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Anyone on Atkins?


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Hi guys! I am a newbie to this thread so I hope you don't mind me joining. I am beginning my try with the atkins diet today. I am cruisin in 69 days and I have about 15 lbs. that I would like to lose. Any suggestions on good no/to low carb food to include would be appreciated. I need some diet buddies!! Help!



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Hi Carolina! Welcome...we have some great people on this thread ready to help. If you have any questions, just ask. Everyone has been so helpful to me.


I booked another cruise yesterday on the Liberty of the Seas. Our first AFT Jr. Suite. It is not until 2010, but the rates were so good and I got the cabin I have been wanting! Never been on an AFT before!


Hope everyone is having a GREAT weekend!!


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Welcome Susan:

15 lbs in 69 days should be do able. I recomend reading the book "Dr. Atkin's new diet revolution" It will really help with food choices. That said try to keep things as whole foods and natural as you can. I have the best weight loss when I do this. Prepackaged stuff tends to stall or slow my weight loss. Also check out sugarfreesheila.com . This is a very helpful web site. Also It helps to cut out diet sodas and limit caffeen.


Hello Pat: You will love having an aft suite. I loved the one we had on Carnival Pride. Not that I can afford to do that everytime. But it helps having over a year to pay for it. This what I am doing for my 09 Alaska on Carnival Spirit.


Donna: Sounds great you are drinking more water. Can I dare you to "ditch" the dew ? Perhaps as a two week experiment ? We all have our weaknesses. I struggle with choclate, I become obsessed with it, But I try to keep it sugar free and in control (not everyday). I do blow it from time to time and the scale tells me so by not moving :mad:.

Maybe try sugar free lemonade made with fresh lemons and splenda (perhaps even soda water or sparkling mineral water ?) Dr. A. Really felt neutra sweet slowed weight loss for many people. The power of the Atkins diet is that you can break addictions.


Thanks Kreeb: I am always tempted to add more carbs in the form of extra sugar free deserts instead of more veggies :eek:. I am struggling with OWL myself. I really want/need to work the phases better this time so that I will learn how to eat right forever...


No weight loss for me this week. I know I have "carb kreep" happening.

So today I am going back to Induction levels for a couple days... I think I blew it with to many nuts, and also a little too much sugar free deserty things...



Tom in Long Beach

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Hey Gang,

Just popped in to say Hi!:)

I decided to do the fat fast for a few days to clean my system of all the carb junk that may be left over (from wine & stuff). I started today and I feel good. I am surprised b/c I am not really hungry. It does seem like a small amount of food when I portion it out, but I am not hungry. I guess I tend to eat w/ my eyes.:eek: I will keep you all posted.


Hey Tom, SF choc is my weakness also....I can not have it b/c I can not eat just one:D


Kreeb, thanks for the carb adding list. Great to have handy.


Hey Pink, good to hear from you.


Great going on the aft balc Pat! I just love a bargin:D


Welcome Susan, like Tom said, 15 lbs is very doable.


Hey Donna, great going;)


Hi Peaches & Erica


HEY JEAN, Where are you?????

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Hello Gang!!

I am having a wonderful day!! I lost 3 more pounds!:D It is coming off and I am so happy. I also got a letter from my ex saying that I can have full custody of our daughter. He also said that he wants me, his mother, father and my daughter to go on with our lives and stay out of his. I guess that was a real shock to see him refer to our daughter to "my daughter". I guess no contact in over a year should have prepared me for it but it was still a shock. His mother is taking it very hard because he sent her a letter as well. I called my attorney and faxed the letter to her. Hopefully it will be smooth sailing from here on out. He also sent me the form to get a passport for our daughter. I will start that process in the next couple of weeks. I hope everyone is having a wonderful week. I am beginning to think that I might be able to lose another 20 before we go on our next cruise!! :cool:

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Hello Gang!!

I am having a wonderful day!! I lost 3 more pounds!:D It is coming off and I am so happy. I also got a letter from my ex saying that I can have full custody of our daughter. He also said that he wants me, his mother, father and my daughter to go on with our lives and stay out of his. I guess that was a real shock to see him refer to our daughter to "my daughter". I guess no contact in over a year should have prepared me for it but it was still a shock. His mother is taking it very hard because he sent her a letter as well. I called my attorney and faxed the letter to her. Hopefully it will be smooth sailing from here on out. He also sent me the form to get a passport for our daughter. I will start that process in the next couple of weeks. I hope everyone is having a wonderful week. I am beginning to think that I might be able to lose another 20 before we go on our next cruise!! :cool:


Donna, that is great news (well sorta:confused: ). I mean you get full custody of your DD and she gets to go on the cruise with you, but that is kind of a harsh letter. Hope your family is coping with the news as best as can be expected. Also, congrats on losing 3 more!:)

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Hey Gang,

I have ended my fat fast, that was fast huh LOL:D . I got a terrible headache last night, I felt like I hadn't eaten enough during the day. But I checked the scale this morning an I am down 2lbs! So I guess the fat fast does work, but I don't really think it is for me.....But I did come out of it with a good mind set. It really made me appreciate just how liberal the Atikins WOE is, even in Induction. Plus, I never feel deprived on Atkin's so I guess I learned a valuable lesson, lets just hope I remember it next time I go to reach for something that it a no no:D

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Weellll Howdy Ya Big Bunch of Losers! :D LOL!! of course in my most sweet honey dripping voice I can come up with - because losers on here - are Winners on the Big Weight Loss Team!


Friday DH and I packed up the pup and trailer and went up to the Northern part of NM - outside of Mora - and camped over the weekend at the coolest lil' camp ground! There's a golf course right across the road, but in the camp ground there are A frame cabins and the spot they gave us backed right up to the forest so Sadie LOVED that! This campground is HUGE ... and they have phases that you can actually buy your own 1/8 acre lot and put your RV there for the summer - or you can stay year round - but let me tell you - there is still snow on the mountains up there - no, I don't want to live there through the winters!! brrrr

The hiking was really great and we went up, up, up this mountain and as we got towards the top it was getting pretty steep so we stopped and decided our 2 hour hike up was plenty for the day - - started down hill, Sadie had gone up further (must have been the goat in her to keep her climbing up) when she realized that we were going down the hill....she was following us down...got to going a bit faster then her 50lb body could handle went right past DH and smacked into me! :eek: Grabbing a tree, I was able to hang on to her and me until the dust settled! whew!

Ok, that was a serious accident that was avoided - good thing..I was not in the best condition to be air lifted off that mountain! You know, after all that hiking and it was 85 degrees...I was sweating up a storm! :p peeuuuuu!

The calves of my legs were really tight on Sunday! and Monday and...hmm they are feeling a lot better today! So, not to bore you any more with my adventure for the weekend - Oh! And that campground that had all of the RV's in it...they all hang lights out and really cool decorations so in the evening when walking through...it's just TOO COOL! And they have signs with their names and where they're from - - there are a LOT of Texans that like our NM Mountains!! LOL!!

Ok... I'll quit boring you guys with all of this...but I've been gone for like 5 days and Jocelyn, sweetie...you ASKED Me!! hehe!!

Well....I'm fessing up here to you guys - my WOE has really shot me in the foot this last month - and yes emotional eating is my downfall - and I've added 10 lbs to my 'stable' weight. Not my Goal weight - but where I can be and all of my current clothes fit nicely. So yesterday - I went to the store and totally armed my self with Induction items. I'll let you know when I've got those 10 off...and I'm hoping to keep going and have to shop for some new stuff for this fall - and our Nov 2 Cruise! - We'll see...I'm setting my goal up for 10lbs a month and if I'm really dedicated - I know it can work, I've done it before!

Jocelyn- Yiippee for you girl - down another 2 - and during Baseball season! lol!

Donna - you are going to be looking really good for that Cruise your going on. My younger sister has had to do the custody thing with her 2 boys - and I know it is hard on everyone. Sometimes those letters are a way of lashing out - somewhere down the road he may want to still be a part of your daughters life.

Tom - Your reminders of keeping the whole foods and water is so Right!

Pat- Wow! You have some great Cruises to look forward too! I guess the balcony we're getting in Nov is 100 sq ft! My dream is to do a suite ....someday!

Susan - you can be down 15lbs - but it'll take some work! Go back on some of these threads, there are great tips, websites etc..... you can do it!

Kreeb - Wow!! What a list you have there! Thanks for all of that work! I have to ask though...whats OWL....for some reason the only thing I can come up with is Occasional Weight Loss....and even though that is true for me :o sometimes - I'm sure that's not what it means. Help me out here...

GAPeaches - Good job on avoiding all of those carbs at your luncheon! And one of these mornings your going to put your jeans on and they will feel sooo comfy!!

Grammy! Hi and a late Welcome! One of the best things you can do to get started is doing a real good clean out of your pantry and fridge!! If it's items that you can give away to a family that's a little low on $ - do it! You'll be helping them out - and taking away all of those temptations!

Hey Lisa, Hi Pink thanks! , And all of the Lurkers, past Atkinteers that keep checking in on us, and anyone else that I've missed!

Ok,... I really need to get some work done....catch ya's later!

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Kreeb - Wow!! What a list you have there! Thanks for all of that work! I have to ask though...whats OWL....for some reason the only thing I can come up with is Occasional Weight Loss....and even though that is true for me :o sometimes - I'm sure that's not what it means. Help me out here...


The list isn't my creation. I copied it from an Atkins forum and have it hanging on my refrigerator. OWL is Ongoing Weight Loss. After completing your two weeks of induction, you start climbing up the OWL ladder slowly...adding 5 grams of carbs at a time from rung 1 and see how your body reacts to it and so on. It is the easiest way to figure out what foods cause cravings, stalls, etc.


Today was weigh in day and the end of my two week induction. I lost another 1.5 lbs, so that makes it a total of 5.5 lbs. I was hoping to lose more, but I think the more you go off and on this way of eating, your induction results aren't as great. I'll just stick to the plan and keep on going hopefully in the right direction.

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Hello All:

Jean sounds like you had a nice trip except for the near doggie disaster.

Donna congrats on the 3 lbs :D. Glad to hear you daughter gets to go on the cruise. I really enjoy cruising with my son. ( I also enjoy cruising w/o him too). But kids add the element of wonder and I think that makes it very cool. I cannot fathom giving up parental rights. Some dads and obliously some moms too...

Jocelyn: I am seriously with you on the sugar free choclate. I think I have decided that i can only do the occasional homemade treat. Also the sugar alcohols do not work good with me.

Kreeb: I think you are correct on the yo yo diet thing. That is why I am really trying to make this time a forever one for me. The Dr. hinted at this in "the book".


I did a perfect induction level day yesturday and have done good today. I have been thinking that I need to do one induction level day a week. So that I am sort of in the mindset. It is so easy for carb creep to set in with me. Also I know I need to work on portion control even with the acceptable foods. Not saying I need to starve myself, but just keep the balance right. I am trying to do 3 small meals and 3 snacks. My days are long and I think this will work good for me.


All for now, Tom

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Hi All, I have been doing the LC thing for about 4 weeks!!! Down

about 10lbs :p ..

I want to read the Dr Atkins book. I went on line last night to order it

and there were so many to choose from!!! Which one should I buy??

Thanks LC LOSERES.... :D

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Best book to buy when you're starting: Dr Atkins New Diet Revolution (mine has a red cover) but truthfully I went to B+N for weeks and read all of atkins old stuff during that time. Depends on how much science you want to read.


Donna- congrats on custody. you have had a heck of a year girl. way to keep your head up!!!! I'm so glad for you. :D


Erica- When I started moving up the rungs on owl, I too found that staying close to 25-30/day helps cravings. I think its ok to go really slow with owl. Like, spend a month adding each new food in. Have you already added your extra serving of veggies in? My next addition was cottage cheese, milk for shakes, and then other cheeses. Then I moved on to berries. Man, was that a treat. But I also struggled with cravings with many of those foods and frequently had to go back to induction. Taking off these final 5 lbs (I had 20+ to lose initially) was a huge struggle for me but keeping them off has been pretty easy! Hang in there.


Jocelyn- hey, fat fast (modified) helped me a lot after suffering from cravings as I tried new foods. Basically I tried to choose those foods (macadamia nuts, ground beef with spice, cream cheese) and it helped me stay not hungry. I think I ate less. I'm about to revamp my work lunch as I'm getting tired of same old, same old. I will likely substitute macadamias for my almonds (although marconi almonds sugar free sheila has been touting are tempting to try too) and then do some sort of cream cheese rollup with deli meat (in lieu of the tuna salad I've been taking), and sub a pickle and something else for my yogurt. As always, I'll find room for my mashed avocado ;) Good luck. Get back on track and it WILL get easier!


Susan-welcome, we're here to support, let us know how it's going! You can drop 10-15 lbs in no time with a little will power!


Hello to all others. Hope you're well. What a roll call we seem to have going now... it's hard to remember each individual. HA!


I've been introducing brown rice to my diet over the next few weeks. It's chewy and not very satisfying on one hand. However, it's a tasty and filling addition to my usual chicken and veggie stirfry. So far I'm maintaining easily (sometimes 1 under, sometimes a few over, he he!) but still not LOVING parts of my body even though this is about the lowest weight I can imagine staying healthy at. So, one of my goals this fall is a fitness challenge.


HEY, keep reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm eating what I want at this point. I just need motivation and help to do better with fitness. I need to do it. We got our extra room totally cleaned out this summer and setup room for me to elliptical, do my fitness workouts (I have strip tease and a couple of aerobics videos), and jumproping! DH got me new sneakers for my bday which I'll get later this week. I'd like to buy myself a weight set IF I could commit to working out for a few months. Anybody wanna do a fitness challenge with me? We could start a new thread on here or check in here??? Anyone else struggling with this part of it and want to make a pact? I cruise in 3 months from today so I'm really looking forward to putting my all in for 3 months (coincidentally, the holidays will start up shortly after that!!!) so I can post some pink bikini pics for y'all to be proud of me in. Anyone in? Anyone? Bueller??:o

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Wednesday! Yay! G'Morning Everyone!

Mon & Tue I have stayed right on induction ( me too, Tom!) - this morning I feel sooo much better! And my jeans do too! I'm going to keep right on track today - a day at a time, sometimes a meal at a time - but today I'm committed! Oh..and lots of water!;)

Pink - Hey girl! We leave on the 2nd of Nov, you guys leave on the 6th - so I have 3 months that I'll take you up on that challenge....I know we are different sizes, weights & shape - but what would be a good weigh to measure our success? Inches? I'm working on weight - but the inches might work - maybe an Inch on top- around the waist - around the hips ? What about arms and legs? But an inch might be a lot for you - but an inch and weight off on me = shopping for new clothes! :p Now you started this girl...so what do you think?

AND - any others that post on here - does an inch off each of your measurements sound like a good challenge in 3 months?

Luvroberts, Susan and other newbies - I miss placed my Atkins book with all of my highlighted stuff and so a couple of weekends ago I dropped in at my local Goodwill - they had 2! 99 cents each and one was the yellow cover and the other red...so I got both! And I saw a really interesting low carb cook book that I haven't read yet - but looked at a few dishes and it listed all of the carbs and I got that for a buck too!

Kreeb - Dropping down the scales is always the right direction! Good Job!

Ok...keep it Low Carb out there...gotta get to work!

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I just had a second and wanted to update everyone. I booked my daughters first cruise today!! I decided to do a short one for her first cruise so we are doing a three day to the Bahamas. I am leaving my boyfriend home for this one. Girls weekend!!:D My boss said she is going to find me a 12 step program for cruise addicts!;)

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Hey Gang,

Have to write quick cause I have a client coming in soon:D


JEAN!!!! OMG:eek: What an adventure you had this weekend! Thank goodness you all are ok though. Talk about motivaion though, a 2 hour hike...you go girl. BTW, Ed & I are thinking of getting an RV. But it has to be one with a wheel base of 191 or smaller to modify it into a 4x4 (so I am told). We want to be able to drive it on the beach. We saw some pretty nice ones online, but haven't gotten around to actually going to an RV place yet. That campground you went to sounds great, although I can't really picture snow in NM. Tells you how much I know LOL:D


Hey Tom, I decided to lay off all that stuff for a while until I can manage to keep it in moderation.


Hey Pink, I don't know if I could have kept up the fat fast for any longer but I do feel great.


Did I hear a CHALLENGE! I'm In:D

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Happy hump day! I've been MIA because of end of month, get a new month started. On the bright side my co-worker gets to take care of this month.


Haven't gotten on the scale yet but I can tell I'm dropping. I've been doing really well until this afternoon when I just couldn't get my mind off a Sonic Blast butterfinger ice cream-y thing. I had one because I know me and if I don't go ahead and satisfy my craving when I've had one for days then I'll try to eat other things to compensate, still not be satisfied after eating wayyy more than I should and have the original craving I had. So....I ate one and :( boy was that a mistake :( . It tore me up within 45 minutes. Sorry for TMI, but if that wasn't an eye opener I don't know what is. I don't even feel like eating dinner.


Jean, I'm so glad you didn't tumble down the mountain with your furbaby. You know you're her hero now. Camp grounds are so much fun. People there are so friendly and make their camp sites so pretty. I used to go RVing with my best friend and her family growing up. I've told my husband when we retire I want to get a RV and take about a year and go around the whole U.S. and camp and see everything.


Donna, I am so happy for you with the custody situation. I was a single mother of 3 for a very long time. I went thru pretty much the same thing with my 1st (different father than the other 2) and he finally gave in. You will have to celebrate on your upcoming cruise.


What is a fat fast? I mean I can get the jist of it but what is it exactly?


Welcome Susan. Hi Tom, Pat, Kreeb, Erica, Pink (you crack me up), and everybody else I'm missing :o


I've been working on my list of things to do and it seems when I mark off 3 things 2 more get added. I have 2 cakes to do before we leave and one of them is a wedding cake. I've decided to make it easier on myself and use fresh flowers and thankfully the bride is on board with it. A trip to Walmart will take a lot of things off my list. Grocery shopping to have 2 weeks of food for my 19 year old who is staying home by himself. That will be $500.00 with the price of food. Gas has gone down to $3.71 last time I checked :).


Well, I'm off to go home and relax. Make a little dinner for them and finish moaning and groaning over the ice cream I had today :(, I am so mad at myself :mad:.


Talk to ya tomorrow.

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Hey Peaches,

Oh, the dreaded aftermath of the indulgence YIKES! I know EXACTLY what you are feeling, happened to me 2 wks ago Ugh. The only thing good that comes out of that is that next time I know I will think twice LOL:D :eek:


A fat fast is outlined in the Atkin's book, basically you eat 90% fat 5x's a day but each meal only equals 100 calories, things like 2 egg yolk(bolied) with 2 tbls of mayo consists of a meal. So it's 1000 cal/day but it is only safe to do if you are really stuck and cannot lose and only for 4 to 5 days. And believe me it is not that fun & I got a nasty headache so I only did 1 day. But it really made me appreciate all the things we get to eat on Induction LOL:D


Hope you feel better soon.;)

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I'm not particularly concerned with inches and pounds dropped. I'm most interested in consistent FITNESS efforts. So, even if you're cheating with food or gaining weight on the scale you can focus here on the positive strides of working out on a regular basis.


For me, making goal has been especially hard because I've been very lax with my workouts knowing that I can just restrict my carbs or whatnot to control the weight. But I'd love to FEEL physically fit and really tighten up what's left.


So, as a proposal, your first post to the challenge should include:

-A commitment to post at least weekly letting us know what workouts you did and how long you did em!


-A goal:

My goal is to do some type of physical activity 30 minx5 days/wk.


-Your rewards:

My ideal rewards would be a rock hard body and perhaps a new weight set at the end.



-A separate thread for ease of catching up on the challenge (Fall Fitness Challenge or something to that effect)

-Before and After Pics

Perhaps we should just post pics at the end? I don't want to require them if people are uncomfortable for ANY reason. Do we need before and after pics???

-Perhaps a "spice it up" weekly challenge to encourage 1 above the minimum activity or a new activity... we can see as it gets going. It's only 12 weeks!!!!


I've never actually done one of these so I'm not sure what the best means of motivation is. I've just noticed a lot of slacking around here lately (on the boards and in my house- he he!) and would love to see lots of "ship shape" bods in time for the ship's departure!


Thoughts? Feelings? Let's process this together...

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Hello everyone,


For all of you on Atkins can you give me some pointers. I am cruising Oct 28 and would like to lose 30 lbs. My overall goal is 40 lbs, but not likely by October. How much weight are you losing on average? Is it safe, carb wise to ear the Atkins bars and shakes?

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Hello everyone,


For all of you on Atkins can you give me some pointers. I am cruising Oct 28 and would like to lose 30 lbs. My overall goal is 40 lbs, but not likely by October. How much weight are you losing on average? Is it safe, carb wise to ear the Atkins bars and shakes?

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Hello Everyone:

Peaches: oh the dreaded aftermath. :eek: I know this all too well. What works so much better is to try to do a low carb subsitute. I know this is easier said than done....

Pink: I need to get my self to the gym so I am up for a challenge. Perhaps just checking in that we went could be motivation for me. I have been excercising by walking 45 min to 1 hour a day but I know I need weights/machines... I think we could just check in here: Or we could do an "Exercise is not optional on Atkins thread"

Jocelyn: The fat fast sounds harsh. I think it is dangerous for people who do not need to loose a lot of weight. But I think one day would not harm anyone.

Cruisefan42: Welcome my best advise is to read "Dr. Atkins new diet revolution". This will really help you understand the why and how of this way of eating. If you want to loose weight try to stick to whole foods. You can loose weight eating one bar or one shake a day as a snack. (or for a meal in a pinch). After induction most peolpe loose 1-3 lbs a week.

I hope this is helpful.

Tom in Long Beach

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nmcruzzin - Thanks for the suggestion! I went to goodwill today

and bought the Dr Atkins book its the ANDR with the red cover!!

1.50 :p I cant wait to start reading it.. Couldnt find any cookbooks

but there is another goodwill close so I will ck that one out as well!!

I love reading all your post SO very helpful Thanks you all ;)

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