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Anyone on Atkins?


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...And I'm back on track!

Feeling much better...and as my mind is in a better place, it helps me to want my body in a better shape too! It all works together, people!!


nc... How ya doing?

Lisa.. are you back, was it wonderful?.. I have to wait 7 more months for my Cruise!

How is everyone else doing? Want to chime in here? ... We sure seem to be a quite bunch for this time of the year....when gyms are packed and diet programs are in full swing!

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Lisa.. are you back, was it wonderful?.. I have to wait 7 more months for my Cruise!


Hi Jean~ I am, and indeed it was. Just the shot in the winter that I needed. I did splurge on a few desserts, but many of the sugar-free ones were quite tasty & no major damage was done. :p

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Ruby Tuesdays for lunch today. I had grilled shrimp scampi, zero carbs, roasted zuchinni and roasted spaghetti squash. It was not until I got home and looked up the Ruby Tuesday menu though to figure out what good choices I made.


Both husband and I are doing Atkins... In my first week and I half I have lost 8 pounds, he lost 8 in a week. I know shortly the weight loss will slow down which is fine.


I do plan out my meals in the morning to take to work, and what we will have for dinner... So it does take some work, but I feel very good, and am quite motivated to continue.

Edited by smoothdancer
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Hi all! I have been following along regularly, glad there is still some great success! I have been eating more than my known carb levels that send my scales up, :(but am determined to cut back asap! It really doesn't take much to become a weight gaining WOE (way of eating) for me because I just love to eat...happy, sad, whatever...I am sure there is some 'therapy' for that, but I do know that Atkins is the one & only program that really works for me...


Jean, Lisa & others have really been motivating! Smooth I have admired you on other threads, (esp DWTS) You are a jewel, & I am so glad that low carb eating agrees w/ you! Congrats on your success...& darn it, why is it that the hubs seem to lose faster! Is it the ole 'brown fat' vs 'white fat'???:eek:;):confused:


Today for lunch I had grilled salmon, shrimp, & DH steamed some veggies & chicken that had to be cooked...will also have that for supper...well, not the shrimp...I took care of that! Since we work from home, at home w/ the plant farm it means we are basically responsible for EVERY meal...snack...day in, day out...eating out is a treat & I don't always choose wisely, but it is rare...


Well, I was chatty today after being MIA for awhile!:p

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just can't get back on this fell sluggish and can't get back into exercising lost 25 last summer put about 6 on since what is everyone eating maybe this will help me .


Congrats on your initial weight loss! I just have to consider this a long term deal...if I add too many carbs my cravings kick in big time & I'm a goner...so I have to be really, really careful! None in my circle of friends/family eat this way - it's the Standard American Diet (SAD) for them, so I have to really try & be firm w/ myself...


I am not a great cook, just passable, but we eat tons of chicken, turkey, fish, pork, eggs, & veggies dozens of ways, salads, salads, salads! I love them, & grow some of my own lettuce, cilantro, etc...


Check out our own SugarFreeSheila dot com site for inspiration if you haven't already! She's gone above & beyond to build a great lowcarb site.

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Thanks Cerabella


I began Atkins when I had a recent session with a nutritionist and a rolfer (long story!) When we finished the intro session I thought to myself I think she just described the Atkins diet, so here I am!! I am only in my second week, but already I have found you can eat some very interesting things and be lo carb. Tonight we had mahi mahi with a butter lemon basil drizzle... It was so good!!


Allrecipe is my favorite recipe site, and it has not let me down in my search for lo carb ideas.


Short term I am trying to loose weight for a competition coming up in 3 weeks, beyond that I certainly can see this way of eating long term.

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Well, Smooth I hope you meet your goals plus some! Thanks for the Allrecipe idea...sometimes I can spend what seems like hours looking online for good things to cook until my eyes are crossing & my belly is growling! Then it's off to the kitchen to make something easy, as close to whole, natural as I can... but I dream of the day when I am a 'goddess' in the kitchen! :p


Once again, a plug for SugarfreeSheila's site...I just visited again recently, & there are some 'new' recipes w/ pics, & even a SuperBowl idea page.

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A few random thoughts...I put my 'old' scale in the garage sale pile that I planned to have in November. Since that didn't pan out. & I didn't replace it, I haven't weighed in literally 3+ months...well, I saw a little scale @ Walmart for less $8 (no, not digital!) & decided I had better face the music & have a reality check. Well, things weren't that bad after all, & since I have been weighing, I have actually dropped ~5 lbs.:)


Then I find out this week that one of my friends has started Atkins, another is interested because her sister recently lost 25lbs, my sister is currently trying to go low-carb also...Well, I hope it helps to finally have some support & interest in this WOE in my inner circle...sometimes a little motivation & encouragement can go a long way!


I mean, we do have to eat three or four times a day, every day...yay for low carb friends/family! & especially help & advice & encouragement from cyber friends/family!!

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Hey Low Carbers!

Cerabella! What a great scale story! And You Go Girl... Down 5 without knowing it!

I think that when others in your social pond have also changed with WOE... it helps a LOT! My hubby ate something the other day... and put the rest down and said "If I'm going to eat a carb...it will taste fantastic...not like cardboard!" LOL! I told him I wasn't touching any of it... it hit the trash can. The school fund raiser items really need to improve... Or he needs to start buying stationary! LOL!

SmoothDancer! So good to see you around here too! I've seen you on the Fashion boards for a long time! You've done very well!

How's it going...ncgirl? C'mon sweetjem.... just get back on track with a good pantry cleaning!

And any others that are around!

I loved the Superbowl Farmer commercial..........!

Have any of you seen the commercial for Atkins with Sharon Osbourne?

Here is her blog too http://blogs.atkins.com/Blogs/Sharon%20Osbourne/Default.aspx

Catch ya's later!

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Once again.....it proves it's self over and over..... A Good Amount of a Low Carb breakfast can get ya your day started and to lunch.... a low carb lunch can get ya till a snack in the afternoon, a Low Carb dinner...can get you until morning!! And in the morning...those jeans slide on a little easier and easier!! yippee!! :D:p:)

That's a fact, Jack! :);)

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Well, here I am again! I went of our WOE the first of December during three weeks of cruising, then Christmas and New Year. The biggest issue was the drinking. So much free alcohol, Diamond on RCCL. Total damage was 20 pounds plus the 10 pound creep the three months before. Anyway since the first of the year, back on track and down 22 pounds. When I'm on, it works.

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Well, here I am again! I went of our WOE the first of December during three weeks of cruising, then Christmas and New Year. The biggest issue was the drinking. So much free alcohol, Diamond on RCCL. Total damage was 20 pounds plus the 10 pound creep the three months before. Anyway since the first of the year, back on track and down 22 pounds. When I'm on, it works.



Sooo, three weeks of cruising...that is a - maze - ing!! Darn the free alcohol! It seems to throw losing into a tailspin..but congrats on losing again!


Our plans are probably just like last years...cruise last Aug, first Sept, then another coastal trip either in Texas or Destin area of Florida...just the thought of 'bathing suit' scares me a little right now, but this is certainly time to get to working on it!


I usually try to read labels, but I was discouraged to see recently that the 'natural, organic, no MSG' chicken broth still contains 'natural flavors, yeast, & other stuff that makes it questionable...:confused: yuck... then you wonder why one day you are puffy & retaining water...do I need to make that from scratch too?

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Sometimes.... I seem to do better during the work week, then the weekend!.... and then there are times I'm strong on the weekend and am weak on the work week! :rolleyes:

What are your good times and trying times?


Cerabella.........It makes it hard to get excited about broth.....when ya know it's loaded with salt!

Edited by NMCruzzin
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all low-carbers! I made a grocery store, health food store, etc run yesterday. I felt glad that the owner of the health food store said ' you are making some healthy choices!) I am currently researching joining a meat co-op where healthier grass fed beef, organic chicken, buffalo, & turkey is available...


Sometimes it feels like it's three steps forward & two steps back...


Also, does any one else besides me have trouble swallowing your vitamins/supplements? I take a mangerie of 'pills' (nothing prescription thankfully) & found that chewing a few raw walnuts/almonds helps push down...it's hard to gulp down tons of water...I try to down 3 or 4 tablets/capsules per swallow...


Well, sticks have been on & off purple ( I recently started checking ever so often, esp since I got my new scales), & I definitely feel better & 'cleaner'.


Why do we sometimes get so off course w/ our WOE...it is so self-defeating...I know 'life' gets in the way sometimes, but I try to remember we can eat so well, just not 'their' WOE...:D


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I'm back on board ;), down 3- I was low carbing it in between cruises last year and dropped 30 in four months and then headed into a 6 week stall, then a cruise. Cruise was a carb fest and then headed into the holidays. Gained 20 back. So here I am, not as bad as this time last year but looking to lose 40! Glad to see your post cerebella- lets do this thing! It's one week of purple for me.

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Well, sticks have been on & off purple ( I recently started checking ever so often, esp since I got my new scales), & I definitely feel better & 'cleaner'.


Why do we sometimes get so off course w/ our WOE...it is so self-defeating...I know 'life' gets in the way sometimes, but I try to remember we can eat so well, just not 'their' WOE...:D


Lucky you I never have seen purple, once or twice I have seen the lightest color change and have been doing this for years. I have gone off course over the years and gained it all back twice. I guess I life in denial. Than I get my head right and realize this is the only way I can go it. I'm back to the lowest I have been in about 15 years.

I'm back on board ;), down 3- I was low carbing it in between cruises last year and dropped 30 in four months and then headed into a 6 week stall, then a cruise. Cruise was a carb fest and then headed into the holidays. Gained 20 back. So here I am, not as bad as this time last year but looking to lose 40! Glad to see your post cerebella- lets do this thing! It's one week of purple for me.

I hear ya! I cruised 3 week in December and came home to Christmas and New Years. Talk about Carb feast. I gained back 30 of the 60 I lost over all laste year. But, I can say all 30 are back off as of yesterday!

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Interesting for me, the first time I checked the stix lately, they were the next to the darkest shade of purple...it kinda startled me, but I realized I probably need to drink more water, then the ratio becomes lighter, as it were...


It might have been SugarFreeSheila who mentioned, tho, that being in ketosis is like being pregnant...either you are or you aren't - sooo, if the stix are reading at all - hey! we're in ketosis!!:p


Dr A also mentions that if they are not turning but you are losing, then you are probably producing enough ketones to succeed, even tho not enough to register on the strips...make sense?


IDK...sometimes when mine are the darkest, I am not really losing at that time...grrr...I guess it is just a process...for me a lifelong WOE if I can!

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But, I can say all 30 are back off as of yesterday!



WOWZERS & CONGRATS!!!:D That's awesome! I know I was thrilled to see a 5 or 6 lb drop recently! I know I need to get moving again to see better results - 15 lbs is my immediate goal...I would be pleased w/ anything more or less!

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I started Atkins on January 2nd and have lost 10.5 lbs! Bought new jeans today! I consider it a lifestyle, not a diet. The only "cheat" I do is a glass of wine, but only on the weekend. My goal is 1.5 more lbs, and then my weight will match the weight on my driver's license :cool:

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I started Atkins on January 2nd and have lost 10.5 lbs! Bought new jeans today! I consider it a lifestyle, not a diet. The only "cheat" I do is a glass of wine, but only on the weekend. My goal is 1.5 more lbs, and then my weight will match the weight on my driver's license :cool:


Good going! Thanks for posting your results! I too have an occasional 'cheat', but mine is vodka...a 'lite' cosmo, salty dog or something...I say lite because I just use a tiny splash of juice, the rest is seltzer or club soda...I recently went for 2 months w/ no alcohol, & no big difference either way...so, if I want a drink or two every so often on the weekend, I don't beat myself up about it...I do occasionally have a glass of pinoit grigio, but any red wine seems to give me a headache...


Dr A recommends no alcohol because it postpones weight loss, but allows wine or straight liquor for those that must occasionally...but I'm just not a straight liquor kinda gal:eek:


Thankfully on Texas drivers license - no weight - YAy!

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...crickets...ok, I know there is a lot to talk about, lowcarb peeps!


Some random thoughts...I feel like spring is sooo around the corner! Suddenly I feel happier & more alive than during the dark dreary days of winter...well this week was it for me! Yay! I seem to pay more attention to how I eat, dress, & feel...anyone else? maybe it is just a form of SAD ( seasonal affective disorder, if it really exists) Well, bring on the sun!:D


I have really been poking down salads for lunch every day - yum! I get those containers of mixed greens, etc from Sams. I have been adding my home grown cilantro, some volunteer lettuce & fresh grown dill & oregano. Can't beat that!


Hope everyone is hangin' in there w/ WOE...It's just as easy to make good fresh healthy choices as not...I hate that heavy, kinda sick feeling when I go too far off plan, so, I say to myself - 'Self...don't go too far off plan...' duh!:p

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