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Anyone on Atkins?


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Just a quick stop in -

Hey Pink - I'm sorry you've been so sick! ..... knew you weren't feeling to well awhile back..but thought maybe a cold or something?! .. Take it easy...rest rest rest!!

I made a batch of spicy/sweet pecans last week for munching on - gooselace shared that last fall.

I think I am part bear....eating stuff for hibernation! Just trying to make good choices.

Welcome Cerabella!

Jocelyn - you still around?

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Hey, I guess we all do it...you know work so hard for that certain event or function, then feel like rewarding ourselves by going back to that 'former'

way of eating...:confused:


I have still been fighting the dreaded 'carb cravings' thanks to post-cruise syndrome..especially since I don't have anything booked or in the works for

the near future:(


Unfortunately those same four or wait for it...five lbs keep hopping back on for a free ride...answer? Book another one???


(jean, you have posted something really yummy looking on one of my other favorite threads...:))

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Whaaat ? It's only Wednesday?:confused: How can just 2 days of the week feel like it should already be Friday? oh well..I guess I'm just getting more done this week then the normal week.

So, Monday morning - in the shower - a can of (can't believe I'm telling you guys this) of shaving cream fell straight down and hit my right foot little toe! I waited to see how much damage....I don't think it's broke - but very tender to walk on and the toe is blue and the color has spread to my foot!:eek: Now..we leave in 2 weeks for our cruise- tell me how cute my sandals and flip flops are going to look with this toe!?! - LOL...this sounds like something that goes on the Fashion board! :p

Anyway, I'm wearing my looser (is that a real word?) fitting shoes, so it's easier to walk!

Just 2 miles from our house is a big area that we call an arroyo..it's where all of the water from the city drains through - very sandy - and I've started taking Sadie for walks through there. She can run around and process all of the smells from everything down there - and I walk in soft sand. Well...I think finding somewhere else besides just the route around our house has been a good thing - I'm down 2 lbs - not really super strict - but watching my choices.


Cerabella - Thanks!;) Low carb ya know...LOL!! yeah right! :p Good thing I was able to take that and share with friends! There was only one small slice left!

Are you posting anything on there?

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Just a few weeks to go til cruise time and I am up 2 lbs :mad:. Of course it is TOM so hopefully that is the biggest reason.

On the up side, people are starting to notice a change, and I am fitting into some of my smaller size clothes(by smaller I mean 16's and XL's). I am still a pretty good size girl but I am working on it.

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Good low~carb Thursday!!


Yep, going to do better today...yesterday our power went off for over 5 hours, thankfully right after I finished up dinner...(crock pot chicken, steamed veggies, & some brown rice

for DH) then as time rocked on & still no power I couldn't get ice cream off my mind...you know it had to be sorta getting soft, just like I (used) to like it, w/ no power, right???:eek:

Well two bowls later I was done, DH got the generator going & I waddled around thinking



Sooo, this morning boiled egg, small handfulla nuts, spoonfulla cream cheese, sorta back on track.

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Mama Hao, don't get too discouraged, 'water retention' can be blamed for a lot of those darned fluctuations, remember the scales can lie that's why measurements are a factor also in our long term success;)... drinking more water actually is key sometimes, sadly I just don't seem to drink as much when it turns cooler..btw, I really like your weight ticker, it certainly is a good visual way to track your progress...


Jean, I haven't posted on the photo thread ~ my sad little story...I have been a 35mm user just until August when I finally purchased a sort of in-between digital until I could get the one I really wanted...studied, (I mean w/ a highlighter like it was for a college test...) my manual for a week or two when I had the time...took about 30 pictures to practice, then on to our cruise 9~7~08...as I was standing @ the back of the beautiful Conquest, missing dinner to take sunset pics ~ zoom error ~ camera shuts off, it is broken... only 50 or so pics taken..blah blah long story short ( kinda ) off to the company, fixed, back in my hands just last week, sooo I have been so wanting to do the classes, now I can :D

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Mama - good job on getting back down to your low weight...nothing feels better then being at a lower weight! :)

Cerabella - Oh no..your camera went on the fritz...while on your Cruise! !:mad: :eek:

I don't know how successful posting pics are for you. So many recommended Picasa...and I did that...but Shutterfly is for me. Easier for sure! Plus, I just did my Scotland digital scrapbook and that was so fun!

Low carbing it - then went to lunch with friends, didn't make the best choice - but will work out with doggy tonight and stay low carb for supper.

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Hey all purple sticks friends hope y'all had a really low carb week~me, not so much, but as usual, tomorrow is another day...Saturday, woo hoo!!:D


I've followed this thread faithfully for a very long tome before posting, so wondering where all the low carb peoples have disappeared ??:p


Need encouragement & ideas, whatsup???:o


Today I had another low carb breakfast, same as yesterday... just not much of a morning person... a small cup of rich (Gevalia) Columbian coffee ( sorry, Dr A, just can't/won't give up the morning java, doesn't seem to stall me much...) don't really feel hungry until about

9:30 or 10, which is usually ok since I work @ home & am free to eat & drink as I please ~

tho that can be my downfall too...it seems the evening is when my appetite really kicks in, so I try to be more diligent then... how about your guys??


Jean ( & others HELLLLOOO!!!) funny story re: your toe injury ~ the day before my Sept. 7 cruise I fell & hurt my ankle after being so careful for weeks because I bruise sooo easily...anyhooo, i sat there & thought to myself an ugly bruise on my ankle won't be so pretty on my oncea year major vacation when I am expecting to take a million pics... what in the world helps inflamation & swelling... inflamation & swelling...guess what popped into my head...DH's Prep. H!! :eek:...no joke, I ran to the med cab & slathered it all over my pounding ankle... no way did I want cankles on my dream vacation... ( not sure it actually worked, but it sure soothed it.... he he :o)

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Happy "fall" everyone. No pun intended Jean...do be careful :D




Oh Miss Pink...You are a funny one!You must be feeling a little better??! I hope!:)

Most of the bruising is gone - I think the 'dent' where the can landed on the joint might take a little longer to be gone. I think I'll only be the only one that will know what happened on our trip! yay! hehe


Cerabella - Ummm I know Donna is on her Cruise, Pink just checked in, Mama is doing good! - and I just don't know if everyone is just LURKING and don't have time to post, Lurking and have never posted, Or is just not motivated but want to see what were up too.

I miss all of the old regular's and the newbies that posted for awhile. I know I post pretty often...did I chase them off?!?:( :o :eek:


I think a pot of : 1 box of chicken broth, meat from 1 cooked chicken (no bones :p Tom), bunch of green onions chopped a few herbs will be on the stove this afternoon for supper. Warm & pretty low carb!

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I'm still here battling those 2 lbs. We are leaving bright and early tomorrow morning for our 12 days on the sea. I pledge to only use the stairs and walk on deck for exercise to hopefully offset a few desserts and DODs.

See you Nov 1.

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Yay!! for those on their cruise, just finishing up & those getting ready to go!!:)


Since I just cruised in Sept., I wish all the very best (low~carb) cruise ever!!:D I know you can have a really great time & stay within the bounds of our WOE!!


In fact, I was showing my sister what few cruise pics I had, & she said 'Haven't I seen that dress before??' :confused: Well, duh, why would I buy a NEW one when I have maintained the same size for the last seven years...( hey, it's a really cute geisha ~ type dress that fits one year kinda tight, one year kinda loose) but I lurv, lurv, LURV it, so why fix what ain't broken, right?? Wish I could post a pic of it, but only have 26.4 Kbps....slow, slow, slow internet connection...prolly take all nite to just post a thumbnail...oh, technology..:o


I had a pretty good low~carb weekend. Resisted a mountain of do~nuts ( didn't even tempt me), ate at a buffet, my dessert was sweet potatoes, yummmo...Hope all stayed the course, if not, well then...tomorrow's Monday, let's start afresh:p

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I'm 2.5 weeks from our next cruise. 2 more weekends of work. I'm pretty tired and stressed about work- it's been kind of difficult due to a lack of work and a lot of unit changes lately. grrr...


If we decide to make something new this week I'll let you know!

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I'm back!!! I had a wonderful cruise on the Carnival Destiny! :) My status even changed on this cruise. I left here as a single woman and came back engaged!!:D It wasn't the romantic proposal I had envisioned but at least he put a diamond on my finger. ;) I have to run to my business law class but wanted to touch base real quick. I have no idea about my weight but I will talk more about the cruise tomorrow. I hope everyone is having a wonderful week.

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Donna WOW Thats AWESOME !! Congrats.... ;)

Will be looking forward to cruise review..


I have been back from my cruise two weeks now and

it is so hard to get back to LC eating!!! Those EVIL carbs

keep calling me and wont get out of my mind.. I was so good before

I left eating right and excersizing 5 days a week. I was even good on my 7

day vacation up intill the last two days.. I have to get butt back on the stick

before I blow everything I worked so hard for..

Happy LC everyone :D

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Congrats Donna ~ engaged, woo hoo:D


DH & I just passed the 24 year anniversary Monday, 10~20...(we've been soooo traumatized by Ike, damages to our business, lost our truck in Galveston, etc... that it hardly seemed like a blip on the radar)...:o


A good low carb day for me... I'm determined to stay on track despite a few 'carb attack' set backs... I have re~discovered the ole crock pot these days ( hee...hee..my DSIL calls it the 'crotch pot'):p I cooked a package of turkey legs in it, seasoned very well, for about 6 hours... yummy...we seem to have almost every nite ~ some kinda meat, some steamed veggies... we have fallen into a rut, I suppose. Any thing new for dinner,... anything??



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Watched a little bit of Oprah today, heard her say she was doing the 'protein thing' & couldn't have bagels...:(If she would really stick with a good low~carb WOE & exercise she would be miles ahead health~wise...right you guys!!:D


Then she might have some of us on her show (esp SFS!!) with our before & afters to show the world that hey, it really works!!:p


(oops, better get with it then...;))

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Oprah's an awful diet example. That woman is so successful in so many ways it's astounding. But it seems every month she's trying some new fad diet... very strange. Can't imagine how rough that is on her system either :(


My stomach is still weird. DH got a flu- a cough, cold, virus type thing... he's almost over it but I'm still feeling a bit tired. I'm about 4 lbs up over where I wanted to be (I wanted to cruise at my low weight). I know it doesn't sound like much but I'm a devil on the cruises and eat like nobody's business so I really wanted to get on at my low weight. I've not been feeling well but still I'm doing 30 min hard core aerobics daily and sticking to plan.


Wanted to let everyone know about my newest temptation-- not recommended for induction but an awesome treat anytime after those 2 weeks-- Lindt's 85% extra fine squares. Usually they're $8/box but you can find em at the outlets for $4/box. Consdering the bars are nearly $3 each they are an AWESOME DEAL. Super fine squares. 15 squares is 6 carbs. I'm nearing my TOM right now and in super choc mode and I can't get past 10... WOW. What a great carb deal!!!!


So, just an FYI for anyone interested... 10 days til our cruise... we're packing... just got rid of a ton of clothes with DH in our annual closet purge. Still have to sort through the ts and shorts and pack the bags for this cruise. Why is packing such a chore? Is it cause I'm not feeling 100%? Or is it cause it's too close to the cruise? Maybe we should've packed in early Sep when I was super excited for the cruise ;)

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Hey Pink!

Yep! I know that this weekend I should put my clothes and stuff out to see what I just can't leave behind ! ha ! So we'll be on the high seas some of the same days!? We are Nov 2-9 - going to be spending some $$ in Mexico! lol

The problem that I have with Oprah, is that she influences so many around her that not only has she done all of the diets that she has in 20 some years...but so many of her fans - have done the exact same thing - with probably the same results! Do you all remember the'skinny' jean show where she brought out on a wagon all of the 'fat' that she lost? Holy Cow! And Pink - I agree - if she tried to be healthy...she'd still be eating that way now! And she has a cook! ahem......a Chef! Wouldn't SFS be a great guest on there!!?? I'd probably watch that one!:p

Sorry Pink that your still not feeling so good.....yuck! But your going to be loving that TLC on a Cruise!

Cerabella - Sometimes we can get in a rut. Go to your meat market and look around at something that you haven't had in a long time? maybe fish? seafood? and maybe try a different way of cooking. How about a big chef salad....? Taco Sald? just tossing out ideas.

Had Jury duty on Tues & Wed, which gave me 3 days to do my weeks work!...oh well...doing my duty! ha!

Have a great LC weekend!

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Hey eveyone, I am back in Buisness :D Was tried of being tied

and feeling like p**p!!!!! Almost down to my pre cruise weight :p

Put some jeans on today that I havent worn in 4 years..

Has anyone ever eating at a Brizilain resturant??? My DH and I went for

lunch today. First we had salad bar then they bring these scewers of meats.

All different kinds out and they cut the meat off the scewers at your

table. You can have as much meat as you like.. It was really good and VERY

LC friendly...

NMCruzzin - It wont be long intill your cruise!!! You will have to

let me know about the Pride. I will be on her next June.. What cabin are you in? I booked 6245.. Let me knowhow she is. Have a wonderful time.

Pink - Get better. Hows the wii fit going???


cerabella - Good job staying on track!! I do the same thing. I have

the same thing for lunch and dinner all week.. Same meat and same veggie! I usally cook a bunch of meat on sunday and eat it all week.


Everyone else HI and HAPPY LCing

Have a WONDERFUL weekend all..

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LV- DH and I went to the very fancy $50/pp for lunch (ahem, yes, for real) Brazilian Restaurant Fogo de Chao in Houston. They have on in ATL, DC... and a few other places as well. The food was ok. Nothing amazing. But as meat lovers it was a great place for us nonetheless ;) We have a local one for $13/pp for lunch all you can eat and we may hit that up sometime though we've heard mixed reviews. I think most people can't take advantage of it because most people can't stomach the thought of all that meat in one sitting... DH and I had no trouble polishing off 22 oz ribeyes at Longhorn's last weekend with ceasar salads although we did skip dessert :o



I'm so glad you're going on vacation. What a great thing for you right now. Enjoy Mexico. Did you see they just did a special on the excursions??? Looks like some good ones. Hope you get a few. DH and I aren't beach people and I didn't enjoy Cozumel. I'd been told it was the most beautiful place on earth... ok, so here's the story...


Long winded Mexico Story for anyone interested

It was our last port of the trip. We'd done awesome excursions. We decided to get off, do a little shopping, hit the most beautiful beaches on earth and then get back on the ship for hamburgers and hot dogs later that afternoon when we were done. Sure I'd considered the glass bottomed boats and resorts but no need, Cozumel is this amazing/beautiful place that I had to see. So, DH and I get off the boat, map in hand...walk down some streets...shop a bit. Can't have alcohol due to meds DH is taking so we pass the tequila shops. Pass by the restaurants. DH BEGS to go into McD's and I tell him, no way, there's free food on the boat, we're not stopping here (I promised him after that when we go back we will stop there... it turned out to be a huge sore spot as he really wanted to try regional specialties). So we're in sandals and it's not all that comfortable (they weren't good ones) but we knew the beach was like 2 miles up the road so we could make it... starts to get deserted...we keep walking...seems like it's been a half hour (must be 2 miles by now? of course, tropical places make the walk seem longer). Beaches are there but gosh they're ugly. Dirty. Trashy. Rocky. This IS Cozumel?


Finally, as we're approaching the bazillionth condo we see a nice looking middle aged blonde women with ostentatious jewelry power walking towards us. We stop her because, of course, she must be American. She is and she comes to Cozumel every year. We ask, um, are there any nice beaches around here? Oh no, she says, this is the north part of the island and the nicer ones are privatized but due to storms and what not most don't have much of a beach to speak of. We need to head SOUTH. Oh, I say...


So we begin the walk in the other direction. A cab stops and offers us a ride for $15. I say no way, $5. He says no way. No negotiations. He drives off. Another one stops. I offer $7. He offers $15. No negotiations. He drives off. I'm like, aren't we in Mexico? Ddin't we just walk 2 miles??? How many miles was this??? clearly our map was of no help. We had horrible blisters on our feet that took 3 weeks or more to heal even with our daily 1000mg vitamin c supplements...


We end up back on the ship- no souvenirs, no McD's experience, no breathtaking beach photos...


Let's just say, Mexico was not a great trip for us. However, I've booked the dolphim swim (which I did in Cancun and loved in 04) for DH and I for February and hope we can improve our memory the next time ;)



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It's still going well. DH gave up months ago which makes it harder. It's much easier to have a buddy to compare to... I can do longer aerobic sessions and really enjoy yoga and balance games. I have to force myself to do strength exercises. I'm 4 lbs from my low weight. Lost a pound in the last 2 days-- course if this nausea keeps up I may lose several more pounds this weekend from not being able to eat ;)


I've been enjoying a BLT salad in my lunch lately-- 2 cups spinach, large red tomato, 1/2 cucumber, and bacon fried and then crumbled over the top... I get a side container (for ketchup, etc) and put 1/4 cup ranch with lots of chili powder in there. I pour that over the top just before I eat it. It's very filling and I really enjoy getting all my veggies in at work. Keeps me from eating badly there!!!


Hope you guys have a great week!



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