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Anyone on Atkins?


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I am decidedly ON track & have begun to add the exercise my body's been craving for months. Thursday's my weigh-in & I would so love to get that ticker moving downward again! We're taking a trip to San Diego in June, and I could lose 5-10 between now & then if I really focus.


Jean ~ a 5k always counts!! :D


Genie ~ you have far more willpower than I've had in the past few months. Well done making it through all that without a gain! :)


I just realized the two of you together make a David Bowie song title. :D


Becca ~ I hear you. I have a lot of events coming up this week that I have to be very choosy in.

Edited by Rocknsoul
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Hi All,


I have been on Atkins for 2 weeks now and have lost a total of 8 pounds. I started my weight loss journey back in April 2009 by just watching what I ate and very little exercise. I lost a total of 30 pounds but then the weight lost halted. Then came the holidays and I put back on about 5 pounds. Now I am focused again on Atkins and loving the results. I know workout 4-5 days a week cardio and 2-3 days a week strength. I am still a good 30-40 pounds from my goal weight but I can do it. So glad to have found this thread.

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Happy Monday All!

How'd ya do during the weekend?

I did ok...had the flu....yuck!! Just taking it easy on the eating part!


How's the UK low carbers doing with this? I was reading past posts...and I've been over to the UK...and different foods are available and then again...you have wonderful fresh fish options! :D

Welcome tccauley!....The holidays seem to get to all of us, don't they!? ...But you can reach your goal...as has many others!


We have had one crazy spring....if we aren't having 60 mi hours winds ( Thur) We have cold snow ( Wed)...or cold temps and hail (Sat - Sun!)

Today is sunny...we should hit 80 on Wed! crazy!

Makes it tough to be consistant with working out!


Have a great day!

Edited by NMCruzzin
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Hi Everyone,


I am new to cruising, we just booked our first cruise ever for 10/18/10 on the RCI - Majesty of the Seas. We'll be celebrating our 7th Wedding Anniversary (actually it just passed 5/3, but October cruises were priced much better LOL) :)


Not new to Atkins, and I am so glad I found a thread on the boards to which I am new :) Lots of new things today!! Like crazy4buffet I was hoping to find out more about low-carb, at least sugar free options on board?!


I've been on Atkins since October 2008 and have lost 92 pounds, was in phase 2 but have been in a plateau for several months now, so started back on to phase 1 just this week. Hoping to kick the weightloss back into gear and finish losing the last 35 lbs. My plan is do so or get darned close by our cruise date!


TIA for any tips on keeping on Atkins while cruising! Have a great day!

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New2Cruising ~ hello and welcome!! It is so inspiring to see people come with their success stories. I am in awe!


What I've found on board is all the things that keep us slim: plenty of proteins, veggies, and wonderful salads. It's the ungodly amounts of carbs that can be unsettling! Especially the desserts.


Breakfast & lunch are usually pretty simple to get through. At dinner, I've always seen a low-sugar option, or fruit offered.


I hope you stick around & keep us posted on your progress!

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I finally got to change my ticker...one pound, woohoo!! :p


I'm at my lowest since December, but I got tripped up a little this week when DH brought home muffins from Costco. Add that to all the tornado sirens & flooding, and well, the week got away.


I think after reading these inspiring posts, no more excuses. Summer is coming with a trip to San Diego, and I'd like to feel my best on those beaches!

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Thanks for the welcome and the info. rocknsoul/Lisa :) I definitely plan to stick around. Starting to get some results from going back to Phase 1, yay!


Congrats on moving your ticker!!


Have a great day!


- Liz

Edited by New2Cruising24
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Good Morning Everyone!

Lisa! - I'm so sorry about all of the flooding and everything there! My cousin works at The Oprey and I know it's been so trying for all of you in that part of the country! {{hugs girl!}} But you moved your ticker!! Woo Hoo!

Welcome New2 Cruising! - I agree with Lisa that there are usually lots of proteins on the ship, veggies and salads!..I think what I have to watch is that we like to eat off the ship when in Port. That's how you get some of the local flavor!

I'm doing really good...jeans fitting good and I actually wore a pair of shorts last night that I wasn't sure I could get in! yippee!:0)

Get your Grill out and start using it - the food tastes great - and easy clean up!

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Get your Grill out and start using it - the food tastes great - and easy clean up!


Jean ~ Monday, I did get out my grill--turned the fire on--and about 10 wasps flew out.:eek: I found little wasp nesties all over the place inside. This was just between late March & this week. I took it as a sign I need to use it more often.:D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, Im starting the Atkins diet today, ten weeks to my cruise and I would love to loose say 20lbs before I go! I have my leg in a plaster cast following surgery, therefore exercise is out of the question. Have I set myself an impossible target? Red Girl

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Hi, Im starting the Atkins diet today, ten weeks to my cruise and I would love to loose say 20lbs before I go! I have my leg in a plaster cast following surgery, therefore exercise is out of the question. Have I set myself an impossible target? Red Girl



I also am starting as of today. Have about 30 I would like to loose before Oct. I have done this diet, years ago and you will still lose weight without excercise. I dont see any problem losing 2 pounds a week and more. Just do not cheat. ;)

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Hey everyone,



Life is good here. MR Pink and I bought our first home and got a puppy in the past month! He's the sweetest little thing. I'll try to add a photo in my id in a minute here. Anyway, working hard on leash training right now (10 wks old on Wed) so that eventually he and I can be walking buddies. For now I need to get past this cold I caught 3 weeks ago and then get serious about p90x. I'm going to be better with diet and exercise this summer and try to limit carbs (even when I cant be the perfect atkineer) and hopefully get to know my too small clothes again by the end of the summer. Otherwise, away they go...

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Oo...I sure got busy...and distracted from posting! Sorry!:o

I'm down a couple...every little bit helps..and my jeans are a little saggy..which is good and bad! Good...they aren't busting at the seams....bad...I kinda feel frumpy, and yet I'm not comfortable in my next lower size...too tight! arrgh!

Welcome Red Girl and Janetz!! Good to see you on here! Know what your goal is...don't cheat...and do the best you can with moving/exercising...and you will see results!

Red Girl....do you have some hand weights that you can do a few uppper body exercises...anything to get the blood moving around and your body working at least a little ...it will also make you look great on your Cruise!!!

Janetz...You know the secret...no cheating and move move move!


Pink!! ... Aww... Your puppy looks soo sweet...name? And your Cruise looks fantastic!! I got Sadie a few years back as a walking buddy...she's more of a trotter...and I'm not much of a runner...we keep working on it though! ha! P90x.... You go Girl! ... and there are some bad colds and flus floating around! I had it a few weeks ago - took me a week to kick a 12 hr flu! Good to see you around...and congrats on your new home!!


Some years you have a lot...some years not....this year we have a Bunch of Graduation Parties!! I'm headed to Denver tomorrow for my nephew's graduation ... and 4 days out of town!! I'm in much need of a road trip! Just being with family and traveling will be so much fun!

If you don't see me around...that's where I'm at!

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Hi All - I must say that Atkins is the best thing that has happened for me. I have been doing Atkins for about 5 weeks now and I have lost approx. 13 pounds. I have been on a weight lost journey since April 2009 (very slow journey) and have lost 40 pounds to date. I gained some weight back during the holidays and I plateaued. But I reached a great milestone today. Today I weighed in under 200 pounds for the first time since 1997. I feel great! I sail on June 16th on Fantasy out of Charleston and I am soooooo ready to go! Keep up the good work everyone.

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I did Atkins a couple years ago and lost the weight fast. After a month of unsuccessful weight loss with Weight Watchers I am going to give Atkins another try, its just a lot easier for me. I was wondering if anyone out there is doing Atkins also and if so, do you have any quick ideas for breakfast. I am usually in a rush to get to work in the morning so I really don't have time to cook up a couple eggs or anything. Any recommendations???



I read the book "Protein Power" about 5-6 years ago which is pretty much the Adkins diet and I lost 75 pounds in 6-7 months. But then I was "laid off" from my State job where I had worked for 29 years and 8 months! That cost me 1/2 of my pension for the rest of my life. Which, because my DH is an RN, he gets no pension, so my pension was for both of us. I went into a major depression and gained back 30 pounds of that.

Well 3 months ago I went back on the diet and I have now lost that 30 pounds PLUS 9 more.


I admit that I have time in the morning to fix breakfast, now that I am unemployed, so I usually eat an omelet for breakfast, I add vegetables or bacon or ham or cheese or some combination of such. I also like cottage cheese and a few berries when they are in season. Or I do not eat breakfast I will just have coffee or iced tea and then wait a few hours and then make a salad. For dinner I will have another salad and a piece of meat. For dessert I almost always have sugar free Jello with real whipped cream.


I stick to iced tea with a real piece of lemon no sweetener, 1 cup of coffee a day w/1/2 packet of sweetener and a little heavy whipping cream, and ice water with a real piece of lemon. I do not like diet soda and never drink it. I do have a glass of good red wine about once a week.


We are going on a cruise in June and I will eat whatever I want, but my stomach is smaller and I will not be able to eat as much. I will go back on my diet when I get home. I only need to loose about 6-8 more pounds and I will be at the weight I want to be - AND I have not been at since High School - a LONG time ago! I wish you a lot of luck, I, honestly, found it easier to just not eat a food than to eat some "pretend" substitute. I also found, for me, that it was only the first 2-3 hard after that it was just a mind set. "This is what I am doing, it is important to me, and I AM going to stick to it."


Also, I did NOT cook 2 dinners, what I cooked for me is what my husband ate also, the only concession I made for him is that I would bake him a potato and I would cook him more that 1 meat patty, a larger piece of meat or chicken breast, etc.

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Congrats SeaBlu!


Do you always have salads at lunch? What do you like in your salads? Do you ever crave variety? That's where I trip up on Atkins... eating the same thing over and over and then I fall apart and eat something naughty.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey there all you low~ carb chicks & guys!! I read this thread pretty regularly, just haven't posted in a w - h - i - l - e....nothing much new to report weight wise, however, I did have a good laugh when I saw pic of my first cruise in '02 & realized that I still have, (& can still wear) a cute pair of shorts that I had my pic taken in several times then...he he he! :p


Well, DH & I are trying to decide what to do for our annual late summer/early fall cruise this year...may do Carnival Conquest out of Galveston to Key West, & Bahamas....watching the oil deal :eek:....don't know what will be the scenario in late Aug/early Sept...but probably need to book pretty soon :D...


Who else has a cool cruise upcoming? Aren't we all soooo glad cruises are low~carb friendly?! ;) It is good to see so many who are taking their health in their own hands & trying to cut out the 'bad' stuff & incorporate more of the 'good'!!


Dinner tonite ~ salmon



'burpless' cucumber (yay!:o)

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I'm down 2 more lbs in the last month. I have 8 lbs to go to my ok weight (top o the goal range) and 13 to get down to the hottie weight! (a la sugar free sheila range). My pup has been a bit better walking since we bought him a harness!


This cold still has not gone away so unfortunately I've not been able to start p90x or do anything strenuous yet. I have not been completely carb free by any means so if I could cut back just a bit more on those and keep up the exercise I bet I could shed the rest of these lbs by the end of summer without a problem!


So, what atkins friendly food is everyone eating these days?


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Hey Everyone!

Good to see Cerabella and Pink popping in!

I know...I know...I've really been a slacker on posting!!

Lots of yard work, camping, yard work etc.... poor excuses...but that's all I got! ha!

Staying the same...but haven't worked real hard, just avoiding the 'white stuff' as best as I can and not have a grumpy hubby around the house.

No Cruise booked right now........but I have the fever!

We are in full swing of wedding stuff around here....my daughter has done a really great job of decisions and keeping on track - but when I thought about how packed June & July is - eeeeek.... Sept 4 will be here - SOON!!:eek:

I had to tell you guys...we went camping for 4 days last weekend...and went with another couple that is more LOW CARB then ME!!!:eek::D LOL!! It was so funny and cool at the same time!! They 'Get it'....and have done great!

Ok, catch ya's later!

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Yep, summer has started out busy all right!


And it's basically 2 steps forward, 2 steps back. I have done some more experiments with ground flax seed that will work well in maintenance.


Which is what I've been doing since September!! I don't know what is going to motivate me to kick it into gear. My vanity just doesn't work the same these days.:p

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Good Morning....oo it's almost over!

Lisa - I know what you mean!! I would think that with my daughers wedding just a few months away...I'd be soo strict with my WOE...and with summer, it just seems like it's easier to maintain and stay put on the scales! ugh! I bet trying my dress on again would give me a good dose of motivation! Ha!

Pink... you puppy is just tooo cute! :0)

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  • 2 weeks later...

DH & I are thisclose to booking...looks like the week of Sept 5...that means, you guessed it, hurricanes & now perhaps oil ...grrr...well, it's always something, right? & the ship will go somewhere, if they can...


Plus, added motivation to keep active & fit when I have something in the works! Hopefully say adios to this stubborn 5+ extra lbs of cellulite...on each hip...:p


Jean, know you're busy with fun life stuff...I peep @ your site ever so often...hope all is well with you!


Pink ~ what is the adorable little pup's name? Have you found dog walking/playing to be a good source of exercise?! ;)


The fresh veggies are coming in now here in ETex, but also the fruit...I have hundreds of little ( due to lack of rain) peaches ripe, but I do have to be sooo careful, I could eat them like candy - yum - candy that dribbles down the chin!


Also planning go & pick fresh blueberries ~ gratis ~ at a friend's ...hope I'm not too greedy!


Keep up the healthy eating & exercise guys & gals! It's our own personal 'insurance' policy!!

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Woo, we're going slowly on this thread!! How's everyone doing? I'm doing the same, except...


We have a cruise booked! Woohoo!!


So DH & I have a new contest...even though I have 14 pounds to goal, I have 12 for the contest, which ends the week before the cruise. DH has 17. The kicker is he has to maintain his for the whole week before the cruise, because he can drop weight in a snap...which we all know is not good for anyone. ;)


Time to stop maintaining & LOSE!!:)

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Greetings Guys and Gals!

So, I haven't posted much..because I have been B U S Y! My dear friends daughter got married on Saturday..and being an Aunt.(.Not by DNA..but since I've known my friend since 2nd grade..) I was at rehersal and 3 hours before the wedding...! I have a family reunion in Colorado this weekend and I could just go on and on. Lots of words to say.. "I'm doing the best that I can!"...Lost?...no...gained? depends on what day it is!! :p But the crazy thing is...each meal...I look at what's there and try to chose as low carb as I can! Now the exercise thing has kinda taken a back seat..but I just found out that there is a new gym that is 2 blocks over from my work...so I need to check them out!

Cerabella....your killing me girl!!...You come check on me..and don't even say hi!?! whatzupwiththat? :p

Lisa...So Excited that you have a cruise!! woo hoo!! That's awesome!:)

Pink....Hope the Puppy is tons of fun for you now! Sadie is 3 now...and she has calmed down a LOT!...


Low carb happy wishes to everyone ....have a great week!

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