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Anyone on Atkins?


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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Road, what a neat avatar pic you have...(has this become the photo thread #2!?;)) At first I thought it was water skiing, but now I think I see dolphins? Is that you on a cool excursion? I wish the avatars were bigger sometimes, so I could see better ~ even with my 1.00 readers...Also, I say stay in tonite, but only because it is cold & rainy here in my neck of the woods!!:p

Funny thing about looking for info on sweet potatoes: a variety of carb info given, I know they obviously vary in size - anywhere from 24 to 37 gms minus about 4 for fiber. Not for induction, obviously, but still a good inclusion for the maintainers...& can always half it so some for now, some for later, or some to share...

Okay, Ms Jean, going to try this photo thing once more, then will have to call in the big guns ( DS):confused: I mean, how hard can it be?!?! (Yes, really enjoyed Sports-mom's shots too!)

Have a great low carb weekend all! Stick with the plan, nothing tastes as good as thin feels!
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Yes, those are dolphins. My husband wouldn't do it last time but he said to book it this time when we are in Cozumel. He actually is a little more excited about it. He has lost like 70 pounds since then, so I am pretty sure it was a weight issue for him last time. I can't wait for him to be able to show off his new shape. He has the skinniest legs now. LOL
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Here is a great yummy recipe to get that pizza fix.


8 oz cream cheese
2 eggs
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon oregano
¼ cup sugar-free pizza sauce or spaghetti sauce
½ cup shredded mozzarella cheese, or combination mozzarella and other cheese such as Parmesan
¼ cup finely minced green pepper or other pizza topping
24 slices of thin-sliced pepperoni, preferably in large thin slices

Heat oven to 350° F.
Poke the pepperoni slices into the bottoms of the mini-muffin cups, or butter the cups well if you aren't using the pepperoni (I find that oiling the pans doesn't work as well).
Cream the cream cheese with a mixer until smooth and fluffy. Add eggs, garlic, and oregano, and beat until smooth.
Mix the rest of the ingredients in by hand.
Fill the muffin cups with the egg and cheese mixture.
Bake for about 15-18 minutes, or until lightly browned on top and set in center. Remove from oven, and cool for a few minutes (5-10), then run a knife around the top to loosen (I use a plastic knife for my nonstick pan). Remove to a plate.

Makes 24 pieces Edited by Roadtripster
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Good Morning!!!

My first week back on Induction was very productive. I lost 6 pounds!!:D WOO HOO!!! We did go out to eat both Friday and Saturday night. Friday night we went to Texas Roadhouse and I got the roasted chicken and a salad without croutons and Ranch dressing. Saturday night we went to a local steakhouse and I got a New York Strip with green beans and a salad. Last night I was in the mood for crab legs so we did a crab boil. I sure could eat my weight in crab legs!! ;)

Isn't it funny how the way you eat changes the way you feel?? I have only lost 6 pounds but I am feeling really good these days. We are planning another trip to the Outer Banks for Easter weekend. I will have to stay really focused. In the past I always blew it when we went to the coast because I was on "vacation". Lets hope for will power!! :D
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Hi All,

Just happened on your thread and wanted to add my support to everyone on Adkins!! I am a big guy and have been on a lot of diets off and on my entire adult life. When I was an athlete, burning the calories was easy, but as soon as I stopped playing, the weight just poured on me. I do like to eat!!

I have been successful on low fat diets, WW, and Adkins. Adkins seems to be the easiest for me to drop weight quickly. My problem is the life style change to keep the weight off. I usually just go up and down.....again, I like to eat!!

My story - I am getting ready for cruise in mid-April. So, I started my Adkins diet 9 weeks ago today. This morning I weighed - I have lost 11% of my starting body weight so far with my target being 13% loss!! I have about 4 weeks before the cuise. Adkins does work for me well. I stay really low in carbs though....always under 45 a day, but most of the time under 35. I know that it is not exactly what Adkins says to do, but it works for me and I feel great.

I see some talk about diet sodas. I drink several a day and I do drink a couple of cups of coffee in the morning. And (I know it is bad) - I have done this without exercise....I should start though.

The low carb wraps ( 6 carbs)are the savior for me... I wrap everything in those tortilla wraps!! I wrap the eggs and bacon in the morning, and the ham and cheese or turkey for lunch and the steak or chicken for dinner. I live in the South, so to get that crunch that I have read that others are missing - I eat pork skins, but they are not for everyone !! I will say that I have not knowingly cheated on this diet one time in the past 9 weeks.....I think that is a big key to success on Atkins.

Good luck to everyone....stay the course. Adkins really works!!!

I can't wait for my first buffet meal on the cuise!!

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Hey Everyone... so glad Monday is almost over....It's really been ...one of those days! :mad::rolleyes::mad:

Welcome Bubba! What brand of low carb wraps do you use? I think Atkins works really well for most of the guys that have come across on the board here. Sirwinston, deckguy ummm just to name a couple - - so glad for your success! And a Cruise coming up too! Fantastic!

Donna - 6 lbs...you go girl! You can do your Outer Banks trip!...just go prepared! Do you guys grill? Take something that's a real treat for you to cook! I did crabl legs on the grill in Feb...OMGosh....The best Ever! I'll never steam them again! TX Roadhouse .... my favorite!

Nancy - YUMMMMO...going to have to get the stuff to make those sometime soon!

Cerabella!! Oh Boy! I wanna see!

Have a lovely night everyone!!
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The wraps we order on line from [URL="http://www.latortillafactory.com"]www.latortillafactory.com[/URL].

The web site says 5 grams net carbs, but the information below is found on the nutritional facts on the bag

Couldn't do Atkins without them!!

18 grams carbs
12 grams fiber
(6 ECC)
8 grams protein

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Jean- I am sorry you had such a bad day. Tomorrow will be better!!!:D Yesterday while I was out shopping I picked up some pepperoni and cheese. When I got home I was starving so I had a slice of sharp white cheddar with some pepperoni and Keith looked at me like I was crazy. I said It has ZERO carbs!! :D:p I think we are gonna be prepared this trip. When we went in December I was definately not prepared but I had fallen off the wagon so I guess it didnt really matter. :o At first he wanted to take the boat but I think we are gonna take the four wheelers instead!! :cool: I like that idea a lot better!! I will make sure I have plenty of low carb snacks and we will probably cook seafood while we are there. Nothing fried for me thank you very much!! We did grill out tonight. We had grilled chicken and a salad!! Who knows about tomorrow. I might fix Shrimp Scampi and cook some pasta for Keith and Haven. That way I get lots of shrimp and they get some shrimp with their pasta!! :p

Tomorrow is the 20th anniversary of the accident that almost killed me. I just do not like Saint Patricks Day. It always brings me back to March 17,1989 when the drunk driver hit me doing 144 miles per hour. I sure hope tomorrow goes okay.
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Wow Donna, hope tomorrow does go ok...good anniversaries - we [I]so[/I] look forward to...the not so good, it seems we relive the bad like it was yesterday...try to stick with your eating & exercising & maybe it will fly by, because you can always make some cool new memories...;) Congrats on the 6 lbs, I know you must be sooo thrilled.

Welcome BubbaStump...hmmm why [I]is[/I] it you guys are such good losers!? I'm jealous too of the up coming cruise. DH & I have not booked yet this year...kinda waiting on business, plus, since we cruised out of Galveston then Ike hit:eek:, we sorta have mixed feelings - we also were cruising during Katrina:eek:, before, during & after a couple of more:eek:... since business dictates that end of August - first of Sept is our 'free' time, we'll just have to see how it goes:confused:.

Jean ~ I did work some this weekend on pics, got my albums kinda rearranged & left you a little 'sample' in your [I]Funny [/I]finally...I'm just sayin'...hehehe:p Hope tomorrow & the rest of this week is better too, for you & all of us. Aren't you gettin ready to travel? Stick with making good choices so you can come back a loser too!!

Thanks for the great ideas on new things to try guys & girls - variety [I]is[/I] the spice of life! Hope all are making good choices too! Check in from time to time & leave an encouraging tidbit, y'all!!

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Wow 6lbs Donna! Thats Great! keep up the great work.
Try to keep your mind occupied today.. good thoughts only okay? :)
I'll have to check out those tortillas. There are many times I'm wanting to have a breakfast burrito but cant.

I had an off week last week. Baseball season started and everyone
wanted to get ice cream. Its gonna be a long season, so I gotta get
some willpower built up. Anyone have any ideas on what to pack for those quick grabs at the ballpark? :D
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Donnaholder - 144 miles per hour...wow!! Sorry for the bad memories, but I understand completely. That would dramatize anyone.....

It is amazing how a day can be so bad for one person, but mean something completely different to another...St. Patricks's just happens to be my birthday. But, I am so old, it really is just another day to me now.

6 pounds the first week was great!! Getting on the scales and seeing that kind of weight loss, is always a good incentive for me to keep on going.

I saw you talking about fixing pasta for the family. As far as pasta, I wanted to make a suggestion [COLOR=black][U]after you get past induction[/U][/COLOR].....my wife buys Dreamfields Pasta for us. We don't have it often, but once week it is really nice to get a pasta fix. The nutritional facts say that the serving size is 3/4 cup with digestable carbs at 5 grams with a glycemic index of 13. Check it out to see if that might work for you....then you can join the family with eating some pasta. It really taste good to me. By the way, we have some friends (the husband really loves his pasta) and the wife fixed this pasta for her husband without him knowing and he never said anthing...he did not even realize a difference !!

Cerebella - we have been lucky enough to be able to always stay away from cruising during the hurricane months. Sorry to hear about your bad experiences. Hope you are able to get something booked for later in the year and have a wonderful time!!

Sports-mom - I am not good on knowing snacks, but I do simpole things like low carb Atkins bars, cheese, or just beef sticks. And as far as ice cream, I know that they is nothing out at a ballpark that would be for us low carb folks. But I have found and do keep in the freezer for dessert at nights my ice cream bars made by Blue Bunny. They are blackberry icecream with a chocolate outside. And only 1 net carb.....wonderful treats!!

Continued good luck to all. Time to go get a wrap out and make a ham and cheese wrap !!

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[quote name='stump300']
Sports-mom - I am not good on knowing snacks, but I do simpole things like low carb Atkins bars, cheese, or just beef sticks. And as far as ice cream, I know that they is nothing out at a ballpark that would be for us low carb folks. But I have found and do keep in the freezer for dessert at nights my ice cream bars made by Blue Bunny. They are blackberry icecream with a chocolate outside. And only 1 net carb.....wonderful treats!! ....[/quote]
Oh okay thanks. I'll see if our store sells those.
thanks! :)
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donnaholder - Sorry to hear about the bad memories. I must say though, that I see a lot of stuff at my job....specifically a lot of bad traffic accidents. For what its worth, if you were struck by a drunk driver (or anything for that matter) going 144 mph and you are still here to tell the tale.....you were spared....and everything happens for a reason. You will never forget something like that, but in a weird way it was a blessing. Hope I don't sound like I am preaching....that is not my intent! ;)

On another note.....6 days on induction and 5 pounds gone! :D Yeah! It has become easier in just the last day or so. Hope the progress continues! The support of the boards has been key....even if I don't post I get a lot out of what you guys have to say...so thanks!
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Howdy Folks! Yesterday was yesterday...today is today....isn't it great to go to bed a wake up to a new day! :p[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Donna... My goodness Girl! There's a plan for you...you survived. A family we knew did not! That was on a Christmas Eve...always a memory! A tough day for you....but a blessing for Haven that she's here and has her Mom! Hang in there![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Cerabella...I just love that you type 'Southern' ;) lol! I'm sooo sad...your pic isn't showing up! But mine didn't either until I just uploaded them to shutterfly and then copied and pasted them in. Now...you have to try again...because I want see your picture! :p Would maybe a New England Cruise work for you guys? I understand the scheduling conflicts with getting the right time of year in! I leave Friday morning...San Diego ...here we come! My oldest sister is meeting me there from Denver! yea!![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Bubba-Stump! Happy Birthday to you!!.... just another day!?! Then you just are not playing it up very well! LOL! I know our store carries the La Tortilla factory items...just never checked them out that much...worth another look at![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Sportsmom - I know you can always have the hot-dog w/ mustard! ... No Bun...so if your really hungry...have 2! Put a bag of sunflower seeds in your pocket...wow...did I use to go through those during baseball season! And I eat pumpkin seeds when I'm driving a long distance. Ice cream is a tough one..!! Beef sticks/ jerky... I'd say eat before you go to the games...sometimes it's easier to say no ...when your not really hungry. Popcorn stalls me...not a gain...but not a loss either those weeks. [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]It's almost 70 today...beautiful!!![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hope you enjoy your day![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]It's your fork & your choice![/FONT]
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Good Evening!! I am so thankful for all of the kind thoughts about my stressful day. Keith just does not understand why it kind of puts me in a funk on Saint Patricks Day. It just bothers me so much about people drinking and driving. The guy that hit me (hit and run) was clocked doing 144 right before he hit me so they were looking for him before he even hit me. He rear-ended and side-swiped me, I lost control of the car and crossed the median. I realized something was wrong when I started seeing headlights instead of taillights so I cut the wheel, was hit by another car and knocked back into the median. When I came to I was in the passenger seat floorboard. It was rough because it messed my back up so bad that I couldn't walk and didn't think I ever would again. My mother says my Guardian Angel was working triple time that night!!! The guy was eventually caught a couple of miles down the road because his car was damaged so much he couldn't go very fast. He did blow a .23 and had a drunk minor in the car with him. I am just so thankful that the teenager with him was not hurt. I don't know why it was bothering me so much this year but I am so thankful for your kind thoughts!!

Cerabella - Thanks! I am thrilled. I still have a long way to go but it sure helps to have such a great start!! :D

Sportsmom - Good luck with the low carb at the baseball games. My next door neighbor's son plays spring, travel and fall ball. They are gone most weekends on tournaments lately so we don't see much of them. They live for baseball!! They actually took their son out of district so that he could go to school with the boys that he plays ball with.

Stump- Happy Birthday!! I will have to try out that pasta sometime. I do so love my pasta but it isnt worth a gain or a stall!!

Ceb- Congrats on your 5 pound loss!! I don't know how much weight you are planning on losing but I still have a long way to go. I would really like to lose about 80 pounds. Okay so that might not be realistic but it would get me back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I kept all my old clothes thinking that I would get back into them but they are probably dry rotted by now.:eek: Haven will be 11 next month!!

Jean- I am so glad that it sounds like you had a better day. Yes, I know that I was spared for some reason. I still have yet to figure out what!! :p Maybe I was supposed to be here to be a mother to Haven. I know that she has completely changed my life. I was so angry at the world for so long after the accident. Having Haven changed me completely. :D

Have a great low carb day!!!!
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Hello all!

Congrats to you all for loosing, maintaining and just making it through the day.

Sounds like we all have everyday obstacles to work through. But we keep hanging in there and being strong and staying on our food plan.

I seem to have a stall right now with the weight. I am eating correctly and exercising, so I have a feeling it is the exercise. They say muscle weighs more than fat. I can definitely tell I am gaining muscle. I have lost in size and inches, so I guess that is what is most important.

I have another recipe for you and it is sooooooooooooo easy, yummy and addictive. LOL

If you are craving baked goods, like cookies, this one is for you. I baked some tonight and my DH was like, "Hey, don't I get any?" I told him they were my kind of cookies since he can have the store bought ones in the cookie jar. He didn't care. He said, "Whatever you bake is always better than the store." He ended up with 5 of them and loved them!

Peanut Butter Cookies

1 Cup peanut butter
1 Cup substitute sugar. (I use half the amount needed of Splenda Brown Sugar. So for this recipe, it was 1/2 Cup of Brown Sugar.)
1 Egg
1 Teaspoon vanilla

Mix all ingredients in bowl until smooth. The more you mix, the more you will see the batter turn thicker and you can drop a spoonful onto the cookie sheet. I took a fork and pressed them somewhat flat.

Bake in a 350* oven for 10-12 minutes.

Makes about 2 dozen cookies.

ENJOY!! I sure do! Edited by Roadtripster
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Good Morning![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Ceb - Good job on the 5 lbs! I think we were posting about the same time...didn't see your post until this morning! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Donna - You made it through the day...now you can focus on today...and the blessings it has planned for you! :) Oh...the clothes..I saw a funny yesterday that said "Why do clothes that hang is a closet for over a year...shrink two sizes?!?!" LOL! :p It's about time for me to do the winter/summer clothes switcherooo....It takes me an afternoon though..because I iron all of the stuff coming out for the new season. [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Nancy - OOOOOO!!!!! I'm going to have to give those a try! My DH will love me getting out the cookie sheets and not giving away whatever I make on them! Ha! What kind of peanut butter do you use/recommend to keep the carb count lower?[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Sportsmom - Gum! Yes! It has been helpful for me! You might have a waterbottle that has some Crystal lite in it...kind of tricking the taste buds for something sweet. The first time saying no thanks to the outings with treats was really hard for me...but the more I did it...the easier it got. ummm I mean go for the fun...just not the sweets.[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Have a Lovely Day Everyone!![/FONT]
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Jean - I use either Jiff or Smart Balance Omega Natural Peanut Butter.

The Smart Balance is:

For 2 Tablespoons
Carbs - 6
Fiber - 2
Sugars - 1

Not sure what the Jiff is. Like always, read the labels.

Well, here I am working for my long week. So I need to hanker down on my food. Not much in the house, so I better get creative and see what I can whip up.

I have some chicken tenders that I will try to do something with and I think I will fix chili for tomorrow. I was going to fix it yesterday, but it got up into the 70's and I didn't want chili on a beautiful day. Now the temps are to drop back down, so I better use the meat up.

Still hanging in there with my exercise. Trying to fit that in, my house chores, errands, computer time etc... during the day is cutting it close before I leave for work. Just not enough hours in the day.
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hey Kiddos! Hope your having a great morning![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Last night I made the chicken dipped in egg beaters, rolled in parmasian cheese, cooked in a little olive oil....& asparagus....it was great! Tastes so summer like!!:p[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I'll be MIA until next week...headed to a Sister/Cousin break in San Diego...so excited.!!..and what I am really happy about is this is a sister that we love to do the 1/2 lunch/dinner stuff with! Whew...that's got to help! ha! But we are planning on doing a Lot, a Lot, a Lot of walking, we aren't even getting a car! So, I'm already having my 'Listen here Jean' talk about good carbs/bad carbs. he he :p;) [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Gotta try those PB cookies when I get back! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I hope that you are all a bunch of losers this week.....in the best way!! :D[/FONT]
It's your Fork & Your Choice!! :D Edited by NMCruzzin
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Just stopped in to say hi! I read up on all the pages since my last post. I love all the recipies being shared along with support. Good luck to everyone. I still have the health issues that are keeping me for doing all out Atkins. They have me on a high protein diet but, it is way to high in Carbs to do me any good. I lost 30 pounds on Atkins from May to Feb. That included the Holidays and going to Disney and three cruises. Now if I could get it going on again
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[quote name='PINEVIEW01']Just stopped in to say hi! I read up on all the pages since my last post. I love all the recipies being shared along with support. Good luck to everyone. I still have the health issues that are keeping me for doing all out Atkins. They have me on a high protein diet but, it is way to high in Carbs to do me any good. I lost 30 pounds on Atkins from May to Feb. That included the Holidays and going to Disney and three cruises. Now if I could get it going on again[/quote]

Just noticed your member name on today's birthday list.

Happy Birthday!! :D
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Well, here I am doing yet another double shift. (Gotta pay off that cruise and have some spending $$$) LOL

I have brought my lunch and dinner for the day. I didn't get to eat breakfast, but am trying to get all my water in. I brought tuna fish for lunch and then some beef tips and broccoli for dinner. I have a few snacks too. Diet Green Tea is always like a treat for me.

I won't have time to really exercise today, so I am just going to do some leg lifts. At least it is something I can do.

This has been a crazy month for me workwise. So much overtime.

I hope to get to the grocery store soon. I have been in the mood for sweet and sour chicken. Just wish I could have the rice too. LOL
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