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Anyone on Atkins?


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Well......I'm going to try a little something new... our Aquatic Center offers some Water Work outs... Aqua Fitness and Deep Water Fitness!

It's been so hot and dry here and we are just waiting for the Monsoons to get here so the water sure sounds great! I'll let ya know what I find out. My daughter was layed off and so our Tue & Thur work out at the gyms...well..I haven't been in weeks!! I am kicking in my walking tomorrow...and will be walking back to Intel each morning! It'll be close to about 3 miles round trip. Gotta start somewhere!

Cerabella!! Girlie... Sardines?? Do you just eat them out of the can? On top of something? Wrapped in lettuce?? Hmm... hadn't given them a thought!

Have a terrific day!

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I want to trying doing this diet, I really need it.


I have been eating bad for years, and I am very very picky eater.


Can the book for this diet be found online for free?



Thanks. I will need all the motivation that I can get.

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I don't know for free.....but I've seen them at thrift stores for a couple of $$!

It really helps to read and understand......

And Remember.... It's LOW carb... not NO carb!;) Such a mis understanding!! You need a few carbs those first few weeks in getting your system fired up!! And pick out some kind of exercise too!!:D

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DH has been grillin' as usual - hamburgers, chicken, steak...yummm I have been trying to up our salads & other green stuff. We actually grew our own tomatoes this year & the salsa is divine! I have some kale to cook tonite. Didn't care for it as a youngster, love it as an 'oldster'!


Exercise? I have been on my stair-stepper thingy, doing lunges, push-ups, other types of exercises, some pilates. I decided it is almost too hot & dry to walk here currently, too hard on my doggie...too hard on me...& if it's not that enjoyable, who wants to, right!?


Love the idea of Aqua fitness, tho, Ms Jean ~ I say go for it! You'll look smokin' hot for your upcoming cruise! (color me jelous...I guess it's Western Caribbean again for us, haven't booked yet - now that would be a real motivator!)

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I have a new routine this summer--my daughter is conditioning for cross-country & they meet at a beautiful park 3 days/week at 7 am. While she runs, I do this:


Monday: Roller blade around the lake

Wednesday: Walk around the lake

Thursday: Run through the trails


And then every Saturday is Pilates. If I need some extra oomph, it's either My Fitness Coach, EASports Active, or the good ol' Wii Fit Plus.


I also swim during my youngest's swimming lessons.


Just doing what I can do when everything's so busy. I just finished my first week of this routine. :)

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It is hot Cerabella!! :eek: Here Too!!... But I am doing my walk...and I have to say that my left leg hurts...almost to where I stop...but I walk through it (that is so unlike me!) and after a little while...it goes away and I end up feeling good and making the full trip around! I did that this morning! AND... I wasn't sure if I would...but I LIKE my Aqua Class!!...........and it's a class of women about 25 and up!! I blend in!! hahaha!!!

Then I stayed and did laps for about another 20 min! Just some extra water time! :)

Have to say that I think excitement helped wear off my 5 lb week loss from last week........... Yesterday, our new Grandbaby Girl arrived!! Father's day!! My son and DH were beaming pretty big!! So my 2.5 yr old Grand-daughter is now a Big sister!!

When we took Breakfast Burritos in yesterday for the new Mommy and Daddy...I grabbed some Strawberries and an Atkins shake! I stayed on Track!!.... Of course a small plate of Italian for my DH Father's day dinner at my daughters wasn't the best...but THAT is life and I still had my loss this morning!! yippee for me!! :D

Lisa..........what a terrific work out!! And I agree so much with you....you have to FIND what can keep you moving!! GREAT JOB!!

I want some great Cruise pictures and I'm sticking to this the best that I can and I keep moving!! ...I'll go eat at Cerabella's!! hahaha!!

Have a great evening....I think that there is an Aqua Class tonight...I'm not sure!! I have to check!! :p

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We had something really unusual happen last nite - RAIN!!:p Guess I will get to mow one more time anyway! ( & I really do love to mow! no, really I do!):D


Ms Jean, there's a new baby to love! Congrats! I think that little girls are the best!

Be careful sacrificing the body in the name of exercise, girl, sometimes it's trying to tell us something...sometimes it's just nothing...maybe that's where the water at the pool will be the most beneficial...isn't it like - 'zero gravity'!! hehehe! Kinda like being on the moon...now that's where I would be @ my perfect weight!


LisaRock! You have a really great exercise plan in place...& pool access too! You are one active lady!


CruiseSwag & others - if it hasn't been mentioned lately, don't forget to check out one of our CC members website for Atkins & other low-carb ideas...SugarFreeSheila dot com.

Tons of advice & encouragement, some recipes...I check in every so often for a refresher!

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OK... I did mow this afternoon...made me an 'Atkins's approved' (sorta) drink ~ vodka & lime juice & a splash of cranberry juice...(sorry, tee-totalers...it has been a very long.hot, dry, crazy summer & it's just started!!!;))


THEN, I came in, bathed, & cooked a hamburger 'scramble'... this is what I did...took a cast iron skillet, added some wonderful coconut oil, added hamburger meat, stirred, added onion, spices (onion, garlic, cumin), some broccoli, kale, home grown tomatoes...then........I melted a little gouda, cream cheese & heavy cream in a double boiler, pored it over, & then....viola'...supper is done!


The funny thing is, DH is the 'foodie", me, not so much...but he said ~ 'magnifique'..:D


I still am a few lbs over my goal...It is so much harder, it seems, as we age....work twice as hard to get 1/2 the results...however, this is my way of life...my way of eating...if I fall off the wagon, then I am only a few mouthfuls from being back on track!!


Let's to girls!!! ( & guys who are apparently lurking:p)

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Oo...that sounds good Cerabella...the scramble... I'll try it next week!!

I'm really enjoying the Auqa Fitness....last night was a different gal and she brought out the 'weight's that are really floating handbells....wow!! That was great! BUT the pool was a little cool...I had to ease into it! haha! :p I liked it enough...I bought the punch card that makes it about 2.30 a visit!

And...It does change things the older we get!....YUCK....but if you know it - ya can work with it! I'm working on portions right now too.... just till it feels pretty good. I'm finding that I'm pushing the plate away with a bite or two left on it! yea!!!:)

I like working in the yard too! I have some bushes that need haircuts ! Really BAD!!

We have had 2/10 in of rain Jan-May.... 2/10... how can you even measure that!?:eek:

5% humidity....and THAT is why I've got to use lotion!!

And drink water, water and more water!!

My sister is coming down for the weekend...I'll be good if you will!! ;)

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Hooray for all the bathing beauties doing water aerobics!:D


I have been trying to get myself back on track...my CCL, or ACE, as it were, must really be low, low, low...I guess I eat so sporadically that I've never even really pinpointed the break even carb count for myself :confused:...grrr...


Nonetheless, I am definitely in ketosis today, my round tummy has kinda went down & flattened out a little... (whooosh!) ... I got to thinking I must just be mindlessly eating, & thanks for the reminder, Jean, to stop at around 80% full ( an ancient Oriental trick?!)


Question - have any of you tried konjac shiratake noodles? My nearest health food store doesn't carry these...the next nearest (100 mile round-trip...) has only the tofu added shiratake ones...I'd like to try them once, anyway, even tho they are kinda expensive...I know SFS has recommended these, as well as the kelp ones....


Well, at least it's hot enough for us to fry our carb friendly eggs on the sidewalks!:p

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Aqua class tonight....and weights today. Tone up in some areas? Why...that would mean my clothes would fit and look better on me !?! What a grand idea!! LOOL!! Garsh...I think I'll try it!!

Why do I have to coach myself!? Oy.... :rolleyes: ... Because I have too!!


Cerabella - I wouldn't even know where to find those noodles! I've never tried them - but your right SFS does recommend them! I need to get some veggies at our Sunflower market this weekend ... I'll look and see if they have them!


I'm purging my closet...........anyone else done this lately? I have some shirts from 2 jobs ago...and I've been at this one 6 years, next month!! haha!! I'm wondering where all of the belts came from! :eek::p

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Question - have any of you tried konjac shiratake noodles?


Yeah, I tried them once....kind of like chewing on rubber bands, BUT I have heard a lot of people like them. You can order them from Netrition.com. Just be sure that you get the konjac ones, not the tofu ones, and that you rinse and dry them. Dana Carpender (HoldtheToast.com) uses them and has some good comments on how to make them taste good.

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Yeah, I tried them once....kind of like chewing on rubber bands, BUT I have heard a lot of people like them. You can order them from Netrition.com. Just be sure that you get the konjac ones, not the tofu ones, and that you rinse and dry them. Dana Carpender (HoldtheToast.com) uses them and has some good comments on how to make them taste good.


Thanks for the info! I guess after doing Atkins for so long, it's kinda exciting to see new & different things to try..esp since DH eats the typical SAD (Standard American Diet)...anything I can sub & 'get away with' is great...it becomes the ole ' yes, you can have this, just not THEIR 'this'...does that make sense?


Stick with it, & you'll see results! ;)

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What's your plan for some low carb eating this holiday weekend? I think the 4th is just about the best holiday weekend for good foods!! BBQ - chicken, ribs, veggies etc... :)

Cerabella....do you use Dreamfields pasta?... THat has been such a great thing for my cooking to keep DH happy! He can't tell the difference! I just make a thick meaty sauce! and a salad! yum!

You all have a great weekend!!

God Bless America!! :D

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How did everyone do with the 4th?? Grilling foods!?

Did ya work out? Did ya relax!?

The weekend went by very fast for me! I had a few smalll home projects to do - and got them done, well...all but one! I think I'll do it tonight!! Was going to do my walking today - but this is an Intel holiday... no one is over there! So, I'll have to think of something to get me moving again!

Have a great day!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry, my desk top is down, having to use DH's laptop...we just don't jive very well (the laptop, that is...hehehe)...How goes it for everyone? Are you like me & just too hot to get anything done? I seem to hardly even have an appetite these days, but amazingly, I still eat! Hey, what's up with that? I had been doing very well w/ exercising, but kinda lost my motivation...still active, tho...still in ketosis! Check in whenever possible...surprised this thread is nearly inactive!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good Monday Morning!!

I'm starting to like Mondays.... it's my Aqua Fitness class tonight! It's a lot of fun...and I feel like it's a really good workout too! I go a little early and do some laps to warm up.

A funny... most of my suits are 2 piece... which work well for most days that I'm snorkeling and such. Well...for an Aqua class... not so much! The water gets moving and I find that my top half gets water & air under it and whoosh..:eek:.now I'm fighting to keep my top down around my waist! :rolleyes: haha!... JCP has their suits 50% off now...and I found a 1 piece that will work just fine for my time in the pool! :p

Watching the carbs here....doing ok......not losing, but not gaining either. I agree with Cerebella.....it's to hot to do much!

Have a great week!!

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I just got an incentive to kick my WOE & WOEX into high gear...We have booked the ....wait for it .....Carnival Magic Nov 14 out of Galveston! Now, Ms Jean, please take good care of her on your fab trip just this next month!! I will have about 99 days from today, so I really should be in cruisin' shape, right?:D:p

I hope everyone is at least hanging in there this crazy, hot summer...I had to laugh about the two piece bathing suit story - what a gal will do to get in ship shape! Hahaha!

I am doing very well with my protein, however, there have been a few carb creeps that just snuck up on me & wham! jumped into my mouth...

Glad to report my DSis has followed some of my advice & actually lost 10 - 12 lbs in a couple of months...so glad for her, now I guess I need to follow my own advice & see such good results instead of two down, three up...grrrrr...:cool:

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Cerabella!!! Wooooo Hoooo Your going to be floating on the Magic!! Nov 14 isn't that far away!! I'm so excited for you.:D....I'll leave a secret note somewhere on the ship and see if you can find it!! :pBahahaha... JK!!!:p

My daughter is doing their 1st Anniversary out of Galvestion on Sept 2!! I can't remember which ship though...oh well...they are so excited!

Do you just drive down to Galveston? I am so LandLocked...grr...we have to fly to anything with water!!


And good job coaching your sister!!



I did end up getting a 1 piece suit for my class!! haha!!


Steaks and salad today.... It's been hot...so cooking on the grill is working for me!!


Have a great evening!!

Edited by NMCruzzin
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