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Anyone on Atkins?


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I wonder if the machine can double as a buffet:D


AH HA HA HA HA HA :D Oh my gosh, ROFL!! That just Cracks me UP!!!! I'm soooooo Glad it's NOT JUST US!! :p


Jocelyn, I think we live in the same neighborhood!!!

So we got our trailer for camping - about a month ago. My DH is an engineer...which you have to understand is why we measured length and width - about a zillion times to make sure that the trailer would back up in-between our neighbors house and ours. She was so excited that we were getting it. Then we decided that 'hey, if we can get it between the houses, let's just back in into the back yard in the winter for storage'. What a GRAND IDEA - don't you think?!?!?! Ok, here's the kicker, we paid a fence company to come out and move our fence, put in a double gate wide enough (2 ft extra on each side) to put the trailer through. We get the thing home and try backing it in-between the houses. "STOP!!! STOP!! STOP!!" I SCREAM!!! Are you ready for This?? We didn't account for the over hang of the two roofs on the houses ( we loose 3 ft) ...and it won't FIT!!! We never looked UP when we were measuring the space! We came within inches of ripping the awning off!!

Ok, it's your turn...laugh it up! We had the trailer in the front yard for 3 weeks, but have moved it to the side of the driveway!

This has NOTHING to do with low carbs, weight loss...but I've sure burned up some fat running back and forth trying to direct my DH in backing that trailer in! My son thinks that when we're ready to put it away for the winter he can get it in there....I'll be at the Mall when he does.:rolleyes:

Is this a Rabbit trail or what!?


Jocelyn - I'll be watching for that exercise commercial with that lean mean body you'll get from working out so much!! AND I'm so glad you got the cabin you wanted!!!:)


Annie - I fogot to send you congrats on your 10 lbs!! That is wonderful! My DD gave me a comic where the lady says "The only way I'll loose 10 pounds is if I go shopping in England!" She crossed out England and put Scotland! :D


Tammy-As Jocelyn says...sometimes we can walk for longer then running, but your doing Sweating to the Oldies - Good for You!!


Ok, I need to get busy again around here!

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Hello Everyone:) I would like to join you in this thread as I too have just restarted the Atkins and need the support and help of others that are doing the same.

DH and I are doing an 10/19 cruise however before that, I have to go dress shopping for our sons wedding in July:eek: I'm not at all happy about trying on anything at this point:(

I've enjoyed all of the posts and am happy that I have found this thread.



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Ohhh Jean, too FUNNY!!!!! We must have been seperated at birth. I can just imagine you behind the trailer screaming for your DH to stop. Thanks for the laugh!:D :D :D I don't blame you for going to the mall next time they try.


Hey Kim, Welcome and congrats on deciding to do Atkins again. Def the only thing that has ever helped me. We are a little silly but def a GREAT GROUP.

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Hi Kim!!

Welcome a board!

As we all have found out, low carb cyber buddies can be a handy support - and we will sure try to encourage you on your journey!

July isn't to far away - but if your strict with your carbs and are doing some kind of exercise - you just might fit in a smaller size! And we'll all come dress shopping with you! ;) Are you a walker, runner, DVD work out kind of Gal?

Oh, and Jocelyn is the silly one on here.:p


Oops you said you've read some of the posts...ok, we all usually have some fun on here - I guess that's another reason I just keep coming back for more!:p

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Hi Kim!!

Welcome a board!

As we all have found out, low carb cyber buddies can be a handy support - and we will sure try to encourage you on your journey!

July isn't to far away - but if your strict with your carbs and are doing some kind of exercise - you just might fit in a smaller size! And we'll all come dress shopping with you! ;) Are you a walker, runner, DVD work out kind of Gal?

Oh, and Jocelyn is the silly one on here.:p


Oops you said you've read some of the posts...ok, we all usually have some fun on here - I guess that's another reason I just keep coming back for more!:p




I'm actually not an exercise type gal at all and that's been my main problem, though my overactive mouth doesn't help either:D I think I need to start out slowly by walking and then go from there. Since the weather is improving it's a great time to begin.

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[quote name=

Oh' date=' and Jocelyn is the silly one on here.:p


Oops you said you've read some of the posts...ok, we all usually have some fun on here - I guess that's another reason I just keep coming back for more!:p

Ohhh Jean, You almost got away with one LOL:p :D


Hi Kim, You didn't say what your goal was by July? I never look forward to shopping for clothes, they all fit different. That being said, I am sure you will do great, just stick with it.


It took me a LONG time to get on the excercise ban wagon, I would just start and get bored but then Jean suggested an IPOD and it was THE BEST thing I ever bought. It is really different from just playing music while you are on the treadmill. It is like the music is in your head and I just sing as loud as I can while I'm working out. My poor cats have to leave the room, so does Ed if he decides to not workout with me LOL.:eek: :D


Forgot to add b4, Kim the babies on you screen name are adorable!

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Good Morning everyone:) I guess I haven't really thought about my long term goal yet, I just want to do it 5 pounds at a time and where I end up will surely be better than where I'm at now:p


Jocelyn, thanks for the compliment on my avitar. They are Dylan & Bradley and were born 12/19/07. It's great being a grandmother:)

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I did Atkins a couple years ago and lost the weight fast. After a month of unsuccessful weight loss with Weight Watchers I am going to give Atkins another try, its just a lot easier for me. I was wondering if anyone out there is doing Atkins also and if so, do you have any quick ideas for breakfast. I am usually in a rush to get to work in the morning so I really don't have time to cook up a couple eggs or anything. Any recommendations???



I got this from an Atkins board and it is really good plus lots of fiber. Very Very fast



This was from the other board. This is especially good to get things moving again, if you know what I mean! Also very easy to do. I tried it this morning and it does work. I would spray the coffee cup with Pam first so that the muffin doesn't stick and probably add another packet of Splenda. Since it says that it nets 1.5 carbs and has 11g of carbs, I went ahead and also put in 9.5g of fiber in my calorie counter program.


Muffin in a Minute


Serving Size: 1


1/4 cup flax meal

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

1 packet splenda packet

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1 large egg

1 teaspoon butter


Put the dry ingredients in a coffee mug. Or a bowl for a different shape.




Then add the egg and the butter. Mix.


Microwave 1 minute (or more). Take out. slice, butter, eat. Set mug to soak immediately.


Cream cheese would go nicely, too.


Notes: 1.5 net carbs.


Per serving: 235 Calories; 18g Fat (63% calories from fat); 12g Protein; 11g Carbohydrate; 223mg Cholesterol; 284mg Sodium

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Thanks for the muffin recipe. One question, is it safe to heat flax seed meal? I don't know why I thought I heard somewhere that it shouldn't be heated, but I could be wrong, I'll have to check. Just wanted to know b/c that muffin sounds really YUMMY!:)


Hey Jean, what you up to this morning? We finally got the home gym bulit and it looks really good. We have been so tired from building it (mon night we were up til 3am:eek: )that we haven't got to use it yet:D We plan to use it tonight. How's Sadie doing?


Hey Kim, it is great to take the weight loss in small increments, good idea.


Hey Tammy, what's new?


Hey Lisa how did the triathalon go?


Hey Annie, how you doing?


Hey Pink, you seem so busy I don't know how you have time to do all the stuff you do. I have to give you alot of credit for sticking with this WOE.;)


Forgot to add I tried the Whey Protein the SF Sheila said she likes and it is sooooo good and zero carbs. The flavor is cookines and cream and it is DELISH! Thanks again Sheila for another wonderful tip

Talk to ya all later.

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CruiseforFun1 - Thanks so much for the muffin recipe! It does sound like a lot of fiber! ;) Does the flax meal act as the 'flour' part of the muffin?


eddiesgal - Those babies are very cute! We keep hoping that our DS & DIL will stop adding dogs to their family and start adding kids! LOL! Good for you that you are working on short goals - it doesn't seem so over whelming when you look at the scale and know how much work from *here to there* is

instead of from *here..........................to...................there*!


jocelyn- I still have not been able to find my iPod...and I have looked everywhere - but where it's hiding! grrrrr I just might have to break down and get another one for our trip...lots of hours in airports and on the planes! I just know that once I get a new one...I'll find my old one! But...I'll just bring it to work! Do you listen to any Country music? My DD got me Reba's newest CD in Feb - and I really like all of the songs - I have the CD here, but they are great sing it out loud songs...made me think of you! LOL! :D :p


So I was able to ride my bike yesterday and it was great! It's ever so slightly down hill getting to my destination...so up hill on the way back, but my legs aren't sore today and they felt good yesterday! And I still took Sadie for a walk last night! I think that's about the most WOEX I can work into a day! :p


Yay..it's Wednesday!!


Ok..back to work!

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Hey....Where'd everyone go?:confused:

I know - it's finally nice outside so everyone is doing more 'stuff' and not so much computer time! That's Cool! Just don't forget to pop in and say hi!:p

Tonight..... grilling on the patio! chicken! and it's soo nice..we're eating out there too! The cottonwoods are 'shedding' their cotton right now - back on the allergy meds. Today, I'm riding my bike back over to the plant to drop off papers and I'm sure I'll have to take fur face for a walk tonight...she really loves that!

What's everyone's plans for the weekend? :cool:

Toodles for now!

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Hey Jean

I'm still here:) . Had a bit of an exciting morning with DH and his asthma. We had to make a trip to the emergency room at 7 this morning. With all of the flowers and trees popping and extra projects it really triggered his asthma. All is well now though, and he is resting, thank goodness.


Riding the bike sounds like a great workout. 3 miles is long! I hope you find your Ipod soon, like I said to Tammy it was the best thing I ever bought. I just bought the Ipod Shuffle, I think it was like $50 at Best Buy, it works great and it is light weight. Last night I attached it to my kerchuf (sp) while I was on the treadmill so the cord would stay out of the way. I mostly listen to disco but I do like all kinds of music. I haven't heard the new Reba CD yet but if it is on the radio I'm sure I will. I do like Carrie Underwood, her songs are really good. Did I mention that I LOVE American Idol:D


Have fun with your furry buddy, she must be getting big by now.:)

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While I'm not on Atkins, I did have a diet and exercise plan custom made for me that I quite like.


I started trying to lose a few prior to a cruise, did ok on my own and decided to get more into it.


I highly recommend a custom program to anyone interested in finding something that they can stick to.


I don't think the fad type diets are long lasting but for $50 I got a custom plan that included a full diet and exercise system with two different sets of exercises that I could swap in and out if I got bored.


The diet focuses on clean carbs and protein and while it takes determination to keep at it, the trainer (who is a competition bodybuilder and holds a B.Sc. in nutrition) allows updates for 6 months.


Want a free option? Look into Body For Life....very similar.


Good luck!





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While I'm not on Atkins, I did have a diet and exercise plan custom made for me that I quite like.


I started trying to lose a few prior to a cruise, did ok on my own and decided to get more into it.


I highly recommend a custom program to anyone interested in finding something that they can stick to.


I don't think the fad type diets are long lasting but for $50 I got a custom plan that included a full diet and exercise system with two different sets of exercises that I could swap in and out if I got bored.


The diet focuses on clean carbs and protein and while it takes determination to keep at it, the trainer (who is a competition bodybuilder and holds a B.Sc. in nutrition) allows updates for 6 months.


Want a free option? Look into Body For Life....very similar.


Good luck!






Mike, this is an Atkins board. While many categorize Atkins as a fad, true adherents go by Dr. Atkins' book, which is a lifetime plan based on sound science. The maintenance plan includes a huge variety of foods designed to keep one fit & healthy for life.


This board is mostly members who believe in the Atkins WOE. I'm not sure why you posted here, but best wishes and success to you.

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Hi gang, I'm still truckin' along, and the tri is less than a month away. Although I feel woefully unprepared, trying to get a house ready to move into and another house ready to put on the market, I think I gotta do it. It's May 18th. I haven't registered yet, but I have until April 29th. I don't think I can back out now.


Even though I'm not posting much, I do read the posts every morning & appreciate all the support & not forgetting me! You all are doing great!


I got this from an Atkins board and it is really good plus lots of fiber. Very Very fast

Muffin in a Minute


I just tried this...very good! Thank you for this, I will use it often. I did use 2 Splenda & will probably add a little vanilla & maybe even some ginger just to spice it up a little more, but it was very good as is. No PAM necessary...it slid right out of the mug.


Have a great Thursday, everyone!

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Sorry, I think I might have been misinformed with the person that put me on the Atkins diet (should have shared that in the first place).


He was telling me rediculous thinks like he eats a pound of bacon for breakfast and other things that just seemed to be harmful.


Sounds more like he didn't actually know enough about it and only knew enough to scare me off.


If it is something that you can stick with that produces solid results without negative side effects or risks, then that's great.





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Sorry, I think I might have been misinformed with the person that put me on the Atkins diet (should have shared that in the first place).


He was telling me rediculous thinks like he eats a pound of bacon for breakfast and other things that just seemed to be harmful.


Sounds more like he didn't actually know enough about it and only knew enough to scare me off.


If it is something that you can stick with that produces solid results without negative side effects or risks, then that's great.





I am sorry that Atkin's did not work for you, but if you read the Atkins book by Dr Atkin's and adhere to the eating plan and excercise it does work. Like anything else you just have to be informed and understand the science behind it. For me, Atkins is the only thing that has worked. I wish you great success on you diet but I really do not think you are supposed to be advertising on these boards. Best of luck to you.

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Hi gang, I'm still truckin' along, and the tri is less than a month away. Although I feel woefully unprepared, trying to get a house ready to move into and another house ready to put on the market, I think I gotta do it. It's May 18th. I haven't registered yet, but I have until April 29th. I don't think I can back out now.


Even though I'm not posting much, I do read the posts every morning & appreciate all the support & not forgetting me! You all are doing great!




I just tried this...very good! Thank you for this, I will use it often. I did use 2 Splenda & will probably add a little vanilla & maybe even some ginger just to spice it up a little more, but it was very good as is. No PAM necessary...it slid right out of the mug.


Have a great Thursday, everyone!


Lisa! Great to hear from you.:) I am sure you will do excellent in the triathalon, you were always doing great with your workouts. Congrats again on your new home. I'll have to try that muffin, do you think it would be good as a dessert (always looking for something to be dessert), like with whipped cream (with Splenda of course:D ;) )


BTW gang, I did not weigh in this week between it being that TOM and the SF Cookies and wine that found it's way into my tummy, I didn't want to be suprised or disappointed.

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The diet focuses on clean carbs and protein and while it takes determination to keep at it, the trainer (who is a competition bodybuilder and holds a B.Sc. in nutrition) allows updates for 6 months.

Want a free option? Look into Body For Life....very similar.



Hey Mike,

I have looked at Body for Life before, and even though there are a lot of people using it - the Atkins way is what worked for me to take off about 40 lbs - and being able to keep it 'mostly'l off! And as you say 'very similar' I've trained this old mind of mine with the Atkins WOE and it works for me.:D The induction time "takes determination to keep at it" also - however eliminating a lot of the bad stuff and habits will take work no matter what way of eating you choose. But for this ol'gal....Atkins is what I prefer and I will be eating my meats, veggies & berries and staying as close to sugar free as I can ;) for the rest of my life!

The best to you on your Body for Life Journey, but this thread is for us Atkineers, and my book only cost me 5.00 bucks...for life! :)

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I am trying Atkins again. I tried it several years ago and starting losing weight but just could not stick with it. I guess part of that was being in an unhappy marriage. My boyfriend and I went on Carnival Inspiration last year and I was too embarassed to sit by the pool because of my weight. This time I know it will work because I am bound and determined to at least get close to my pre-pregnancy weight. I don't know if I can do it before we go on Ruby Princess next year but I sure am gonna try. I have 100 pounds to lose to get where I want to be. :eek: I just can not believe that the weight keeps piling on. I am determined this time. Wish me luck.:D

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Hey Donna! Welcome! Get your self armed with the Atkins book, check out SugarFreeSheila's website, clean out all the junk in your kitchen and pick some kind of exercise that you enjoy and it WILL HAPPEN!! :D Oh and drink a lot of water!:p You'll get a little sluggish, maybe a few headaches and then swoosh...energy kicks in and the scale starts dropping!! You can do this!

Coming to the boards and posting really helps the accountability part - is there anyone else that you see daily that can be your Atkins buddy?


Lisa - So good to see you girl! I really want to know how the race goes for you! Cyber side line cheers for you!


jocelyn - SF cookies - The cookie monster struck again!:p Darn it!

You'll get back on track...you have a gym in your living room to use!


Tammy, Pink, Kim, Karen, Donna...and ANNIIE...where arrre youuu? ;)

Ok, time to pack it in for the night...tomorrow's another day!

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Welcome Donna, you can do it! Take Jean's excellent suggestions, they will help you along the way. Hope to hear from you often.:)


Hey Jean, WOW I didn't know you lost 40! That's awesome, you go girl:D I did use the weights last night and boy did I feel it:D Then I got on the eliptical and worked out for 55min. FOr some reason, I never do the whole hour, guess I want to keep my body guessing LOL:D You know what, it is a little gross, but my stomach was REALLY bad the day after the cookies so guess I learned my lesson:eek: :D


Very busy here at work today so I will talk to ya all later. TTFN

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Sorry, I think I might have been misinformed with the person that put me on the Atkins diet (should have shared that in the first place). He was telling me rediculous thinks like he eats a pound of bacon for breakfast and other things that just seemed to be harmful.


Sounds more like he didn't actually know enough about it and only knew enough to scare me off. If it is something that you can stick with that produces solid results without negative side effects or risks, then that's great.




Hi Mike, I appreciate your post. One of the things that frustrates so many of us here is that people really do have a twisted view of the diet, exactly for that reason--someone they know tells them they're on the "Atkins Diet" when they've never even read the book. They eat a bunch of meat (mostly processed) and nothing else, then go back to the way they were eating & say...it doesn't work!


Many people (the ones who actually read the book:)) find they eat more veggies with this WOE than they ever did before...I know I do. So many things that are mainstream now were very radical when Dr. Atkins brought them up...he was talking about the glycemic index & the evils of trans fats YEARS before anyone else was.


Lisa! Great to hear from you.:) I am sure you will do excellent in the triathalon, you were always doing great with your workouts. Congrats again on your new home. I'll have to try that muffin, do you think it would be good as a dessert (always looking for something to be dessert), like with whipped cream (with Splenda of course:D ;))


Hi Jocelyn! Thank you! I don't know about excellent, but I know I can finish it. I think the muffin would be great as a dessert! Especially with berries. TOM is headed my way this weekend. Oh well.


Jean, you are indefatigable on this board. I love it!


Hi to everyone else. Have a great weekend!

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Yiipppeee!! It's FRIDAY!!

How's everyone doing today!?

So, we were going to take the trailer out this weekend....it's sooo windy!! We'd have a hard time keeping the thing on the road!:mad: We'll scratch this weekend and hope for much better weather next weekend and then maybe get to go! We are ALL so ready to leave on our trip..only 3 more weeks..but the time is d r a g g i n g by and since we started planning this almost 2 years ago...ugh...will it ever GET HERE? I figure next week we will be 2 weeks away...and I'm going to start packing!! :p LOL!!

Errands this weekend..and I'll include the muffin makings so I can try it too!


Lisa - "indefatigable" I had to look that one up!! LOL! I didn't know if it had the same meaning of "pain in the neck" - "Persistant Poster" -"person with to much time on their hands" or "Crazy woman from New Mexico" :p LOL ! Quite the vocab you've got there! :D Like I tell my DH sometimes when he uses those great words "Say that Again." LOL!! And he does. How's the new house?


jocelyn - I'm glad your tummy is better - the recovery time after 'treating' ourselves makes me think is it really worth it? I lost most of it in 2003 - and I play yo-yo with about 5 each month. But this WOE - seems to keep me pretty stable, but I like the energy that not having a lot of carbs does for me. It's nice to hear my 26 yr old DD say "You wear me out!".:) ..LOL

Weights & Cardio!!....That's Great!! You'll be in such good shape for your Cruises!!


Wow...where'd my afternoon go...I still have stuff to do!

I hope everyone has a terrific weekend... Catch ya's later!

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