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Anyone on Atkins?


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OK.... SF Sheila.. I could use some "encouragement"...

not sure if any of the "old" Atkins posters are here...

I "used" to be a maintainer... but "life" (and other crud) as put me past that (had maintained my loss for several years). Unf. over the last year there's been a creep of at least 15lbs -- ashamed to say. Broke my foot, heel & ankle -- needed surgery (pins) and had an awful time of recovery... total bedrest for a full month... was very difficult to live my low carb/Atkins lifestyle stuck in bed having food left for me from 8AM until the kids came home at 4ish.. Lived on cereal &milk and weight crept up a bit (also couldn't go to gym.. let alone walk --used a walker-- to bathroom few feet from bed-- of what I was used to doing). Finally took over 8 months to be able to walk w/o terrible pain ==then found out I developed osteoperosis (since MD decided that since I had maxed out ins. it was a good oppt. to do bone scan). Add to this getting close to 50 (and stress). All this just didn't help, and wasn't my usual "MO" -- I had been living atkins for over 5 years.

Now I go on induction.... usually get past 4 days... can't turn "pink" (barely beige). This is also on "strict" induction... (I'm an Atkins purist -- don't buy into net carbs stuff.. either it's a carb or not -- also w/sugar alc). Also the "original" Atkins book is my bible.. not the latest edition. My copy is so dog-eared, I'm now at wits-end, since I get the scale to move 3lbs tops.. and then stall for over a week... I'm ready to pull my hair out... (I've even started journaling eating to see if there's any hidden carbs... and to be accountable, not even overdoing the cals.-- though also know I can't (shouldn't) do low carb/too low fat -- doesn't work).



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This has worked for me for induction - eat only very lean protein such as white meat chicken or turkey (no skin), egg whites, egg substitute, eggs, fish (haddock, grouper, sole, orange roughy, salmon, halibut, swordfish, bass, trout, cod, snapper), shellfish (clams, shrimp, oysters, scallops, crab, lobster, deli meats (low sodium turkey, ham, chicken). No salt. You can use Splenda, salt-free seasoning blends, mustard, non-stick cooking spray, fat-free no calorie butter spray, sugarless gum, sugarfree jello, flavor extracts. Drink at least 64 ounces of water per day. You can also drink tea, crystal light, diet soda, black coffee, club soda. I try to drink mostly water. I also start my day off with 1 cup hot water with two tablespoons of fresh lemon juice.


If you follow this, you should have no problem getting into ketosis. I stayed on it for 2 weeks and lost 16 lbs.


After doing this for a week or two, you can add one serving per day of lean beef (sirloin steak, filet, tenderlolin), pork (tenderloin, chops, Canadian bacon, ham), lamb (lean roast, chops), veal (chops, roast). You can also add small amounts of cheese, cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, and low fat yogurt with no more than 3 grams of sugar, sugar free salsa, 2-3 servings of low glycemic vegetables, and salad dressings (no/low carb/sugar).


The next phase you can add one piece of low glycemic fruit per day, but eat some protein (cottage cheese or yogurt) with the fruit.


The last phase you slowly add healthy carbs such as nuts (almonds, cashews, macadamias), oatmeal, sweet potatoes, brown rice, etc. in small quantities.


Try to eat three to six small meals per day to keep your metabolism up and drink water.


It's important to exercise. Start by walking at least 4 days a week for 30 minutes, and gradually add resistance exercises to your routine.


Just keep telling yourself that this is not a diet, it is a healthy way of eating for the rest of your life. Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.


I'm down 38 pounds in 13 weeks...with 48.5 lbs. more to go. I am still on phase two, and will gradually move through the phases watching how my body reacts to the foods added and making adjustments as necessary.

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Kreeb: OK, what you wrote is absolutely not what I do! Maybe I gotta switch :eek:.


I usually eat high fat things for the first 48-72 hours until I get purple. Then... I do try to stay away from salt because I want the scale to be my friend. However, I would say I eat much more beef than fish or chicken. When I eat chicken, it is with the skin on (chicken wings and blue cheese are Atkins- look at my home town- that is one of the joys of this WOE- why would I miss it?). I thought we couldn't eat "lunch meat" so I don't- with the exception of roast beef (I thought deli chicken and turkey, even if it seems "real," always has fillers...). I guess my thinking is always 'hey, as long as I'm on Atkins I might as well enjoy it.' His book is also filled with 'don't worry about calories, don't worry about fat (except to have a LOT of it the first few days), don't worry about portion size.' Of course, portion size doesn't even matter as I lose the hunger pretty quickly.


Oh- Sheila has in her website how to avoid "keto breath." Drink more fluids. Who knew? I used to be very conscious of the bad breath factor!


It's not the weight loss factor on Atkins. I get discouraged when I stall- but what kind of stall still has you losing 2-4 a week? It's just that it is so restrictive..... And I always have a hard time moving out of induction for some reason. I go from 20 to 25 to 30 to 300.


Carolyn: I hear ya. It's all about preparation and having the right food on hand. What can you tell someone- 'Can you make sure I have ribs, chicken wings and hamburgers on hand? That's all.' It is almost embarassing to sit there and go medieval on a chicken in front of someone who is eating a lean cuisine and weighs 40 pounds less. I have been staying at my mother's (she had surgery) for three days- hence the cashews- it was that or air, basically.


But I understand how life intervenes. It would be easier to be a multiply allergic vegan than to be in induction. But the carbs truly do kill me- I get literally out of control. I just saw it again last week and I don't need any more reminders. I guess I just stick with Atkins for a month or so and then *crash*. Plus with kids? I have five, DH has three, and they are all here together 10 days a month. Four are high school athletes and eat Power Bars, cereal, pop tarts, granola bars, pizza, waffles, dried fruit (a weakness), pasta... and three are younger and eat candy, yogurt, rolls, ice cream, more pasta, more pizza- you name it. My kids are here more days but it is less of a complete free for all. DH is an Irish cop- potatoes?????


Well, now that I just went on for half an hour about why I can't do it...


It really does work. I lost a huge amount after baby #4 on it.


Sheila: I know you eat mainly green veg and less protein and even less whole grains. But face it- I am months away from that kind of carb intake! Thanks so much for your help- everyone on here should go spend half an hour on her site- LOADED with useful content-


Purple vibes, everyone-

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When it comes to breads and cereal products, these have been completely eliminated from my menu. I do not miss them and have even less use for them now since I get my folate and fiber from other sources.


I also meant to add, as per the 2002 edition of Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution book (the only book of which I am a proponent) that vegetables are a requirement from Day One on the program. Also, there is no need to remove the skin from chicken. Carla, you are absolutely right about the fat, calorie, portion aspect of this program: while an Atkins follower is instructed not to do a low-fat version of Atkins (pg. 127), there is no need to make efforts to introduce more fat and portions than is necessary to satiate the appetite. While sticking with the finite list of allowable foods for Induction, just eat when you are hungry, and stop when you are full - this keeps it very simple.


What I did on Induction was allow the permitted 3-4 ounces of cheeses, as well as enough full-fat salad dressings to suit me, and my remaining carbohydrates were devoted entirely to the Induction-legal vegetables below. A very good amount of vegetables can come from 20 carbs a day if you know how to "work it"!


List of allotted vegetables for Induction, taken directly from the Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution text. It's definitely more than just salad! :)


  • alfalfa sprouts
  • daikon
  • mushrooms
  • arugula
  • endive
  • parsley
  • bok choy
  • escarole
  • peppers
  • celery
  • fennel
  • radicchio
  • chicory
  • jicama
  • radishes
  • chives
  • lettuce
  • romaine lettuce
  • cucumber
  • mâche
  • sorrel

Other Vegetables

Within the 12-15 net carb daily vegetable requirement, these vegetables are slightly higher in carbohydrate content than the salad vegetables listed above, but they also provide important nutrients and add variety to your daily food intake:

  • artichoke
  • celery root
  • pumpkin
  • artichoke hearts
  • rhubarb
  • asparagus
  • chard
  • sauerkraut
  • bamboo shoots
  • collard greens
  • scallions
  • dandelion
  • snow peas
  • bean sprouts
  • dandelion greens
  • spaghetti squash
  • beet greens
  • eggplant
  • spinach
  • broccoli
  • hearts of palm
  • string or wax beans
  • broccoli rabe
  • kale
  • summer squash
  • Brussels sprouts
  • kohlrabi
  • tomato
  • bean sprouts
  • leeks
  • turnips
  • cabbage
  • okra
  • water chestnuts
  • cauliflower
  • onion
  • zucchini

If a vegetable, such as spinach or tomato, cooks down significantly, it must be measured raw so as not to underestimate its carb count.

Salad Garnishes

  • crumbled crisp bacon
  • grated cheese
  • minced hard-boiled egg
  • sautéed mushrooms
  • sour cream
  • Spices
  • All spices to taste, but make sure none contain added sugar.
  • Herbs
  • basil
  • garlic
  • rosemary
  • cayenne pepper
  • ginger
  • sage
  • cilantro
  • oregano
  • tarragon
  • dill
  • pepper
  • thyme

Here are the permitted meats. It's more than just beef and chicken! :)


All fish,

including ...

All fowl,

including ... All shellfish,

including ...

All meat,

including ... All eggs,

including ...






salmon turkey mussels*

pork fried sole duck duck lamb poached trout goose clams bacon **soft-boiled flounder Cornish hen squid veal hard-boiled sardines quail shrimp ham** deviled herring pheasant crabmeat venison omelets

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SF Sheila- thanks so much again. That is the book I have. I have always shied away from the whole "net carb" thing for the same KISS reason that you refer to. I look at net carbs on an Atkins bar and I know the thing will throw me right out of ketosis so I stay away. So- myth or reality???


The thing that kills me is when I get out of ketosis- the appetite takes over, the bargaining begins, the loss of control-


here I go again.


Today is great, yesterday was great, and tomorrow I will be candy free and that is ILL.



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carlalena1: I understand the whole chicken wing thing because I lived the first 28 years of my life in Buffalo. I still eat wings & celery dipped in blue cheese...YUM! but only occasionally. I'll be visiting Buffalo in May for a wedding and will definitely have some real Buffalo wings.


I did Atkins about 4 years ago and lost about 30 lbs., but then cheated when I went on a cruise, then it was my birthday, then Thanksgiving, then Christmas, then New Year's Eve, then our anniversary, and so on...and I never got back on track and gained all the weight plus back.


I don't dispute that Atkins works, I was just giving info on a way of eating that is similar to Atkins, but puts more emphasis on choosing lean proteins. All the time I was doing Atkins I kept on thinking "How can eating all this fat be healthy?" So the approach I am taking now seems healthier to me.


So you're married to an Irish cop. My best friend is married to a Buffalo cop. My Irish grandfather was a detective on the Buffalo force more than 50 years ago. As an Irish girl, I also love my potatoes, but they love my butt and hips too much, so I avoid them like the plague. Since my husband is diabetic, and our kids are married and on their own, it's easier for me to follow this way of eating since I don't have others in the house eating junk tempting me.


Whatever way of eating you follow, just keep telling yourself that you can do it and that you're worth it. I gained 80 lbs. in the past 15 years, and I have no one to blame but myself. Now I just take it one day at a time, one meal at a time and make the right choices. You can do it!!!

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Hi all- Oh man, I feel like garbage today! Some kind of sinusy funk that the baby has passed down and of course it's messing with my stomach. :( Still haven't gotten a good start on induction and I was really hoping to be well into it before we leave on vacation 2 weeks from tomorrow.


One good thing is that we did book a condo for 4 of the nights while we're in Texas. That will be nice because we can at least cook breakfast and lunch or dinner there. Breakfast is always the most difficult on the road because I can only take eggs so many days in a row plus my DH is the king of "lets eat at the free hotel contintental crap breakfast." You know, the one with the bagels, cereal, danish, donuts and maybe some fruit. I definitely have to buy some Atkins morning bars to take with me! Any other suggestions that are car friendly and won't melt in the southern heat?



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Kreeb: who is your friend/was your grandfather? My DH will probably know your friend's husband. He's a 20 year sheriff's deputy and his father was the Erie County sheriff for 12 years. The last cruise we were on we had three cops on our roll call, and we ate with another male cop/female lawyer combo every night. It was great to meet people we had things in common with.


I totally understand about looking at the fat in this diet and thinking: maybe there's a healthier way. Unfortunately I can't have more then a salad until like 2008 so it's meat, meat and more meat.


I hear ya about gaining 80 pounds- my problem is that I work out for two weeks, eat well, and turn around and get discouraged that I haven't dropped 70.


OK, more coffee- good morning everyone!

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SF Sheila- thanks so much again. That is the book I have. I have always shied away from the whole "net carb" thing for the same KISS reason that you refer to. I look at net carbs on an Atkins bar and I know the thing will throw me right out of ketosis so I stay away. So- myth or reality???


It seems to work for some! Ultimately, while I note the net carb count after fiber is deducted, I prefer to keep my eye on total carbohydrates.

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Wierdly enough, after 5 days my sticks are still in the "trace" category. Believe me, I know where hidden carbs are located, and I can only think of a few places where there have been possibly very low grams.


However, I am losing at the "normal" Atkins induction rate and I feel pretty cracked out- the way I usually do on Day 5.


There is the probablility that I have tampered with my metabolic resistance by being in Induction for three weeks, OWL for a week, then carb city for a week.


But is it possible to be gently cruising along in OWL after that week from hell, without getting totally purple and actually being back to "square one"?


Can't rely on keto breath as an indicator any more, thx SFS:) .


Well, today: no sausage (despite reading the label and being convinced there was no corn syrup/sugars), no half and half from Starbucks, and... where else the carbs could be coming from I have no idea.

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know what you mean about being "good" and getting the "slightest" shade of light beige/purple. When are you testing? If AM try PM... usually you'll get a deeper shade then. Also are you doing "low fat" in addition to low carb? You need your fats, if you're extremely low fat you probably will have a hard time getting purple (even light). If you're familiar w/book it mentions about those who are highly resistant...

As for me I'm at day 3, being very careful and good. Of course not even "tracing" with the sticks yet. The scale hasn't budged so I'm hoping for a slight move downward (have a digital scale so even 1/2 lb will be welcomed).


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I started on Atkins last September. I have lost 35 pounds. After induction I have kept a close watch of my carb intake. However, in the last couple of weeks I have been struggling to staying 'low-carb'. There is a low carb grocer--I'm from Toronto--and I went shopping there last week. Bought the lowcarb pasta--5 carbs per cup, absolutely wonderful--and wraps--3 carbs. I just can't seem to get back on track. I have read all of the posts and was inspired!!! It's a bit difficult doing this by myself. It's nice to have a site I can get inspired by. I do love cruisecritic!!!!!

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Couldn't agree with you more...

all the products w/"net carbs" listed vs. total carbs...

my feeling... a carb is a carb is a carb (only true benefit would be for diabetics who need it for regulating blood sugar (and even then w/my aunt her #s jump up when she checks it in AM))


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Hi all! I lost 60lbs before on a lc diet and then returned to my old ways and gained it all back. No other diet seems to work for me. I have been back on since Jan and have lost 20lbs. I want to lose some more before our June cruise for my 20th anniversary. I discovered Jimmy Dean omlettes for my AM quick b-fast/snack. Only 5 carbs and quick. any ideas for easy, on the go lunches???



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For lunches I like roll ups: Take sliced deli meat that doesn't have fillers, spread it with a bit of cream cheese or real mayo, then a slice of roasted red pepper or lettuce leaf, and a dill pickle spear/celery stalk/cucumber spear and roll it up. If you're going to take it someplace you might need to stick a toothpick in it.


Also, I love meat salads like tuna, salmon or chicken. You can use fresh or canned meat and real mayo, although I use veganaise because my daughter is allergic to eggs. It's still low carb. I usually use capers instead of pickle relish, celery and whatever veggies are leftover.


Oh and if I have GOOD tuna or salmon leftover I make sushi salad. Raw or lightly seared tuna or salmon diced finely, some nori cut into strips, cucumber diced , avocado diced and a few sesame seeds. I toss it with a "vinegret" made with some rice wine vinegar (just a touch), soy sauce, a little canola oil, and just a touch of sesame oil. It's all to taste. You could also throw in wasabi but I don't like it. I'm not sure but I'd think the pickled ginger would be carby.


There's always the standby salad. the great thing about low carb is that you can have great dressings like blue cheese and ranch. I also make alot of vinegrets when I want something sweet or less heavy if I'm going to put berries on the salad. Raspberry vinegar makes a great vinegret but doesn't add any carbs.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Everyone!!

What an awsome board to find! I'm attempting to do the Atkins induction right now, but with a family of 5 it's sometimes difficult!

From what I've read on here and on SF Sheila's site, I'm eating to many high carb veggies, so trying to revise.

Thank so much for all the inspiration and motivation!!

I wish everyone fantastic results!!

Cruising on Carnival Victory in December and want to lose as much as I can before then.

Look forward to staying in touch and seeing how everyone does!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Carla,


How's it going? You haven't posted in a while. Out of everyone on this thread, you seemed to have some challenges to overcome;) ...so is it going well? Sending slim thoughts your way!!


I just found this thread this am, after beginning induction a week ago. With the exception of June 2004-April 2007 (goodness, is it really three years?) I had followed low-carb since 1999. In June '04 I got pregnant with my 3rd child (last planned pregnancy) & decided to throw caution to the wind. Well, after putting on what ended up being 45+ pounds between getting pregnant and AFTER the baby was born, and being petulant about doing what I really know is best for me...I have lost 20+ pounds by being in the gym & at about maintenance levels of carbs, but then the weight loss stopped cold--so I got back on induction in anticipation of our Sept. cruise. It's time to lose it all.


I have never cut fat, nor will I ever cut fat. It cracks me up when well-meaning people tell me that all the fat I eat must be bad for me--my blood levels (cholesterol, triglycerides, pressure) are awesome, even though I'm still 20+ pounds overweight.


For breakfast each am, I have a shake made from protein powder I got from Costco & a scoop Colonix fiber from DrNatura (8 grams fiber) mixed with 1 1/2 cups of water & 5 ice cubes. It keeps me full until about 11:00 & keeps things "moving";) .


BTW...with my kids, since the older two were babies when I first started Atkins, they basically eat what I eat with carbs added (corn, rice, potatoes)since their bodies are still developing. They don't eat a lot of sugar, and they eat a lot of veggies & fruit. And of course they are constantly on the move. I'm sure it's more difficult with teens...but maybe cutting some of the temptations out of your house will help. I hope all is well!


Best wishes,

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good Afternoon Atkins Buddies!

I haven't read CC loose to cruise threads in a couple of years. I want to loose 30lbs b4 our Feb 2008 cruise on the Mariner. I have been a yo-yo dieter most of my adult life; and like ya'll I tried low this and that,but, low carb is the way to go. I allways feel better and sleep better when I don't have those bad carbs in my system. I have found some good ideas on this thread...thanks!

SFS..what an awsome website; I hope my daughter(21) will be inspired; she is always looking for weight loss help. Like everyone else, she wants to loose it all in one day; but we know it is a lifestyle change...wish us luck:D

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Hi everyone, starting Atkins here again. I need to lose about 60 pounds. Here's my issues..... I do fine for a few days then start getting a little quesy and feeling yucky and then of course it's easy justifying going off the program. I lost 25 pounds a few years ago on Atkins and felt great but just can't seem to get into the "zone" again with it.

Any tips???

P.S no cruise planned yet:( need to get through a summer trip to NYC before I can divert funds to cruising:(

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Hi there,


I hear you! I've actually waffled around for 2 years before finally deciding to get serious. I started induction almost 2 weeks ago, and really, after a couple of days, I just haven't wanted anything outside the allowable foods. For some reason my body tells my brain I don't want it & don't need it! DH is a carb fiend, and somehow he can eat whatever he wants...but I can't.


So there are plenty of temptations around my house, but they don't tempt me right now. I really believe it's because I'm in ketosis & my body wants to stay there.


Maybe it would help if you start with a small goal: say, induction for a week. That way you've got something small to achieve, then next week you can make a new goal. I also recommend the SFS website that is listed in the posts above. It's really inspiring!


All the best! You can do it!

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Can anyone tell me how to NOT want my glass or two of chardonnay in the evening???? I can say no to bread, potatoes, sugar and ok yes pasta, but my wine!!! If I can be good for a couple of weeks I could maybe squeeze in a glass at night; after a workout of course:D I read that white wine has just a few carbs, but your body will more likely burn the alcohol before the fat and that would defet the purpose.

Any suggestions would be helpful.

I plan to start Atkins the first week of June, I have to get past several occassions that I am hosting.

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