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Anyone on Atkins?


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This is just me, but I go ahead & have the wine. What I do, though, is have half a glass a couple of times a week. That way I can enjoy it without worrying too much about putting off my weight loss.


This time, during induction, I have had 1/2 a glass once a week...I wanted to make sure I really kicked myself into ketosis & got off to a good start.


A big key is to not feel deprived. Best of luck! Keep us posted!

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Hey all, low carbers... just wanted to wish all of you good luck on your goals. Hearing other people's success motivates me to stay focused so I thought I'd share my story thus far with you guys.


I've been doing Atkins on and off since about October of 2006. When I started I weighed 270, as of this morning I'm down to 225. I took a week off about a month ago, and just felt AWFUL. My body ached, and it did things to my stomach I'd never want to experience again. So I'm back on it again rededicated because of how horribly I felt when I slipped the last time and also because we will be sailing on the Holiday soon.. My wife and I leave on our cruise on June 9th, and I'm pushing myself now to get down to 215 before we sail, so wish me luck.


To all of those who are having trouble just getting started, stay as strict as you can during induction. Once you start seeing results (on the scale and in the mirror) it will be enough motivation for you to keep on going.


Good luck guys, and happy cruising.

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Congratulations beauhbuhbo (gotta knwo what that stands for someday)

that is a good success story; it makes me want to jump in there. I am putting it off until the first Monday in June because I have soooo much going on in the next two weeks. Unfortunatly for me, I make cakes for friends and family and of course there are graduations and weddings in the next two weeks. There is no point in even thinking about trying to do induction with all this going on. I know there will always be something going on, but I know this would be way too difficult for me. I am looking forward to feeling good and getting a good nights sleep. It is funny how eating good carbs, the ones God provided us with, make our lives so much healthier and happier. My doctor agrees that we should just eat the natural way, God didn't build a Baskin Robbins in the Garden of Eden:D

Thanks for your story, I will start with my grocery buying this week.

I will report all success.

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I have to do something. I did atkins in 2003 - 04 and I felt great. I lost 30 lbs in 3 months. Anyway the weight has crept back on. Well meaning family and friends seem to chip away at my resolve. "oh just one won't hurt". Anyway it is hard because I am always around food at work And worse is mexican food at home. My spouse is mexican and a good cook but really Total carb city. Anyway I know I know I need to get serious. I really want to drop 20- 30 before I have to be on a jet for 10 hours and then my QE2 trip. I just hate pictures of myself lately.

I think SFS is a real inspiration even though I am a guy... The few of her recipes I have tried really rock :D. I tried South Beach but it just did not work as well for me. I think I need the strict rules...

Anyway good luck to you out there. I am starting tomorrow. Today I did pretty good at sort of a preinduction really limiting the total junk carbs..

All for now, Tom in Long Beach

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I have to do something. I did atkins in 2003 - 04 and I felt great. I lost 30 lbs in 3 months. Anyway the weight has crept back on. Well meaning family and friends seem to chip away at my resolve. "oh just one won't hurt". Anyway it is hard because I am always around food at work And worse is mexican food at home. My spouse is mexican and a good cook but really Total carb city.


Hi Sirwinston,

Here in New Mexico we have Mexican Resturants on every corner - and good ones too! I love Mexican food - but continue with watching carbs! I thought I'd just mention a couple of tips that might help you wife with her meals to help you.

Fajitas! Just have the chicken or beef ( so much flavor!) No Tortillia!

No chips - but the salsa on the meat can still give you that kick that your taste buds look for!

Taco meat - just put it in a bowl - top with cheese, some salsa and top with sour cream.

Eggs with chopped green chili - shredded cheese.

Most of my Mexican friends use a lot of veggies, if she can remember to make you some chicken, fish or beef, (broil, grill or bake) I know you'll be ok. It's those wonderful flavors that we look forward too with this type of food that we can still have, just need to be creative.

Hope this helps,

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As far as the chips and salsa go, I had to ask myself what it was that I really liked about it. For me, the answer wasn't the chips because other than the salt, they're always kind of blah, it was the salsa. Well, salsa isn't usually too bad in the carb department so I take my own dippers for it in the form of veggies. You could also take pork rinds but I detest them. If I'm feeling frisky I also make my own chips by drying turnip or yellow squash slices in the oven. Sprinkle them with salt before you dry them.



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Thanks NM cruzzin: :D

That is helpful. By the way we love to vacation in N.M. when not cruising. We hope to retire there.


Hi Sirwinston,

Where are you looking at to retire? NM is the 5th largest state and there are a lot of places to choose from! :D We are just across the river from Albuquerque.

Oh, and last night I made some baked chicken breast using some chipolte sprinkles - yum - you can make it as spicy as you want :eek: :D - lots of Southwest flavor! :) Does you wife use this flavoring very much?

I have a big container of it that I picked up on the spice aisle at Sam's.

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Jean ~ yum!


Sirwinston ~ you can do it! I don't know why this particular WOE attracts so many naysayers, but once you kick into ketosis, it won't matter so much. All the best! You can do it!


I'm happy to say that since I started induction a few weeks ago, the scale hasn't budged--but I have lost 3% body fat. How's that for "water weight"?:cool:

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Jean ~ yum!


Sirwinston ~ you can do it! I don't know why this particular WOE attracts so many naysayers



Your so right - but when I have more energy and am feeling so good, I know what seems to work for me. :D Veggies, salad & protein!

Hang in there! Soon, You'll be trying to figure out how which belt to wear to keep your britches up! :D

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Just wanted to say; I tried the Jimmy Dean frozen omlets and they are really good. I couldn't imagine a frozen omlet, but they are good and easy to pop in the microwave on a busy morning or evening for that matter.

I am 7days from kick-off for my diet and up another 5 pounds:(

I have a wedding and two lunceons next week, one is for me (birthday) and the other is for one of our secretaries who is leaving... I know, excuses,excuses,excuses:rolleyes: but I plan to avoid the white stuff on the other 4 days and limit myself to mostly good carbs on the other 3 days.

I am a size 12-14 now and plan to be a size 8 when I walk on the Mariner next February, maybe a size 10 when I walk off:D anyway guys, wish me luck!

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I didn't read all of the previous posts, so sorry of this has been said before. I am on the road a lot. In a pinch, I go to McDonald's and order the sausage egg and cheese McMuffin without the muffin and with folded egg. At a buck a whack, you can't lose- well maybe you can:D . I have been on Atkins many. many times and I know how it can get. It is not an easy diet to do while out. You can order double cheeseburgers without the bun and such, too.

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Hello All:

Thanks for the kind words and hints. Well after one week back I have lost 9-10 lbs. I have been very strict with myself. I know that this is the most I will loose in one week and lots of it is water but I am pretty happy. I just need to stay focused.


NMcruzzin I think I want to retire most likley in the Toas Santa Fee area.

but not in those cities as those are expensive. But it is a while away so we will see.

I really feel better with no sugar and not white flour. NO HEARTBURN and I do not feel bloated like a stuffed pig. I have decided that I really need to not eat late at night which is hard because I work nights. I am allowing a small snack if I can grab it at work. It has to be 100% in line with induction diet right now..

Thanks again all for the hints support.... I hope to loose 30 lbs before a QE2 cruise in August.....

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Hello All:

Thanks for the kind words and hints. Well after one week back I have lost 9-10 lbs.

I really feel better with no sugar and not white flour. NO HEARTBURN and I do not feel bloated like a stuffed pig. I have decided that I really need to not eat late at night which is hard because I work nights. I am allowing a small snack if I can grab it at work. It has to be 100% in line with induction diet right now..

Thanks again all for the hints support.... I hope to loose 30 lbs before a QE2 cruise in August.....


Good for you Sirwinston - sounds like you are on your way! My husband says the best thing I could have done for him - was go low carbs! A lot less heartburn and reflux for him! :) When he eats what he wants, he suffers and then tells me to make his plate exactly like mine! :D


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I wish hubby would do low carb; he won't eat anything green:(

He could do the meat thing, but potatoes are not low carb.

My daughter is planning on starting the diet with me next week. She spent the week-end on SugarFreeSheila's web site and ordered her cookbooks. I am glad I have an Atkins partner in the house.

Six days counting down....wish us luck!:D

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I am glad I have an Atkins partner in the house.

Six days counting down....wish us luck!:D


I'm not sure about the luck....but your will power and an Atkins buddy in the house spells success!! :D And great cookbooks to keep everything tasting yummy....you are going to do great - keep us posted!


We leave tomorrow for our Cruise to Alaska :D - I keep telling myself that

when it comes to dinner time "Choose Wisely!" We'll see if the stairs will help keep me from adding to the scales! :eek:

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Thanks NMCruzzing! Have a blast in Alaska!


I have a recipe to share with ya'll; I got it on the food chanel last year, it was not an Adkins recipe ,but it is Adkins friendly.


4 bonless chicken breasts

2tbs olive oil

2cloves garlic-chopped

1 shallot chopped

2cups heavy cream

1/4 cup white wine

10 oz. frozen spinich thawed and squeezed

2tbs butter


Brown chicken in olive oil until just browned....remove and set aside

Sautee garlic and shallots in olive oil for just a couple of minutes,

deglaze the pan with the wine, add the chicken back to the pan and

pour the cream over the chicken, cook until the chicken is done and the

cream is reduced.


While chicken is cooking, heat the spinach in a skillet with the butter.


Serve the chicken over the spinach...it is wonderful!


I don't know the calorie or carb count, but the carb count should be low.


If ya'll try it let me know how you like it.


P.S. please excuse my spelling; I left my glasses home today:eek:

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Hello, everyone!


I am officially in the OWL phase...although I had one setback over the weekend at the drive-in movies...too much popcorn! So I knocked myself out of ketosis, but now I'm back in. Love those ketosis strips! I had a delicious dessert of blackberries & whipped cream last night...I told DH I was enjoying my dessert more than he was enjoying his banana split...and that I would feel better about it in the morning.;)


Now my challenge is to get through our midweek service tonight, which is an ice cream social!:eek: We're going out to dinner beforehand, though, so as long as I'm full when I get there, I should be okay.


Well after one week back I have lost 9-10 lbs. I have been very strict with myself.


Way to go, Sirwinston! How inspiring!


My daughter is planning on starting the diet with me next week. She spent the week-end on SugarFreeSheila's web site and ordered her cookbooks. I am glad I have an Atkins partner in the house.


That's great that you have a partner. Even though I've read the book too many times to count, I started reading it again...just for the inspiration. I love how you decided to control the days counting down, too. I will definitely try that recipe, sounds scrumptious!


We leave tomorrow for our Cruise to Alaska :D - I keep telling myself that when it comes to dinner time "Choose Wisely!" We'll see if the stairs will help keep me from adding to the scales! :eek:


Have a blast on your cruise! I'm sure there's plenty of exercise adventures available for you...and remember Dr. A. said it himself that when you add exercise, you can add carbs! I would love to go to Alaska someday.


I'm so encouraged by the stories on this thread! Thanks for the inspiration!

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If you have not left yet have a great cruise.:D

People knock atkins because they think it is all meat. When I follow it

I do not really eat that much more meat but I do eat tons more veggies than I normally do. I need them to take up the space usually taken up by bread and pizza ect. And I feel so much better. I just got back from an hour walk.... I do eat a tad more than 3 cups a day, which helps me stay regular. But must be working because I am losing :D.

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Hello Annie:

This go arround is only been 12 days, But I lost about 9 pounds. I did it in 03- and lost 30. ( over about 3 months). The weight came back slowly as I let people talk me into "oh just this once" kind of things.

I sort of stuck with it though most of 2004, But 2005-6 saw a lot of backslidding.

This time I am really determined to not let other people undermine me.

They do not have to fit in my clothes. I found a lot of half lies work good, like "I am full" or "I will have one later". "Or I am really cutting out sugar and flour for a few days".

One big mistake I did back then was too much low carb deserts and junk food. I think I never really tamed the beast. This time I am going to add back in way more veggies and later whole grains. I am 44 and not getting any younger. I do not want to be part of the mobility chair set if I can help it.

Oh well it is time for me to go on my hour walk. I really want to loose 20-30 lbs before my August QE2 trip. One main motovator is the thought of sitting on a plane being not being fat and uncomfortable.

Tom in Long Beach

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People knock atkins because they think it is all meat. When I follow it I do not really eat that much more meat but I do eat tons more veggies than I normally do.


Amen to that! Same here!


When I saw a cardiologist for arrhythmia back in 2001, he told me the Atkins WOE was "unhealthy" and "dangerous"... so AFTER he told me what a healthy heart I had (he said, "I wish all my patients' hearts looked like yours!"), how great my blood pressure & blood lipid levels were, I told him I was a follower of Atkins. After his jaw dropped, I asked him what he thought a healthy diet was. He said, "Greens, beans & proteins"...and elaborated a little. I told him his diet fit into the last 3 phases of Atkins, and all he had to do was take out the beans to be in the most restrictive phase...and this typically arrogant man actually said he'd look more closely at it. I couldn't help but admonish him not to proclaim something unhealthy & dangerous unless he'd actually READ the book...:rolleyes:


It turns out my arrhythmia was an electrical problem easily remedied with magnesium & potassium supplements...suggested by my brother, who was a surgical resident at the time. Unfortunately, the arrogant cardiologist had put me through way too many tests & had me on beta blockers which just about killed me. Sometimes the simpler answers really are the better ones. Needless to say, I never went back to that cardiologist.:cool:

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Are there two Annies on here?? Okay, I'm confused.:confused:


One of you is starting today, right? If so, go, go, go!!! Don't forget to refer to the book often!


I made it into the 160's today! Woohoo!!!! I haven't seen a "6" in the middle digit since I got pregnant 3 years ago. I've been going back & forth with my goal...Dr. Atkins recommended shooting for your best weight (one that is still possible to achieve), and I think I'm going for 145. That will put me in a size 6. I'm fine with an 8, but I think I really want to go for it. Since I'm tall, I can be in an 8 at 160, but I think my BEST is 145. I finished a triathlon at 150 a month before I got pregnant, and felt good, but not my BEST. Sorry if listing numbers makes anyone uncomfortable, but I really wanted to put it in writing so I don't talk myself out of it.


Clothes are fitting looser, I got into a pair of pants on Sunday I haven't worn in years, and I feel great!


No cravings, not even at the ballpark last night, where I was surrounded by cotton candy, nachos, chocolate chip cookies, you name it.


Now my next challenge is to make it through the next four days on an amusement park vacation without eating amusement park food....but I'm really not that worried about it. I'm taking lots of water, celery, string cheese, berries & cherries to snack on. Plus we will be getting plenty of exercise.


So hopefully I'll get back even thinner!


Have a great weekend, everyone!!

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Sorry for the confusion Lisa; there is just one of me "Thanks Goodness" I first enrolled at CC in 2005 while I was at work ( my boss taught me how!)

and when I tried to access it from home a couple of months ago, I had forgotten my user name and password; so now I have two depending on where I am at the time. I don't know how to change it; I would like to change the name to Dave&Annie since I have my DH hooked on CC now.

Anyway, I will be starting at 0600 Monday morning and my daughter will be my partner. DH says he will do the meat thing but not the veggies...I think he just wants to grill the meat as an excuse to drink a beer:rolleyes:

I have a wedding to get thru this week-end and of course our "one last" Mexican fiesta on Sunday:D

I will keep ya'll posted on our success!

Thanks again for your support!


SirWinston, I know you can do 30lbs by your QM2 in August..I figure 10lbs per month and with walking an hour a day it should be a piece of cake..oops..did I say that????


Have a great week-end everyone...but hey, all week-ends are good some are just better!

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