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Anyone on Atkins?


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Hey all, it's Friday...well almost over now for me,I guess time flies when you are up to your neck in flowers!! There is a reason they call it a nursery!! This one's too wet, this one's too dry, this one is too tall, this one, too short or sick ( yes, disease, pests run rampant!):eek:

Anyhoo, that's just a day in the life...Funny story - photogs may appreciate this one - I was mowing & this year we seem to be over run with thistles, thanks I believe to Ike, who blew all kinds of stuff in, ( as well as caving in three of our greenhouses, but that is another story...) sooo, anyways, I just kinda mowed around this one really big one because it had the prettiest 'blooms' on it - hope to get some macros tomorrow...just lovely & purple & fuzzy!!


Jean, hope the Dr went okay - troubles seem to catch up with us at the most in opportune times:confused: Posted new travel pics yet? I will take a peek!;)


Pink, bless your heart...you seem to be in overload...maybe if you tweak things a little, it will take some of the pressures off - stress - it can be detrimental to our health! You are still a great encouragement! Get out the old fork lift, we will hoist all who need it right back on the wagon - or ship as it were!!:p


Donna, always a treat when the 'better half' cooks - my DH did the same today I am eating my grilled chicken as I type - it's late for me, but ya gotta take advantage of the opportunity!


Everyone else, hope all is well, was going to keep this kinda short, but, oh well! It's going to be a great low-carb weekend!!:D

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Happy Weekend everyone!


I think I am in a good spot in my life right now. I have gotten this eating and exercise down to a science, I am starting to enjoy the exercise and kinda miss it when I have to skip a day (did I really type that?), focusing on me and what I want to do, concentrating on the family and having more quality time. Might not be much time, but it is quality!


I am excited because I finally found my last two dresses I need for the cruise. Now my DH is happy because he gets to pick his clothes to coordinate with mine. Such a clothes diva he is. LOL


I have been adding a few new things to my menu. I forgot what it like to have a breakfast bar instead of eggs etc.. for breakfast. I now have one of those when I have to exercise in the morning. Then I can have a nice lunch. Been adding some low carb bread for sandwiches. Dinner is my challenge since I am at work and usually don't get to eat before 8:30pm. I don't like to eat that late. Just try to bring some veges or a light meal. EX: Chicken breast.


I have been at it today so far. I have gotten the laundry done, exercised, cleaned up the house, computer work, at breakfast and lunch, now headed outside to kill those dang dandelions and then take a shower and off to work. Tomorrow I work a double so I better start thinking of what to pack.


Keep up the great work.



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Hey everyone!


So, I'm having a good time finding some things for our cruise in a smaller size. I'm trying not to spend too much, because I'm really hoping I won't be able to wear any of this stuff again. But, I REALLY wanted a new formal dress for this cruise. This is our first spring/summer cruise (we've always gone in either October or February), so all of my formal wear has long sleeves, or it just doesn't fit.


So, yesterday I went in Macy's to look for some sandals, and lo and behold there is a clearance rack with formal wear. So, I see a dress I like in the size I think I'll need. I try it on, and it was HUGE. Yay! I went back and found the same dress in a smaller size, and it looked awesome. I go and check out, and being the coupon junkie I am, I had an extra 20% off coupon. The dress ended up being - you ready for this? - EIGHT DOLLARS! Hahaha. I actually started laughing at the check out counter.

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Thanks all....


I'm inching back to induction style eating. Lunch at work is tuna, avocado, cheese, almonds and carrots which I'll replace with cukes next week after we hit the grocery store again. The hardest thign to give up this time will be white rice... I've been eating a lot of it... a lot... a lot a lot... ugh.


We are hoping to travel in 10-12 months from now so I need to get motivated to work out and exercise for the upcomign summer months with the good weather and not for an upcoming trip!

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roadtripster, I'm the same way with working out. I feel so guilty if I miss a day or so. LOL Your doing great though :)

Curly, Thats a great deal on a formal dress! The closest macy's to us, is about an hour away.. so I doubt i'll be able to scoop up a deal like that anytime soon. Congrats on the lower size!

Pink, I just caved to the rice last weekend too. I was doing so great,

and then japanese was calling me. LOL


well I bought those strips. And I was in the middle of the colors, I guess it was moderate. So is that where I want to be? But other than that.. its the same old, same ole here. Hoping the scale moves soon, but for now, I'm seeing baggy clothes and cant complain too much :D

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Quick post for Donna!! Woo Hoo Girl! :D

UNC to Championship! against...oh yeah Michigan State...it'll be a good game!


Jean - Thanks!!! Now none of my Dookie friends will answer the phone! ;) I really hope I will be able to stay up to watch the whole game tomorrow night. :rolleyes: One of the guys at work came in to work the other day with a Duke 2009 ACC Champion T-shirt. I told him that when Carolina wins the NATIONAL Championship I am buying a shirt for him and he will have to wear it! :D Of course he would never do that but it was worth a shot!


I couldn't help myself at Haven's birthday party yesterday. I had a small piece of cake. :eek: Hopefully it will not affect me too much because besides that one small piece of cake I ate very well yesterday and all day today. This morning I fixed bacon and eggs for me and the girls for breakfast. Since we slept late and had a very late breakfast I did not have lunch. Tonight for dinner we are having grilled pork chops and salad. One great thing about me being on Atkins is that Keith does a lot of the cooking!! We tend to eat a lot of grilled chicken, pork chops, steak, etc. Tuesday is Haven's actual birthday so we will be going out to eat at the restaurant of her choice. It looks like it will be Texas Roadhouse which is not too bad for me cuz I will have a baked chicken and salad. I hope everyone is having a wonderful low carb weekend.

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Hi Pink! Welcome back. I know you'll do great & get that weight off in no time!


sports-mom ~ I never could get the strips past the first pink, and I've still been successful. Middle of the colors sounds great!


Hi everyone else! I found the Atkins group on Facebook, and it seems to be pretty good. Someone that works there answers questions & participates in the discussion. If you're on Facebook, check it out!

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Good Morning...it's almost Noon!! Where'd my morning Go!?:eek:

Off to Boston 4/9 - 4/14 so I'll be mia for awhile...

Yea for Donna! UNC...another Championship! wings for everyone... he he! ;)

Lisa...glad you stopped by!

Cerabella - I would sure love to see some of your pics on your flower displays...must be amazing..my SD pics are up...leave me a note on the guest book!

Hope Everyone else is doing good!! Keeping busy with these spring days?

Getting close to your goals?....if not...keep working at it! :)

Have a wonderful Easter Weekend....I'll catch ya all later!!


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Wow!! What a night! I stayed up way too late last night cuz of the game!! I am just not as young as I use to be!! ;) Today was Haven's actual birthday so we went out to eat with friends and she got even more presents. :rolleyes: Thankfully this year most of her presents were small!! Now that she has a Wii I am thinking seriously about getting the Wii fit. It would be really good for both of us!! :D


Jean - Have a great trip!! We are still planning on going to the Outer Banks Thursday for a long weekend. I guess time will tell. It will probably do us some good.


Lisa - Its great to see you. I would love to check out the Atkins page on facebook. Please email me with the info donnaholder05@yahoo.com. Thanks!!


Tomorrow is Hump Day!!! If things go as planned I only work tomorrow and then about half a day on Thursday before our long weekend!! Keith is looking forward to going to Cape Lookout, riding four wheelers and fishing and I am looking forward to laying around and reading something besides a text book!!!!:p

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Been a few days since I last posted. Nothing new here. Just sailing along.

It has helped adding "newer" foods to my meals. Since I am exercising alot and hard, I was told to up my carbs because I need them to burn. I added better foods and it has been nice. Guess that is one advantage to exercising.

I did give blood today at our blood drive at work and they were pleased how well my blood pressure etc... was. I have a tendency to have higher blood pressure, but not medically speaking. They wanted to know what I was doing to bring it down. Also, a big part is the eating better.

On the exercise front, I had a huge jump in numbers for my situps. This week I jumped up to an extra 30 situps. So I am currently around 175 this week. When the program has ended, I will be at 200. My husband still has a hard time I am doing all this. LOL

I will be working right through the holiday, so I don't have to worry about the candy. I did buy my husband a sugar free chocolate bunny though.
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Finally at my halfway point!! Halfway through my 12 week exercise program (which means 6 sixs till I cruise!!) and most importantly...... Halfway to my target weight loss goal!! I am stoked. I don't expect my whole goal to get accomplished, but, if I am at the halfway point now, I got halfway to do the same thing!!

I work this weekend, so on Easter we are all bringing in food for dinner. Of course, I am sure there will be cookies, candy, honey baked glazed ham, etc.... so I decided to bring deviled eggs (so I know what is in them and I can eat them) and also an untraditional Easter appetizer of... Taco Dip. LOL Yep, I have been in the mood for it, so I want to make it, so once again, I know what is in it.

Taco Dip
1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened
1 (16 ounce) container nonfat sour cream
1 (1.25 ounce) package taco seasoning mix
Lettuce - rinsed, dried, and shredded
1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
Tomato - chopped
Onion - chopped
Black olives, drained and chopped

I soften the cream cheese and then use the mixer to smooth it out and whip it up somewhat. Stir in the sour cream and dry taco seasoning mix. Spread in bottom of pan and top with your favorite taco toppings.

I will bring chips for them and may sneek in a few for me. I will mostly dip with carrot sticks and celery though. Pork rinds work too.

Wishing you all a [B]"HOPPY EASTER"[/B]. Try your best to stay on track, but if you want something, have it, just portion control. You will get right back on track!! Edited by Roadtripster
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Mmmm...that taco dip looks good! Just one thought...I think full fat sour cream has fewer carbs than the nonfat. I know it's that way for milk & yogurt...anyone else know?

I am in control of Easter dinner & will be having lots of yummy food--leg of lamb, asparagus, veggies...

But my mom & dad went & got me a solid chocolate bunny.:o I may have to set a record for how long it takes me to eat it, or I may count Sunday as a cheat day...you know, 3 kids & Easter baskets & all...

I haven't decided yet. I'll let y'all know how it goes.

Happy Easter!
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Where is everyone?? It seems like everytime Jean goes on vacation the board gets quiet!! :eek: I really blew it at the beach for our weekend getaway. Keith said that his friend was taking a grill so that we could just grill out while we were down there. That was great news for me since they usually want to eat fried. Keith and all his buddies left about 6:00 Thursday morning but I had to work and Haven had school. I worked until 2:00 Thursday, picked Haven up from school and hit the road. When I got down to the beach house it was about 7:00 and they were cooking dinner! What in the world?? :confused: What happened to the grilled chicken they were going to cook. Dinner consisted of Fried Chicken, Corn and Potato Salad. Breakfast for Friday was going to be cinnamon rolls and lunch of sandwiches and chips!! :mad: What makes it so bad is that his buddy that did all the shopping knew that I am on Atkins!! There was not one single thing that they had purchased that I could eat! :rolleyes: So, I just said the heck with it and got back on track when we got home. Hopefully those few pounds will be gone this week.

Jean- I hope you are having a wonderful time!!!

I am really looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend at home this weekend. The last two were just too busy with Haven's birthday party and then the mess at the beach last weekend. It got pretty ugly at the beach. It is a long story but Keith's buddy was mad at me because Keith did not go to the island with him on Friday. I woke up Friday morning with one of my headaches so I just did not feel like going. I told Keith to go ahead and go but he decided to stay with me. His buddy got really mad at me because I kept Keith from going to the island. He was drunk acting crazy all in my face so I tried to get away from him and he grabbed me to keep me from going outside where Keith was. :eek: I told him if he ever put his hands on me again he will live to regret it. I actually packed up all of my and Haven's stuff and started back home but she was so upset crying not wanting to leave the beach. I did end up going back but I told Keith that his friend will never go with us to the beach again. I have a major issue with men putting their hands on a woman!!!!
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Yep, with the holiday, I think people were taking breaks from the internet. ALL my message boards I go to, the people volume was low.

I am still here and working my way down (hopefully).

I have come to the conclusion that I need to wake up earlier every week so I can get things done during the day. I keep adding more things to do or my exercise time bumps up each week and takes up more time.

Once again, I will be working everyday until next Tuesday, April 21. Then I am finally off the next weekend. I am just taking my schedule 2 or 3 days at a time to get through.

I am quite hungry right now for some reason. Plus tired. Not sleepy tired. Must be bored tired or something. Probably because it is soooooooooooo cold here. Just like winter and all I want is a nice warm blanket and crash out on the couch.
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Heeey all Atkin eaters!

Also have been MIA...sadly for me, I helped DS & DIL move some 6 hours away to the San Antonio area...we packed up things all last week & finally pulled out Sat morning - unloaded, unpacked, put away. yada, yada then I left Tues morn...

Oddly, I didn't gain any weight tho some meals were kinda questionable, thrown in with some really great WOE...I think it was all that hard work, plus the town house they have is two-story. Sooo, lots of stairs always carrying something to be productive! Good for my muscles!

I know Jean also went out of town, so, looking forward to hearing how the east coast trip went...boy, Jean, you have traversed the whole country lately...

Everyone else, just keep up the good work, even if life throws us some bad choices, just have to try the best we can!!;)
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WOO HOO!! It is Friday eve and I feel great!!! :D I have no idea whether I have lost any of the weight that I gained last weekend but I am really feeling good these days. I have cut back on my Diet Mountain Dew and started drinking a lot of water. Yesterday I decided that since it is still too dark in the morning to walk I will start walking in the evening!! I really do not like walking down the road because of the traffic so I walked down to the pond and back. Today when I got off work I walked down to the pond and back twice!! That took around 30 minutes. The walk to the pond isnt bad but the walk back is a killer cuz it is all uphill! :rolleyes: When I got back from my walk I jumped on the four wheeler and rode around the field and down to the pond a couple of times. I am just feeling great, eating right and drinking lots of water!!!! :p

I hope everyone is having a wonderful week!!!
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Helllooo!! Anyone Home?! :p[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hi Guys n Gals! How's everyone doing? What are you doing this weekend?[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Our trip to Boston was really fun.... C O L D :eek: !! But Fun! I don't think I'll book anything back east ever again...before May! Which 2 days were the nicest? Yep...the day we just got there and the day we left! :eek: But, we still did most of everything that we had planned and made the best of it! We walked our toesies off...there are only 5 open spaces in downtown Boston to park in and 3 of them you have to have a parking pass for! Seriously....! So...our last day..we just left the car at the hotel and walked across the Harvard bridge and all over everywhere...good thing we brought our 'Chevrolegs!" With that...we also ate - off Atkins - but I think with all of the walking - we both came back at the same weight! I'm weighing in tomorrow...because each morning I've slept in...and it was a rush to get to work! But pants feel the same! Ha![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] Donna - Good for you that the High Energy Rush has hit!! Keep it going girl!![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]You know what you have cut out - and you can feel what it's like without it! What a great motivator![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Cerabella - Hey there....so helping the kids...helped you! Good Job! And, I'm sure they really appreciate it - a LOT! Cold n Snowy here today...80 by Tuesday ... can spring get any crazier!?! Now ... about that website that you need....[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Tripster - Wow..my hats off to you for all that you do - those long days and hours! Thank you so much! Good Job on going prepared for your meals! That is a big help for me here at work ! It's hard to come back from vacation and not have any left overs - because we ate them before we left..not to have stuff just sitting in the fridge! ha! ... and I need to try that taco dip![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Lisa - There's no calories or carbs in the bunny ears....LOL!! ;)... oh but only on Easter Sunday before 8 am! .... he he[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Ok, I'm still catching up with stuff on my desk from being off...you guys be good this weekend...and let's all get back together on Monday OK!!? :)[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
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Whooo Hooo!
Guess what? It is FINALLY warm here!!

Getting more energy now that I have been outside and got some fresh air. Been a good month or so that I haven't been "outside". You know, just go from my car in the garage to the parking lot at work, walk to the door and then do it in reverse. LOL

I got outside yesterday and walked/jogged about 3 miles at the park. THAT was so nice. I actually forgot my ipod and didn't have my music, but you know what? Hearing the birds chirp and the sound of my shoes hitting the cement was kinda nice. Just veged out while I was walking. Not really thinking of much, just enjoying the sunshine and warmth.

Today, I got outside and cut the backyard. Man was it high and thick. Why is it you can cut the grass down but those dang dandilions are still sticking up. LOL

Still been hungry late at night, so I am redoing my meal plan. I have now added 2, yes 2 snacks for work time. Must be the upping the exercise and burning more metabolism.

Still drinking my water, but it doesn't seem to fill me up. Hopefully, this will work.

Have a great weekend.

Thanks Jean for the vote of confidence. Yes, I think anyone who works in the medical field knows about the hours you logged in. Kinda hard not to do when you are open 24/7/365. There are a few lucky ones who don't work FT and get out of it. LOL
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Jean - WELCOME BACK!!!! :D You are always missed when you are gone!!

Today when I got home from work I actually walked down to the pond and back three times!! ;) I am feeling better than I have felt in a very long time. We don't have a cruise booked until the Dream for next November and I just can not wait that long!! I am trying to decide between a cruise with my best friend in October or taking Haven on another December cruise. I would love to get away and have a girls trip but it would be great to have another December cruise for just me and my daughter. The only draw back to the December cruise is we would get back on Christmas Eve and I am really not looking forward to driving 10 hours home on Christmas Eve!!! :p I guess time will tell. With the economy the way it is I am a little nervous about booking a cruise right now but the prices are just so good right now!!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!! :D
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Yay for the weekend! Whew! We have been getting some really good soaking rain for most of the day from that storm blowing thru East Texas...it makes me want to drink something hot & lay up on the couch & just watch tv like a lazy gal:p.

DH went to Sams & loaded us up on meat - wowzers - stocked the freezer with all kinds of Atkins friendly protein...now we just have to fire up the grill & get to cooking! I did put a whole chicken in the crock pot to cook all day - yum, that is the best tender meat ever!

Welcome back Jean - brrr I am so tired of being cold, but yes, it just [I]has[/I] to warm up here too... there is a lot of fluctuation in temps, I can just imagine how the upper east coast must have been! Yay for you walking so much - good for you! I will post my Picasa web page for you to browse when ever...compared to Shutterfly & others it is kinda boring, but I spent so much time putting my pics on Picasa, some I had to scan because I only got my digital in August...before that I was a 35mm kinda gal hehehe...so I will work on tweaking & adding a few more pics & captions first. Maybe Monday since this is a 'dead zone' on the weekends...

Lisa, I think you are right about the sour cream, full fat is always best.. I make my lattes at home with heavy cream, & when I do go to a coffee shop I order a heavy cream latte - sometimes they know what I am talking about, sometimes not & I have to explain it slowly to the youngsters who have only grown up knowing about fat-free this, fat-free that...kinda gets disconcerting at times!;)

Yay Donna for that extra energy - it's times like that you should document to remember how good we do feel when we eat right & exercise & how bad we feel when we eat off plan for a while... I have really been trying to listen to my body but sometimes it is a love/hate relationship...:eek:

Roadtripster I know what you mean about fresh air, tho I am in it all day, every day. I can't imagine any other way of life for me. I guess I should appreciate it more sometimes! Have you tried SFS's shake at nite to take the edge off hunger?

Have a great low carb weekend all!!
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Saturday has come & gone here...I found myself eating out of my hand all day...no real meals...hope it doesn't set me back (or up as it were) no breakfast, then a pit stop at Taco Bell, supreme steak gordito, yes, had the wrap cuz I was 'starvin' by that time as I did some shopping for groceries & other stuff...waaaahhh, my bad:eek:..then at home it was nuts, popcorn, & DOD (that's a drink of the day, guys & gals)...yes, some days it just doesn't pay to open the mouth too wide!!

Hope all did better than me!! Must be P M Essy!!:p

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Yesterday I spent the majority of the day with my best friend and I am trying to talk her into us going in December and taking the kids with us!!! :D We were pregnant together so her son and my daughter grew up together. Hopefully we will know something by the end of the week so we can get this cruise booked!! I am ready to book it now! :p

We went to Wal-Mart yesterday and I found another carb free, sugar free and calorie free chocolate syrup. I am going to try it out with my shake in a little bit and I will let you all know how it is. It is a little more expensive than the Walden Farms but it is much more convenient to pick up at Wal-Mart than have to drive all the way to Durham just to pick up my chocolate syrup. While we were at Wal-Mart I picked up 2 cases of water and some of the sugar free flavor packets for the water. I think I will try some of them to help me get more water in. No excercise yesterday but lots of water, cleaning house, and running errands. Today I will try to get a little walking in!!

Cerabella- I hate those days!! Just don't let it get you down and get back on track!! :D
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The new chocolate syrup was terrible!!! :( I guess I will be making that trip pretty soon to get more Walden Farms chocolate sauce!! It will be worth it to have good chocolate shakes for breakfast!! I don't know what I will do about the sauce cuz I sure hate to waste it but it just does not taste good.

I am getting excited that this semester is almost over!! :D This summer and fall are going to be busy for me. In addition to working full time I am taking 6 hours this summer and 10 hours this fall. :eek: I sure hope that I am not biting off more than I can chew but I am so tired of school. I want it over and done with. It will be worth it when I finally get that accounting degree!! ;)
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