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Good Morning!

Wow...we finally got some rain last night - even if it was only a quick 10 min shower - at least it cooled off last night and this morning was beautiful! Ok, got my first day of induction behind me - Yeah! Funny, it doesn't feel to much different then how I usually eat anyway - so I'll be watching to see what kicks it in for me! We didn't walk last night - there was a nice lightening storm before the rain, but tonight will be better and if it clouds up enough to cool off a bit, we'll be out for sure!

Annie - what is in your turkey rolls? Do you use Bibb lettuce? Last night I made SFS chicken ( Chicken tenders, eggbeaters, rolled in Parmasean(?) cheese and cooked in Canola oil) and it was really good! I made enough to have chicken and a veggie for lunch. How'd your Monday go?

Lisa - Did you know why your back was hurting and had you down a few days back? And pilates doesn't seem to bother it?

Tom- Macadamia nuts, those sure seem to be the trick on snacking for you, yes?!

B'day cake n ice cream - but you did really well with limiting your amounts, and B'days are a fun part of our lives, especially when there's kids!

Working on day 2!

Hope you all have a wonderful day too!

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Have some of you tried the Chocolate Bark recipe? (Suitable for after Induction.) I link the one featured on the Coconut Diet website on mine, and goodness, are there a lot of things you can do with it!


For example, you can add a bit of peanut butter to it - or tahini, or sunflower seed butter, almond butter, pistachio nut butter, or even powdered peanut butter for the least amount of carbs - and you only need to freeze it for as long as it takes you to get in and out of the shower. That is about as long as I can hold off anyway.


Greek yogurt is another fabulous, delicious choice - and this can be eaten plain, or with various ingredients added. A 17.6-ounce container yields merely 14 total carbs, so it is a huge carb bargain. FAGE Total Greek Yogurt is the only one I ever buy. You can even freeze it for 30-60 minutes, and the taste and texture is amazing - even plain!


P.S: I have never had any endorsements (these companies have no idea who I am); I'm just very enthusiastic about what I'm into. :)

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I have looked here for the FAGE yogurt around here - no one carries it! :( I have made some lists of items off of your site and gone shopping for them - to find out our stores don't carry them.

I haven't looked for the Coconut Oil, yet. This sounds like something that if I can hit my goal - this would be good to have around for the holidays! If I can find the ingredients! :D We have a Sunflower , Trader Joes, Wild Oats.

Thanks for the tips!

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Hello Annie:

About semi cheats: My goal is to be as close to 100% whole natural foods. ( Impossible in the real world I know). Anyway Dr. Atkins seems to warn against neutra sweet in his book. So I really limit the diet cokes. Occasional only. Also for the premade sugar free choclates there is a lot of ingredients so I try to limit these also. ( I do have a few a week but try hard not to make it every day).. the Russell stovers are good. :D


Hello Sugar Free Sheila: You have so many great suggestions! I need to buy your cook books. I think I will do that today... Thanks for being an inspriation and your enthusiasm is great. I love that you like to cruise....


Jean: Yes the Macadamia nuts are great because they do not melt. I can keep a small bag in my pocket... And they do really take the edge off so I am not temped to snack on bread or Lobster Bisque ( which has flour in it) at work, or junk food when I am out and about.


Just got back from my 1 hour 15 min walk, Now to shower and try on that darn Tux.


All for now, Tom in Long Beach...

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Good Afternoon All!


Good news on the first 24hours Jean! How did your DH do? The first few days are the worst if you are used to bad carbs.

When do you do your weigh in? I can't remember, but I'm thinking you are a Thursday weigher?


I am doing ok, I didn't get the grilled chicken last night (long story, but a good story) so I will have it tonight. I am feeling so much better today, I had two all beef hotdogs for breakfast! (I was in a hurry and didn't have time for eggs) and a salad w/grilled chicken for lunch. The turkey roll-ups are made with oven roasted deli turkey with cream cheese and olives in the middle. I keep a couple in the fridge at work for snacking. I still didn't make those deviled eggs yet, I will try this evening. I know we will do it this time, and what do you mean "if I make goal" you know it's WHEN I make goal!!!! We can do it!!! I originally set my goal at 20lbs but then decided to make it 30lbs to allow for the holidays. I am down 8lbs net, after the ups and downs of the last couple of weeks, so that is 22lbs in all. This is more than the 10% so I know it will take a bit longer.

I need to get a new scale at my house (the goal could increase with an accurate scale:eek: ) I think my scale is 6lbs lighter than my doctor's scale.


Lisa, how's the back? Are you still thinking of or have you gone to the doctor? I hope the pilates helps, I can't imagine working out with a hurt back. Of course, dancing on a street corner could be tricky too...he-he.

How close are you to your goal? You seem to still be losing, even if it is slow.


I hope everyone has a good week.

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Hey Annie!

I think we're going to do Mondays :eek: - since that's the time we started and Oct 16 is our goal date. This will be tough - Mondays can tend to be the big 'tattle tale' from weekend temptations! LOL Hey! We can compare notes since you weigh on Mondays - yes?!?! DH did ok - but he is also having scale issues because he weighs at home - then at work - and since he's fully clothed and has keys, watch, shoes etc ... on, of course it's more - but he came home a little frustrated! LOL!! I told him to pick one or the other! He's a funny guy! :D

Yum...I've got the turkey roll fixins at home - I'll have to make a few!

Keep peeling those eggs! :)

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NMCruzzin, what I recommend is going to the most with-it health food store in your area and place an order for it. (Ask not, want not! There simply may not be a demand for it yet.) Those who have a vested interest in making customers happy (i.e., management) will make it their business to order this - or any - product for you. Like anyone, I'd rather not waste precious time and gas money zigzagging all over town to buy a slew of items that should take merely one shopping trip. So, I make sure to request what I want so my favorite store will be a one-stop shop for me.


SirWinston, I cannot tell you how much I adore cruising. I read somewhere, "When I'm not at sea, I'm sick for the sea." Pretty much sums how I feel about it! :)

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:) :)


Hello Atkins friends.

I was able to comfortably fit into the Tux pants today. They are just a hair snug so I will be motovated for the next 5 weeks....


Hello Jean: I think Mondays are good weigh in days because it keeps you more honest on the weekends.


Hello Sheila: I ordered your cookbooks today and look forward to them, Cruising sure can be a lot of fun. I am consantly planning my next trip(s). I look forward to cruising while fit because that is way more fun also.... I just enjoy myself more without the extra weight.




My bathroom scale is 7 lbs lighter than the evil accurate one at the gym :mad:. That is one reason my goal went up also. It first was to get to 170. Now it is to get to 170 at the gym :rolleyes:.


I should have bought one today at target. Oh well. I did buy a new Ipod to listen to on the plane.


Thanks everyone for the support. It really helps a lot.

all for now, Tom

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Hi Guys!!

Ok, I couldn't stand it - had to step on the scales this morning - yup - it moved :eek: and in the right direction! LOL!! :D DH and I did our walk after dinner and I think that with it still being up in the 90 degree at 7:30 @ night - it has to make us work harder!?!

SFS - Sure enough, the 3rd day in induction and we have friends coming by tonight! :eek: I just have to do a light dessert - being a good hostess and all - so I made the pumpkin cheesecake from your web site - I had a little taste this morning and it's really pretty good! I'm like Tom - might as well order some of your books - I'm using your reciepes already anyway! And I want to say thanks for making so many of them available for free on your site! With the Carb count! They are a help!

Annie - What's for lunch?

Lisa,Susan - Wheeere are yooouu?

Tom - Yiippee - Fitting in the Tux pants - you go with your skinny self!

See ya later!

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Tom- You are so funny!!! An ipod for the plane!!! Gongrats on the trousers fitting!!! Just a little more room for comfort and you are there! I agree a vacation of any kind is better when we are fit and not so sluggish! Tom, you are one cool guy:cool:


Jean- glad your scale is moving south! I don't dare weigh until Monday because this is that monthly week from h*&% and I feel like a balloon in Macy's parade:eek: Yuck! I am staying with the induction though. DH grilled the chicken last night and it was wonderful. We usually cook enough for lunch for a couple more days, however I had an early meeting this morning and I didn't fix any before I left....so it looks like grilled chicken salad at chic-fil-a for me....or maybe a bunless double cheese burger at BYB? I did get the deviled eggs made and had a couple as I was heading out the door. I'm glad you thought to make the low carb pie for dessert tonight! So what's the main course?

By the way guys, you will love the cookbooks! My daughter ordered them when she started this with me last month. I have made a couple of things that turned out good. I need to get busy this week-end trying some more of the recipes. It came with the Atkins book and a journal for you to track your weekly weight, ect....it also had a place to put your before pics.


Thanks SFS for stopping by to check on us! I feel like you are the principal checking in on her students...he-he. I haven't looked for the shake recipe that Jean tried yet, I will work on that today.


Lisa and Susan.....are ya'll ok? Lisa, let us know how your back is doing.

Susan, are you still losing?




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Good morning everyone!


Where have I been? I just missed a day...y'all have been busy since Monday!!


Okay...I think I forgot to mention last time that on Sunday I fit into a dress a friend gave me a year ago...a size 10! I'm going to have to reinforce the back slit a little...it behaved during church but then afterward decided to creep north...thank goodness it waited--what a scandal!:p But it fit!


This week is bloat week, but I'm not as bloated as usual. I went to the gym yesterday at 5:30 am to meet my friends & got a good workout. I'm going to resume my spin class tomorrow...we'll see how it goes!


Annie ~ Sounds like a great start to induction! Thanks for asking about my back...it's actually my back, hips, & knees that starting bothering me out of nowhere. I'll be talking to the doctor at my checkup next month, and in the meantime I'm taking the "Move Free" supplement. As Tom was saying about the Diet Coke...I'm trying to cut back...it got a little out of hand...and I read recently that too much of it causes degeneration in the hips!:eek: Don't know if that's what's going on...but I don't to take any chances. As far as my goal, the pounds aren't showing it, but the clothes are definitely showing it. So we'll see where the pounds go. I am definitely going back to my gym routine 3-4 times per week for the next...well...I guess forever!


Jean ~ hope it stays cool for you! It's great to have support in your home, isn't it? You go for that goal, girl! I agree with Tom regarding Mondays for weigh in! Oh, and whenever I have people over, I make my sugar-free cheesecake with almond/pecan crust, and even those not on a diet absolutely love it! Thanks to you too, for asking about my back...see above. I just have to work through it! And the Pilates didn't hurt it at all.


Tom ~ didn't it feel great to fit into those pants? Congratulations! Only 5 weeks...I'm feeling the countdown, too...I'm at 7 1/2 weeks now, and I'm pretty sure I won't make my weight goal by then (not for lack of trying...I haven't cheated at all)...but I just might make my size goal! Either way, I'll feel a whole lot better than I did in May, when I went back to Atkins. I already feel so much better...even though then I was going to the gym way more regularly. So add that back in, and presto! All should be well. BTW...I love mixing whipped cream with cocoa...yum!


Sheila ~ at my stage in life, the desire to cruise far surpasses the ability to cruise...between 3 kids & all of our schedules. But I enjoy what I get! I'm going to look up those recipes later on today. BTW, I so appreciate the kind note you sent me back in May when I wrote to you on your website. I think between that & this board, it really helped my determination. So thanks!


kiraryker ~ how's it going? Keep us posted!


Susan ~ you still there somewhere? How are you?


Have a great Wednesday, everyone!

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Glad you are ok Lisa, we were getting worried;) You seem to be the instructor that keeps us in line...well, somewhat.

A size 10 Yippi!!!! I know that feels good!!! I will be so happy to get into my 10-12s comfortably. Watch that slit, it could cause quite a scandle what with you being the preacher's wife....you know how people can talk:eek: I guess I mentioned that I bought my formal over the week-end in a size 14. I am ok with that, I tried a 10 that was too tight in the bust and they didn't have a size 12 so I figured the 14 would fit better up-stairs and I can take the hips in if need be. I loved the dress and didn't want to take a chance in not finding another one later. The dress looks real good, but I have to work on my arms (I have my mother's German arms) so I will try to get to the YMCA to work on some arm weights. Anyone have any suggestions? Big arms and flabby arms are tough to whip into shape.





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:cool: :cool: Hello All:


Annie: Thanks for the Congrats. I really want to go my trip. I am not afraid to fly I just dread the whole airport mess and then the "veal pen"/sardines experiance once you are on... With my income it has to be steerage on the plane :eek:.


Jean: you had me laughing "go on with your skinny self"... Not quite there yet but much better than May when I started. More energy to deal with my 12 year old ;).


Lisa: I had grilled chicken last night also... And I feel way better than I did before I restarted this program. Wow your cruise is just a little further off than mine. I went on the FANTASY's twin the PARADISE in APRIL.. I know that having kid(s) makes it harder to find time/money to cruise. I have a friend who is a travel writer and I could go for free sometimes if I did not have to take care of the kid. Oh well that is for the future.... Family does come first. Ships / cruising are like the choclate cake of life. Really cool but not the main thing....


O.K. I now need to take myself and my new I-pod to the gym


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Good Morning Atkins Buddies! I just wanted to tell ya'll what you can do with left over grilled chicken. Last night I wasn't feeling very well when I got home from work (real bad afternoon at work)and I just wanted to sit on the couch and eat some comfort food, but I didn't! At least not the bad kind. I had the left over chicken in the fridge and I remembered a dish that I used to order at Applebees when we had them here. It was smothered chicken. You saute` onions and bellpepers in olive oil and put on top of the chicken, then cover with smoked provolone cheese and heat until the cheese is bubbly...yum-o! I fixed this with a small salad and it tasted just like the dishes I had in the past! It was comforting enough for me:D I wished I had some for lunch today! Oh, well I'm off to have my boiled eggs for breakfast;)

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Hi Team!

Hey Annie!! Thanks for sharing your dinner with us - drool..:) LOL! We had left overs too! Those little reminders of what we can do to stay Atkins Friendly is such a help!

I'm going to remember this for my extra chicken nights!

Last night I heated up some salmon that we had from the night before and here is a really good sauce to top it with! My DH isn't big on fish - but he loves this!

1/4 c mayo

1/4 c sour cream

1 Tbl spoon of lemon juice

1 tsp dill ( fresh or I use from my spice rack)

1 tsp horshradish

1 Tbl spoon of finely chopped onion

Some green beans and a small side salad.

We walked at 8:30 last night when it was finally cool enough to be out.

Tom: My kiddos got me an Ipod for my birthday a few months ago and I have used it sooo much! Your going to get a lot of hours out of yours!

Lisa - a size 10 dress! That's got to give you a big boost!! Even if it was mis-behaving in church! :eek: My DH seems to get a chuckle out of me when we go to and from church, as we take his truck most of the time, which is fine as it's not a monster truck or anything - but depending on the flare or lack of in my skirts as to how much work it takes to get in my seat and trying to be lady-like in the process! LOL :D I have a Dr appt this afternoon in hopes of figuring out what my back is up to too! :confused:

Better get busy, I really am at work! he he


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Thanks Jean,that sauce sounds good. I am not much on fish unless it's fried catfish with all the fixins, but I will give it a try.

How did the pumpkin cheese-cake go over with your guests?

I hope your back is ok....what's up with all the back trouble? Tom and Susan, we beter be careful:eek:


P.S. Ya'll, I have tried the parmasan chicken recipe from SFS and my whole family liked it. I will have to plan that one in the near futur.

We have a couple of T-bones defrosting for tonight.

Oh,dear! My boss just brougth 6 pizzas in the door! Don't worry, I have my chicken and salad with me today:p I think I could live on chicken and salad.


All for now, Annie

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Day time Annie!! ;)

What a good girl you are! Chicken & Salad! YOU Go Girl with your to be lighter Atkins lunch! Just think - in about 45 min - everyone in the office will be slipping into their pizza comas and getting the glaze over look and you'll be pumped with energy!! Wooo Hooo!

My back are issues from a bad car wreck - only 30 years ago! aargh! I've done pretty well through the years, but when we were on our cruise in June, I could hardly stand up straight and that wasn't even when the storm blew through on the last night!! :eek: Some Better now - but I need to know what's changed!?!?!

I ordered SFS books today! (SFS could you put a rush on that? :D ) LOL!

And the pumpkin cheesecake was pretty good! I think I should have added 1 more packet of Splenda - DH has a really bad sweet tooth! But, I liked it-served it in parfait (?) glasses! pretty cute! - can't wait to get through induction and try the peanut butter pie! YUM! All you all need to try her induction breakfast shake - seriously - I feel like I'm cheating big time with it! :eek:

Break is over, time to get busy!

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Yes! Annie it is...but here it is - just for you!

Sheila's Easy Breakfast Shake

Serves 1

6 total carbs for entire recipe



3-oz. cube cream cheese

½ cup Eggbeaters (pasteurized & safe)

¼ cup heavy cream

1 T DaVinci's or Atkins syrup - any flavor!

4 ice cubes


Blend 30 seconds - ice cubes last - and enjoy

I got the DaVinci Raspberry & Carmel flavor - have only tried the Raspberry - YUMMMO

So how is your daughter doing with her WOE? Did she go to Healthy Choice meals? But if your cooking SFS foods -- she's eating low carb anyway! :)

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That shake sounds sooooo gooood! I will try it as soon as I find the syrups....I will google DaVinci syrups.


DD is doing so-so, she has been on a couple of trips to the beach with friends so she has been indulging a bit much. She was at a net 5lbs a couple of weeks ago before she went to Destin, I haven't asked her this week. Yes, she is eating the grilled meat and we don't have sweets in the house, except for some lowfat icecream that she keeps in the fridge.

Thanks for asking and thanks for the recipe:D

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Hello Atkins Buddies:


Annie: I have a serious weekness for pizza. It is one food I should not have any off. Once I start I cannot stop... And that Pizza lag is real

Also Jean that shake sounds great.. I need to hunt down some syrups. Hope and pray that the back gets better. Our bodies, maybe perhaps even more so for ladies are mysterious things

Anyway today was walk on the Beach day but I rollerbladded with the ipod instead. :D


Hope the rest of everyone's weeks goes well...


Anyway all for now, Tom

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Hey Tom, while I was surfing for syrup, I found a low-carb site that had pizza with 2grams of carbs each! It sounded soooo good, except the minimum order is 24 with a $35.00 shipping attached! The pizzas were around $3.00 each I think. Is pizza worth $100 bucks to any of you guys?

We could order them and all get together for a pizza party:D

I just thought I would pass that along.



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Annie - You make me laugh Girl! :D You must be a ray of sunshine in that office of yours!

Tom - Rollerblading! Holy Moly! Ipods make people do crazy things! LOL :eek: Really though - sometimes my DH and I walk a nature trail not to far from here and there are people zipping along on their skates - it's a lot of work! Good for you!

Hey.... the DaVinci syrups are at Wal-Mart if that helps - and they might carry them in your grocery store - you'd just have to look. And if I spot some anywhere else I'll let you guys know ok! I'm still working on the Greek Yogurt ! LOL

Yiippee - Pizza party at Annie's house!

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