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Anyone on Atkins?


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Thanks for the support RVP and Cerabella for the great advice. I think I get lazy with the food thing as I focus on my class and my teenagers. I know it really doesnt take that long. I will make the eggs ahead as I am NOT a morning person and I have a 45 min drive to work so I always am hurrying in the morning.


RVP I had a starting weight of around 197-200 pounds and it depressed me. But, more than the weight I felt so bad about myself. I felt so uncomfortable in all my tight or nonfitting clothes. I have bulges everywhere. So, I started cutting out carbs in October-but wasnt very committed and would eat Halloween candy, junk or whatever and would say-I'll start over tomorrow. Well I did that for awhile and somehow dropped a few pounds and then reality of my cruise coming up and remembering how much better I used to feel set in my brain. It really is a mental thing. I also think once I dont have carbs I dont miss them very much-every once in awhile but not like before where I wanted chocolate everyday. I tell myself I dont want to feel this bad about myself.


SW 197

CW 185

GW 172 by Christmas but want to be 155-160 when it is all said and done


I look a little better but I am telling you my rolls are disgusting. Walking helps my legs but not my stomach. I bought and exercise ball-NEED TO USE IT!!!!


Thank you all for listening. Your responses and listening are really helping my mind set to be commited to atkins. What are your stories? I am here to listen and support all I can.

Take care all


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Donna: Cute pic of you & your daughter! There'll be tons more smiles when you Cruise together! You do look thinner in your 'after ' picture - I think anyway! Snow already!?!


Kay- I had some back problems last year and they had me get the exercise ball - and not only did it help my back...but really tightened my abs....I need to get back to using my ball too!


You all are doing sooo good...keep going! When New Years come - it'll find you looking & feeling GOOD!


Here's one of the lunches I had on our trip:


Baked chicken, coleslaw, fish w/ veggies & a strip of red pepper:




We played Mini - golf after this....kept using the stairs!

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Zee I completely understand- I actually lost 70 lbs approximately two years ago (Adkins) and then gained it all back when I quit smoking!! UUHHGGG! so Im on the fight again which started in early September. Im very comitted when I put my mind to it, although this time-nothing is happening?? My body is probably saying-forgett you, you have taken me on a roller coster ride hahahahaha!!

Anyway-yep I understand the rolls and stomach thing. I joined Curves. Its a really good workout- now with the new "Curves Smart" thing they have.

I started back at 258!!!! all time high- and now am 240-which hasnt moved in 3 weeks. now isnt that depressing.

If you really want to do it- set your mind to it. You are on this board for a reason- so you are already IN :) in no time you WILL feel great again!! good luck.

when is your cruise?

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Thanks NM for the support and ex ball info. Your lunch looks great and GOOD for you keeping it low carb. I want to eat it! Yum!


RVP-we will do this! Good for you going to curves. I hear mixed reviews that after awhile at curves it doesnt help as your body gets used to the same exercise and you maintain and dont lose. Now, this is what I have read and I have never gone so who knows? I am not knocking Curves at all-heck all I have been doing is walking. I walk all the time at a track with a friend(3 miles 4 days a week) and had my hubby pull our treadmill out to run on to add since I am stalled. I think even if I add running(mind you more like jogging) a mile every other day it should help. All the doctors say to me-have to move more to lose more. So, can you add more at Curves maybe? Maybe you already have with the curves smart. They also say to add more cardio to lose and not just maintain. I have to rethink my old way of thinking if I am just moving I should lose because I do think you have to keep adding more or different types-at least it seems that way for me. I think as I get older this is more true also.

I cruise on Dec, 26th. My husband said if we make it through these darn holidays without our son we deserve to go. It is helping me a lot as i am thinkiing of other things-it is keeping my mind busy. Worrying about clothes, port excursions, my WEIGHT i have been focusing less on the grief. We are leaving our 2 teenage girls which is hard for me but they are excited to see us go haha. Teenage girls are very interesting to live with.

So, having you guys to talk to has helped me a lot, too. We all have our life issues that make us put us last don't we?

Thanks for all the support. This is a very supportive, helpful group. Keep the ideas coming.


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You know it they are excited you are leaving them behind!!! I remember the days when my folks went on vacation!! best of times!! Yes i know about teenagers. We have a 20 year old son. He gave us the biggest run of our lives. Very trying times. Great kid just horrible choices.

Ok you need to stop worrying about everything. Especially the clothes. Everything will work out, it always does. Just enjoy life and everyone around you will too. :)

I have a treadmill too- just have not gotten on it in a while. I did curves 2 years ago when I lost all the weight the first time- shame Im having to do it again!! It is not a fun battle.

keep walking- I notice you are from Ohio? its got to be cold up there to be walking outside? do you have an indoor track.

We will be at sea in the south Caribbean (day 7)when you leave for your cruise.

another 20 lbs would be awsome to drop before I leave- but more importantly Im just looking forward from a break from work. I have a prety stressful job which holds lots of responsiblites- so reducing the responsiblites in half for 11 days will be a treat. we are taking our two younger girls 6 and 12 on the cruise with us. cant wait to spend all my time with them - I travel 3-4 days a week with the job.


Anyway- be positive and good will come. The power of positive thinking is amazing.

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Thanks for the comments about me and my precious daughter!! :) She sure is a handful but I guess they all are.


I am happy to report that I am down 2 more pounds!!! :D That brings my total to 35 pounds down! I am getting there slowly but surely. My mother stayed with us this weekend because we had a lot of company this weekend and her house was overflowing. She was amazed at my shake. It is kind of hard to believe that it has eggbeaters, heavy whipping cream, cream cheese and of course the wonderful carb free chocolate. I got the recipe from sugarfreesheila and I swear by it. I am not a morning person so I just throw the ingredients in my blender and drink it on my way to work. :p


Hopefully I will not gain 6 pounds again on this cruise. I have less than 3 weeks before our cruise but I am still hoping to be down a couple more pounds before we leave. ;)


I hope everyone is having a wonderful low carb week.

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Dear Donna

Yeah on the 2 pounds- and you are my hero with the 35!!!!!!! Yeah!!! Good for you. Good work.


I have got to try that shake. I went to Giant Eagle and do you think I remembered to look for the Walden's syrup? No. I am going to go get it this weekend for sure. Is the recipe on Sheila's site? It sounds perfect to me. Do you feel full for awhile? Honestly, on this diet I am only hungry once in awhile. Do you make it any other time of day? How many carbs does it have?


Keep up the good work.


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Sheila's Easy Breakfast Shake

Serves 1

6 total carbs for entire recipe



3-oz. cube cream cheese

½ cup Eggbeaters (pasteurized & safe)

¼ cup heavy cream

1 T DaVinci's or Atkins syrup - any flavor!

4 ice cubes


Blend 30 seconds - ice cubes last - and enjoy!

I got the recipe from sugarfreesheila and believe me I love it. She has a lot of wonderful recipes on her website. You ought to check it out. The only variation I do is to use the Walden Farms chocolate syrup instead of DaVanci's or Atkins syrup. You can use any syrup you like but I just could not find anything in chocolate that had no carbs until I found the Walden Farms chocolate syrup. It is very filling and I usually don't want anything else until lunch!! ;) When I stopped by my local grocery store the district manager was there and he is going to try and get the syrup for me!! You know they hate the fact that I have to drive to the next town to get it. :p It is not a big deal because my daughters grandparents live in that town so I try to do my stopping when I am picking her up from their house. It would be just so much easier if my local grocery had it.

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Thanks Donna

I am going to try it with Davinci's syrup as I have that until I get the Waldens. Thank you very much for posting it.


By the way. love NC and hope to live there someday-beautiful.


I walked today but no ab work:( have to do that tomorrow!!!


Anyone up for a weekly weigh in day? Can volunteer to do it or not. Guess I need to be accountable. Let me know.


Thanks for the responding and support. It is helping! Losing weight is all in my mind-

Good luck and happy losing


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Yes I am on my second try of Atkins, worked fantastically last time, so now I have a goal of a cruise in 9 weeks I am on a mission! Wish I could balme someone but just eating too much and the old glass of wine or two a night have not been helping, so I have been going 4 weeks now, lost 4k but my shape has changed more than anything, and am using the ketostix to keep me focused.


I usually have two scrambled eggs each morning, but have tried the ziplock omelette which is fantastic, you can do it ahead of time, just throw 2 eggs and cheese, onion, leftovers, whatever in a plastic zip lock bag (shake) and put in boiling water for 13 minutes, out comes a rolled up omelette, too easy.


Good luck with the only diet that works!


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IM GAME!!!! If we have enough participants- I will post results every SUNDAY night-

with a little fun and encouragement. So let me know who is in.


if you want to post your weight, I will list everyone and then each week we will do the countdown with each members loss.


THIS WILL BE FUN!! So let me know who is IN.

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Dear RVP Yeah!!!!!:) 3 Pounds woohoo! Great job.

I am def in for a weigh in on Sunday. Let me know how you want to do it.


Welcome Jinda

Sounds like you have done great so far. We all have got this way by eating badly but we are on the road to changing that.


Hang in there my favorite losers-we can do it!!!!!


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Hey all,

Jumping back in here. I have been following the program pretty well until this weekend. It was my son's and my birthday. So two meals with birthday cake and on my birthday I made my favorite food--Shrimp and grits with greens. Big time carbs,big time fat content but big time yummy, definitely a once in a while treat anyway.

So Monday I was up 2 lbs for the weekend.

My mom is staying with us thru the end of the year. She just got out of the hospital with an acute COPD episode and is on full time o2 and lots of meds. She is 5'3" and weighs (get this) 99lbs. So her dr wants her to gain weight.:rolleyes:

So I make her carb laden meals. Whole grain cream of wheat for breakfast, potatoes, pastas, whole grain breads, bananas.....not fair I tell you! But if she stays off the cigarettes and gets better it will be worth it.

My goal is to lose 6 more lbs by Christmas, so I am in for the Sunday weigh ins!

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RVP - I would be glad to help you find the Walden's syrup. Email me at donnaholder05@yahoo.com


jinda - Welcome!! Thanks for the ziplock omelette idea. That is one thing I would have never thought of.


Zeegirl - I just love North Carolina but of course it is home. I am actually back in the county that I was born in. My boss is from Ohio and my next door neighbor (who works for my fiance') moved here about two years ago from Ohio. I have moved away but I always come back home!! :D What part of North Carolina had you considered living in?? I was born and raised in Chapel Hill but now I live in Hillsborough which is the county seat but it is a lot smaller. I live in the country. I use to be a city girl but time has changed that for me. I live right outside the city limits but I still live 3 miles from my daughters school and 3 miles from work!! :cool:

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Hey you big Losers!! LOL... I mean that in the most POSITIVE and encouraging tone of typing!!!:p;) REally!!! You all are doing so GREAT and your Motivation is going to help you through the next 5 weeks! Great ideas! Great challenges....the weigh in....! YAY for you all!! And welcome to our newest low carber - jinda !

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Ok I typed a long message back and it disappeared.


RVP I am in-esp. after today


NMCruzzin-thanks for the support


Mama-glad you are here-we are in this together!


Donna-went to the Outerbanks for 20 years-just love it and driving thru N Carolina-it is beautiful country. I live 10 min. from the Pro Football hall of fame in North Canton, Ohio. Where are your boss and neighbor from? Any suggestions of places to live are appreciated. I probably have 7 more years here until I retire. Def. moving that way!


Take care all, Happy Thanksgiving to you and today I am eating carbs!


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Hope everyone had a nice THANKSGIVING!!!

Kay- its ok holidays are meant to be enjoyed- so a little carbs now and then is fine and probably not a bad dea.

I myself did pretty well- I did have a couple bites of stuffing, and some pumpkin pie- outside of those two ideas, I did pretty good.


looks like a few of us are "in" for doing the weigh in.

Lets start it this Sunday- below is my email address- everyone email me every Sunday morning I will post the results each Sunday night?? Does that sound good?

Send your wieght from when you started your loss, current weight and what you lost each past week.


This will be fun and encouraging- and hopefully give us all some friendly competition.


Enjoy Black Friday- Did anyone get any real deals out there???



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I've lost 3 of my lbs from the cruise so far. I did have a few cupcakes and rice krispie treats on Thanksgiving ;) My family hosted and the only carb friendly thing was dry turkey. Ugh. I supplemented with peas and mashed potatoes. Not all that good. Definitely not "worth" cheating but the shiraz and cupcakes were alright :)


Back on plan tonight!


Glad to hear everyone is doing well. Hope you all have a good weekend.



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Good day all,


I have not received any emails on the weigh in, Im assuming many are out of town from the Holiday.


So I will get things started...


Started Adkins (2nd time- first time 3 years ago- great results) on 9/1/08 @ 258 lbs!!:mad: This week I lost another 2 lbs!!!:)

As of this morning I weigh in at 236. Total loss so far of 22 lbs-


My goal is a total loss of 100 lbs.

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Sorry RVP

Family issues.


Starting weight 197 lb

Current Weight 185 lb

Goal Weight 155 lb


Glad to see you here-good job on your weight so far. We can do it!


Anyone else for a Sunday weigh in-we can use the support!


Take care all and good luck this weeK-hopefully we will lower these numbers!!!!


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