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Happy Monday, everyone!


I'm still doing really well with my eating, but my weight loss is slow. I really need to get back into the gym. Lately it's been too hot to do anything outside. I keep hearing compliments, but looking at some pictures taken of me last week, I can't see what they see! I know it will change.


On a positive note, DH & I visited our property in MS yesterday, and there are wild blackberries everywhere. A few were even ripe! I have never in my life eaten produce off my own property, so this is a big deal for me. And blackberries are my favorite fruit! Yum...


Jean ~ I am right with you regarding winter food! I always bake so much for the holidays, so summertime is just easier.


Hope everyone is well & had a great weekend!

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Good Afternoon Atkins Buddies! I have been soooo swamped at work today! I just saw my boss on the CC boards and it reminded me that I haven't checked in yet:D

Jean, the ribs were to die for! The low-carb sauce was great, I put a little splenda in the sauce.


I had a little hec-cup yesterday though:( I broke the 6hour without food rule. I took my 68yo neighbor to the mall about 12noon yesterday without preparing anything to take along as a snack. We got hungry when we left and she wanted to stop at Sonic. Well, I thought they had a grilled chicken salad on the menu, but I didn't see it. I ordered the grilled chicken wrap thinking that the tortilia wrap would be lower in carbs than a bun...wrong! When I stopped at Kroger to pick up a few things for the bbq I checked the carb count on a package of tortilias...35grams!!!! Then I checked the carb count on a hamburger bun...25grams:( I did have a couple of glasses of wine and one taste of the homemade ice-cream, "I had to, my daughter said it didn't tast right" but my sticks are still med pink and I did weight 3 lbs less this morning, that is 9 lbs in the two weeks so far.


My plan for this week is to do better, I can live with 3 lbs a week,just don't know if that is going to happen.


I hear the first two weeks are the most weight lost? I have done this diet before losing about 25lbs, but I cheated alot and it took probably 6 months.


Lisa, you know the camera adds pounds. I am sure you are looking good.

How much have you lost? How close are you to your goal?


How's everyone else doing this Monday?


Sir Winston, are you recuperating from the weekend?


Have a good low carb week.

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We got hungry when we left and she wanted to stop at Sonic. Well, I thought they had a grilled chicken salad on the menu, but I didn't see it. I ordered the grilled chicken wrap thinking that the tortilia wrap would be lower in carbs than a bun...wrong! When I stopped at Kroger to pick up a few things for the bbq I checked the carb count on a package of tortilias...35grams!!!! Then I checked the carb count on a hamburger bun...25grams:( I did have a couple of glasses of wine and one taste of the homemade ice-cream, "I had to, my daughter said it didn't tast right" but my sticks are still med pink and I did weight 3 lbs less this morning, that is 9 lbs in the two weeks so far.



Hi Annie,

Just a quick reminder that there are a lot of places that we stop for a quick lunch that has the ooey, gooey, yum carb filled menus. SFS would support this plan of attack when your there. Have the burger - throw out the bun! or grilled chicken - which ever! I have ordered the same wrap as you did, (you were on the right track :) ) - just ate the middle and tossed the wrap - your carb count would have stayed low.

I know how shocked you were when you added up the Carbs - I've had to learn the hard way the exact same way! :( A few weeks ago - due to work I had to run by the only thing that was on the way I was headed and got their Mushroom & grilled onion burger , at first I thought I would still be hungry - by the time I ate it with a fork - it really was filling. If you/we havent' eaten in 6 hrs it's hard to go through all of the rules before you order - just pick up where you are and keep going - it's a way of eating for ever, just not that meal.

Hang in there Annie!

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Thanks Jean- yea, I ate the middle part and not the extra folded part, probably half of the tortilia all together and boy was it good:o I have orderd a burger with no bun at Back Yard Burger just never thought of Sonic. Well "go forth and conquer" that's the plan!

Thanks again for your support!

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Good morning, everyone!


Annie, Wow! 9 lbs. is great! Unfortunately, the weight loss does slow down based on how many carbs you add during the OWL phase, but if you're going quickly & induction isn't leaving you feeling deprived, it's fine to keep going on that. One of the benefits of slowly adding carbs, while it does slow down the weight loss, is that it resembles more & more closely what your lifelong eating will look like. Believe it or not, my maintenance carb level is between 60-90 grams per day, depending on how much I exercise. That's a lot of carbs! But for me, that's a ways off yet. Although I'm in OWL phase, I'm still only taking in 20-30 grams of carb.


Thanks for the kind words. I have lost a total of 8 lbs. (this week is a water-retention week, if you know what I mean) and 3% body fat. I'm tall, so 8 lbs. doesn't cause a really drastic change in my appearance. To get to my ultimate goal, which is the weight I've been best at, I still have a little over 20 pounds to go (I've actually amended my goal to a lower weight since I joined this board). This will be a challenge, because I got to that weight and a little below the first time I did Atkins in 1999...but I got there without exercising. So with added muscle, it's a tough goal. I believe I can do it! And I really want to be that size again. I managed to maintain close to that weight (with a couple of minor hiccups--one when I moved to TN and discovered Cracker Barrel, lol) until my last pregnancy in 2004. So I really believe that once I get there, staying there (or near there) won't be a problem.


But I can tell that my body is more resistant this time around. The first time, I was 30, and the pounds literally melted off. 28 pounds from May to September. With about the same total weight to be lost, I don't think it will go that fast this time. But who knows? I'm thankful to have this board & the other board I belong to, and I'm sure I'll look better on my cruise than I have in a long time. So I'll take it!:)


Jean, have you suffered post-cruise syndrome yet?


Tom, where are you? Still doing well?


Have a great Tuesday, everyone!

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A few years back (4) I lost about 30lbs doing the Atkins plan. I have every bit of those 30lbs back now:( & have tried a few times to start again but have not been able to stick it out past 2 weeks. Last night while on the CC I happened to check out this spot & after reading all of your posts I woke up this morning motivated enough to try again. So I have to say Thanks for the motivation. I have always heard woman say that weight loss becomes harder to achieve as you get older. I turned 40 last August and it sure does seem true for me. I am going to have to keep that saying in my head "Nothing taste as good as thin feels":)

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Welcome TanIslandGirl!


I was feeling the same way & I'm so glad I found these boards. I think it gave me the kick I needed to get going...and of course, once I got going, the cravings went away. My very best wishes for your weight loss success!

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Hi all,


I just read an article in Time about food, and I think this time I may actually write in to the magazine. I am so tired of their reporters writing things about Atkins when they obviously have not read the book!


The article talks about how valuable the glycemic index is, and quotes studies that low-carb losers lost more weight and kept the weight off longer than low-fat losers, but again goes into the old "Atkins isn't necessarily the best bet because such severe restriction is hard to maintain"...like they've never heard of lifetime maintenance. And there's a picture of fruit with a red circle & line through it. Then a registered dietician uses Atkins as an example of how removing a food from your diet makes you crave it more....hello, now that I'm in ketosis I have not had one craving.


And I need to remind them that they think the glycemic index is big new news...I learned about it and the dangers of trans fats (also a "big issue" this year) back in 1999 when I READ DR. ATKINS' BOOK.:cool:


Anyway, I just needed to voice my frustration. This diet is so smart and so good for so many people...people who might read an article like that and say, well, maybe I'll do a version of it but I'll keep my bagels...etc. And then they won't get the result they were looking for, and will say, "Atkins doesn't work, I just couldn't do it, yada, yada, yada...."


Okay, off my soapbox now.:o

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Good Morning All ya All!

Rocknsoul - You Get on your soapbox girl! :D LOL - Because, Your Right! :D


For me it has taken time to re-program my mind, habits, trial & errors to really learn how to say "This is it, this is how I eat and I am healthier for it!" and it's not a diet for me - this is how I make wise food choices every day. But as you get older it's harder to re-program, and takes longer too!:( My weight isn't coming off as fast as it did in 2003 when I took off 35 lbs - (kept within 10 lbs of lowest weight) but I was in an office where 3 out of 4 women & men were eating Atkins style! Oh the stories.....:eek: - but anyway, I can now look at a yummy butter smothered dinner roll and push it aside and not give it a second thought, in fact I made homeade biscuts last week for dinner when my DS & DIL came over and I was glad to see that he ate my 2 and I wasn't tempted at all! :D I still have my 'hic cups' (is that what Annie called them?) now and then - but less often now.


Welcome TanIslandGirl! There are some "REAL" dieters here and so fun and encouraging! Your going to find that now that you have come on board, that we all struggle together, but it's such a help and boost to know your not at it alone!


Getting on with the day!

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Jean, have you suffered post-cruise syndrome yet?


Lisa - How did you know!!:eek:


I have started looking though our 700+ pictures and how-oh-how am I supposed to choose the ones to put in a scrapbook!? Yep, another one of those 'scrappers' here! :D

They say the best way to get over the cruise blues is to book another one, but instead I'll start my research on a land trip that we have planned for next May - Scotland/England! I turn 50 next Feb :eek: and I've always wanted to go there, my DH was there for a short time when he was in the Navy and has always wanted to go back. There is an awesome cruise that goes all around the UK - but I would really like to spend some time in Stirling (?) - my maiden name is Wallace - yep, Braveheart. It's going to be a "Everyone's welcome" trip - so I think it'll be more than just DH, me, DD, DS & DIL - so we'll see! I just don't see many Scottish menus that are Atkins friendly - so I'll have to be creative! :D

I'm reading a book by Liz Curtis Higgs called My Heart is in the Lowlands, a 10 day tour in Scotland - aye, it is wonderful!


Your 15th Anniversary cruise will be here soon....so glad you get to go!

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Well said Lisa, you go girl! Funny thing happened Monday "I think" our bank president came into my office and announced 'No more surgar!" he said he has discovered a new diet, a no white stuff diet!!LOL. I said, "Welcome to my world" and we had a good laugh:D


Welcome Susan! I can tell you that this board has really helped me stay on track ....well sorta....he-he. It does give you cyber friends to hold you accountable. 30 lbs is very attainable, even after 40:D


Good luck and keep us posted!

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Thank you all for the very warm welcome:) .

There sure are many critics of the Lo Carb lifestyle. So many people have to nock the plan when they no very little about it. The fact is that a Lo Carb food plan is very much the same as a diabetic diet. All I know is that it is the only way I have ever been able to lose weight. Reading all of your success stories sure will help to motivate me. It's good to have the input and support of others following the same food plan. Do most of you weigh in once/twice a week or daily? I will be going out tomorrow to get some new Keto sticks and a few other items. Those little sticks turning pink/purple are great motivation!

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Good Morning All:)


Susan, I find it better to weigh in once a week (an old Weight Watcher habit) I think your weight can go up and down through out the day, so Monday mornings for me. I am wearing my size 12 trousers this morning, they are not so tight anymore (surprised since this is water retention week) I haven't felt like kick-boxing this week, I am still walking and doing the stairs some.


DD is asking when we are going to our favorite Mexican resturant again:eek: We usually go once a week, I always have the shrimp cimmichanga and of course those chips-n-dip:eek: I may do a cheat day next week-end:o Don't beat me up ya'll, I will NOT abandon my plan! I still have that dress to buy in August;)


Happy low-carbing this week!

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Morning Everyone,


Annie - a big congrats on the loose fitting pants! When clothes aren't

so snug fitting - it's telling you that your changes in eating is working! Yea! :D


Susan - I do the weekly weigh in on this board - which is Thursday mornings - give it a look!


Time to go to the weigh in thread! :)

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For me it has taken time to re-program my mind' date=' habits, trial & errors to really learn how to say "This is it, this is how I eat and I am healthier for it!" and it's not a diet for me - this is how I make wise food choices every day. I still have my 'hic cups' (is that what Annie called them?) now and then - but less often now.[/font']


Jean ~ I totally agree...when I'm at my "normal" weight, I can veer now & then...because I can increase my daily carb count. If there's something I just can't live without, I eat it & decrease my carbs for the next few days. Now I can't do it while I'm trying to lose weight, but I'll get there hopefully soon. SFS does a weekly "cheat day", and that might be a good idea for me...we'll see when the time comes! If it doesn't work for me, I'll do a weekly "cheat hour" like I did before. That worked just fine!:D


Good for you on the scrapbooking! I would love to, but just can't seem to get around to it. All my photos are in a box upstairs (pre-digital camera days) and on disks & uploaded at Costco.com.:o BTW, thanks for the support about the article.


Annie ~ thanks! I'm so encouraged about your clothes! So where's that favorite Mexican restaurant? I'm always on the lookout for good ones! Mine is called "Las Tortugas Deli Mexicana" on Germantown Pkwy near Wolf River...the owner's from Mexico City and is almost militant about serving "authentic"...being from SoCal, that seems harder to find around here...but his is really good--but you have to be warned that it's different from most Mexican places.


Susan ~ I look forward to hearing YOUR success stories, too!


Have a great evening, everyone!

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Good Morning Lisa, The resturant we like is in Millington, it is Las Reyes. I don't know how it would measure up to the authentic place on Gtown Pkwy though. There are so many Mexican resturants in this town. When I worked in Cordova a few years ago, my daughter went to First Assembly Christian School and a friend of her's family owned the resturant in the same shopping center with Hueys, I cant remember the name, but it was really good. If you know where Poplar and Kirby is, there is a really good place called Cozymels, I work across the street in the Centrum building so we do lunch there sometimes, it is wonderful! It can be a little pricy though; so I go when the boss is paying..he-he.


Still haven't decided just how much I am willing to cheat. I can have the garlic shrimp with the sour cream and lettuce that they put on your plate. It's those darn chips-n-dip that are so tempting. I really don't drink Margaritas, but I do like a glass of white wine. I'll have to think on that.


Ya'll have a good week-end, I will check in Monday.

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Hello Atkins Buddies:

Sorry to have disappeared. My son was off this week and we went camping and other outings. I stayed on the program except for 4 roasted marshmellows. I think I have lost a total of 22 lbs. The weight loss slowed after the first two weeks but I also went back to the gym and I am sure I gained a little mussell. My clothes are definatley looser. And I am loosing about 1/2 inch a week so I continue.

But amazingly I gave my neighbor who is going on QE2 with me a copy of the book and he lost 9lbs in two weeks and his partner lost 7 lbs. He said he is not hungy and the program is easy. I warned him you loose alot in the first two weeks, and maybe a couple lbs a week after.

I need to keep myself honest on OWL. I have binged on nuts a couple times sort of being on a mini vacation this week. Monday morning will tell the real truth :eek:. Sorry I disappeared, besides going camping I was obsessed with the news that Cunard sold the QE2 to become a hotel in Dubai U.A.E. in 2008.

Continued success to all of you. :D

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Glad to have you back SirWinston. A few marshmellows and nuts shouldn't do too much damage. 22lbs is wonderful, I believe you were wanting to lose 30 before your August cruise? Shouldn't be a problem. Glad you had some time with your son!

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Good to hear from you again. Great news about your neighbors! I'm sure the "damage" won't be bad at all from your weekend...but I am right with you in keeping yourself in check on OWL.


My problem is I know what I can eat to maintain, and I have to keep myself from going there, because I want to keep losing!!


Keep us posted!

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Does a splurge in the Mexican resturant count as a OWL? I didn't think so:( Today was the lowest, I had a head ache since yesterday, we went to our favorite place tonight....I do feel better, but I will hate myself in the morning:( I did lose 2lbs last week, I guess that will be all for the next week or so. Well, wish me luck for the comming week:o

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Hello all:

Looks like the marshmellows (4 under duress) and too many nuts did not do to much damage. Looks like I lost a couple more lbs. I am a little confussed because the scale at the gym keeps going down but the one in the bathroom seem stuck. Also I know my arms and legs are firmer.

Well I have have lost over 2-1/2 inches off the middle and I am happy about that :D. I have about 8 weeks to go so hopefully another 10 lbs and more importantly another 1-1/2 inches off the middle. That will mean no new tux. This must be one of the biggest differences between men and women. Women will loose so they can buy new clothes. While men will loose just not to have to go clothes shopping LOL.

Anyway congrats to Tan Island Girl for no cheating. It feels so good when you can say that.

Also I am coping well at work by bringing a small bag of Macadamia nuts with me every night. I have them sort of one at a time to keep hunger at bay...

All for now, Tom

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This must be one of the biggest differences between men and women. Women will loose so they can buy new clothes. While men will loose just not to have to go clothes shopping LOL.


LOL! That's funny, Tom!:D But if that's the case then it totally explains why I have the "Oh, man! These don't fit anymore" to the "I've got a dream!" stacks of clothes in my closet! :eek: ha ha

Well, I used to have those stacks, when I went from Summer to Winter clothes last year, I took everything out of my closet and if it didn't fit - it didn't go back in!

My DH thought that a tornado had come through the bedroom! LOL - And it took me all day! Has anyone else done this? Does it encourage you?


You are doing so great, Annie and Lisa too! What an encouragement to me to keep on keeping on! :o Going to pick up some of those Macadamia nuts tomorrow!


See ya all tomorrow!

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That is so true Jean! I did give away anything above a size14 some years ago. If it is getting tight, it's time to rein myself in. For years I had size 6-20 in my closet:eek:

I had my cheat day Sunday at our Mexican place and yesterday I was home with a sore back, I didn't stick to my Atkins and I feel yucky today.

My daughter went to Taco Bell and brought me a couple of tacos. I also had pizza last night:eek: I feel like I have a carb hangover! I am glad to be back in the saddle today.

TanIslandGirl- if you do a couple of cheat days you will know what I mean.

Lesson learned:D


Have a good week ya'll.

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Happy Tuesday everyone,


Well, I'm back from a leadership retreat we went to over the weekend. I had actually given myself permission to indulge a bit, because it's a woman's least favorite week for me (sorry if that's TMI, Tom!) & we would be eating at buffets all weekend. Well guess what. I didn't indulge! Or, I should say, I stuck to my OWL (with the exception of a slice of Rye toast at breakfast yesterday) but felt like I was completely indulging! Where else can you eat prime rib, fish, chicken with skin, roasted duck, yummy vegetables, steak & eggs, and not cheat!!!:D


I have hit a small plateau...no weight loss for a week...so I need to hit the gym. No more exceptions.


Susan ~ excellent! You must feel great. I'm sure the scale will be very good to you this week.


Annie ~ sorry to hear about your back...and how your carb load has made you feel. Hop back on! Remember, it's a marathon, not a sprint. You can do it!


Annie & Jean ~ I have a whole space bag full of size 8s that I can't wait to get back into. The first time I lost weight in 1999 I gave away all my "big clothes" which were 12s & 14s. When I gained the weight this time, I refused to buy new clothes to fit...until I lost the first 20 lbs. When I hit my goal, the clothes I recently gave in & bought will probably still be wearable, just loose...but if not, they're going to my friends or Goodwill. I don't ever want to be back here again.


Tom ~ great news! I'm sure your tux will fit great. I'm more like you...trying to fit into the clothes I already have...I actually dread shopping...but I will be getting a new dress for formal night!


Keep on going, everyone! Thanks for the encouragement!

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