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Anyone on Atkins?


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cruisin4fun - Let me know what you think about the Walden Farms BBQ sauce. I just LOVE their chocolate sauce. :D I have not tried the BBQ sauce yet or the ketchup but I sure have been thinking about it. I stock up on the chocolate sauce when I get it because I do have to drive to the next town to get it. They dont carry it anywhere where I live. :( You can order the bottles online but the shipping is a little high so I just stock up when I go to Durham. I really didn't have any cravings until I had been on Atkins for about a month or two and it seems like I fall off the wagon about once a month. :eek: I am trying really hard to stay focused right now because we leave in 35 days for our next cruise. :cool: :D

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I am trying really hard to stay focused right now because we leave in 35 days for our next cruise. :cool: :D


I hear ya! We have just over that until our cruise. I have been staying on induction since I have so much to lose. I really want to it my goal by our May 3 cruise with friends. I have been seeing some good results that keep me going!

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I started the end of April at 243.6 pounds and I am currently 216.2 pounds. I am 5'8 and look REAL good at 150-160 so that is my goal. My scale says that my bmi is currently 29 but I think it is wrong. I believe it is higher than that. My goal was to really lose the weight before we go on Ruby Princess with friends in April. I will do my best but will not get discouraged if I don't make it! You know how it is about getting older and how tough it is to lose the weight. I really try to stay close to induction as well cuz I have so much to lose. If I could only give up my diet Mountain Dew and drink more water. :rolleyes: I just can not give it up.

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Donna, sad to say that the BBQ is aweful, it tastes like sugar and something nasty I just can't pinpoint it. I have eaten a lot of diet food but this one is not good. I was debating on the chocolate one but that would make me want ice cream and a banana. I have another hair appointment in 6 weeks by then I should have lost some more weight.


The crackers that I was saving I tried one and they are ok but you really need something on them and it gives the crunch that I have been wanting.


I really am not loosing this week about 7 off altogether and I was counting about 4 or 5 as water. I wonder what I am doing wrong. I eat eggs w/sausage or bacon with a little shredded cheese for breakfast and I added a few mushrooms today and dried shallots. Lunch I had a cheeseburger/ no bun with 1 slice of tomatoe and 1/2 slice of onion and 2 lettuce leafs and mayo. Dinner was about 6 chicken wings and a little tuna saled that had egg, little bit of onion and pickle and mayo. Have had the same thing pretty much all week so far. One day I did have the 2 cups of lettuce with a little tomato and hamburger and ranch.


Tommorrow I am planning on having Tuna for lunch, I don't know what to have for breakfast. I don't know dinner yet either.

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Good Morning!

Looks like everyone is looking for a bit of a taste of BBQ....this is what I do when I'm craving some BBQ chicken and I also do it in a big pan and you can do wings like this too: It's not to scientific...but if you know your way around the kitchen..you can do this!

Olive Oil - maybe.. 1/2 cup, and not stick with the chicken - med heat

Brown the Chicken - cook like 1/2 way done

Put the Chicken on a cookie sheet or something that can go into a 400 degree oven and continue to cook until done - about 1/2 hr - 20 min for wings.

Now take the pan with the oil and put in some (6 slices) small shopped up bacon to brown up. Stir this up as it's cooking .

Chop up 1/2 onion, 2 cloves of garlic (we like garlic) pretty small - add this when your bacon is almost done, and brown.

Now where's where you have to decide on flavor - you can add something smokey - but not to much, some chipolte flavor, chili powder..... what ever you trying to make. Be creative with your spices to help keep the sodium low and not to swell up with water.

Then I do take 1 can of tomato paste (if you notice this is where some carbs do come in to the picture..so be careful!) ...and use like 1/2 of it ... to get that flavor and 1/4 cup of brown sugar splenda.

Like I said...you have to judge it the best you can to get that BBQ sauce flavor and thickness that you like.

I then take the chicken out of the oven and use a wooden spoon to smear some 'sauce' on it - you don't have to drown it with the sauce to give your taste buds what they are looking for Or if I'm doing a bunch of wings..I put them back into the big pan and toss - let them sit in the sauce for a good 20 min to get the sauce to stick to the wings. Is your mouth watering yet?! :p I saw Rachel Ray do this on one of her shows...but she put in a lot of brown sugar... So I just tweaked this to make it work for us.

Try it and let me know how you fancied it up for your families taste!

Crusin - what kind of exercising are you doing? Even walking will help rev up your system to burn some weight off. Your meals sound pretty good! Are you drinking enough water? Maybe the Atkins whoosh is just around the corner for you! Hang in there!

Donna- Girl your doing great!

mama - Results!! That's what we're all working so hard for! Good job!

Hey.....we have some Losers MIA - or your just lurking and not posting! How's everyone doing? I know getting back into the swing of school is tough on everyone... but we're missing the chatting! Lisa, Jocelyn, Karen, Pink, Mtaylor, Easy, Grammiebaa, Tom - - - come out, come out, where ever you are!!!!!!!;)

Refilling my water cup!

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Happy Friday!! :D


This is one weekend that I am really not looking forward to. I have to write an essay for my Critical Thinking class that is due Monday. I keep putting it off because I hate that class. My other two classes this semester are great but I have to force myself to do my critical thinking homework. :( I will be so glad when this semester is over and I don't think I will take 9 hours again. Six hours a semester is so much better for me.


Cruisin4fun - I am sorry that the bbq sauce was so bad. I will have to try Jean's recipe. :D I really do like their chocolate sauce but I just put it in my induction friendly shakes. I have one just about every morning. On the weekends I tend to make breakfast for us but I just don't have time to cook during the week. I just throw the ingredients in the blender when I am getting ready to walk out the door and drink it on my way to work. Guess I am just not a morning person. I struggle everyday to get up at 6:00, get ready, get my daughter ready, take her to school and get to work at 8:00. This semester has been really rough cuz I have been staying up until midnight most nights doing homework.


Jean - Thank you so much for your kind words. Losing weight has always been an issue for me. The funny thing is - This time I am doing it for ME and it is actually working. My boyfriend is so wonderful. He loves me for who I am, not what I look like and has never said anything about my weight. He does say how proud of me he his. He told some friends that he is worried that once I lose all this weight I will find a younger man and leave him. NEVER!! He is the best thing that has happened to me. He worries too much about the age difference. Age is just a number to me and who cares that he is 11 years older than me. Not me that is for sure.


Well, I guess I am done rambling for this morning. I guess I got on a roll. Sorry about that!! I hope everyone has an absolutely wonderful low carb weekend. I still don't know where we are going for dinner on Sunday but I will fill y'all in on Monday!!:D

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1) Water, water, water- how much water are you drinking? Drink lots...

2) What's on those wings?

3) Remember that just because it has 0 carbs... does not mean it's sugar free OR that it won't stall you!!!! Make sure the label reads NO SUGAR in the ingredients. Check em...they're sneaky. Also, sometimes low carb or 0 carb things can stall! (even if they shouldn't)

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Hi, everybody! I wanted to check in and see how all of you are doing, and it is so nice to see the new faces. I hope all of you are doing well ... all ready for big rainstorm from Ike to get here!


Recently I came across a product I found at the health food store in Oklahoma City and wanted to recommend it. The ingredients, nutrition information, and taste are all in check, and I just love these. As you can see, every carb gram is accounted for by fiber; you've gotta love that! (As I've stated before, I have no paid endorsements whatsoever - this company hasn't a clue who I am. I just love to share what I like!)





I cannot find them in my area, but if you're in OKC, you can find them here: Health Food Center. This is probably the best health food store I've ever been to.


Hope you are all having a nice Saturday!

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Hello to Everyone,


Your right Jean, I've been lurking. I'm having a rough time lately. I'm on a new medication and one of it's side effects is wieght gain!!! And it seemed no matter how good I'm staying on induction, I'm not moving. So I too am going to stay away from the scales. Because when I went UP after being really really good, it just shot me down. And I fell right off the wagon and ate BAD:( ! So I've picked myself up once again and got going AGAIN. I have a cruise in just 46 days, and I'd just like my clothes to fit comfortably. I'm not buying anything new, I have enough from my last cruise back in January! And I have to pack lighter now:eek: ! So I'm here, just not feeling so chatty. Maine's weather is very nice right now, and I'm enjoying being outside while I still can! Take care all.

Donna (the other Donna :) )

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Pink the wings were plain, I boiled them for 10 minutes and grilled for 15 I tried the Carb free bbq and didn't like it so decided to eat plain. I am heading back to the gym tommorrow and changing to all fish and chicken and staying away from the red meat and see if that makes a difference because I rarely ever ate red meat before the diet. We will see I am back to the 10 pounds off and my monthly is comming so I will just hope for a no gain for the next week. I drink about 5 16 ounce bottled waters a day is that enough? I really don't like water, but I do have 1 diet dew or diet pepsi a day as well. I may switch to 1/2 calffeine coffee since it is getting colder. I find that I really am not snacking at all during the day and really make myself eat.


Does anyone know of a recipe that involves chicken, cabbage, cheese it some kind of casserole I can't remember where I found the recipe. Thanks.


Looks like really good crackers I will hold off on them though.

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The soda may be the culprit. Have you tried black coffee or even, giving it all up for a week. Also, TOM may be the culprit. I gain about a week before IT comes... then it drops off right after if I manage to behave myself!


Pink, who has not been behaving and can't share anymore


HOPE EVERYONE ELSE IS DOING WELL. Just a few months till my cruise... NEED to renew my resolve!!!

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Well, I blew it at Red Lobster last night. I just could not resist the cheddar biscuits. :o Now that is over I am back on track and even drank more water and less Diet Mountain Dew than usual. I will try my best to drink lots of water for the next 30 days. Maybe then I can get back in my size 13 jeans for the cruise!! I actually got into my size 13 jeans the other night but they were REAL tight. I hoping to lose enough to be able to wear them on Carnival Destiny next month!! ;)

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Hey Kiddos!

So we are coming upon another weekend - what'er you guys doing? We are taking the trailer out to a place called Grants, there is a neat campground with great hiking close by and I expect we'll be doing some of that. I've already got a lot of my meals planned as when I make roasts or cook up some large portions of meat, I put them in containers and then in the freezer to make up some quick BBQ, or Chili, then of course the fun stuff to cook on the little grill....yum!

I've been really good about my walking and now I can 'lunge' all the way across the yard and back and still be able to walk into the house and my legs aren't shaking so bad:eek: - yay!

Jocelyn, Lisa, Tom, Donna's, Easy, Karen, Mtaylor, Pink, SFS,Crusin - - & Everyone Else - - Low Carber's - Have a great weekend!:D :p :D :) Using up my faces.....lol!

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Hello Gang!! I hope everyone is having a wonderful week. Keith and his fishing buddies went back to the outer banks again this morning so I will spend the weekend doing housework and homework. :( I am so ready for October 16th to get here. I truly need a cruise right now!! I have been doing so much better about my water intake and hopefully Monday the scales will be kind!!;)

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Well...........I've been bad about checking in!! Long story short.........the martini's were excellent...........we walked the stairs........ate with the captain 3 times (not good for a diet)........and came back 3 pounds heavier.


Back on the program for a couple of days.............so the sugar in the alcohol should be out of my system by now...........and going to work on another 8 pounds before our next one..........which is either 10/10, if we can get aboard.........but for sure 10/13. Fortunately, there is a rotation of captains............and we don't know this one very well...........but it will be a party anyway...........as it's the last 4 night cruise of the Monarch on the West Coast.


I must be on the stair step plan!! :D



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Hey There!

Here we are on another Monday morning - some are saying 'wow, did I blow it this weekend' or, 'I was sooo goood!' others ' yep it's Monday and I'm getting back on track today, because I splurged a bit ' - Which one are you? I'll tell you which one I was a little later......

So we took the trailer west of Albuquerque, about an hour away. Had made an RSVP with a RV park that I found on the web - but have never been too. We pull in there and go 'oh,oh'..... Well, let's see what they have. DH goes in to register, comes back and we drive the circle looking at the spaces available. We found one that we thought well...maybe...... put the trailer in and when we realized that the electric cord couldn't reach, no drain, and we were in 12 in weeds on a slant....nope! We pulled out, got our refund and went back to town - and now it's raining! Found a KOA that we actually ended up really enjoying - Sadie found another dog to 'wrestle and run' with and all of the hook ups were great! Saturday we did some really fun hiking http://www.nps.gov/elmo/planyourvisit/outdooractivities.htm

and perfect weather!

Hey Rick - Our Cruise is coming soon and I know we'll be on the stair step plan too! ha.....sounds like you had a good time though!! :)

Donna - Hope the scales read a number you really like! ;)

Where is everyone.........The weekend gets here and this thread gets quiet! LOL!

Have a Great Monday..........oh yeah, " I'm getting back on track! " Camping and hiking really make me hungry! LOL :D

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Hi all! Just 'keeping on keeping on' here. I did lose last week but Saturday was cultural school for my daughter.(she is adopted from China) at a Chinese buffet restaurant(the teacher is the owner). I did my best to pick and choose but there must have been some hidden flour or cornstarch in some of the meat and veg because the next day I was back up a pound. But just went right back to the plan and today I was back down 1/2 pound.

I did find the absolute best diet pop though. Jones Soda Sugar-free Green Apple! It taste great. I am still only drinking 1 can with supper but it is so hard to stay away from the rest of the day because I know how good it is. Before I drank one diet-rite cola or cherry cola with dinner, but just one a day.

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Hi Mama Hao....

Chinese is so hard to resist for me! :eek: I love it!:D You may also be hanging onto some extra water from the soy sauce they use in cooking....high in sodium...hopefully it's

through your system in a day or so and your back on track! hmmm I've never seen a Jones Soda. Good friends of ours also have an adopted daughter from China and my be back around the first of the year for daughter #2!

And your going to really enjoy the Valor...that was our first Cruise - Loved it!!

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Hi Mama Hao....

Chinese is so hard to resist for me! :eek: I love it!:D


Chinese food is impossible for me to avoid. At least once a month we meet with her Chinese school for culture class at this buffet. There is no way I can not go, it is too important to Serenity. But is is only once a month.


Pinkbikini, sorry to hear you are under the weather. I have a cold/cough right now.

I think the cold/decongestant I am taking may have something to do with my stall. Any thoughts on this, anyone?

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