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Anyone on Atkins?


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Hello all!! I just got home from my Business Law class and wanted to check in. I guess being a good girl last week paid off. I lost almost all of the weight that I gained weekend before last. I need to get back on track and stay there. I do so well and then I blow it. Oh well, at least I am still 23 pounds lighter than I was when I started. I hope everyone is doing well.

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Good Morning Everyone


Dearest Jean, my heartfelt sympathies and love go out to you and your loved ones. I too lost my dear sister-in-law to breast cancer and I am grateful that I got to be there her last days also. Yes, all of you, get your mammograms! I don't want to walk for any more people I care for. Yes, Jean a new sign on name for CC. They really messed up my other email sign on. So this Grammie Baa is quite appropriate fo me. Baa is what my grandsons all call me. We can't figure out why, but that's ok, it's special to me.


Have been doing absolutely great on induction UNTIL yesterday. I live in Maine and we have had a wet, cool summer. Until these last two weeks. It was a glorious day at the beach for our family. And we ended it unfortunately for me at a clam shack for fries and clam strips and ice cream. It was wonderful!! :D Were there other options, probably, but I did'nt want them, not last night.:o But I am up this Am with my two eggs and cuppa tea also, back on track. :)


Leaving for a cruise on October 29th for a TA on the Connie. Got get "some" of this off!! And work on a life style change FOR GOOD! Exercise is still going by the wayside, but I'm shaking and moving outside with my grandkids.


Be Well and Happy All!!


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Hi Donna


I don't know what your old screen name was......but the new one seems very appropriate. We are taking our grandchildren on their first cruise on Monday.......a short one......but it's still a cruise......on the Monarch of the Seas.


Today is my last day of induction...........and I have done Atkins before, so the Golden drop...........or whatever it's called.....happened several times ago...........now it's just a much slower loss. I'm down 8 pounds for a goal of 20.........giving me 12 more to go. I don't consider that bad for just 2 weeks of the Atkins program.


Hang in there..........everyone can slip.........the secret is acknowledging it and moving on in the program.!! :) :)



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A very busy Wednesday!

Donna - 23 lbs that is G R E A T!!!!!!:)

Shaking and Moving,:D Grammiebaa - I think it's so cute your grandsons have a special name for you! I have a friend and her kids call their Grandma "Pie"....cuz that's what she'd always have freshly made up when they would go over there!! :eek: My DIL &DS will find out if I should by pink or blue for our first grandbaby will be next week! :D (Thanks so much for your note...I have good moments and the other)

Rick - 8 lbs in 2 weeks...Great job and staying on track all through your induction time!!

Ok...Choose Wisely tonight!!

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Hi everyone, I am now 10 days in to the induction. I was down 8 pounds on Monday and now I am up 3 today. I have really stuck with it with the exception that I had 4 drinks on Saturday night it was Diet Tonic and Tanquray "I really didn't like the taste of it at first is that wierd since I have been drinking it for the last 10 years" and now I also figured out tonight that the Whipped cream that I bought had 2 carbs but also had 2 sugars :confused: which was not noticed before :( I usually have 2 TBLS a day and count the carbs and have had this for the last couple days... do you think this is what caused the weight gain? If so what do I do? Do I start the 2 weeks over?


I found some interesting things happening... maybe someone can explain, I am sweating!!! I never used to sweat no matter how much I work out I would get really red but not sweat much at all. Another thing I have been been noticing is that with all the water I am drinking on other diets by the end of the day my pee would be clear and now it is not, even though I go all day long.:eek:


I have also been finding it easier with the meat when I put this Artichoke, jalapeno dip from Costco on it. It shows only 1 carb and no sugar for 2 TBLS and I make sure and measure it.


Jean so sorry about your loss.


I am looking forward to trying the 2 new breakfast ideas thanks a lot for the info.


I am feeling like I let myself down a bit with not noticing the sugar. I haven't had a whole lot of cravings until the kids get home from school and start snacking thats when I would get my whipped cream out and have a couple spoons of it.

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Hi Everyone!

Crusin: I'm not sure on the sweating thing......Copy your post and email it to Sheila... She can help you on the whipped cream/toppings items and I think she will be able to advise on the bladder question too.


It's really easy to let some sugar slip in - but catching it and eliminating it is the right thing to do! Good Job!


Thanks guys for the kind thoughts.....


I've cooked all week...I need a break...making the DH take us out tonight! :)

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I'm through with the induction program..........down a total of 9 pounds, and now we are getting ready to head out on a cruise!!:eek:


I'm going to work on keeping my weight right where it is.........and then when I return............I can start to work on a slow weight loss program.


I know that I didn't gain it overnight..........and I'm not going to lose it overnight as well!


I'll check back in next weekend!!



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After my slip last weekend I have been faithful to the plan all week. Lots of good veggies, lots of water and only 1 diet soda a day(not even every day). I am happy to report a 1.8 lb loss. WooHoo!!! Off to the store to buy fixins for dinner tonight as well as proper snacks for our card game tonight,

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Good job, I have 3 days left on induction. I can't wait to hear how your cruise goes. Bread at dinner is always my weekness, good luck with everything. :D


Martini's are mine!!:D ;)


My intentions are still to come home at about the same weight as I head out........I'll report back!!



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Wow, there's lots going on...where to start. I've been away. We had a little mini trip to Charleston this week. Enjoyed the sun. Lost our net connection at home...may be a little less posting happening if it's still flaking (esp with the storms a brewing off the coast).


Jean- So sorry to hear about your sister but from the sounds of it, it was time. Of course there's nothing to say at a time like this. You do your best and that has to be good enough. Do consider when emotionally eating what she would have wanted for you and make the best choices you can that way... keep exercising too (lifts the mood)! I've run a few komen races in my day and will be wearing that pink ribbon pin soon enough (everybody be ready with your pink ribbons for next month!!).


Cruisin'- Sweating with exercise is a good thing. You must be drinking enough water. Keep drinking!!!!


Rick- Welcome :)

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I am down 10 pounds as of this morning. Wooohooo! Now I am technically done with induction Monday but think I will try and stay on it another couple weeks. Maybe I will get one of the Atkins shakes or bars just to have them around. I just have to think of it like smoking... MIND OVER MATTER. Or that is my philosophy on a lot of things. :D

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I'm on day 4 of induction. I refuse to get on the scale until a week is up...or at least that's what I keep telling myself.


We're traveling this weeked so dh took us to eat Mexican. DH and DS ate chips and salsa, beans, rice and lots of other yummy but bad for you food.


I resisted and I am very proud of myself. I ate the fajita's and left the tortials, chips, rice and beans on the table un-eaten. In the past I woud have eaten it, on the promise to restart the next day. I think atkins makes it easier to resist.

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Hi Everyone!

So, we just got back from eating at Olive Garden! I am usually dreading the OG...as there is so much pasta and bread and sugar "Oh My!"....that I can name 5 other places quickly to try and redirect the group to another place. Nope, they weren't going to consider any other place but OG..."It's been months since we've eaten there.....blah blah blah"....fine that's where we're going. Checking out the menu.... AH HA!!! There's a Chicken.....something in Apricot sauce! That's what I'll have, no sauce please. I have a bite of salad, no croutons...no breadstickes - - but my plate came with 2 nice, moist delish grilled chicken breast, brocolli and some asparagus! It really was good and filling and I don't feel like I've gone off track at all! So, if you have a lunch or dinner at Olive Garden check out the apricot chicken meal! Just wanted you to know...in case your eating there anytime soon!

Pink - yep...pink ribbons on my shoes, bracelet and lots of pink shirts... thanks! I think I'm getting back, little by little. :o Did yard work yesterday and since I had to walk the length of the yard back and forth...decided to do lunges. Sadie would stop what ever she was doing and watch me all the way up and back...like I was doing the "moon walk" or something silly like that! :p Ok I did it twice...:p today I can barely sit on the dining chairs and when I stand up :eek: ..It's s l o w going up....holy cow does my rear end hurt!!

Mtaylor-Good Job on the fajitas....we have so many Mexican resturants around here...that's one of my favorite dishes!

Crusin - Congrats on your first 10!! Good Job!:D

Rick- Let us know how you do when you get back!

Mama- Hey! Your doing really well - what card games do you play? I grew up with a crazy family that played pinochle all the time!:D

Ok...have a great rest of your weekend!

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Cruisin- be careful with the shakes and bars. the shakes do stall me. i don't gain but i don't lose either :(


Mtaylor- way to go, induction is truly the hardest (and in some ways, the easiest) part. many of us return to induction later on to get thru the tough times. do it right!! the results are a great treat if you do it right!


Jean- Good for you, resisting breadsticks at a difficult time...wow, woman... I don't know if I could have done that. I love the salt and the butter... At Olive Garden, I also like the braised short ribs and chicken marsala (watch the potatoes in induction though!). I only went to one steakhouse (on my bday) during induction and didn't order dessert. Restaurants were way too tough :)

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crusin4fun - I did not have good success with the shakes. If you go to sugarfreesheila and get the recipe for the induction shake, I would definately do that one. I found the recipe but could not find any chocolate carb free syrup so I did it with the carb free vanilla. Until I found Walden Farms carb free, sugar free chocolate syrup. I do have shakes on a regular basis and I have lost 27 pounds so far. Yes, it would have been a lot more but I tend to cheat from time to time. That shake is so much better than the atkins shake and is very filling.


Jean - I am so proud of you!! :D I really don't think I could have done it!! We are going out to eat next weekend with my boyfriends parents, sister and brother in law to celebrate my birthday along with his sisters. I sure hope we go somewhere that I can stay on track!


I can hardly believe it but I am down 27 pounds now!! I am amost 1/3 of the way there. My goal is to lose 90 pounds total. I was really hoping to lose it all before we went on our first Princess cruise next April but we will have to wait and see. I would really like to lose 16 more pounds before we go on our October cruise in 38 days. No cheating for me and maybe I will get close.


I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!!

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Donna.... 27 lbs!!! That's Awesome! and you've been working through your turn of stressful times too! Your doing great and when you hit your Goal!! oh boy oh boy!! Just don't order to quickly - even if everyone else is ready - I've found that at some places I haven't been in awhile - just keep looking, there's going to be something there for you....or create it! :D

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Hi Gang,

Sorry I have been away for so long, but it's been a very busy end of the summer here. Finally get to enjoy it now that school is over:)


Jean, I am so sorry to hear about your sister. Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

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Hi everyone, I am starting my 3rd week sticking with induction, would like to see more stable results. I am going to stay off the scale as it is flectuating too much for me. I did buy some bars and had one and was 5 pounds heavier the next day so I am going to take the advise and stay away from them until I am closer to my goal. I bought some vitamins and I am going to find some new food ideas.


About the Red Lobster though I thought we could have lobster and shrimp? I went there one day and had their new special with the lobster, shrimp and crab legs and it was yummy. It was all in butter no breading. It was however hard to resist the biscuits but I did.


Great Job on the 27 pounds.. how long has it taken you to loose it?

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cruisin4fun- I started with Atkins at the end of April so it has taken me about 4 months to lose 27 pounds. I still have a long way to go but every pound counts!! :D I don't get very much exercise in because I am a very busy woman! I work fulltime and I am taking 9 hours this semester at the local community college as well as being a single mother to a 10 year old daughter. It has been a rough year but I finally got sole custody of my daughter a few weeks ago. It has not been easy to stick with it and I have cheated from time to time. On the other hand, I think the cheating has helped me stick with it. I get to eat what I want for a day or two and then I get back on track. It is the wrong way to do it, but it works for me. Sometimes I wish I would stay away from the scales because sometimes it is very depressing to see a weight gain but then the next time a big weight loss. It is great to run into people that have not seen me in a while and hear how great I look!!!!:D That is something I could hear everyday!!:cool:

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ooops ... I almost wrote Good 'Morning'...and it's after 12! yikes, where has my day gone?

Donna - you've found the key " I get back on track " - that's what I think really makes a difference! You might have a meal or two - or snack - but then your back on track and even though you might have stalled your loss...in a few days you can see progress again! SEE!! Your shape has changed enough that others notice:D ...that's the best feeling! oh yea..:eek: .Red Lobster - when the gang starts whining for Olive Garden, RL is right next door and I can usually convince them to go there! LOL!


crusin: Good for you on your 3rd week of induction! I kind of think that there's something that really happens on the 3rd week, I dunno, like your system says 'oh yeah...let's burn the stuff that's really stuck on!" Drink lots of water!! Check out http://www.sugarfreesheila.com/RecipesPage.html she has some pretty good stuff to try! We get in a rut every so often too! Hope this helps!


Have a low carb day!





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Hi again, I just got back from a hair cut and I just had to share this. Next to my hair salon is a Nurtrition store and I decided to go in and see what they had to offer. The man there was very helpful and is a pharmacist... I told him that I was on the Atkins diet and he said he had a small area left in the store that was low carb and that is was the thing 4 years ago but not so much now... well I informed if of this website and everything Atkins website and let him know that the diet was still alive and pretty strong. :D


We discussed a few things and he told me of these 2 vitamins that really work well when Ketosis starts to slow down and you get stalled, they are in the book I guess I must of missed it.


In the end without trying to pressure sell me on any other diet he said and I quote "Atkins IS the best diet out there" . YEA it is always nice to have that verified by a store owner that did not have a lot of product for me but was pro-Atkins anyway. :D I will go to the other side of town tommorrow and check out a few other health food stores tommorrow.


I did pick up this Waldens BBQ sauce 0 carbs 0 sugars 0 everything really "wonder what is in it":rolleyes: I also picked up these Scandanavian Bran cracker things that are 0 carb, well actually 3 carbs but 3 fiber so I think they are 0. I am not eating them now but want them on hand in week 5 and and so forth.


Donna that is Awesome that you can go on and off but I fear this early in the game I won't try it. I haven't really had any cravings yet if I were to pick it would be ice cream.. although I never ate it that much before starting this because of the calories and tends to lead to more. Ice cream are my Pringles you can't eat just one.

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