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Anyone on Atkins?


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Jocelyn:...I guess I'm a bit slow :o - but you leave on your Cruise the day after we get back from Scotland! We fly home on the 30th! That is if American Airlines is letting their planes take off to the blue skies! :rolleyes: What city are you departing from? I miss my iPod :( tear..... I think I'm going to have to break down and buy a new one before the trip. But I know when I do the lost one will show up - I guess I'll just keep it here at work when it does!

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Jocelyn:...I guess I'm a bit slow :o - but you leave on your Cruise the day after we get back from Scotland! We fly home on the 30th! That is if American Airlines is letting their planes take off to the blue skies! :rolleyes: What city are you departing from? I miss my iPod :( tear..... I think I'm going to have to break down and buy a new one before the trip. But I know when I do the lost one will show up - I guess I'll just keep it here at work when it does!

Hey Jean,

I didn't realize you were leaving so soon. I always wanted to go to Scotland, I have a thing for a man with a A Scottish accent and wearing a kilt;) .


I hope that American will be flying soon also, I have a feeling they are getting their issues resolved all at once with all of the massive delays. I heard that other airlines may be affected soon too. We are flying Jet Blue out of LaGuardia (NY), I don't think Jet Blue has any MD-80's (like I would even know one if I saw one LOL:D ) but you never know what the FAA will make them do now that they are undre the microscope.


Did you check to see what type of aircraft you are flying on? Their is a whole thread about people being nervous on the RCCL boards, one lady even had her flight on Friday cancelled but was able to book another flight. I know they are doing it for our safety but man, don't we have enough stuff to worry about when flying? Like trying to get all 3 oz bottles :D LOL


I just typed all of the above then I don't know what I pressed but it was gone, I better submit this b4 I lose it again. LOL Good luck with the IPOD search.

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Happy Friday Everyone!

So the little fridge here at work broke, I had a few good low carb items in the freezer for those attacks that happen and I wanted to be prepared - ugh Had to throw them out. :mad: We'll get another one - but not until next week.

gooselace - I'm thinking of making a couple of batches of the pecan's that we all loved during the holidays! The spicy ones too!

I thought what a great snack for when we're camping!

How much do you make in a batch, again (4 Cups?) ? And if they were in an air tight container - how long do you think they'd last?

jocelyn - Girl !! I forgot to say congrats on your Anniversary - and it sounds like a terrific day just together - enjoying the time! Perrrffect! ;)

Tammy, Donna, Pink, Lisa, Annie, & everyone else! - Have a great weekend - Don't forget to pop in and say Hi!

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Oh Jean,

I almost forgot about those delicious spicy nuts:eek: . That stinks about the fridge at work, and you have to wait until next week for a new fridge, well TGIF and hopfully when they say next week they mean Monday;) :)

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Happy Monday everyone!

I'm actually glad to be at work today....I need to rest up here from all of the work we did around the house this weekend! :eek: Tons of spring yard work for us! We did some re-seeding in the yard, transplanting plants, picked up 3 big whiskey barrels and put the plants in those! Lots more of this and that...enough that I'm sporting a blister on my thumb this morning and wow! does that lotion sting! LOL!

Went to our favorite BBQ spot that is really Atkins friendly for lunch yesterday.

They smoke their meat and it's really good! Some great coleslaw with it, some ice tea and there was lunch! :p

So how was everyone else's weekend?

It's a great time to be outside here for the next few weeks before it starts getting really hot in the day time!

Catch everyone a bit later in the day!

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Hey Jean,

glad to hear you had a great weekend, with lots of fun gardening, sounds like a great workout. I wish we had a good BBQ place around here. All the places I checked out so far either use a rub that contains sugar, or just use straight BBQ sauce. Has the new fridge arrived yet?


So Sat we had the sausage sauce with eggplant for dinner, but instead of using ground sausage, we used ground chicken and added fennel to make it taste like sausage (why? b/c I find sausage too salty sometimes) anyway, it wasn't as good as with the sausage:rolleyes: Maybe next time I'll try it with ground beef?


Then Sunday we went to a bday party for my friends' children, they had the party for them together since they were only born 2 days apart. Ed & I did really well, I think in part b/c we stopped at Chili's b4 the party and split the fajita trio sans tortilla's. Then at the party we had meatballs and some pork. Eating b4 hand really helped. Besides that I just had 2 glasses of wine. So hopefully the scale will be good to me this Thurs (picture me crossing my fingers and working out like a fiend until Thurs:D )


That's really all that's going on up here. It is supposed to get up in the 70's (YEAH!!!) by the end of the week, can't wait. Enjoy your day everyone!

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jocelyn: No Fridge:mad: - so I packed my lunch in a cold thermal lunch bag. I'm hoping to get one by Wed or so. It really helps me to to keep on track when I bring my own stuff to work. Once a week I'm usually out doing errands for the office, so I'll pick up some lunch - but packing it at home - helps me Not to be so tempted with the wrong foods!


Do any of the rest of you pack your lunches? Leftovers, or what do you usually take?


Is the sausage sauce - the cream cheese, sausage & rotel together? Is that the sauce your talking about?


Yumm Chili's! Did you see Annie there? LOL Just kidding, Annie! Ha!

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jocelyn: No Fridge:mad: - so I packed my lunch in a cold thermal lunch bag. I'm hoping to get one by Wed or so. It really helps me to to keep on track when I bring my own stuff to work. Once a week I'm usually out doing errands for the office, so I'll pick up some lunch - but packing it at home - helps me Not to be so tempted with the wrong foods!


Do any of the rest of you pack your lunches? Leftovers, or what do you usually take?


Is the sausage sauce - the cream cheese, sausage & rotel together? Is that the sauce your talking about?


Yumm Chili's! Did you see Annie there? LOL Just kidding, Annie! Ha!


Hey Jean,

No, that's not the sausage sauce I was talking about, but that sounds good!!! Do you have the recipe, anything with cream cheese and sausage has to be good:D


The sauce I was talking about was the eggplant parm and sausage sauce that I posted not to long ago, just wanted to let you all know that it just wasn't quite the same with the ground chicken. Guess that's what I get for trying to be "healthier" LOL:D .


As far as lunch, I usually hope that Ed left something for me to take LOL:D , he leaves b4 I do. I am pretty tired of the choices or lack of with the places for takeout around my work, so I usually try to bring something.


Ohhhh Chili's, I just love that place, and they are really good about changing out items and there Non Sweetened Ice Tea is delish with lemon and Splenda YUMM!

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jocelyn: I'll get that sausage receipe from my sister that made it when they were all here for Christmas. I think she gets the Jimmy Dean hot sausage, browns it, drains it and then adds a can of Rotel - then 8oz of cream cheese - all on low heat until melted together. HOLY MOLEY :eek: it was sooo good, but hot! - but that's when I allowed myself a hand of tortilla chips to dip with. Trying to stay away from the chips....but the dip is great! I need to find a low carb something that is good for having that dip with! That might be a favorite you could take to your tailgate parties!?! I saw where they dug up the Red Sox jersey, thought of you!


We can't be the only ones that were awake today - were we? LOL!

Where is everyone?

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Hey Everyone!


Just wanted to stop in quick and say Hi!:) Been really busy here at work and the home improvements are continuing on our home. Started Induction again and am sticking to it. I will keep you guys posted when I get a chance to pop in again. We are actually supposed to reach the 60's today, I'm so excited, I think spring is actually here in Wisconsin, I can finally start digging in the dirt! I'm so excited about planting lots of perennials & annuals this year.


I hope everyone has a great week!

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Wow..this afternoon is flying by!


Jocelyn: Here's her recipe

Brown 1 lb. of Jimmy Dean Hot Sausage, drain the grease and add 2 of the small pkgs. of Philadelphia Cream Cheese add 1 can of the Rotel tomatoes with chili. Salt and Pepper and chill. :)


Ok, lots to do - catch ya later!

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Hey Jocelyn!


Come Sunday, it's a Southwestern-style battle for cooking supremacy at television's Kitchen Stadium. And throwing down the culinary gauntlet will be none other than Santa Fe's own Martin Rios, who goes head to head with New Yorker Bobby Flay on The Food Network's "Iron Chef America" program

Just Had to tell Ya!!......Boy can this guy cook!

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Hey Jean,

Thanks for the recipe, sounds mmmm good!:D I'll have to take that to the game on the 4th. Can you believe that construction worker buried that jersey!!!!:eek: :mad: Unbeliveable! Then they dug it up, ummm not too supersticious (sp?) huh:D . I'll be sure to watch that Iron Chef on Sunday. I like I ron Chef America, but I really loved the original Iron Chef, wish they would bring that show back, even if it was just re-runs.


Hey Tammy, glad to see you are still here, did DH start doing Atkins also?


Hey Annie, where are you?


Hey Lisa and Karen, how are the new homes coming along?


Hi to everyone else that I missed.

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Good Morning!

I'm really glad it's Thursday! Bit of a winter storm coming through so it's pretty cool and cloudy out, with snow in the mountains.

Last night some girlfriends wanted to go out to eat at a place in town, I'd never been before and it was a Greek Resturant. Now I'm all for trying new foods, but I couldn't tell you what more then 1/2 of the things on the menu were! :confused: But we decided to do Family style and so we ordered 2 combination platters and a big salad to share around. I will say that most of it tasted pretty good....but I felt really bloated after eating ! :( BLAW!! I know it was because there was some of the pasta stuff, puff pastries with spinich stuff in them (which I did like) , but I'm glad I had a good portion of the salad to start with.

But now my tummy has been working through all of this strange (for me) food and I need a big cup of hot tea this morning!

What about you guys....what is the low carb Greek food items I should have been looking to order - for myself?

Have a great day All!!

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Good Morning Everyone!


Things are slowing down here at work so I'm taking this time to post.


Jocelyn: No, DH is not doing Atkins in the sense that I am. I am following Induction strictly and making what I need to eat for me and he eats the same thing. However, if he wants a carb with his meal like potatos or rice he needs to make it for himself. He's fine with that, and sometimes chooses not to make a carb so he is having a low carb meal.


His program of choice is the Body for Life plan. We recently ordered some products from on online company that sells protein drinks & snacks. I was able to order a couple boxes of the Atkins Cinnamon bars for breakfast. But I cannot live alone on the Atkins drinks or the breakfast bars, it just does not seem like enough food to keep my body going in the morning. I feel like I'm not eating enough to keep my energy level up. Or maybe I'm just starting to feel that change over into ketosis right now?


I have been drinking an Atkins drink for breakfast around 6:00 and have been making scrambled eggs with sausage or bacon and mushrooms for a mid morning meal, that seems to be helping with the energy problem. Then it's a salad for lunch, an Atkins bar for a snack and then whatever I have planned for the evening meal. I've been tracking my intake of carbs and have not gone over 20 net carbs this week at all, my highest was 17 so far. I'm determined to stick with this for the long haul, it's just getting used to eating this way and finding foods that work for me. I went into Sugar Free Sheila's website and am debating on purchasing a recipe book. Anyone else order through her?


I just want to say thanks so much to everyone for their support, and advice!


Have a great day!:)

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Hey Gang,

I am happy to report that even with the bday party this week I am down 1. It gives me a little more confidence that I can actually go to parties and stick to my WOE, we'll maybe with a wine or two snuck in for good measure;) :D , and still be down. The weather is getting nicer here and I actually am wearing sandals today.


Hey Jean, It tastes so good going down but boy the after part is hard. I haven't had greek yet, but if I were to have something it would probably be souvlaki (chicken or pork) without the pita.


Hey Tammy, good for you with sticking to it. I haven't tried the Atkin's bars or shakes, but I do have SF Sheila's Induction shake and add a tablespoon of flax seed meal if I am in a rush in the morning. Quick and delish. I was also debating on getting SF Sheila's cookbooks, she does have so many good recipes that are satisfying, guess I'll have to look into that again today.


Have a great day everyone!

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Well, today we've had rain, snow, sun and clouds..hey it's spring in the southwest! lol!

jocelyn: .... You Go Girl with your loss this week...that is GREAT!! We're so proud of your determination and work at each pound coming off! YAY!:D

Tammy!- Way to go Girl...keeping your carbs down so well! :D We keep a box of those Atkins carmel bars around - they are good tasting and there's something about when we get home and just need a little something to keep us going while getting supper together and on the table! I will stick one in my purse when I go shopping with my DD too... Food Court in the Malls can be a bad temptation if I don't go prepared!

Annie, Lisa, Pink, Donna, Swansonia....hey Everybody!

Have a great Evening!

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Happy Friday Everyone!


Hey Jocelyn, way to go on another pound lost! Slow and steady is the way to go!:)


Hi Jean, boy you sure do have a mish mash of weather. We have been lucky this week, we had 2 days in the 60's this week and now we have rain moving in for the weekend. I'll take the 2 days of sunshine, it felt so good! And thanks so much for your words of encouragement.


Well I definitely know my body is moving into ketosis, I was feeling pretty tired and dragged out again this morning. I almost called in sick today because I had such an energy loss. But instead I decided to step on the scale and found out that I have at this point lost 4 lbs. So I drank an Atkins drink and then made scrambled eggs with ham & mushrooms (which I'm eating as I'm typing), and got my butt into the office. I actually felt the same way yesterday too and definitely felt better after eating my late morning meal. So I just need to get through this transition from burning carbs to burning fat. Can you tell I've been reading my Atkin's book again so I actually know what I'm talking about!:p Well I'd better get back to work. I hope everyone has a great weekend!

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Happy Friday Everyone!


Hey Jocelyn, way to go on another pound lost! Slow and steady is the way to go!:)


Hi Jean, boy you sure do have a mish mash of weather. We have been lucky this week, we had 2 days in the 60's this week and now we have rain moving in for the weekend. I'll take the 2 days of sunshine, it felt so good! And thanks so much for your words of encouragement.


Well I definitely know my body is moving into ketosis, I was feeling pretty tired and dragged out again this morning. I almost called in sick today because I had such an energy loss. But instead I decided to step on the scale and found out that I have at this point lost 4 lbs. So I drank an Atkins drink and then made scrambled eggs with ham & mushrooms (which I'm eating as I'm typing), and got my butt into the office. I actually felt the same way yesterday too and definitely felt better after eating my late morning meal. So I just need to get through this transition from burning carbs to burning fat. Can you tell I've been reading my Atkin's book again so I actually know what I'm talking about!:p Well I'd better get back to work. I hope everyone has a great weekend!

WAY TO GO TAMMY!!!! I know the blahhs that you are talking about and they make you feel so run down, but soon that swoosh of energy will come, hang in there you are doing great!


Hey Jean,

I was wondering where your post was but then I remembered it is sat:D


I am having a mini cruise crisis, well maybe not a crisis but I am getting stressed over it and I need to vent so you can bypass my rant if you all want to.


I emailed my TA (well it is an auction TA) on Fri at 1pm to upgrade my cabin for my June cruise, have to use email b/c they NEVER answer the phone and when they do they tell you to email:rolleyes: . They wrote back at 3:20 that they can upgrade me for such and such a price and I immediatley emailed them back saying I wanted it and gave them 2 possible cabins that I saw online that I would want. Now let me just explain that I love to cruise but I am VERY prone to motion sickness (I deal with it b/c I LOVE cruising:D ) anyhow, these two cabins were the only two midship cabin available. So friday afternoon comes and still no confirmation email, oh I should also mention they are only open M-F 9am to 5pm ughhh. So I email them again and try to call but they are closed. So I say ok maybe they say they close at 5pm but they really are their for last minute things ect. So I cross my fingers and check again this morning, still not showing on the website. So I check for the cabin avail and one that I wanted was gone, so I think ok, maybe it is just not updated yet but it is mine (wishful thinking). So I call RCCL and the cabin is indeed gone but it is not mine:mad: So I ask how many cabins are left in that cat, they say 5 and only 1 more is midship.


So I send off another email to them that now only one cabin I want is avail and I get an automated response that they only answer emails M-F AHHHHHH!


So I ask RCCL if they can hold the cabin for me until Monday, NO. So I said well can I hold it online, they said you can but it will only hold for 24hours. So I did that and now I am crossing my fingers. I really don't need this kind of stress. Maybe it's not meant to be. I don't know.

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Hi Guys! I have been a little busy lately, but, glad ya'll are still hanging in there.

Jean- thanks for remembering all of us slackers:D It's almost cruise time for you. What ship are you sailing on?

Tammy, Joycelyn, Lisa, Pink, Donna and anyone I missed; glad ya'll are sticking with it.

I have been staying low-carb for the most part, but, we have developed an addiction for chips and dip around here lately. I don't know how this happened, but, we are junkies non the less. I swear; we didn't pick any up in the store last week and just as we were about to go to the check out a man walked by us with the same chips and dip we like.....well my DH said, " OK I'm going back for the good stuff".....OOOOHHHHH what am I going to do?

I have been walking and/or doing my Sweatin To The Oldies work out most every day. I have lost about 10lbs since returning from the cruise in Jan. I plan to get back to induction on Monday. As for now, I have a cake in the oven for a party tomorrow.....I don't plan to tast it though:rolleyes:

Ya'll wish me luck!

Have a good week ya'll.


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Hey all.


just wanted to report that I'm doing well. I have been bending my diet (since I'm in premaintenance now) and occasionally having an extra piece of wheat bread, hot chocolate and popcorn all on the same day! But I'm maintaining approx 2-3 lbs above what is likely my appropriate goal weight but 5 lbs above where I thought I should be. But I'm enjoying myself. And in fairness to my efforts I broke my diet 3 times this month (once for Indian food- how can you resist the rice and naan there?, once for my godmother who went out of her way to get what we used to be my fave pasta salad and a cheesecake, and once for sushi after a particularly stressful night). So, I'm shocked that I was able to get back on plan each time and keep my head on!


But I am... working out has been... a challenge. Hubby and I had it going every day for 2 weeks and then WHAM! STRESS. We work full time (50 hrs/week approx with commute and prep time) and are in college part time (20 hrs/week approx with class/study time). Some days working out is just impossible. On days where we go from work to school in the a.m. and then don't get home until 9 hrs before the next shift...well, we eat and sleep and call it a day. So, even with good intentions we've fallen short with final projects these past 2 weeks being due and the stress of alternate schedules where we had different days off :( We do love to exercise together in the a.m. in warm weather (It's in the 70s now!!!) and I have gotten so good at this diet that I don't often crack for foods that used to be my staples like mac n cheese, white rice, and angel hair.


Also, many foods are too sweet for me and I'm generally able to resist desserts and opt for my sugar free hot chocolate or dark chocolate as substitute. I would love to tone up my backside. I know if we work out on the hilly walks this summer I can do a lot of good and keep myself in this shape!


My next challenge: WINE. Hubby took meds last year and couldn't drink. But our 1 yr anniversary is coming up, we have a large wine collection from all the wines we didn't drink this year and a bottle of Moet, and I know that he'll want to start having drinks again. IT made it a lot easier this year since neither of us drank. I'm hoping we can institute a 1 night/week policy to have drinks and that I can limit myself to 2 on that night. I have NO IDEA how it will affect my wt loss/gain/maintenance and that scares me. Often I find myself creating induction style meal plans to accomodate my treats (hot chocolate, popcorn, peanut butter toast) because veering off plan too much is hard for me.


Thank you all for the support.


Enjoy the spring!



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Hi There!

Monday!?! It's already Monday!?:eek: - Wow that weekend flew by! I was in my Rock garden area most of Saturday .. A LOT of work!! I took everything out..and started over - mostly putting in some new low water flowering shrubs. It gets so hot here in the summer, and watering is pretty expensive - so I went with plants that I can water once a week or so. Anyway!...Hope everyone had a good weekend!

Pink - Your doing so great! And your almost to your 1st Anniversary! Congrats!

Annie - I'm there with you girl - my DH can sometimes be my best Atkins buddy and then there are times when I Don't want him Grocery shopping with me! I just wish he'd make up his mind if he is low calorie or low carbing it..pick one or the other! Oh.. and our trip is a land trip. There is sooo much to see and do on land there - we decided to save our next cruise for another location.... But, if I had the chance to go back and Cruise..I would! The kids are coming with us!

Jocelyn - Hey how'd your TA /Cruise work out! I read your post yesterday - and now I waited all night, your a few hours ahead of me - so maybe you know something yet? Come on...tell us!

Tammy - has your swooosh kicked in yet? What exercise are you going to start doing? I brought my bike to the office because I have to make at least one trip a day over to the Intel plant by our office, however, the building that I have to go to is the very last one - the farthest away from me, but it's mostly on a really great bike path! This is my way of doing exercise about 3 mornings a week(3 mi round trip) - And saving on some gas in my car! It's like trying to park at a busy mall over there, so just finding a place to park take more time then me walking or riding over there!

Speaking of work...I have some to do!

Talk to ya's later!

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Happy Monday Everyone!


Well I survived the weekend and am maintaining Induction (and no wine!). Jocelyn you were right, I'm getting that energy kick now and am no longer dragging in the morning. I got on my stationary bike this morning and rode for 20 minutes, it's not a lot but it's a start. Unfortunately I need to see my podiatrist because my ankle is getting worse. Just walking around shopping this weekend caused lots of pain. I have a feeling another surgery is in my future, UGH!:mad:


And good luck Jocelyn on that whole room situation, that would be a bummer if you don't get mid-ship. I'm like you and prefer mid-ship also, but tend to pop the Bonine because I am so sensitive to motion sickness.


I have been walking and/or doing my Sweatin To The Oldies work out most every day. I have lost about 10lbs since returning from the cruise in Jan. I plan to get back to induction on Monday.


Great job Annie on losing the 10 lbs. That's a great loss, especially "after" returning from your cruise. That's when I tend to fall off so I give you lots of credit. And Sweatin' to the Oldies is one of my old time favorite workouts. Hopefully once I get this ankle/foot problem solved I can start "sweatin'" again.:D


Jean, I envy you so much being able to use your bike at work, that would be so cool! I wish I could have gotten into the garden like you did, our weather was perfect for it. Unfortunately we were shopping at Home Depot, Menards and other places looking for stuff for the house. Our new door (interior/exterior) is being installed on Wednesday so I'm taking a vacation day. Maybe I can get into my flower beds that day as it's predicted to be pretty nice again (60's). My hubby is like yours too, can't decide if he should be low-cal or low-carb. He goes back and forth and cannot figure out why he's not losing (not that he has much to lose, at least not compared to me!), but you can't eat high fat because of me and expect it to work! Men, sometime they have a problem getting it. But I do know he's doing more to support me than anything which is why I've been married to him for 20 years!


Okay, like you Jean it's time for me to get back to work.


Have a great day everyone!

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Hi Gang,

Ok, here is the scoop....This morning I checked and the cabin that I put on hold was no longer on hold. I thought this might happen since the hold was only for 24 hours but I at least thought it would still be on RCCL's website, it wasn't. So I check for the other cabin that I wanted and it was now avail again on RCCL"S website (you with me, I am confusing myself :D )


Anyway, I checked my reservation and I was still not upgraded, so I send another email to say that one of the cabins I wanted was avail "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE upgrade me" Whew I mean you would think that they would want the extra $$$. So I get the automated response that my question will be answered by the next avail rep. So I try to chill, all the while thinking that if they upgrade me to an aft cabin I am not going to be able to use the room, it happened to me once, thank goodness my mom was on that trip and had a midship cabin, I showered and got dressed in her cabin the whole time.


Wait I am "going off on the rabbit trail" as Jean would say:D So I wait an hour and check RCCL website again, THE CABIN WAS GONE! So nervously I check my reservation and they finally upgraded me. Sounds like quite a saga huh, but I think once you get seasick like I have been, you get really nervous about where your cabin will be. So now I can relax, unless Ed has another request:rolleyes: I mean I am happy to upgrade but that was a little stressful.


Annie, GREAT JOB! 10 lbs is great! Glad to hear that you are still with us.


Pink, great job on the continued loss. About the wine, which I love, I checked in the Atkins book and white wine has 0.9 carbs as opposed to red wine 2 carbs. I do love red but will drink white if I have too:D


Hey Jean, a rock garden sound so cool. Bet it looks awesome. Did they get your new fridge yet at work? Tell them they owe you a few LC lunches:D


Hey Tammy, great job with the workouts. and remember it's not how much you do, it's that you are doing it;) Any little bit helps. I have to tell you that I use to try to run on my treadmill (well my run is other peoples jog LOL) anyway, I could only get to 30 minutes and I would be pooped. So I decided to try walking and you know what, I could walk for 50 minutes and get farther and burn more calories than running and I wasn't out of breath or feel like (poop) when I got off the treadmill. So hang in and do what works for you. Hope your ankle feels better soon.


Talk to ya all later.

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OMG, with the cruise cabin saga I almost forgot to tell you that we added a new piece of equipment to our gym. I no longer say that I have a livingroom/dining room, I have a gym with a dining room table and some couches:D :D


Anyway, I don't know if you all remember, but we tried to join a gym and it was too crowded so we decided to get some equipment for our home gym. I already had two machines and Ed needed a weight bench. So we finally had enough time to go to Sports Authority yesterday to look for a weight bench. They had some nice ones, but then of course we took a stroll over by the all in one machines, you know the ones that do alot of stuff like the bowflex thing. Anyway they were all WAY out of our budget but then we see one that was half off!!! But it was huge, way bigger that a weight bench. So we start to try to figure and of course we decide that it will fit:eek:


We get it home and first off it weighs about a zillon pounds so we had to take it inside piece by piece (hope the neighbors don't think were crazy) then we start buliding it and needless to say that it looked MUCH smaller in the store and we only got through the first part which is the frame. So much so that I don't know how I am going to host Thanksgiving dinner again this year!!:eek: But I guess we are trying to be healthier, I wonder if the machine can double as a buffet:D

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