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Anyone on Atkins?


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One last post--


I changed my avatar pic. This is me cuddling a 2 month old tiger in Myrtle Beach in September. How fun is that??? We visited the Ntl Zoo in D.C. a month later and it was sooooooooooooo not as cool after cuddling animals face to face. I never liked aquariums much... would like to revisit San Diego Zoo again though as I have great memories of that place and can imagine that it may still be a good experience! :)

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Welcome to Pink's weekend Atkins edition...


I'm your host, commentator and only participant here on the Atkins board all weekend long. :(


I'm struggling to stay on plan. But I haven't faltered yet. I'm down another pound these past 2 days. If this keeps up I will be at or below my low weight before the cruise. I know I can hit a plateau and stall but if I keep up my workouts and eat appropriately it will be great to watch the number on the scale (and the one around my tummy) shrink.


It's amazing how motivating it can be to start doing every other day weights and measurements again... I was doing spot checks (occasional weights when I remembered at night) the past few months but seeing the number drop every few days is really motivating :)

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Hi Pink, I am here!!

WOW thats great goal weight and a cruise.. Cant beat the

combo :p Are you all packed and ready to go? Where does your

cruise go? I am not familar with that one!

Where is everyone else??

I am doing good I cleaned out my closet today. I was pleasently

surprised all my clothes fit or were to big :D Stuff I havent worn

before and stuff I havent worn in years.. I have a whole new wardrobe :p

Today I am grilling pork chops and burgers. I also made stuffed

peppers . I will eat that all week with some veggies! Whats everyone

else having??

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It IS a lonely, quiet place on the weekends, huh!:o


I know some are cruising or getting really close, so I hope their weight management is right on track just like yours, Pink!! BTW, cute avatar. I am seriously going to change mine when I find the time to upload pix to Shutterfly, or one of those hosting sites... I have to have my IT DS come & assist with his high speed internet...I have the slowest dial-up on the continent apparently...:p


I have gained a couple, lost a couple...just keep trucking on like a turtle...Almost too busy to do any real exercising except for a few minutes at least every other morning, don't want to regress too far...:o

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This weeks menu at my house:


-hamburger, bbq rub spice, garlic and cheese (not recommended- burger too dry...good thing there's ONLY 3 lbs of it...blah :( )

-chicken curry with broccoli

-spinach blt salads

-cucumbers and dsg for snack

-pickles for snack

-eggs with cheese and sausage


Thanks for the support all. Panama Canal coming up soon!

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Good Morning!

Pink - Your picture is soo cute! When I lived in SanDiego...the zoo was one of my favorite places! And they've done a lot of changes through the years! I kind of get turned around because of the improvments they have made from when I was there the last time! Cool! Panama!

So here's my packing delimma - - it's cool enough now to swap my winter/summer clothes - but I have to keep out enough summer clothes for our Cruise! And then when we get back - all of those summer clothes will have to be packed away for the winter. But I found a pair of summer shoes I didn't even get to wear this year!:mad: well...I have next summer to look forward to wearing them! I'd take them on this trip...but they don't go with anything I'm taking! ha!

Oh and we're in cabin 7258! We've heard good things about the Pride! I'll let ya know.


Dinner this week...? Tonight it's chicken taco salads...because that's what I have the stuff for. I'm going to the local meat market today to place our order...my freezer is almost bare! :eek:

This morning...I'm back on induction - Confession: I had a Chicken Toaster Sandwich at Sonic....and I ate the whole thing!:eek: I don't have a problem with leaving the 'bun' off of other stuff....but toasted Texas Toast...gulp....

Note to self: ... don't order what you can't resist! :o

Ok, catch ya's on down the road....

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Sorry I have been MIA. Life has been crazy since we got back from our cruise. I am the only one at work that knows how to do the majority of my job so it was really piled up when I got back. I am almost caught up and will hopefully get caught up tomorrow or Wednesday.


I really blew it while we were on our cruise. I have gained almost 6 pounds. :eek: I am back on track now so hopefully they will fly off as quick as they came on. :) Tonight we are cooking steaks on the grill with a salad. I am looking forward to a good steak.


Our cruise was just wonderful! We left here at 6:00 Wednesday morning and started driving toward Miami. We got to Melbourne, Florida around 4:00 Wednesday after and checked into Hampton Inn. We went to Outback for dinner and then got to bed kind of early. Thursday morning we got up at 5:00 and got back on the road around 6:00 am. We got to the port of Miami around 9:30 and checked right in. We were Zone 1 for boarding. We ended up getting onboard around noon and besides the wedding parties and VIP there were only 2 couples onboard before us!! Our room was not quite ready so we went on the lido deck and had lunch with friends we met on cruisecritic. I am so glad that they noticed my tennis bracelet on the deck, it had broken. I will have to get that fixed pretty soon. I feel naked without it.


Friday morning we got to Key West around 7:00 and decided to just walk around. Keith wanted to go to Sloppy Joe's and Margarittaville. We bought a T-Shirt for Keith at Sloppy Joe's and then just walked around. On the way back to the Destiny I wanted a shirt from Hard Rock Cafe so we stopped and got a T-Shirt and he found a pin he wanted for his Harley vest. Then we saw a Harley shop so he got a couple more shirts and one for me. One more stop for a shirt for Haven before we head back to Destiny. We ate lunch with our friends and then took a nap before formal night. Or should I say "cruise elegant"?? This was the night we got engaged. :D


Saturday we got to Cozumel around 1:30 and got off Destiny around 2:00. Last year when we got to Cozumel we docked at the other dock so Keith decided that it was not that far so we would just walk. We were supposed to meet a lot of people from our roll call at Carlos & Charlies at 4:30 so we figured we had plenty of time. By the time we got to Carlos & Charlies I was really ready to sit down and have a drink. We had actually walked 6 1/2 miles!!! There was no way that I was going to walk the 6 1/2 miles back though. Everyone starting rolling in around 5:30 and we had a really good time. We ended up catching a cab back to the Destiny around 9:00 and luckily the line wasn't too long.


Sunday was our only sea day and it was cloudy and rained off and on. We really did not do much that day. Keith was really not feeling good (too many margaritas at Carlos & Charlies?) so we just layed around and relaxed for our last day. We did spend a lot of time on our balcony since it was quiet and covered!!


Monday morning we got up around 5:30 and since we had not started packing I had to get all the packing done and get ready to go home. I took a shower and got ready and was almost done packing when they started calling decks for self-assist. It was really a quick process and we were back in the car and on the way home at 8:00 am. We had decided to just drive until we got tired and we finally made it to Florence, SC around 7:00 pm. 11 hours of driving was enough for one day. Tuesday morning we finished the drive home.


I am so thankful that I decided to do the Fascination 5 day out of Jacksonville for December. I don't think I could handle that 14 hour drive again any time soon. ;) I guess I got a little long winded but I wanted to let everyone know a little about our date with Destiny!!

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Wow sounds like everyone is doing great. I haven't checked in for awhile, Donna if you only gained 6 pounds I am proud of you and hope that is all I gain. Did you drink any Miami Vices' or DOD and did you just cheat slightly everyday. I am down 20 pounds. I wish I would have found this diet before I spent all the money on Plastic Surgery.LOL I am really wanting to loose another 20 by my cruise on 1/23/09 I really think I can. I am not craving much at all.


I am quite the baker for the holidays so I know that will be my weak point. I have only cheated on weekends and that consists of 7 or 8 tortilla chips on Saturday nights. I haven't missed pasta which is good. I am so looking forward to the cruise for the drinks and the funny thing is I don't know if I am going to like them anymore. Sounds wierd but I swear my tastebuds have changed.


I am hooked on the jalopeno poppers... You cut them in half, take seed out if you don't like them really hot (I do) fill with a little cream cheese, top with a little shredded cheddar and wrap with bacon (I take a strip and cut down the middle and accross to make 4 pieces) bake at 450 for 20 minutes and it is YUMMY.

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Hey purple sticks people!!:D


(BTW, I never actually used the keto strips until sometime this summer & was in purple most of the time even when I wasn't even losing an ounce...just sayin' :(... so, I guess ymmv...:confused:)


I have found that most times in the past when I gained any lbs on a cruise, it was mostly from retaining fluid, tho eating somewhat off plan I'm sure contributed to that, lol, but within a week or less the weight returned to 'pre-cruise' ...


I feel like I am in a funk...I don't really like cold weather...dark comes so early, my bones hurt, I want comfort food, yada yada, am I the only one??? I guess I am a genuine bonafide summer gal...so anyhoo, supper was soup because, yes it IS cold here in Texas:(...

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Thanks for the jalapeno popper idea, Cruisin! I sometimes crave a little more variety than I actually eat, because I get in somewhat of a rut, but I love spicy...yum, yum.


Watching Dancing W/ the Stars reminded me tonight that exercise is sooo key to losing weight & keeping it off...better get busy...:p

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Wow sounds like everyone is doing great. I haven't checked in for awhile, Donna if you only gained 6 pounds I am proud of you and hope that is all I gain. Did you drink any Miami Vices' or DOD and did you just cheat slightly everyday. I am down 20 pounds. I wish I would have found this diet before I spent all the money on Plastic Surgery.LOL I am really wanting to loose another 20 by my cruise on 1/23/09 I really think I can. I am not craving much at all.


I am quite the baker for the holidays so I know that will be my weak point. I have only cheated on weekends and that consists of 7 or 8 tortilla chips on Saturday nights. I haven't missed pasta which is good. I am so looking forward to the cruise for the drinks and the funny thing is I don't know if I am going to like them anymore. Sounds wierd but I swear my tastebuds have changed.


I am hooked on the jalopeno poppers... You cut them in half, take seed out if you don't like them really hot (I do) fill with a little cream cheese, top with a little shredded cheddar and wrap with bacon (I take a strip and cut down the middle and accross to make 4 pieces) bake at 450 for 20 minutes and it is YUMMY.



cruisin4fun323 - thanks for the tip on jalapeneo peppers - I love them too - how many carbs do you count? I was on atkins a few years ago and did really well - unfortunately a few pounds have crept on but more in inches so I'm trying it again as well as exercising so I can get into some cruise clothes for our cruise in Feb. I don't crave sweets but do crave the fresh bread, rice and especially pasta and of course I now like red wine which I didn't drink before.

A friend recently told me about spagetti squash which I have never had or cooked and since it is an OK vegetable on Atkins, I thought I'd give it a try and bought one on the weekend - it is very good - just steamed it and then served with butter and salt and pepper.

Thanks again......

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Hey Ladies, WOW I love HOT stuff :eek: jalapeneo peppers sounds


We make stuffed jalapeneo peppers. Get a big can of jalapeneo peppers

Slice a slit down top of pepper. In a bowl mix up grated chedder chesse

with mayo and a jar of chopped permintos then stuff jalapeneo peppers .

OH my gosh SO SO yummy!!

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cruisin4fun323 - thanks for the tip on jalapeneo peppers - I love them too - how many carbs do you count? I was on atkins a few years ago and did really well - unfortunately a few pounds have crept on but more in inches so I'm trying it again as well as exercising so I can get into some cruise clothes for our cruise in Feb. I don't crave sweets but do crave the fresh bread, rice and especially pasta and of course I now like red wine which I didn't drink before.

A friend recently told me about spagetti squash which I have never had or cooked and since it is an OK vegetable on Atkins, I thought I'd give it a try and bought one on the weekend - it is very good - just steamed it and then served with butter and salt and pepper.

Thanks again......


Well, it is 2 carbs for 1 oz of cream cheese, I usually do 25 poppers and in half that is 50 and use about 3 oz so I usually count 1 or 2 carbs for 10 halfs "if that makes sense" I forgot... you should like the cookie sheet with aluminum foil and spray with pam" before putting poppers on.


As for the diet it took a couple weeks but the cravings do go away for the most part. If you look back in the posts I was stressed for the first 2 weeks thinking I would never make it but I did and you can too. :D

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I tried spaghetti squash last year and was very disappointed. It's not pasta... the consistency of mine was too mushy. Did I cook wrong? Probably. But it was just so frustrating!


A little over a week to go...



I usually buy the smaller ones, cut the stem off, cut lengthwise...scrape out the seeds and bake for about 30 or 40 min at 350 with butter and pepper in the middle and you can just keep checking it by scraping from the sides to the middle and you can check consistency that way. I like mine a little crunchy. Make sure you have a good knife as they are a little hard to cut.


I will have to try your popper recipe with pimentos

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I tried spaghetti squash last year and was very disappointed. It's not pasta... the consistency of mine was too mushy. Did I cook wrong? Probably. But it was just so frustrating!


A little over a week to go...


Pinkbikini - My girfriend told me to micro 1/2 of the squash upside down with about 1/4 inch of water which is what I did - I also think it was overdone if you wanted to use it as a substitute for spagetti; I still liked it as it was a change for all the standard veggies. I am going to try baking it the next time like suggested by cruisin4fun323 as it would probably turn out more like spagetti which would be great with a low carb pasta sauce!


Enjoy your trip..........

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cruisin4fun323- I am not too worried about the weight gain. I am sure it will be gone within the week. Yes, I did drink a Miami Vice as soon as I got onboard. I did take my Diet Mountain Dew with me and drank plenty of that and some water along with mixed drinks. We did plenty of walking and that probably helped because I had 3 warm chocolate melting cakes during the cruise. :eek: I pretty much ate whatever I wanted for 12 days!! I did not even worry about my carbs one time during those 12 days. Back on induction and should have good news on Monday!!:)


I know that I should not have blown it while we were on the cruise but that was a decision that I made. I am back on track and hopefully will be below pre-cruise weight when I weigh on Monday. Now, I need to focus on losing more before our December cruise. :D I am really hoping to get back to pre-cruise weight and lose another 11 pounds. If I reach that goal before our December cruise my total weight loss will be about 44 pounds. It is still a long way from my overall goal but every pound counts!!

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Donna I am with ya. I have cheated very little but find that it helped me stay on track. I am very disiplined in eating and if I crave something like chocolate or chips I am happy with one bite and can walk away. But on the cruise I just don't want to not have something that I really want because I am so sure I can go back on this diet when I get back. I was worried that I would have to take 2 sizes of clothes just in case. I will however make good decisions on what I cheat with and not go overboard but the Miami Vices and the DOD the first day is what I really want. I am going to try the diet desserts as someone said they are good. I can always forgo the bread and potatos in exchange for some chocolate and drinks;)

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For those of us that have nuts in our diet - I found this on another site...and adjusted it to be carb friendly: Great to have around for holiday parties, gifts and snacking at the movies.


Cinnamon Roasted Almonds


1 egg white

1 t vanilla

1 t cold water


4 c whole almonds

1/4 c brown sugar splenda

6 packets of splenda

1/4 t salt

1 1/2 t ground cinnamon


1) Preheat oven to 250 degrees. Lightly grease a 10x15" jelly roll pan.

2) Lightly beat the egg white; add water and vanilla, and beat lightly until frothy....not stiff.

3) Add the nuts and stir until well coated.

4) Mix the sugars, salt and cinnamon and sprinkle over the nuts. toss to coat and spread evenly on the prepared pan.

5) bake for 1 hour in the oven, stirring occassionally, until golden.

6) Allow to cool and store in an airtight container.


A lot like the spiced pecans that gooselace shared last year - but with almonds.

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Hello & welcome susiefay & other new ones... I know Ihave read & re~read this thread for a couple of years,( as well as other threads on CC, of course...):p


I personally think that support for the low~carb way of eating is key, hence I finally joined to participate too not so long ago... Others valuable input on eating out, snacks & how to cope with a carb~laden world out there I find sooo very helpful...


If you haven't already, one of the very best things highly recommended is to read or re~read the Atkins book, & perhaps visit sugarfreesheila.com ...She has a ton of advice, recipes, & other inspiration for us gals (& guys) plugging along.


Hope all have a low~carb day, if not, a low~carb week!!:D

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Thanks for the welcome, cerabella:) and the new website to try. I could defintely use some help in the snack category:confused: pepperoni and cheese is starting to get boring:rolleyes:


Happy Halloween to all.....i am glad i bought stuff i don't like!!!!

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Hello & welcome susiefay & other new ones... I know Ihave read & re~read this thread for a couple of years,( as well as other threads on CC, of course...):p


I personally think that support for the low~carb way of eating is key, hence I finally joined to participate too not so long ago... Others valuable input on eating out, snacks & how to cope with a carb~laden world out there I find sooo very helpful...


If you haven't already, one of the very best things highly recommended is to read or re~read the Atkins book, & perhaps visit sugarfreesheila.com ...She has a ton of advice, recipes, & other inspiration for us gals (& guys) plugging along.


Hope all have a low~carb day, if not, a low~carb week!!:D


Thanks for the website - it's great!!!

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Wow sounds like everyone is doing great. I haven't checked in for awhile, Donna if you only gained 6 pounds I am proud of you and hope that is all I gain. Did you drink any Miami Vices' or DOD and did you just cheat slightly everyday. I am down 20 pounds. I wish I would have found this diet before I spent all the money on Plastic Surgery.LOL I am really wanting to loose another 20 by my cruise on 1/23/09 I really think I can. I am not craving much at all.


I am quite the baker for the holidays so I know that will be my weak point. I have only cheated on weekends and that consists of 7 or 8 tortilla chips on Saturday nights. I haven't missed pasta which is good. I am so looking forward to the cruise for the drinks and the funny thing is I don't know if I am going to like them anymore. Sounds wierd but I swear my tastebuds have changed.


I am hooked on the jalopeno poppers... You cut them in half, take seed out if you don't like them really hot (I do) fill with a little cream cheese, top with a little shredded cheddar and wrap with bacon (I take a strip and cut down the middle and accross to make 4 pieces) bake at 450 for 20 minutes and it is YUMMY.


I made the poppers - they were GREAT. Instead of wrappiing with bacon, I diced finely bacon, onion and pepper (I used yellow) and mixed into the cream cheese. They are definitely a keeper. Thanks again.

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