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Anyone on Atkins?


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I have been looking for some low carb subs to bake w/...I bought some stevia & xylitol to mix with my splenda for the 'sugar' aspect...also will cut flax seed meal, coconut flour, & soy flour with a little whole wheat flour to bake things such as pumpkin bread. I do have a little Atkins bake mix left also...does anyone have any suggestions? I am also using coconut oil a lot lately...I just cannot get thru the cold, damp days without 'comfort' food:p


I have been stocking up on canned pumpkin to make pumpkin soup, bread, cheesecake, whatever...there are a lot of recipes I can't wait to try out! This is the aspect of fall that I do so love... (besides taking pictures of the changing seasons!)


I have also been crazy lately for spinach...in salads, wilted, etc! Funny, you couldn't have gotten me to eat that as a kid, & I grew up on a farm....dur!!


I am soo a topical, sunshine loving gal, I hope this isn't too long of a cold, dreary fall/winter...grrr!

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I weighed in on Wednesday at was down 2.4 for the week. I'm down about 23 +/- in 9 weeks. Can't be upset about that!


I've got just over 7 weeks until the cruise. My goal is to loose another 7.5 by then, though I'd love 12. Not sure I can make that.


I'm starting to work out more now. I won't be devastated at this point if my weight does not change, but I tone up.


I'm off to my first Bikram Yoga class in 2 years in a few. 105 degrees for an hour and a half. Here's hoping I don't pass out!

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I cant believe its been two years since I was last on this thread and some of you are still here!! WOW- amazing!!

Hello Ms Jean and Kay (its Cerabella- right?) I saw Pink on a few past posts- Hopefully she is still on.

JUST WANTED TO SAY HELLO TO ALL OF YOU. You all deserve a round of applause for your diligence! WAY TO GO. :D


yep-- Im back on Adkins again--- see I need to make this a lifetime change (as its intended for) Sad to say Im back (weight) to where I started ago 2 years ago. Scratching my head saying "WHY"


Let me know if you all want to get back on the weekly weigh ins as we were doing before.


Have a good night all- glad to be back to hear some inspiring stories.



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Hey There Folks with Forks! hehe...a little Tuesday humor!

How are you all doing?

Whew...I've been busy...and I was on the road over the weekend!

Hi RVP!! yep.....some of us are still here! Some have hit their goal...and some like me...keep working towards it - because if I didn't - I'd have to buy all new clothes in much bigger sizes and I do NOT want to do that!

TXmom....Your doing so great!! How'd that yoga class go?

Lisa..That was a good article!! You always try to share those things that keep us going! Thanks!

Cerabella....And how was those subs?? I know that pumpkin flavor is everywhere right now! It amazes me how you can take the heat....and humidity!!:eek:

I'm just steady on the scales right now...trying to get back to the gym...but almost every afternoon it's some other kind of appointment!! arrgh!! But My gym bag is in my car! I just need to get there!

Happy Tuesday ya all!!

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Hey there you guys! I can't believe it's been 9mos since I've been on these threads....it shows on the scales:eek: Up 14lbs !!!!! I went to the doctor today and I thought I would faint! I am glad to see you all are still here encouraging each other...Jean, Lisa, Pink, Cerabella......you are my inspiration:D

I am sitting here trying to figure out what went wrong......I am going to spend the next couple of days reading the threads to catch up and (hopefully) get inspired.

Jean, glad Sadie is still training you.....lol.

My Sadie and I have not been in training lately......sadly we are both getting a spare tire! We have so many dogs running loose in the neighborhood, I can't take her for a walk unless I go into the next town to the park. I do miss our walks.....I will take her tomorrow since I am off work for Vetrans Day (after the parade of course).

Lisa, you guys still in Cordova?



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Wow! Great to see long time posters re-establish contact! We just have to chalk it up to the ups & downs of life when the scales go the wrong way...I really did very well the several months leading up to my cruise the first of Sept, but funny how things can backslide really quickly!:eek: I have gotten 'soft' again - no, not even gonna weigh this week til I can get it back together....so it seems a lot of us keep getting into yo-yo eating...grrrr....


It is so encouraging to hear from those who keep trying!


I am still walking but I feel like a slug...those carb creeps can really drag you down...some days I feel like I weigh 300 lbs. Just have to refocus & back to square one!


Ms Jean, let's don't even talk about the pumpkin bread. I must try SFS's mock pumpkin pie thingy instead...(oh, but it was yummy!)


Yes, it is hot & humid right now in Texas, but expecting some relief this weekend. However, the pansies are quite lovely as are the cabbage/kale & snaps!

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Woo Hoo....Hey Annie...grab a chair and sit down with us! Good to see you Girlie!


Cerabella...I get you girl....when I've had a day of carbs...yuck!! I just want to sleep....I guess Dr Atkins knew what he was talking about, yes?


I've been good....just need to find time to keep moving...after I get my rear out of this office chair! eeek! :rolleyes:

The Exercise really is a key to make it all work!!:)


Had to stop in and say hi!:cool:

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I'm sure not one to cry in my (low) carb soup!! Last nite's dinner (supper depending on where ya live) was grilled salmon & asparagus...


This eve we had crock pot chicken...I threw that sucka into the crock pot early - 9:30 & she just simmered all day....until 5:30 or so.... yum...can't beat that for easy peasy!:D


I will get back on track....I will...BTW, I have noticed that Dr Oz really advocates a low carb WOE on his daily show (I DVR it....) & he is also a heart Dr., like Dr. Atkins, so they must be on to something...I just eschew the big pharmaceutical co.'s ...'ummmm....Dr... I can't 'poo'...'... 'Oh, no worries, we have a drug for that....' etc, etc:eek:....My BFF is a fragile victim of this philosophy, so, I regularly try to take her things such as Greek yogurt, blueberries, etc... just simple things that may make a little difference...


What I am planning for tomorrow...cook a few pieces of bacon, combine w/ left over chicken, add rinsed baby spinach & wilt, combine w/ cream cheese, throw into a casserole, finish in the oven... yum, yum, a nice one pot dinner....:p

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Good Morning!!

Well, I finally am taking a new challenge on.... I downloaded the app for the Couch to 5K in 9 weeks program....and I did day 1 last night!

I would so love to run the Breast Cancer event in April here with my daughter and son...they both are training and are runners! My son is doing the Marathon in Las Vegas in a couple of weeks.

I am by NO MEANS a coordinated runner...but I cleaned off the tred mill last night, ironed the clothes that hung on it, moved things around so that I can still use our spare bedroom and did DAY 1!!

If I can get through the holidays....and this may be a big help for me...when I want a holiday treat....get on the tred mil! haha!! :p

Anyway....if any of you have ever given this a thought...and also wanted to start...Let me know! We can encourage each other!

At 52....no I'm not Marathon material....but at 52 I am striving for a healthy lifestyle and if I lost 2 pant sizes...that wouldn't be a bad thing either!! :p

Baked chicken and broccoli last night!

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OMG!! :p Ms Jean, you are SO my inspiration...girl!!! :D I am just right behind you in 'years' because I just hit the big 50 in Sept...here's a thought....let's not let our 'age' define us...I know that breast cancer in particular is an issue very close to your heart, as well as mine, as one of my dearest friends is in this struggle as we speak:eek:...soooo, you GO girl! If you need a 'sponsor' or whatever, I am behind you 100%;)


BTW, has anyone besides me noticed that when you get back on track, that, as per Dr Atkins, the WOE is 'kinda' diuretic' & ya gotta go, go, go to the little girl's room even more than usual as you get back in the groove of things....:p Ya gotta love it!!


Dinner tonight - bacon wrapped shrimp, mixed steamed veggies!!

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Good Morning>>> One week from today...we'll all be in a Turkey Coma!! LOL!!

Ummm Turkey ...all of the low carb, great flavor that an Atkinseer could dream for!! People!!! This is our feasting DAY!!

Here is a fun thing for us to do: What disciplined guidelines will you do? Add to my list!!

1) Say Yes to big slices of that wonderful, flavorful Turkey!!:D

2) Pass the dinner roll basket......

3)...I'm having pumpkin pie........not the crust...but pumpkin and whipped cream for sure!! It's Thanksgiving and I'll do my work out first thing in the morning! :p

Cerabella.........Thanks so much!! I really want to do this...I had to skip day 3 on Wednesday due to meetings... but I got up this morning at 5:45 and was on the tredmil by 6:00 am!! It was kinda hard, but I think I'm a little sore...not a lot...just a little! So my daughter and I are going to go to the local gym on Tue & Thur afternoons to keep each other motivated. She is training for a 10 K.... I'm good with just 5...:p - And do NOT stand in the walk way from here to the little girls room...:eek:I'll have to just run ya over!! I 'get' you! haha! :p


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OK, here is my Thanksgiving meal.


I'll have Turkey, Salad, Roasted Asparagus and Tomato,Mozzeralla and Basil salad.


I'm also going to order a low carb cheesecake from cheesecake factory. My mom is on Atkins too, so it will give up both something to enjoy, and at only 6 carbs, fine for a holiday celebration!


I need to lose 4 lbs to hit my goal before the cruise. That will mean I'm down 32 lbs since July 6th! Today, as an adult, I bought my first ever pair of size 6 pants. I never thought I'd see the day! Size 6 makes me a whole lot happier than Candied Yams do!

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Do you take the ketone strips with you on the cruise? I'm thinking it could help me stay on the path, or not. I do like wine, a half a glass would never work for me.


My Grandfather always said, "one drink is like a bird with only one wing...it can't fly" This is my 15 day on Atkins and very happy not drinking my two glasses of wine but our cruise is 01/02/11 and know I am not that strong, sad but true. I don't care a thing about sweets or bread; any advice, will I blow it?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, I last posted here in August. Since then I went off Adkins to watching calories. Then my 15 yr old dog died and I used that for an excuse to eat whatever. Well I have been back on Adkins for about 5 weeks now. I have lost 10 Lbs and a few inches since then. I was able to get below 200 for the first time in many years. I see you have all done very well, I am proud! Thanksgiving I ate turkey, about 1 1/2 cups of mashed potatoes with about 1/2 cup gravy, a crescent roll and piece of pumpkin & blueberry pie.:eek: What a bad girl I was!:D I still managed to lose a 1/2 LB on weigh in Monday. :) I have a few more holiday events to attend and hope I can do better than I did Thanksgiving! My cruise is coming up end of Feb. I am hoping by then to lose another 15 LBS. Not so much for fitting in clothes etc. but because I want to do some things comfortably like walking and pushing mom in wheelchair. I keep saying I need to exercise or use my treadmill or both but thats as far as I get, LOL

I will start this weekend and do at least a few days a week if it kills me, and it might!:eek: Wish me luck with the exercising! Have a great weekend everyone! Cindy

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Hi Atkins Cruise friends I haven't posted in a loong time

but I am back also. I am a long time atkins girl, off and on.

Losing and gaining the same 25 lbs. But I have been doing really

good for the last 6 months. If I cheat its only for a day not for

weeks or months,:eek: Also been very faithful with my exercise.:p

I walk/run 3 miles at least 5 x a week.

I am glad to see you all are also doing well.

Cindy welcome back also and good luck. Just remember how much

better we feel when we are on are program. OH and how much

better are clothes feel..:rolleyes:

Rae, Let me know how the Calcium works for you. I take 2-3

tables a day.

Good luck everyone I know this month will be a challenge

for all,


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Thanks, will try the calcium, getting up five times a night doing the cramp dance is not fun!





Potassium works too. I'm really sporadic about taking my supplements, and night before last I woke up with a foot cramp. Nothing helped until I took my potassium & it was gone within 2 minutes. It's like a miracle.


Eating a banana has a similar effect, but the potassium tablet works faster. Although if you're taking any meds which potassium would interfere with, don't take it!:p

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Potassium works too. I'm really sporadic about taking my supplements, and night before last I woke up with a foot cramp. Nothing helped until I took my potassium & it was gone within 2 minutes. It's like a miracle.


Eating a banana has a similar effect, but the potassium tablet works faster. Although if you're taking any meds which potassium would interfere with, don't take it!:p


Will double up on my potassium; thanks.


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Hi all,


Hope you are doing well. I'm 1.4 lbs from my goal. Though I'd like to loose anther 3.4 before the cruise, so if I gain 2 on the ship, I'll feel OK when we get back!


I made a great snack/lunch for myself and my family today, and thought I'd share. Fried Cheese Sticks! Super easy!


Blend pork rinds to really fine, bread crumb like powder, season with Mrs. Dash.

Take string cheese, dip in egg, then dip in pork rind crumbs, back in eggs, then back in bread crumbs.


You'll need to form the crust on the cheese, it does not "stick" on it's own.


Heat oil in a pan, and fry cheese sticks about 3 min on each side, until golden brown. Serve with ranch!


1 carb per stick


My family really liked these... even my husband who decided to join me on Atkins this week. He'd like to lose a few before the cruise.

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txmom, sounds like an excellent recipe. Does anyone know if you can refridgerate a cream soup and reheat? Like Cream of broccolli, which is mostly heavy cream and cheese? A friend says you can't, you have to eat it when made but who is gonna eat a whole batch? Cindy

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