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Anyone on Atkins?


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Jean that stew sounds so good! I didn't make the eggs last night, I worked late and was so busy when I got home, I will try to make it tonight, along with some deviled eggs of course. I wonder what the stew would taste like if you put green peppers and onions in it? Maybe a can of tomatoes? It would be a little more carbs, but it would be yummy! I'm not sure what the carb count is in a can of tomatoes, but I eat them in my salad....maybe I should be checking that out:eek:


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Hello Ladies....



Lisa I hear you about kids wearing you out. And I only have the one...


And I cheat and he is now in Marine Camp, (swimming, boating, kyaking)..... But tomorrow we go to 6 flags.... I have too do these things or I will feel too guilty leaving for a week on my cruise.....


argghhh..... I need to go to the gym. I am having motovational issues also. I was excercising 7 days a week which I know can lead to burn out but I needed to loose before the cruise......


I am leaving now and will do my sets, I am lucky I can walk to the gym.

It is about 1/2 mile away...


Jean: I feel like all my fat is stuck on my belly, I have been stuck at 36" for weeks.....


Annie: You are like me, I always mean to do new recipes, But run out of time energy.... But I am going to try to do one new each week. I seriously can fall into what I call "male eating pattern". That is having the same thing over and over.... I came up with the phrase from seeing men order the same things over and over again when I worked breakfast years ago...



All for now, Tom

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Good for you Tom, I wished I could walk to the Y, but if I walked there I wouldn't need to stay since it is 7miles away:p I like that idea of trying one new recipe per week, I will adopt that too! I am going to try the egg dish tonight and I would like to try the turnip fries maybe this weekend.

You are doing so good, just a few beers at a fair! I love fair food! I know it's junk, but the smells! You are just a few weeks from cruise time! I hope you reach your goal, you should be pretty close by now:eek:


Karen- how you doin' girl?


Ya'll have a goo hump-day.



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My dear sweet husband gave me a night out with my friend last night...I was so grateful...I've been feeling so burned out. We went to a little bistro that P.F. Chang's started called Pei Wei...I had the Mongolian scallops, and I should have asked if there was sugar in it, because there obviously was. Then we went to the movies & of course I had popcorn!


But the good news is, I felt so rejuvenated by the break that I got up this morning & did spin & Pilates at the gym. Now if I only could make it a habit! I hope to do it again on Friday & maybe sneak in another spin tomorrow.


Annie ~ I'm going to make deviled eggs today. I haven't had them in a while & it sounds really good!


Jean ~ what about some turnip or even bok choy in the stew? It sounds yummy! The weekend after our cruise we have a family camping trip with our church...I haven't been camping since I was in college! So any tips you have will be greatly appreciated. We have lots of string cheese around here...I don't know if that will keep in your cooler.


Tom ~ I tell you what, Kevin would be really happy to have a 36" waist right now!! I don't think he's had that since we were newlyweds. Maybe after a short break you'll feel like going to the gym again. Have a blast at Six Flags!!


Happy hump day!

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Congrats on the night out Lisa:p You didn't do too bad, just the popcorn and whatever was in the trick Mongolian scallops:rolleyes: You deserve a break from time to time.


Jean- when is the stew going to be ready? All this talk is making me hungry. I never thought of the turnips, would maybe give it a mock potato effect. I just remembered someone told me to use coliflour (sp?) instead of potatoes to make a mock potato salad. I haven't tried it, but it sounds like it could work. Just add mayo, eggs, celery, greenpepper and chill. That would go real good with a rotisseri chicken for a quick supper....now I'm really hungry:eek:



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Annie - You Crazy Girl! :D

I stopped by the house at lunch to check on Sadie - I could smell the stew in the Garage! Does eating Low Carb - Induction- effect your sense of smell? LOL!!:D

I hadn't thought of Turnips - and I just happen to be stopping by the store after work ...yay!

I used to use turnips and would tell my daughter that they were special potatoes just so she'd eat them! She liked them but wouldn't have touched them if she knew that they weren't REAL Potatoes! HA! I was a mean Mom! :cool: LOL!

And the mock potatoe salad would be good camping - and with the chicken - easy fixing and easy clean up! Great Idea!

Lisa - A night out - Very Cool!! I love Pei Wei! What about the lettuce wraps? I don't have the white noodles but just filling and the lettuce wraps!?! If I ate these, my weight stayed the same so I plan on a celebration dinner at Pei Wei when I've hit my goal, but staying away until off induction. :)

Tom - I've seen rollerbladers and it looks like they use a lot of abs to keep everything going - does that help?

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Hi! I have been on Atkins for about 2 an a half months. I have lost about 20 lbs, which is great. I am wanting to lose about 8 more before my cruise on August 26th. I seem to have stalled, does anyone have any tips to help me lose the last 8?

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I know this is a cruise board and all, but I am just so inspired by the amazingly positive attitudes here!! The gym is on the agenda tomorrow morning, and suddenly it does not seem to be a chore anymore, thanks to you!


Here's another one of my drop-bomb, Atkins-related questions to help stir the pot:


If anyone knows me, they know I am not into eggs at all unless they are jazzed up in a shake (via pasteurized Eggbeaters), pancakes, or by means of an omelet or deviled eggs. Many low-carbers prefer not to have eggs at all and go instead for a sort of dinner-for-breakfast option. I find my Cavewoman Ribs - spare ribs seasoned quickly & simply with plenty of pepper, minced onion and garlic, dash of liquid smoke, and 1-2 packets of Splenda on each side before sending them foil-covered to the oven at 350º until done - are excellent served cold the "morning after." Even better dipped in Ken's Steakhouse Buttermilk Ranch at ½ a total carb per tablespoon. Again, no endorsements here; I just love this dressing, and it is the only Ranch I ever have in my kitchen.




So! If you are the Dinner-For-Breakfast type - even if only occasionally - tell us what you're into!!


I hope everyone is having a nice week and losing readily. :)

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Hi! I have been on Atkins for about 2 an a half months. I have lost about 20 lbs, which is great. I am wanting to lose about 8 more before my cruise on August 26th. I seem to have stalled, does anyone have any tips to help me lose the last 8?


Hello Plaugh - and welcome! Thanks for the question!:D

Rocknsoul or SFS will be the best ones to advise here! 20 lbs! Wow! :eek: That's awesome! Hmm 8 more in 3 weeks - are you working out at a gym, bikes, walking? Is there some way to step up your work out a bit more? Are you getting plenty of water? Are you still eating the induction limits or are you having more then 20 carbs a day? Lots of questions huh? Sorry, but I thought maybe one of those might give you some ideas where to start?

Keep us posted when you start losing again ok!?


SFS - Well girl! I am armed with your cookbooks and since I really like your egg souffle - or what ever it is - YUMO! - I'm glad for your recommendation on the Ranch Dressing! They carry it here- and I'll pick some up when my other is out! Ribs for Breakfast ! When I was going to work really early - for a few weeks about the only thing I had time for was a few hot wings and for breakfast - sounds so weird huh!?! But it worked for me!

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Jean ~ yup, I ordered the lettuce wraps too...I brought them home & they made a tasty lunch yesterday.


Hi! I have been on Atkins for about 2 an a half months. I have lost about 20 lbs, which is great. I am wanting to lose about 8 more before my cruise on August 26th. I seem to have stalled, does anyone have any tips to help me lose the last 8?


Hi Plaugh, welcome! Congratulations on the 20 pounds! I've stalled too...I think for me it's because I've gone as far as I can with Atkins alone & have to ramp up the exercise. Are you exercising? Which phase of Atkins are you in? You could revert to induction to lose it quickly, or you could stay where you are & add exercise to lose those 8 pounds for good instead of just for the cruise. I think our bodies will lose so much & then they need to adjust to that weight loss before wanting to lose any more...those good ol' survival instincts!:p


Annie ~ thanks. I was very grateful for the break. Now I need to get back in the gym tomorrow!


Sheila ~ since my breakfast is a daily protein/fiber shake, it's usually mid-morning to lunch before I eat again...and it's almost never breakfast food! Usually I eat what was left over from the night before. I love eggs, though!


Have a great day!

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Hey Gang!

Where'd everyone go? It's been pretty quiet here on the Atkins Board! So how'd ya'll do this weekend?

The stew turned out really well! And easy to heat up just before we had a quick rain shower! I'd almost have to say that being in the mountains and having dinner where you hear the sounds of the river and watching the water flow right in front of you - even pine cones would taste good! LOL ! - no we didn't have pine cones - but the pup chased them all weekend! We stayed the course pretty much the whole weekend - we were out and about so when it was time for a meal we would take it to go and then have it at the cabin. Chicken & salad from the deli, Brisket & a small coleslaw from the BBQ place, eggs & sausages in the morning at the cabin, it worked out really well! Did have a piece of Chocolate Cake on Sat night - boy did it taste good! But with all of the walking and extra activities it didn't go right to my hips! Yay!

Annie ~ I saw on the 10% that your thinking of doing WW? Are you still considering it? :confused:

So how's everyone's elses weekend?

Be back in a while to check on ya's!

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How is everyone doing this week? I have done well with my WOE and actually lost 3 pounds this week. My WOEx is pretty non-existant...I guess I can't really make myself get revved up when I am losing well with a minimal amount of exercise. I have done little things like take the stairs at work and park in a further parking lot and I actually pushed mowed the grass until I got pooped before switching to the riding lawn mower, but nothing consistant still.

SFS- I bought some of that ranch dressing as well and used it to dip some cold boiled shrimp in instead of cocktail sauce....that was pretty yummy....Thanks for the tip.

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How is everyone doing this week? I have done well with my WOE and actually lost 3 pounds this week. My WOEx is pretty non-existant...I guess I can't really make myself get revved up when I am losing well with a minimal amount of exercise. I have done little things like take the stairs at work and park in a further parking lot and I actually pushed mowed the grass until I got pooped before switching to the riding lawn mower, but nothing consistant still.


Good Morning All!


Swansonia - 3 lbs! Very Good! Your lawn mower exercise made me laugh! My DH has always used a push mower ( yard not big enough for a rider) because he loves the clean cuts it makes for our yard - and our son hated to have to use it growing up - well he's grown now and guess what he went out and got for his yard! Yup - a push mower! :D Every year my DH gets the blades sharpened in the spring - so by mid summer he's used to the push and it doesn't wear him out as fast! LOL!! I've done it when he couldn't and it really is a lot of exercise! Kind of a back yard gym?! Ha! Keep doing the little things - they ALL add UP!!!


Lisa - Saw your post on another thread - how was the concert? ;) You are so close to your cruise! I'm getting very excited for you! Who is watching your kiddos while you take off on your trip? I tried making our own Atkins friendly version of Lettuce Wraps last night - the lettuce was fresh, chicken and mushrooms with just a touch of sauce - and after the first one my DH said it was missing something and got out the Mayo!!:eek:

He convinced me to put just a bit on the lettuce - and really - it made them soooo Good!! LOL!!


Annie - How's it going? Every time I make my breakfast shake I wonder how your doing? :rolleyes:


Tom - What's the scoop? I'm sure you did something fun this last week with your son - school supply shopping? Ha!!


Plaugh - How ya doing? Did you have a good week? Your cruise is also just around the corner!


Keep posting!

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Good Morning Atkins Buddies!


Congrats to Swansonia on a 3lbs loss! It must make you feel good:D


Jean- yes I am thinking of switching to WW, but I want to wait until the beginning of next month. I am going to try to stay with Atkins for a few more weeks, obviously I haven't made this WOE if I am still wanting other foods. I am still thinking about it and will spend the next few weeks learning more about it.


How's everyone doing this week? Any losses to report?


And now I'm off to get my chicken w/ salad:D



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Good news I got on the scale this morning and I lost another 3lbs!!!! I am soo happy!! My cruise is coming up and I cant wait, I am down to 139, I started at 163 and my goal weight is 130 to 135. I have 3 weeks to go!

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Good news I got on the scale this morning and I lost another 3lbs!!!! I am soo happy!! My cruise is coming up and I cant wait, I am down to 139, I started at 163 and my goal weight is 130 to 135. I have 3 weeks to go!


Great Job Plaugh!!

What changes, if any, did you make to account for your loss? Please share! :D

Annie - Even if you change your WOE, your goal is still the same, Lose weight

and feel great! :D Sounds easy, huh? - but it is work! :o

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Wow!!! Three more pounds!!! Awesome!!!! That's 24lbs all together!!! and your cruise is in three weeks!!!! Can it get any better???? I hope to be that close to my goal 3weeks before my cruise:p I can't remember; how long have you been on Atkins? Will you be buying a new "skinny" formal?

Keep up the good work, I need someone to inspire me!



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Hello Atkins Buddies:


Jean and Annie:

I took Carlos to Six Flags Magic Mountain on Thursday last. We had a blast. I was good and stuck to the diet except for the splurg of one Coke Zero. ( normally I just drink water). I did drag him to the "sit down" resturant . I had roasted chicken and salad and veggies from the buffet. It was really good. I also was armed with a couple of bags of mixed nuts and my macadamias.... We walked a lot and went on many roller coasters.... I was worn out Friday. did not make it to the gym...

Yeah, though I walk through the valley of funnel cakes, I will fear no carbs....:rolleyes:


This week most likely we will just go to the movies..

On monday both scales indicated one more lb. lost.....

:D Well I am hovering at 174 on the bathroom scale which means I have made my original goal of 30 lbs.... :D I want to loose another 5-10 lbs.

most likely realistically only 2-3 more before the cruise....


Jean: You had me laughing about the push mower. I am too lazy to mow my own lawn. But when I was a kid I always prefered it because it was not as hot and noisey like the gasoline one was... And it is excercise...


Plaugh: keep ploughing through those pounds... Awesome your cruise is coming up.


2-1/2 weeks until my cruise.... The Tux pants fit. But I just tried on a pair of nice pants I wanted to take and they are too loose. :( So I need to start pre packing in case I need to dash out and buy some new stuff... I guess I should be happy about those kind of problems....


All for now, Tom

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I didnt really do anything different, I just ate 1 cup of salad greens with most of my meals. I only ate meat and salad greens. And I have started measuring my dressing...I know that I have gotten lax and have been eating more carbs than I should!!




I have been on Atkins since May 15th. I am going to shop for a "skinny " formal this weekend!! I am sooo excited! I have decided that my main goal right now is to maintain this weight loss, and if I lose a little more before the cruise great but if not then I am not going to stress over it!!!! Just keep doing what your doing you will lose the weight!!!

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Thanks Plaugh, you are certainly an inspiration;) I hope you find just the right formal! I am hangin in there and eating my meat and salad, it's gotta pay off sooner or later...huh? I do know with Atkins you can stall for a couple of weeks and the all of the sudden you get a loss....of course those little cheats don't help much......I'm such a bad girl:o


Jean- I did get around to making that shake...yummmoooo!!! I had one on my way to work this morning and boy am I glad I did. We had an 0730 meeting and they catered in pasteries and fruit:eek: Lucky for me I was armed with a SFS shake! I didn't give them a second look , I just sat on the other side with a cup of coffee. :cool:


I bought the "Buff Brides" book this week. It seems easy enough to follow, I will start the structuered plan tonight. I already do most of the arm weights in my "hit and miss" routine, I just really need to get on a steady routine with it. It suggests 3 days per week for the first 12 weeks and then 4 days per week for the last 12 weeks. It also has a 12 week "crash course" if you are down to the wire. I will keep ya'll posted.


Tom and Lisa- are ya'll ready for your upcoming cruises? Tom I hear you will need to shop for some smaller sizes:D good job!

Lisa will probably be shopping in the size 6? department?


Lisa- have you been able to get anything done outside lately? "Holey Smokes" it's hot out there! Hubby and I waited until 8am Saturday to do our walk and I didn't think I would make the whole 2 miles! I won't make that mistake again! I feel sorry for those who work out in this unbearable heat! And the kids going back to school and football practice!


Congrats again to all ya'll who had a loss last week. Good luck to the rest of us!



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Hey gang! Well, y'all got busy after a slow weekend!


It's been just a crazy few days, but good news...this am I saw 163 (1/2) on my scale!! Another new number. I think when school starts next week I'll be able to be a lot more consistent with the gym.


We got our cruise docs in the mail this week!! Yeehah!!:D


Plaugh & Swansonia ~ fantastic losses!!! I know one of you is near goal & one is still working on it, but success is success! Fantastic!


Tom ~ same to you, great news!!! I'm sure it's a bummer to have those pants be too big...:p My favorite capris are just about falling off me right now, so I'll have to find some new favorites.


Annie ~ this heat is unbelievable. We've had such mild summers the last few years, I thought all the native Memphians who told me how hot the summers are might be exaggerating a little...not!:cool: I don't think I'll make it to a size 6 by the cruise, but an 8 just might be the ticket. I'll let you know in a couple of weeks. AND I'll still be coming back to this board 'til I reach my goal! I'm sure I'll have a little extra to lose again after the cruise!:D As far as what you decide for your WOE, my mom has been very successful with WW...it just doesn't work for me...but it could work for you! Don't forget, if you do want to stick with Atkins & it's working for you, the maintenance level allows you some of those things you feel you can't live without...not all the time, of course. Also, if you keep up your exercise level, you should add more carbs once you lose the weight you want to lose. Keep us posted!


Jean ~ I did have a good time. Justin was very entertaining...there were a couple times I had to distract the teens I was chaperoning when the dancing moved into "R" territory...but honestly, based on the lyrics of his songs it could have been much worse. And Good Charlotte and Timbaland were really good. As for our kids while we're on the cruise, the 2-yr-old will be staying with some friends who have daughters her age, and the older two will be watched at home by another friend, since they'll be in school. I'm getting very excited, but a little boggled by all I need to do between now & then. All part of the fun, I guess!


Have a great day, everyone!

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Annie hang in there, I didnt lose any weight for 3 weeks when I started and then one day whoosh I lost 10 lbs. I know it wasnt 10 lbs in one day but you know what I mean. Then another 2 weeks before I lost again. Everybody is different, I use to stress over it but now I just try to stick with it and hope that the weight comes off and it has. I think our hormones have a lot to do with it. I know you will lose the weight!!!

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Awwweee, Plough, you are soooo sweet! I think you are right! That really helps keep me up to this challange:D I do know that I have had success with this WOE, it does take patience. I am still wishy-washy about switching to WW, but I met Hubby at Chilis tonight and I had the Nachos with beef and I didn't eat the tortilias! I had the beef, cheese, lettuce and sour cream:) it was good! I did have a couple of glasses of wine though. I know the rule on alcohol:o

Thanks to all of you guys who give me a booster talk:p it really helps.



Good night,


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Alcohol is my weakness sometimes, I have a few beers now and then but I still lose weight. Yum!!!! Nachos that sounds so good!!! Keep me posted on your weight loss.


To everyone else keep up the good work!!!!

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Good morning!


My loss is real...the scale showed the same this morning. Had a minor (decided) slip last night when our bible talk group surprised me with a giant cookie for my bday coming up Monday...I had to have a tiny bit so as not to be rude.:D I actually took the thinnest slice & then ate half and gave the rest to my daughter. I think the only thing it affected was my teeth.


Now I'm looking forward to school starting Monday so I can get back into my routine.


Have a great day!

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