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Anyone on Atkins?


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Hello Lisa and Annie:

Amusement parks can be the worst. My best defense is to not get hungry. I make sure I eat a good meal before I go. Then I usually do the


burger no bun thing for lunch. The worst is when eveyone else is eating icecream or something eles. Then you just have to look at all the people who need to go on this program, and use that as a mental booster..

All for now, Tom in Long Beach.

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Too funny SirWinston; but true. I do tend to focus on people who need to think about taking better care of thier bodies. I used to have a postcard of a very large woman in a bikini on my fridge keep me from late night eating and then it dissapeared for some time; it turned up at my niece's house on her fridge. I will have to make another trip to the beach to get another one:D

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Good Morning Atkins Buddies, I am now 21 1/2 hours from the starting line:D I did skip the cake at the wedding last night, I made up for it by having an extra glass of wine:p

SFS, my daughter received the cookbook package on Friday, thanks. She was touched that you signed a note to her yourself and not a stamped signature. We are spending the day getting the bad stuff out of the house and we will go to the store to get healthy stuff to replace the junk. I have been stocking the freezer with chicken breast and steaks for a couple of weeks now. Tonight is our "carb party" as it is called in the Atkins book; we chose Mexican for our party.


I have another recipe for a snack if ya'll haven't tried it yet.

Chop a couple of olives in some cream cheese and spread on thin sliced deli turkey and roll up.

I keep a plate of them in the fridge for quick snacks.

I also roll a cheese stick in turkey for a snack or breakfast.


I am sure everyone has done this, but just in case;)


Tomorrow we will have ""of course" an omlet for breakfast, grilled chicken w/salad for lunch and the creamed chicken w/spinach for dinner....no wine:( That is going to be the hard part, I am used to having a glass of wine when I cook and another with my dinner:eek:


For those of you who are not cruising this week, I will keep ya'll posted.

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Sorry for the confusion Lisa; there is just one of me "Thanks Goodness" I first enrolled at CC in 2005 while I was at work ( my boss taught me how!)

and when I tried to access it from home a couple of months ago, I had forgotten my user name and password; so now I have two depending on where I am at the time. I don't know how to change it; I would like to change the name to Dave&Annie since I have my DH hooked on CC now.

Anyway, I will be starting at 0600 Monday morning and my daughter will be my partner. DH says he will do the meat thing but not the veggies...I think he just wants to grill the meat as an excuse to drink a beer:rolleyes:

I have a wedding to get thru this week-end and of course our "one last" Mexican fiesta on Sunday:D

I will keep ya'll posted on our success!

Thanks again for your support!


SirWinston, I know you can do 30lbs by your QM2 in August..I figure 10lbs per month and with walking an hour a day it should be a piece of cake..oops..did I say that????


Have a great week-end everyone...but hey, all week-ends are good some are just better!


Can you get your DH to try one of the low carb beers? Mine has trouble staying away from the sweets, but has accepted the Michalobe Ultra Light, preferably in a frosty mug.

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Yes Gooselace, I think he will try the low-carb beer. We will find out tonight, he is grilling steaks and shrimp for dinner:D

Yesterday went fine, uneventful, and that is a good thing. I must confess, I had to have a glass of wine while cooking dinner last night, it was practically forced on me, I had to use some in the recipe:eek: And I didn't want to wast!

I feel better already by not having any of those "bad" carbs yesterday. Today will be better.

My daughter was having "sweet cravings" last night, I told her to put some cream in a diet rootbeer and freeze it until it gets slushy, that seemed to help. I haven't had a sweet craving so far..knock wood.


Happy Low Carbing!


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Happy Thursday everyone!


Well, I'm back from Six Flags, we had an absolute blast, I stuck to my eating plan, drank tons of water, made a conscious decision to have 2 small bites of funnel cake on the last day & stuck to it (while the rest of our group devoured it!), got tons of exercise walking around the park & climbing what seemed like endless stairs on the waterslides, came home to purple ketosis strips!!


Annie, sounds like things are off to a great start! I wouldn't fret too much about the wine...I have a feeling the craving will go away soon. And remember, it doesn't interfere with ketosis, just delays your weight loss a little.


Tom, being full did help a lot. Everywhere I looked there were sweet treats, but besides the fact I wasn't craving them, they were way expensive anyway...so even if I wanted to be bad I wouldn't have--I refuse to pay that much for something just because it's inside a park!

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Hello All:

the pounds are coming off :D about 204 down to 185 on the bathroom scale. This in about a little over two weeks on pretty stick induction. No alcohol, But I did have two small cookies one night when I got really stressed out. Exercised more as penance. But even that small amount of flour and sugar felt bad to me so I am resloved not to cheat that way again. Sort of like tiny pins in my stomach.

I have added back a small amount of nuts mostly Macadamia, used mostly as emergency snacks when I am out and about.

I have had a little desert SFS's mock pumpkin and I did make up some whip cream with splenda and coco powder as sort of a choclate mouse.

All for now, Tom in Long Beach


I have been walking an hour a day and have made two gym visits this week.

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Rochnsoul & SirWinston, I am impressed, in fact I am in the "cyber presence" of greatness! Ya'll do inspire me.

I am not going to weigh until next Monday, I have been very good "except the wine part" and I do feel better already. I am making the Italian Cream desert that I found in the Atkins book tonight, my daughter is still having sweet cravings.


Thanks for the up-dates. Keep me posted; I love those sucess stories:D

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Good Morning All! Today is Monday and I weighed in this morning 6lbs lighter! I am very pleased since I had a little detour on Friday; my boss insisted that I go to lunch with him at a chinese buffet! I did find some pork loin, shrimp and broccoli, I'm sure the sauces that they cook them in was loaded with sugar and starches. I had a glass or two of wine over the week-end, but all in all still had success. I am back on track for this week and determined not to slip!

DD however has fallen completly off the Atkins wagon. She is going back to Healthy Choice dinners and low-fat choices, we are going to Kick-boxing classes twice a week at the YMCA. DH and I are walking 2miles every morning at 05:30, except Sunday, he has lost 25lbs in the last few weeks with very little effert it seems:rolleyes: He is staying away from bread and sweets as much as he can. I will contine with the low carb menu at home, but I do make him and now DD some brown rice dishes and a starchy veggi with broiled meat for dinner, that should be balanced for the three of us.

I will report any news in the coming week.


Now, how are all ya'll doing this week?

Let us hear good or bad:)

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Congrads Annie on the 6 lbs:D

I find one of the hardest parts of this diet is not letting other people influence my eating. But sounds like you did O.K. at the buffet. You did not go too crazy.

Rocknsoul (Lisa)congrads on the theme park, somehow I missed your post.

I think I lost about 4 lbs last week. I am going back to the gym 3 times a week and walking my hour the others. I can walk to my gym and the round trip is like a half hour walk. I am realizing that my bathroom scale is a complete piece of crab and will be weighing myself at the gym instead. Even though the gym one says I weigh 6-7lbs more. I have also lost another 1/2 inch of the middle last week.

Also I have really been trying not to eat at night and I work in fine dining :eek:. I have a nice meal at home before I leave for work and bring a small bag of Macadamia nuts that I eat to keep the edge off. Also drink tons of plain soda water with a lemon twist .

Mondays are my weigh in as I started 3 weeks ago on Monday May 21st . Approx 20lbs lost. But I have been pretty strict and very active.

My Neighbor and one of my cabin mates in August is reading the Atkins book and thinking of going on the diet.

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Good Morning All! Today is Monday and I weighed in this morning 6lbs lighter!I am back on track for this week and determined not to slip!


DD however has fallen completly off the Atkins wagon.


Now, how are all ya'll doing this week?

Let us hear good or bad:)


Happy news, Annie! I hope DD has success in her new plan, and that her quitting Atkins doesn't make things difficult for you.


I had a slight gain from all the exercise on my trip, lost that + 2 more lbs. since I've been back...that makes about 8 total so far. Mind you, this is slower than it has come off in the past, but I'm not worried about it. My sticks are purple, and I figure the slower I lose it, the more permanent the weight loss. I also haven't been to the gym as much as I have in the past, which is really amazing me right now...I've always been very active. So things just might speed up anyway when I get moving on a regular basis--like Tom!


I have gotten several comments on how much thinner I look. And it feels so good to be officially in the 160's.


Rocknsoul (Lisa)congrads on the theme park, somehow I missed your post.


I think I lost about 4 lbs last week. Approx 20lbs lost.


Also I have really been trying not to eat at night and I work in fine dining :eek:.


Thanks, Tom!


I think your exercise habits will keep you fit for the long run!


For some reason, eating at night has never caused a problem for me...does it affect your weight loss? Sometimes when I go to bed hungry, I don't seem to lose as quickly. I know we're all different, and I'm aware of Dr. Oz & Oprah's guru that say to stop eating 3 hrs. before bedtime...but that would just be bad for me. Usually I just have a diet jello or some berries & cream...


Congrats on a great success so far!

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Hello Lisa:

I know about the gurus ect. But my main thing I am trying to avoid is senseless snacking late at night. Too often my "just one" turns into a real binge. When I did atkins in 2003-4 too often I would eat large amounts of low carb icecream after coming home from work @ 12:00- 1:00 in the A.M. Which I think help started the unravelling of lots of hard work and good eating during the day. The other was letting people talk me into the occasional desert, pasta, or breaded whatever.

Also I need a mindset that is going to keep me away from bread, and deserts at my job.

Not eating lots at night is helping my stomach be content with smaller portions.

I can not see your small snack affecting your goals...

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Congrats Lisa on getting into the 160s! I don't understand though, how all the exersise made you gain 2lbs? Am I reading this correctly?

Also, do you use the ketosis sticks? I bought the Walgreens brand, they go from peach to pink to dark pink, maybe purple??? I can't get past the middle color of medium pink, do you have any suggestions?

If anyone has an idea, I would love to hear it:)

Thanks to everyone for your support, it is a big help!


SirWinston, I can't imagine working in a high end resturant and staying faithfull to Atkins! I can understand getting home late and wanting to wind down before bed, of course for me, I would rather "wine" down and have a glass or two before bed. I would think the snacks Lisa described would be healthier. The almost real life snacks like low-carb ice-cream can lead to the real thing and there you go:rolleyes: I would probably just buy them for special occassions. When I reach my goal I plan to just use the real stuff for very special occassions and continue to exersise.

Anyway, you are doing great; have you reached your goal? I believe you said you were in the 180s?


Good luck this week to all.

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Congrats Lisa on getting into the 160s! I don't understand though, how all the exersise made you gain 2lbs? Am I reading this correctly?

Also, do you use the ketosis sticks? I bought the Walgreens brand, they go from peach to pink to dark pink, maybe purple??? I can't get past the middle color of medium pink, do you have any suggestions?

If anyone has an idea, I would love to hear it:)


Hi Annie! Thanks! Yes, you read correctly. Typically the day or so after I do a hard workout I gain a pound or two, then go below where I started before I exercised. I don't know if it's water gain or muscle gain, but I always tend to see the results a few days later. When I get back on a regular exercise routine, my lbs. lost will probably halt for a while, then I will start to lose lbs. again...the muscle density gained will have to be surpassed by the fat lost...does that make sense? So I can still be losing fat (like what has happened in the last 6 weeks...I've "only" lost 8 pounds but I've lost over 3% body fat) but not losing "weight".


I do use the ketosis sticks...and if you're in the medium pink, yeehah! The sticks are measuring the saturation of ketones in your urine...so the color could be very light if you're drinking lots of water, etc. As long as they're not the peach color, you're doing great! Dr. A. says not to worry about the shade of pink as much as the fact that it's pink. These sticks really help me keep going if the weight is not coming off as quickly as I'd like, because I know I'm still burning fat. They also help me in the OWL phase, because I can tell when I've added too many carbs one day...they keep me below that CCLL...


You're doing so great! It's very encouraging!:D


Tom, your reasoning makes sense. How great that you're in tune with what can set you off. For me, hunger sets me off...so I have to be sure I'm never hungry!!:p

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Good Morning Atkiners!

Wow, I've looked back on your posts and you all are doing such a great job personally and such encouragement for each other!

Loved, loved, loved our Cruise! Alaska is wonderful for Atkins - I had lots of salmon and even a piece of Halibut pizza in Hoonah! But, since I just smiled and said 'No Thank you' to the wonderful looking bread baskets when we were in the dining room - it was so well worth it!

We took the stairs if we didn't have to go more then 4 floors - the cooler weather had my knee a bit stiff. I'll weigh in with you all tomorrow on the Thursday weigh in and see where I'm at. When we got home it looked like I was up only 2 lbs - but that was after 14 hrs of airport and flight time. I tend to get a bit puffy with all of that sitting! :eek:

Crusing is so Atkins friendly that I wonder if I should have just stayed on the ship! LOL!


Sirwinston - working on the Queen Mary - now that's quite a luxury work setting! But, your so close to your goal! Keep going!


Annie - My DH and I walk in the evening together - right now our temps are more May like and so we do a route of 1.9 miles too!


Tonight, making more deviled eggs! :)

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Yup Jean, I know about those deviled eggs! But what an easy snack to grab when in a hurry. Glad you enjoyed your cruise, we have 3yrs before our Alaska cruise...I can hardly wait! Two pounds on a cruise, not bad!




Lisa, thanks for the info on the exercise and the strips! Yes, it does make sense, I didn't think that muscle works that fast, I have been exercising alot lately, I am on the ground floor of our office building so I deliberatly walk up the stairs to the 4th floor to the ladies room quite a few times a day, I drink at least 4- 16.9 oz bottles of water while I am at work so....you guessed it, I go alot!

And of course the walking every morning and the kick-boxing twice a week. Maybe all the water is keeping the strips in the medium pink area? I drink about 100oz in a days time. I hope to see more lbs lost next Monday, but as long as my clothes are fitting better, I know I am doing ok. I want to start shopping for my formal for the Feb cruise, the last formal night is Valentines Day so we are looking at red dresses. And of course I will have to have a couple of new swim suits for the cruise:D


Thanks to everyone!

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Atkins buddies, I just got a good tip from a friend of mine about deviled eggs. You may have heard of this, but if not; put the egg yolks in a plastic sandwich bag with the mayo and whatever ingredients, smash together then snip the end of the bag and pipe into the eggs, when you are done just throw it away and no mess;) Just thought I would pass it along:D

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Hi Atkins dieters, I'm booked for Gastic lapband surgery and the surgeon wants me to lose about 10 pounds before June 29, recommends high protein/low carb, so I thought I'd do Atkins since it sounds like it works quickly. It's good to see you all are doing well and sticking with it. Will the sweet cravings go away soon? We're cruising in Feb and I hope to be a lot thinner by then!

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Hi Atkins dieters, I'm booked for Gastic lapband surgery and the surgeon wants me to lose about 10 pounds before June 29, recommends high protein/low carb, so I thought I'd do Atkins since it sounds like it works quickly. It's good to see you all are doing well and sticking with it. Will the sweet cravings go away soon? We're cruising in Feb and I hope to be a lot thinner by then!


Hi and welcome! Wow, 10 lbs before June 29 is a tall order, but Atkins induction frequently brings about 10-15 pounds after 2 weeks...see Tom's posting above!


I would highly recommend buying & reading the book if you haven't already, or go to sugarfreesheila.com for the induction rules. It's important you follow it strictly...and yes, those cravings should go away! Even if they don't, it's only a few weeks...and they say it takes at least 21 days to form a habit right?


I'm a chocolate & sweets fiend...a genuine addict...and I've had no cravings at all, even though there are still sweets in my house that my kids eat. I've been to a wedding, a few parties, and even on vacation...no cravings! Like I told Tom, it's really important that I never allow myself to get hungry. One more reason I love Atkins...I can eat as much as I want and whenever I need to!


Of course you've done all your research on your surgery & I'm a total stranger so definitely don't want to overstep my bounds...but any chance if Atkins is successful for you that you might just continue that path?


My very best wishes to you for a successful weight loss. Please keep us posted on your progress!

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Jean ~ welcome back! I've never been to Alaska & would love to go!!! It sounds wonderful. Very inspiring to hear about your success on your cruise!


Annie ~ you go girl! I'm very impressed with all the exercise you're getting! That's awesome! Yes, it would not be surprising if the water you're drinking is diluting the ketones...but they are there! And isn't it great to feel your clothes fitting more loosely?


I went rollerblading with my kiddos yesterday & had a blast, even though it was hot. We're heading to the park, today, in fact...I gotta go!


Happy Thursday, everyone!

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Hey Lisa, I just noticed you are from Memphis! I am too! Well I grew up here and I work her, but I live just outside Millington...what a small world:D Have you lived here long? When you said how hot it was yesterday, I thought it sounded familiar...whew.. it was a scorcher! That is exactly why we choose to cruise in February! For 20 plus years we had to vacation in August, just before school started because our daughter played three leagues of softball every summer! Our youngest is 21 so we are pretty much free anytime to go, of course we wait until football season has ended:D

Have a great "hot" afternoon!

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Hey Lisa, I just noticed you are from Memphis! I am too! Well I grew up here and I work her, but I live just outside Millington...what a small world:D Have you lived here long?


Annie ~ This is so funny! We're in Cordova. We moved here from Nashville in 2002, but I grew up in the L.A. area. I absolutely love it here...yes, even more than Nashville! I think the life-long friendships we've built in the church we're a part of had a lot to do with that. We just looked at a piece of land up your way, just west of 51...but we ended up buying a piece down in Lake Cormorant, MS. Who knows if & when we'll build a house on it & move there. My parents are moving here in 2008, which will be a huge transition for them--my mom has worked at the same place for 40+ years & they've had the same phone number just as long! But they decided they wanted to be near the grandkids, and we certainly weren't moving back to SoCal (sorry Tom, but the real estate just went way too crazy for us!!:o). They just made me promise we'd stay here, since we've moved around so much in the ministry...but we told them as much as it's in our power, and God willing, we'll go ahead & stay. I can't imagine anywhere else I'd rather live (except maybe Hawaii...:cool:).:)


Atkins buddies ~ okay, back on topic...something I thought about this morning: losing weight & feeling healthy aren't the only benefits when I eat right. I've noticed that the dark circles under my eyes--which really showed up after my last child was born--are going away! I've gotten a pimple or two--which most people would see as a bad thing, but I've got such dry skin that for me, this is good! So I'm actually looking younger! Even DH thinks so!


So while I had "fun" on my 3-year hiatus from healthy, controlled carb eating, it wreaked (wrought?) havoc on not just my weight, but my youth. And I am too young to start looking old.:p


Happy happy Friday, everyone! Have a great weekend!

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Lisa- glad to hear that you like it here! Since we live so close to Millington, we have a lot of retired military neighbors who choose to stay here upon retirement...must be a nice place to live:) Most of them agree that it is central to parents, siblings and old friends. Yes, Nashville is a nice place too. Have you ever been to east TN? We try to go in the fall when the trees are soooo pretty:D I see you will be cruising this fall!



Atkins buddies, The week-end is here and guess what Sunday is???? Yup, that means those of us in the south will be required to put Dad to work on the bbq ribs....but fear not! I already have the low carb bbq sauce for the ribs and I make a good coleslaw that is low carb. The dressing is mayo, oil, vinegar, a tad of mustard and a little sweetner (the one in the yellow packets?) I sometimes add a little chopped onion and celery salt and pepper. I make it and refridgerate it a couple of hours before serving.

Now if I didn't have to make the homemade ice-cream for the family:rolleyes:

I plan to stay true this week-end anyway!


I hope ya'll have a good week-end and come back Monday lighter than today:D

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Hey Atkinites - I'm sure that's not a real word! Lol!:D


Annie, How'd the ribs turn out? One of my personal Atkins friendly favs!

(When we eat at Chili's my DH orders a dinner and then we add the ribs for 5.99 for me and a side salad - and it really hits the spot!)

Summer time really is a great time to have a big variety of meats & fish on the grill! I kind of think that summer is actually easier to do Atkins. In the winter I want the warm comfy foods that usually have some kind of flour in the ingredient list. :( Bring on the BBQ!! :D



I have found that when I'm eating the right foods - my skin looks so much better too! And I have those old lady brown spots on my neck! ugh - now if it would only take the wrinkles away! LOL! Actually, I've earned every laugh line I have and I'm keeping them! :D



Father's Day must have been busy on the QM - hope you got to enjoy a little bit of your weekend. How close to your goal are you now?


Have a terrific Monday everyone!

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