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Anyone on Atkins?


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Good Morning! How was your 4th of July? Did you stay on plan?

I was in Colorado at a Family Reunion and was so active..with staying ..pretty close to plan...I'm feeling very good today! :0)


Saw this this morning.......a little more evidence...that Atkins is healthy!




Check it out!

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Good Morning! How was your 4th of July? Did you stay on plan?

I was in Colorado at a Family Reunion and was so active..with staying ..pretty close to plan...I'm feeling very good today! :0)


Saw this this morning.......a little more evidence...that Atkins is healthy!




Check it out!


Jean, if only Dr. Atkins could be alive to see this. He knew the studies would catch up eventually, but those food lobbies are so strong, aren't they? If it were up to them, we'd all be eating bread, corn & HCFS all day.:cool:

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...crickets...well, I have been super busy, meeting myself coming & going, it seems the same for most every one else...(plus, internet down for several days...grr...)


Hope all are having success watching what goes in the mouth & not on the hips!! I did let a few lbs creep up, so back to the drawing board...however, it seems the worst thing for me as I near 50 is muscle tone...yes, it seems I did inherit my dearest Grandmothers' bat wing arms, so I have upped my upper body workouts...:eek::o:(


Haven't we said before about being of a 'certain' age means twice the work for half the results?!


DH has been crazy for my morning smoothies, I have to be careful, he really likes them fruity ~ & I did get to pick blue berries in the sultry summer heat, so I don't want to fatten myself up w/ too many carbies! (you know, he's a man, so it doesn't seem to affect him as much!)


Enjoy summer, guys & gals!


(Jean, that pic of Sadie is a real glamor shot!)

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I've been staying on plan for several weeks now and losing 2 lbs week on average. I'm 10 lbs from my ideal weight right now. I just need to do my best to stick this out. My MIL is doing weight watchers. I count points with my atkins as I'd like to eventually transition but boy does weight watchers leave you hungry if you cheat and have too much bread, sweets, etc. So, for now I'm low carbing and just trying not to gorge on fat and protein so that I can continue my losses. Hopefully by end of summer I'll reach my goal weight.


Hope everyone is getting out to exercise daily. I know thats always a big factor in me losing lbs and maintaining diet too!


And JEAN, pup's name is Mowgli and he's still a doll. 23 lbs and counting on him!

Edited by Pinkbikini
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Newbie here. I've been doing Atkins for 9 days now, and have lost 6 pounds. I'd like to loose another 26 pounds, and have 23 weeks before my next cruise. I've been really good. I stay under 20 carbs a day, and I've been drinking a ton of water.


I love Cruise Critic, so I thought I'd join here too! Congrats on everyone's success.

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Congrats to txmomto1!! You are getting the kind of results that most of us 'old timers' on Atkins only dream about now...I think we get kind of 'resistant' as time goes on...;)


I did however, shed a couple of those oopsie lbs that jumped up on my thighs (& Grannies bat wing arms) from out of nowhere recently...glad for that...:p


Atkins should be basically a way of life eating plan on whatever phase you are needing to be on, & it's the only WOE that I am happy with, comfortable with & successful with...YMMV (your mileage may vary)!


Pink, I did lose weight in the past on WW, but you are right, I did get hungry, & there isn't a bear in the woods who would want to tangle with me when I am hungry!! :eek:grrr....fortunately, I never seem hungry on Atkins, the protein & good fats keep me pretty well satiated....unless I am in the unfortunate position of there being no appropriate food available...


BTW, Mowgli is a cute name - a friend recently named a kitten that! (Brought back memories)

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Congrats to txmomto1!! You are getting the kind of results that most of us 'old timers' on Atkins only dream about now...I think we get kind of 'resistant' as time goes on...;)


I did however, shed a couple of those oopsie lbs that jumped up on my thighs (& Grannies bat wing arms) from out of nowhere recently...glad for that...:p


Atkins should be basically a way of life eating plan on whatever phase you are needing to be on, & it's the only WOE that I am happy with, comfortable with & successful with...YMMV (your mileage may vary)!


Pink, I did lose weight in the past on WW, but you are right, I did get hungry, & there isn't a bear in the woods who would want to tangle with me when I am hungry!! :eek:grrr....fortunately, I never seem hungry on Atkins, the protein & good fats keep me pretty well satiated....unless I am in the unfortunate position of there being no appropriate food available...


BTW, Mowgli is a cute name - a friend recently named a kitten that! (Brought back memories)



Yeah, I've done WW before, and lost weight, but I'm always hunger. I lost 40 pounds on Atkins in 2001, and have kept all of that off. I'm shooting for between another 30-40 Lbs to put me in the best shape of my adult life.


You are right, as long as I stick to plan on Atkins, I'm never hungry. I lost a lot the first week, but this week is more "reasonable" 1.8 so far. If I can lose 1.5 lbs a week I'll be thrilled!

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Hi Everyone!

Wow...it's already Sunday night! yikes...where'd that weekend go?

I've stayed pretty low carb for the last week...went to the movies this afternoon,...where the movie, diet soda and popcorn was free...but the great air conditioning for such a hot day...cost us a 1.50 each!:p Yes...I had some popcorn.

This theater has the best popcorn...so I'm sure it isn't good for me...but...that's what happend! Oh..and the movie was cute too!

I love the name Mowgli !!!

txmom...I have to agree with Cerabella....I don't see the loss like I used to...but if you are!! You go Girl!! Keep doing what your doing!

I did join a gym last week! It's about 3 blocks from work. It's big, open, light and not crowded! Right now I feel like if I can work out 2x's a week...that'll be great!

#1...it so hot ...the thought of sweating while working out almost makes me stop in my tracks.

#2 With all of this wedding stuff going on...that's the best I can do...!

#3 That's all I've got!

Hope you all had a great weekend...and hope you have a great week!! We head to Colorado on friday for the weekend! I know it'll be here quick!

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One thing I did like about WW that I used for myself is their goal system. Instead of focusing on a goal weight which was like 20 lbs from where I started... they do % and lb weights in small goal increments which I thought made for cooler milestones.




160 lbs start weight

5 lb goal= 155

5% goal= 152

10 lb goal= 150

10% goal= 144

and maybe your GOAL goal is 140.


That helps when you're trying to shed the last 20 lbs I'd say. And they say reducing your weight by 10% will lead to lots of health so even if you just set it for whereever you are it drops the goals into much smaller increments. I think it's easier to get from 155 to 152 in a week or 2 than to go from 155 to 150. I like that!

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Yahoo, got to change my ticker today. I'm on a mission. :)


I've been maintaining in the 160's for almost a year now, and it's time go down again.


I'm ready!


The last couple of weeks I've just done what I know to do. If I've had a temptation, I made sure I ate a very small portion (usually a bite) of what's tempting me. I'm .3 pounds away from the lowest I've been in 3 years, so my goal this week is to blow past it. After that, 150's here I come!!

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Well, my weight loss has stalled. Nothing for 5 days now. I'm down 8 lbs in 2and half weeks so that's great, but it's now time for reality.


I'm staying in induction levels, no more than 20 carbs a day. I'm in Ketosis, so I know I'm burning fat. My body fat % on the scale is going down, so I'm trying to just stay positive.


The good news is I have lots of energy, and I'm not hungry at all. I'm not willing to cheat, because I don't want to cravings to kick in. I guess slow and steady...

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Hang in there, txmom! :)


It's awesome that you've kept off 40 pounds! It does seem to go a little closer the second time around, but whether that's aging or impatience, I don't know!:p


I looked back at my first loss, in 1999, and it seemed so quick (it was, relatively...28 pounds in about 4 months--and I kept it off for 6 years), but when I look back on the second time I did Atkins, it was about the same in 5 months. I would have not had to do it again if I hadn't had another baby!:p


Anyway, my point is that it just seemed slower the second time because I was expecting it to be fast. I'm learning in this latest journey that Atkins really is for life, especially the way my metabolism works. And the great thing about how slow it is going right now is that I know what it takes to maintain. It looks like you do too!


Remember, your body likes its fat so it's ready for a famine!:D You're burning fat, which is really what matters, anyway. The numbers will follow. :)

Edited by Rocknsoul
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Hey all low carbers! I agree 100% w/ the weight loss getting slower/ harder...grrr:eek:


I too am in the 160 range...it hit me this year after staying in the 150's for 10 years or so, & I thought that was 'obese' for me. However, I am determined to slink back down a couple of lbs & hit that 150 range pretty darn quickly...We (DH, DS, DIL & I ) are headed down to the Corpus Christi area for a mini vaca...hope 'Bonnie' stays away, further north. I will try to eat healthy. The kids call us the 'food police' but they really listen & DIL, 22, tries to cook healthy & mostly low carb, which is a blessing at their age~ I wish I knew then what I know now...:o


Keep it low carb, guys & gals...I will post when I get back, end of week. Still haven't booked that cruise for the fall...maybe this land vaca will be enough, we'll see!:D;)

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Well I was stalled for about two weeks. Did not lose an ounce, actually gained a pound. I stayed focused, did not cheat, and finally, this morning, I'm down the pound I gained, and lost another .8. It's going slower, but on avg, I'm at 2 LBS a week.


I've got 20 weeks until out next cruise. If I can loose a pound a week, I'll be thrilled.


Congrats to everyone for your continued success. Reading your progress really keeps me motivated.

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Hi Everyone!

Just flying by for a quick stop to see how everyone is doing this summer!

txmom - Good for you!! Staying on track...even when the days seem long and the scale isn't moving!!!...but just when the Low Carb Whoosh sweeps in a rewards you for eating healthy and staying on track!! :D

We were in the mountains over the weekend and did some pretty tough hikes...you know the kind where you have to put your foot in the right place to give your self the leverage to boost up and over a rock/tree to get back on the trail! My legs are sore...that's a good thing...right!! :p

We are 5 weeks away from my DD wedding.........Lord Help me to not stuff my face with the bad stuff between now and then....so I will feel good in my dress!! :o

Happy Monday everyone!

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Tx Mom- Don't forget to exercise. At least 30 minutes/day and when I'm really intent on losing I try to do an hour in the morning AND at night! Bam, the scales follow suit. Also I try to eat all my veggies (3-5 cups/day presently) and then integrate things like meat, cheese, and eggs into that. Before when I did Atkins I would make the meat my centerpiece and have veggies on the side. Now the veggies are my centerpiece and I complement with meat. Cheese is something I easily overdo so I limit that most days too. Hang in there!


Hope you're all doing well...another birthday is around the corner...ugh. I'm almost down to a happy goal weight though. 5 lbs actually. This week I just maintained my weight but these next few weeks I'm looking to kick it into gear and finish losing by fall. Fall and winter make it harder to maintain weight loss. But this year we were unexpectedly given time off at work so we'll be headed on vacation (pushing China off a bit for next year due to financial limitations) and will be visiting Canadian Maritime Provinces. We're hoping to visit PEI, N. Brunswick, N Scotia, Quebec, Newfoundland and possibly part of Labrador (though its awfully tricky to get around there- driving in a 10 yr old car is not recommended... we may cruise... I'm scurrying to plan this thing since its less than a month away).


Considering taking the dog but will probably board him for our sanity ;)


Hope you all are doing well and wanted to drop by and let you know I'm in the sweet spot of the final 5 lbs... it takes a lot of work but once you get momentum going it becomes easier to make the right choices and then I cut myself some slack 1 day/week and cheat a bit and get right back on track the other 6 days...


Enjoy the rest of summer- get outside and exercise!!!



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As of 11:00 Tuesday night, my sweet boy Thunder (the baby in my avatar) is gone.


He bloated last Thursday & made it through, but he bloated again Tuesday and tortioned. The vet was able to get the gas & fluid out before he could be sure that he tortioned, but when he swelled up again a few hours later it was clear.


The two vets that saw him thought with his age & other issues he's been having, that he might not have even made it through surgery. He was, as close as we could tell for a rescue baby, 8 1/2 years old. But still a puppy in his heart.


He was the sweetest baby. So mellow, so calm, so gentle, he drew people to him. The hundreds of people who have been in our home fell immediately in love with him. He helped more than one person overcome a paralyzing fear of dogs. When I thought it was time to fulfill my dream of having a Dane, I kept coming back to his picture on the rescue website, and my husband said, "We're not driving to Little Rock for a dog!" Then he saw his picture & we went. Thunder had his head in my husband's lap the whole drive home to Memphis.


It amazes me that he was the boy nobody wanted: abandoned, 106 pounds (you could see every bone through his skin), had sarcoptic mange, and seemed to be the only one at the rescue who wasn't getting adopted...he was even adopted and returned after a week by someone who got irritated by his muddy paw prints & the fact he made a mess when drinking water (!)...yet his face (and the description of him: a "big 'ol sweety") was the one I kept going back to. He never licked, hardly ever wagged his tail, but boy did he worm his way into every heart he encountered! He was not a standard boy...had a big 'ol knot on top of his head & funny floppy ears...but he was so handsome to us.


I'm thankful for the extra hours we got with him Tuesday, we all got to hug him and surround him with love in his final hours. It's devastating to all of us, especially my 3 kids. We kissed him and hugged him and sent him off to heaven. We talked about him meeting God, and we laughed when we thought of the song that talks about "leaning on the everlasting arms". Only a Dane could do that like it should be done!


Wednesday was horrible, but each day is getting a little better. I don't know how I'll ever not miss him. He always sat behind me here in my office. I so loved my sweet boy.

Edited by Rocknsoul
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Lisa... I'm so sorry for your loss...but so glad that he had your wonderful home for so many years! All that love from his special family and friends...what more could a rescue dog ever want? They truly have a way of just wrapping warm fuzzies around our hearts..don't they!

What a tough time for you!..{{hugs}}...an prayers that the healing will begin...

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Hello all, checking back into this discussion. I posted way back in April and than could not remember where I posted. DUH!!!! anyway, my cruise is coming up in a month. whoo hoo. I have had a crazy busy summer camping , carting the kids around and just enjoying the wonderful weather we have been having here in the North East. I have continued with my lo carb lifestyle and have to say I have never felt better. I am down 97lbs and hope to make my goal of 100 before we cruise next month. I have not been very consistant with my exercise but I did join an adult softball team. Boy has it been a fun and humbling experience,:rolleyes: I am still reading the thread to catch up on what I have missed and will probably have a comment or two in the coming day. Now that I am within a month of my cruise, I am thinking more about some stratagies to help me stay on tract during my cruise and the best way for me to avoid the white food while on vacation without feeling deprived. any suggestions, tips?

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Congrats 'crazy' wow - almost 100 lbs! Amazing!:D


My tips on cruising...because I am going Sept 5 - 12...this is my motivation speech!


Drink lots & lots of water...I seem to puff up like crazy when on a cruise...grrrr...


Don't think you have to eat 'everything' just because it is available... I do very well at breakfast - on Carnival Conquest there is an amazing array of good food - I get two eggs over easy almost every morning - DH loves his omelets - plus bacon, ham, etc...for me, breakfast is not that hard...I am NOT tempted by any of that other stuff...:confused:


That being said, lunch is also a 'no-brainer' because I do love, love, love salads with 'gobs' of allowed things on them, breads not even a temptation...:confused:


Then I get 'sundowner' syndrome as the evening wears on & that's when I may allow my 'cheats' or whatever you want to call it. It is a given that I will have Warm Chocolate Melting Cake with every meal. Yet I never seem to gain more than 1 or two lbs because we will take the stairs every where, plus we are active in every port - walking, hiking, snorkeling, whatever, so I don't get too far off plan that I feel like I have blown it.:p


Well, that's just some of my thoughts, others will have much valuable info to add, as most of us have been on several cruises while trying to eat healthy!;)

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Hi all, I just started adkins on Monday. I did it about 8 years ago for about a month. I am reading everything I can find to help me along. Can anyone help me out with some recipe sites?


Cerebella, I think you are right on with the drinking lots of water on a cruise. My feet swell up so much I sometimes soak them in ice water & elevate with ice packs in the morning while having coffee on the balcony. I do not ever have the problem at home. Last cruise I decided I would drink more water than soda and cut the swelling about in half or more! I do not like to drink water but every cruise from now on water will be my main drink. (well, maybe second to my loco coco's, LOL)


Hope everyone has a great week!

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Jean & cerabella ~ thanks so much for the kind words. Time is helping to ease the pain, but we will always miss him. I learned some things about my DH through this, though--some really great parts of his character came out.


Hello all, checking back into this discussion. I posted way back in April and than could not remember where I posted. DUH!!!! anyway, my cruise is coming up in a month. whoo hoo. I have had a crazy busy summer camping , carting the kids around and just enjoying the wonderful weather we have been having here in the North East. I have continued with my lo carb lifestyle and have to say I have never felt better. I am down 97lbs and hope to make my goal of 100 before we cruise next month. I have not been very consistant with my exercise but I did join an adult softball team. Boy has it been a fun and humbling experience,:rolleyes: I am still reading the thread to catch up on what I have missed and will probably have a comment or two in the coming day. Now that I am within a month of my cruise, I am thinking more about some stratagies to help me stay on tract during my cruise and the best way for me to avoid the white food while on vacation without feeling deprived. any suggestions, tips?


Welcome back & WOW! That is so great & so inspiring. On our last cruise, I gained 1.3 pounds...I decided that if I really wanted something, I would have it, but I also gave myself permission just to have a bite or two. We always took the stairs, and at Paradise Beach in Cozumel I behaved like a kid & wore myself out. :) Like cerabella, I skipped the bread (cause I can have bread anywhere), but again, if DH was having some, and I wanted some, I took a bite. That really helped. It also helped to eat something "legal" every few hourse, and to have plenty of fiber. My biggest concern was not getting back on track after the cruise, and I think it went okay. We would have exercised more on the ship, but that was our rockin' & rollin' hurricane cruise (there's a reason it's green on my siggy:p), so that didn't work out very well after the first sea day. I think it would be great to go in with a plan...you know yourself well & know what will work for you--so my suggestion is you make some decisions ahead of time & if you indulge, don't use it as an excuse to completely throw in the towel. And then go exercise! :)


Something I'm learning this go-around is that it's just food. I live in America, so it's not like that food won't be available for me at another time. I don't HAVE to eat it just because I want it. I'll let you know if that attitude works for me in December!:p


Hi all, I just started adkins on Monday. I did it about 8 years ago for about a month. I am reading everything I can find to help me along. Can anyone help me out with some recipe sites?


Cerebella, I think you are right on with the drinking lots of water on a cruise. My feet swell up so much I sometimes soak them in ice water & elevate with ice packs in the morning while having coffee on the balcony. I do not ever have the problem at home. Last cruise I decided I would drink more water than soda and cut the swelling about in half or more! I do not like to drink water but every cruise from now on water will be my main drink. (well, maybe second to my loco coco's, LOL)


Hope everyone has a great week!


Hi mamaboss! Welcome! If you haven't yet read the book, that's the first place I'd start. The official Atkins website is another good source. There's a great woman in this thread with a website called sugarfreesheila.com...she's got good recipes & her story is very inspiring and motivating. And there are some great recipes right here in this thread! You gotta read through all our other stuff to find them though.:) SOOO much salt everywhere on a cruise, isn't there??

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Hey Everyone...a quick post before the weekend!

We're down to 3 weeks before our DD wedding...I'm doing ok...the parties are tough to work through, but I just keep hanging in there! I'm doing well today..and even did a 2 mile walk while it was sort of still cool in the morning! I can't wait for these temps to start cooling off!!

Crazy - Your are doing so great!! I was thinking of playing softball this fall too!! I did for years on women and co-ed teams...it so fun! Good for you!

Lisa- Time will help.......

Cerabella - I'm so excited that you get to go on your Cruise! We're finally...looking at taking one next year...I'm hoping it comes through!

Momma... Yes! Read the book and check out SugarfreeSheila!!...

Ok, back to cleaning and getting things done before the weekend!

It's your fork - and it's your choice!

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