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Hey All-- Happppy Friiiday!!

This week has just flown by! I was doing training for a new guy yesterday so my computer time was limited, yeah, that's why you all got a word (post) in! LOL!!:p ... and some got more then one in! HA! (jk ya jocelyn!):D


Wow...I don't know what the heck is going on, but I have eaten so much already today - and unless someone locks me in a closet - I may do some serious damage! YIKES!! It's all low carb, but jeesh! Ok, I stuck some gum in my mouth...maybe I'm in a chewing craze right now? And I'll fill up my water bottle and start seeing if I can drown this urge! I want to blame it on the wind - grrrrrrrrrr - :mad: , but logically 60 mi hr winds should blow anything I'm trying to eat right out of my hands, right?..oh yeah, I'm inside! he he Now I'm getting just down right silly.........moving on....


Trudy - Welcome!!! You are doing so GREAT already! And when you get good protein & veggies on your plate your energy does go up! I had a pork chop & zucchini for lunch and it was delish!


Lisa - Holy Cow, you've got the 2 house thing going on! Getting one on the market, getting one ready to move in - and you signed up for a race?!?! You Rock, Rock & Soul!


Pink - A HUGE Congrats that you passed your Goal!! Now, Don't leave us!;) . We have taco salad often too , sometime I mix it up by using chicken breast. I get a box of the drinks about once a month or so, because I can down one when it's super busy and I can feel that I'm needing something NOW! Don't forget some nuts..! Easy to snack on! When I had my surgery last November, my surgeon was great - but my Nurses were the Best! and my favorite was named Sadie....hmm...go figure! ha!


Donna - Hang in there!!!, it might be low this week on the scales, but things are just getting geared up to burn, burn, burn that extra weight! Once you stay on induction - it happens!! Are you drinking your water?


Jocelyn - Oh yeah!!....Dude in a Kilt!! :p Can you believe I've never sat and watch Braveheart all the way through? (My Maiden named is Wallace!) And we'll be in Stirling too! I've got to do that this weekend, or sometime soon! We will be in Pitlochry when they are having some big festival....should be plenty of kilt wearing guys there! yiippee! LOL!!

2 weeks....away from it all!!! We've had 5% humidity days here - and we're going where it might rain every day! My old dry skin could totally use this trip too! Ha! No iPod! :mad:


Ok, I'll check back later.... and Hi to everyone Else!!!

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Oh Hey Tammy!!!!!!.....

Great news on NO SURGERY!!!! Whew, what a relief!!! Sorry, I missed that on my last post!


I just looked back - Where'd my post go? Oh well, it'll show up somewhere - just hope on this thread! Ha!!

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Hey gang,

Busy today at work uggh. Just popped by to say hi! I weighed in yesterday and no loss but no gain either, if you all remember I got into a few SF cookies and wine (big no no for me:eek: ) anyway happy with the result. I did however measure myself for the first time last week and I am happy to report that I am down 1/2" to 1" on different parts. YAY!!!! Makes the no loss feel better.


PINK.....CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! Great job on reaching goal. Ahhh the sound of it.:D Oh Pink almost forgot, I like to have a salad of mixed greens with crumbled bacon, avacado, grilled shrimp and either ranch dressing or olive oil & red wine vinegar with dill. YUMM!


Hey Jean, I thought I saw that you posted but then I didn't see it. I did want to state my point by posting it over and over:eek: LOL these boards have been acting up lately. You have the same name as braveheart!? Do you think he might be an ancestor, that would be so cool. Hope the new guy get trained soon, I missed your morning post LOL:D 60 MPH winds!!!!:eek: Stay safe.


Hey Lisa!


Hey Donna, hang in, the energy will come. I NEVER had as much energy as I do now, and when I "cheat" like I did with the cookies, I can really feel the sluggishness. You can also get the SF syrups on line (just do a search) but they are cheaper if you can find them in the store.


Hey Everyone I missed!


Well, guess that's all for now, DH was asking for pizza:rolleyes: I am going to try to find the one Gooselace says she uses in the previous pages.

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I am going to try and find the SF syrup this afternoon. 10 hours of OT at work this week! I did get on the scales this morning and I have lost 3.6 pounds!! :D Not too bad for my first five days on induction. I am drinking water but not completely. I use to drink Diet Mountain Dew all day and have cut back considerably. I do still drink a couple a day but drink water also. I will let you know if I can find the syrup. If not, I might need some more suggestions on how to find it. I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

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Hello All:) Sorry I've been MIA but have been busy babysitting the twins...don't have much time for anything else while I'm doing that:p

Glad to hear you're all doing so well and this marks day 7 for me that I have not cheated.....I think I lost a couple of pounds but don't weigh myself that often as I've learned the scale is not my friend....I ordered a dress for our sons wedding in July but have yet to get it and I DO hope it fits!.......have a great weekend everyone.



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Good Morning All!!


I did find both the SF syrup and the Adkins shakes at Wal-Mart this weekend. I got on the scales again this morning and have lost another two pounds. That brings my total for the first week on induction to 5.6 pounds!! 5.6 down and 88 to go. I only have one final left and I am done for the semester. Then I am planning on taking the summer session off. I am looking forward to spending more quality time with my family. I hope everyone had a good weekend. Talk to you soon.



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Good Morning!

I hope everyone had a really good weekend! What'd ya do?

Our DS & DIL called on Saturday to have us bring Sadie and all head down to the river through the arroyo - it's a little tricky getting up and down the hill - but we managed with 3 big dogs and a beagle. I knew walking in the sand would be a good work out for my legs, and it was - but I was wearing capris and who knew that the mosquitos would already be out and were hungry!?!! :mad: Not Me - and I paid for it....yup..bites on the lower half of my legs. Now how come my DIL who was wearing capris, and DS was wearing a sleeveless shirt...no bites, not one! GRR Not that I'd want them to suffer with bites too....but just me?! waaaaaaa Mosquito bites on me do not heal very fast and they get very big - I'll be taking them to Scotland in about 10 days. It was a great work out and we gave all 4 dogs a bath in the driveway when we got back, there is a lot of sand in the driveway! DH is coming down with a cold, ugh... so last night I mowed and trimmed the back yard, planted a new plant - I think we have turned the corner in our weather down here and we should start seeing summer busting out all over! yay!

Fun2Snorkel - Thanks on the sf syrup tip! I agree...I love to snorkel!

Donna - HEY Girl!! That's a GREAT way to start your week off...with a really good loss your first week!! Congrats! You know all of the good things you did last week...do them again this week!! And I hope you are ready for your final and will get a good score!

Kim - What a blast you must have playing with those to little guys! :) Can you share a picture of your dress? Yeah, I have a love/hate relationship with the scales too! But be sure to let us know how your doing when you do get to weigh in.

Jocelyn- Hey there! Did you go to the game this weekend? Yeah, I think the training is done - we'll see how he does today! Ha! You know, with losing weight and then the loss of inches - your going to be looking REALLY good this summer! :D Do you work out on your new equipment everyday?

Pink - Wow...what a schedule you'll be keeping!

Hey there Lisa, Annie, Donnapumpkin, Tammy, gooselace, SFS and everyone's that's just popping in to see what's new on this thread. lol! :D ;)

Ok, gotta work on some stuff...it's another Monday at the office!

I'll check back later today!

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Just stopped in to say Hey!

Being a good girl on WOE, did my 2 mile walk last night. It rained on the eastern side of the state last night, didn't get a drop around here - but we could smell the rain! Could use the moisture!!

Question for everyone, those regulars on this thread and those that are lurking :p

So we leave next Friday for our big family trip - and once we get into Chicago we have the overnight flight to London. Dinner and breakfast is to be provided.

HOWEVER!... I find that when I eat those 'tray dinners' it's not long before I'm uncomfortable....if you know what I mean....to many carbs! But it's been a few years since I've been on a flight that provided a meal - so maybe they are more healthy? Should I try to just plan on getting a dinner/salad ... and carry it on?

ugh...I keep going back and forth on this. I've looked on the airline web site and don't see a menu (not in first class either) - so that doesn't help. :(

C'mon...so what's a girl going to do? Suggestions anyone?

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Transcontinental flight is tough...


Eat a big breakfast (omelette stuffed to the max) before you go. Then pack safe foods- nuts, pumpkin seeds, jerky? Watch the movie. Try to sleep. I'm sure on the ground you can find something safe. I don't know if they'll have a caesar salad with chicken (just pick off the croutons) on board but that's what I've had at airports the last 2 times we've flown!


Good luck!

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Good Morning everyone...just thought I'd check in before going to watch our little darlins. They live about 40 minutes away so it's not too bad in regards to travel time but the gas prices are killing me! I've been doing well on Atkins and staying away from things I shouldn't eat.Hopefully when I'm brave enough to step on the scale I'll be rewarded for my diligence. Below is the dress that I chose for our son's upcoming wedding in July. I think I'm going to have it shortened though to about knee length. It's hard to tell but it's the jacket is sheer and has beading and it has a lined tank and skirt. I'm going to have shoes and a clutch purse dyed to match. Have a great day everyone! Kim



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It's already Wednesday! woo hoo!:D


Kim - What a great dress!! Your going to look great! My DS got married 2 years ago and at one time I had 3 dresses hanging up around the room trying to decide - pressure to pick the right one! Did you have an idea what you wanted to wear already - or just by browsing - this is the one you liked best? How fun to watch those little ones! Let us know when you finally weigh in! :)


Pink - Great Idea on the omlette! We have to be at the airport about 11:30, so I might suggest we do an lunch before we get on the plane and then SFS (I wrote her too) said to eat the filling of the sandwhich..if that's what we get, or scrape off the sauce if it's a meat and dinner...then just eat what I know is the right thing to choose and remember that it's just to the UK and not Africa! LOL And to pack snacks...which I did plan to take anyway! Thanks for the encouragement!


Middle of the week!! Does anyone (where is everyone today?) already have plans for the weekend? We are helping an older couple from our church paint a couple of rooms of their house, they are ready to put it up for sale and move back to the NW to be closer to their family. We'll miss them, but know at their age they will do better around family. Oh! And I have to get a new bag that I've been wanting for my camera stuff for our trip! .... yeah that's it I have too! LOL! :p

Check on ya's later!

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Hola Everyone!


Congrats to all of you who are doing so well on the Atkins WOE!!! You can do, just stick to it!:p


It's been really busy here at work, lots of silly projects have been thrown our way because we are short staffed. That means doing things we typically do not do which is not a big deal, but more time consuming. And my family issues have spiked back up again. Without giving TMI, my mom may be divorcing her husband, who is schizophrenic & out-of-control drinking & doing drugs.:eek: I am the oldest of 3 kids so mom calls me for help a lot. Plus I work at our local Human Services so I am able to connect her with helpful resources, thank goodness.


So with that said, I've fallen off the Atkins WOE dealing with lots of stress, which is not a good excuse but I'm using it for now.:( I will try to keep popping in but if you don't hear from please know that I'm thinking of you guys and hoping all is well!

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YAY!!!! It's Friday! My DD did my count down clock and I don't know how she figured out her days...but we leave next Friday - so I'm counting one more weekend, 4 days of work ( yeah right like Wed-Thur I'll feel like working!lol!:p )

and we're outta here! Would today ever get here! Last night DH and I took in the dollar movie - ok, it's 1.50 pp - and he got the bucket of Popcorn - he's a nut about popcorn and and a movie... couldn't stand it - I had some too! But I hope to ride my bike over to the plant this morning, maybe it'll burn a bit of it off! LOL!:o

Tammy: Sooo sorry about the family issues! They are tough! But what a blessing you are to your Mom! I know you'll do your best to see her through!

I do have some stuff around here to get too...wanted to say hi to everyone before the day got to busy - - AND a very

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!! To All of you Mom's!!!

Catch ya all later!

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Hi Gang,

I'm still here:) This past week was brutal, well not that bad but man am I pooped:D . I started taking classes again to complete my degree but I took 17 credits:eek: Between that and working full time I gave myself a break from excercise last week (haha) but I stuck to my WOE (Yay!). I have plans of getting on the treadmill tonight but I am at work til 8 so we will see how that goes:rolleyes: .


Jean, ONLY 8 MORE DAYS!!!! Wow, that's awesome. I agree to bring your food on the plane. Most airports have food consessions after security, maybe you can check the airports website and see what avail? How's the new Ipod? Did you download Reba's new song? I have to change some of my songs, getting tired of hearing the same ones over and over.


Tammy, so sorry to hear about your mom. Hope everything goes well and works out for the best.


Kim the dress is beautiful. Such a pretty color too. I bet you will look stunning in it:)


Hey Pink, Donna, Lisa, Annie, Gooselace, swansonia, how are you guys?



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I am a little discouraged this week. The scales are not my friend. Maybe it will look better when I weigh Monday. The only thing I did different this week was drink a few shakes but that shouldn't make me gain weight. It looks like I have gained a pound this week. :eek: Hopefully when I weigh in on Monday it will look better. :) I got my final done for my Advanced Financial Accounting class and ended up with an A in that class. I couldn't quite pull it out in my Business Income Tax class but I finished out the semester with a high B. I am so glad that I don't have classes again til August. Then I will be taking three classes for the fall. One day I will finish my degree. I should have done this 20 years ago but better late than never. :D

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A couple bits before I forget:

Donna- I can't do the shakes without gaining weight. They're the atkins ones but they're no good for me.


Tammy- Emotional eating is a curse for every human. I think we're all conditioned to feel better when we eat. It's a matter of reconditioning 9/10 times and indulging on the other one. I indulged in the chocolates from my long-term patient discharging home. I'll miss him very dearly but know it's best for him to leave. But I ate every last choc lindt truffle they brought me!


Jean- ENJOY your trip. One of my favorite parts of travelling is tasting new foods and I eat things I wouldn't normally eat at home, including some higher carb treats. Now, I certainly wouldn't waste those carbs on plane food. But I hope you indulge in a few treats along the way if they're local and you're keen on trying them. Hopefully you'll walk it off on your tours!


GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE this week. Hope you all had a happy mother's day. I think I'm the only childless one here- must be all the long nights with screaming babies at the hospital :)


Get out and do something active in the warm weather this week and come back to tell us about it!



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Good Morning All!!

I hope everyone had a good weekend. Yesterday was pretty busy but it was a very nice Mothers Day. My daughter spent most of the weekend with her father's parents so I got a little rest after work Saturday. I got back on the scales this morning and had actually lost another 2.6 pounds. I guess maybe I was bloated the other day when I weighed.


Jean- Have a wonderful trip. I am hoping to squeeze in a short cruise around Christmas, next April is just too far away. I will have to get sole custody of my daughter first. Wish me luck on that. We start the process Thursday. :D


Pink - That you for the advice on the shakes. I think I will have to cut back on them. Last week I did drink three and maybe that is too many.


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!! Talk to you soon.



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3 Days and a Wake UP! :D That's what my DH keeps saying! It's getting soo close!

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Boy, was it windy again on Saturday! I love a little breeze - tropical is my favorite, he he - but when the sand is blowing across the road - uhuh..I don't like it! Yesterday was b e a u t i f u l ! Lunch at Outback, traded in them taters for salad, had one slice of their bread - HEY! It was still warm and I traded in them taters! LOL!! And it was Mother's Day! Ribs, no sauce, gave apples to my DD - it was yummo...and I didn't have to do the dishes! :p Out on the patio for the afternoon catching a little sun on the legs & arms...of course sun screen! Took Sadie for a walk and then watch the finale of Survivor since DD had to see who won before she went home for the week! What a great lazy day!

Pink - Oh yeah...we'll be walking our toesies off - so I do plan to stay the course when I can...but a little taste here and there to get the full experience! I doubt I'll venture out far enough to try the Haggis - but there is a market place on Saturdays that serves - get this - wild boar burgers! and they are supposed to be pretty good! I had a caribou burger in Alaska - It was SO Good!! We are renting an apt in Edinburgh, so I hope to have a bit more control on my breakfast and snacks - -we'll see!

Donna - CONGRATS on your 2.6 pounds! Hey! Now there ya Go! There are always those crazy scale days that we have to be prepared for - because it happens to all of us! Depending on what you've eaten, who prepared it, what day it is... it's all a formula! ;) And way to go on your GREAT GRADES! That's so wonderful that you've gone back to school! And now a summer to rest the brain, but work those muscles!

Tammy - Hope you are doing ok!

Jocelyn - Are you just now starting school or finishing for the summer? What will your degree be in? All of these college people on this thread! Your such great thinkers! Good for you! Haven't picked up the iPod all week...not wanting to get tired of the music before the trip! I've thought of maybe dropping in a music store and picking up a couple of CD's from over there to put on a play list after we get back for when I want to re-live the trip!

Karen, Lisa, Annie, etc............Hey! All Ya ALL!!

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Good Morning everyone!


I just wanted to say thank you so much for all of your kind words. Unfortunately things have gotten worse. My moms husband broke her wrist and hit her in the face. This was last Thursday evening. I took her to Victim/Witness and she filed a restraining order against him. He's was charged with Battery-causing great bodily harm. He was in jail from last Saturday evening until yesterday. He's charging up credit cards and writing bad checks, so we also need to get her into our Women's Center for assistance with an attorney and possibly a safe house. We're not sure if he will try to go after her or not after he spent some time in jail. We also need to find her a new place to live because she can't afford the rent on her own where she's at. UGH!:(




Hola to everyone else, hope all is well. Hang in there to those of you who are struggling with the Atkins WOE, you can do it!! :)

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Good Morning everyone:) Finally bit the bullet and got on the scale and guess what??? 8 pounds gone! It's a start...


Jean...have a wonderful time on your cruise!


Donna...way to go! 2.6 pounds less to worry about.


Tammy...I'll keep your mom close in thought and prayer.


Pink.......that is sooooooo fantastic that you've reached your goal!!! WooHoo!!! Kudos to you!


A big hello to everyone else.....hope your week is going well.



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Here we are - one more day (tomorrow) and a wake up - and off we go! woo hoo!

We don't have to be to the airport until a little after 11:00...so a long long walk with Sadie first thing in the morning! I'm hoping that this will also help me for the overnight flight from Chicago to London. I don't do real well with flying over night, which I learned from our past trips to Maui & Alaska. I've taken a lot of tips from other threads and am going as prepared as possible! Lots of errands to do today - just to make sure I have everything! Only an Atkins WOE would get this - but just so I don't have a lot of extras in the fridge while we are gone - the last 2 morning for breakfast I've had Wings! lol! I've found that I like the 'Kettle' wings from Sam's that come in a pretty big bag for the freezer, and after 3 min in the mircrowave...waa laa... breakfast! Working for me! :D

Kim!! - WOOOO HOOOO on the 8 lbs!! That is SOO GREAT! I bet the waistband on your pants are feeling a little loose too!?!! I bet it put a nice big smile on your face to see the scale stop so soon!! :D

Tammy - So so sorry for your family situation! Prayers and a {{Hug}}!:(

So...where is everyone else? Pink-your at the hospital or on a shift or something - maybe sleeping?! ;)

Jocelyn, Annie, Lisa, Karen, Donna's, How are all ya all doing?

I'll be back later!

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Jean - Have a wonderful trip. I will be thinking about all the fun you will be having while you are gone!! :)


Things this week are pretty good. My size 18 jeans are getting loose so I put on my 16's this morning. :D It feels good to get back in my 16's and will feel even better when I can get back in the 12's!! I know it will happen. It just takes time. It has been almost 3 weeks and I have not cheated once!! I am so proud of myself. I hope everyone is having a good week. Talk to you soon.



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