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Anyone on Atkins?


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I did Atkins a couple years ago and lost the weight fast. After a month of unsuccessful weight loss with Weight Watchers I am going to give Atkins another try, its just a lot easier for me. I was wondering if anyone out there is doing Atkins also and if so, do you have any quick ideas for breakfast. I am usually in a rush to get to work in the morning so I really don't have time to cook up a couple eggs or anything. Any recommendations???

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Stiffaney-I do a modified adkins. I follow the Sugarbusters! philosophy, by eating foods that are low on the glycemic index and staying away from foods that are high on the glycemic index.


I eat boatloads of protein and veggies and only berries for my fruit choices. It has stabilzed my blood sugar beautifully and keeps me fueled throughout the day.


I do get tired of eggs and bacon for breakfast, so you might try cottage cheese and berries. I alternate that with my eggs and bacon. You can have cheese and the fruit. And if you can overcome your upbringing you can have other "dinner" proteins for breakfast if you care to.


Good luck!

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Leftovers! Don't be tied into having breakfast foods for breakfast. Also, I made up "muffins" that were scrambled egg, ham/bacon or sausage, onion, green chili or red pepper and cheese in a muffin cup and baked them then stored them in the fridge. You can zap one in the microwave for breakfast. Just don't use foil muffin cups. Hard boiled eggs are good straight or make egg salad. Also no sugar deli meat like turkey and string cheese. Natural nut butters and celery. If you're out of induction you can have ricotta cheese and berries too.


I also do alot of smoothies. I use designer whey which has only 2 carbs per scoop. I find it at meijer or Trader joes. It's not terribly expensive, high in vitamins and protien and tastes good. Chocolate and vanilla are easy to find but Meijer has several flavors including strawberry and Chocolate carmel peanut. You can mix it with water and ice and it's ok. I mix it with milk. I use the Hood calorie countdown (used to be Carb countdown.) I buy those sugarless coffee syrups that have zero carbs to flavor it up and I also tend to add a spoon full of some kind of fiber (either a Tbls of flax seed meal or 1/2 tsp of xanthan gum) for body and to make it more filling. I would do this especially in induction. Once you're out of induction you could also toss in a handful of berries.


Hope that helps! Good luck. I lost my first 30 with atkins.



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Hi Stiffaney!

I also did Atkins about 3 years ago and took off about 25 lbs, which helped my BP and back. I've stayed pretty close within about 5 lbs back and forth through this time from when I went off Atkins. However, more back and leg issues have challenged me to work with Atkins some more. I started just on Monday. Down about 4 lbs, which is about right. A big start and then it comes off slowly for me.

The egg 'muffins' is a great way to stay Atkins friendly - and when I'm running late for work but need a quick something for my tummy and supplements - I have a bag of Atkins friendly chicken wings in the freezer, so I take out 3 - Zap in the microwave for about 4 min while I'm in the shower. Then I have them real quick - brush my teeth and head out the door. They have cooled down and are easy to handle by the time I get to them. If you make your own on the weekend - you don't have to fuss with the sauce as you control that in your own reciepe!

Just a thought - it works for me.

I'm going to check out adoptmom's designer whey - I wonder what the name of it is that I'm looking for at Trader Joe's?

Hang it there - some work and goals is better then no goals and no results!

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I also do alot of smoothies. I use designer whey which has only 2 carbs per scoop. I find it at meijer or Trader joes. It's not terribly expensive, high in vitamins and protien and tastes good. Chocolate and vanilla are easy to find but Meijer has several flavors including strawberry and Chocolate carmel peanut.





That's what it's called "Designer Whey" and it's at my Trader Joes. I'll give

it a try!


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Hi every one, I eat an Atkins Advantage Chocolate Peanut bar for breakfast when I don't have the time. Just 2 net carbs. I like the sounds of the egg muffins,I am going to make some up today.I have lost 62lbs on Atkins so far and have not felt better in my life.More energy,you know the drill.

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I'm doing the same thing, just started. I can't find the Hood milk any more

and that sure helped for that night time craving, but I did find (not as good)

Soy Slender, about the same amount of carbs. I'm in the Chicago NW area

so if anyone knows where I can find Hood let me know. I've already wrote to the company.


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I'm sorta crossing between South Beach and Atkins right now. Lost 15lbs and 5% body weight since Jan. 9th. Probably would have lost more weight, but I'm doing weights too, so am probably adding muscle back which weights more than the fat I'm losing....


Find a mexican taco stand and order Cherizo, eggs and cheese, delicious!!!

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I am on a Dr. supervised plan that reduces carbs (a lot) and adds adequate protein. I do not actually count carbs, but teaspoons of sugar. A teaspoon of sugar is the carbs minus fiber divided by 5. I am only allowed 10-15 teaspoons of sugar a day. I also must eat 80-100 grams of protein and do it all on 1000-1200 calories (plus lots of water).

It has not been too tough, I have lost 19 lbs in 6 weeks (I only needed to lose 36 total).

The doctors claim is that Adkins does not teach you to control your carbs once you reach your goal. Adkins people cut carbs out, lose weight, start eating carbs again, don't know where to stop and gain it all back plus some.


By learning what you can and can't have carb wise, it becomes a healthy eating habit for life.


I hope it works, I do not want to have to lose this weight AGAIN.

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The doctors claim is that Adkins does not teach you to control your carbs once you reach your goal. Adkins people cut carbs out, lose weight, start eating carbs again, don't know where to stop and gain it all back plus some.


By learning what you can and can't have carb wise, it becomes a healthy eating habit for life.


That is not true. Atkins does teach you how to control the carbs, that is the basis of the diet. There are different phases, and in each you have set amount of carbs you can eat, except for the last phase were the amount of carbs you eat is based on your body type. You add carbs back in until you start gaining weight, then cut back a little to maintain weight.


Most doctors have a bias toward low-carb diets, because it goes against all the old school theory they have been taught. But study after study has proven that you need to cut back on carbs, not fat, to lose weight most efficiently.


The health care and food industries would rather you continue eating all those carbs, sugars and saturated fats. There is alot of money in all those packaged products, and the pharmacuticals would rather you buy there colesteral lowering, blood platlet clearing, indigestion stopping drugs than to actually take care of yourself and eat healthy....

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and saw your post! I was one of the "participants" on the old Atkins board on here and there were/are soooooooooo many success stories! I lost approx 130 pounds on Atkins and have worked a little more fruit into it - but it's a way of life for me now and I've never been healthier or happier!


As far as the breakfast question - I'll second the leftovers post! Also - I usually always have deviled eggs in the fridge to grab in a hurry!


Also - some stores like Publix or Kroger have something in the cheese section - it's like a rolled pinwheel type thing with mozzarella cheese and something like salami or proscuitto, etc in it - and that is GREAT to have handy - just slice off a few pieces of that for breakfast or lunch and it's really filling!


...and don't forget the water! :-)


Best of Luck!


PS - as far as "cutting out all carbs and then starting to eat them again and not knowing when to quit and gaining back the weight plus some" - understanding that lo-carb is an eating change lifestyle is key to keeping the weight off - it's not something to use for a "diet" then go back to a carb-loaded way of eating.

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I went on Atkins on January 29th of this year and I've lost 6 pounds so far. I'm not trying to loose alot of weight but I'm short 5'2 and weight shows on me. So I wanted to drop 18 pounds and I'm good. It's going really good.


There's alot that I don't eat anyway so Atkins isn't a stretch for me. Sometimes I'll eat dinner for breakfast. I have my FH on it and we will be staying in the Induction phase until a week or so before our wedding. I'm really enjoying this. I've never had to diet before so I'm doing pretty good with sticking to this.

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I'm happy to find this thread!

My husband and I both had good success a couple years ago before our first cruise with Atkins. Both lost around 30 pounds. Unfortunately we went to trying other diets and have decided after being back up to nearly our pre-atkins weight, that we need to get back on it!

We are both tall (5'9" and 6'2") and hold our WAY too many lbs(236 and 255) well but feel uncomfortable and sluggish most the time.


I actually started 100 days before our next cruise on a "sensible low cal, low fat, all natural and organic" type diet along with a lot of exercise. I wasn't losing noticable anything till this week when we both decided we would Do Atkins again! Now I'm losing!!! 5 lbs already since Saturday.


Believe it or not I have been eating cheesecake everyday! Have even had it for breakfast! (made with Splenda and no crust)


Well I gotta go get on the eliptical and do my time for the day...already did the resistance stuff. Hoping for a big difference in 72 more days!


I'll be back for more encouragement! Thanks for being here.

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I did Atkins a few years back and still kind of follow it. I used to go through McDonald's drive-thru and order a side order of eggs and a side order of bacon or sausage. It was fast and only cost a couple of dollars. Either that or I would drink one of the Atkins shakes. Good luck.

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I have been on Atkins since mid-2001, maintaining my weight loss since I made goal in late 2001, and have never felt better. :) As far as breakfast goes, the sky's the limit! Everything from low-carb pancakes, flax muffins, shakes, to even ribs or other leftovers from the evening before is doable.


As for cruises, there is no easier way to maintain or even lose weight. Even though I'm long at goal, invariably I return from a cruise a pound or two lighter just because it's so easy to eat well and get exactly what I want. Special requests of "no-this" and "extra-that" are truly a snap, and every cruiseline I have been on is ultra-accommodating whether you are doing the fine dining option, or are at the buffet.


I've got a cruise fast approaching next month, so I am so very excited! I love reading the posts here. Hope everyone is having a nice week. :)

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Do you have information about the Kimkins Diet? I saw the website and they seem to lose so much so fast. One girl lost 31 lbs in 30 days -- but how?



It's basic and easy ... for Kimmers Experiment .... the FASTEST way it's

lean protein .... eat till satisfied your appetite will decrease

Eggs ... use as little fat as needed ....

That's it ...


For Kimmers ... it's adding a cup or 2 of salad greens and there you go.


I do Kimmers Experiment and it works fast, I've dropped 10 lbs in 3 days being DILIGENT on it. Do drink plenty of fluids.

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I have been on Atkins since mid-2001, maintaining my weight loss since I made goal in late 2001, and have never felt better. :) As far as breakfast goes, the sky's the limit! Everything from low-carb pancakes, flax muffins, shakes, to even ribs or other leftovers from the evening before is doable.


As for cruises, there is no easier way to maintain or even lose weight. Even though I'm long at goal, invariably I return from a cruise a pound or two lighter just because it's so easy to eat well and get exactly what I want. Special requests of "no-this" and "extra-that" are truly a snap, and every cruiseline I have been on is ultra-accommodating whether you are doing the fine dining option, or are at the buffet.


I've got a cruise fast approaching next month, so I am so very excited! I love reading the posts here. Hope everyone is having a nice week. :)



Hi Sheila ... it's Connie from LowCarbFriends ....


I finally booked my first cruise, March of next year ... but I DID IT.


I switched to Kimmers because it's faster and less BS than the LCF boards ....


You look great and are still my biggest inspiration as well as Kimmer and Ixtapacheryl.




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Here ya go cmjaffe-

I hope you enjoy it!

Mix till smooth with electric mixer-

4-8 ounce pkgs. cream cheese softened

¾ cup splenda- more or less to suit your taste-2/3 to 1 cup


1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 teaspoon lemon juice

1/3 cup sour cream

When this is all mixed together add -

4 eggs slightly beaten

Do not over beat once the eggs are in, just til blended

Pour the mixture into springform pan that you have sprayed with vegetable spray and lined the bottom with parchment. Bake the cheesecake in a 300-degree preheated oven with a pan of water on the shelf under it for 1 hour and reduce heat to 200 degrees for 1 more hour. Turn oven off and leave cheesecake in until the oven is completely cool. The cheesecake can even be left overnight at this point. Cracks can occur when a cheesecake cools too quickly. Run a knife around the edge of the pan, separating it from the sides of the pan, and gently remove springform. Then transfer cheesecake to serving plate.

12 slices at less than 5 carbs each!

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Hi all- hope you don't mind if I jump in. I'm getting back into the low carb lifestyle, although I actually do protein Power. They're really similiar though and I feel so much better when I'm low carbing. I'm already down 45 pounds but I've stalled since I started letting things slide back in. :mad: I won't be doing induction, just going straight back into the second part.



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I do a homemade version I guess of the Atkins/low carb.

Before my first cruise I was at 6'2" and 315 pounds. Lost down to 280 and felt much better. Since then I have done fairly well with maintaining until late last year. Then from Thanksgiving to New Years I ate like the old me, Like a hog. BUT, at that point I had my mind made up. Coming 1/2/07 I was back on program! Started 1/2 at 296. Today Im 272. That with NO extra excercise. We have booked a cruise for June and I will begin excercise, Mostly Walking 1-2 miles per day. I will normally walk 5 day or more per week. I definately feel much better and have far less back pain.


Lets all get on down!!!!!!!!!!!!

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