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Anyone on Atkins?


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I found the web site to be loaded with great info. I did the free offer thing and yesterday I got a great package with 3 bars, all not for phase 1 so I will save them!! and some really good info also. nice to see a "free" site about an eating plan for a change!

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Well, this weekend I caved & had popcorn with a lot of butter...tho not quite a whole stick:p...I think I really don't like winter too much even tho here in ETex it really isn't too bad...I guess I wanted some 'comfort' food, but it really wasn't all that comforting, so now I'm trying to thin it out with some herbal tea!:rolleyes:


Just a note for the newbies or those who may need a boost of info, don't forget to go to SugarFreeSheila dot com...prepare to spend some time there! (She too is a member of CC & posts from time to time!) Hope that helps!

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I leave for my cruise Sunday (1/31) and I'm happy to say I've lost 10lbs. I have 15 more to go, but I won't expect that to be gone until the next cruise (4/18).


chadci - thanks for the info. I guess I need to read up on the different phases. I think I shoud be going to phase 2, but I'm afraid to eat anything with carbs. I will eat broccoli, but I feel if I eat any other vegie, fruit, pasta or healthy bread, I won't be able to stop.:o


I hope when I get on the ship I'll still have the will power. I think I will!

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Hey Everyone!!

Wow, my weekend went sooo fast!

Cerabella...I had popcorn too!! Watching Sherlock Holmes...how could I sit there and let my DH have that great smelling salty treat!? LOL! :p Some butter...but not a bunch! :eek: But wow...I'll be honest ..I enjoyed it! :pAnd I guess my working out did help...because I was down 1.5 ...EVEN over the weekend!! I think it was chasing that toddler grandbaby around all day Friday that helped too! ha!

Yes yes yes!! Check out Sugar Free Sheila....it's really helpful!!:D

Susan...Enjoy that Cruise! By now you know what to have and this will be a great time for you to know you can have a taste....just don't eat it all! :p But your on vacation..you enjoy your self!! :D

Lots of snow here last weekend and we are going to get more on Wed! Winter is here!


It's your Fork..and it's your choice!!

Keep on track!

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Well, I've booked & I am back! lol I did a search & saw I posted on this thread 2 years ago! Last time on low carb lifestyle I lost about 35 pounds & yep in 2 years I put it all back on. Started back at the EXACT same weight I started at originally. BLECK!


Oh well, it's been almost a week & down 4 :) My daughter does this with me as she is on a lot of meds & has seizures so weight control is so very hard for her.


I love reading through & being reminded of some great sites I used to go to all the times like SFS & Low carb Linda. THANKS!


Ok, so I have 9 months & 50 pounds to loose. Sounds attainable to me. I really do well with my blood pressure when I live this way it's just so easy to get sucked into higher carbs.


Thanks for all the great advice & motivation!

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Happy Friday EVERYONE!!!! :D

Welcome back Jill...and thanks for posting about your journey!! I do wonder about all of the folks that come by here and post...and know that we always have a few that choose to remain silent, but I wonder about them too!

It's been a week of ups and downs for me!! Lots of work I'm buried in.....that's a down. But my up is so great... My DD got engaged on Wednesday!! So now we have summer wedding plans going on!! This is so great....but now I'm in the catagory of 'parties, showers, receptions' ... how to be a good..Low Carber!! LOL!

This week has been good though...and I'll work out tonight so...MOTB dress shopping...here I come - how's that for motivation!?! LOL!:p

Lots of cold and snow since Wednesday....would love to have the comfort food that would pack on pounds....I'll choose to make some homemade chili with turkey....and I'll be just fine!! Pre-plan - be prepared....a very important step! ;)

Have a great weekend! :D

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I've got about 2 months until we cruise and I've got to get motivated more about walking. I feel so flabby since losing weight. I need to tighten up... Spanx can only do so much..lol!

Ladies don't fret too much over popcorn ( a small amout anyway ) It's a good carb and has a bit of fiber. I eat a couple of handfulls when we go to the movies and stay in my carb allowance. If you know you're going to the movies just keep your count real low for the day until you go. I don't always do this but, I bounce back fast from popcorn.

Does anyone know a good exercise to fix my flabby arms? I've tried some and haven't seen too much of a result. Do I need to do more reps or more weight? How does that work?

Still have quite a ways to go. I told my husband.." I have lost 85 lbs. and I'm still fat. How dang fat was I?" .. Then I dared him to answer!!!

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Hi TX!!

You have done just amazing on your weight loss!! Congrats!! Another journey that really encourages me!!

I have noticed that I am toning up in some much needed toning areas with my blg blue exercise ball and weights.

For the back of my arms...(I wear sleeveless in the summer and am really needing to get them looking good) I notice that if I take my 8 lb weight...or say 2/5lb weights and place them up and over my head and lift them from behind my head, towards the ceiling.....wow...my arms really tell me where it is working!! :eek: and I started with just lifting 8 times...I'm up to 20 now :)...and I can feel a difference!! Maybe give that a try? ;)

And I'm going to try that....just a few handfulls of popcorn....Not the whole bucket!! :o

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Hey Jean!


Seeing your posts always prompts me to pop in. :)


I'm having the worst time getting motivated. Little bits of weight are creeping up. I've been eating at a pre-maintenance level with lots of cheats since Christmas, and unless I get my behind in gear & get back to my workouts pronto, I will find myself in a world of hurt.


Isn't that sad? Just another reminder that I will never be able to eat like a "normal" person. Although I guess these days, the "norm" is to be overweight, so maybe I don't want to be "normal" after all...


TX, when I am being good, popcorn doesn't affect me either. It usually does the next day, due to salt or whatever. As long as I don't eat it every day, I'm okay. 85 pounds is awesome!!


For the arms, the best exercise is the good old-fashioned push-up. Start with your knees on the floor & then work your way up to a real plank push-up. Or, you can start in a plank by putting your arms on a sturdy coffee table...I like that better than the knees on the floor because it forces you to keep the plank position, which also works the core.



Well, we're trapped today due to ice, so I am going to hit the Wii Fit Plus. I haven't really explored it since getting it for Christmas. I hope it is more challenging than the Fit.:o


Have a great Saturday!!

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Thanks for the re-welcome! This last weekend we went to an Epilepsy Family Retreat & I did good Friday & Saturday morning then....... dun dun dun...... lol The sweets & carbs just were too tempting. OK, then back on the wagon TODAY! Scared to get on the scale this morning so I didn't! :o


I was going to suggest the same arm excersices but you can use a milk jug & adjust the water to your level of fitness if you don't have any weights. I had my "wings" waving to everyone! lol


Anyone want to share ideas for this next week's eating plans? We are home at least today for snow & ice, probably back to the salad lunch routine tomorrow.

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Had a pretty good weekend....and yes, a few hit and miss times..but after a good workout tonight - I'm feeling pretty good! :)

I worked my arms too..........it felt good!

We had Fajita's tonight.....minus the tortilia .. So..tomorrow...leftovers for lunch!

And gum....you know ... the onions!! ha!:p

Jill...hope you are able to get out soon! However...I could use about 3 days home!! That doesn't happen around here but ever 20 years!

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WOOOO HOOOO!!! I saw a number this morning...that I haven't seen in 2010 ..before!! :p:D

Ya gotta cheer for the little things!:D

I've been good about working out - gotta keep moving!!

How's everyone doing?:)

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Hello! I love this thread and have been catching up on it this morning. Just came back from a trip, and as of now, half of the photos from it have finally been added to my website - with more to come.


So, how have all of you been doing? What workouts have you been trying, and do you have any cruises coming up? Lately, I've been on The Firm Get Chiseled (which I love), and have just ordered Jackie Warner's second workout DVD. :)



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Wow!! SFS dropped in! Hey Girl!

Going to or Hosting a Superbowl Party?

Well...I'm doing neither. :p ..but I have my GDaughters 1st birthday party this afternoon and have been asked to bring this hot dip! I'm taking celery sticks for me...and bagel crisps for them.

I double this .....

1 pkg soft Cream Cheese

1/2 cup Romano cheese

3 cloves of finely chopped garlic

1/2 tsp garlic salt

1/2 tsp dry basil

1/4 cup Parmesan cheese

1/2 cup of Mozzarella cheese

1/2 cup frozen finely chopped spinich (dry out in paper towel)

1 can of drained chopped artichokes hearts

Mix this all together...if a little to thick...I use some 1/2 & 1/2 to give it a little extra liquid.

I put in a crock pot on low about 1 hour before serving...mix well as it is warming up.

Add a little 1/2 & 1/2 ....if it sits a little to long and starts to get to thick.

So there is my Party recipe for ...probably the year! ha! :p

Have a wonderful weekend!

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Good Morning!

Wow...things are really quiet these days....

I guess I'm the only one that hasn't hit their goal....well, that's ok...I'll just keep posting to myself!! LOL!! :p I've been known to talk to myself at times anyway!:p

I was planning on working out last night....but had unexpected dinner guests...so I'll be working out tonight while BL is on! Anyone else work out to TV shows?

Ok...back to work!

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Hi Jean,


I still am. It's a slow go this year...it's really tough to get motivated for those last few pounds. A lot of my clothes fit again, and since it's so cold outside, I don't have any bare-arms or bare-legs incentive right now, either.


I got off track for a couple of weeks, but I'm heading in the right direction again. My ticker should show a change by next week!


Have a good weekend!

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Hey regulars & some-timers! BTW, SFS, you are just the cutest little thing...a good motivator & inspiration! Keep up your good work!


Jean & Lisa! I am sooo not at my goal right now...grrr...I just have to face it, I am not a winter person...it makes me frumpy & grumpy...I need the sun! Not using this as a free pass to eat, because I am pretty much on track as far as eating goes...well, pretty much...:p


Picked up the Feb 15 issue of Woman's World because the cover screamed 'TURBO ATKINS! It promises thru studies that mixing low-carb Atkins w/ Mediterranean superfoods the weight will drop...yes, you can even have wine..(hmmm didn't I try that version already?!) anyhoo, it's really nothing new, just restructuring & recombining, but worth reading about & trying, if you need some food ideas.

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Hello Fellow Low Carbers!

I can really relate to Cerabella's post. In the morning, I just cannot get myself to get out of my warm comfy bed and get on the tredmil!! Evenings...I want to just sit and watch the Olympics..or some TV..! I think the sun is supposed to break out in a couple of days for the weekend....I could so use some warm sunny days!!

I'll watch for the Womans World issue!

Hang in there kiddos...spring will be here and we'll be so glad we can get our shorts on! :0)

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Hello all,

I just started Atkins and am loving it so far! The first few days were rough, sugar cravings in the evenings and lots of headaches. But after day 3 or 4 the headaches stopped and the cravings got fewer and fewer. I'm down 4 lbs and am feeling a whole new confidence. I was really happy to find this forum! I've been a CCer for awhile now and am trying to slim down for our next cruise coming up in May. This is my first time on the low carb train, so I would love to hear from any of you veterans out there. I would really like to hit my goal weight before our cruise, which leaves me with about 26 lbs to go. Is this even doable in 3 months on Atkins? Seems like a lofty goal, but I've heard so much about how quickly the weight comes off on Atkins. Also, anyone out there have tricks for getting past those post-dinner sweet cravings? It's getting easier, but I still struggle sometimes. Thanks in advance!



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We seem to have slowed down on posting...maybe we're getting spring fever! I know I am~but with the sunshine comes the torrid sweltering heat of the South...but I sooo love, love, love it!:D


Welcome Lindsey...by now I hope you have conquered some of those beginning issues. I know the best solution for 'everything' is to stay hydrated because sometimes our senses think we're hungry but we're really just thirsty...so, if in the past we would pop some yucky carb laden thingy in our mouths, now maybe we just swig some water spiked with lemon/lime juice & wait the mandatory 10~15 minutes then see if we were really hungry...


Also, post dinner cravings...try just one square of Lindt's 85% or 90% if you can find it (& love chocolate)...savor it, it is truly satisfying & only a couple of carbs per square...yummo!


Am having some dental issues, hoping it will slow down my eating...will report back on that later!:eek: Have a great rest of the low~carb weekind!

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Thanks Cerabella!


For the most part things are going great! This was my birthday weekend, so I cut myself a little slack and we out for sushi and wine. :) Oh well...only comes around once a year. I will say getting back on track is much easier than any other diet I've been on. I'll have to get the Lindt a try! I love chocolate as well, and I had never even thought to check the carb content. Thanks for the tip!


Hope everyone is doing well! Anyone else have a cruise coming up in the future?



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Hi Lindsey!! You had a Birthday weekend too?.:eek:...Me too...It's harder then the Holidays...I think!! :p And with Low carb.......The next meal...you get back on track! I think the key is being prepared for the next meal! Are you working out?... Exercise is a huge key to any weight loss!


Cerabella!...Spring Fever..already!? I know you've had more winter then you thought TX would! Do you know where Wills Point is? My Sfly buddy from there has some pretty amazing winter scene pics for Texas!!

Ugh..on the dental work....Hope it goes well...and fast!!


Kinda like Lindsey...I wasn't very good this weekend...my sister came down from Colorado...we went Bridal Gown Shopping for my Daughter..and whoosh....here it is Monday Morning! yikes!


Well....off to a Birthday lunch...for Me! :D:p

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Hello...may I join you? I've moved over from the JUDDD board. It seemed everyone was having good results except me! I was on the Atkins plan several years ago and did well, so I decided I'd try it again. My goal is 140-142 by my cruise on April 15th. Today I was 150.5, which is 3.5 pounds down from my induction start this past Monday!!! I'm 5'8" so 140 would be great for me. I'm almost 63, and I've found that losing is a LOT harder than it was when I was younger. But it's 7 weeks away, so 8-10 pounds should be do-able by then.


I've been reading through ALL the posts from page 1 (I'm now on page 40) and decided it was time to jump in and take advantage of all the support. I can't believe some of you have been on this board from the very beginning....that's 3 years!


My sticking points on this plan are 1) I'm not much of a red meat eater, so I have to stick with poultry and fish, with the occasional ground beef dish, and 2) I never met a loaf of bread I didn't like! However, I'm keeping the line of thought...."Gee, imagine all the carbs in that slice of bread!" Fortunately, I LOVE veggies and have never been much of a sweet eater, and my drink of choice is water.


I applaud all the great success you all have had over these several years...I hope I can say the same for myself soon!

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