sure he will come around. And yes, the patio will be perfect to enjoy on a nice summer evening with a glass of wine!;)


Hi everyone!


Very busy times around here, but I have managed to finally get back on track with my eating this week. Training not so good, but I still could make the triathlon.


Hola! Nice to meet you Rocknsoul! Wow, a triathlon, very cool! I would love to give that a try someday, now if I could just get my butt moving!:rolleyes:



So jeans were fitting a lot better this morning - decided to see what the scale said so took everything off, again, down 4 from Sunday!! yiiippee!


Last weekend I picked up some "Aoulette" spread for some celery sticks on Sunday. 1 carb = 2 Tbl I got the garlic & herb spread. I think this was a little bit expensive (6.00) for a tub - but holy moley...it's pretty good and with the celery I get the CRUNCH that I need in the afternoons! Get a nice crisp celery stick, measure 2 Tbls for a spread and I think you'll see...It's enough to actually go on 2 celery sticks!


CONGRATS ON THE WEIGHT LOSS!!!:D There's nothing like having those jeans fit better, keep up the good work!


Thanks for the tips on the aoulette, sounds really good and I love celery!


So sorry I've been MIA again. My co-worker was off last week (spring break) so I was swamped here at work and did not get online the entire week! And last Thursday I stepped on the scale hoping for a weight loss (I had lost 1.7, which is good!), but I was for some reason thinking it wasn't (I guess I really wasn't thinking!:confused: ) and decided to have a sapphire & tonic and then blew it the rest of the weekend. I am really struggling with staying on track and cannot figure out why. I'm back on track this week though and hoping to make a complete week for once! Please send strength thoughts my way, I need all the positive energy I can get. I MUST STAY ON TRACK!!


Thanks for listening everyone! Have a great day!

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Almost to Friday!

It's been a really busy week - and I'm shocked to see that we are so close to the weekend already! YAY!:)


Tammy - Hang in there Girl - you've been doing really good! I think we all tend to have a week moment for something that we don't have very often - but the important thing is to get focused again and keep on with your WOE & WOEX! Even with home remodeling - by the way, how's that going? You need to take the time to get your heart rate up a bit - what are you doing for exercise?


Hey....there's a lot of you out there that hasn't posted in a long time! How are ya doing?:confused:

Annie, Pink, Jocelyn, Donna, gooselace.....where'd everyone go?


Spring time usually means more time outside - what's your plans for the weekend? We are going on our 'maiden voyage' taking the trailer to Cochiti Lake and then on up to Santa Fe for the day. We hope to find a pull through spot - we're still working on that backing up skill :eek: ! LOL!

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Tammy - Hang in there Girl - you've been doing really good! I think we all tend to have a week moment for something that we don't have very often - but the important thing is to get focused again and keep on with your WOE & WOEX! Even with home remodeling - by the way, how's that going? You need to take the time to get your heart rate up a bit - what are you doing for exercise?


Spring time usually means more time outside - what's your plans for the weekend? We are going on our 'maiden voyage' taking the trailer to Cochiti Lake and then on up to Santa Fe for the day. We hope to find a pull through spot - we're still working on that backing up skill :eek: ! LOL!


Hey Jean!


Thanks so much for your words of encouragement, I'll get this nipped in the bud sooner or later. Like you said, with spring it means it's time to get outside and get active! I have not been dedicated to my exercise yet, but have been walking the dog short distances, more for her than me since she's an old girl (13 in May, her name is Veda and she's a german shepherd/golden retriever mix). She's got arthritis in her hips and it's good to get her out and about.


And as soon as the weather warms up some more we will be able to start painting the exterior of the house. And then I can also start planting flowers and getting the vegetable garden planted, I just love gardening! And my first flowers of the season have started blooming, my snow crocus and my tulips have popped too. Yea, spring is on it's way in Wisconsin!:D


We have no particular plans for the weekend other than doing some spring cleaning (take down curtains throughtout the house & wash, iron & rehang) and starting some of our remodeling. DH will be installing the new kitchen sink, faucet & disposal. And I would like to head to Home Depot again and get some paint swatches. We'll see where that takes us for next weekend!


Your plans sound great, I would love to go to Santa Fe! Good luck on your "maiden voyage"!


Have a great day!

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Hi Gang,

Sorry I haven't been on line in a few days but I have been making some changes to my future cruises. I now have the Liberty on hold for Sept in stead of the Dawn. I am sure NCL is nice, but the Liberty looks amazing:)


I am still on track with my WOE and I am officially back to the weight I was b4 my little Newport pigout:D So I am happy. I have to catch up on the posts and will write more later. TTFN

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OK, all caught up. I was getting serious withdrawls from not talkin to you all on a regular basis:D


So DH finally hauled my eliptical machine out of the shed and I got on it Tues b4 the Yankee game (it was rained out Mon). So I say to myself ok, just 1/2 hr to start and you'll be fine. So I do the 1/2 hour, and it was really hard, it makes the treadmill seem like a cake walk. After the half hour I am only at 1.4miles:eek: I say to myself, self you at least have to do 2 miles, you can do 3 in 45min on the treadmill. So on I go, needless to say I now know what the meaning is of "working your buns off" OUCH! I worked muscles that I didn't even know I had.:D All I can say is good thing our seats at the stadium are on the main level b/c I don't think I would have made it. LOL


We have another game this weekend so that takes up at least one of my Sundays a month. I enjoy going to the games, but it is a little exausting, DH like to bring everything including the kitchen sink to tailgate. LOL


Hey Jean, how you doing? Did you ever find your Ipod, or does Sadie have a new toy? Great job on being down 4 YEY!!!


Hope you are feeling better Gooselace.


Annie, you go girl 8.8 AWESOME!!!!


Hey Lisa, great to hear from you, good luck with the triathalon.


Hey Tammy, stick with it, you can do it, and believe me I know from experience, the back slide is not worth it.


Hey Pink.

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Happppy Friday! It's been a pretty fast week! yay!

D&A -Welcome! - You can use half & half - however, look at the carb count - if you use heavy cream, it is lower (none, I think) in carbs - and that is what I use. Is it for your coffee? - Try the heavy cream. Compare carb counts on both items.

Joceyln - Hey - Yankee fan! :p We are baseball nuts too - but we don't have a pro team so we support the farm team here for the Marlins. I played Women's softball for years and my DS grew up with Little League etc.... But we love a nice summer night at the ball park! You crack me up! First time on and you do miles :eek: on a stair stepper!! LOL! Oh Girl! Our first cruise was the Valor, my DD did the Liberty last year and said they are exactly the same - and we had a wonderful time! No iPod, or the remains of one anywhere - so maybe it is in such a safe place that neither me or Sadie can find it!

Tammy- Oh, how sweet Veda must be! Those older dogs need to get out a bit too...so glad she is letting you come too! ;) I've decided flowers are a thing of the past in my yard, unless they are in barrels or planters - which I'm getting some this weekend and will do some transplanting of my favorites. I love bulb flowers.....I bet your yard looks so great! And I need to do my curtains this spring to!

Ok, low carbers....carry on! All weekend! See ya's on Monday!

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Hi Everyone it's been a long time!


I'm sorry I haven't posted, truthfully I been doing so awful since I got home from my cruise Feb that I've been too ashamed to come talk.


I got so sick after coming home, the flu, then an ear infection, and lately a sinus infection. My DSIL had pneumonia ( I share a home with them) and my grandsons and DD have had sinus infections also, and strep. So... I pretty much been eating what ever my emotions wanted. So the 4 lbs I gained on my cruise has escalted into a total of 8.:(


But I'm hoping to get back on track, I know talking with all of you really helps me. I want to read all the posts I've missed. Jean thanks for always looking for me! It has been a miserable winter here in Maine. We are still in the grips of snow. Only a few bare patches. We had so much snow that our bankings are still sky high! But I'm hoping nice weather will bring a brighter outlook for myself and others too!


Have booked a TA cruise in Feb 09 on the Celebrity Equinox. Sailing out of Rome! It will be my first time in Europe!


Will check in with all again very soon, I promise. Thanks for being here for me and everyone!



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Glad to see you back Donna - and glad to be back myself. Have not been on a cruise, haven't even decided on one, but have been sick with some sort of Kleenex-dependent infection. Only good thing about it, no appetite so have dropped a few lbs. Only thing that had any appeal was the Breyer's sugarfree butter pecan ice cream - especially after a friend brought me a jar of Smuckers sugar free caramel sauce to go with it. SO GOOD.


I'm going to have to put that away for special occasions now that I have some appetite back. Tomorrow I'm planning to make lamb chops with grilled asparagus to celebrate my recovery. My DH finally finished the last of the Easter ham after I made the scraps into ham salad. Don't think he'll want ham again until next year!


Hope everyone is staying well and staying low-carb.

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Hi gang,


Quick post...we just bought a house & are making some changes to it before we move in, which will hopefully be sometime next week.


SHOCKINGLY, with all the busy-ness, I have been very good with my WOE & have lost four of the pounds I've gained back since before my cruise last Sept. Only 14 more to go.:p


I had a minor slip up at Backyard Burger yesterday...I had bought myself a good lunch at Taco Bell but ended up giving it to a friend who's helping with the house, and before I knew it I was eating a BYB combo...I only meant to eat the meat & veggies on the burger. It was like I was in a trance or something!:o But I decided not to throw in the towel for the day, and I got right back on track.


Hope y'all had a good weekend!


P.S. Jean, it's my Great Dane in my avatar...;) The floppy ears probably threw you off...:D

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Hey Donna,

Glad to see you back and posting. And please know, no one will EVER judge you here, esp not me, I have been the slip-up queen in the past. I was talking to my mom about my trip to Newport last month and how it took me 3 full weeks to undo the damage I did in 3 days:eek:


Hey Lisa, CONGRATS ON THE NEW HOUSE!!!!! That's wonderful! And congrats on the loss


Hey Gooselace, glad to hear that you are feeling better and I think my new goal is to get to my goal weight so I can eat that yummy icecream mmmm:D


Hey Jean how you doin'? I thought of you the other night when I was watching the food network, I don't know why I do torture myself, but anyway, It was Throw Down with Bobby Flay and they were having a puffy taco throwdown in New Mexico. (I know, long story all for the New Mexico reference:D ) but I was thinking how great the mexican food must be, esp the fajitas yumm.


Hey Tammy & Pink, what's up?

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Hey Kiddos!

Haven't had a crummy Monday in Months....well this was it! Work is crazy! Anyway, we're watching a little basketball...something about a couple of college teams going at it for...I dunno...some championship or somthing.:p LOL!!! And I brought work home to do while we're watching it!

Donna girl- You are with friends! Right now it is currently a bunch of girlfriends...where are the Atkins guys? Anyway, you come sit down here with us and know that we totally understand - but also want to encourage you to just get re-focused - as we have to now and then! You'll start feeling better and then that energy comes back - you'll feel it, and until your ready to - don't stay away from the boards!

Annie...Haven't heard from you in awhile - need to come sit with us a bit?

Lisa - A Great Dane!?! yeah...that was it , the floppy ears threw me off from knowng he was a Great Dane!! hehe! He's cute! Sadie and I were out on our walk tonight - this gal comes by with a 12 week old English Mastif puppy - holey moley was he cute! A New House! Awesome! And I hear that it has Tons of space!;)

New house, moving, packing....you gotta be at a high energy level right now, for sure! Good job on your WOE at such a crazy time!

gooselace - I'm glad your feeling better! I'm pretending that I haven't read about your yummy ice cream...ooo...a weekness of mine! I need to be good since our trip isn't to far away!

Pink, Tammy! How was your weekend?

Ok....more BB and work!

Check on you tomorrow!


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Good Morning!

Jocelyn: - Hey Girl! Was the puffy taco the same as the Indian Taco? Did they take a dough that was like bread, deep fry it in hot oil and then put all kinds of great toppings on it, smothered in red or green chili?....LOL! You'd have to try one to really understand how all of those flavors just light up your mouth! :D And the fajitias!...oh yeah...now were talking! yumm!


All of this talk of food makes me hungry...I'm going to heat up my breakfast now! Leftovers!;)

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Quick post...we just bought a house & are making some changes to it before we move in, which will hopefully be sometime next week.


SHOCKINGLY, with all the busy-ness, I have been very good with my WOE & have lost four of the pounds I've gained back since before my cruise last Sept. Only 14 more to go.



Good luck on the new house, how nice to able to make some changes before moving. It sure makes it a lot easier without all the furniture in the way! And way to go on those 4 pounds, you'll reach that 14 in no time!


Hey Tammy & Pink, what's up?


Hi Jocelyn,

I'm hangin' in there. Still have not buckled down with Induction, but working my way towards it. My mantra is, I will never give up! By the way, congrats on making to your b4 weight! Way to go!


Tammy! How was your weekend?[/font]


Hi Jean, I had a good weekend. DH installed my new kitchen sink and faucet, it looks so nice! And Sunday he tore out an old ceiling fan in the dining room that had terrible wiring, and a really bad patch job that they covered with one of those decorative ceiling covers that are used around light fixtures. Not sure how else to describe it. But he completed the "proper" wiring and then last night he put up new drywall and started patching that the "correct" way. I can't wait to get the new fan & light fixture up. Next up, a new ceiling fan for our bedroom.

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Hola Everyone!


Happy Hump Day! We are almost halfway through the work week and looking forward to the weekend, at least I am anyway.:p Made a deal with DH that on Sunday, April 13th we are going to buckle down and make our eating programs work. It is not a good thing when each day (& week) goes by that I keep telling myself I am starting Induction again and then do not succeed. So we are ready to really kick this thing into gear and make it happen.


I hope you are all doing well and having a good week!:)

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It's been awhile since I posted and I wanted to drop in and say "Hi" to everyone. I see some new people are trying the Atkins WOE. I am still plugging along. I have now lost a total of 86 pounds. I feel like a new person. I still have a long way to go, but I think I'll get there. :rolleyes: Progress has been a little slower these days, but I haven't exactly been 100% either, so I am excited to just maintain or lose an occasional pound.

We, too, have recently bought a house and hope to close next week and move over the weekend, so that has been some stress and packing has been my excuse for not cooking!! LOL It is so much easier to stick with WOE if you prepare your own food so you know what's in there!!! Once we get moved I want to go back to induction for a few days and see if I can't drop a few more pounds before our Alaska cruise.

Miss you guys and your encouragement. Hope to get back in the swing of checking in here more often, too. Take care you losers!!! ;)


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Good Morning!

Well, we had some rain yesterday - it's only been 45 days since our last rain storm! It's been so nice to have some of that pollen cleared out! When I took Sadie out last night for her last trip before bed, she was running up and down the yard with her mouth open 'catching' the rain - crazy dog - then she came in wet and I had to dry her off! It was pretty funny though!

So this morning I have had my 2 sausage patties, kind of crispy on the out side...that's the way I like 'em! :p Hot tea in my cup and just had to stop in to visit a minute before I get to busy for the day!

Swansonia!! Hey Girl! So good to see you dropping in! You have done really well and I bet you and Lisa could have some great 'moving into the new house' stories!

I'll look forward to seeing you around more often!

I'm really excited for the new homeowners on this board, I've been in the same house for 22 years! But since we remodeled in 06 - I just love my home and don't want to move!

Tammy: If you and your DH can do induction together - it's so much easier!

Jocelyn: - How's that Hoola Hoop, stair climber and treadmill humming these days? That's quite a gym you've got! :) So, what have you been up to? If you don't post for a few days I wonder what your up too! lol!

Lisa: I bet your one busy girl this week!

gooselace: Do you cook London Broil steaks? If so, what's your favorite way of doing it?

Donna: How ya doing girl? There is snow on the mountain this morning - and it should be 70 by the weekend - spring has sprung!

Our little fridge here in the office went out yesterday. :mad: I had some quick lunch leftovers in the freezer for my really busy, eat at my desk days...all went bad. grrrr Back to packing in the morning.

Ok..that's about it from me! I'll check in on ya's later! Have a great day!

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Hey Gang,

I'm still here, just been a little hectic, but when isn't it:D . We celebrated our wedding anniversary this Tues. Seven years:D We took the train into the city and had wine and cheese for lunch then we had dinner at the French Culinary Institutes' Resatuarant. If you are ever in NYC you have to go, it is EXCELLENT! So besides the wine I had one little slip-up and it was Creme Brulee, my absolute fav! But I guess with all the walking we did in Manhattan plus my reg workouts, I maintained this week. YIPEE!!!! We are enjoying 70 degree weather and I just love it!


Hey Jean, I am still hoola hooping and I have to tell you that my whole workout goes by so much faster now that I have an Ipod. Thanks for the suggestion. Sadie sounds like a lot of fun.:)


Hi Karen, glad to see you back posting. All I have to say is WOW, 86 lbs that is excellent. And congrats on the new home.


Hey Tammy, It was def easier when Ed started doing Atkins with me. He is at a different level than me, he didn't need to lose (but did anyway grrrr:D ) but we still eat the same meals, he just adds more veg and he eats nuts & berries etc.


This Sunday we have a birthday party and we are going to see all of our good friends, some we haven't seen in almost 6 months. Can't wait but I will stay strong, I don't think I want to chance another cheat b4 the cruise;)

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