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Anyone on Atkins?


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Good Afternoon Atkins Buddies, I did weigh in a little early and lost the pounds that I gained goofing off last week. I cheated a little last night when we went to a new Mexican resturant:( But I am still at a negative 10lbs since I started five weeks ago. Imagine where I would be if I wouldn't cheat so much:rolleyes:


Lisa, glad to hear the car wash was a success, sorry I missed it. You're back must be better if you were on the corner waving and dancing:D Let us know how the pedometer works out; I hear some people wear them everyday to track their mileage. DH wanted to buy one for me for Valentines day some years back.....he learned that was NOT an acceptable Valentines gift:mad: But I do wish I had one now. I shouldn't have been so "prissy" and let him get it anyway.


Jean, how goes it with you this week? I hope you are still off the old plataue (sp?) let us know. With the heat out there those pounds should be melting off. I was corresponding with a soldier in Iraq last week, he has lost 35lbs since January since he stopped eating the white stuff. 35lbs is impressive, but what a drastic was to lose it:D I hope the heat out your way is not that hot.


Susan, how are you doing this week? I hope your pup is doing better. I didn't realize that animals could get Lymes desease...I guess it would make sense though. Is the treatment and recovery easier than with humans? I hope you get out to exersise some this week.


Tom, Are you close to fitting that tux? Just weeks to go! I read somewhere in a magazine at the grocery store(I think) that you can turbo your Atkins by staying around 1200 calories to drop more pounds quicker. I guess for a gentleman you would want to stay closer to maybe 1500-1800? Let us know how you are doing.


Have a good week ya'll!

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Good morning!


Good news...I finally bought the tape measure. So far, I've lost 2" off my waist, 3" off my hips & 1" off my upper arms & thighs. Now THAT's what I'm talking about!!:D


I've still gotten on the scale everyday...that's gonna be a hard habit to break.


Let us know how the pedometer works out; I hear some people wear them everyday to track their mileage. DH wanted to buy one for me for Valentines day some years back.....he learned that was NOT an acceptable Valentines gift:mad: But I do wish I had one now. I shouldn't have been so "prissy" and let him get it anyway.


LOL! I put it on yesterday at the end of the day & managed 1200 steps...they say the goal is 10,000. Who knows what I'll need to do to get there. I'm at 913 so far this morning. I picked it up at Wal Mart for 5 bucks. You know, my back is better, but it's kind of a dull ache. I think I'll still go ahead & go to the gym tonight.


It's kinda quiet on this board lately, how's everyone doing?


Have a great day!

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Annie ~ I spoke too soon about you getting all the rain...coming out of Wal Mart yesterday we got completely drenched! It was hysterical. In the time it took me to bring the car up to the door to get the kids, my clothes were soaked through. It was fun!:D

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Glad you got some of that rain Lisa, we had some of that down pour here at work yesterday....none back home though:( I will need to water this evening (after my 2 mile walk of course:p )


P.S. Congrats on the inches lost!!!!! I have a tape measure, I'm gonna document my measurements when I get home, I will check on the podometer next time I go to Walmart. I have heard Donald Rumsfield say that his goal is something like 10K??? Worth a try I guess.


What's going on with everyone else?

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Hey Kiddos,

Lisa and Annie - You guys rock! Keep on Keeping on with working out, watching what you eat and now extra 'tools' , who would have thought that a tape measure would be so inspirational!?!? And a pedometer! :eek: Getting a little extreme here aren't you gals? JK!! :)

Had a long talk with my DH about all this being stuck stuff and that I want to do induction - again - but not just for a week, or two. He takes off weight so much easier then I do, yeah I know all of the men vs women lectures, but it's just not fair! ( Fair is where the cotton candy and rides are, right? :p ) My weight is super glued on and if I hear "You don't look like you weigh that much" again :mad: I'm going to do something, don't know what, but it wouldn't be dangerous to anyone! LOL Anyhew, because of summer stuff - and he says that he can't start something like this in the middle of the week, we are going to start induction next Monday together! Did I just write that out loud? :eek: Well, I needed to because if there's one thing that will help keep me accountable - it's this board!

Ok, there's my story and I'm sticking to it. I have a few plans of my own, but won't say until later = but I'll let you know if they work!

Tom, Susan , Where are you guys hiding?

That's enough for now, Annie aren't you sorry you asked? LOL

Have a terrific day!

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No, I'm not sorry I asked; sounds like a good plan to me. I like the sound of determination in your "cyber voice".... I think you've talked me into it, now lets see if you can talk your DH into it:D You can do induction with out him, just fix the meat and veggies for you and what ever extra for him. We grill most every day in the summer, so salad for me and rice or baked potato for who ever else is eating. We have stopped making bread or sweets at my house (we will save those for holidays) so it is pretty much habit of eating low carb...just a hop, skip & a jump to induction anytime I feel I need it. My down fall is that we like to eat out a couple of time a week and I have little to no will-power when it comes to things like, chips & dip at Mexican or maybe a roll or fried shrimp:rolleyes: But at home its low carb for us.

Good luck on Monday, we will be thinking about you:D

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Hi Annie,

Yep - the grill vs the oven in the summer - grill always wins!:D Your encouragement is very helpful and see that is one of my problems - I eat lean meats and veggies and I think that I'm so used to it, it is why I've stayed with in my 5lbs of weight since I lost the first 30, 4 years ago with Atkins/ Low carb. I was a size 18/20 and now I can take just about anything off a rack that's a 14 and it fits. Which is very good for me, but I really need to get determined and take off more. I ride horses, walk, my work is a flight of stairs up and no elevator, we work in the yard a lot - so it's not like I'm a slacker - but I need to do more, that's why I think I need to do strict induction - for awhile. :rolleyes:

We also eat out a couple of times a week 1) my DH likes too 2) it fits into our schedule. Our favorite Chili's waitress knows me by "Wings, easy on the sauce and a side salad - no crutons or carrots - ranch dressing on the side, please" :D Mexican resturants are everywhere here and I'm right there with you on the chips n salsa! yum! But not after Monday!:eek:

Thanks Annie!

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Jean....I predict a "carb blowout blast" for Sunday:D If your body is used to the low carb maybe a good "carb feast" will unstick you:confused: I think SFS said that she has a cheat day maybe every 3 weeks or so. I'm a size 14 too and that is ok cause I am 45yrs old and I don't want to be a size 4 again, but a size 8-10 wouldn't be so bad. I have a meet and mingle buddie that says she lost with low carb some years ago and she just stopped losing and that is the weight she should be. I am sure there is some truth to that, we all are different shapes and sizes. When I look back at my pre-child bearing pics I really look sickly. I do look better when I have some meat on my bones. Lucky for me DH doesn't like skinny women. He really thinks size 12 is a good size, which is probably where I will end up. Staying with low carb is also a way to just feel better, I never feel bloated even after a big low carb meal. Obviously you know what I mean since you've been doing low carb for four years.

Good luck leading up to Monday, stock that fridge with plenty of deviled eggs and cheese:D


Have a great week.

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Jean ~ good to hear from you! I can relate to that weight being stuck...although I'm down another pound this morning, I think it has to do with the fact I haven't done much because of my back. But I tell you what, it is going SLOW. I wanted to binge so badly last night...my back hurt, I was lying in bed & reading about cruises...all I wanted to do was eat. Dear, sweet Kevin made me a juicy burger with tomatoes...and I didn't give in.


Annie ~ I agree with you...I think there are skinny people and not skinny people. When the "not skinny" turns fat, we need to lose it. But I have always been a big girl, even when I'm in a size 8, and I've had it with thinking I should be any smaller just because our society has gotten a whacked view of what's beautiful. Here's a great link: http://www.campaignforrealbeauty.com/flat4.asp?id=6909...click on the "evolutions" movie. How sad it is these standards are etched into our brains.


Have a wonderful day!

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Lisa, I checked out your link! I used to work for a very large clothing company that is in all of the malls across the world - I know what they paid to companies every month that did all of the 'touch ups' for their magazine ads ( I worked in their finance dept) and lets just say that it could run a small country! :( What I learned in those 3 years - I give very little thought to what I see in magazines,commercials & bill boards as personal goals for me! LOL! At 49, I have a pretty good grip on whats real and what's not, but since I have a 94 yr old Grandma that can run a table shooting Pool - I need to be healthy just in case I get up in years like her! :eek:

I've never been a 'skinny people' - I left that work up to my other 4 sisters!:D I'm the sister of adventure. But, I am giving induction another go - Starting Monday! LOL! And I'm emailing my kids so they know too - no Lasagna! ha!

Thanks for all of the encouraging words!

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I'm sorry to hear about your back Lisa! Have you seen a doctor yet? I'm glad to see your will power is still strong. I hope that you don't have to take steriods to fix the back problem. My DH has just had a round of steriods because of a nerve in his leg; it doesn't seem to affect his appetite like it does mine. He has lost about 25lbs by cutting back on the whites stuff and beer (men, there all alike:p )


Jean, I know you are counting down to Monday. I have tried the lowering of calories this week or "turbo Atkins" to see if that will help speed things up a little. I have a couple of boiled eggs for breakfast, a grilled chicken salad with very little dressing for lunch and just a piece of chicken and maybe a deviled egg for dinner. I have been having coffee with the powdered creamer in the morning, I know it has more carbs than the real cream, but so few calories, I hope this will do the trick. I will know on Monday;) Today I had just the piece of chicken for lunch because I will be meeting DH for dinner this afternoon and I will have my salad with probably chicken then, of course I will have to have a glass of wine with dinner. Even though this is NOT the stricktist of induction meals, the low calories should off set? If this backfires, I will be kicking myself on Monday:eek:


I will wish all of ya'll good luck this week.

Lisa, let us know about your back.


Tom & Susan, are ya'll still alive?

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Jean ~ go for it! I think it will be great. Re the link: it really blows my mind what these companies will do to sell a product! I appreciate Dove for calling this out...even if their products are too drying for me.


Annie ~ thanks for asking about my back! It's very strange...it's not just my back but also my hips & knees...I feel like I've aged 40 years this week. If it's not better by Monday I will go immediately to the doctor.


Ooooh, please take this with the best of intentions...Dr. Atkins never mentions a benefit from calorie restriction, and in fact it can backfire in two ways: it can slow your metabolism because it fools your body into thinking it's starving, so even if you do lose the weight, your body will hold on to every calorie after it's gone...so the weight's much more likely to come back; and it makes you more likely to have cravings because you feel deprived.


What Atkins actually recommends to jump start or speed the loss is more fat (with NO bad carbs, of course!)...it seems in our food-pyramid indoctrination to be counter-productive, but it revs up the metabolism & gives a great feeling of fullness. Your menu looks great, but may I suggest if you get hungry, grab some nuts, avocado or cold cuts & don't worry about the calories. Remember that lipolysis doesn't necessarily depend on calories in/calories out...it's all about speeding up the metabolism so your body can effectively burn what it brings in. And yes, real cream is so much better in your coffee...the other stuff not only has sugar, but trans fats.


Hope you don't mind my sharing...:o


Have a great day!

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Hello, Annie, Susan, Lisa, Jean:


Wow I have missed a lot of post. I should check daily.

Lisa, Sorry to hear about the back pain. I hope you are over it soon.

Anyway I do think portion control is important, but you cannot starve yourself either. It is all about feeling good and loosing the weight. Also my big deal is not to eat when I am bored frustrated or late at night. I am trying only to eat for hunger / nutrition.. That is the goal at least...

I think I am down another 2lbs. I really need to buy a better scale and even the one at the gym I am not so sure about. This Monday the bathroom scale was down 2lbs and the gym was the same.

I did check out the dove link , Scary.... I think Women have it so much harder when it come to issues like this.

I have upped my excercise time to help speed up things for me but I need to balance that with the rest of my life.

Anyway I am taking my son to Disneyland today as an early B-day outing. I have to work Saturday, which is the actual B-day.


All for now, Tom

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Hi Team!

Did you guys see the 10% in 3 months thread? Well, that's given me my goal instead of just 'needing to loose some weight'. I've picked up on that thread too,:eek: :D It's been fun to have my cyber weight loss buddies! :D

Annie I cannot remember if you had a goal - if not or even if you do - want to come with me? I plan to do both threads, work is slow! LOL !!

Lisa & Tom, Are you guys close to your goals? I know that Tom's Tux is a great reminder where's his goal is!

Aaahhh the pain in the back - - Lisa, I struggle with back issues too! I have 2 Dr appointments next week to confirm what I think is going on. :( I sure hope you get to feeling better - You have kiddos to keep up with !!

Fast weekend coming up - I can tell - and Annie, I'll let you know how the Carb-fest goes!! LOL :D I did spend some time back in the Atkins book, and on the SFS website - what encouragement!! And I'm thinking of getting a pedometer to add to my tools, but have been waiting to hear from you guys on if it's been a help? Got my grocery list and doing some pantry cleaning this afternoon!

Ok, catch ya's later!

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I've been following atkins "really" since about April and have almost lost 30lbs (3 away) anyway I found a great web site that has been very beneficial to me - forum.lowcarber.org it is a support site for information on atkins and many other weightloss programs - just in case anyone is interested


My cruise isn't till January so I have a ways yet but I also have 47 more lbs to loose!!!


Well good luck to everyone!!

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Good morning, friends!


I did Pilates yesterday, because I figured that would be a good way of using my muscles without straining my back...so I'm sore today in all the right places! Still feeling a little creaky in my back & joints...I think I'm going to go ahead & set up an appt. for a check-up next week.


The good news is, the last time I did that class in March, I was 20 pounds heavier...and I could definitely tell a difference. Even though it had been awhile, the class was actually easier, and when I was in some of the positions, I noticed that I looked different!! Where'd my legs go? My belly's smaller! So that was definitely positive.


Tom ~ good to hear from you! Hope you & your son had fun at Disneyland. Many many good memories from there!


Jean ~ I think it's great to have a goal. I'm very slowly moving toward mine...which may be too aggressive. We'll see. I'm going to up my gym time, because the WOE alone won't do it for me anymore. So the answer is, no, I'm not close to my goal, but I am feeling good (except my back & joints, but they're tolerable right now) and I am willing to accept that it took a long time to put this weight on, so it may take a while to get it off.


Annie ~ how's it going? I hope what I shared about low-cal didn't bug ya...I should have stated unequivocally that we all respond differently & if something works for you & you can stick to it, go for it! For me, I think after one day of the turbo I'd be trying to stuff my face with anything I could get my hands on. But that doesn't mean it wouldn't be a good fit for you if it works. Keep us posted!


Susan, you still there? How are things going?


kiraryker ~ welcome! Fantastic results so far! It looks like you're well on your way to hitting your goal by January!


Have a great weekend, everyone!

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Hi guys, I have been sick for the last couple of days and I am afraid I have been eating comfort foods:( I am not as strong as Lisa, I am just a big baby when I am sick. It seems there was something going around at work. I will be on the same page with Jean for Monday, that would be induction. Thanks Jean for pointing out the 10% thread, I just posted there.


Lisa, thanks for the advise on the fat and metabolism facts; I guess I forgot the Atkins basics. I will eat until I am satisfied with the right foods for at least two weeks, I am sure that would be better.


I did manage to lose a couple of pounds this week, I will try not to do any damage between now and Monday.


kiraryker, congrats on the 30lbs! I'll bet most people don't appreciate how hard it is to lose thirty pounds! I do and I think it's great for you, keep up the good work! Glad you joined the thread, please keep checking in.


I will check with ya'll next week.


P.S. I bought my formal today! I did buy a size 14 because it fits in the chest and the waist is not exactly fitting so it will be ok when I lose more weight. When DH got home I showed him the dress still on the hanger and he said, will you be able to fit it in Feb:rolleyes: I would have given him a piece of mind, but I didn't want to give him the piece that still works!!!he-he. I am sure he is confused with the roller coaster I've been on for the last 27yrs:D

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Hello!! I hope everyone here is doing well.


I am only to page 7 or so on this thread, but wanted to offer the USDA link to check for wines, spirits, and light beer for those who do prefer to drink. Really, I think many of you will be very pleasantly surprised at how low in carbohydrates many of your favorites are. For example, a 5-ounce glass of Pinot Blanc yields merely 2.85 total carbohydrates.


A good rule of thumb for alcohol: if you could set fire to it, you can have it!


With the above in mind, please keep in mind that the body follows an order of priority when it comes to burning off energy. Alcohol calories are burned first (as we cannot store this energy), followed by protein, carbohydrates, then finally fat.


Hope everyone is having a nice weekend. :)

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Thanks SFS for checking in on us!


Jean- I am going to the store later to get my ammunition for tomorrow morning. I will stock up on the basics and make some deviled eggs and turkey roll ups to keep in the fridge. I will also get some real cream for my coffee, I would like to break that coffee habit some day, but, I don't drink sodas so that is all the cafein I get.

Got any tips for me? What are some favs of yours?


Tom, Susan and Lisa, wish us luck!

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Good morning, everyone!


I'm still in shock...my husband has cut out flour & sugar. He says he doesn't want to be a "dough-boy" (his words) on our cruise. He has gotten just a bit of a belly on him, but it will take no time for him to slim down. He's also been using the Total Gym every morning. So it's fun!


Annie & Jean ~ I wish you a fantastic start (re-start) on induction. My only suggestion would be to set a goal for how long you want induction to be, and then don't cheat for that period of time. And use those ketosis sticks!


Annie ~ how exciting about the dress! I can't wait to get mine...we're 8 weeks out now, so I guess I should start looking...I just want to get a little smaller.


Sheila ~ thanks for stopping by!


Hope y'all have a great start to the week!

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Good Morning Atkins Buddies! I am all jazzed about the induction re-start this morning. I have my turkey roll-ups, boiled eggs, and cheese sticks with me at work. I will go to BYB for a bunless double cheese burger for lunch. I have the chicken marinading for the grill tonight, after my 2mile walk of course. I put real cream in my coffee this morning and I have NO chardonnay chilling at home. I hope I haven't forgotten anything. I didn't have time to make the deviled eggs yesterday, I will make them tonight.


Thanks Lisa for the time suggestion; I will shoot for 4weeks of induction.

I am glad to hear your DH is doing the no flour and sugar plan. It works so fast on men. My DH has been slipping right along with me, but this morning he gathered his boiled eggs and cheese to take to work. He doesn't eat much during the day because he works outside. He will eat grilled meat and rice or a baked potato for dinner. We did have some ice-cream yesterday, It was National Icecream Day! Who knew? Thanks President Regan:D But, we bought a small container and nothing else sweet in the house.


Jean, how's your moring so far? I guess it's a little earlier for you.

Good luck on your re-start, I know we will do it!


kiraryker- how is your plan going? I can't remember; what is your goal?


I have 22lbs to go:eek:


Have a good week ya'll.

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Hey Buddies!

You guys are going to love this! My DH and I are so ready to do this - and on Friday he insisted that we go to Olive Garden for dinner - like it was the last plate of pasta he will ever see the rest of his life - and I just had some Salad & Chicken! No bread sticks - which looked and smelled sooo good - but nope - I didn't have any! Then yesterday our kids came over because my DS & DIL wanted me to teach them how to make beef jerky and since my DD was there to, I felt like it would be a good time to tell them of our plan. They were so excited about it to the point that we had to have another "Last Supper" so it was a family outing to Outback! But, I still had the salad and coconut shrimp - not to bad - it was saying no to their bread that was REALLY HARD :eek: - but I did! So I had a weekend of lasts but it really didn't feel like it! Isn't that weird? lol My DS saw my pan of hard boiled eggs and we had a race on peeling them for deviled eggs - HA- I won! I think it's because I've peeled so many of the blooming things! LOL This morning - good start and I took SFS's breakfast shake reciepe off her web site - and I have to say - it's very good! You might want to give it a try Annie!! And it's induction safe! :D

Annie - SO GLAD your on board with me on the 10% goal! And you got your dress - HOW exciting!! Sad that you haven't felt very well! But we are going to do this! And Girl - I think we are pretty close in size because - yep - I have 23 lbs to hit my 10% goal too! I also told my DH that he can count on me cooking like this for a good month - so get used to it! LOL He'll drop his weight faster too- he always does! Got my sticks - tell me when you change colors okay?!

Lisa - You are such a great cheerleader!! :D AND WE Need you!!

Kiraryker - Keep on coming back and letting us know how your doing!

SFS! - Thanks for stopping in! ;) I cannot believe how good the breakfast shakes taste and when your site said they are good for induction because they are 'real food' - it clicked in my head! Our bodies burn fat better because it is working on real food and those shakes are very filling -Just LOW carb! :eek:

I had one before I spent the day out with the horses and riding - and wasn't hungry all morning!

Another hot one in the Southwest!

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Hello Atkins Buddies:

Lisa, Jean, kiraker, Annie, and Sugar Free Shelia...

Annie sorry to hear about your illness. Hope you are back on track soon.

Lisa good to hear your spouse is giving up the "white stuff" that should make it way easier on you:D. I wish I could get my better half to do Atkins... I did get my neighbors to start and their weight loss may impress him.. (oops I just outed myself). Thanks Shelia for the link. I do have a couple of Michalobe ultras a week, maybe a couple glasses of wine. But it will be nice to know the real price of these carb wise.

Anyway I had a good week. I made sure I was full before I went to Disneyland. That really helped and I brought my Macadamia nuts. Later I had a chef salad. My only semi cheats were a diet coke and some suger free choclate.

Also on my sons B-Day I had a very small peice of cake and about 2 table spoons of real icecream. I had to fight cravings the rest of the day but was over it by the time I went to work. So I am pondering the worth of doing that again.

I have been doing good with the exercise. I am lucky my schedule allows it. Anyway I have upped the time on the walks and I try to make sure I am into it at the gym. (Not just going through the motions.)

But I I lost 2-1/2 to 3 lbs, So it is worth it. I am going to try the tux on tomorrow and see how I am doing. BTW I think I have upped my ultimate goal so I am not really sure if I will make that by the cruise but I know I will fit in the tux pants for sure.... Maybe it would be better if I was in weight loss mode on the cruise, That would keep me from going too crazy.... and motivate me to hit the gym.

So according to the bathroom scale I have lost a total of 26 lbs. My origianal goal was 30lbs. I have also firmed up a lot. I really encourage all of you to stick to the Atkins Book as close you can. That is when you see real results. And if the people in your life know you are serious they will back you up and be less likely to try and talk you into eating wrong.

(Kid's and spouse's B-day cake exempted. :confused: token portions only?)

Also about coffee. I had to have my 4 cups a day. But now I do not have any (save occasional decafe). I know it is hard and you will feel like crap for a few days but my mood and blood sugar are so much more stable.... Which for me translates into less cravings and hunger.

I am also really trying to watch portions and once again trying to only eat for hunger/nutrition. I do however make a couple small batches of

cocoa powder mixed with heavy cream and spenda so I can have a guilt free choclate fix, during my days off. This is not at all like the train wreck I had last time I did Atkins with the sugar free icecream binges late at night. My body does not really like molitol :eek: And I do not think neutra sweet is good for me either.

I hope everyone has a great week....

Tom in Long Beach...

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Tom- Good news about the 26lbs! You are almost there! Don't lose too much or you will have to have that tux altered to be smaller:eek: I am confused about your "semi-cheats" a diet coke and sugarfree choc???? I thought they were ok foods???? I get the Russell Stovers sfchoc truffles and have one with my lunch most every day! They say 2grms per serving and 3 make a serving???? I almost never have a diet coke, but zero carbs? Please explain:confused:

Again congrats on the weight lost so far; I am sure you will be our first to reach goal:p


Later, Annie

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