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Anyone on Atkins?


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peri-menopause... I am just at that age...grrr...I mean, it's ok, I'm ok w/ this life transition in the span of time, but not so much w/ the affect on my feeling of well being - emotionally/physically... I am at the point where I need a reality check. I was talking w/ a friend who related the experience of an actress - Regina King - who just took control of her health & 're-made' herself...I don't know all the details, but I should research it more...


I was just looking at some ladies this weekend in a DVD series that I'm watching... and most of them were I'd say 45-65 age . And...most of them have that muffin top that comes with that age group! I'm 55... and I have one...and I notice that even when I'm working out, watching my carbs close... the front of my body just does NOT want to work with me!:eek:

... so... I'm shopping for some really cute tops!! LOL! :p:D;)


I'm back to moving my bricks around.... and we found a new spot that we are going to pull out the old bricks...lay down some new ones. Spring is the season that we can get busier and longer... the sun stays out longer too!


Had my eggs for breakfast... and keeping the shells to dry and mush up for my garden... It all works together! ;)


Have a good week !



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Thanks Melody & Jean for the responses to my 'whining' ! I am a 'pear' shape, so I definitely carry my weight from the waist down...in fact, sometimes friends are kinda surprised @ my actual weight because I can often hide it. But, things are definitely shifting...


I do feel that this WOE is more user-friendly for emotions too. Whenever I swerve off of keeping it low-carb, I feel the blues, so I know there is a link. Low- carb makes me feel 'cleaner, & healthier' both inside & out!


I've got some fresh celery cut up & ready to go in the fridge for my eve snack when I want to devour everything in the kitchen, & a couple of boiled eggs in reserve if that doesn't tide me over. I'm planning grilled salmon for dinner!

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Cerabella......... and THAT ('I do feel that this WOE is more user-friendly for emotions too. Whenever I swerve off of keeping it low-carb, I feel the blues, so I know there is a link. Low- carb makes me feel 'cleaner, & healthier' both inside & out!") Has a LOT to do with why I've been with this thread for so long.... I think!:o Oh sure... my scale goes up and down, just like everyone elses.... But... when I grab back onto my low carb eating habits... it's like my insides snap out of the carb induced grumpies....!! And for me ... that helps me through my day!

It seems that this week... I'm more focused.... hmmm.... even prepared! My smoked turkey breast snack sitting on my desk!.... protein for breakfast... and I'm going home for lunch, because I have some tuna already ready for me!

DO you have weeks that you really stay focused - more then others?




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peri-menopause... I am just at that age...grrr...I mean, it's ok, I'm ok w/ this life transition in the span of time, but not so much w/ the affect on my feeling of well being - emotionally/physically... I am at the point where I need a reality check. I was talking w/ a friend who related the experience of an actress - Regina King - who just took control of her health & 're-made' herself...I don't know all the details, but I should research it more...


I was just looking at some ladies this weekend in a DVD series that I'm watching... and most of them were I'd say 45-65 age . And...most of them have that muffin top that comes with that age group! I'm 55... and I have one...and I notice that even when I'm working out, watching my carbs close... the front of my body just does NOT want to work with me!:eek:

... so... I'm shopping for some really cute tops!! LOL! :p:D;)


I'm back to moving my bricks around.... and we found a new spot that we are going to pull out the old bricks...lay down some new ones. Spring is the season that we can get busier and longer... the sun stays out longer too!


Had my eggs for breakfast... and keeping the shells to dry and mush up for my garden... It all works together! ;)


Have a good week !



Yep! I never had any tummy until menopause. All my weight was in my butt! Now muffin top for sure.

Edited by PINEVIEW01
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Wow! Haven't checked in with LBYC for about ten years. FYI, I lost 100 lbs, mostly on my own Low Carb WOE.

Pineview01, I was put on a Meds for depression (genetic) and gained weight while still on my program. Became more depressed and went off my program because food made me feel good. Took myself off the Meds and lost the 20 lbs I had gained plus an additional 30. CHECK THE PRECAUTIONS ON YOUR MEDS Guys.

We have a Bermuda cruise coming up in June and, by going back on -40 carb grams daily, walking, and Curves thee times a week, hope to lose an additional 8 lbs.

Oh Yes! I found Atkins TV dinners at the Super Market last month and they're pretty good.

Keep up the good work,


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Hi! DH and I are doing low carb. We did really well a few years ago and lost 50lbs each. DH gained all 50 back and I gained 40 back. I am chef and it was hard to turn down all the foods we loved after we went off our diet for vacation. I feel as if we have been dieting forever. We will go on and off. We are back on! I want to be back down the 40 I gained by the time we cruise in Oct. DH and I both need to lose more than that but will be happy with that as a start. So I will becoming here for tips and ideas. I use pintrest and I have pinned a ton of low carb recipes. Hopefully that will keep us interested in our food. SO wish us luck!


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Draggy What a great goal you have. I have been watching my carbs for about 30 years and, except for the problem with the meds gain, play with 10 lbs. By that I mean. . .life goes on and to deprive yourself of ALL Goodies may not be the answer to keeping on track. For lunch, I just had a sandwich. . .actually I roll up the cheese, lettuce, a thin slice of tomato, with a little Mayo (not lite), and on some hot peppers thrown in, inside a couple slices of baked or boiled ham (not honey) and I have what we in South Jersey call a Hoagie. If I want a grilled Ham and Cheese, instead of bread, I use half an Ole' Low Carb-High Fiber Tortilla. (7gs of carbs.) I have hundreds of tricks that has kept the weight off, including my "on track" dinners at the Asian Buffet.

I just got weighed at Curves and, not only did I lose the 8 lbs I gained from Thanksgiving, through the Holidays including a week's vacation, I lost an additional 5 lbs. My goal is another 5 lbs by June so I won't have to deprive myself of everything good on the cruise. I say "everything" because, by mostly, healthy choices, I can enjoy the desserts, in moderation. (Double veggies instead of potatoes and no bread.) Like I said, it has worked for this 73 year old broad for almost 30 years.

You can do it!!!!!!

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Draggy What a great goal you have. I have been watching my carbs for about 30 years and, except for the problem with the meds gain, play with 10 lbs. By that I mean. . .life goes on and to deprive yourself of ALL Goodies may not be the answer to keeping on track. For lunch, I just had a sandwich. . .actually I roll up the cheese, lettuce, a thin slice of tomato, with a little Mayo (not lite), and on some hot peppers thrown in, inside a couple slices of baked or boiled ham (not honey) and I have what we in South Jersey call a Hoagie. If I want a grilled Ham and Cheese, instead of bread, I use half an Ole' Low Carb-High Fiber Tortilla. (7gs of carbs.) I have hundreds of tricks that has kept the weight off, including my "on track" dinners at the Asian Buffet.

I just got weighed at Curves and, not only did I lose the 8 lbs I gained from Thanksgiving, through the Holidays including a week's vacation, I lost an additional 5 lbs. My goal is another 5 lbs by June so I won't have to deprive myself of everything good on the cruise. I say "everything" because, by mostly, healthy choices, I can enjoy the desserts, in moderation. (Double veggies instead of potatoes and no bread.) Like I said, it has worked for this 73 year old broad for almost 30 years.

You can do it!!!!!!


What an inspiring story! Thank you for sharing!

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Hi! DH and I are doing low carb. We did really well a few years ago and lost 50lbs each. DH gained all 50 back and I gained 40 back. I am chef and it was hard to turn down all the foods we loved after we went off our diet for vacation. I feel as if we have been dieting forever. We will go on and off. We are back on! I want to be back down the 40 I gained by the time we cruise in Oct. DH and I both need to lose more than that but will be happy with that as a start. So I will becoming here for tips and ideas. I use pintrest and I have pinned a ton of low carb recipes. Hopefully that will keep us interested in our food. SO wish us luck!



Draggy, you & your DH will do great. I'm having trouble getting motivated to cook--too many kids' activities in the afternoon/evening. I'm just beat by the time I have to make something for dinner. Probably time to pull the Crock Pot out, or grill a few nights' worth of food at a time. If only our weather would behave...

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Draggy What a great goal you have. I have been watching my carbs for about 30 years and, except for the problem with the meds gain, play with 10 lbs. By that I mean. . .life goes on and to deprive yourself of ALL Goodies may not be the answer to keeping on track. For lunch, I just had a sandwich. . .actually I roll up the cheese, lettuce, a thin slice of tomato, with a little Mayo (not lite), and on some hot peppers thrown in, inside a couple slices of baked or boiled ham (not honey) and I have what we in South Jersey call a Hoagie. If I want a grilled Ham and Cheese, instead of bread, I use half an Ole' Low Carb-High Fiber Tortilla. (7gs of carbs.) I have hundreds of tricks that has kept the weight off, including my "on track" dinners at the Asian Buffet.

I just got weighed at Curves and, not only did I lose the 8 lbs I gained from Thanksgiving, through the Holidays including a week's vacation, I lost an additional 5 lbs. My goal is another 5 lbs by June so I won't have to deprive myself of everything good on the cruise. I say "everything" because, by mostly, healthy choices, I can enjoy the desserts, in moderation. (Double veggies instead of potatoes and no bread.) Like I said, it has worked for this 73 year old broad for almost 30 years.

You can do it!!!!!!


Thank you for taking the time to post your story, tips and goals!...Congrats!! Knowing the do's and don'ts.... But doing them is the key!! Great Job!!

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Hi! DH and I are doing low carb. We did really well a few years ago and lost 50lbs each. DH gained all 50 back and I gained 40 back. I am chef and it was hard to turn down all the foods we loved after we went off our diet for vacation. I feel as if we have been dieting forever. We will go on and off. We are back on!


Welcome...thank you for sharing your story! And I so hope you get to your goal!


Wow.... how many times does this run through my head too!.


So, do we diet for the short term goal? Do we make it a way of eating lifestyle not to put the weight back on? These are the tough questions we all work with..... I know I do!

I think that I choose LC out of knowing that 1) I just feel better 2) my clothes fit better


It can really make a person think about choices, goals, habits....etc.....

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Just returned from Curves. . .I'm going to be famous as they are putting my before (Size 22-24 pants) and after (Size 12 pants) photos in their September Clipper Magazine Ad. I think the owner doesn't trust me to lose the weight I will, most definitely, gain on my cruise but, I have proved her wrong many times over the past 8 years I have been a member.

Today I had an EDGE drink for breakfast (4 grams), after a mile on my Treadmill. Had a grilled chicken breast sandwich on my 1/2 of a Low Carb/High Fiber Tortilla (Total 7 grams). My snack was about 6 Wheat Thins with Cheddar cubes. (About 8 grams.) For dinner its Eggplant Parmesan from the frozen food section because I don't feel like cooking. Microwaving is not cooking IMHO. It's probably about 12 grams total with my own frozen meatballs. I have 32oz of water to go and will have a snack of Sugar Free Jello with real whipped cream later on tonight (4 grams). Oh, I forgot, I have one Dove Dark Chocolate Bliss or two Hershey Kisses every day, that's an additional 6 grams. That's 12 grams over Atkins suggested daily intake but it works for me. Two more pounds to go and I'll treat myself to Red Lobster. Double veggies, no potato and one Cheddar Biscuit smothered in butter.

Another mile on my Treadmill and I'll be set for the day. (I didn't do my Curves Circuit today, just had my photo taken.)

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Baywalker you are a inspiration!

We are doing good so far. Problem I have ran into is...my gym bag is gone! It has my anytime gym key in it.. LOL figures! I will have to get another. Its a neon green bag, so hard to misplace. I work second shift, running after 1am. DH works 3rd shift at the same place. A Casino. When I get off work. I will meet him in his office and we will have a late dinner/snack. ( I am up until daybreak) Then we will walk around the employee hall area of our work. 4 or 5 times is a mile. So we get a little exercise together. My shift has changed over the last 6 months. I was on morning shift for 12 years. New (useless) boss and I get booted to second shift. Actually they are slowly weeding people in my position out. We have went from 12 level 1 chefs ( highest level) to 4. Anyway the schedule change has made it practically impossible to meet up with DH at the gym. We used to go together at night. Now we are scheduled in just enough of a way to not let that happen. Hoping that we can figure something else out. DH needs the motivation more than me. He is a computer tech guy and is happy sitting in front of his computer.

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Draggy, a Casino Chief? DH took me to the Borgota in A.C. Tuesday. With a $25.00 comp, we each had a $9.00, fancy mug, of French Onion Soup. No different than the $3.50 bowl at the Diner, except for the ambiance. I had a $3.50 glass of unsweetened ice tea, with one refill. It was the best I've ever had. They even put a fresh lemon in the refill. Anyhow, I ate the cheese and soup but gave the bread to DH. Oh Yes. . .I went with my usual $100.00 and came home with $307.76.

This isn't a very good time to misplace a Gym Bag, if you know what I mean.

Some of the ladies at Curves are on shift work so I know how difficult it is to schedule exercise and healthy eating. Personally,my DH would slow me down as his idea of exercise is to take out the trash. 8-( He did do 5 minutes on the treadmill yesterday. I also, personally, know about the weeding out. Daughter #2 was a dealer in Reno and went through the same thing. She's back in South Jersey now and they have asked her to return. Probably at a lower wage. She's next in line for a manager's position at Micheal's Arts and Crafts so she turned them down.

As for walking, I sometimes talk to Daughter #1 for over an hour, walking from the kitchen, into the dining room, through the living room and foyer into the rec room and down the hall into the kitchen and keep going. I have to take different paths because I was wearing down the carpet. I figure it's almost 2 miles.

Sounds like you're really motivated. Are you able to get a good night's sleep? If not, this could slow down your weight loss. Why? I don't know. Logically you would think that if you keep active instead of sleeping, it would speed up your weight loss. Go Figure!!!

Well, did my mile and then 30 mins at Curves so I gotta get to my gardening. I believe God made rainy days so I can get my housework done.


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NMcruizen, I also save the egg shells, along with the coffee grounds for my compost pile. I watched the 11:00 pm Weather report last night and there was a frost warning so I had to run out in my jammies and cover my plants with sheets. Woke up this morning and there was no frost. Do you grow tomatoes? There is nothing better than a Jersey Tomato picked right off the vine. Although high in carbs, I eat them in moderation, cutting back on most other carbs for the day. As for my Jersey Corn, most end up as critter food. Well, I guess the deer, birds and other animals deserve the opportunity to enjoy the fruits of my labor. . .just stay away from my tomatoes. Just opened the last of my canned stewed tomatoes from last year. I only take a a few spoon fulls and DH eats the rest.

Guys, I found some low carb, dried tomato bagel chips at the Farmer's Market yesterday. They are sliced thin and cut in four pieces so they are about one gram a piece. I dipped five in my Lipton Onion Soup & Sour Cream mix and used up my last 10 grams of carbs for the day. Problem was, it was after 8 pm and I had an additional glass of water (Had already polished off my four 16 oz. water bottles, two cups of coffee, two big glasses of ice tea. plus a glass of water with each of my daily meds.) Guess who had to get up twice in the middle of the night? 8-( If we go on a road trip, I cut back on the fluids and can notice the decline in weight loss, even though I do my walking at rest stops and our destination. Since I keep on track with my carb intake, I believe, like the "Experts" that fluids help flush out the fat. Also, if you exercise to the point that you start to build up muscles, remember, muscle weighs more than fat per volume. I can tell you the details, if you want.

Wow, look at the time. Gotta get ready for Church. I guess I'm slowing up with age as, every year, it takes me longer to make myself look good.

Edited by Baywalker
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Happy Wednesday Everyone!

Hmm... dried tomato chips at Farmer's Market.... will have to check them out!

I do love that we are in Grilling Season full time now... If you don't mind the Wind one day, things blowing around --- or a hoodie, because the temps have dropped, or the patio already warming up because it's a real spring day!! hahaha! ... OY... what we do to have the right stuff on our plates!!:)

I'm doing ok.... it's a busy week for me... I need to better to watch the snackinig on the run stuff! Even though I'm on the go .... it doesn't mean I'm physically running a 5k or anything!:p;):D

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Found something close to the Sun Dried Tomato Chips, Jean. In fact, they sound better as they are "CHEDDAR Sun-Dried Tomato Baguettee Chips". 50% less fat than potato chips.




WARNING!!!!! Don't go to this site with an empty stomach.



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Im on it AGAIN, it works for me. HOWEVER please know that the minute you go OFF that way of eating the weight comes back QUICK. Example I lost 100lbs in 12 months only to gain back 90 in 4.5 months of regular eating patterns (back to dunkin donuts, carbs, milkshakes etc) so that being said I did realize my mistake. I am back on it and am on my way to losing that 90lbs I gained.

Let me say this it is a struggle and nobody can say it isn't but it definitely is attainable. Im living proof of that.

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Im on it AGAIN, it works for me. HOWEVER please know that the minute you go OFF that way of eating the weight comes back QUICK. Example I lost 100lbs in 12 months only to gain back 90 in 4.5 months of regular eating patterns (back to dunkin donuts, carbs, milkshakes etc) so that being said I did realize my mistake. I am back on it and am on my way to losing that 90lbs I gained.

Let me say this it is a struggle and nobody can say it isn't but it definitely is attainable. Im living proof of that.

Kerbear, try setting a weight gain limit. When I lost 55 lbs, at 200, I promised myself I would never hit 225 again. As the weight creeped up to 220, over 5 years, I went back to low carbs and lost another 50 lbs. Again, I promised myself I would never go over 200. Then it was 175 and now, 150. I have 10 lbs to play with on the cruise but I am confident I will get down to my 125 goal weight by the fall, when we have our next trip. . .to New England.

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I hear what your saying and its easier said then done sometimes, especially with food. I will try your suggestion next time I get at or below my goal weight. Its a struggle for sure. I do miss my dunkin donuts lol.


One of the reasons I give myself a longer time to get to my goal weight is, because I know it is easier said than done. I plan my cheating because the thought of never having a Dunkin Donut would really be depressing. By setting the "Never again go over _ _ _lbs goal" I am encouraged to make sure I only have one or two Dunkin Donuts or a Hot Fudge Sundae or slice of Cherry Pie or two Cheddar Biscuits at Red Lobster, when I reach each goal. Does that make sense? I may gain a pound or two but quickly lose it. . .plus by returning to low carbs the next day or so.


Once a week I give myself the option of having anything I want. Fortunately, I've learned not to want more than one slice of white toast with two fried eggs and bacon plus cottage cheese instead of potatoes, for breakfast. For lunch, I limit the carbs by using a knife and fork to eat my cheeseburger without the roll and substitute a small salad or other veggie for fries. At Applebees, for dinner, we share the Buffalo Chicken Strips as the 2 for $20.00 appetizer and I order the steak or the chicken and shrimp with double veggies instead of potatoes. A couple bites of DH's dessert or Sugar Free Jello with whipped cream satisfies me. I have been able to maintain and even lose weight with this way of eating, never forgetting. . .water. . .water. . .water.


For me, having the support of family, friends and the ladies at Curves is extremely important.

Edited by Baywalker
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Once a week I give myself the option of having anything I want. Fortunately, I've learned not to want more than one slice of white toast with two fried eggs and bacon plus cottage cheese instead of potatoes, for breakfast. For lunch, I limit the carbs by using a knife and fork to eat my cheeseburger without the roll and substitute a small salad or other veggie for fries. At Applebees, for dinner, we share the Buffalo Chicken Strips as the 2 for $20.00 appetizer and I order the steak or the chicken and shrimp with double veggies instead of potatoes. A couple bites of DH's dessert or Sugar Free Jello with whipped cream satisfies me. I have been able to maintain and even lose weight with this way of eating, never forgetting. . .water. . .water. . .water.


You make a great point here. I was able to maintain for years before my last pregnancy by having the once a week where I ate what I wanted--although, I ate what I wanted for an hour once per week instead of a day--and the key was to be sure it was something I really wanted, e.g. not just eating bread during that hour because I "could"...but was I really craving bread? And the rest of the food was still part of maintenance.


I had to learn as an individual what affects my insulin levels and what doesn't; what my critical carb counts are (for losing and maintaining), and really plan my eating to fit in with this lifestyle. It's difficult, but I find when I stay in that mode of discipline--not deprivation, but discipline--then I don't have as many cravings or binges or times off my WOE.

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You make a great point here. I was able to maintain for years before my last pregnancy by having the once a week where I ate what I wanted--although, I ate what I wanted for an hour once per week instead of a day--and the key was to be sure it was something I really wanted, e.g. not just eating bread during that hour because I "could"...but was I really craving bread? And the rest of the food was still part of maintenance.


I had to learn as an individual what affects my insulin levels and what doesn't; what my critical carb counts are (for losing and maintaining), and really plan my eating to fit in with this lifestyle. It's difficult, but I find when I stay in that mode of discipline--not deprivation, but discipline--then I don't have as many cravings or binges or times off my WOE.


Lisa, be honest. . .can you really pass on the Cheddar Biscuits at Red Lobster?:confused: On my "anything" day I have two, loaded with butter. order double veggies and pass on dessert. I cannot keep on track by counting calories or weighing portions. Knowing which foods are loaded with carbs is easy. Last night I snacked on two cups of Popcorn while watching "Finding Nemo" again. (Love the Seagull "Mine, Mine, Mine. . . ." part) Anyhow, I know it was about 12 grams. Adding that to my 9 carbs Greek Yogurt at breakfast, 7 for the 1/2 Low Carb Tortilla Turkey sandwich at lunch and about 5 for my Caesar Salad with grilled chicken at dinner, I had enough left over for a Dark Chocolate Hershey's Bliss. My daily carb count is 40 to 50 grams. After my Cruise, in June, I will go back on the 20 grams for two weeks to get rid of the 5 to 10 lbs I had gained. Oh, I forgot. Walking, working out three times a week and, for the past year, Zumba on Monday mornings has built up muscle which weighs more than the fat I've gotten rid of, volume to volume so I go by clothes fitting, not necessarily my weight.

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Hey! I have done low carbon on and off since 2001. Started back on it Jan 1 2013. Have lost 18 lbs so far. Only 4 more to reach my goal of 135. I also am 52 and have been trying to get below 148 since I got stuck there while doing insanity workout. Started doing insanity in July 2012 and finished the 1st round of 63 days just prior to our cruise in Sept 2013. Stayed at 148 the entire time! So the insanity workout worked great but I still had a tummy roll that wouldn't go away! The 5 times a day eating clean but with carbs obviously did not work for me! So after the holidays began doing the workouts in order but only 3 times a week and doing low carb at the same time. Some say you have to eat carbs to exercise intensely( which it is!) But I don't find this to be true. If you strength and cardio train while doing lo carb, you will have plenty of fat reserves to burn and you don't bonk or feel as sore after. Also, you will lose the most fat while retaining or gaining muscle. Read low carbohydrate performance by Steven phinney. Anyway, the combination is reshaping my body! Have lost 3 inches off waist and 2 off thighs. Feel strong and leaner than I have in a long time!

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Hey! I have done low carbon on and off since 2001. Started back on it Jan 1 2013. Have lost 18 lbs so far. Only 4 more to reach my goal of 135. I also am 52 and have been trying to get below 148 since I got stuck there while doing insanity workout. Started doing insanity in July 2012 and finished the 1st round of 63 days just prior to our cruise in Sept 2013. Stayed at 148 the entire time! So the insanity workout worked great but I still had a tummy roll that wouldn't go away! The 5 times a day eating clean but with carbs obviously did not work for me! So after the holidays began doing the workouts in order but only 3 times a week and doing low carb at the same time. Some say you have to eat carbs to exercise intensely( which it is!) But I don't find this to be true. If you strength and cardio train while doing lo carb, you will have plenty of fat reserves to burn and you don't bonk or feel as sore after. Also, you will lose the most fat while retaining or gaining muscle. Read low carbohydrate performance by Steven phinney. Anyway, the combination is reshaping my body! Have lost 3 inches off waist and 2 off thighs. Feel strong and leaner than I have in a long time!


Ladybug, Congratulations! You seem to be doing great with motivation. You don't look 52 in your photo. You look younger. I will be 74 next week and I have been doing Cardio three times a week, (126 to 130 BPM.) while remaining on a low carb WOE (Way Of Eating). On vacations, especially cruises, I gain 5 to 10 lbs, as I refuse to deprive myself ... it leads to depression and the only thing that cheers me up is more junk food. Over 25 years, I have lost over 100 lbs by getting back on track when I return home. I quickly lose the gained weight in one or two months plus an additional 5 lbs each time. My cruise leaves June 2nd and I have 5 more lbs to lose after a 5 lb weight gain on a late Feb. trip. I already lost that 5 lbs, plus another 5. My plan is...-40 grams to lose and -100 to maintain, Curves three times a week, daily 2 mile walk and Monday Zumba. I have also hit the dreaded plateaus as my metabolism readjusts. . .sometimes for two weeks while keeping on track. Then, suddenly, the weight starts to come off, big time. Keep up the good work.


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